yousoonice Ā· 6 years
Today something of note happened, so I wrote to my friend on Bookface:
Suggested Listening:
Dear Plowhead, Do you recall before I left for the sail across the Atlantic you and Mike gave me some things for my trip. I think Mike gave me some juggling sacks, 6 weeks on a 40 foot yacht with nothing to do away from storms and I still canā€™t juggle. I think you gave me a bunch of resistance bands and one with the handle on < weā€™ll call this guy ā€˜Greenyā€™ because it was green.
Well. Greeny has been with me all across the Atlantic and Caribbean, then to Canada in my 1 bag that I came here with. 10 years later and Iā€™ve lived in 16 houses/ condos/ apartments/ couches and Greeny has been with me the whole time.
Credit cards have come and gone, phones smashed and thrown in rivers, tablets, clothes, cowboy boots, drivers licences, 6 bikes all lost in Western Canada on the Prairies in the Rockies and the Rainforests of British Columbia. I even managed to lose my passport the first week I was in Calgary.
Yet Greeny has been with me this whole time. Usually Greeny hangs on my/ my girlfriends/ my landladyā€™s/ my housemates towel rack and I pop out a few side/front raises whilst I wait for my shower to warm up. Greeny has been in my bag on every plane ride, while I got detained at the US border for bringing too much booze back into Canada. Greeny was in my luggage when I got detained at Calgary airport for having a warrant out for my arrest. Greeny was in the bathroom with me in a cabin in the woods in Tofino on Vancouver Island the morning I read a poem on Mackenzie Beach at my best mates wedding.
There are few things Iā€™ve managed to keep a hold of for this decade long adventure. But somehow Greeny has been there.
This morning Greeny snapped and whacked me in the face. Cheers Rosie
eggs before the storm
Dan and Mon in Tofino
A decade ofĀ Greeny Today something of note happened, so I wrote to my friend on Bookface: Suggested Listening:
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yousoonice Ā· 6 years
A slight return
So folksā€¦
Been a while.
Suggested listening:
Gonna start writing on this thing again, got lots to say.
Hereā€™s a good start, this Word Press is called Never Eat Biscuits in your Space SuitĀ because a while ago I wrote a horror story about the thing that scares me the most, floating away from a space ship and lost in space. The reason I have nightmaresā€¦
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yousoonice Ā· 7 years
the morning playlist
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So this morning I wake up to my usual song playing, Snow (Hey Oh) by the Chillies: Snow (Hey Oh) and thereā€™s that guitar riff by John Frusciante tinkling me awake. Honestly this bed is fantastic, but my nerve endings want to start the day. My open window is right above my pillow and thereā€™s a blossoming tree outside the window, a cool breeze off the glacial waters of the Bow river blows sweetā€¦
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yousoonice Ā· 8 years
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suggested listening: Salif Keita ā€“ Tomorrow What you didnā€™t know was that I would draw pictures Of you, whilst we slept on opposite trains ā€¦With the same destination. If you want to leave donā€™t breathe If you want to leave donā€™t breathe If you want to leave donā€™t breathe ā€¦A word. The space is vast The void is a giant vacuum and as I get close it pulls parts of me away Donā€™t, ā€¦Touch me again. Theā€¦
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yousoonice Ā· 8 years
Brain Gravy I'll just leave this here for a while gadge:
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yousoonice Ā· 8 years
a kind of allow
a kind ofĀ allow
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suggested listening Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā Nylon Strung Last Thursday in my head The world turned from Summer to fall It was 5.45am and I was walking through Stampede ground The night before had definitelyĀ  been summer, the juicy warmth still hid in the streets of this city Then a slight movement, almost imperceptible, but its faintness made me notice it more Like when you can see the stars better whenā€¦
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yousoonice Ā· 8 years
怊i wrote this time ago怋 I want to grab you by the shoulders, and shake it in. why canā€™t you see, that me I am them. The quick fix is always going to be easy, the settle for this, the life is just breezy. Its not till youā€™ve travelled through all of your world, that the truth of real you is finally unfurled. And try as you might, the flag getsĀ pole, unfolded and hooked, your nation is whole. Andā€¦
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yousoonice Ā· 8 years
Boethius, he say...
Boethius, he sayā€¦
Itā€™s my belief that history is a wheel. ā€œInconstancy is my very essenceā€ -says the wheel- ā€œRise up on my spokes if you like, but donā€™t complain when you are cast back down into the depths. Good times pass away, but then so do the bad. Mutability is our tragedy, but it is also our hope. The worst of times, like the best, are always passing awayā€.
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yousoonice Ā· 8 years
I says
ā€œBecause what is life but your chance to dance in this universeā€ ā€“ Jo Luke Giles esq.
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yousoonice Ā· 9 years
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Jaque Fragua, an acclaimed multi-media artist from New Mexico
Tell me a little bit about your background, where you grew up, and what inspired you to become an artist?
I am from Jemez Pueblo, New Mexico. This is a little reservation about 45 minutes northwest of Albuquerque. I was born in the Santa Fe Indian hospital. I grew up mostly on-reservation, although I have moved on and off to places like Houston, Denver, and Albuquerque.
When I was just a young child growing up on the reservation, I guess there were arts and crafts. I donā€™t know what you would have considered it, perhaps traditional (Pueblo) art work. And at that point, I really didnā€™t know what ā€œartā€ was. I really didnā€™t know what art was until I was in college. Although, I knew that what I was doing was a cultural practice more than anything.
As a kid, I grew up farming and where I come from traditional farming is a big thing in the community. I would get into the other things you might find on any reservationā€¦ hunting, fighting with other neighborhood kids, laughs
I was just going to sayā€¦every reservation is kind of rough. These are rural areas, there isnā€™t much entertainment, so you have to kind of build it yourself. I was up for all the physical stuff, farming, hunting and what not, but I found a creative side too. I got tired of beating up my neighbors and being beat up. I would just hang out, draw, and at some point I picked up the guitar and started learning how to play all kinds of music. Music was my first passion. And art was sort of secondary, I suppose.
Inspiration wise, I was stimulated just by things I witnessed growing up. For example, there were a lot of different signs, folk art, southwestern textiles, and the kinds of things you would find in a tourist shop on highway 66 or any reservation highway. All this folk art or road art was for the tourists and it makes sense because tourism is the biggest economy in New Mexico today. The whole state is full of Native American culture. The state government exploits Native culture to the umpteenth degree.
Growing up within the actual culture definitely inspired me, but I didnā€™t realize how much it would fuel the content for what I do now. It just sort of naturally happened. I would visit my ancestral homelands and visit sacred sites. There are miles and miles of wild art, etchings and carvingsā€“marks that really got me inspired to do graffiti. And when I moved to Denver for high school, I continually had flashbacks to the wall art in my ancestral homelands. I like to believe Iā€™m continuing a tradition. Itā€™s not using the same materials but it is definitely in the same spirit.
In Denver I started running around with the rebellious crowd of kids and I was into the graffiti scene, but like I said, music was my passion. I took an art elective my senior year, and thatā€™s where I learned art basics, like history, different mediums, etc. Iā€™ve since gotten a hang of photography, printmaking and other types of contemporary art mediums. Iā€™ve always been interested in burgeoning mediums, such as digital media. This sparked my path in using film, the internet, graphic design, gifs, etc. I really enjoyed conceptual art as well, I still do. In retrospect, I felt graffiti could evolve into something more conceptual. I started bombing in ā€˜99 and during that time, there was a big movement in street art. Traditional graffiti had been around for a long time already, but stencil art and wheatpasting gained popularity in the late 90s. It was an interesting time. There was the San Francisco Mission School art movement, with Margaret Kilgallen, Juxtapoz magazine, OBEY, and other forces of underground inspiration that I stumbled upon.
So fast forward to now, all of that underground material is popular, very hip, and mainstream. But back then, it was just sort of thisā€¦ really crazy sub-culture. I was viewed as crazy for liking it or knowing about it.
After high school, I moved to Seattle and that didnā€™t work out. I decided to go to the Institute of the American Indian Arts in Santa Fe.
What made you take that decision?
I moved to Seattle for music school, but the scholarship fell through in the last minute and the only college that would accept me was IAIAā€“ unlike other colleges you can apply a month before it starts. I donā€™t know if they still do that though. So I applied and I got in. That was 2004. And then the Indian art world opened up to me. I was just so perplexed at how there was this whole other genre of art that existed alongside contemporary art, complete with itā€™s own rules, social hierarchy, heroes, and money. At this time graffiti was also a whole other category. But now graffiti is considered ā€œartā€ and is within the genre of contemporary. But as far as Indian art, itā€™s still on the fringe of what you may consider legitimate art by Western standards. I feel like itā€™s more of a curio or itā€™s just decorative.
Tell me about that a little bit more. In terms of defining native art and this constant struggle between the traditional versus the more contemporary native art?
There is always that tension between tradition and contemporary or modern. And that is not only with the art work itself, but with the culture, the people. There is this ebb and flow, this push and pull between what is considered, I guess, right and wrong.
Like I was saying, there is always this argument between what works, what we can progress with and what we want to hold on to. And I think thatā€™s why Native art as a whole is relevantā€“it is not moving so fast, itā€™s eternal. We donā€™t adopt new technology and test it blindly. A lot is at stake for Native culture because of our sensitive history. A lot of Native communities donā€™t want to jump the gun and try out a new method without the proper due diligence. But this is also a flaw because it inhibits our creativity, and the possibilities of solutions. I feel that healing involves letting go and making mistakes and understanding the strength in failing. Healing really is a faith based action and most Native communities lack the confidence to take risks and make mistakes, even if there is a bright future at stake. Native communities rather be ignorant of perpetuating the suffering and continue to just get by. It is a regression or a de-evolution of our own progress. Although, I do believe we have to be careful of what we get ourselves into. We are still super sensitive.
Do you make it back to Pueblo very often? Do you have family back there?
Yeah. I live most of the time on the road, so if Iā€™m not home Iā€™m somewhere else doing a mural or project. But itā€™s my community; it is naturally where I feel most comfortable. But itā€™s discomforting when I realize that the community isnā€™t doing as well as I would like it to be. It is pretty demoralizing to hear about the abusive environments, murders and DUIs. So sometimes it is hard to be there, but these challenges give me energy to continue my work, keep doing something that changes that environment. I always have something in the works. I am always keeping the balance between staying on the reservation and staying active externally. And of course, I have a lot of family in Jemez and others who have migrated to start new tribes in other parts of the world.
How many people live on the reservation?
There are around 3400 members, and about 2000 live on the land.
If you could just tell me a little bit about the specific things you are working on right now.
Right now, I just finished a show in Phoenix called #NATIVEAMERICA. Simply, itā€™s about imagery that continues to colonize us. By creating fine art out of these visuals and emphasizing the images ad nauseum, it creates the opposite effect. Sort of like Warholā€™s soup cans. This is a big project. It is actually the first installment of the larger project. I had only 20 or so paintings for this show. But I want to increase it to 60 art works. Itā€™s imagery that I have been wanting to share with the world for a long time. Iā€™m trying to bring the show to different cities and see how itā€™s received. Iā€™m always trying to push the idea of what Native America is and who is a part of it and who wants to contribute. I want to make it more interactive and engaging.
- April 2, 2013 native X interview
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yousoonice Ā· 9 years
^^ this guyā€™s a genius
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@jaquefragua x @obeygiant x @1451 x #wildlife (at Indian Alley)
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yousoonice Ā· 9 years
lets get this shit on camera
lets get this shit onĀ camera
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Soā€¦ You may not know but Iā€™ve done a few stand-up shows lately. On Skype to my folks last weekend, or maybe the one before, we all agreed that my life is pretty much aĀ TrumanĀ sitcom, its rare that I talk to them and donā€™t end up saying ā€œhows things, Iā€™ve got a funny/ weird story for youā€, so with that in mind Iā€™m going to start posting Videos on here (if I can, weā€™ll see) Itā€™ll usually be on aā€¦
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yousoonice Ā· 9 years
Good practice for writing my Vampire Book, "The First, the Last, the Lonely"
Good practice for writing my Vampire Book, ā€œThe First, the Last, theĀ Lonelyā€
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Compulsory Listening: Jubilee Street So Im writing a book, the book to end all books on Vampires, Iā€™ve done so much research Im like Van Helsing over hereā€¦since I like you Im going to leak the opening line: Ā -Ourbanos- ā€œlong ago, when the nights were still dark, and the sun went around the earth, the devil walked among usā€ā€¦ From the documentary 20,000 days on Earth: Do you want to know how toā€¦
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yousoonice Ā· 9 years
# 364: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKtTmZnVhhI
I saw you lately, in your little black dress, your black high heels, and I need to confess, I have ink in my arm, a rhyme I adore , I wasnā€™t going to do it, of resolve I have more, I walked on a bit, and then I stumbled, I stopped, I turned and then my mind mumbled, ā€œI was looking back to see, If you were looking back at me, To see me looking backā€¦
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yousoonice Ā· 10 years
Gained in Translation: Close to the scarce people without color
Close to the scarce people without color
Before we start: http://youtu.be/l_lC2tXvSAU?t=6s
Okay, so, I have very little experience of death, having only lost a few people that were very close, but the times that it did occur it made me reflect upon it deeplyā€¦so if anything I write about it causes offence, I dont mean it, Im just naive.Ā 
THE DISCOVERY OF A PERFECT SENTENCE: Iā€™ve always wondered at the perfect way to describe something,ā€¦
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yousoonice Ā· 10 years
Recommended track: Eddie Vedder, Rise : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32Js2Ef5Ojg
Aboriginals were right to fear them, it can make you smile, another time, it can be unbearable to look at,
a bad exposure, background noise, the colors bright, the motions fuzzy, but it helps remind
its not a moment captured in time, its a link, to a memory
if you werenā€™tā€™ there at the time you cantā€¦
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yousoonice Ā· 10 years
Englishman in Calgary
You eat fries and I eat chips my dear,
I like Mushy Peas there on the slide.
I got to the la-va-tory ā€” when I have to pee,
Im an Englishman in Cal-ga-ry. Iā€™m an alien Iā€™m aĀ Permanent resident Iā€™m an Englishman inĀ Canada Iā€™m an alien Iā€™m a legal alien Iā€™m an Englishman inĀ Calgary
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