#milk ice is either another name for ice cream or a lower fat version of icecream
askblueandviolet · 9 months
the way i abruptly stopped reading at the notif HKAHAJ
HI 1!1!1!1 :3 gift time real
uhhdhdhdjbdbd..hows mayor holdin up !?!? (fav mayor real) I REMEMBER THEM LIKING MILK ICE..IN CHAP IDK, so heres milk ice for them ;D
as for Edgelord™. howreu doing uh huh. uh. heres. shadow puppets. idk do w them as u please??? AS FOR BAI HEEEEEEE, ilysm, u get a catplushie real
(ITS 4 AM. ur fic stilltastes gud, like. tarts. yummy tarts. mmwmsm,snms hopeur doijg well <3 u get a taco fr 💪back to reading lolol)
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ouraidengray4 · 6 years
Want to Poop Better? Of Course You Do—So Start Avoiding These Common Foods
Discussing one's bowel movements is no longer the sole domain of toddlers, new parents, and seniors in fiber supplement ads. It's become perfectly acceptable for your friends to offer up details about what certain foods do to their intestines while you're seated at a table eating those very foods. Well, with that taboo out of the way, we might as well talk about it here, because it turns out that yes, your poop is important.
"Your intestinal health is critical because it nurtures the rest of your body," Lea Ann Chen, says assistant professor of medicine at New York University and a member of the American Gastroenterological Association. In other words, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, or other forms of discomfort down there could also mean that the rest of your body isn't absorbing the nutrients you need to function.
Just in case you're wondering whether your poop is "normal," next time you drop the kids off at the pool, compare them to this Bristol Stool Form Scale. It's not the most precise measure of health, but it can be a good place to start. If you're often staring at something on the higher or lower ends of that scale, or you feel bloated and gassy after certain meals, it's time to reexamine the foods, drinks, and meds that might be messing with your plumbing.
For Everyone
Fried Foods
How sad is it that your mouth and your gastrointestinal tract will never agree about this category?
"We always worry about fried, fatty foods," Chen says. "There's not much good that can come from them besides that they're tasty."
Of course, we all know that delicious fried chicken, tempura, French fries, and the like can clog our arteries and put strain on our hearts, but the fats in those foods also do damage on their way to the bloodstream.
"I call fats the most high-maintenance macronutrient because they typically take a long time to digest," says Dana White, R.D.
Studies have shown that diets high in saturated fats can increase constipation. While this study of rats indicated that the oils used in deep-frying foods can cause an imbalance in the gut microbiota, which in turn has consequences for how the intestines handle other foods, the research on humans is less conclusive. We do, however, know that saturated fat consumption can increase the prevalence of the bad gut bacteria that are associated with inflammatory bowel diseases.
Sugar Alcohols
Though the name may conjure up delightful images of strawberry daiquiris, the term "sugar alcohols" actually refers to a group of chemicals (xylitol, mannitol, sorbitol, and others) that occur naturally in some fruits and vegetables but are also manufactured for use in processed low-calorie foods. They don't contain many calories because your body can't fully digest them.
"If you can't digest something efficiently, it sits in your gut and ferments, and that causes gas, bloating, discomfort, and potentially diarrhea," White says. Don't confuse this issue of foods fermenting in the gut with the foods that are already fermented before you eat them (and are good for the gut microbiota), White explains.
Alcoholic Drinks
White is no fan of the empty calories that come with alcoholic drinks and their sugary mixers. Sometimes, a night of drinking can cause diarrhea because ethanol has been found to accelerate digestion. But alcohol's diuretic effect can also lead to dehydration, which in turn can cause constipation. Either way, drinking in excess isn't great for you—as you've probably heard before.
For Some People
"The normal thing that happens is people lose their ability to digest a lot of dairy, and the 'mutant,' if you will, is the person who can continue to digest those foods into later adulthood," Chen says.
But that does not mean that everyone should avoid all dairy, all the time. Not everyone is intolerant, and not all intolerances look alike, White says. Some people can eat cheese but not drink milk, while others can have those, but ice cream is off the menu.
"It's not as black or white as people want to make it out to be," White says. So even if you notice some dairy products make you feel gross, you may still be able to have fermented versions, like kefir or Greek yogurt, which are beneficial to your digestive health.
The recent trend of self-diagnosing a gluten intolerance without seeing a medical professional is worrisome, White says. Someone experiencing GI discomfort might see improvements by eliminating certain gluten-containing foods from their diet, but they may misinterpret their results.
"If you're eating a lot of breaded, fried foods, and you cut those out because of the breading, and then you feel better, you can't be certain what to attribute that to," she says, explaining that either the gluten or the high fats could be the culprit in that scenario.
On the other hand, someone may begin to feel better by eliminating some major sources of gluten, such as bagels and pizza, and then stop there. But that's not going to cut it for someone with celiac disease—as opposed to a milder gluten intolerance.
"You don't really know it's celiac without doing the proper diagnostic procedures," White says. "If they're still consuming malt and barley, soy sauce, or beer—things that also have gluten in them but are more inconspicuous—they could still be doing major damage to their digestive system."
High Fiber Foods and FODMAPs
This is one of those "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situations. When you eat too many starchy, refined carbohydrates, that usually means you're not eating the high-fiber foods your body needs to create a healthy gut microbiome.
The good bacteria that create your microbiome consume fiber, producing some of the nutrients, such as amino acids, that our bodies need. And yet, high-fiber foods sometimes also cause problems.
"Sometimes I have patients who are eating a lot of vegetables—things like celery and broccoli—and these tough-to-digest foods also cause gas and bloating," Chen says.
Some of those people may be suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a frustratingly vague illness that has no known cause or cure as yet. Nutritional scientists have developed a list of foods called high FODMAPs (fermentable oligosaccharide, disaccharide, monosaccharide, and polyols) to avoid, and there's evidence that it works to reduce symptoms.
"I've seen a lot of people be successful going on a low FODMAP diet, where they're eliminating particular substances that do tend to stick around and ferment in the gut, causing those horrible gas-bloating-diarrhea symptoms," White says.
That's great news for anyone with IBS, but neither White nor Chen thinks you should just go on a low-FODMAP diet unnecessarily because the long list foods you have to skip includes a lot of stuff that's otherwise good for you.
Can't we just get a fecal transplant and go back to eating everything?
Chen says she gets a lot of calls from people who've read up on the gut microbiome and want one of these poop transplants for themselves. While this procedure has been shown to help patients with severe c.diff infections (that's a bacterial infection in the intestines), the science isn't quite there for other indications.
"The microbiome can be such a powerful thing, but we really don't know how to use it," she says.
And while we'd love to be able to cancel out any bad food decisions with a serving of kimchi, it's not quite that simple, White says. A better idea might be to ensure you eat healthily on the regular.
"That would put you in a better position, so when you eat something that's not so great for your gut health, the consequences would be less severe," she says. "Maybe you can be more proactive than reactionary."
Another good option: Work with a physician to get tested for gut health—which can help you determine which foods you want to especially avoid. There's no one-size-fits-all plan, after all!
Sabrina Rojas Weiss lives in Brooklyn, surrounded by her fellow freelance writers and competitive stroller-pushers. Follow her on Twitter @shalapitcher.
from Greatist RSS https://ift.tt/2rL1EcP Want to Poop Better? Of Course You Do—So Start Avoiding These Common Foods Greatist RSS from HEALTH BUZZ https://ift.tt/2rIruPd
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thesethingsiveseen · 6 years
Level-headed Secrets In Iso Xp Grass Fed Whey Described
Fundamental Details In Grass Fed Organic Whey Canada Info
The fourth ingredient varies based on the flavor: organic cocoa for chocolate, organic vanilla for vanilla, freeze-dried banana powder for banana. Note the lack of artificial sweeteners; by whey(!) of example, Optimum Nutrition’s Gold Standard has nine ingredients and Muscletech’s Premium Gold has twenty, both including sucralose and neither including whatever comprises “natural and artificial flavors.” I should point out that lots of ingredients isn’t necessarily bad. But if you would rather steer clear of foods with a zillion ingredients, this could be your protein. I tried vanilla, chocolate, and banana, and each time I was surprised at how pleasant they tasted despite the absence of the sweeteners to which I’m so accustomed. I’m a guy who really likes artificially-sweetened protein powder. I literally own separate tubs of donut-flavored and white chocolate-flavored Gold Standard Whey. I mix them into everything. Sucralose is my favorite food group. These tasted great. The mildest, of course, was vanilla. Next to ON’s vanilla ice cream flavor and their milder vanilla crème flavor, Earth Fed Muscle’s offering did little more than make my almond milk taste more like regular milk.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://barbend.com/earth-fed-muscle-primitive-protein-review/
Looking For Fitness Advice That Works? Try These Ideas!
There are many different things under the umbrella of fitness. Fitness is working out, eating healthy foods, visiting gyms, learning martial arts, and more. When it comes to getting fit, there are a lot of different options. This article has advice that can help you find what you need to create a fitness plan that works for you. Many people look to lifting weights as a means to reach their fitness goals. However, for complete fitness, you need to work all of the muscles in your body, not just your arms. Implement an workout routine that you will have no problem sticking too. If you choose an activity you like, you will love working out. Crunches alone won't help you build abs. You should not waste your time with crunches if you are trying to lose weight, it takes a quarter million of them to lose a pound! Therefore, you are not maximizing your time if you are strictly doing crunches. Vary your abdominal exercises for superior results. Try different types of fitness classes to keep yourself excited and motivated. Changing things often will give you the chance to discover new things you like and will keep you happy with what you're doing. Try out yoga or dancing. If you really want to get creative you could try a kickboxing class. You should remember that after you do one, you will be eventually losing weight. If you are looking to strengthen your legs, try wall sits. First, you need an unobstructed wall that is at least the width of your body. Position yourself one and a half feet from the wall. While bending your knees, lean back until you touch the wall with your entire back. Slide down the wall into a sitting position that creates a 90-degree angle with your upper and lower legs. Try to hold this position as long as possible. If you perform repetitive movements, try counting backwards from your desired total. This gives you an idea of just how many exercises you still have left and help keep your motivation level up. An excellent workout is kickboxing. Kickboxing is an amazing workout that will have you sweating immediately but feeling great afterwards. Not only will this type of exercise burn calories, it will help you build strength. Learn how to do box squats and add a great exercise to your routine. If you want to have explosive power, try doing box squats. The only extra item you need is the box that you would need to put behind you while doing your squats. Perform the squat you would normally, but pause while about to sit on the box. Enhance your workout by doing some classic sit-ups as well as your crunches when working your abdominal muscles. Sit-ups have become unpopular in recent years. Be sure to avoid doing anchored-feet sit-ups. This type of exercise can be hard on your back. Always cycle at a steady pace. You will get tired quicker if you pedal faster. Keep a simple and steady pace in order to build endurance. You will keep yourself from getting tired faster if you do this. Pedaling at a steady, but brisk pace can better inform you if you're close to injury since you'll most likely feel pulling. As this article said, fitness is something that encompasses a ton of different things. While there are certain things that must be avoided -or included- in any routine, there are just as many things that can be customized to meet your needs. With any luck, the information you've just read has helped to demystify all things fitness-related.
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Helpful Guidelines For Rapid Methods For Canada
bankruptcy court filing submitted by Toys “R” on Thursday. Fairfax would then have the option of either increasing its offer or walking away. Under the terms of the deal, Fairfax would receive a break fee of about 3 per cent if another bidder is chosen. After the takeover, Fairfax would be able to continue operating Toys “R” Us stores in Canada under the existing name. The deal would follow a Fairfax-backed consortium’s purchase of athletic equipment maker Performance Sports Inc. last year, a process that was also overseen by a bankruptcy court. Toys ‘R’ Us is a shell of its old self. How it got this way is a lesson for retail Shares of Toronto-based Fairfax rose 0.4 per cent to $674 in Toronto at 9:55 a.m. and are up 11 per cent in the past 12 months. That compares with a loss of 1 per cent for Canada’s benchmark S&P/TSX Composite Index. Earlier this week, Toys “R” Us turned away an offer from the founder of MGA Entertainment Inc. to keep some of its North American stores open, a person familiar with the matter said at the time. The Wayne, New Jersey-based company filed for bankruptcy in September, hoping to shed debt and turn around the business.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://business.financialpost.com/news/retail-marketing/fairfax-is-said-to-agree-to-purchase-toys-r-us-canadian-unit
How To Find The Perfect Vitamins For Your Needs
Your body needs minerals and vitamins to function. Though carbs fuel the body, minerals and vitamins nourish it and makes it run smoothly. Be sure you and your loved ones eat a healthy, whole foods diet and supplement with a high quality of vitamins and minerals. Read this article to find out more about minerals and vitamins. Do your best to eat a diet that is both healthy and balanced. Try getting between five and seven portions worth of fresh produce daily, along with small protein portions. Supplements can make up for anything you are missing. When taking a supplement that lists fat as an ingredient, take it with food. Vitamins A, K and E are a few examples of vitamins that cannot be properly absorbed unless you take Whey Protein them with food. Try to take them food that contains fat. To get enough vitamin D, drink milk and go out in the sun. You should take vitamin D if you're not a milk lover and/or you don't spend lots of time under the sun. This vitamin is good for keeping your bones from becoming brittle, so they don't break as easily. Iron is the key mineral to helping build healthy red blood cells. These cells transport oxygen to areas of your body. Women require more iron than men, so you are likely to find these supplements packed with more of this mineral. Iron deficiency often causes exhaustion and breathing problems. Though we may try to eat well, sometimes our budget doesn't allow us to. Adding supplements to your diet helps to counteract the harmful effects of fats, preservatives, and other harmful substances. Refrain from consuming prenatal vitamins when you pass menopause. Many women choose to take the vitamins for their hair or nails. Though this might be safe, post-menopausal women can receive too much iron by taking them. If you're an adult that desires the gummy vitamins like those for kids, you can take them, too. Adults' vitamin needs are higher than children's so one is generally not enough. However, don't take too many. That is not good, either. It is important to question any information you get about mineral and vitamin supplements. Remember that companies are in business to make money, not to help your look out for you health. Question all the information you read or hear. If you aren't sure, ask your doctor. Use caution when using supplements. With vitamins and minerals, you can overdose. This dangerous situation usually occurs when too many supplements are taken. Symptoms of an overdose vary, depending on which vitamin you have taken. However, the consequence is not a good one and can even kill you. You must understand that any over-the-counter medications you take can sometimes negatively interact with vitamin supplements. They can even threaten your life. It is important to alert your physician to all vitamins and supplements that you ingest. Make sure the pharmacist tells you about any possible adverse effects from OTC medications. As you can see, it's important to get the right vitamins and minerals every day. Nutrition deserves full attention for both adults and children. Remember the simple tips above and use them to ensure everyone in your home is getting the vitamins and nutrients they need to be strong and healthy.
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