#miller and jackson i stan
kiku0lover · 6 months
chat imma be CANCELLED for this 🔥🙏
i’m sry but i don’t see the appeal of david or exer. they’re good characters but they’re rly not too interesting to me. obviously, exer has a good arc, but jackson kinda has the same one? like when u take off the rose-tinted glasses, u see that exer has a hatred for jackson in s.one, even if he hasn’t done anything remotely bad to him at the time. and guess what? JACKSON HAS THE SAME TYPE OF ARC IN S.TWO EXCEPT HE HAS A GENUINE REASON TO DISLIKE EXER?? i can’t stand the fact the fandom brushes over exer’s actions like they wouldn’t affect someone and paint jackson as this big bad villain who did it all for malicious reasons. however, i recognise jackson has also done some rly dicky shit in the new episode, which is y i’m neutral abt both of them.
okay time for david. there isn’t anything inherently wrong abt him, i js don’t find his character trope very interesting. i will say his battle with homosexuality and his daddy issues are endearing , but i’m js not too interested in his personality. ofc many ppl can relate to him and it’s a reason y he’s so popular, it’s js he’s kinda a boring character without those two arcs. genuinely i did not care for him in s.one., he was a nice guys, i js didn’t find him interesting then.
the BIGGEST reason y i js don’t rly like them is bc THE OTHERS R SO UNDERRATED IT PAINS ME. like where r my brenda fans? pamela? RON? LITERALLY ANYONE IN THE DETENTION GANG?? they're all super fun to watch and i think they deserve more attention. like if u add the amount of jamala fics and ronothy fic together, it only adds to A QUATER OF DEXER FICS ON AO3. LIKE BOTH RELATIONSHIPS R ACC SO SWEET AND THE DYNAMICS R AMAZING ITS SOSOSOSO PAINFUL TO SEE THEM BE OVERLOOKED. honestly 92% of the fandom is made up of david/exer stans so i’m not surprised y jackson is hated.
honestly i would js want to see him others talk abt their fav characters in jd (RON, KEN, BRENDA AND TIMOTHY 🔛🔝) but i would like to hear some reasonings on y ppl like david and/or exer!
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thatgreatthane · 9 months
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Ahhhhhhh. I need some nice, fresh, clean, delicious water.
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party-hearses · 1 year
i am a nightmare, you are a miracle // 1
i'll bury us both, fed to the night as ghosts
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series masterlist | next chapter
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader, ex!Tommy Miller x f!reader (NO USE OF Y/N)
Summary: After your two year relationship with Tommy Miller ends, Joel takes you in — and it’s home like you’ve never quite known before. 
Series Warnings/Tags: 18+ MDNI, language, infidelity, eventual smut, age difference, soft!joel, AU - no cordyceps outbreak, Sarah doesn’t exist (sorry), Tommy stans don’t come for me
Wordcount: 5.8 k
A/N: I’ll be honest — I have no idea what I’m doing. I haven’t written a fic in damn near 20 years, so I’m just kind of throwing this out into the void to see what happens. I'm playing fast and loose with years and ages; it's 2023 and there's no outbreak. Also, not a personal fan of the ‘brothers’ trope, but…here we are. 
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…I can’t wait until your next business trip…
You press the heels of your hands into your eyes as hard as you can. Who even uses email to have an affair, anymore? 
…miss your hands…
The words are hot against your eyelids, seared into your line of vision, despite the dull ache from your own hands. It had been a week, and the wound still feels gaping — all consuming, bitter pain licking at your insides what feels like every minute of the day. 
     “Dammit, peach. I’ve barely seen you in a week and a half, and this is the bullshit you start?” 
     “Oh, so it’s my fault that you’re having an affair?”
     “I didn’t say that!” 
     Tommy’s eyes wild, hands on his hips, southern drawl like syrup over each syllable. 
     “You’re always workin’. In meetings. Pourin’ yourself into spreadsheets and budgets. What  am I s’posed to do?”
     His hands in the air, desperate, shoulders hunched.
     “Still sounds a lot like you’re blaming me.”  
You can feel the tears well up, and you swallow hard to stop them. Do not cry at work. Do NOT cry at work. You breathe deep, the burning in your lungs waning, but not extinguishing. The usual busy noises of your office are absent today, save the soft purr of the air conditioning and the receptionist’s furious clicking at her keyboard. Even the phones are silent; no frantic calls from upstairs to divert your attention from the constant replay of that night. 
Finally feeling steady enough to remove your hands from your eyes, you lock your fingers together and lay your cheek on top of them. Everything feels heavy — your workload, your personal life, your head. Your gaze slowly flickers to the office window, the sunlight streaming through, the heat scorching. It seems to call out to your blood, making you feel restless, agitated, but also so fucking tired.  
Sleep had eluded you since Tommy had left, and you’d barely been able to steal moments here and there, between dinner for one on the couch and the canned laughs of late-night talk shows. How different your life had been even two weeks ago.  
“Did you bring lunch?” 
Abruptly brought back to earth, your eyes snap up to the face of your colleague, Ava. 
“Um, yeah. Just some veggie sticks and hummus. I, uh, haven’t been feeling terribly hungry.” You smile weakly, the attempt at a joke feeling like a weight around your neck. 
Ava nods in understanding, her eyes sympathetic. She had been the second person you’d called the next morning, after your older sister. Kit, five years your senior, had answered, already sounding distracted by her two young children. 
     “Well, girl, I can’t say I didn’t tell you so. Getting involved with a man seventeen years older than you…” 
While Kit had been hard and borderline disinterested, Ava had served as a warm landing for your sobbing, rushing to the empty apartment on a Saturday morning to soothe you. 
“It’s Friday. We can duck out early, grab a drink? You could use one, and Jackson isn’t back from his meeting upstairs.” Ava checks her watch, confirming. “It’s not like anyone will even miss us.” 
Ava is dependable, fun, beautiful. Her cool California attitude compliments her chic New York style, but she had called Austin home since college. She could wrap anyone around her finger with ease, and her insistence on being your friend made your heart clench. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that.” You nod solemnly, tears now pricking at your eyes from the tenderness you feel towards her. 
She meets the tenderness with a wide grin. “Knew you would, doll.” 
As you turn to gather your bag, a sudden lightning bolt of fear strikes you. 
“Av, what if he’s there? What if we see him?” 
She swallows down a laugh. “Tommy Miller? Downtown?” She leans closer to you, raising her eyebrows. “He wouldn’t be caught dead at Taquero Mucho. Not willingly, at least.” 
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Ava is right, as always. The lush pink floral interior and neon signage on the walls of the restaurant do not, and would not, mesh with Tommy Miller’s bearish sensibilities. You instantly feel more at ease, letting Ava order pink, fruity drinks for the both of you. 
One cocktail turns into two turns into three, and the warm buzz in your veins settles your mind for the time being. Ava sits across from you, happily munching on tortilla chips and chattering away. 
“I couldn’t believe Belinda said that! Like, retire already, grandma.” She grins, rolling her eyes. 
You chuckle, only half hearing the story she’s been telling. Noticing, she gently shifts in her seat, drawing closer to you. 
“Doll, I’m sorry to have been chatting your ear off. You know how I get. Let’s hear- ah, wait!” She notices your empty glass, and as if she had snapped her fingers, the server materializes. 
“Two more, please.” She nods toward the server, who rushes away to put the order in, lest they keep Ava waiting. “Okay. So… what are you going to do? We need to get you out of that apartment. And since you refuse to stay with me…” 
Your gaze drops to your hands in your lap. If you thought crying at work was bad, crying at lunch was worse. You clear your throat, eyes catching your chipped fingernail polish.  
“I don’t know, Av. He- it’s his apartment. It’s not like I don’t make enough to get something on my own, but… I don’t know. It all feels so empty.” 
Ava nods as the server places two more pink cocktails on the table. Mouthing a quick ‘thank you’ to him, she reaches for it before responding.  
“Where’s he staying? And for how long?” 
“His brother’s. Said he’ll give me as much time as I need…but I don’t want to be there anymore. I don’t feel like I can be. Maybe I should get out of Austin?” 
Ava raises an eyebrow. “I don’t think so. You can’t let him run you out of town! That’s outrageous. He’s not even worth that.” She rolls her eyes again. 
You reach for your drink, sipping it slowly, willing it to quiet the bitter fire in your blood. 
     “Peach, come on. I- I didn’t mean it. It didn’t mean anything. You’re gonna throw two years away over a one time thing? A-a mistake?” 
     “It should have never happened, Tommy! Fucking a client? And I know it wasn’t just once! What the fuck were you thinking?” 
     Tommy’s eyes soften, but he doesn’t speak. His hand goes to the back of his neck, kneading. 
     “Guess I wasn’t thinkin’.” 
Tommy had shattered you. Betrayed you. Split you open and cut your insides out. But you couldn’t bring yourself to say that he wasn’t a good man. Complicated? Yes. Hard to read? Yes. Prone to making colossal fucking mistakes? Absolutely. But you knew, deep down, that he wasn’t bad. 
You shake your head at Ava slowly, sadly. “I don’t know what I did wrong, Av. Two years. I don’t know what happened.” 
Your eyes well up, and this time you can’t stop the tears. You sniffle, wiping them away quickly, as Ava puts her hand on your forearm. 
“You didn’t do anything wrong, doll. He’s the one who fucked up. He’s the one who ruined everything.” 
“H-he said I work too much. I’m ‘not there’ enough. And…and…the worst p-part is, I don’t think he’s wrong!” It takes everything in you not to wail. You squeeze your eyes shut tightly, trying to focus on the in-out in-out of your breathing. 
Ava signals for the check, another of her magic abilities. You can feel the server’s eyes on you as he brings it, quietly clicking his tongue against his teeth. Another sad drunk girl. Tsk, tsk. It’s barely 3 o’clock. Ava hums softly, scribbling her signature on the receipt. 
“There’s not a justification in the world for what he chose to do. You worked hard for your career, busted your ass to be where you’re at. It’s no excuse for him to have a full-blown affair with a client.” She closes the receipt inside the booklet and stands. “Now let’s get you home, so you can cry it out in peace.”
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Unlocking the door of the apartment fills you with dread. The key feels unwieldy in your hand, and you consider for a split second whether it will feel daunting or freeing to give it back to Tommy. You let yourself in, the apartment hauntingly empty — just as you had left it, just as it had been for the past seven nights. 
You’ve only spoken to Tommy sparingly over the course of the week. A few short texts here and there, mostly about the logistics of the arrangement you are both now navigating. He had left for Joel’s late the night it happened, a duffel bag slung low over his shoulder, slamming the door on his way out. 
     “This it, peach?”  
…miss your hands…
 Dropping your bag next to the front door, the tears don’t stop once they start.
Ava had offered to come up, but you knew you couldn’t let her. She didn’t deserve to have to wallow with you, no matter how much she wanted to be there for you. 
 It had been a good distraction, lunch with her, but you still didn’t know what your plan was. Where you’d be going, where you’d be living. 
Hugging yourself, you shuffle into the guest bathroom to wash your face. After Tommy had left, you’d moved everything you needed out of the main bedroom and bathroom, suddenly feeling like a trespasser there. 
     Had he brought her here? Did she sleep in this bed? Did they talk about the future together? What does Joel think?
The last question to run through your mind catches you by surprise, a small gasp escaping your lips. What does Joel think? 
If Tommy was stoic and gruff, Joel was downright intimidating. You’ve only seen him smile a few times, and you can count on one hand the number of times you’ve heard him laugh. He wasn’t, however, unkind, taking to calling you by the same nickname Tommy had, albeit a bit awkwardly at first. Like he couldn’t form his mouth around the languid, round letters - p e a c h. Angular as he was, he had always made you feel welcome, in his own, quiet way, teasing Tommy about you being out of his league. The familial resemblance was strong between the brothers, with their dark waves and warm eyes. But something about Joel made your soul clench, as if he had curved his fingers around your ribs and impressed himself upon your heart. He was comfortable, in a cloudy way — never revealing himself, but not pressuring you to, either. Amicable silence, as it were. 
Thinking about Joel calling you out of Tommy’s league makes you scoff, now. 
“The rich client with the kitchen remodel isn’t too out of his league, is she?” You mumble to yourself, cold water pooling between your palms. 
     “I don’t want it to end this way, peach.”  
     “I didn’t want it to end at all, Tommy.” 
 You bring the water to your face, scrubbing away the salt of dried tears and sting of betrayal.
The sun had dipped below the horizon when you wake up later on the couch. Fumbling for your phone with one hand, you rub your eyes with the other. As you check the time, your phone alerts you to two new text messages, delivered two hours ago.
Tommy Miller: Will you be home tonight? Tommy Miller: I need to stop by to get a few things. 
Your hands tremble as you read and reread the messages. You rub your eyes again, unsure if you’re understanding the text in front of you clearly. It doesn’t change. Panic rises in your throat, searing and sour. 
A vicious cross between fury and complete despair surges through you, and you drop your phone into your lap. Tears pinch at the backs of your eyes. Forget figuring out where to live, you hadn’t even considered how you’d next face Tommy.  
     I don’t want to see you, Tommy. Do you want to talk? I’ll be out, feel free to drop by. Please come home. 
You weigh your options, constructing and dismantling multiple messages. Retrieving the phone, you pray he can’t see that abhorrent blue bubble that indicates you’re typing. That shows him you’re there. 
As if he’d read your mind, your phone vibrates, his name and picture flashing on the screen. The picture gives you pause — a day you had spent on Lake Austin, the wind whipping through his hair, a broad smile on both of your faces. You feel like you’re going to be sick. 
Focusing on your breathing, clenching your teeth, you accept the call.  
 “Hey, Tommy.” Your voice is small. So small. You feel your cheeks burn at how stupid you feel. You should be screaming at him — biting back the venom he instilled in you — but all you can manage is barely a whisper.  
He sounds relieved. “Hey, peach. Didn’t know if I’d catch ya.” 
You hum discontentedly. How can he be so cool about this?  
“Uhhh, well, I, uh, need to stop by the apartment tonight to grab some things. Would that be okay?” 
You don’t know what to say. Would it be okay?  
“It’s your apartment.” 
The response surprises you, that same venom bubbling over without your permission.
Tommy sighs. 
“I don’t want it to be like this, darlin’. Can we talk? Please?” 
“Can you make it here without sleeping with a client?” 
Tommy laughs hollowly. “Guess I deserve that. Sassy today, huh?” 
You picture him then, on Joel’s couch, fidgeting with the hem of his button down with his free hand. Pressed against the cushions, eyes to the ceiling. Gently annoyed with you for ignoring his texts. Football would be switched on in the background, and your heart thrums when you think of Joel being there, watching him. What does Joel think?   
You clear your throat, refocusing your attention. 
“Let’s get this over with, Tommy.”  
Sassy, indeed.
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It was easier to be hard over the phone, joined by nothing more than wires somewhere in space. But as Tommy stands in front of you now, elbows on the kitchen island, hands stretching towards you, all you feel is the velvety pull of attraction. The soft lull of two years spent shrouded in each other. 
His voice is low, but soft — practically a purr. 
“Baby. How do we move past this?” 
You don’t meet his gaze, wrapping your arms around yourself. Looking at anything but him, anything but those warm eyes. You know that if you do, it will be over. 
“Tommy…I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if it’s that easy. You had an affair. You didn’t forget to take the trash out, or-or-or make a shitty comment about my friends. You slept with someone! You had a relationship with her.” Your voice is measured, eyes dragging from the floor to the ceiling. Avoiding. 
“What can I do, peach? Please, just tell me. I’ll do anything.” 
 “It doesn’t change what happened.” You cross your arms over your chest, defiant now. “It won’t change what happened.” 
Exasperated, Tommy slams his hand on the counter, drawing his body to its full height. He’s broad — so broad — his shoulders squared. 
“I get it, okay? I fucked up. You’ve made it clear. Joel has made it clear. I fuckin’ get it!” He clenches his fists, bringing them up to his face. “I fuckin’ get it.” 
You drop your eyes instantly as your pulse quickens. “What do you mean, Joel made it clear?” 
Tommy sighs, deeply, not removing his hands from his face. “Joel will barely fuckin’ talk to me. Can’t get more’n two words out of him. Said he doesn’t blame you for bein’ done with me. Said I know better. And you know what? Yeah, he’s right. I do. Can’t even argue with’m.” 
You hum cooly in agreement, your pulse thrumming in your ears. There is a sudden acute awareness of the change taking place in your perception of Tommy following his words; he’s been wrenched open and put on display for you, and the need to step back from the jarring offering is nearly suffocating.  
“Okay. Okay.” Hands falling to his waist, revealing his eyes. Bloodshot, tired. Surrendering, but sharp. His voice, softer now, velvet dipped in whiskey. “I’m sorry, peach. I can’t even tell you how sorry I am. I wish I could take it all back. I…I know I really fucked up.” 
You hold his desperate gaze for a moment before lowering your eyes to the floor again. 
“Tommy… ” His name splintering across your lips. “I can’t do this. I can’t do this.” That small voice again, cracking. Shattering. Sparkling pieces scattered across the kitchen floor around your feet. Meeting his offering with outstretched, empty palms. Nothing left to give. 
He drops his head, tucking his chin to his chest, and exhales a shaky breath. “Okay, peach. I hear ya.”
You can see his eyes bright with unshed tears. This is the softness that you know, that you’ve craved. The hushed tenderness that you’d shared beneath bed sheets, woven between fingertips brushed against silk skin, delicate whispers in the dark of a once shared bedroom.  
As good as strangers, now. 
The silence settles between you, mourning both what once was and could have been.
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When the door closes with Tommy on the other side of it, it feels final. An unfamiliar liquid sense of relief floods your veins, and you breathe deeply. For the first time in a week, you feel like you can suck in enough air to actually fill your lungs. You hadn’t recognized the somber, weepy creature you’d become, and you were sure no one else had, either. Ava had treated you like you were made of glass, afraid you would shatter at any moment. And as much as you had needed that, your stomach twisted into knots at feeling so helpless. Ending things with Tommy — officially — felt like giving yourself permission to dig out the shards and stitch the wound.  
You take in the room around you - a blanket strewn across the arm of the couch, wine glasses littering the coffee table, bottles lined up on the floor in front of it. You shake your head, in something that feels a little like disbelief. The reality of leaving this apartment - your home - had begun to truly set in, but the question of where you would land hung heavy in the air. 
Of course Kit would take you in, if she wasn’t multiple states and thousands of miles away. Ava was an option, having offered her couch to you almost the moment she found out, but you had leaned so heavily on her already that taking more would have made you feel too guilty. A hotel would be too expensive for an open-ended move out date, though the prospect of not having to make your own bed or wash your own sheets was tempting.  
Dropping yourself onto the couch with a heavy sigh, you begin to aimlessly scroll through the contact list in your phone. You know, deep down, that it’s for show, though you don’t know for who. You know, too, that you’ll end up at Ava’s, despite your unwillingness to do so. 
 You lean back, pulling your legs up and stretching them across the cushions. Reaching across the empty wine glasses for the television remote, you click it on before throwing your arm over your eyes. You don’t care what’s on, you just need the sounds. Of people. Of laughing. Of life. Resigning yourself to calling Ava in the morning, you slip into a restless, dreamless sleep.
The Saturday morning sun finds you still curled up on the couch, your legs pulled close to your core. Without opening your eyes, you drop your hand to the floor, feeling for your phone. Finding it nestled partially beneath the frame of the couch, you bring it up to your face, cracking your eyes as little as possible to check the time. There’s a missed call, and when it catches your attention, your eyes fly open completely. 
 Joel Miller - 1 Missed Call & Voicemail
“What the fuuuuck… ” you mumble, swiping to your calls app and bringing the phone to your ear. 
“Uh, hey peach. It’s Joel. Gimme a call back when you get this.” 
You can’t quite place his tone of voice, and your hands tremble as your brain rolls through all the reasons he might be calling you. Did something happen? Is he angry that Tommy is still at his place? Is he angry that you ended it with Tommy? Is he going to try to convince you to take him back? You play the voicemail again, to see if you can catch any stormy inflections in his deep voice - though you glean nothing more than a hazy awareness of the hunger coursing through your blood when he speaks.  
Finally sitting up and crossing your legs beneath you, you stare at the screen for what feels like an eternity. It’s not that Joel scares you, but you don’t know of any time that he’s called you for any reason. Worrying at your bottom lip with your teeth, you finally press the little image of a phone next to his name and wait for the call to connect.
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“Yeah?” Joel’s tone is curt, and you can tell he’s at work based on the construction noises you hear in the background. It sets your teeth on edge. You squeeze your eyes shut, bracing yourself. Steeling your nerves.  
“Heyjoelit’s-” you manage to squeak, before you recognize the quiet way his breath hitches. 
“Peach.” and he’s soft. So soft. Softer than you’ve ever known him to be. And it’s your name on his tongue; honeyed and heavenly. You could drown in it. 
“Hi,” you whisper. “I’m just…returning your call.” 
He doesn’t answer immediately, but you hear the opening and closing of a door, the groan of an office chair, and then silence. You would think he’d hung up if you couldn’t hear his deep, even breathing. 
“Peach,” he finally says again, and your skin flares. He clears his throat. “I—there’s— you doin’ okay?” His words are rushed, clumsy, as if he’s trying to get them all out at once. The thought that Joel Miller has anything to say to you, much less too much to say to you, clouds your mind. “Could kill Tommy. Fuckin’ bastard.” 
You laugh once, idly. “I’m holdin’ it together, Joel.” 
Your skin prickles, and you draw in a surprised gasp. 
He continues, unaware of the change in your breathing. “Look, I, uh, know you’re busy, so I’ll get t’the point. I’ve got an extra room. For you. If ya want it, I mean. I know you’re tryin’ to get out of Tommy’s place, and I’m not lookin’ to rush you or anythin’, just..wanted to offer it up. Rent free, ‘n all that.” You imagine him running his hands through his hair as he stumbles through his speech, clenching his teeth. “Least I could do, with my brother bein’ the dickhead he is.” 
Oh. It’s pity — he feels sorry for you. You bite your tongue, sink your fingernails into your palm, force yourself to focus through the haze in your eyes. Stupid. Stupid girl. 
“Joel, I—” 
“I know ya probably have friends you can stay with. I’m not tryin’ t’be weir — peach, is this weird?” He’s lost in his own thoughts, but stops abruptly when the question escapes. He sounds just as surprised by it as you are.  
 It hangs in the air between you for a moment, and you relish just slightly in the idea that he’s floundering.  
“I don’t need you to feel sorry for me.” you reply, gently. “I’m okay to figure something out on my own. I’m a big girl.” 
“Oh, peach, no. No.” His response is quick, and firm; without any hesitancy, or a second thought. “Don’t for a minute think I don’t know how capable y’are. I know you can, I just don’t want you to have to.” 
 His words sizzle across your flesh, urgent and pleading. They leave you feeling dazed, unsure of the reality of the conversation. Your eyes flick to the furnishings of the apartment, desperate for something to ground you. Trepidation clutches at your throat, rendering you speechless. 
Joel shifts in his chair, and you hear him let out a long breath. “I- I know we don’t know each other. I feel like I’m scarin’ you, darlin’.” 
You shake your head, grasping for what to say. Chest tightening at the thought of his worry, the words fall out of your mouth before you can stop them. “What would Tommy say?” 
It feels like a condemnation; speaking it aloud, between the two of you. As if it would make Joel suddenly realize how wrong it was, to ask this of you. To offer this to you. 
“Tommy doesn’t get to say anythin’.” His whisper-soft tone now a growl, clawing at your insides. It covers you from head to toe, and you feel, for the first time in a very long time, shielded from the hurt. A hurt that exceeded the past week, or Tommy entirely. A hurt that was buried so far inside yourself that the aching reminder it even existed left you reeling. Tears prick at the back of your eyes, and you silently scold yourself for crying again. 
The silence on the phone is comfortable, as if Joel knows that you’re digesting everything he’s saying. True to his word, he’s not rushing you — just sharing the space with you, allowing you to take it all in. 
A loud knocking sounds from his end, and it snaps you out of your trance. 
“Shit, sorry peach. I gotta go.” He sounds further away, muffled; the intimacy of the conversation shattered, as if you had imagined it altogether. 
Then, abruptly, his warm, inviting timbre restored: “Please think about it. Bye, darlin’.”
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 “I mean, are you thinking about it?” Ava questions, her eyes on the shirt she’s folding. She’s cross legged on the floor, while you stack books in the cardboard box at your feet. 
It hadn’t occurred to you how little you had to call your own, until you had to put it all in boxes.  
You don’t respond to Ava’s question immediately, instead chewing on your bottom lip gently. Turning it over and over in your mind, formulating the most diplomatic response. 
“How bad would it be if I was?” You avoid her eyes, which you know have turned to daggers at your back. 
It’s her turn to mull the question over, bobbing her head side to side as she considers. 
“Tommy’d be pissed.” It’s pointed, but not malicious. Honest. “But…we don’t care what Tommy thinks anymore, do we?” 
 You drop your head, smiling mildly behind the curtain of your hair. No, we in fact, do not. 
“Plus, he’s very…handsome.” Ava chooses her words carefully, but you know to read between the lines: Joel is fuckin’ hot. “The whole ‘older man’ thing really works for you, babe.” 
“Kit would be more upset than Tommy, I guarantee it.” You laugh softly, unable to help yourself. You get cheated on by someone more than fifteen years older than you, and immediately move in with someone even older? You imagine your sister tutting at you, ever the mother-figure. 
“No doubt.” Ava rolls her eyes affectionately as you turn to her. You plant your hands on your hips and survey the bedroom around you. “Seriously, though, how would the…logistics of living with Joel work? Would you, like, have dinner together? Hang out? Be friends?”
You laugh, despite the anxiety settled in the pit of your stomach. “I don’t know, Av. I haven’t thought that far ahead. I’m kind of hung up on the whole ‘moving in with my ex-boyfriend’s brother’ part of it all.” 
Now it’s her turn to plant her hands at her hips. “Are we still harboring some feelings about Tommy Miller, doll?” Her eyebrow quirks. 
“Av! Come on. We spent two years together! I’m not just gonna get over it like that.” You snap your fingers before bending down to close the now-full box below you. 
“You know what they say…the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.” Ava waggles her eyebrows, and you laugh, full-bellied, at her levity. “You’re a fox, girl. Believe it or not.” 
You roll your eyes, shoving the box out of the door of the bedroom, into the hallway. 
“And he’ll be helping you move all this, right? To his house?” 
“Nope!” you chirp brightly, “that would be you, babe!”
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Kit, as you had anticipated, is not thrilled about the idea of you moving in with Joel. You call her from your office phone on Monday morning, gripping the receiver so hard your knuckles are white. 
“Are you kidding? How are you even entertaining the idea?” Her voice is unflinching, and you tap the fingers of your free hand against your desktop, mildly annoyed. 
“I’m 28, Kit.” You remind her, as you always do. “I’m the one who would deal with the fallout. Not you. Besides, it’s not like I have a ton of options.” 
She scoffs, and you can imagine her rolling her eyes. “So you’ve told him yes, then?”  
“No! That’s why I’m…taking a survey. Feeling it out.” You mumble, “You’re obviously not on board.” 
Kit sighs, drawn out and heavy. “I know you don’t care what I think. I know you’re an adult. I just…worry about you. I’m so far away, and if anything happened…” 
You cut her off. “I appreciate that. A lot. But at some point, I have to take care of myself.” 
“I don’t think moving in with a 50 year old man qualifies as taking care of yourself.” She’s trying to be delicate, you can tell, but her remark is biting. 
Twirling the phone cord around your fingers, you purse your lips. 
“Why don’t you come stay with us for a bit? Maybe an extended vacation?” You can picture the sticky countertops, loud toys, an uncomfortable pullout couch. And Kit’s husband, awkward and gangly, never shutting up about ‘the economy’. Kit sounds somewhat hopeful, though, and it makes your heart quiver. 
“Kit…I can’t leave my job. The one stable thing I have going for me.” 
 “They have finance jobs here.” 
 “I’m not letting Tommy run me out of Austin.” You echo Ava’s words, an indignant feeling rising in your chest. “I’ve got a whole career here. This is…a minor setback. If I do move in with Joel, it won’t be for forever.”    
She laughs softly, but you clock the reluctance. 
“I promise. I’m okay. I am okay. I will be okay.” 
Kit pauses. “You’ll tell me if you’re not?” 
“Yeah. Yes. Of course.” 
“Well,” she clicks her tongue against her teeth, “best of luck, peach. It sounds like you have your mind made up.”
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You shove the last box into the back of your Subaru, and dust your hands off on your leggings. 
     “Are you absolutely sure you’re okay with this, Joel?” 
     “Yes. Stop askin’ me.”   
      “If I’m too much, at all, I don’t have to stay.” 
     “Peach.” It’s a warning. “It’s Tommy that I need out of my space.” 
Calling Joel back to accept his offer had been harder than every other aspect of moving out of Tommy’s apartment. Once you and Ava had packed all of your belongings, you stood back to observe — and it was like you had never lived there in the first place. The only thing that truly felt different about the space was that you knew you didn’t live there anymore. You feel a pang in your chest thinking about how Tommy would feel without you there — you didn’t know if him missing you or not missing you would be worse. 
“Anything left?” Silas, Ava’s boyfriend-du-jour asks, from your elbow. 
You shake your head, pulling down the hatch to close the back of the car. “Just the key. Which you don’t have to stick around for.” You give him a watery smile, feeling the weight of the day through every muscle in your body. 
He nods. “Cool, cool. I’ll grab Ava. We can meet you over there?” 
You hum in agreement before turning back to the building. Going up the steps to the second floor feels mechanical, a recreation of the thousands of times you’ve done it before, and your legs carry you automatically. The last time, now. Pulling in a large breath, you exhale through your nose, centering yourself while you click the door open.  
Sunlight streams through the windows, bathing everything in the late afternoon light. You glaze your eyes over the room, not searching for anything forgotten, but committing it to memory one final time. You recognize that it feels less like a chapter closing and more like a freefall into something entirely unknown — into the mouth of something that lurks beneath the surface, teeth gnashing, ready to consume. 
Leaving the key on the kitchen island feels like an offering to that dark entity, but you’re ready — willing — to tumble headfirst into it. So you do, with no grandeur, and no looking back, just a deep breath out and the millstone around your neck lifted. 
Joel’s truck isn’t in the driveway when you arrive at his house. Ava is posted up against her car, Silas still in the driver’s seat, arm out the window at her waist. You wave as you pull up, masking the fear radiating through your extremities. 
You throw the Subaru into park, and Ava jogs over to meet you. Her eyes are wide, but kind, as you close the door behind you. 
“Okay?” She asks, her hand gentle on your arm. 
You nod, swallowing hard. “Feels kinda surreal, Av. But I’m good.” 
Brushing her off, you make your way to the front door. There’s an envelope clipped to the mailbox, ‘peach’ scribbled on the front of it, and your hands shake as you grasp it. 
‘I wanted to give you some space while you got settled. Your key is in the envelope. Make yourself at home — I’ll check on you in the morning. —Joel’ 
Your heart flutters as you pull out a house key, with a keychain in the shape of a peach threaded through the top of it. Your breath catches in your chest as you run the metal through your fingers, tightening them around it. If Tommy’s key had been an anchor, Joel’s feels like a lifesaver. 
Blinking back tears, hands still shaking, you slide the key into the lock and twist. 
Eat your heart out, Tommy Miller.
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pedges · 1 year
latino joel miller hc’s because i said so
until hbo strikes me down these are 100% canon too
general hc’s:
knows spanish, but family assimilated so he didn’t pass it on to sarah. regrets it 100% (she takes classes in school eventually to surprise him)
(tommy definitely taught her the curse words though)
!!!!!flamenco on the guitar!!!!!!
post-outbreak joel teaching ellie how to curse in spanish since they won’t let her curse in english in jackson
but also teaching her the language in general bc he didn’t get to with sarah, and you know damn well they weren’t teaching foreign languages in fedra school
ellie: No mommies way
joel: close enough
post-outbreak joel learning how to cook just so he can cook all his old favorite dishes with whatever he can find (still not better than texmex)
selena stan through and through this is inevitable
tío joel w tommy’s kid post outbreak jackson……..
el muchacho de los ojos tristes
joel x reader hc’s (no/pre-outbreak or jackson post-outbreak!):
the pet names obviously; angelita, hermosa, querida, mi vida, cielito, etc etc etc
sings to you in spanish <333
teaches YOU all the dirty words (you have to bully him. because he keeps saying them and you don’t know what they mean and every time you ask he just smiles and walks away)
if you Do know spanish, you speak to each other in the language all the time. esp around either sarah or ellie, if you want them to learn, but also just to keep it alive in your brains and the world
post outbreak, it eventually catches on a lot in jackson and y’all are asked to teach a class <3
post-outbreak: you find an old selena mixtape and gift it to him and he cries
you don’t know joel is teaching ellie the curse words so you hear her call someone a pendejo and immediately go hit joel up the back of the head
latino reader being a folklorico dancer pre-outbreak heheh
there are probably so many more in my head. share if you have any yourself! <3
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springlibrary · 2 years
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Here is a quick navigation to all my stories if you so wish to read them. 
I mostly write dark/explicit fics but I do have some lighter stuff in there.
Please read warnings provided before proceeding to read a fic.
Turn on notifications for this blog to stay up to date with my work.
Game of Thrones
Jorah Mormont
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Other MCU Characters
Good for Us (Bruce Banner x F!Reader)
Orange Juice and Kisses (Bruce Banner x Natasha Romanoff)
No Loose Ends (Bucky Barnes x F!Reader)
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Sebastian Stan Characters
No One Special (Dark!Lee Bodecker x F!Reader) — You were never special to Lee. To him, you were simply one of them.
The Guardian (SoftDark!Lee Bodecker x F!Reader, Dark!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader) — Sheriff Bodecker is always there to save you even when you think he isn’t.
Should’ve (Dark!Lee Bodecker x F!Reader) — You begin to regret leaving your home in the midst of your punishment.
From Blue to Green (Dark!Lee Bodecker x F!Reader) — Your husband’s jealousy forces you to enter another chapter in your life.
Dead End (Dark!Lee Bodecker x F!Reader)
— You bump into the sheriff during one of your runs.
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Tom Hiddleston Characters
Against the Tide (Dark!Biker!James Conrad x F!Reader) — Your life takes an unexpected turn as the leader of the biker gang that took over your town sets his eyes on you.
Radio Silence (Dark!Jonathan Pine x Agent!F!Reader) — Your mission to capture Jonathan Pine goes sideways in the most unexpected way.
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Pedro Pascal Characters
House Arrest (Dark!Joel Miller x F!Reader) — Your mom goes to attend a work conference for a couple of days, leaving you home alone with her husband.
On the Lookout (Dark!Joel Miller x F!Reader) — The excitement rolling through your veins as a new ranger in Jackson County turns into fear when you realize the true intentions of your partner.
Home Sweet Home (Dark!Joel Miller x F!Reader) — Ellie finds out about your relationship with Joel in the worst way possible.
Thicker than Water (Dark!Joel Miller x F!Reader) — You’re Tommy’s girl but Joel wants to make you his.
Rebound (Dark!Joel Miller x F!Reader) — Your night of wallowing in your misery takes a different turn when your dad’s best friend bumps into you at the bar. 
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Chris Evans Characters
Within the Shadows — Secrets are revealed amidst the celebration of your brother’s ascent to underboss.
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astralscrivener · 10 months
For the End of the Year Book Ask! #3, #10, #16 <333 Let your correct onions be KNOWN Beautiful <3333
3. what were your top 5 books of the year?
FUCK this one took a lot of thinking
i had to go to my shelf of favorite reads of the year and it was. very tough to choose.
firstly is yellowface by r.f. kuang, which i talk about more in the next question (i answered these out of order oopsies)
second i think is the fifth season/the obelisk gate by n.k. jemisin. i read the fifth season both last year and this year for two different classes, and then finally got around to the sequel + am currently reading the third book and i am bonkers about them. i am thinking about essun and nassun and alabaster and hoa constantly. deeply unwell. a lot more geology than i had initially expected but i'm having a GREAT time
the long way to a small angry planet by becky chambers. my fucking beloved. i've literally owned the book since like 2021 but took forever to read it but i love it sooo much i love the entire wayfarer crew but i think about kizzy and ashby constantly. the socks match my hat scene was so small but lives in my head rent-free
circe by madeline miller!!!! this one is popular for a reason. i know a lot of people tend to prefer TSOA/their first introduction to miller's writing is TSOA but circe was mine bc i love the odyssey (and also the emily wilson odyssey came out before wiliad. so. i have not had the brain power to get thru the fagles translation of either one yet). anyway i loved this a lot. i connected a lot with circe as a person and a character and her entire web of relationships...i am so emo about it. also i am a circe/penelope truther and when i write a sci fi or fantasy novel very loosely inspired by their dynamic. then what. ....wait i might have just had a breakthru on one of my wips wait a minute—
and finally the haunting of hill house by shirley jackson. i think about eleanor too often. way too often. someone in the goodreads reviews commented on her loneliness and it clicked for me why i like her so much and i have not recovered <3
10. what was your favorite new release of the year?
out of the ones i read this year? yellowface by r.f. kuang. i don't read thrillers much but this one was so much. i loved it. chaotic satirical thriller criticizing the publishing industry and raising questions about ownvoices and representation, which authors and stories the industry rewards and prioritizes, the pitfalls of being a young prodigy, and also it was just bonkers. i know this one was divisive for some people but i loved it. i had a great time. i have not stopped thinking about "they called it a globule" for months.
16. what is the most overhyped book you read this year?
you know DAMN WELL what you were doing when you chose this question. kissing you on the mouth
anyway is this a safe space. is this a safe space for me to be bitch. f**rth wing. it was f**rth wing. spoilering so tumblr doesn't put it in the search for the stans to find me
it is bad. it is bad. i initially gave it i think 1.5 stars (rounded up to 2 on GR) but i hate it more every single time i think about it. there is just so much wrong with it as a book but is also emblematic of a lot of larger issues in publishing, and particularly with red tower as an imprint, but i do not have all day to rant or we will be here forever
end of year book ask!
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proustianlesbian · 10 months
*i forgot to do my reviews for ep 3 and 4 of ft during both weeks smh.
episode 3 : very sweet vacation at the see also i was not aware of the joseph mccarthy and roy cohn gay allegations (not together). chokbar de bz like we say in french.
[insert here abby lee miller looking around her gif].*
diversity wins i guess, the anticommunist prosecutor who ruined so many lives is jewish AND gay. like tbh i didn't know at all because it wasn't written on his wikipedia french bio (but him bringing his mom to parties was though). like i thought the jokes about him and schine were just because theses environnement are full of men. i love the lightning on this show but it really stroke me during the scene where marcus walks in the alley at night. the costumes are so beautiful, i love the cuts of their suits.
*episode 4 : loved the christmas episode too. i knew mary's colleague was plotting something since episode one's ending. but also i'm scared for 80s timeline tim :(*
i love the actor of roy cohn also. like he's serving. serving conservative homophobic self-hating jewish but serving nonetheless (i'm not a irl roy cohn stan btw, will brill just absolutely serves as him). it was so sweet seeing tim and hawk being happy though (especially as i write those lines specifically right before the diffusion of the last episode). also small detail but it was interesting to see how even when the jewish person (here cohn) is on their side and does everything "right" to be accepted, people will still be antisemitic towards him (mccarthy and his wife).
episode 5 :
the scene of marcus and frankie on the bench ☹️☹️☹️ "i should have let him paint them red." killed me. i was so shocked by the death of senator smith though ??!! the scene where he looks at pictures with lucy was so sad in retrospect. also it's very funny seeing tim lurking around the mccarthy/cohn/schine trio. he's just a little guy. also lucy smith leave your husband and runaway with me !! i can make you happy queen ! she's so gorgeous and dresses so well i love her so much, and even more since this episode. i felt so sorry for her brother and how he gets no real help from anyone. and the last scene ☹️.
episode 6 :
lucy's outfits and hair are so gorgeous !! i really love what we saw her wearing in this episode's 1950s timeline, especially her baby blue and yellow dresses.
hawk being a daughter's father oh he's so real, kendall roy feminist icon coded to me.
the shot of tim in the police car with the back window showing hawk on the road is SICK. like i felt a pain in the heart. and i loved the last shot of hawk hugging jackson.
i kinda wish there was an episode in between 5 and 6 but at the same time it makes sense. we just didn't get used to hawk's children and had jackson for only one episode.
episode 7
an episode for the tim laughlin lesbian fans for real !! it broke my heart for the romance part but i could learn some things about harvey milk ! i'm not american so i didn't know he was murdered (or didn't remember it) but i read on wikipedia that he was jewish too ! i really love the costumes of the 70s, they're all so beautiful and fitting for the characters :'). i love all the small details in the sets and decorations, each of the era have a unique vibe ! i'm absolutely terrified for tomorrow's episode, i'm not ready to see them go at all !!
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fanfreakinfiction · 1 year
Unpopular video game Joel Miller opinion:
Even though I stan the dirty talk Joel Miller - honest to god I swear Jackson Era Joel would be so soft and loving and almost even quiet during sexy time.
Like this man just wants to rut into someone with soft grunts and maybe some intense eye contact but I feel like he would be SO quiet, maybe some soft moans, and lots of caressing your face and body…
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virtualbunny · 2 years
How would they react if they gave you like a leg shaking orgasm, like they’ve never seen you have one like that before?
Doing this in a headcanon 'cause i suck lol . Also i wrote this with gender neutral pronouns but with female anatomy !!
Miller's squad: you have an leg shaking orgasm
John Miller:
puts his hands on your legs to calm them down
remebers that he also has to calm your mind down
so gives you kisses
Mike Horvath:
laughs a little
not just because he finds it amusing seeing you shake from an orgasm
also because he's highkey proud of himself
Daniel Jackson:
lowkey mocks you by looking down on you, pounting his lips and says " aww poor baby :( " with his raspy southern accent voice
hold your shaking legs down and goes down on you
won't stop until you have another orgasm... or you squirt
holds you close to him after because aftercare is important
Richard Reiben:
he slows down his thrusts and starts massaging your clit
wants to hear you moan more so he speeds up his pace
kisses you all over your face and neck and tells you how good you are for him
when he pulls out he also goes down on you licking everything up... slowly
Irwin Wade:
definitely knows how to make a human have an leg shaking orgasm... 'cause you know.. he's a doctor/medic
probably planned this out beforehand and when he saw you looking like a mess.. he just couldn't stop now
bends down to your face and whispers " 'mm sorry sweetheart but i just can't stop.. you look so beautiful like this " while still thrusting in and out of you
100% makes out with you at the same time you have your second orgasm
Stanley Mellish:
one word. Woah..
seriously though, can't believe he just made you do that
well... yes he can? he's gonna be all cocky about it just wait and see
Timothy Upham:
panics a bit
doesn't know what to do or say
will keep going if you ask him too
boosts his ego by at least 88%
Adrian Caparzo:
will make you squirt after seeing you like that
another guy that gets his ego boosted by a solid 50% even though he already has a huge ego (Caparzo stans don't come for me)
will go slower after that to not overstimulate you further
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heh.. me at my computer
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moon-meridian · 1 year
hello, friends! here is a collection of some of my favorite faces. i'll update this list as i come into contact with faces that i've been introduced to and want to interact with. please keep in mind that this list is just what comes to mind, i love new faces so feel free to suggest new ones to me !#happyroleplaying
aaron paul, aaron taylor-johnson, aaron tveit, adam dimarco, adan canto, alan ritchson, alberto rosende, alexander calvert, alexander skarsgard, alex fitzalan, alfie allen, alfonso herrera, alfred enoch, alvaro rico, andre lamoglia, andrew garfield, andrew matarazzo, andy samberg, angus cloud, antoni porowski, antony starr, armie hammer, aron piper, austin butler, avan jogia, ben barnes, bill skarsgard, blair redford, blake jenner, bob morley, boyd holbrook, brandon flynn, brant daughtry, brenton thwaites, brian j. smith, bright vachirawit chivaaree, cameron monaghan, casey cott, carter jenkins, chace crawford, chadwick boseman, chance perdomo, charles melton, charlie coxx, charlie heaton, charlie hunnam, charlie weber, chase stokes, cheyenne jackson, chris evans, chris hemsworth, chris messina, chris pine, christian navarro, christopher abbott, chris wood, cody christian, cody fern, cole sprouse, colton haynes, curran walters, dacre montgomery, daniel sharman, darren barnet, darren criss, david castaneda, david castro, david corenswet, dean geyer, dominic cooper, dominic sherwood, drey ray tanner, drew van acker, dylan minnette, dylan o'brien, dylan sprayberry, dylan sprouse, ed westwick, eka darville, eric dane, evan peters.
felix mallard, finn jones, finn wittrock, froy gutierrez, gavin leatherwood, gong yoo, grant gustin, gregg sulkin, gus kenworthy, hart denton, hasan minhaj, henry cavill, henry zaga, herman tommeras, hero fiennes-tiffin, hugh dancy, ian bohen, ian harding, ian somerhalder, itzan escamilla, iwan rheon, jack falahee, jack quaid, jack mulhern, jack o'connell, jacob artist, jacob elordi, jai courtney, jan luis castellanos, jared padelecki, jason momoa, jedidiah goodacre, jensen ackles, jeremy allen white, jeremy jordan, joe dempsie, joe keery, joel kinnaman, joel mchale, joe manganiello, jonathan groff, jon bernthal, jon krazinski, jordan fisher, jorge lopez, joseph gilgun, josh hartnett, joshua bassett, justin hartley, justin theroux, karamo brown, karl urban, kit harrington, kj apa, kyle allen, liam hemsworth, logan shroyer, louis partridge, lucien laviscount, luke evans, luke pasqualino.
manny jacinto, manu rios, matt bomer, matthew daddario, mark pellegrino, mason gooding, maxence danet-fauvel, max irons, max riemelt, mena massoud, michael cimino, michael trevino, michael vlamis, michele morrone, michiel huisman, miguel bernardeau, miguel herran, mike colter, miguel angel silvestre, miles heizer, milo ventimiglia, nathan parsons, nicholas galitzine, nick robinson, nico mirallegro, nico tortorella, nikolaj coster-waldua, noah centineo, nolan gerard funk, oliver jackson-cohen, oliver stark, omar ayuso, omar rudberg, oscar isaac, paul wesley, penn badgley, pol granch, rafael silva, rahul kohli, rami malik, richard madden, ricky whittle, riz ahmed, robert sheehan, rome flynn, ronen rubenstein, ross lynch, rudy pankow, rupert grint, ryan guzman, ryan kelley, ryan potter, sam claflin, sam heughan, samuel larson, scott eastwood, sean teale, sebastian de souza, sebastian stan, shiloh fernandez, skeet ulrich, steven strait.
taron egerton, taylor zakhar perez, theo james, thomas doherty, timothy granaderos, timothy olyphant, toby kebbell, toby wallace, tom ellis, tom hiddleston, tom holland, tom hopper, tom pelphrey, tyler blackburn, tyler hoechlin, tyler lawrence gray, tyler posey, wentworth miller, zac efron.
austin porter, benito ocasio (bad bunny), brandon arreaga, charlie puth, dominic fike, edwin honoret, harry styles, jack gilinsky, jack harlow, jaden smith, joe jonas, lil nas z, machine gun kelly, nick jonas, nick mara, omar apollo, shawn mendes, troye sivan, zayn malik, zion kuwonu.
bang chan, choi chanhee, choi minho, christian yu, han seungwoo, jackson wang, jay park, jung ki-suck, kim jennie, kim jisoo, kim jongdae, kwon hyuk lai, kuan-lin, lalisa manoban, lee dae-hwi, lee tae-min, mark yien tuan, ong seong-wu, roseanne park, taehyung, wong kunhang, wu yi fan, xiao dejun, and yan an.
adam senn, adil haddaoui, adrien sahores, agustin bruno, arthur gosse, billy vandendooren, bo develius, brad skelly, brooklyn beckham, cameron dallas, casey jackson, christian hogue, daniel abohzira, daniel bederov, david gandy, derek chadwick, desire mia, diego barrueco, francisco lachowski, gage gomez, gui fedrezzi, harvey newton-haydon, isha blaaker, ivan kozak, jacob bixenman, janis danner, jamie dornan, joe collier, jordan torres, juan betancourt, julian schratter, kit butler, lenny izaguire, manu rios, marlon teixeira, marvin cortes, matthew noszka, matty carrington, maverick mcconnell, michael yerger, neels visser, nick bateman, nicolas simoes, nyle dimarco, ollie loudon, owen lindberg, rafael lazzini, rafael miller, reese king, richard diess, robbie satchwell, sean opry, simon loof, simon nessman, tanner reese, tom webb, vinnie hacker, will higginson, xavier serrano, zander fitzpatrick
gus kenworthy, noah beck, ryan garcia, vlad hoshin.
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yukittywrites · 1 year
About Me & My Blog
This is an NSFW account dedicated to sub kpop boys! Previously centred around Seonghwa, now Yuta!
*I do post kinky content and while properly tagged, mind it.
Ao3 Acct! Twitter Acct! Carrd!
My name is Aura! I am 23 and I use they/them pronouns.
my DMs are open, but do NOT dm me sexually. i dont know yall like that 😭
i am pansexual, pan-quoiromantic, acespec, and paraenby.
I write, but not requests!
DNI if you support: JK Rowling, Noah Schnapp, Amber Heard/Johnny Depp, Ezra Miller, Chris Brown, Kanye, Lucas (NCT), Kris Wu or Seungri.
DNI if you are: zionest, anti-semitic, racist, neo-naz!, homophobic, transphobic, TERF, MAP, OR run a proana, feeder, selfharm or ddlg blog.
I actually am incredibly put off by most all straight content and I don't usually read y/n. All the posts I'm taking are my own mlm writings where I am changing a members name and the surrounding words to be y/n.
So yeah, there might be some ship content mixed in with y/n content.
Stan list (No Particular Order): NCT, Gåte, Ateez, Taemin, Ronela Hajati, SHINee, BTS, DPR Ian, Stray Kids, Baekhyun, Enhypen, Omega X, Monsta X, Jackson Wang, Tyler the Creator, Quadeca, Denzel Curry, Ross Lynch, Cillian Murphy and Farley Granger.
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jackstanleyroberts · 11 months
The Characters in the Extended Cut of Scream (2022) & Scream VI (2023) Part 2
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Hello everybody if you like the idea that I pulled out about the new characters of the Extended Cut of Scream (2022) & Scream VI (2023) here's more of the new & additional characters in the franchise:
Melissa Collazo as Isabella "Izzy" Yales
Hayden Byerly as Damian "Dame" Yales
Annalise Basso as Andrea Lewis
Jodelle Ferland as Joanna Thompson
Katherine Langford as Jennifer Annie "Jenny" Kincaid
Charlie Plummer as Samuel Jonathan "Sam" Kincaid
Karan Brar as Craig Karbar
Akiel Julien as Malik Hubar
Ed Speleers as Alexander "Alex" Miller
Jimmy Bennett as Andrew "Andy" Anderson
Odessa A'zion as Susan Winters
Logan Miller as Lincoln Jefferson
Madison Davenport as Gabrielle "Gabby" Stafford
Madison Iseman as Alexandra "Allie" Miller
Rachel Fox as Angela Stewart
Mackenzie Foy as Luna Stewart
Natalie Alyn Lind as Natasha Longwood
Emily Tennant as Cynthia Cooper
Tequan Richmond as Maurice Lakewood
Zac Godspeed as Tyler Ferguson
Daniel Sharman as Kurt Parker
Rachel Zegler as Emily Jones
Finn Wolfhard as Stanley Lance "Stan" Williams
Brianne Tju as June Dawson
Rachel Sennott as Theresa "Tree" Hicks
Holland Roden as Gloria Smith
Violett Beane as Eleanor "Ellie" Winters
Spencer Locke as Ellen Hoffman
Anjelica Bette Fellini as Dorothy Johnson
Ryan Lee as Marty McCreary
Lewis Pullman as Richard Jackson
Stella Maeve as Nicole Kennedy
Talitha Eliana Bateman as Yolanda Preston
Gabriel Bateman as Philip "Phil" Preston
Megan Stott as Kimberly "Kim" Watson
Addison Rae as Natalie Foster
Emily Alyn Lind as Audrey Owens
Sarah Bolger as Simone Martin
Elizabeth McLaughlin as Jessie Crane
Brandon Soo Hoo as Takahashi Bradford
Mickey Nguyen as Sylvester Bradford
Denyse Tontz as Laura Morris
Milo Manheim as Zackary "Zack" Feldman
Stefanie Scott as Caroline "Carol" Feldman
Anna Sawai as Alexis Williams
Mekai Curtis as Reginald "Reggie" Stark
Haley Lu Richardson as Bethany "Beth-Ann" Lewis
Kaia Gerber as Taylor Swanson
Jaeden Martell as Landon Andrews
Jeremy Ray Taylor as Maurice Thompson
Anthony Ramos as Nicholas "Nick" Rodriguez
That's it for the new & additional characters of the franchise.
More quality content for Extended Cut of Scream (2022) & Scream VI (2023) is coming soon.
Stay Tuned! & by the way:
What's your favorite scary movie?
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Clone High reboot fan cast
Since Clone High is getting a reboot, I thought I should give out an idea cast list of old characters returning and new ones I'd like to see join.
Characters returning:
Will Forte: Abe Lincoln
Nicole Sullivan: Joan of Arc, Marie Curie
Christa Miller: Cleopatra Smith
Chris Miller: JFK, Mr. Lynn Butlertron
Phil Lord: Principal/Dr. Cinnamon J. Scudworth, Genghis Khan
Donald Faison: Martin Luther King Jr., George Washington Carver
Neil Flynn: Julius Caesar, Buddy Holly, Moses
Andy Dick: Vincent Van Gough
Murray Miller: Catherine the Great
Debra Wilson: Harriet Tubman, Eva Peron,
Sarah Chalke: Marie Antoinette
Zach Braff: Paul Revere
(Unfortunately, due to the Gandhi controversey, Gandhi cannot be brought back)
And for new deceased celebrities/historical figures enrolling:
Chelsea Peretti: Carrie Fisher
???: Jim Henson
Jeff Bennett: Adam West
???: Mel Blanc
Jim Meskimen: Robin Williams
Joseph Gordon-Levitt: Mickey Rooney
???: June Foray
Nick Kroll: John Candy
???: Bea Arthur
???: Betty White
Nicole Sullivan: Ethel Merman
Keegan Michael-Key: John Belushi, Robin Leach
???: Dom DeLuise
???: Burt Reynolds
???: Buddy Hackett
Will Forte: Gene Wilder, Tim Conway
???: Judy Garland
Alan Tudyk: Ed Wynn, Jonathan Winters
???: Don Knotts
???: Phyllis Diller
???: Phil Hartman
???: Stan Lee
???: Michael Jackson
Will Sasso, Sean Hayes and Chris Diamantopoulos: The Three Stooges
Any ideas on what actors could voice the new ones?
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sunseteternal · 19 days
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About Me
You can call me K because I'm not about putting too much of my personal information out on the internet (there's a lot of creeps out there, peeps)
22 | '02 | She/Her | Straight | American | White
Some of my hobbies include Reading, Writing, Listening to Music, Going on Walks, and Playing Mobile Puzzle Games.
You can also find me on AO3 and Wattpad
AO3: Ks_World
Wattpad: Casuallypretty
*Note: Out of all 3 platforms, I am most active on Wattpad, only because I am still learning how to operate Tumblr and AO3 as a Writer. I am on Tumblr and AO3, but I have mostly been reading fics. Recently, I have been wanting to try out writing on both platforms, but I still need to figure out how to properly use them. So, until then, you can find me more on Wattpad. I am currently in the process of releasing fics, but I thought I would try to spread my name out there more as a Writer by using more than one platform. I have over 100 drafts on Wattpad that I am in the process of writing and have two published stories, but they are currently on a hiatus until I find inspiration for them again. As of Tumblr and AO3, I have nothing in the works yet, but I hope to be releasing content soon as I am trying to get back into writing again. So, please look forward to future works from me! 🧡
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Stan List
I'm a K-Pop Multistan of multiple groups and a few soloists. I'm always getting in to more artists so my stan list is subject to change quite a bit.
BTS - Jimin & Jungkook TXT - Taehyun & Beomgyu ENHYPEN - Heeseung &TEAM - K Le Sserafim - Yunjin KATSEYE - OT6
EXO - Baekhyun SuperM - Taeyong NCT 127 - Yuta NCT Dream - Jaemin WayV - Xiaojun NCT Wish - Sion RIIZE - Anton Red Velvet - Seulgi
Stray Kids - Hyunjin Twice - Jihyo
The Boyz - Eric
Ateez - Wooyoung
ZEROBASEONE - Hanbin & Zhanghao
*Note: I only write fanfics for Boy Groups. Though you may still see some of the Girl Group members from any of the groups I stan show up in my writings as the Female OC's friends.
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*The following are solo artists that I have casually listened to, but I don’t stan them as hard as the groups.
Jackson Wang
Jeon Somi
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Non-Kpop Artists:
Ariana Grande
Justin Bieber
The Weeknd
Camila Cabello
Ava Max
Melanie Martinez
Chase Atlantic
Jonas Brothers
Charlie Puth
Jason Derulo
Chris Brown
Nicki Minaj
Doja Cat
Tate McRae
5 Seconds of Summer
Sabrina Carpenter
Maroon 5
Lady Gaga
Summer Walker
Shawn Mendes
Ed Sheeran
The Chainsmokers
Harry Styles
Bruno Mars
Cardi B
Megan Thee Stallion
Bea Miller
Madison Beer
Dua Lipa
Troye Sivan
Alessia Cara
Selena Gomez
Zara Larsson
Demi Lovato
Ellie Goulding
and Many More ...
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Other Non-Kpop Fandoms:
*Movies/ TV Shows
Maze Runner
Harry Potter
The Hobbit/ LOTR
Star Wars
Marvel (Avengers, X-Men)
OUAT (Once Upon A Time)
13 Reasons Why
TVD (The Vampire Diaries)
Shameless (US)
Umbrella Academy
AHS (American Horror Story)
The Hunger Games
The Outsiders
Fruits Basket
Seven Deadly Sins
SAO (Sword Art Online)
My Neighbor Totoro
Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away
Howl's Moving Castle
Demon Slayer
So I'm A Spider, So What?
and More ...
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0 notes
tfblovesmusic · 25 days
Maligayang Pask-OH SHIP! Mixtape 2, Listening Guide 1
Section 11: A North Pole Soiree
Followed by eager children, the listener treks the North Pole, snow gently falling, as Philip Pickett and the New London Consort plays the sinfonia from Bach’s Christmas Oratorio. Now depicting elves, the Canadian Brass greets them with “Jolly Old St. Nicholas" outside Santa's Workshop.
Once inside, the Bob Rivers Comedy Corp – also in elf getups – usher in the Jackson 5 with “Grahbe Yahbalz.” The youngest of the group – the young Michael Jackson himself – tells the story of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.”
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Mitch Miller and the Gang play a guessing game with the listener and the kids in “Must Be Santa.” The Jersey Shore Boss – Bruce Springsteen – and the E Street Band admonish them that “Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town.” Jessie J also forewarns them about “The Man with the Bag.” One of the Kidsongs Kids piped up, musing, “If I Had a Pony for Christmas.” Perry Como sings about a special “Toyland.”
Suddenly, the listener finds oneself in the toy factory, and the toys enliven. The first to come alive are Harry Connick Jr. – as an action figure a la Minecraft User – and his “Parade of the Wooden Soldiers.” Destiny’s Child, TI, and Lil’ Wayne dolls rap about the “Soldier.” Bob Rivers Comedy Corp – depicted as dolls – fight over the “Pokemon” plushes, which likewise come to life.
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Aqua and the “Barbie Girl” enliven, and Ken asks her to swing-dance to Duke Ellington Orchestra figurines playing “Satin Doll.” The Bowser plush sings about “Peaches” on a toy electronic keyboard before “The Super Mario Bros.” ones rap.
Section 12: Naughty-Listed
The listener then travels to young Stan Freberg’s house, in which he laments to a robber, “I’m Getting Nuttin’ for Christmas.” It turns out the burglar is Sam Harris, who bursts into a showstopping cover of “Satan’s Li’l Lamb.” His younger brother – one of the Kidsongs Kids – awakens. He tells the pair what he wants to tell Santa: “Santa, Please Don’t Forget Me.”
Section 13: Child of Mary
For many Catholics, Christmas is second to Easter as the biggest keystone liturgical celebration. And what better way to commence the segment with Celine Dion’s cover of Schubert’s setting of the Ave Maria? Jose Mari Chan contributes with his cover of “Mary’s Boy Child.” Tara Chugh and Now & Then head to the manger with the viewer, singing Scott Soper’s lovely medley of “What Child is This?” and “Child of the Poor.” Mariah Carey admires the creche in front of them, lauding, “O Holy Night.”
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Section 14: Una Epifanía Mexicana
The listener walks down a rural road in Mexico, with St. Paul’s Cathedral Choir singing “We Three Kings of Orient Are” behind them. One arrives with three actors portraying the Magi, with Jose Feliciano wishing them “Feliz Navidad” at the town gates.
Mariachi Juvenil welcome “Melichor, Gaspar, y Baltasar” – and the listener – to the square, where the townsfolk hang a 7-pointed star pinata for their Dia de los Reyes fiesta. They all sing, “Dale, Dale, Dale!” Apiece blindfolded and with each taking turns, some of the youths and the listener attempt to hit the pinata as Dana Hanchard, Derek Lee Ragin, and Joel Cohen’s Boston Camerata sing Juan Araujo's Los coflades de la estleya. The listener finally breaks it open with a torrent of candies piling on the tiled grounds.
Best listened with Spotify Premium.
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wildlyfreemoon · 8 months
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about me
gen, 20, she/her
se-asian, 📍australia
in uni 😀
stsg stan
geto suguru < 3
casual kpop enjoyer since 2015
ult group: skz - ult bias: changbin
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content you may encounter on my blog
jjk, criminal minds, skz, tlou, percy jackson, etc.
will like, reblog, interact with anything i see + read
drawings and sketches, headcannons, thoughts and aus
PLEASE READ THIS IF YOU LIKE TLOU! and spread awareness <3
currently watching
see #wildlywatches < 3
miraculous ladybug haha
the walking dead
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!! warning!!
please be aware that I will occasionally reblog/like with suggestive or 18+ content ! including fanart and smut (joel miller has a chokehold on me)
basic dni critera:- will block you if u r homophobic, racist, sexist, etc.
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dividers by @cafekitsune
images used from pinterest that i collaged tgt
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