#mildly shitposty but it's true
crayonurchin · 5 months
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Wretched healthy treatment and realising self care occasionally means doing stuff you really dislike and letting go of comforts in the pursuit of better things
But really, spaghetti bolognese is always a healthy coping strategy
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keyofjetwolf · 5 years
If you had to insert Rei into one other anime/show, which would it be and how would she fit into it? Who would she begrudgingly become best friends with? Who would she not be able to stand?
Oo, that’s an interesting but difficult question. I don’t really watch a lot of anime, so wouldn’t really know where to start on that. Though the first to pop into my mind was Fushi Yuugi (possibly because Doc and I were talking about her shitposty birthday liveblog of it earlier), to which my answer would basically be Rei just “BURN EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE”, which I believe history would judge to be the correct course of action.
But the second show to pop in mind, I’ll go with, and that would be Derry Girls. I think Rei would have a bit of a rough time at first, mostly in that she wouldn’t be able to make out a single fucking word anyone was saying. But once we bridged that language barrier in some easy and doubtless magical way (god, I hope it involves a leprechaun, and Erin is so pissed at the stereotype), I think she’d get along amazingly well. They’re all about the same age and from about the same time period, so they have a couple of touchstones right out of the gate. Rei would be so INTERESTING and DIFFERENT to the Derry Girls that they’d have no small amount of immediate (if mildly and unintentionally racist) investment in her being their friend, and Rei’s precisely the right amount of self-involved to unquestioningly accept their devotion to her. And let’s not forget a big bonus for Rei in Derry Girl Land: she knows how to navigate a Catholic school.
Another huge in for Rei: she would also barely tolerate James. She may not get how him being English is The Worst, but she DOES get that he’s a man, and that’s sin enough.
I don’t think Rei would get Orla, but then no one really gets Orla but Orla, which is half of her charm.
Rei and Michelle would be either oil and water or gasoline and fire. No middle ground whatsoever. When they disagree, it’s FURIOUSLY and IRREVOCABLY. But when they agree, when they team up? RUN
Rei would want to murder Erin more often than not, I think. Erin would get under her skin in a lot of pretentious, self-righteous ways, and Rei would never for a single second realize that Erin makes her nuts because it’s like looking in a fucking mirror.
But Rei’s Derry Girls Land BFF would have to be Clare. Well-meaning, easily frazzled, wee lesbian Clare.
Also, Rei would love Sister Michael, and we all know that’s true.
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