#hedwig of malleore
veralevina15 · 8 months
Summary of the Witchertober 2023
Day 1, Politics
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2. Day 4, Return of the queen
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3. Day 17, Ofir
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4. Day 28, Witchcraft
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5. Day 30, Novigrad gangs
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marinamd29 · 2 years
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- "I wanted to avenge your betrayal, Roche..."
- "Why did you change your mind?"
- "I don't want to leave your child without a father."
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stromuprisahat · 11 months
Huge fan of what thed do with Radanian royal house:
Radovid- name stolen for an OC gay uncle for diversity points
Hedwig- murdered, although she’s supposed to outlive her husband, probably to show who truly runs the country (Which wouldn’t be obvious without a lovely little murder.)
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bloededhoine · 4 years
world building cause twn doesn't pt. 1: the northern realms
okay i'm making this because 1 witcher netflix is the most convoluted and confusing thing i've ever seen and does literally no world building and 2 special interest make autism brain go brr.
basic info
this is gonna be a multi part series about the witcher universe but this is all about the northern realms!
ciri's timeline in twn encompasses the entirety of the first northern war, beginning with the attack on cintra and ending with the battle at sodden
this is just covering the human portions of the north. i'll talk about vergen, brokilon, and dol blathanna later
colour code cause i fucking love colour codes - already happened/introduced, probably s2, important background info, stuff that might be in the prequel, extras
so the entire witcher takes place on the continent
it's divided into multiple kingdoms, vassal states, and territories
now borders change a lot but this is the general idea before the first northern war (started 1263 with the invasion of cintra but we'll get more into that later)
also important to note that the show ends in 1264 with geralt meeting ciri in sodden
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i'm sorry, i don't have quite enough spoons for an image discription for that map, but if someone wants to take over i'll link it here!
maps not mine, reddit link here
the continent is mainly divided between south and north, with nilfgaard and its dependencies and vassal states (including toussaint, mettina, vicovaro, nazair) in the south and the northern realms (redania, temeria, kaedwen, aedirn, lyria and rivia, cidaris, kovir and poviss, and creyden) in the north
this is where yennefer is from! more specifically, it's capital vengerberg. as of twn, its king is virfuril. he's briefly name dropped in blood of elves and assassins of kings, you might remember him dancing with yennefer in the ball.
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[I.D: picture of white man with a light brown beard and moustache. he is wearing a gold shirt and a gold crown. he is smiling slightly and has blue eyes. end I.D.]
that's him right there. for some extra trivia he's the 15th king of aedirn, his son is demavend III and his grandson is stennis
aedirn is mainly manufacturing. in the north (upper aedirn), dwarves control the continent's best mines. the south produces more finished goods like textiles, weapons, and dyes
for some notable aedirnians we have yennefer, saskia/saesenthessis (borch three jackdaws/villentretenmirth's daughter), letho, aplegatt, and seltkirk
aedirnian cities include vengerberg, gulet, and hagge
next up - redania!
as of the first northern war, redania's king was vizimir II. i don't think we saw him in twn, but i could be wrong. redania is known for having the best intelligence network on the continent, along with control of the best farmland
redania is a super important kingdom, and we've already met quite a few important redanians and will probably meet a lot more.
dandelion/jaskier, chireadan, shani, philippa eilhart, sigi dijkstra are all redanian
redanian cities - novigrad, oxenfurt (home of oxenfurt academy, dandelion's alma mater), tretogor (the capital), blaviken, and rinde
for temeria!
we briefly visited temeria in the episode with the striga (adda the white). as of the first northern war, the king is foltest. he lives in the capital vizima (controlled by nilfgaard in wild hunt). that's him right there
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[I.D: photo of an older, overweight white man. he is wearing gold armour and a gold crown. he has a grey beard and is scowling. end I.D]
temeria (especially foltest) is notoriously xenophobic and racist. but, it is one of the best places for sorceresses as its home to thanedd isle and aretuza.
temeria controls the mahakaman mountains, and therefore some of the most prosperous mines in the continent. these mines, along with highly developed agricultural and trade systems, make temeria mad rich
a lot of my favourites are temerian we have keira metz, vernon roche, thaler, *barf* triss merigold, codringher and fenn, jan natalis, and ves
temeria has a lot of important cities like gors velen, vizima (also spelled wyzim or wyzima), and maribor. there's also some territories/provinces like brugge, ellander, maribor, sodden, and velen
kaedwen is in the far north west, and is where the witcher fortress of kaer morhen is located. kaedwen is always feuding with aedirn over control of the pontar valley, a profitable area on the kaedweni-aedirnian border. as of the first northern war, kaedwen is ruled by king henselt, who might have been name dropped once or twice in twn i dont really remember.
kaedwen is very cold, a large portion of it is the blue, kestrel, and fiery mountains. it's also home to ban aard, which is basically the aretuza for boys and where stregobor taught istredd
the only really notable kaedwenis are sabrina glevissig (that's her in twn) and cregennan of lod
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[I.D: photo of a young white woman with blonde hair tied back. she is wearing a low cut blue dress and has a blank expression. end I.D]
some kaedweni cities are ban aard, ard carraigh, lod, and ban gleán
kaedwen, temeria, aedirn, and redania make up the four kingdoms, a group of human-majority states that nilfgaard really likes attacking. the northern wars are pretty much all nilfgaard vs the northern kingdoms, since most smaller realms are usually absorbed into either the north or south, but that doesn't mean they're not important!
twn gave us a solid introduction to cintra, which as you know was ruled by queen calanthe. her suicide after the nilfgaardian invasion was basically the first major casualty of the first northern war. cintra then became a nilfgaardian dependency, ruled by emperor emhyr var emreis
notable cintrians - princesses cirilla fiona elen rhiannon and pavetta fiona elen, angoulême, and the house of attre
cintra isn't very big, but does have the provence attre and cities like erlenwald and cintra (the capital)
ruled by king ethain, one of the many people calanthe betrothed to ciri and then was like lol nevermind. also includes the province bremervoord, which is ruled by duke agloval and supported by the harvesting and trade of pearls
notable cidarians - dorregary, valdo marx, and vilgefortz (thats him there)
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[ID: photo of a young south-asian man with black slicked back hair and a moustache. he is wearing medieval armour and i can't quite tell what his expression is. end ID]
cidarian cities include vole, roggeveen, and cidaris (the capital)
hengfors league
a group of 4 city states (caingorn, malleore, barefield, and cinfrid) that are ruled by king niedamir from the capital hengfors
notable residents include queen hedwig, boholt and the reavers, and deidre ademeyn
from what i've found all the city states have a capital of the same name
lyria and rivia
these are a little complicated, but basically lyria and rivia are the two main kingdoms of the confederation of realms in the dol angra valley. as of twn, queen meve of lyria and king reginald of rivia are married, therefore uniting the two realms
in the summer, the capital is lyria and in the winter it's rivia. lyria is also primarily agricultural while rivia is more industrial
queen meve is really the only important one here
kovir and poviss
kingdom in the far north that is responsible for the most exporting of minerals on the continent. as of the first northern war it is ruled by esterad thyssen
notable residents include stregobor, renfri, sheala de tancarville, coën, and istredd
important cities - creyden, tancarville, lan exeter, aedd gynvael, and thwyth
skellige is different from the other northern kingdoms in a few ways. one, it's not really a kingdom but a collection of 7 clans each led by a specific jarl. a clan is based on kinship, and the jarl rules them. what's confusing here is that there's also a jarl of skellige, who is in charge of the entire archipelago's armed forces. the king or queen of skellige is chosen by all of the jarls to help unify the clans against nilfgaard
skellige is also the only island kingdom. its an archipelago to the west of cintra, but is almost always allied to the north
the clans are brokvar, an craite, dimun, drummond, heymaey, tordarroch, and tuirseach, and they generally each occupy a specific island
the main islands are ard skellig (an craite and drummond), an skellig (tuirseach), faroe (dimun), hindarsfjall (heymaey), spikeroog (brokvar), and undvik (tordarroch)
some skelligers - crach an craite, eist tuirseach (that's him there), mousesack/ermion, draig bon-dhu, cerys and hjalmar an craite, and birna bran
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[ID: photo of a middle-aged white man with dark brown hair and light stubble. he is wearing a gold doublet and has some sweat on his forehead. he appears slightly drunk. end ID]
tldr: as of the first northern war, the main northern kingdoms are virfuril's aedirn, vizimir's redania, foltest's temeria, and henselt's kaedwen
thank you so much for reading this! i'm definitely gonna make more parts and will link them here when i do!
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garmonboziasworld · 3 years
So here it is, my first fanfiction ever. Centred around my OC Mari and our favourite Temerian, Vernon Roche (because I love that grumpy old man).
As to right now, there will be three parts and I have 100k words ready and I am nowhere near finished. So we will see.
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After the second northern war redanian court sorceress Mari Molinar has a fateful encounter with King Foltest's newest member of the temerian intelligence, Vernon Roche. An encounter destined to be. A story about two souls holding on to each other while the North falls apart and both lose the things they hold dearest.
(A multi-part, OC-centred Witcher fanfiction. Part 1 will take place from 1263 to 1275, so there will be spoilers for the books and games)
Chapter 1: Nice To Know You
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Pompous, colourful banners were hanging from the high ceiling of the royal hall. The redanian silver eagle on a red field, silver temerian lilies on a black field, a black unicorn on gold for Kaedwen and Aedirn’s chevron of gold and red in black. Mari’s sight left the coat of arms, watching some servants taking down the chandeliers to replace the burned down candles. In the background, the royal chamberlain was instructing the servant staff. Her thoughts were wandering off until happy laughter and screams brought her back to reality. She tilted her head only to see the royal couple’s children, Dalimira, Melina and Radovid, running past the entrance.
“Hey!” she called out after them. “No running in the hallway!” But the three had already left around the next corner.
“Don’t be so harsh on them, Mari. At least not today.” Queen Hedwig of Malleore, King Vizimir’s wife, stepped besides her. “They are just excited about the banquet tomorrow. The whole city of Tretogor is. Except one individual, I suppose.”
Mari said nothing, her lips twitched in an almost unnoticeable way.
“Seriously. Enjoy yourself for once.”
“A bunch of loud and drunk northern war heroes. I cannot imagine anything more enjoyable.”
“Do not be so ironic.”
“And I do enjoy myself quite often.”
“Then enjoy yourself once without burying your nose in some old poetry book.”
“Is that my Queen’s royal order?”
“Do I have to make it one?”
“Fine,” she sighed. “If that’s what my Queen commands.”
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Mari Molinar was sitting at the dressing table in her room, combing her long, wavy mahogany hair. She laid down the brush and contemplated herself in the mirror. Grey eyes were looking back at her. Looking at her high cheekbones, her averaged nose and lips. For a sorceress she was quite ordinary. Not one of those stunning, out-of-this-world-beautiful sorceresses who were just breathtaking. She never cared for beauty, she always wanted to stand out because of knowledge and magical skills. Being born as the only child to a married couple of millers in 1120, her magical talent manifested quickly. Despite the humble job and the money it brought to the family, her parents paid the fee for the magical academy of Aretuza so she could study there. And after her studying was finished, she was assigned to the redanian royal family in Tretogor since the king reigning at that time was displeased with the already assigned sorceress, Philippa Eilhart. And, to no one’s surprise, Philippa was not pleased about a second sorceress. She never liked her since the beginning. And the fact, that Mari became an appreciated and respected advisor and diplomat not only within the royal family but also outside of Tretogor’s walls did not improve the relationship between Philippa and her.
And now here she was. 1263. The northern war with Nilfgaard just ended after the battle of Sodden Hill, where she and 22 other mages fought alongside the northern armies, united by the king of Redania, King Vizimir II. The battle ended in a disgraceful defeat of the nilfgaardian Army. And to celebrate the end of the war, King Vizimir was holding a great banquet at Tretogor. And she had to participate. Of course she had to. If it wasn’t because of her status as royal advisor then because of her participation in the battle.
She opened a glass vial and used the stopper to apply the perfume oil on her wrists, her neck and behind her earlobes. The scent of sweet vanilla mixed with earthy patchouli reached her nostrils as she stood up from the dressing table. She walked through the room and stepped towards her bed where she laid out her dress. A long dress made out of red velvet fabric with long sleeves which became wide from the elbows and almost fell to the floor. The hems were decorated with silver braid. The belt made out of beautiful woven ribbon in red and silver, hanging down decoratively long in the front. She slipped out of her dressing gown and got dressed.
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“If you will excuse me?” With a courteous smile Mari left the conversation she was just having. She was trying to get only one minute of not having to talk to aristocrats, nobles or military leadership ranks. But those plans were suddenly interrupted by Queen Hedwig who appeared by her side.
“So? How is it going?”
“Just a lot of talking and listening.” She sensed Hedwig’s telling gaze and kept on. “I know, usually I don’t mind at all. That’s what you do at banquets like this one. But I miss the subtle political tension. Everyone is just so …”
“Happy? Relieved?”
Mari sighed. “I’m sorry, my Queen, that was an unrefracting thing to say.”
“Well …” Queen Hedwig looked at the hall’s entrance as loud cheers echoed through the hall. “There you have your political tension.”
She followed her Queen’s glance and caught sight of King Foltest, the king of Temeria, entering the room.
“Come on, go over there and talk to him.”
“Of course, sweetheart. You know his relationship with Vizimir has grown quite cold since he rejected the marriage proposal. And he adores you. Now, come on.”
She knew, her queen was right. The relations between Redania and Temeria have not been the best those last years. The rejection of Vizimir’s marriage proposal by King Foltest nearly caused a war between Temeria and Redania. But King Foltest was a mighty ruler of a powerful kingdom. It would not be wise to let such an important ally become a strong enemy. With a last approving nod from Hedwig, Mari started moving through the hall until she reached him.
“Lady Molinar!” he greeted her with spread out arms.
“Your Majesty?” Following the court etiquette, she made a low bow in front of him.
“We haven’t seen each other in a while but as I can see you are still as beautiful as you have ever been,” he said while reaching out his hand.
Straightening up again she laid her hand in his and received a kiss on the hand, although it was rather his lips touching her knuckles than a real kiss. That would have been rather inappropriate in the formal environment. “You flatter me, your Highness.”
Foltest released her hand again and gestured beside him. “May I acquaint you with Vernon Roche, my new and very promising member of the temerian intelligence.”
She looked at the man standing beside the king. A man probably around his thirties, his physique rather lean. He wore a chaperon on his head, emphasizing his chiselled features. And he met her glance with fiery brown eyes.
“It’s an honour to meet you,” he said with a slightly raspy voice, reaching out his hand just like his king did just a few moments ago. She laid her hand in Roche’s too and as he repeated Foltest’s gesture. His hands were rougher than Foltest’s but not in an unpleasant way. For not even the second the hand-kissing took she could feel his breath tickling her skin. When he let go of her hand, those piercing brown eyes looked at her again.
“New to the job and already thrown in at the deep end by your king.”
“The sooner he learns the better,” Foltest replied.
“If that’s the case then you should talk to the head of the redanian secret service, Sigismund Dijkstra. He is a valuable conversationalist in that field of work.”
“I will.” Roche nodded in agreement.
“What about you?” Foltest intervened. “I bet you could give some excellent advice, too.”
Mari looked at the king, a smile curled her lips. “I appreciate your unquestioning trust, your Majesty, but I am no expert in the matter of spying and sabotage”
“But you are when it comes to tactics and strategy of war. The victory in the battle of Sodden Hill showed that once again.”
“That was not my doing.”
“Modest as always.”
“I did not defeat the nilfgaardian troops alone, King Foltest, there where twenty-two other mages and every one of them contributed to our victory. Speaking of, I am sorry for your loss of the Lady Triss Merigold.”
“Thank you for your condolences. At least I still have Keira Metz and Fercart.”
“They are both capable and good advisors.”
“They are indeed. Yet, I’d dismiss them from their royal service immediately if you’d agree to take Merigold’s place.”
Mari couldn’t help but chuckle. “You did not want his daughter but you do want his advisor. I do not think King Vizimir would be delighted about that.”
“He still has Philippa Eilhart to advise him, doesn’t he?”
“I would rather not leave the duty of royal advice to Lady Eilhart.” The displeasure in her voice was impossible to ignore.
“You still don’t like each other.”
“Not to like someone and not to trust someone are two very distinctive matters.”
“And why do you not trust her?”
She took a deep breath and ground her teeth imperceptible. As much as she wished she could vent her fury, she pulled herself together. After all, it was the King of Temeria she was talking to. “To talk badly about Miss Eilhart in your majesty’s presence would be rude.”
"And I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”
“You didn’t, your Majesty, I shouldn’t have brought up the topic.”
“Alright, I will forgive you if you promise me a dance later.”
She smiled at him and nodded. “I promise.” From the corner of her eye she saw King Vizimir standing next to Queen Meve and her general and advisor, Reynard Odo. Vizimir beckoned her over and she looked at Foltest again. “I am sorry, your Majesty, but my king requests my presence.”
“And you don’t keep a king waiting. I have to know. So don’t keep me waiting for the dance you promised me.”
“I won’t,” she said with a faint smile. “It was a pleasure seeing you again, King Foltest.” She slightly bowed down in front of him before she turned her eyes to the man beside him. “Vernon Roche.” Politely, she tilted her head, then she walked by the two men and headed for King Vizimir.
As she walked past Roche couldn’t help but follow her with his gaze. And he wasn’t the only one doing so. Her hair falling down her back like a waterfall, her motion elegant and self‑assured. His nose still had a hint of her scent and he could still feel the soft skin of her hand in his. And on his lips. Roche didn’t even know where the thought came from but he wondered whether the rest of her skin felt so soft, too. And how the rest of it would feel on his lips.
“Impressive, isn’t she?” Foltest voice interrupted Roche’s digressive thoughts. “Nothing like the other sorceresses. Different from them she is not interested in power and influence. She has devoted her life to the Northern Realms, has sworn to serve it and to do everything in her power to its peace. She is said to be one of the most intelligent people in the North, a master in the fields of politics and diplomacy. With a woman like her by your side you could achieve anything.”
Roche swallowed. His throat was dry. He didn’t even notice until now. He desperately needed some ale to wet his whistle. ”Is that why you asked her to join the temerian court, my Majesty?”
“I saw an opportunity and I took it. I could make better use of her in Temeria than Vizimir is doing here in Redania. Not to mention his only considerable heir. Rumour has it the boy has his head in the clouds. Nowhere near being the future leader of this kingdom.”
“He’s a kid of eight years.”
“Still he will be king someday. There is nothing wrong about learning the hard and ugly ways of life at an early stage. You know that better than anyone else.”
He gritted his teeth. Foltest was right, he did know better. But in contrast to the young prince of Redania, Roche didn’t have much a choice.
“Alright, enough of that. Let’s get you to meet some people, shall we?”
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Later that evening when the moon was already shining bright, Mari stood on the terrace, taking a short break from the banquet. She could still hear the laughters, the lively conversations and the clinking mugs over a toast. Torches lightened the terrace and the bordering gardens. She leaned on the marble balustrade, watching the fountain centred in the garden in front of her eyes. When she heard someone stepping out on the terrace, she peered over her shoulder.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know this place was already occupied.”
And there he was. Vernon Roche. Pretending like he did not know. There was no chance he did not know she was here. Question was, why did he come? Was it genuinely interest or royal instruction?
“No, it’s fine. Please …” She gestured to the spot beside her and he took that offer by stepping up. As soon as he stood beside her, that beguiling sweet-woody scent reached his nostrils.
“Do you mind?” He pulled out a wooden pipe. Mari shook her head in response. “I don’t. Go ahead.” In fact, she always liked the smell of a smoked pipe. So she inhaled with relish when he lightened his pipe and dragged on it.
“So,” she started. “How are you holding up between all those high born nobles and flamboyant personalities?”
He huffed and nibbled on his pipe “I am not comfortable in situations like these. I just don’t like the way I am eyed by people like those inside.”
“You mean how they are condescending towards you because unlike them you are a simple man?”
Surprised by her words, he looked at her. “How did you…?”
“Figured that out? I’m dealing with the best of circles since decades. So I do recognise one who doesn’t.”
“So why don’t you treat me like the dog from the streets I am?”
“You think I was born as a child from a rich and respectable noble family? I wasn’t. And besides, why should I care about where you come from when the more important question is where you want to be.”
Roche let those words sink in. He never thought about it. He always lived from one day to the next, never cared about the big picture. Not until Foltest gave him this life changing opportunity. But still, he didn’t know if he ever was capable on living up to his king’s expectations. To what he saw in him. Resigning, he shook his head. “There would have been a lot more suitable people for the king of Temeria to bring along. Not me.”
Mari watched him as he slowly exhaled the smoke of his pipe. In that moment she realised that he looked older than he probably was. Probably he did see and experienced a lot of things that caused it. A troubled, maybe even torn mind. Full of self-doubt and the feeling of never being good enough. “You really don’t see why he did that, do you?”
He turned his head towards her and looked at her. “… I guess not?”
“He is testing you. To see if you can blend in, make contacts, have your eyes and ears where he needs them to be. If you have what it takes to become whatever he wants you to.”
“Then I hope I didn’t fail his trust miserably.”
“King Foltest has knowledge of human nature. He would not have picked you if he didn’t.”
“I think I understand it now. Why King Foltest speaks nothing but very highly of you.”
With a soft smile on her face she looked at him. “May I give you an advice, Vernon Roche?”
“Of course, Lady Molinar.”
“Kings come and go, as so do their morals, ideals and opinions. You better start quickly having your own.”
“You want me to start with my opinion about you?”
For a short moment, she was caught off guard. Was he … flirting? “Whatever pleases you.” Wait. Was she flirting?
And then they just stood there, side by side, looking into each other’s eyes, studying their faces. She tried to get any hint from his facial expression, but she couldn’t. She simply couldn’t read his face. No hint of any emotion. He’d really make a good spy. He carried it off well. But she really did want to know what was going on in his mind right now. What he was thinking about her while he watched her. But then, on the other hand, what could it possibly be he was thinking? Apart from the conversation they just had he hardly spoke to her. He didn’t know anything about her so how was he supposed to have any opinion on her?
She was broken in her thoughts when someone passed by in the gardens. She had a look, as so did Roche, and they spotted a couple taking a walk. They walked past the fountain, arms wrapped around each other’s waist. The man whispered something in the woman’s ear that made her giggle like being a young girl being in love for the first time again. “Oh stop it,” she laughed and playfully put her hand on the man’s chest. “Something you’re not going to say to me again for the rest of the evening …” he answered and with more giggles and laughter they wandered off again.
Somewhat embarrassed, Mari looked to the ground. How stupid of her not to consider the option him having a lover. Maybe he was already married? And had kids? He was about the right age and he was an attractive man, so why shouldn’t he. And why was she thinking about something like this anyway? Why did she even care? She hardly knew him, met him just a few hours ago. If, at all, they were supposed to work together. She was supposed to keep this strictly professional. So what has gotten into her? Realising how close she was standing to him, feeling the warmth radiating from his body, she took a step away from him. He seemed to notice since he cleared his throat.
“So, I … I got the chance to talk to Dijkstra. And to Philippa Eilhart.”
“And how did it go?”
Roche shrugged with his shoulders. “Depends on what her intention was. Since she was the one busting into my conversation I was having with Dijkstra.”
“To see how much of an ally or enemy you make.”
“Then I guess I disappointed her either way.”
Mari huffed and slightly shook her head. “Nothing to be sad about.”
Roche took a pull on his pipe. “So … why don’t you like Lady Eilhart?”
Feeling like finally having her senses back, Mari looked at him and paused before she continued speaking. “As a future spy you should work on your subtlety.”
He met her eyes and exhaled the smoke. “So now you do give me advices.”
And that was when Mari realised. “Because you were sloppy on purpose. Because you knew I’d tell you so. Getting the truth from the opposite be telling a lie yourself. You’re good, Vernon Roche, I give you that.”
“Foltest knew I couldn’t fool you.”
So it has been a test after all. Of course it had been. How could she even consider something different? She should have known better than that. Her lack of instinct disappointed her. “… Okay, what were you supposed to draw out of me?”
“Nothing special. He just wanted you not to recognise my questioning.”
“We already talked about that,” she answered. “What was on the line? What did you bet for?”
“That dance you promised him.”
“And you didn’t even make an effort. Hurtful.” Okay, now she was being sarcastic.
“Not as hurtful as when you found out I lied to you later. And a quiet, private talk away from the crowd is worth much more to me than some ballroom dance with hundred eyes watching.”
“Alright, then have your talk. You’re right, lying to me right from the beginning is not the smartest idea. But you will work for Temeria’s secret service. I will question everything you say from now on. I know the type of people working in secret service, I dealt with them enough throughout my time as advisor. Maybe I will never know if you tell the truth or not. Or what you really want.”
He looked her straight in the eyes when he answered. “I want to serve Temeria and King Foltest. He did a lot for me. I owe him my life and service. That’s it. Simple as that.”
And she recognised that this was the truth. She could see it in his eyes. And she heard it in his voice. The way he talked about King Foltest assured her that the man in front of her would do anything his King asked for. Anything. And she knew, Foltest wouldn't hesitate to ask for everything. That she was sure of. “Foltest trusts you. If you play your cards right, you could become his right hand man.”
“And how do I do that? Play my cards right?”
“You’ll find out. You are an intelligent man.” She pushed herself of the balustrade and turned away from him to go back inside.
“Wait!” She stopped when she heard his call and turned around again to look at him. “Can I … reach out to you? Or write you?”
“Why would you want that?”
“Well, I … in case I don’t know what to do.”
She looked at him and thought about her answer. After a few seconds, she nodded in response. “Of course you may.”
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morganlegaye · 4 years
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Everything changed after Thanedd.
The Brotherhood of Sorcerers had disbanded, the Council along with it. Most of the members had either betrayed them, were dead, or had disappeared – Yennefer included. Ciri was missing as well, and Triss hoped that Yennefer had disappeared in order to find her, because she could not bear all this talk about her dearest friend siding with Vilgefortz and being a traitor to the North. She knew that it wasn’t true, she knew that it wasn’t, but even Philippa seemed skeptical – although the woman knew better than to voice such an accusation out loud. She was aware that Triss would not take it well.
To make matters worse, because of what had happened, mages were largely disgraced. The violent quarrel between them had caused the confidence kings had in them to wane, and many were expelled from their courts. It had been a long time coming, as the Northern rulers were becoming concerned with the amount of political power that their mages had, and began cutting them out of important communications, choosing to use the older and much slower method of sending royal messengers to and from kingdoms instead of allowing the mages to just portal to one another. Triss had no doubt that if she had stayed in Foltest’s court she would have been cast out, as last she heard Keira and Fercart were banished from Temeria on the king’s orders.
Philippa was much luckier in that regard than most mages. King Vizimir was assassinated the night before the coup, and while Triss was fairly certain that had been her doing, she found it better not to ask. It kept Philippa safer if no one knew the truth, although with the threat of Nilfgaard on the horizon, Triss doubted anyone was planning to look into Vizimir’s death anymore than was necessary. Still, Triss kept her curiosity to herself and instead sought to enjoy the benefits that Philippa’s newfound position alloted them both. Although Vizimir’s widow Hedwig of Malleore ‘officially’ ruled the kingdom until such time that Radovid V came of age, in truth it was the Regency Council – headed by Philippa and Dijkstra – who ruled Redania, as Queen Hedwig had never had an interest in politics and was afraid Redania would come to ruin under her own inexperienced hand.
Although it was probably terribly cliche, something about Philippa having all that power just did something to Triss, and she began to teasingly call her her “King” while in the privacy of their own home, because apparently Triss just lived there now. It wasn’t something that was explicitly offered or was even properly acknowledged, but Triss never returned to her tower in Maribor and Philippa had never asked her to leave, so now they shared a life and bedroom and practically everything else, including the inability to voice the truth of how they felt about one another.
this fic is now complete
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veralevina15 · 9 months
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Day 1
Topic - Politics
For The Witcher ask
👑 Политическое событие, изменившее в Редании буквально всё - по приказу Филиппы Эйльхарт убит король Визимир, и на престоле воцаряется его юный сын Радовид, полный жажды справедливости и мести за отца и за забытую по итогам войны Реданию.
👑 The political event that changed literally everything in Redania. King Vizimir was killed by Philippa Eilhart, and Vizimir’s young son Radovid reigned on the throne, full of thirst for justice and revenge for his father and Redania, forgotten as a result of the war.
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veralevina15 · 1 year
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Frame 1. Radovid (a storyteller) : "Milena is the eldest of my two sisters. While Dalimira was fascinated by religion, Milka, resolute and stubborn, dreamed of becoming the first ruling queen in the history of Redania. But according to the old custom, the princes always inherit the throne before their sisters".
Frame 2. Milena: "After so many years - and a boy! Father is beaming! He did not want to see me on the throne ..."
Dalimira: "Milena, it's not like that! And don't transfer your resentment to our newborn brother!"
Radovid (a storyteller) : Milka and I were very friendly with each other, we often played together! I was the mighty King Radovid, and she was my adviser, the sorceress Millegarda. Her magic power woke up late in full force. When Milena could no longer control it, Philippa insisted on studying at Aretuza. How I wept when my sister had to leave!"
Frame 3. Radovid (a storyteller) : "There was no news about my sister for almost 15 years. And even after destroying Aretuza, I still did not find out where Millegarda had gone. Yes, Milena is a sorceress, but first of all she is my sister. And I will definitely find her..."
Кадр 1. Радовид (рассказчик): "Милена — старшая из двух моих сестёр. Пока Далимира была увлечена религией, решительная и упрямая Милька мечтала стать первой в истории Редании правящей королевой . Но по старинному обычаю королевичи всегда наследуют трон прежде своих сестёр".
Кадр 2. Милена : "Спустя столько лет - и мальчик! Отец прям сияет! Как же он не хотел видеть меня на троне…"
Далимира : "Милена, это не так! И не переноси свою обиду на нашего новорождённого брата!"
Радовид (рассказчик) : "Мы с Милькой были очень дружны, часто играли вместе! Я был могучим королём Радовидом, а она - моей советницей, чародейкой Миллегардой. Её Дар поздно пробудился в полную силу. Когда Милена больше не могла его контролировать, Филиппа настояла на учёбе в Аретузе. Как же я рыдал, когда сестре пришлось уехать!"
Кадр 3. Радовид (рассказчик): "О сестре не было вестей почти 15 лет. И даже разрушив Аретузу, я так и не узнал, куда делась Миллегарда. Пускай Милена и чародейка, но в первую очередь она моя сестра. И я обязательно отыщу её..."
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veralevina15 · 1 year
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I want to put more emphasis on Radovid's relationship with his parents. Despite the fact that Radovid learned a lot from Philippa and Dijkstra, who became mentors for him and played a huge part on Radovid's path to becoming "the Stern", Vizimir and Hedwig were those who truly loved Radovid.
Although "Though rumor has it father and son barely knew one another" (Radovid V the Stern - The Hard Slog to Greatness) these words should be treated as rumors, not facts, that is, having only a piece of the truth. The fact that Radovid avenges the death of his father, that when he remembers his dad, he is very worried about Vizimir's death and that his father's merits were forgotten at the end of the war, indicates that Radovid loved Vizimir. So you can love and respect your father, as a rule, when your father also loves you. I have no doubt that Vizimir loved his son. However, Vizimir, apparently, was very busy with royal affairs, which is not at all surprising, and could not devote enough time to his son. I think he, out of good intentions, instructed Philippa to educate Radovid, because he trusted her.
But Philippa's harsh lessons clearly left a lasting mark. Where did the boy look for love and support? At his mother Hedwig. I also think it was Hedwig who taught Radovid to play chess. The closeness of mother and son is especially visible during the time of the Regency Council, when Radovid and Hedwig were together insulted from the members of the council. And Radovid paid back the offenders not only for himself, but also for his mother. "A king, who – after paying back all the insults borne by himself and his mother – would pass into the history as Radovid V the Stern" (The Lady of Lake)
The Gwent says that Radovid was a gentle and friendly boy, as rambunctious as other child, before Philippa became his tutor (btw this is a clear indication that she did not become his mentor immediately after birth and Vizimir and Hedwig did not push all care of their son onto her). I believe that prince grew up as a joyful child, because he felt the love and care of his parents, especially from his mother. But unfortunately at some point almost all of his time was devoted to study, and then he inherited the throne at such an early age due to the death of his father. It is not surprising that Philippa and Dijkstra had more influence on the young king.
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veralevina15 · 1 year
Привет. Мне интересно, с какой едой у тебя ассоциируется Радовид?
Привет! От��ичный вопрос!
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"No audience! I have lunch!"
В своих фанфиках, особенно в "Реданском песеннике", я очень часто описываю какие-то вкусные блюда, да и вообще Радик у меня никогда не остаётся голодным :)
Радовид - весьма строг и сдержан и, как можно заметить по играм, необычно для короля неприхотлив в быту. Поэтому я думаю, что и в еде он предпочитает простые, но сытные блюда, без лишних выкрутасов и мудрёных изысков. Вот как на это сетует Гедвига, матушка короля, во второй главе песенника:
"Диву даюсь, как ты прост в своих предпочтениях в еде. На пиру, бывало, попросишь тебя отведать фаршированную щуку со сметаной и грибами, свиное жаркое в сливочно-чесночном соусе с шалфеем, мёдом и вишней, да даже эти прекрасные офирские пироги из инжира или персики под соусом из зира – а ты их не ешь… Зато как к столу подадут драники с сыром, жур с ветчиной, красный борщ, овсянку с малиной, вареники с картошкой – так это ты уплетаешь!"
Я выделила вареники, потому что по моему хедканону Радик просто обожает вареники ( особенно ночами )!
Словом, Радовиду нравятся незамысловатые супы и каши, а также что-то из теста с начинкой.
Что касается завтрака, то ассоциации такие: несколько ломтиков ветчины и сыра, румяный хлеб с маслом и варёное яйцо. Тоже всё весьма сдержанно, но очень вкусно.
Но ведь свирепым королям тоже нравится сладкое! А значит надо сказать про сладости. У Радика это те, которые он полюбил ещё в детстве и которые напоминают ему о беззаботных радостных минутах, в которых не было учёбы и наставлений Филиппы. Вот эти сладости: пряники-козули на Йуле, коржики, сливочные пирамидки.
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veralevina15 · 2 years
How Radovid became the Stern
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Radovid: "I became the third and most long-awaited child for my parents. Dad and mom doted on me and I did love them!
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Dad had prepared me for the throne since my childhood. He had also taught me martial skills and shared experience. He was really exacting as wanted me to become a worthy king.
I admired for my father and dreamt to take after him! I wanted him to be proud of me! 
"My son, appreciate wisdom and reason and they will guard you"
I do remember that terrible night. Servants were creepy shouting: "The king has been assassinated!". I ran toward the scream... I hoped my dad was still alive...
... However it was too late. I couldn't already do anything but only listen to my heart's dull sounds and to be horrified to find that he had left me.
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My mother was born in Malleore but she completely fell in love with Redania and the Redanians! She called the family her major treasure. Her good heart had always kept my father and me with love and care. She was really well-educated. During breaks between chess rounds (the game she taught me to play) we were talking about everything for hours sometimes!
Parents did cherish each other! That's why when father was killed my mom got sick with grief. And at that time as luck would have it, Redania sank in chaos...
She knew that her death is matter of time and therefore dreamt to see my coronation. You could observe so much pride for me in her eyes that day! So much happiness! After a short time she went to my dad... 
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I was left alone. Wasn't it possible for me not to take revenge on my parents' death!? But the more desperately I desired retribution the deeply I dived into abyss dug by my own wrath.
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And it seemed it had remained no space for love in my hardened heart. But once a Temerian Lily blossomed in the midst of this great sorrow..."
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veralevina15 · 1 year
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"A queen should be merciless toward her enemies and generous to her friends"
Rada V the Stern (Fem!Radovid V the Stern). She is the youngest of the three daughters of Vizimir II the Just and Hedwig of Malleore, the first reigning queen in the history of Redania, not as queen consort.
"Королева должна быть сурова с врагами и щедра с друзьями" Рада V Свирепая (фем!Радовид V Свирепый), младшая из трёх дочерей Визимира II Справедливого и Гедвиги Маллеорской, первая в истории Редании правящая королева, а не королева-консорт.
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garmonboziasworld · 3 years
Chapter 22: Me And The Devil
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“Is that all you are taking with you to Malleore, your Grace?”
Mari looked at the case that was standing on the floor before she looked up to the Queen Mother. Queen Hedwig shook her head.
“Yes, I don’t have much. Just a few clothes. That is all I am taking with me.”
Mari sighed heavily. “I am sorry that I could not prevent this. I tried to talk to your son but he was unwilling to listen to me.”
Hedwig again shook her head. “I know. Don’t blame yourself. He is unwilling to listen to anyone. I should have taken care of him more often in these last few years. I neglected him too much. I know that. This is probably him paying me back.”
“You are still his mother. He shouldn’t treat you like this.”
“And yet he does. Don’t be angry at him because of it. I am neither. That’s just the way he is.”
“I know. But to be honest, your Grace, it is exhausting. He is exhausting.”
“That’s the way Radovid has been his whole life, you know that.” Queen Hedwig sighed and walked over to Mari. “Just promise me one thing, will you?”
“Of course, your Grace. Whatever you want.”
“Look after him. That boy is still troubled by his father’s murder. He makes overhasty decisions. And even though he won’t listen, talk to him. He needs someone to rely on, even if he claims he doesn’t.”
“Don’t worry, your Grace. I will take care of him.”
“Alright.” Queen Hedwig turned around and took a last look at her chambers. “Well then, I think it is time to leave.”
“Do you travel by sea?”
“I do. A ship will sail from Novigrad to Hengfors.”
“I will accompany you to the carriage, your Grace.”
Both left the Queen’s quarters and took a last walk through the palace together until they reached the yard in front of the palace. Radovid was already waiting and Hedwig’s luggage was loaded onto the carriage.
“Farewell, mother,” Radovid said and his voice was as cold as his eyes were. “Have a good journey.”
Hedwig stepped in front of her son and gave him a last heartfelt embrace he didn't return. When she slowly let go of him, she looked into his expressionless face. “Farewell, my son. Do me a favour and listen to your advisor, will you?”
“Hm.” Radovid pursed his lips and looked at Mari. “Depends on what her advice will be for me. We had that discussion already.”
“We did,” Mari agreed. “Don't worry, Queen Hedwig, your son and I will get along. If not, I assume I will join you in Malleore.”
“Sorceresses end up on a burning stake more likely.”
Queen Hedwig was indignant about her son saying something so ugly so openly in front of a sorceress. Most of all in front of one who looked after him his whole life.
“Please mother, she knows I didn’t mean it like I said it. She is not Lady Eilhart. Although I’d rather want to slice her piece by piece until there is nothing left of her.”
“My Queen, I think you should hurry. You still have to travel to Novigrad and then take the ship. It will take its time.”
“You are right,” Queen Hedwig nodded. Without further farewells and emotionalities she stepped into the carriage which immediately drove away and made its way to Novigrad. Radovid and Mari were waiting inside the yard until the carriage couldn’t be seen anymore. Without turning to Mari, Radovid raised his cold voice again.
“You know I meant it like I said it.”
Without looking at him as well, she answered.
“I do, your Majesty.”
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The next months of Radovid’s reign were marked by him taking care of the treacherous Redanians, the people who humiliated him during the time of the Regency Council and various nobles and aristocrats who ruled over their lands independently from Tretogor. Radovid did not tolerate this, so he took care of it. Despite the expectation of the general public, Radovid proved himself to be a capable political actor, a cunning diplomat, manipulating events to his and Redania’s advantage. He used Redania’s well set-up net of spies, a work accomplished by Dijkstra, to get information about possible allies. With the information gathered, he decided who was a friend, and who wasn’t. He chose the allies who were fitting his purposes and he destroyed the rest. While doing so, Radovid was ruthless. He embodied the idea that a king should be ruthless to his enemies. So it was no surprise that he quickly was called ‘the Stern’. An epithet he was proud of to have it written on his tombstone one day.
Being his advisor was not easy, not at all. But she knew him since the day he was born. So she knew how to handle him and his moods. Even though it was tiring and she feared for her life more than once when she dared to talk back to him. But she needed to tell him when he was making a rash and hasty decision. She knew he didn’t want to hear it, but she told him anyway. And now he called for her again. She wasn’t surprised to feel her stomach ache when she walked to his quarters. There hadn’t been one conversation that left not at least one of them displeased. Mari took a deep breath before she knocked on his door and entered his quarters. As she did, Radovid stopped his pacing around and looked at her.
“What took you so long?”
WIth just the first sentence, she could tell that he was in a bad mood. And she was the one who had to suffer for it.
“I am sorry, your Majesty. I came as quickly as I could.”
Radovid waved off. He was not interested in her excuses. “There is something I want to talk about.”
“And what may that be, your Majesty?”
“Remember that book you gave me to read once? As preparation for my time as a king?”
“I gave you a lot of books for preparation, your Grace.”
“I am talking about the one about the redanian dynasty. You gave me your own, personal copy as a gift.”
“I remember. What about it?”
“It may be nothing but a dry enumeration of names and footnotes but somehow it has always been my favourite. I loved the story of Falka and her rebellion. How she tried everything to gain what was rightfully hers. How she didn’t let herself be stopped by anything or anyone.”
“And yet she lost the redanian throne to her father’s uncle, Vizimir I.”
“She killed the people responsible for her misery. She got her revenge.”
“Now I see why you like it.”
He chuckled and started to walk around the room again while Mari was standing still at the door, her hands clasped in front of her.
“I also liked the part about grandfather. I never met him but from what I read I think I would have liked him.”
“You mean Heribert, your Grace?”
“You served him, didn’t you?”
“I did, your Grace. And I remember vividly how hostile he was against magic users. He imposed a tax on magic and spells. It was your father who called a truce.”
“I see you got my point. I thought about imposing that tax again.”
Mari sighed quietly. So that's what he wanted to talk about. Although there would be no use of talking. She knew that already. “May I ask why, your Grace?”
“As a sign.”
“Against the mages?”
“Not only against the mages. Alchemists, druids, priests, herbalists, everyone who is handling all sorts of witchcraft.”
“I would not count herbalists into practicing witchcraft, your Grace.”
“But they do. They mix some herbs and believe that it magically heals people from their suffering.” Radovid gestured like it was nonsense. And in his mind it was. “We have doctors for that, we don't need herbalists!”
“Some people don't want to see a doctor.”
“Then I suggest those people go to Temeria or Kaedwen to be treated by some crazy plant mixer.”
“As I see you already made up your mind about that, your Majesty.”
“I did.” Radovid walked over to the open window and looked outside.
“Very well,” Mari answered and tried her best to hide her conflict with his decision. “But since you read about your grandfather's actions, I think I don't have to tell you which impact it had on Redania.”
“Mages boycotted Redania. But why should I care? Let them do so. I don't want them here in my kingdom anyway.”
“I appeal to you to not impose the tax, your Grace. Redania's relationship with mages is already vulnerable. This will only make it worse.”
“I already wrote the draft legislation. I just have to pass the law.”
“You will make yourself a target by doing so.”
“I won't end up like father, don't you worry.”
“But I do, Radovid.”
He turned around to her with raging eyes when he heard her calling him by his first name. Mari knew it was more than inappropriate to address a king with his first name without his title but that was the only way she’d get his attention and he’d listen.
“If something happens to you, Redania is left without a crown prince or princess to follow. And if that is the case then everything would start all over again as it did after your father's death. The kingdom of Redania, your kingdom, will be ripped apart by greedy aristocrats and nobles. Civil war. Or some Regency Council with regents who are nothing but hungry for power. You know exactly what I am talking about. So I will say it again, do not impose that tax.”
Radovid listened to her, thought about her words. But it was not her concerns he thought about. “At least not until I have a child of my own.”
“Your Highness, you are-”
“What happened to the engagement father worked out with King Foltest?” he interrupted her. “With his daughter. You know what her name is.”
“Yes, whatever her name is, I am not interested in that.”
“This arrangement was made between your father and the King of Temeria. It's not on the table anymore. Not after your coronation speech. Foltest was shaken by it. He is not willing anymore to marry his daughter to you.”
“Then make sure he is. Change his mind. You have good connections to him, so go ahead and talk to him.”
Mari gritted her teeth. “I'm afraid my relationship to the temerian king changed. He most probably doesn't like me as much as he did before. He won't even listen to me, that I am sure of. Especially when I will come to him with a matter regarding you, your Highness.”
“I don't care,” he hissed. “I didn't ask you about your relationship to him. Or what problems you are facing. I gave you an order. So obey. How many times do I have to tell you this?”
“Your Grace, I know Foltest when he is mad at the redanian king. Simply talking to him will not do anything.”
“Then what will?“ he asked impatiently.
“King Foltest is a practical man. Prove him that you are more than the king he witnessed at your coronation. Prove him that you are worthy of his trust and alliance. And his daughter.”
“And how am I going to do that?”
“As you know, Vizima is a trouble spot right now, the city is sealed off. There is an epidemic. King Foltest is out of town and on top of that the Scoia'tael are fighting with the Order of the Flaming Rose. Simply put, there is chaos.”
“Foltest is gone? A king shouldn't leave his capital behind in troubled times.”
“I assume he has a good reason to do so, your Grace.”
“Hm.” Radovid was silent for a while and organised his thoughts. ”I understand what you are trying to say. Vizima is in trouble and need. Maybe we should travel there and help Temeria. Get it back into order. As a sign of good will. And to show him that we will take care of the chaos he left behind.”
“Just be warned that it won't be easy. As I said, Vizima is a troubled spot.”
Radovid huffed and waved off. “I am not called ‘the Stern’ for nothing. I will take care of Vizima, don't worry. I will show Foltest how wrong he was about me.”
“Do you want me to travel with you to Vizima?”
“Of course I do. You have connections to Foltest and Adda. But I have to make some preparations first. I will let you know when we will leave.”
“Alright, your Grace. Anything else?”
“No, you are dismissed.”
She bowed slightly before she turned around again and left his quarters.
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“So he wants to marry her?”
“He realised he needs heirs.”
Mari and Dalimira were sitting in the gardens of the temple in Ellander. It was a quite warm day and the gardens were a quiet and peaceful place to talk. Mari looked into her cup of tea as she listened to the birds’ singing.
“The problem is,” she continued, “that Foltest withdrew the marriage proposal.”
“Maybe you should be happy about that?”
“What do you mean?” Mari looked up to Dalka with a questioning expression on her face.
“You’d be surprised, or shocked, if you see Adda again now. She changed since Foltest took her to Vizima with him. He spoiled her. She was allowed to do everything she wanted, she got everything she wanted. She got wild, impertinent and daring. And Foltest lets her. She is his pride and joy at the temerian court.”
“Sounds like the perfect match for your brother. So you still have contact with her?”
“From time to time, yes. As I said, she has other interests now.”
“Do I want to know?”
“It’s not that uninteresting,” Dalimira said and shrugged her shoulders. “For example, we don’t have to worry about explaining the wedding night to her.”
“What a relief.”
“Okay, maybe you won’t react so ironic to this one. Adda wants to be queen. Preferably the Queen of Temeria.”
“As much as Foltest loves his daughter, she will not become queen. The temerian nobility will not accept her. Everyone knows that.”
“Yes, even Adda. But it seems she does not care. She will try anyway.”
“Hm.” Mari took a sip of the tea. Actually it was just mint, grown in the temple’s garden, and infused with hot water. “So she wants to be queen, hm? No matter what? How does Queen of Redania sound to her?”
“As good as Queen of Temeria, I suppose.” Dalimira looked over to Mari. “Are you considering passing over King Foltest and asking Adda herself if she wants to marry Radovid?”
“I would never dare to act behind King Foltest’s back. No, I just thought that if Adda wants to become queen and she is offered to become Queen of Redania by Radovid asking for her hand and Foltest grants her every wish she speaks, then I guess we won’t face any problems. Especially not if your brother proves himself to King Foltest.”
“As much as I disagree with my brother’s actions of reign, his presence in Vizima will be the right sign. Someone needs to be there. Take care of the situation. Even if it’s the North’s most hated monarch.”
“I know that Foltest is gone. What about Adda?”
“She is still in Vizima.”
Mari frowned. “Isn’t that too dangerous for her?”
“She is always accompanied by the ever attentive Roderick de Wett. He is a Nilfgaardian and a knight of the Order of the Flaming Rose. He advises King Foltest on behalf of the Order. And he is mad about Adda. There is something between them, for sure. But Foltest will never accept him, he is a Nilfgaardian. He just tolerates him because of Adda.”
“So it’s whether a Nilfgaardian or the harsh, unrelenting redanian king. Foltest is not to be envied.”
“Neither was father when it came to his children. That’s the thing with royalty. You cannot choose with whom you want to be with.”
“One of the few privileges you don’t have as a royal,” Mari sighed. "Kings and Queens don't marry the ones they love."
“But it’s the most precious privilege, isn’t it?” Dalka asked. “To be with the one you truly love?”
“That is something I cannot evaluate.”
“I know sorceresses are not allowed these kind of feelings because their superiors expect them to only be loyal and loving to the monarch and country they serve but just imagine you could, wouldn’t that be everything you could wish for?”
“Hm.” Mari looked into her teacup again, as if she was hoping to find the answer to Dalimira’s question there. And although she was with Vernon for years now, she was not with him. Not as she wanted to. But she had given up the idea of showing the northern realms her love to him. She wanted everyone to know that she loves Vernon Roche. She hoped she could after the wedding between Radovid and Adda but as long as he was Commander of the Blue Stripes, nothing would change. Mari sighed and looked up to Dalimira, who looked at her with questioning eyes. “I guess so.”
“You won’t be an advisor to the crown forever, will you? Maybe one day you will find someone, too.”
“Maybe, but until then I serve the redanian royalty. And right now I have to take care of making the marriage of Radovid and Adda possible.”
“When do you ever think about yourself?”
When she spent time with Vernon. When she could forget the life at court just for a few hours. Just letting go for once. All it took were those dark but warm brown eyes.
"I have my moments."
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Mari laid on her side in bed and looked at the window. The moon was shining bright into the room and she could watch the rain pouring down the window. As she did so, she sighed.
"Stop it …"
The lips resting against her bare shoulder muffled those sleepy words.
"Thinking. Worrying."
Roche's arms tightened around her and he snuggled up to her closer. Mari stayed silent, nothing but the sound of the rain pouring against the window of the inn filled the room, but just a few moments later she sighed again.
"I'm sorry."
She turned around to lie face to face with him. She examined his moonlight bathed face, looked into his eyes and softly caressed his cheek with the tips of her fingers. Roche closed his eyes again, trying to fall back to sleep.
"He is going to visit Vizima. Radovid."
"Don't talk, Mari. Sleep."
"But I can’t."
She still looked at him, but he already fell asleep again. Roche was a fast and most of all heavy sleeper. So there was no use trying to talk to him. Mari turned on her back and tried to fall asleep as well. At least he didn't snore.
When Vernon slowly woke up the next morning, he saw Mari lying next to him. She was already awake or more like still awake. He turned to her and looked at her, how she was looking out the window.
"You didn’t sleep, did you?"
She turned her gaze towards him and looked at him. His hair was tousled by sleep and tossing and turning around in bed. "Told you I couldn’t."
"Alright," he yawned. "Go ahead."
"You don't want to hear it anyway."
"Not in the middle of the night."
Mari got out of bed and started to get herself dressed. "Is King Foltest still away?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Just answer my question for once, Vernon. Is Foltest still gone, yes or no?"
"Why are you so irritated?"
Mari didn't answer him. Instead, she continued to get dressed. She collected her shoes and sat down on the bed again to put them on.
"Hey. Hey …" Vernon crawled over to her and embraced her from behind. "Calm down. Okay? Take a deep breath."
She stopped tying her shoes for a moment and gave in to his embrace.
"Did I do something wrong?" he asked her and kissed her cheek.
"No, I did."
"Regarding me?"
"Not everything I do or say has something to do with you."
"Then what is it?"
"You were there, Vernon. At his coronation. You heard his speech. And how everyone reacted to it. What Foltest said to me afterwards. And I know that everybody else was thinking the same. How I could possibly raise such a king. How I failed. Disappointed his parents."
"It's not your fault he is like that."
"No? Then whose is it?"
"Maybe no one's? Maybe he is just like that? Maybe it's his nature? Don’t take it so personally."
"He has been king for just a few months now but he is already decisive and relentless. He paid back everyone who mistreated him or his mother during the time of the Regency Council. He earned the epithet of 'the Stern' already. He is ruthless towards his enemies but generous towards his friends, although he doesn't have much of those. And now he will decide what Temeria and Foltest are to him."
"Hm." Roche let go of her and laid back in bed.
"And he is doing business of whatever nature with this group or organization called Salamandra. Most likely nothing of a good nature, that's for sure."
Vernon stroked his tired face, not responding to her in any way. Mari sighed and finished getting dressed, since he was not listening to her anyway. When she turned around to him, she saw him sleeping again.
"... Did you just fall back to sleep?"
He was not responding to her, the only sound coming from him was a calm breathing.
But he really was sleeping again. At least not in one of his awkward sleeping positions. When Mari witnessed this for the first time, she was afraid he'd suffocate. She turned away and sighed. She couldn't believe he really did that, falling asleep while she poured out her heart to him. Silently, she stood up from the bed and left through a portal.
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