milkmateartist · 6 months
You are causing me to be curious about Diabolic Lover. Have heard the title before, of course, it is rather well known, but never really heard any details about it, ngl.
What do you find interesting about it, if I can ask?
The art for the game is top tier, the voice acting is mmm yes, the characters are interesting, I like the dark romance themes, and most importantly: I like attractive vampires (ノ☉ヮ⚆)ノ
That is mostly what got me into it at first. Then down the line you find each character got some unboxing to do and ur like oh god what's gonna happen next
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Hey, Tweek... a certain someone (lol) is making a dakimakura/body pillow of your bf and once it's done, a lot of people would have their very own 'Craig Body Pillow' to use for god knows what. How do you feel about this? And Craig, what if a Tweek one was made?
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Craig: You mean this? Tweek: GAaHh! WHerE diD YOu GET ThAT?!Craig: i have resources
Tweek:  (maximum embarrassment) I hOpe peOPle don’t do anytHing wEird with it…nnGhh…
Craig: I have the real thing so I don’t need a body pillow of tweek. But if a tweek one is made I just hope people don’t do weird stuff with it. Tweek: GAHH!!!
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milkmateartist · 6 months
Hello! Welcome back. I just wanna say I'm surprised and happy to see your art on my dashboard again. :)
Aw, thank you! I have stuff scheduled to post over the next week all from a year ago till now!
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milkmateartist · 4 months
Hi , Do you take drawing requests ?
I do not, but I do commissions!
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milkmateartist · 5 months
Are you still into South Park? It's fine if not, I'm just curious
Not really no. That ship has sailed (down a Creek, haha XD). I might watch it sometimes when I'm bored tho.
These days I mostly just watch Japan vlogs, sometimes roleplay, be introverted, and do commissions. I don't watch much new shows unless it's stuff like old SpongeBob. Though I guess I have finally watched Bojack horseman and its way too real sometimes but it's so good
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milkmateartist · 7 years
Is your hair floofy? If so.. *places stripe in your (tweeks) hair*
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Make’s the best home for Stripe
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milkmateartist · 7 years
Headcanons and art for sp drunk stan? 0.o
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My headcanon for drunk stan is he is a happy drunk who openly admits his tsundere feelings for Kyle (ehehehe) X3.
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Hey guys for did you known that there's a body pillow of both of you together?, and Craig would you buy a body pillow of Red Racer?
Tweek: wAit wHAt!
Craig: …. I imagine that would happen eventually…
Tweek: ahHHH
Craig: it’s okay tweek. I don’t like red racer like that. however if there was an anthropomorphized version of red racer’s car in sexy man form i might purchase it.
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What happens if you were to meet your gender bend versions of yourselves from an alternate universe?
Craig: I’d flip her off, if she flips me off back I’d consider being friends. I’d also hug the female tweek just to annoy the female me. but most importantly I’d pet their version of stripe.
Tweek: I’d coMPare cofFEe tiPs. I’d alSo see if sHE’d let Me borROw any of hER dresSes if she hAd any.
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I just found out that people in Peru eat guinea pigs and now I’m sad. Craig, help the guinea pigs please
Craig: tweek, we’re going to peru
Tweek: we cAn’t afFOrd tHat!
Craig: it’s my destiny honey
Tweek: lOok let’s juSt set up a chARity, we cAn’t go to pEru
Craig: fine, but we’re saving them all
Tweek: dON’t woRry, we wiLL
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Hey Craig, hi tweek! How was it meeting each others parents? Was it scary? Btw I love you guys!
Tweek: I loVe CRaig’s faMily. thEY’re all so niCe and unDErstandiNg. yes tHey fLip eaCh oTHer off bUt thEy do loVe each otHEr.
Craig: that’s sweet honey….. I hate your family…
Tweek: I underSTand and reSpect your dECision. I haTe thEm too.
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(New kid): .... (New kid): ... ... ... ... *waves*
Craig: good talk.
Tweek: (waves) HEy buTTlord!
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Craig I want to date your friend Kyle, he’s a cutie ;) also YoU tWo ArE sO CuTeeee! I aspire to have a relationship as good as yours.
Craig: first of all why do you want to date him? second he’s not my friend, he’s an asshole.
Tweek: cRaig, kyLe is betTEr then carTman at leaSt.
Craig: he’s in stans gang, I despise them all
Tweek: anYAay…. It’s swEet of yOu to say but we’re nOt that cUTe.
Craig: you’re pretty cute tweek.
Tweek: CRAig yoU’re embarRAssing me aGain.
Craig: I can’t help it. It’s true.
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milkmateartist · 7 years
ok but theres a dream you can make true: Bishie Mr. Mackey
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Be careful what you wish for dood. ;)
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Tweek, if you had a choice of actually getting pregnant with you and Craig's child, would you do it? I mean you'd be able to see what a combination of you and Craig's dna would look like.
Tweek: AHHHHH THe thoUGht of thAt is coNFusing me. I mEan how wouLd thAt evEn woRk! ANd gOd thAt would huRt.
Craig: take it easy honey. your okay. it were possible I’d carry the child for us.
Tweek: yOu’d do thAt!?!?
Craig: well yeah, if you really wanted to have a kid, but are too worried I’d do that for us.
Tweek: yOur the bESt boyFRiend ever!
Craig: no you are honey!!
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Have any of your friends or your parents ever caught you two making out or worse?
Tweek: my pArents caught us makINg oUt oNce but thEy tried to take piCTUres to hElp with busiNEss. CraiG was not haPpy.
Craig: this is why I always lock the door at my house. tricia tried to catch us with a video camera but she bounced off the door. she had it coming for that one
Tweek: oTHer than thAT, clYde walKed in once wheN we were at schOOl. he sAid soMEthing about wANTing an in on the aCtion…. me and crAIg botH kicKed him, I felt bAD but crAig didn’t cAre
Craig: his fault for saying a comment like that :P
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