#mike: also their grandpa came to my dad's funeral and spent it glaring at the validuses
kariachi · 2 years
Quick fic for an AU that has dug it’s claws into my head starring Kevin, Elena, and Mike.
They weren’t fools, even if Mike was still getting used to acting like a good and proper person again. Kevin letting Mike move into his apartment had been an act of mercy, nothing more or less. He didn’t trust the Plumbers with a ping-pong table anymore nonetheless a person, and with no better ideas floating by, putting the guy under his own watch had been the best move available. Reuniting them had been an act of hope, that maybe the lesser evil could be a positive influence. Letting Elena move in had been empathy. Neither of them knew the first thing about his background, but it wasn’t hard to make guesses- not with how hyperfocused he was on making sure everyone was fed, not with how readily he’d agreed to let her stay when he’d realized she didn’t have anywhere secure to go.
The point was, neither was under illusion that he liked them. He was polite and respectful, for the most part- it would take an act of god to keep him from yanking on Mike’s nerves like they were puppet strings and Elena wasn’t afraid to laugh at his reactions and remind him that he’d kind of earned it- and had been a far better host than either could’ve ever expected. But, he wasn’t friendly. They weren’t friends. They were two former stalkers, one of which was a former cannibal, and the retired hero who put up with them for the sake of the greater good.
If anything, the relationship was something akin to having a babysitter and opinionated roommate rolled into one.
So, there weren’t really expectations there. He kept a roof over their heads and food in their stomachs, in return Mike at least tried to behave and Elena did her best to keep her nanites in check. Even when he’d announced they’d be moving into an actual house, as soon as he bought one, it was understood on all sides that it was a matter of function overall. It was a two-bedroom apartment, Elena’d moved in last, and eventually the guys were bound to get tired of hauling her off the couch every morning. God knew she was getting tired of waking up on the bed of whoever’d gotten up first. It was when he’d narrowed his choices down, taken them to do a walkthrough, that things… shifted.
Four bedrooms, three-and-a-half baths, pantry space enough to maybe even keep Mike fed for more than two or three days. Plenty of basement and garage space for any and everything Elena and Kevin could think to work on, enough living space to entertain his friends, and
“And this one’s supposed to be a study but, I figure you guys can have it for whatever.” It wasn’t a massive space, maybe a little bigger than the non-master bedrooms, but still more than enough to have them looking at him as the three of them slipped inside, eyebrows raised.
“’For whatever’,” Mike asked.
“As long as it’s not hurting anybody,” Kevin clarified with no heat. He shrugged. “Mostly I was just thinking, the Tennysons are always real big on decorating for the holidays and I don’t know about you two. Figure this way you have a place to do your Christian stuff where I don’t have to worry about it.”
“’Christian stuff’?” Elena had to smile at the phrasing, and Kevin mirrored it.
“You know, sacrificing trees or whatever it is you weirdos do,” he teased. Immediately there was a snort from the other side of the room, but in the heartbeat it took for them to turn and look Mike had schooled his expression back into easy charm.
“We’ll try not to get too much sap in the carpet,” he said, setting the other two off into a quick burst of snickers. Shaking her head, as much to clear it as at the image of them sacrificing a pine like a virgin in a Conan film, Elena grinned at Kevin.
“We’ll try to keep the carols to a dull roar,” she said.
“I’d appreciate it.” Nodding, he turned and headed back into the hall. “Come on. The backyard is kinda shit, but there’s some overgrown garden beds and I’m thinking, if Mike’s gonna eat us out of house and home, we can at least make him grow a vegetable or two.” Snickering again, Elena swatted Mike’s arm as he rolled his eyes in the most exaggerated manner possible, following after Kevin with what could only be described as a valiant huff. The two of them exchanged a glance as they caught up to him, and a small smile.
Yeah, he didn’t like them, and who could blame him really, but no matter how any of them felt, it was nice to have someone care. Even if it was just enough to give them their own space.
“If I grew rhubarb,” Mike whispered, “do you think he’s smart enough to know I’m being an asshole?”
“I think so,” she answered at the same volume, “he’d probably eat it anyway, just to show you up.” Kevin clearly heard them, from the way he somehow managed to carry himself slightly more smugly. Mike gave a tiny, half-hearted huff, like she didn’t more than know better.
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