#milou peacecraft
fallenwingzero · 2 years
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I love that Noin's weird American western style outfits spread to Zechs and Naina. It's like a family thing to dress as cowboys/gunslingers, except Zechs takes it one step further and goes to a saloon shoot-out 😂.
Poor Milou with his wearing all black though. You know at some point the other three have chanted "one of us, one of us" at the poor boy.
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You know, I give Frozen Teardrop a lot of shit for... uh, existing... But I gotta admit, I’m impressed by its hard stance regarding the Winner clan.
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It takes balls to assert that Winner’s are genetically-predisposed to attraction to musicians with one visible eye.
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Why does everyone in this family have daddy issues.
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Get help, children.
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Every generation of Maxwell is Done™ with everyone else’s shit.
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This Week in Gundam Wing October 28 - 03 November 2018
Here’s this week’s roundup!
Remember to give your content creators some love! And join in on the events at the bottom!
~Mod Hel
Fanfiction/Snippets/AU Ideas:
Terminal Velocity Pi http://duointherain.tumblr.com/post/179681938639/terminal-velocity-pi
Written for @downwarddnaspiral
Disclaimer: I don’t own Gundam Wing.
Notes: Sequential order?  ><  Last chapter, Duo was recovering from a broken back, Heero dying from malicious tech… that’s still happening. This is just some kind of intermission.
Saturday Snippet https://lifeaftermeteor.tumblr.com/post/179735035657/wufei-zhangs-apartment-geneva-switzerland-18
WuFei and Quatre have a discussion.
A Stagnation of Love (rewrite) (Ch. 73) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10433322/73/A-Stagnation-of-Love-rewrite
Duo Maxwell has been stuck his entire life. With an abusive father, a mother who doesn't even realize he exists, severely bullied at school, and hiding his sexuality, he has given up all hope for a better life. When he falls in love with his bully's boyfriend, he needs to make a choice about his future. Will he continue to let himself be abused, or will he fight back?
Rated: Fiction M, Romance/Angst, Duo M., Heero Y.
Premonition https://archiveofourown.org/works/16481648
A failed test run of an experimental navigation computer causes two friends to be thrown into a confusing situation.
For Halloween 2018
Players: Wufei & Duo. With Heero and mention of Une
Duo Maxwell & Heero Yuy
Zechs Merquise
Duo Maxwell & Quatre Raberba Winner
Head Canons:
WuFei Chang
Sending this out into the world some more! For I had not seen it.
They start talking about GW from around 5:38.
Dekim Barton & Heero Yuy
Relena Darlian/Peacecraft & Dorothy Catalonia
Heero Yuy & Duo Maxwell
Quatre Raberba Winner, Heero Yuy, & Duo Maxwell
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, & WuFei Chang
WuFei Chang & Duo Maxwell
Trowa Barton, WuFei Chang, Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell
Heero Yuy & Duo Maxwell
Doctor J & Heero Yuy
Lucrezia Noinheim & Sally Po
Duo Maxwell
Trowa Barton, WuFei Chang, & Heero Yuy
Duo Maxwell
Trowa Barton & Duo Maxwell
WuFei Chang & Duo Maxwell
OC October:
What costumes would they wear?
Krysta Yuy
Celebrate something other than Halloween?
Krysta Yuy
Do they celebrate Halloween?
Krysta Yuy
What Supernatural Being/Creature would they be? Are they really?
Krysta Yuy
If not a part of the war, when does their story take place?
Krysta Yuy
How did they contribute to the war?
Suzie, Jack, Katsuro, Joel, Mike, Aktio, Kain, Angel, Kikki, Renee, & Masato
Do they celebrate Halloween?
Suzie, Jack, Katsuro, Joel, Mike, Aktio, Kain, Angel, Kikki, Renee, & Masato
What Supernatural Being/Creature would they be? Are they really?
Suzie, Mike, Kikki, Angel, Andrew, Renee, & Masato
When do their stories take place?
Angel, Akito, Kikki, Fen(Renee’s mom), Renee, Masato, & Suzie.
Let’s meet the family (or lack thereof)!
Heero & Relena have a lot of wonderful kiddos, grand kiddos.
Were they involved in the war?
Helena and Company, Constanza Tamim Javi Villalba, Harith, Najat Gouta, & Galina.
When does their story take place?
Helena and Company.
What Supernatural Being/Creature would they be? Are they really?
Helena, Odin, Vivette, Joseph, Marcus, Naina, Milou, Inari, Lurobov, Shaelynn, Fridolf, Thanesa, Bhavani, Chavna, Ottar, Kekai, Lahn, and Mateo
How did they contribute to the war effort?
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, between 3 & 5 pm EST.
Here’s the prompt for Friday November 9th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/179719254536/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-november
Goodbye OC October 2018 https://gwoc-october.tumblr.com/post/179660259600/goodbye-oc-october-2018
Have no worries about “missing it” as you can answer these prompts about your OCs until next October when the prompts will change!
A potential Meet Up on the Discord Server for GW fans!
Pick a time frame and we’ll set what works best for a majority of people and host it then!
November 10-11 or November 17-18!
Please reply to the linked post!
Heero Yuy Month https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/177808907580/iso-more-heero-yuy-fanpeople
The Month of January (obviously, as it’s 01 *winks*)
Stay tuned for more news!
Casting Call! https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/179669847365/open-for-casting
Looking to see if anyone has any Gundam Wing gift exchanges planned!
And if now, we’re willing to host one!
Leave us a comment or send us an ask/submission/IM!
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graydama · 7 years
Peacecraft History HC
This is going to be a long headcanon so don��t read if you don’t feel like it! ^ 0 ^
While I was trying to study and do my assignments for my classes. An idea I no way wanted to entertain, because I am tremendously busy with said courses, started to sprout. And that was the ancestors of the Peacecrafts.
Before they were all killed off by UESA, leaving Milliardo and Relena as the sole heirs to this family. The Peacecrafts probably had a interesting and complex history no less than any royal family. And then thanks to my imagination I started thinking up of a character that was also partially inspired by these two women.
Marie Joseph Sanson from Innocent/ Innocent Rouge
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And Visenya Targaryen by G.R.R. Martin
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I thought up of a woman who was part of a large family, as the majority of Kings and Queens tried to have as many children as they could in hopes that some of them would survive to adulthood. So this woman, who I eventually called Raeliarda, had 3 older brothers and 2 younger sisters.
She was known for training with her brothers, but she was never allowed to learn real war strategies. Sanc being a peaceful kingdom they also were not very keen on knowledge of war in general. Yet she also loved to dress up with her sisters and dance. She was known for being blunt, affable, and fair. However at the insult or threat of her brothers, or especially her younger sisters, she was harsh, unrelenting, and slightly maniacal.
However, a neighboring kingdom had declared war on them and they had to defend themselves despite their pacifistic father barely allowing that. Raeliarda wanted to fight in the war, but because of her biological sex and title as crown princess she wasn’t allowed. She did it anyway. 
She had no experience at first so it didn’t go well, but she fails and learns quickly. Raeliarda takes command of some of her brothers warriors set at the farthest border defense. There’s not many of them, but her army slowly grows. Battle after battle, she begins to lose less men, starts gathering better information about her enemies, blackmails nobles from the enemy kingdom and takes their supplies.  
Then after learning of the deaths of both of her sisters, she tracks the responsible parties and sets both their lands afire. I don’t mean homes I literally mean their lands. The only thing she salvages before the fire is the food and supplies, and she spares the poor. She cuts off all of her hair and goes by Rael from then on. Her men begin to call her Rael the Scorcher.
Her parents are not proud of her actions, appearance, or reputation, and demand that she surrender her army to her older brothers. She refuses. Then when she visits them, she is told by one of her followers that her father is contemplating poisoning her in hopes to open dialogue with the other kingdom. So Rael still shows up to dinner takes the cup meant for her and switches it out for her mother’s. King Peacecraft stops the Queen from drinking from the cup and he knows she learned about the plot. She tells them to stay at their seats while she wins the war for them but when she returns they needed to put one of her brothers on the throne or she would do it herself.
Unfortunately she suffers another blow. Her oldest brother and youngest brother are killed in battle. This almost makes King Peacecraft surrender the war but Rael and her remaining older brother Elior, the second in line and who always supported Rael, don’t stand down. And due to their reputation, their armies follow.
It was Rael who puts an end to the war when she once again honors her nickname and burns all of her enemies fields of food. Blockades all the sources of water, and has an armada set up to block their ability to use the seas to get shipments in. She lays siege to the main castle of the enemy King, and she doesn’t wait them out. She’s prepared to burn them all, even if Elior protests against it. He goes as far as saying she wasn’t a Peacecraft if she continued, which she was perfectly fine with as a Peacecraft needed to be more than someone who advocated peace. 
Realizing that she will literally follow through with her word the enemy King surrendered. 
She demanded that they all exit the fortress and no harm would be done to them, and when they do she proceeds to burn the castle, stating to the fallen King that he has other castles anyway. Although not happy with how it ended, Elior respects that his sister won the war. Elior does become the next King of the Sanc Kingdom, as their father remembered Rael’s promise. Elior immediately begins working on repairing the kingdom that had initiated the war against them, bringing about mixed feelings from his people but Rael supported his decisions.
Prior to being king he had offered the throne to her but Rael found that she was better suited ruling the battlefield than a throne. From there the two worked together to restore their kingdom and strengthening it. 
Initially the flames were going to be caused by her 5 dragons but I decided her doing this by hand instead of an external factor would be more suiting to her character.
I’m definitely going to include Raeliarda (Rael) and her brother into the history in HT. Probably in short stories that are discussed by Helena, Odin, Naina and Milou. Especially since there are some facts that I am leaving off such as Rael’s love life being a parallel with Naina’s amount of partners.
For those who read all this I hope it wasn’t too boring! :’D Just my imagination deciding to take me for a ride when I really should be studying. Lololol
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gladyscontrerasart · 11 years
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Uggg, little Oud Winner.... my head hurts trying to make sense about your groundless self loathing "theories". But I think it hurts worse when I think about how much copying and pasting has been done in this "story".
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fuckyeahgundamwing · 11 years
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operationmeteor · 11 years
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By 綵乃
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hellyeahgundamwing · 13 years
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1000 x 4 x 3. GWing love triangle: Generation Xerox edition? :p
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fallenwingzero · 2 years
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I promise I'll start translating this today but for now here's a translation of the blurb:
"Relena...I haven't shown you the brilliance of my soul yet..."
- What choice does Heero make in the intensifying battle on Mars? -?!
(That's the blue writing, the red is just advertising this volume and the yellow is advertising the FT Picture drama being included in the Blu-ray boxset 2)
We're finally getting up to Heero's arc! 💖
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The true Forbidden Ship: any ship made from the combinations of each row.
-4xRxCXUne. It’s just gonna be:
Catherine, sobbing:
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-2xS. You know, Sally and Duo might actually be able to hit it off. A bit too May-December romance, but give him like 15 more years and it might work.
-5x9xHxUne. Unholy. Fei is gonna say something sexist and get his dumb ass killed. But after he’s gone, it’s a trio of badass women. That’s a perk.
-3x6. ??? I don’t even know??? What would they even talk about?? Or is this part of Milou Peacecraft’s origin story??
-1x13xD. According to Frozen Teardrop, THEY’RE RELATED. STOP WITH THE INCEST YOU GODDAMN CRETINS. There’s a whole universe of people out there!!
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fallenwingzero · 2 years
More GW!Sims families for my post-FT file.
This time the Peacecraft family starting with Cyrene Wind (Milliardo Peacecraft/Zechs Merquise).
First off, his outfit from Frozen Teardrop.
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Then, a couple of outfits from the Gundam Wing anime.
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His beautiful wife, Lucrezia Noin and her iconic outfits from the anime series and movie.
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Thier son, Milou Peacecraft.
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I also made his sister Naina, but she is not a part of this household, so I'll post her later.
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And last of all, Spade the dog. A clone of the late Marticus Rex's (Milliardo's father) beloved dog Spade.
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fallenwingzero · 2 years
Random FT thought but Marticus Rex calling himself the "King of Spades" and then Milou Peacecraft piloting the custom made "King of Spades MS" is a nice way of honouring his grandfather.
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Duo Jr is honestly pretty entertaining in FT. Once you get past that whole brat!routine he’s got going on, it’s hilarious just to see how he’s faring in the background as the other characters have their assorted Existential Crises, complete with blaring different classical music pieces at each other.
Kathy Po: [vague BS about Aurora Borealis]
Wufei: [vague BS about Heero and Operation Mythos]
Duo: [vague BS about Heero and Operation Mythos]
Duo Jr: This is bullshit, you’re all bullshit, wake me when the plot finally starts fucking happening.
Duo Jr: Hey let’s work together to take care of these enemies.
Trowa: Heero Yuy would take care of them all by himself without complaint.
Duo Jr: Look at all the fucks I give. *forces half of the enemies on them*
Naina Peacecraft: Now we battle-
Duo Jr: I’m hungry, you want a sandwich?
Naina: Okay!
[after eating sandwiches]
Naina: Now, back to the battle-
Duo Jr: Hey wanna see a magic trick?! *starts multiplying hats and pulling stuffed bunnies out of them*
Naina: Okay! *starts giving Duo Jr critical information*
[Quaterine Oud Winner/Milou Peacecraft vs Quatre/Trowa Barton/Catherine/Trowa Phobos/Duo Jr]
Quatre: [lecturing Quaterine out of her existential crisis]
Quaterine: [angsty monologue]
Trowa B.: [angsty internal monologue]
Phobos/Catherine/Milou: [vague introspective answers]
Duo Jr: [resurfacing after fighting several elite MS at the bottom of the ocean alone] WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON UP HERE?!
Apparently snark is an inherited trait in the Maxwell line too. (Or it was cloned, because I still think Duo Jr was just xerox’d into existence.)
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fuckyeahgundamwing · 13 years
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双子とお嬢さま [綵乃]
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fuckyeahgundamwing · 13 years
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ミル [綵乃]
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