nine-passion · 1 year
...I had a Dream I was in love with you
...I had a Dream I was in love with you & damn what a feeling it was.. Feels right & much safer as a Dream.. For I'm blinded for things I really want In the real world for all we do is Dream for wants I so think I know I want you in the Real world Doubts of telling myself it could never happen in the real world Is the root of me rubbing my chin shrugging of my shoulders holding of my tongue The thinks about the think abouts That maybe shouldn't be said too loud So I keep it quiet and just dream And this one had me feeling something I never felt before.. When I layed eyes on you And we touched like we done it before Or should of been done before I felt so in love with you For a Dream should I look at you the same way again in the real world?.. Don't answer that just yet.. I'm still Dreaming..
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nine-passion · 1 year
For a Few
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Dreams of open space and palm trees And open minds of you're Beautiful Some days I wanna put on a show for you We can choose who is watching I think.. Next Week I wanna be alone for a few What's better feeling deserted or undeserving? I'll put my emotions on the ground for you And might light one in the sky for you Bow down in prayers for a few Is this Art worth feeling Vulnerable? I just might say I love you for a few When my mind isn't made up the World seems to choose for you But what do they know? I don't even know I may give my time for a few I hope you truly get to know me What's better feeling misunderstood or disownment? I'll put my emotions in the sky for you I just might start a fire for you Bow down in prayers for a few I Really hope this Art is worth feeling Vulnerable..
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nine-passion · 2 years
In the middle of humble and calming my ego Talks to myself for yall display I swear these Art forms No one can ever Replicate Creating Worlds in these illusions Fighting to feel comfortable in not being the same If only you could see what I'm becoming Release just enough to feel my Different Still watching what I put into the Universe Until I garner enough Power
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nine-passion · 3 years
To Nia One 22/22 High off Speed Feels so soon But I may just Love you More than likely Promise me you won't disappear too soon If I do tell you I might just be In Lust or just interest In guiding you in a adventure I mean something about this feels So special Or I just wanna treat you special High off Speed I want you to believe The chemistry does feel Special So special that you don't need me to Believe To achieve a feeling when I'm not here But of course I wanna always be here But I can't But in your mind you could always find me If you don't let these worlds create a maze To alter your memories I hope you never forget me And forgive me I feel High Off Speed Hard to focus on you But I always make time for you Its sometimes hard to be me to you It shouldn't be this way Part of me saw it coming Its human to believe our wants first Are we really human ? I wanna belong in your same world If possible Files may be corrupted But there's is ways to fix And the skies are the limit W.A.Y.S More to make us not feel afraid I been through so many phases That seem to end up the same Everyone seems to think to know what we must do Dont let them make us go astray Please don't disappear too soon Promise me
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nine-passion · 3 years
I wish we had more time More time to understand With more than just a glance Hard to Trust Freely Without an Hint of Anxiety Put in a World To Put Your Bills First Before your Soul Desires If only we was given more Time
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nine-passion · 3 years
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nine-passion · 3 years
Angry Flowers
Made a tune the other day
It felt like Angry Flowers
I don't know why
Felt of another world
Started to wonder what is even an Angry Flower
Is it when the bees come take the nectar from them
Wonder if the bees even say Hi how are you doing first
I Could Relate..
Angry Flowers can we really be?
If we are meant to allow our sweet kindness to be taken and spreaded
Some are meant to be Flowers and some could just be Bees
I Wish I could be more like a Bee
I Just Need More Light
I Just Need More Time
And when their Petals doesn't seem the Prettiest
And all the nectar seems to be gone
When they rather just be alone
Or Just Bee for a moment
Will you be available or can tell?
What even an Angry Flower is..
I Just Need More Light
I Just Need More Time
I Just Need More Light
I Just Need More Time
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nine-passion · 3 years
To Nia. 4/24/21
Whats Up..
First I wanna apologize for not writing to you in so long. Time has really flown but you definitely been on my mind every second of the day. I definitely meant to put some time aside earlier this year especially after taking some months off from doing New Slaves shifts. I definitely haven't been trying to ignore you or not acknowledge you I'm really doing all this for you anyways. I hope you're doing ok and still waiting for me. I feel even more now we are destined to be but I still feel anxious throughout the nights and mornings I haven't been sleeping well at all. Think I'm doing better in becoming an Earthling though trying to play America's game better. Speaking of game can you believe I actually committed to being more of an Introvert for over an year now? Enjoying the escapes of video games anime and Twitch Streams. Actually helped inspire more of my Creates and even became cool with some Dope people over the internet. Although for some reason my ability to connect easily still makes me feel alot more lonely for some reason. Or I haven't had a Pleasurable loneliness yet I been wanting for a while and a true appreciation of my value. Hopefully this Summer I get it and of course alot more time with you you're really all I need really..Also going to London end of the August should be Dope it's crazy though how everything has come together though. I hope by the time I go out there I'm alot happier and maybe I could even afford an extra round trip for you to come too. We could actually stay out there if we like under the Sunlight out there compared to America sounds way more appealing anyways. Well I'll write you soon before I head out there.
Love You
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nine-passion · 4 years
Jot Notes Like a Young Basquiat and Pac
I Been Hiding Angry More Than Any Other Feeling
Yearly Wishing Things Be Different
Grow Free With The Gifts Given
The More I Know The More I Feel In a Prison
Maybe It's Better Off That Way
To Accept The Highers Of Our Regions
Truly Don't Care About Us
As the Numbers Go Up
Artifical Or Not
You See Who Really Cares About You
Have You Heard From Someone In Seasons?
No Point For Fighting For Them For a New Year
Need To let it go like Forty-five
Feelings Thought Wanted Forever All My Life
Became Riots in My Soul
That Only Art Can Control
With Alot Things Broken
It Keeps Me Whole
Just Hoping
Praying Forever becomes a Smoother Ride
Happy 🐐 Day
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nine-passion · 4 years
Saturday Morning Cartoons
Simpler Times
When Rhymes Hit Different
Getting Up For 9am
Wasn't as Hard
A Few Stations
Of Adventures
Before DVR
Had To Choose
What Your Eyes Will Show
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nine-passion · 4 years
L.E.S Story Part 3 Finale
Recklessly playing this game Like there Is Unlimited Tokens For Such a Prize I Just Met You But I'm willing to Drop Everything To Experience More Of You Me : Nia.. (She walks past me ignoring my call of her name ) Rey : Hmm I Guess It's Too much excitement for her. Me : Shut-up ( I Mutter ) Thanks for ruining something else for me before It even began. Rey : Ummm I recall you kissing me. Or should we ask her? 
( She Smiles with Sarcasm)
Me : You Know what you're a real.... Rey : A what? ( She Interrupts) You need to take accountability for your actions. I know I'm fine irresistible and everything (she chuckles ) but I didn't force you..this time.. Me : Whatever Rey I'm Outta Here 
( I start to head towards the exit turning my back towards Rey) Rey : I'll Hit You Love. Cause I know you can't block my number. You'll get over it soon. We'll hang. ( She Smiles and Returns to dance with the crowd) I Exit to look for Nia to see if I could catch her. She was standing near the curb on her phone seemed to be looking for an Uber. I approached her not knowing how she would respond to me.  About Eight steps away not knowing what to say. How can one prep so quickly for something that happened moments ago with one decisive word could be a difference from a distant Memory to something that could last forever. Me : Whats Up Nia 
L.E.S Story Part 3 Finale Part II Preview
Everything I Ever Wanted Everything I Ever Needed Maybe it's just feelings in the moment How Can I Tell You If I think less of this moment And let it be Greater Give us more time I think we could be Greater
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nine-passion · 4 years
L.E.S Story
Part 2
Who would of thought
Taking a chance to ask your name
Would put us here together
Having an moment
Sipping on spirits
Feeling your Vibe
It’s Happening so fast
Don’t know if I’m prepared
But im open for whatever
Let’s see where the Night leads Us
Nia: So What’s your type?
We been at the Bar closest to entrance to Pianos for almost an hour. It started to get close to the Prime hours of club nights. Smooth Party songs blasting people dancing trying to make their way to the dance floors at the back of the venue and upstairs. She was on her third glass of white wine and I was on my third long island ice tea. It started hitting me nicely cause I didn’t fully registered what she asked me at first.
I replied “ What You Mean”?
Nia: Like looks wise what’s your type?
Me: Umm Nice eyes Nice hair Nice lips
I love girls with flat stomachs fo'sure.
She looks at me smirking sipping her wine
Nia : Well Honey I’m all that and more is that why you stopped me?
Me: ( I laugh ) Cocky much?.. Nah you’re pretty but it’s something about your eyes
I saw adventure in them.
Nia : Extra!!! Extra!!! Read all about it (she yells jokely)
Me : ( I laugh ) I’m serious though
Nia : Ok sure let’s see if you could handle this adventure upstairs let’s go dance.
She graces off the barstool with her back towards me to go up to the upper dance floor but not before reaching her hand out for me to take it and follow.
I don’t know if it was the liquor but in that moment her touch her leading me I felt safe I trusted her I felt special like an weird type of high. Like I would follow her anywhere..Maybe she spiked my drink cause she got me buggin.
Nia : Come on!!! ( She Yells at me )
It was pretty crowded and Travis Scott “Antidote” was blasting. We nodded our heads ferociously as we joined the crowd to turn up yelling “Don’t you open up that window!!! Don’t you let out that antidote!!!”
It was hard to stay close to her in the crowd we got separated at one point so i went to take a break by the wall while the DJ transitioned to Kanye’s “Father Stretch My Hand”.
Me : I just wanna feel liberated!!! (singing to myself)
A random familiar face pretty girl approaches me.
Random Pretty Girl: Hey Love..
(She says to me confidently with an hint of soft seduction with an caress to my face)
I looked at her not knowing whether I was too drunk or confused.
Random Pretty Girl: Don’t you act like you don’t know me.
I look a little harder.
Me : Oh Shit!! Rey?
Random Pretty Girl: Yeah N**** you don’t recognized someone you was in Love with?
Me : Stopppppp it
Rey: (She Laughs) Ohhh who got you acting Brand New? Who you F*****?
( She grabs my face and pinches my cheek)
Me: ( I push her hand away) Girl no one move. What are you doing here?
Rey: What You mean what I’m doing here?
You know I’m about this Party Life.
The DJ starts playing Bryson Tiller’s “Exchange”
Me: Unfortunately I found that out the hard way
Rey: Stop trying to play me. So you here by yourself?
As she asks that I manage to spot Nia in the crowd dancing. I guess peeping her beauty stand out put an glow in my eyes that made Rey noticed. She turned around to see who I was looking at and smirked.
Rey: So that’s who messing with? I don’t know why you bother hope you don’t want nothing serious.
Me: Nah we just hanging ( I replied)
Rey : Yeah ok so ditch her and come with me if that’s the case.
Me: Girl Nooo F*** You
Rey:  Exactly. That’s what I want and I bet that’s what she wants just some New D Money and some New excitement.
Me: You don’t know her Shut up
Rey: I bet you barely do either.
The DJ plays “Needed Me” by Rihanna
Rey: So stop with all these games leave that chick alone at least I’m honest with it, do you wanna waste your time with her and get hurt?
( She comes in close and grabs my belt buckle)
Rey: Or come with me and getting the pleasure of knowing what it is already?
I just stood there with her hands still on me with no deny or acception of the offer. I glanced away to see if I could spot Nia again . She was in the middle of the dance floor slow wining it seemed in slow motion like Chilli in Usher “You Remind Me” video looking at me. I watched as Rey continued to try to get my attention and a dude comes behind Nia and starts to grind on her. I guess Rey saw a expression that showed a sign of discomfort and not just from her trying to seduce me.
Rey : (Whispers In my ear) See she’s not here for you everybody is for everybody (She tries to discreetly kiss my neck)
Nia still dancing continued to looked right at me while the guy hands start to rub her waist affectionately.
I don’t know if it was jealously the liquor or if Rey's scent & neck kisses began to overwhelm me. I just knew I was angry at Nia and what Rey put me through before and now. I needed to release it..
Me : Rey..
I lift her chin and brought her lips to meet mines. Kissed her for a good Whole Note but I didn’t feel anything. I felt more by Nia’s touch earlier that’s when I knew i made a mistake as I open my eyes to see Nia walking towards me and Rey…
L.E.S Story Part 3 Finale Preview
I’m becoming what I looked down upon
Or maybe what I always been
She and You made me realized
I’m just of a fool
I just wanna know where Lover Lies
So I could just stay away
If I Must
And go there with you
Please reach out your hand again
We don’t need to make any scenes
As long as this isn’t our Ending Credits
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nine-passion · 4 years
To Nia 11/3/20
Feel like only my second time writing to you all year if i'm not mistaken. It's been quite a year but trust me you been on my mind every single day. I was just thinking earlier how I didn't get to enjoy a real Summer with you. Grateful to be healthy and everything but missed out on cool stuff like family cruises and concerts. Would of been my first time seeing our favorites Janet and Tinashe also if wasnt for the shutdowns. The Internet actually has been a safe haven of more entertainment for someone that loves being out and off my phone. From Verzuz battles, Mastery Series, Random Instagram Live Concerts Mostly Tinashes, Chloe X Halle Thursday Tea Time, Rnb Money Podcast actually was digging the NBA Bubble Vlogs until The Sixers got knocked out the playoffs & wasn't feeling them Fakers. Inspire in Peace Kobe Though. Recently Now I been Vibing in Elite Twitch Streams watching Code Lyoko and playing bumb ass 2k with the fam. basically had alot of cool distractions throughout the year introvertly from how much bad is going on. Alot of Cool distractions but as every November I lowkey get emotional and think more about you and how I wish I had more time for you. Heading into 2021 soon in my 28th year and still battling to have you always near. Later today is Election Day I already voted Friday I feel 45 won't get reelected but the energy of the world of country I should say during this time I will never forget. It's disappointing and scary but this year I feel I could see where people hearts truly lie. Part of me just want to be an loner and just go hard for you alone. But an Dope trip to Syracuse for a week with other Dope minds gave me so much confidence and more belief. I truly know now im capable of alot more its just so much going on and a fight to strive for more in comfort in this world. I don't wanna continue to sound down just felt needed to check in as I should of been doing. I'll write you again before the New Year and I will have more Good News To Tell You. Actually ill give you all Good News Next Time I write you. Talk to you later
Love Me
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nine-passion · 4 years
Poem Of The Month
A Couple Golden Rings? My Love For You Must Be Insane Been Searching For A While Burned By So Many New Flames I Can't Complain But All These Options Got Me Wondering If I Love You Just For The Excitements Thinking We Should Just Stop it Jump Ship We Shouldn't The Ride Just Started and It Feels Like A Dream Cruise Baby Be Nice To Love You I Don't Know If I Wanna Cuff You Is It Ok If Touch and Say Some Things Come Here Close Love For You To Sang My Name
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nine-passion · 4 years
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You know that I've, I heard it all before
You're hesitant, wish you could give me more
I know you like to play those silly games
When you're done, call my name
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nine-passion · 4 years
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Tell Me What's Regular
Can't Be Considered Normal
I Know
Things Will Get Better
Aching me to stand for nothing
When want to stand for something
Tell me what's considered regular
Working Hours On Your Feet
My Heart Beats To Stand For Something
For More than just minuimm wage
Whats the point I can't even afford to stay sane
Taxing Our Dollar
Like We ain't Oppressed enough
We Work Hard Enough America!!
To At Least Protect Us
( Protect Us Protect Us)
( We are Not Target Practice)
Tell Me What's Regular
Can't Be Considered Normal
I Know
Things Will Get Better
And they have the nerve to be mad when we dont
Wanna ball in a bubble
When our people are falling victims to crooked police
Want Our Rich To Forget The Struggle
To forget where they came from
If they have the voice
They could speak for us if they want
Things Will Get Better Yeah
Gotta Be Positive
Things Will Get Better
Gotta Be Positive
Gotta Get
Things Will Get Better
Tell Me What's Regular
Can't Be Considered Normal
I Know
Things Will Get Better
Things Will Get Better
A Moment Of Silence
They love to see the Art of our pain
Fatal gunshots & chokeouts on the unarmed & innocent
A disrespect to our humanity
Are we not loved the same?
We bleed the same color
We ache the same pain when we lose lost ones
No matter the color of our skin
So why are we considered so expendable?
They worked up over the phrase
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
Like its a Competition or something
7 Shots 8 mins and 46 seconds of pain
7 Shots 8 mins and 46 seconds of pain
Centuries of hate on us
Someone's son Someone's daughter someone's father someone's mother
Someone's brother someone's sister
Someone's uncle someone's aunt
Someones cousin someone's lover
Someone make it stop
Someone make it stoppp
7 shots 8 mins and 46 seconds of pain
7 shots 8 mins and 46 seconds of pain
Centuries of hate on us
We just wanna live freely now
And further on
In peace please
Things will get better
Things will get better
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nine-passion · 4 years
(1/2) 2019
Can't Remember
Both Drunk Off Spirits
Did One Of Us Say I Missed You
Everything Moves So Fast In The Moment
Unclear Remembrance of Everything Said
Replaying Your Touch
In My Mind
Few Days After
It Still Feels So Fresh
I Figured I'm Fine With What It Is
And What Was
But Can't Help But Think
If We Was To Let Go More
What We Could Become
You're Savoring For My Attention
Even with a Beau Present
I'm Playing It Pretty Cool
We Never Had a Label
But What We Had Was Something Beautiful
Half Of Me Wants To See If We Could Be Become More Beautiful
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