#mikasa understands
clfixationstation · 2 months
people are arguing on twt over whether Mikasa or Historia understands Eren the best, when the clear answer is Armin
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chrollohearttags · 10 months
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put this on my headstone pls and thanks 🙏🏾✨
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prizzzyyy · 4 months
mikasa "you came?" ackerman and armin "you called" arlert
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lenok993 · 8 months
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why oh why, why oh why don't you want to animate ackersynchronicity?
why oh why, why oh why are you giving up on ackersupremacy?
P.S. this is what I want to see 👀
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keischreiber · 3 months
Sometimes, I like to think that Mikasa and Jean get married not solely based on whatever romantic chemistry that could have formed for themselves throughout the years, but due to the mutual love and respect that they have for Eren and his wishes.
Jean marrying Mikasa, his love for her so great that he accepts that he will never truly be the person that Mikasa wants to be with, but is willing to be her partner so that Mikasa doesn't have to live in solitude, waiting for the time when she can finally meet Eren again.
And Mikasa marrying Jean not because she forgot Eren, but because she wanted to honor his last wish for her to be happy. And in moments like this, realizing that what Jean offers isn't a replacement for Eren, but a safe space for her because Jean understands Eren in a way that she or Armin probably doesn't... is comforting.
Because in their own way, Eren and Jean wanted to protect Mikasa from a cruel world, using their own strength and their own means.
Love isn't always just about the sex or the romance, but a way of communication that allows people to grow and be fulfilled despite the losses one had incurred.
And if this was the intention, to me, it doesn't really matter if Jean ever announces himself as Mikasa's husband... or Mikasa announcing she's Jean's wife, because at the end of the day, for the both of them, the bond that they have as not only friends, but companions that understand each other transcends the titles that people are so often desperate for.
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twpsyn-who · 7 months
In a world where Marco didn't die yet still everyone but Annie joined the Survey Corps, Jean wouldn't notice when his feelings for Mikasa has faded and the ones for Marco began to bloom.
Not until they see the ocean for the first time. When Marco comes to him all excited, yelling 'Jean! Jean, look what I found!' before showing him a shell. But Jean's not paying attention to it, but to the way Marco's eyes were shining with excitement and happiness. Of how happy his best friend was, for the first time since a very long time. And Jean would think 'I wish he would smile more. It looks good on him'. Then he would think 'I wish I was the reason why he was smiling'.
Then Marco would take hold of his hand and put the shell in it before saying 'You should have it. The color brings out your eyes!' and that, that exact moment, would be the moment when Jean realizes that he has long stopped having romantic feelings for Mikasa. That all he wants is to be by Marco's side, only the two of them.
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aengelren · 6 months
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her treatment is testament of misogyny
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bunni-bonez · 7 months
ok but the founder Ymir’s whole character arc is so beautiful and I NEED to ramble about it
She was trapped under king Fritz’s will for 2000 years because she loved him undyingly. Even though he abused her and saw her as nothing but a tool, she still adored him forever and was never able to escape. Until she saw mikasa. She knew mikasa was obsessed with Eren, and did everything for him. The same Eren who Ymir knew would bring about genocide. She saw a girl in love with a monster just like her, and she knew mikasa could break free. And when she finally killed Eren, Ymir knew that she could break her own curse too, and she could finally be at peace.
but mikasa never abandoned Eren. Even in death, even years after the rumbling, mikasa still missed Eren. She still talked to his grave, and she even still saw him in the birds around her. She couldnt even abandon her scarf. But that doesn’t matter to Ymir. She was still inspired by mikasa and her potential, and that’s what she needed to break away from fritz. She always had the power to do so, she just needed the right push to make her free. Like Eren was a slave to freedom (or at least his idea of it), Ymir was a slave with the power of a god, yearning for freedom but never knowing how to get it. I think her ending is beautiful, and shows Ymir as someone finally independent of others. She didn’t need to rely on Mikasa to save her, she just needed something to make her believe that she could save herself.
just…fuck man
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levmada · 4 months
I am going to read the manga soon I am but I need to know….. what is the context for when Levi angrily grabbed some guy and slammed his body on the ground? Not the MP whose teeth he kicked in, this moment I’m talking about wasn’t animated and I’m pretty sure it was during the uprising arc. What’s going on there, who is that guy?
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i think you mean these???
this is going to sound dumb but there's so much separation between the uprising arc in the anime versus the manga that i can't really remember what happens in the anime exactly😭sorry i might sound redundant.
but anyway, this happens after the carriage runs levi squad over, w/ jean and armin in disguise being kidnapped and taken to a warehouse. dimo reeves and his company are working with kenny/the king atp and are trying to kidnap eren and historia.
the trap works, and as reeves and his guys come in, levi, mikasa and everyone else defeats them. eren and historia are in a safehouse instead of a carriage.
after that, reeves and levi have a talk which also doesn't happen in the manga so i'll spare u the spoilers! :D
in the anime, this is the point where kenny shows up and attacks while levi is on the roof w/ hange's squad, but that doesn't happen for four more chapters haha.
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rulesofdisorder · 1 year
when you’re fighting with someone over a character and you both pull the “you fundamentally don’t understand them as a character or their drives and motivations” card like how do we go on from here. stalemate.
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clfixationstation · 1 month
one thing that I will criticize about Mikasa's character is that she doesn't understand Eren's (and Armin's) dream at all. The only insight we're offered into Mikasa's perspective of their dream is that she doesn't understand it and doesn't know what they're going on about. Like?? She doesn't get Eren's basic motivations?? Unless I completely missed something, Mikasa doesn't know that Eren wanted to explore an unoccupied world with Armin or that he desires 'freedom'. Which again, are Eren's base-level motivations. And she just. Isn't allowed to know??
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stinkyme · 8 months
Idk if you've watched AOT but like, I physically cannot do this anymore!!
First, bsd and now Attack 😭😭😭😭
I want a break!!!
I did watch AOT, I've read the manga (not completely though), but I was never super attached to it because I had very small fixation on it and then something else came around LOL, but ending is very bitter-sweet, I saw someone also pointing out how 140 in japan represents freedom and that's why Isayama kept it at 139 :")
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prizzzyyy · 5 months
what if i cry..?
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fionnalovesanimeboys · 7 months
Can't believe I started to like Mikasa and her character in the last episode and now I am actually regretting that I didn't liked her 😭
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keischreiber · 2 months
Okay, so Reikasa - MikaRei makes no sense to me. That's why I wanna heard from those who ship them as to why they do.
Are they a crack ship for you? A rare pair? Do they have chemistry for you? Is it an enemy to lovers trope for you?
I am always curious why people love certain ships. And To be honest, I also just like it when people gush about their ships.
SO. Hi there~ please, talk. I am here to listen~
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zetsubou-shita · 1 year
outside the topic that armin incomparable with erwin, behaviour of mikasa and eren in return of shiganshina arc is disgusting.
eren is just a infantile and ill-mannered brat, and mikasa is egoistic and uncontrollable bitch. both of them had no place in army and should have been sent to court for sabotage and betrayal.
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