atinyidea · 5 years
Magic Is In The Heart | Slytherin Jongho | INCOMPLETE
→ bullet points!
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→ Half-Blood.
→ Fourth Year.
→ Slytherin’s Quidditch Beater.
→ Best Class: Astronomy
→ Worst Class: History Of Magic
→ Favourite Class: Charms
→ Least Favourite Class: Ancient Runes
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younger brother to Choi San,
but they’re only half brothers.
they have the same father, a wizard,
but while San’s mother was also a witch,
Jongho’s mother was a muggle.
grew up with two mothers and a father
he and his mother were always treated like they were meant to be a part of the wizarding world
he was never met with any prejudices from his stepmother or his half brother
when he was younger he wanted to be just like his father
or his brother
turns out he was more like his brother after all
and his stepmother won another bet
after he was placed in Slytherin.
first year
second year
third year
fourth year (current)
13 notes · View notes
valorousimperial · 7 years
rhi? :0c
How interested they are in having sex with them: You know, he flirted with Rhi a couple of times, but there’s just not enough contact. Enhance this by coming into my dms and we can plan more interaction!!
How much they would pay (or have to be paid) to have sex with them: Nah, just for fun is good
If they would rather bottom or top them: He doesn’t know. He really doesn’t know. They’d feel it out!
How good they think they would be: Pretty good, probably!
If they’d prefer kitchen counter, wall, or shower sex with them: Once again, cold damn shower. Kankri’s used to taking cold showers to clean up with lovers, but he could not get his go on in one.
If they’d fuck, have sex, or make love: Have sex, most likely.
If they were going to make it a threesome, the third person they’d pick: Miith? He’s very pretty, and the most obvious choice, but Val’s barely interacted with him either.
If they think there’s ever a possibility that it would happen: Not looking SUPER likely at this time.
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//Art plans for this month!:
fiiuiish Dokecewber
Sylaeou; 80s driisiiw
Wvromvk; vbvupouep triibe
Geugvr; vlley
Cowog; sdvce
Wiisiiug Chiilpreu vt omu fnuervl miith dvreuts
fiix the vugle ou thvt oue prvmiiug of Worriis vnd Dorfiiriio
Woukeyboy ou Woou miith liightuiiug
Dorfiiriio vup v wiirror
giift vrt
1 note · View note
Ciout Ne Vekra
Va aithunes sion va epnuv ponul
Zihhn va vodo gonths
Mimune va nouh tor obskiur ellens
Va cthumi suukal va vetors suma
Vaxun ecas va mims welti
Reu va ftalhi borunus
Jindud elesh atov
thiis jolash millith yaston
Eyutat omache aban ne matf
Yinosha susot molti lxors
Chimun fevan shonuf eunil
Ponula gel tortufen
Shesta nuy phosit ne ccans
Drunhat bri'etne tri feer
Ellens susot molti myna ses
Sastu exosa miezy fevan tortufs
Mougi crae sosoud ciout ne vekra
0 notes
atinyidea · 5 years
Magic Is In The Heart | Slytherin San | INCOMPLETE
→ bullet points!
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→ Pure Blood.
→ Fifth Year.
→ Slytherin Quidditch Seeker.
→ Best Class: Transfiguration
→ Worst Class: Arithmancy 
→ Favourite Class: Herbology
→ Least Favourite Class: Potions
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older brother to Choi Jongho
but only half brothers via their father
grew up with two mothers and one father
a very functional family - even if it isn’t the norm
his father was a Ravenclaw what he was at Hogwarts
his mother was a Slytherin
they made bets as to which house San would be in
his mother won
San is a proud Slytherin
first year
second year
third and fourth year
fifth year (current)
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atinyidea · 5 years
Magic Is In The Heart | Gryffindor Yunho | INCOMPLETE
→ ml!
→ 31 +  bullet points!
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→ Muggle Born.
→ Fifth Year.
→ Gryffindor Quidditch Chaser.
→ Best Class: Defence Against The Dark Arts
→ Worst Class: Care Of Magical Creatures
→ Favourite Class: Care Of Magical Creatures
→ Least Favourite Class: Potions
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muggle born and loves to let everyone know it
“I’m muggle born y’know”
“guess what the school’s best chaser is a Muggle-born!”
“how’s it feel to be beaten, by a Muggle-born!”
can get real cheeky
to like everyone
including teachers
but is also a complete lovable ball of sunshine
so as a muggle born
his parents are obviously muggles
so is his little brother, Gunho
when Yunho got his letter,
the family thought it was a joke
and then three more came
and then four more along with a certain Professor McGonagall
who explained the premise of magic
and the wizarding world
Yunho was so excited
his parents were too
but it took a while for Gunho to overcome the jealousy that wreathed him
when he was told that it was only Yunho who was a wizard
who was special
after Yunho’s first year
and learning about the First Wizarding War and The Battle Of Hogwarts
Gunho was quite happy to just learn about magic through his brother
instead of living it himself
Yunho was happy to have his brother back
even though he was only avoiding him
wasn’t like he ran away or anything
first year
got to the platform late because he couldn’t find it and had to watch his father almost have a breakdown
his mother, whom found it all very amusing, had calmed him down enough for Yunho to overhear another family talking about platform nine and three quarters
approached them with a shy smile
“can you help me? I heard you were going for platform nine and three quarters too?”
the father grinned at him, clapping a hand down on two boy’s shoulders
“of course! my son San and his friend Wooyoung are both first years too! muggle born I presume?”
“muggle what?”
went through the barrier with them, his family following behind closely.
jaw dropped to the floor when he saw the train, it was so shiny!
asked if he could stay with San and Wooyoung on the train, to which they agreed with bright smiles, claiming him as their friend already
he was attacked by kisses from his mother and a hug from his father
managed to get a hug from his brother too, but Gunho didn’t say a word to him
he tried not to let it shake his excitement
it did a little
only a little though
on the train journey Yunho found out more about San and Wooyoung
San, who also had a little brother but came from a pure blooded family like Wooyoung
Yunho felt a little sad that he was a muggle born
but after he found out what it meant he wasn't that sad anymore
asking the other two boys as many questions his brain could think of
which San and Wooyoung took in their stride and answered every single one
when they got to the castle Yunho’s jaw dropped again, San laughing and pushing it back up as he tugged his two friends towards the boats
second year
third and fourth year
fifth year (current)
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atinyidea · 6 years
Magic Is In The Heart | ATEEZ Hogwarts!AU | Blood Status
Seonghwa — PURE BLOOD
Hongjoong — HALF BLOOD
Wooyoung — PURE BLOOD
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atinyidea · 5 years
Magic Is In The Heart | Ravenclaw Yeosang | INCOMPLETE
→ bullet points!
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→ Muggle Born.
→ Fifth Year.
→ Prefect.
→ Best Class: History Of Magic
→ Worst Class: Charms
→ Favourite Class: Astronomy
→ Least Favourite Class: Arithmancy
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people are always shocked to find out he’s a muggle born
because he’s so knowledgeable about so many things in the wizarding world
he has always been quite studious
that’s why he assumed the sorting hat had placed him in Ravenclaw
oh no no!
he was sorted into Ravenclaw
because the sorting hat saw that he had the ability to understand everything deeply
and that under Ravenclaw’s care he would flourish
and his mind and heart would be better off for it
Yeosang is an only child
also found out he was a wizard early
at the age of five
when he started reading
several books at a time
albeit children’s story and picture books
and those books just seemed to float into the air around him
a few weeks later he was visited by a witch from the Ministry Of Magic
to explain accidental magic
and magic in general
to his parents
who, while are still wary about it, never let him live a lie
they were put in touch with the Ministry Witch to help with anything magic related
including how to get to Diagon Alley
and platform nine-and-three-quarters
it was interesting, to say the least
was made a prefect
a lot of people like to just look at him
because he’s just so pretty
he has a lot of ‘fangirls’
even some ‘fanboys’
while some may find it flattering
Yeosang found it to be isolating
so he didn’t have many friends his first couple of years
first year
second year
third and fourth year
fifth year (current)
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atinyidea · 6 years
Magic Is In The Heart | Slytherin Seonghwa | 1
→159 bullet points!
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→ Pure Blood.
→ Sixth Year.
→ Prefect.
→ Best Class: Herbology
→ Worst Class: Divination
→ Favourite Class: Potions
→ Least Favourite Class: History Of Magic
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comes from two sacred wizarding families
a lot of his family were indeed in Slytherin house
however his father was a Gryffindor
while his mother was a Slytherin
his mothers family disowned her
so he has never met her side of the family
his mother says he’s better off for it
taught him the love and understanding she never got from her parents
he’s an only child
but he has several cousins
they stay over at his house a lot during the holidays
they look up to him because he’s the oldest
but he’s not really up to role model status yet
even if he is a prefect
still wonders how he got prefect
first year
was one of the first people at platform nine-and-three-quarters
and therefore
one of the first on the train
he sat alone in a compartment for a long time
but was joined by a first year by the name of Kim Hongjoong
they became each other’s first hogwarts friend
since Seonghwa was born and raised in a magic community
he wasn’t used to muggle technology
so when Hongjoong pulled out a Nintendo DS
he was amazed
asked all sorts of questions
Hongjoong answered them all with a happy smile
when they discussed the houses
Seonghwa found himself not particularly caring which house he went too
his family were in all of the houses
his grandfather was Hufflepuff
his grandmother was Ravenclaw
his father’s sister was in Slytherin
he had never thought about it before
“I don’t know”
he said
“I guess as long as my house accepts me i’ll be great”
when they got off the train the two decided to stick together
on the boats they met two others, a girl and a boy
it was a fun ride
explaining to the muggle born boy, Jisoo, that there was a giant squid in the lake
the girl threatening to push seonghwa off the boat if he tried any funny business 
he decided then that he liked her
he simply grinned at her
we rolled her eyes and started mumbling
that’s where the affectionate nickname of ‘Mimi’ came from
“stop calling me that”
she’d say
“that’s not my name”
in the great hall,
before Seonghwa had to leave their little group
because his last name started with a different letter than the rest of the group
(p for park
instead of k for kim, kwon and kang)
Hongjoong grabbed the sleeve of his robes
“we’ll stay friends no matter our house, yeah”
“of course”
they pinky promised
when it was his turn to be sorted
the sorting hat debated putting in in two different houses: Slytherin and Hufflepuff
ultimately Seonghwa was sorted into Slytherin
because while he was indeed loyal and hard-working
the sorting hat figured he needed to learn how to become more confident in himself
to create ambitions and then actually strive for them
he'd do well with the guide of Slytherin house
Hongjoong was placed in Ravenclaw
Mimi and Jisoo in Hufflepuff
he kept his promise
it was easy enough, especially when he shared two lessons with the Hufflepuffs and three with the Ravenclaws 
off the bat,
he wasn’t a fan of the compulsory flying lessons
he wasn’t bad at it
he just didn’t care for it
preferred to keep his feet on something solid
and not a wooden broomstick that could break at a very high height 
because of a ball actually included in the game
really likes at potions
really good at herbology
people are often shocked when they find out his best class is herbology
“but you're a Slytherin”
“so I can't like herbology?”
strives to fight the lingering prejudice against Slytherin house
absolutely hated history of magic
not because he was bad at it
he was fairly good at it
but because Professor Binns was still teaching it
and he found himself falling asleep every single lesson
and facing detention after being caught every single lesson
not fun
especially detention with Binns
he'd fall asleep again
its a never ending cycle that he hates
at the end of second year Seonghwa chose three more subjects
divination, muggle studies and care of magical creatures
sincerely regrets choosing divination
third and fourth year
while second year was moderately uneventful
third year was when their small group of four became a large group of thirteen
on the train to Hogwarts
he and Hongjoong sat in their usual compartment
(Mimi and Jisoo not having found them yet)
when suddenly the door flew open and three boys crowded into the compartment 
before slamming the door closed 
and simultaneously dropped to the floor
and then two more boys ran past
not stopping but skimming the windows of the compartment doors
“uh.. what”
Seonghwa said
then the three boys snapped their head around to the rest of the compartment
and he could see that they were two Gryffindors and a Slytherin 
he had seen the Slytherin boy around the common room before
so he assumed he was in the year below
considering he wasn’t in his year and he already had his robes
not a first year
“sorry! we thought this compartment was empty”
one of the Gryffindors said
he introduced himself as Yunho
the other Gryffindor as Wooyoung
“you're San right?” 
Seonghwa asked the Slytherin
who grinned cheekily and nodded
“Do you mind if we stay here? We decided to prank my brother but he wasn’t the only one in the compartment and now were running from two very stubborn firstys”
Seonghwa and Hongjoong simply looked at each other before shrugging
“theres more than enough space. knock yourselves out”
and from then on San became his Slytherin buddy 
they hung out all the time in the common room
San would spend more time in Seonghwa’s dorm room than his own
“my dorm-mates are all boring hags”
he’d say
Seonghwa would roll his eyes
but secretly he was glad San would constantly come find him
San’s little brother, Jongho was also sorted in to Slytherin
Seonghwa took it upon himself to secretly look after him
knowing San’s pranks could get out of hand sometimes
during the year
they welcomed a new friend of Hongjoong’s to the group, 
a Ravenclaw called Yeosang
and in doing so, welcomed Yeosang’s Hufflepuff friend Mingi too
as well as a couple more, 
a few girls 
(now they were nine boys strong versus four girls)
(Wooyoung would constantly tease the girls
saying that they'd obviously loose at any boys v girls game they did
in doing so
the girls made sure they won every game they played)
Seonghwa secretly loved the fact that the girls would never let Wooyoung hear the end of it
fifth year
was chosen to be prefect 
has no idea how
or what prompted it
but took it in his stride
along with the female Slytherin fifth year prefect
who became a good friend of his
and then the group too
(but she wouldn’t hag out with them much - she had her own friends)
fifth year was the year he finally realised he had romantic feelings for Mimi
his feisty Hufflepuff friend since first year
he was a complete mess around her for the entire year
Charms: [O]utstanding
Transfiguration: [E]xceeds [E]xpectations
Herbology: [O]utstanding
Defence Against The Dark Arts: [A]cceptable
Potions: [O]utstanding
Care Of Magical Creatures: [E]xceeds [E]xpectations
Astronomy: [O]utstanding
Divination: [A]cceptable
History Of Magic: [E]xceeds [E]xpectations
Muggle Studies: [E]xceeds [E]xpectations
sixth year (current)
in sixth year he elected to take Alchemy
turns out it was with Hongjoong as well as Mimi
it’ll be a fun year
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atinyidea · 5 years
Magic Is In The Heart | Gryffindor Wooyoung | INCOMPLETE
→ bullet points!
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→ Pure Blood.
→ Fifth Year.
→ Best Class: Defence Against The Dark Arts
→ Worst Class: Ancient Runes
→ Favourite Class: Potions
→ Least Favourite Class: Transfiguration
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only child
not that he cared
he was always good at making friends
first year
second year
third and fourth year
fifth year (current)
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atinyidea · 5 years
Magic Is In The Heart | Hufflepuff Mingi | INCOMPLETE
→ bullet points!
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→ Muggle Born.
→ Fifth Year.
→ Best Class: Care Of Magical Creatures
→ Worst Class: Charms
→ Favourite Class: Defence Against The Dark Arts
→ Least Favourite Class: Charms
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his parents are both muggles
they knew nothing of magic or wizardry
it was a funny yet peculiar story of how they, and Mingi, found out
first year
second year
third and fourth year
fifth year (current)
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atinyidea · 6 years
Magic Is In The Heart | ATEEZ Hogwarts!AU | HOUSES
Seonghwa — SLYTHERIN
Hongjoong — RAVENCLAW
33 notes · View notes
atinyidea · 6 years
Magic Is In The Heart | ATEEZ Hogwarts!AU | QUIDDITCH
Seonghwa — NO.
Yunho — CHASER
Jongho — BEATER
11 notes · View notes
atinyidea · 6 years
→ part one
Kwon “Mimi” — Hufflepuff, Sixth Year. Best friends with Seonghwa, Hongjoong and Kang Jisoo. Pure Blood witch. She/Her pronouns. Met Seonghwa on the boats during first year. Is the same age as Seonghwa, only a couple of days younger.
Jo “Sunshine” — Slytherin, Fourth Year. Good friends with Jongho. Pure Blood wizard. He/Him pronouns. Met Hongjoong when Jongho became friends with him and introduced him in his second year. Is two years younger than Hongjoong.
Bae “Baeby” — Gryffindor, Fourth Year. Best friend is called Julie. Muggle Born witch. She/Her pronouns. Met Yunho during her first year, in the common room. Is a year younger than Yunho.
Byun “Love” — Gryffindor, Fifth Year. Cousin’s with Wooyoung, best friends with Yunho. Half Blood. Androgynous and gender fluid. They/Them pronouns, people often misgender them as female. Met Yeosang during fifth year when they both became prefects. Is the same age as Yeosang, a month older.
Min “Blue” — Ravenclaw, Fifth Year. A bit of a loner, doesn’t have anyone she’d call a friend - lots of acquaintances though. Half Blood witch. She/Her pronouns. Met San during first year as he almost pushed her out of the boats and into the lake. It’s a love/hate relationship. Is the same age as San, born in the same day.
Byul “Star” — Hufflepuff, Sixth Year. Pure Blood witch. She/Her pronouns. Her only real friends are Mimi, Jisoo and Mingi. Met Mingi on the train during her second year. They’re older by a year.
Jung “Pepy” — Slytherin, Sixth Year. Slytherin prefect with Seonghwa. Half Blood witch. She/Her pronouns. Met Wooyoung during her fifth year as she gave him a detention for being out of bed out of hours. Is a year older than him.
Lee “Lee” —Slytherin, Fifth Year. Muggle Born wizard. He/Him pronouns. He is good friends with Wooyoung and San. Met Jongho is the common room during Jongho’s frist year. He is a year older than Jongho.
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atinyidea · 6 years
Magic Is In The Heart | ATEEZ Hogwarts!AU | LOVE INTERESTS
→part two
Seonghwa — “Mimi” 
Hongjoong — “Sunshine” 
Yunho — “Baeby” 
Yeosang — “Love” 
San — “Blue” 
Mingi — “Star” 
Wooyoung — “Pepy” 
Jongho — “Lee” 
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