#miles and antiope would get along great i think
thelongestwalk · 1 year
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"My name is Antiope Jones. I was bitten by a cursed spider and for the last three years, I've been the one and only Arrowhead. You know the rest - I saved Bastion City, graduated Aguefort, saved the world, told my best friends my secret, killed a dragon, saved Bastion City again. No matter how many hits I take, I always find a way to shoot back. Even though my friends help me out from time to time, there's only one Arrowhead. And you're looking at her."
my submission for the D20 Zine Jam zine 'Roll The Spiderverse'! For me, Antiope (created and played by the inimitable @quiddie) was the only choice. the only thing stopping me from drawing an entire comic run is needing to sleep and needing to pay my rent, but one day I s2g I will overcome these limitations!!
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fairydust-stuff · 4 years
Yut Lung Lee fic rec list
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Yut Lung Lee fic recs: Fanfiction focused and centered on Yut Lung lee. (No yuesing because that deserves its own list) Also none of my own stories are on here because that would be Cheesy. 
Its My fault I know I'm selfish by Livesinbooks
A time loop fic about Yut Lung being forced to relive that night in Golzine's manor until he gets it right. It's a simple premise but a solid character study that really grasps the complexities of Yut Lung's character and team Ash even grows with him. A must for Yut Lung and also Eiji fans this is a great redemptive fix-it fic.
A Cabin in the Woods https://archiveofourown.org/works/27435316
Eiji and Yut Lung get captured by a serial killer and have to save each other's butts. It does a good job with its cold take on Yut Lung's phycology and actually utilizes both of their skills while keeping both their personalities intact. Its listed Ash x Eiji but its actually an Enemies to friends fic that's very Yut Lung centered.
Silence is Enough by Mackerel _ pizza
Yut Lung and Eiji meeting at Ash’s grave
Why you should check it out if you think Eiji got screwed over by the end of the series and are interested in stories exploring both Eiji and Yut Lung’s grief and reactions in the after math of Ash’s death. This is the oneshot for you.
Reversal by twoheartsx
A reverse universe where Ash is evil and Yut Lung ran away from his brothers years ago and is the gang leader who found out about Banana Fish.
Why you should check it out- Ash makes a delightful villain and seeing Yut Lung and Eiji who aren’t superpowered beings struggle against him is an interesting role reversal.
Easier this way by Aella - Antiope
Just Yut Lungs pov on the bedroom scene with Dino
Why you should check it out
Its makes a dark situation humorous due to Yut Lung’s snark and exasperation with Eiji and also has a bit of a complex dynamic between them.
Wingless Child by trillingwire https://archiveofourown.org/works/16235846
An alternate take on what happened before Dino showed up in the bedroom scene.
Why you should check it out well its hardcore Yut Lung X Eiji and it really does feel like it nails Yut Lung’s character and the roller coaster of emotions he feels towards Eiji during this fic is just captured incredibly! I’m also a sucker for Yut lung instructing Eiji on anything. This is one of the more believable Yueiji fics and it is one of the better takes and this is what made me at least dabble in Yut lung x Eiji
Wanting Crescent by Drunk Yeet
Blanca x Yut Lung fic
Why you should check it out
I’m not a Blanca x Yut Lung or even a Blanca fan but this really captures Yut Lung’s insecurities about Blanca & Ash and his dysfunction about caring for Blanca and just these two dumpster fires in general. Its a beautiful fic and well crafted and if Blanca x Yut Lung is your jam might as well purchase the brand name jam.
Numbness (with a side of denial and tears) by beyondmyreach
A Yut Lung character study about his thoughts on Shorter Wong
Why you should check it out
It really puts into words Yut Lung’s implied feelings toward Shorter Wong and its a overall good character study about his death affected him.
Soft.. by catpoop
Yut Lung through the years
Why you should check it out
A character study that explorers Yut Lungs abuse and his toxic family relationships its sad but does a good job of filling in the blanks of canon focusing mostly on Yut Lung’s childhood.
Catpoop also has another fic called past forged boundaries as well, only five chapters.
But the premise is Yut Lung running away and ending up in Chinatown and meeting the Wongs and its still really good. So i’ll leave that link down below as well. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16413449/chapters/38425235
Complex Crystalline by Groombella123
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16590188 Drunk Yut Lung menacing Eiji set during Eiji’s time as Yut Lung’s prisoner.
Why you should check it out
If you like Yut Lung and his messy complicated feelings for Eiji and with a dash of one sided unrequited love on his part this is the fic for you.
Though shapes and shadows by twoheartsx https://archiveofourown.org/works/16413599
An examination of Yut Lung & blanca dynamic
Why you should check it out
If you like blanca & Yut Lung angst this is a good one to check out honestly.
The End of something by Angela https://archiveofourown.org/works/16718452
An aftermath of Ash’s death story
Why you should check it out Yut Lung dealing with his grief and guilt over Ash’s death and the author's spin on it is great. Also great use of oc character that ties into the story well.
Half a Letter by Hamliet
It maybe labeled ash x Eiji but the core of this fic is Ash & Yut Lung’s relationship
Why you should check it out
An Au ending to the story that makes sense wraps up three character arches/dynamics in a satisfying way and Hamliet is just a really great writer who crafts action packed suspenseful stories that capture the characters very well.
A link to another Hamliet fic called Stray Phoenix
an Au where Yut Lung realizes Shorter is about to be killed and saves him in time.
Why you should check it out
You should check out all of Hamliet’s fics, but this particular one is one of the best Yut Lung redemption stories i’ve seen and once again it wraps up everything more satisfyingly then canon. Also one of the best Yut Lung x Shorter fics i’ve read.
Lost in you tonight
Yut Lung mourning Ash’s death
Why you should check it out
If your like me and starved for Ash x Yut Lung content this is a good one to check out also the Sing & Yut Lung dynamic is really sweet and lovely.
Fever by Miles Libertatis
Yut Lung brings a sick Shorter rice porridge
Why you should check it out
You think a premis like this would be cute but its angsty as frick it does a good job of nailing both characters and how tragically doomed it is anything could develop between them.
the robbing the nest by zechariahfour (sodas)
Yut Lung in the aftermath of the slaughter of his family
Why you should check it out
If your like me and think that Yut Lung’s murder of his brothers kids was poorly handled in terms of it supposedly being his full dark side moment but never showing the frigging after math to the point where it might as well not of happened. This is a good dark one shot that adds some much needed exploration to that situation.
Dancing on the Blade by Inked Page
Yut Lung and Shorter playing with knives
Why you should check it out Flirting attraction between two people who could kill each other. This is one of the more morbid Yut Lung x Shorter fics which kind of makes it great.
I Can still Hear Her by orphan account https://archiveofourown.org/works/17151815
Yut Lung telling Blanca all the ugly truths about what he went through
Why you should check it out
orphan account is an author that is very good at handling dark content and this one is no exception this author takes the subtext of Yut Lung’s childhood during Banana fish and makes it overt text.
Endless nightmares is another good Yut Lung by the same author focusing on Yut Lung’s alcoholism and recovery.
Somewhere along the lines i forgot what love is by petitlionhomme https://archiveofourown.org/works/17120294
Yut Lung holding Eiji captive like in cannon but they fall in love
Why you should check it out
This is one of the better Yut lung x Eiji fics and one of the few where Eiji returns the feelings its a nice slow burn that takes its time and goes back to a time in cannon where Eiji wasn’t quite so peeved at yut lung and it could have worked.
Also this author wrote a dark series where one of the one shots has a Yut Lung focus
Its called Prince on a broken throne
Blighted by Judar chan
Yut lung x his brothers
I kind of hate myself for suggesting this one but the power plays between the three of them are well written even though the explicitness of the whole fic is uncomfortable as hell. Also Yut Lung devious scheming side is in full effect and seeing him brought to his lowest still trying to grab whatever power there is, its just great characterization. If your easily triggered i’d avoid this one but if you do enjoy fictional power plays and messed up sex stuff maybe check this one out. They also have another fic called Spoiled which has similar themes.
Splitting image by epan
I don’t want to give this one away, because reading it and finding out is the point. I'll just say its tragically beautiful and leave it at that.
Better then you by Val Creative
Yut Lung x Shorter Au take on the scene where Shorter pins him down
Why you should check it out
If you like your soy sauce confused and angry this is the fic for you.
Cricket by artemis date
Yut Lung and Eiji strike up a relationship while in Paris
Why you should check it out if you like angst ridden doomed romance stories this would be right up your alley.
Dangerous Weapon handling by Fallon Kristerson
Shorter Yut Lung and a conversation about guns
Why you should check this out
You like your soysauce with a dangerous Yut Lung and adrenaline junkie Shorter this is for you.
Calm time by Carmel rose
Yut Lung x Arthur
Why you should check it out
Scheming villains and power plays if you like villain pairings this is one you need to check out.
East of eden by flakes https://archiveofourown.org/works/18608308/chapters/44117839
And its sequel Wild Rose https://archiveofourown.org/works/21545941/chapters/51362707
I know both are Yut Lung x Shorter they are in spanish and i know google translate isn’t the best but darn it these fics deserve more attention and its worth it to try and decipher the meaning even if your not a Spanish speaker due to the lovely slow burn and character development.
The same language by frozenyogurt
Once again not in English but as a well written three part one shot series known as guns and Lavender centering around an AU where Ash met Yut Lung first its more than worth the trouble. Especially since it is one of the best Ash x Yut Lung fics and honestly inspired my own fic writing.
Burning Cities and Napalm Skies by dia dove
An Au where arthur survives and him and Yut Lung both try and cope with the past and look to the future
If villains healing together is your jam and you sympathized with wanting better for Arthur this the fic for you. Mirror Image by Kaen Okami
Another drabbel about Yut Lung and his mom
Why you should check it out
Its just another very good character study focusing of Yut lungs grief for his mom.
CD’s and Mottorbikes by Asmicarus
Yut Lung gets lost Shorter finds and takes him home
Why you should check it out
I don’t want to give too much away but Shorter and Yut Lung dancing to billy joel is just one of the highlights of this fic. If your into fluffy soysauce this is one you’d enjoy.
Ice cold meltdown by knoxoursavior https://archiveofourown.org/works/23652046?show_comments=true#comments
Yut Lung sinking into despair
Why you should check it out
The language is beautiful and the picture it paints just gives me chills every time i read it. Honestly this author has several good Banana fish fics both angsty and sweet that are Yut Lung centered but you may want a box of tissues on hand just in case.
Nemeseia Lunaris by Amigara https://archiveofourown.org/works/19351834/chapters/46040242
Eiji is killed by Shorter and the rest of Ash’s group is finished off by golzine craving vengeance Ash accepts Yut Lung’s offer of an alliance.
Why you should check it out
Its an Ash x Yut Lung slow burn with solid characterization and really explorers the dynamic between these two as well as giving more presence to some of the more minor villains. i’m not sure where the fic is going but i’m loving it so far and i really think you guys will not be disappointed if you give this one a chance.
Deep in Love by ladycrazy13
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25635673/chapters/62230915 Yut lung x Ash fighting zombies which is also why you should check out this dark fic
The Killers by Aeriel https://archiveofourown.org/works/22392976
Another Blanca x Yut Lung fic (considering i suggested a few non con incest fics on this list i might as well rec a few of these too)
Why you should check it out
The characterization is great and the Blanca and Yut Lung dynamic is one i could see happening on screen. Once again don't want to give to much away but if your looking for Blanca x Yut Lung that feels like it could be cannon this is one of the better ones. (Also its not about Blanca's frigging dick! for once)
serpant twining by Aoftheis https://archiveofourown.org/works/17644940
Blanca tries to be a good person and mostly succeeds but still is a bit creepy honestly
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