darero-art · 4 months
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Happy birthday to @veralevina15 !!!
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veralevina15 · 1 year
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Frame 1. Radovid (a storyteller) : "Milena is the eldest of my two sisters. While Dalimira was fascinated by religion, Milka, resolute and stubborn, dreamed of becoming the first ruling queen in the history of Redania. But according to the old custom, the princes always inherit the throne before their sisters".
Frame 2. Milena: "After so many years - and a boy! Father is beaming! He did not want to see me on the throne ..."
Dalimira: "Milena, it's not like that! And don't transfer your resentment to our newborn brother!"
Radovid (a storyteller) : Milka and I were very friendly with each other, we often played together! I was the mighty King Radovid, and she was my adviser, the sorceress Millegarda. Her magic power woke up late in full force. When Milena could no longer control it, Philippa insisted on studying at Aretuza. How I wept when my sister had to leave!"
Frame 3. Radovid (a storyteller) : "There was no news about my sister for almost 15 years. And even after destroying Aretuza, I still did not find out where Millegarda had gone. Yes, Milena is a sorceress, but first of all she is my sister. And I will definitely find her..."
Кадр 1. Радовид (рассказчик): "Милена — старшая из двух моих сестёр. Пока Далимира была увлечена религией, решительная и упрямая Милька мечтала стать первой в истории Редании правящей королевой . Но по старинному обычаю королевичи всегда наследуют трон прежде своих сестёр".
Кадр 2. Милена : "Спустя столько лет - и мальчик! Отец прям сияет! Как же он не хотел видеть меня на троне…"
Далимира : "Милена, это не так! И не переноси свою обиду на нашего новорождённого брата!"
Радовид (рассказчик) : "Мы с Милькой были очень дружны, часто играли вместе! Я был могучим королём Радовидом, а она - моей советницей, чародейкой Миллегардой. Её Дар поздно пробудился в полную силу. Когда Милена больше не могла его контролировать, Филиппа настояла на учёбе в Аретузе. Как же я рыдал, когда сестре пришлось уехать!"
Кадр 3. Радовид (рассказчик): "О сестре не было вестей почти 15 лет. И даже разрушив Аретузу, я так и не узнал, куда делась Миллегарда. Пускай Милена и чародейка, но в первую очередь она моя сестра. И я обязательно отыщу её..."
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lamburrito · 2 years
So when I researched something for a different fic, I discovered that Radovid apparently has two older sisters.
(From the Wiki: "He grew up with two older sisters: Dalimira, informally known as Dalka, and Milena, who was known as Milka in a similar fashion. Dalka eventually dedicated her life to the priesthood after her failed engagement with King Foltest of Temeria, who instead chose to marry his own sister Adda, while Milka attended Aretuza to become a sorceress Millegarda.")
So obviously I had many questions. How old was he when they left? Does he know his sister is a sorceress? Do his sisters know about the abuse from Phillipa? Did they try to contract him or the other way around?
Slowly I came up with a canon divergence fic idea for Witcher 3 where after the quest to find Phillipa Geralt gets another job from him about finding his sister (s) (most likely in a "You failed to find Phillipa, but I give you another chance" way)
And basically this fic is supposed to explore all of these questions and also dealing with things like, what do his sisters think about him and why they think he is acting that way? (In Gwent it's stated he was a kind and joyful child until Phillipa took over tutoring him. So the little brother they know would be a stark contrast to how he is now) How could a reunion influence not only Radovid himself but also Geralt's opinion on him and later events of the game (especially the assassination plot)
But yeah, the fic is still mostly in the planning stage.
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veralevina15 · 5 months
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Adda, Milena and Dalimira are thinking about how to help Radovid overcome his feelings of hatred and encourage him to stop the Witch Hunt.
Адда, Милена и Далимира думают над тем, как помочь Радовиду преодолеть чувство ненависти и побудить его остановить Охоту на ведьм.
(это иллюстрация к новой, восьмой главе моего фанфика «Реданский песенник» под названием «Печаль и тихий звук неунывающих речей»)
Links: Фикбук
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veralevina15 · 6 months
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Summary of art 2023!
Thanks for all of you and your support! Happy new year !!! 🎄⭐️
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veralevina15 · 7 months
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It was one of my first art of Milena (Millegarda) and Dalimira, Radovid's older sisters.
Milka's decoration with Redanian eagles in braid is called nakosnik (Russian word "kosa" - braid, "nakosnik" - "on the braid").
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Dalka is wearing a royal dress (before she became a priestess of the Eternal Flame).
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veralevina15 · 7 months
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Hello! I have 1 slot for commissions in digital: a portrait of The Witcher character up to his shoulders (as in the examples).
Feel free to DM me if you're interested or have any questions :)
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veralevina15 · 1 year
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Let’s look at the “Art vs artist”
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