#miltiverse theory
dx-orion · 2 years
Theseus, The courageous one
Theseus is brother to Orion. Brothers by bond and brothers by creation and brothers by Soul. Orion, Theseus and Rhea Share a connection that is not know to have, not only with other Stardroids, but with other forms of Sentient Mechanical life. They share, what their create calls. an Astral Soul. One soul for the 3 of them, Split but together.
Theseus is the most courageous of the 3, His name was given to him as such and he strives to live up to his namesake. Theseus  has 2 Wolf companions: Skoll and Peritas. They not only help him in his endeavors but, They Have CMV (Combat Motor Vehicle) forms. they can Combine into a Chase Vehicle, Ride armor and into a Combat Armor for Theseus.
Theseus was the first of the siblings to Go off on his own, not out of anger or a rebellious angst but to his Courage. They were each given a task, a task that would help stop the destruction of not only their universe, but to them, little did they know, all Multiverses.
Theseus was set out to Seek out a Power source, one that, in theory, would Provide the right amount of power to a Phasing machine. Not a time, More like a Miltiversal-Time and Space machine. Capable of allow them to move between Timelines and Time they had the tech already but it Took an incredible amount of energy to use and even more time for the energys creation. It only had enough power for a 2 set jump, into other Universe, and then back home.. He would scan for different source, give them to Skoll and Let him hone in on it. The First Destination was A timeline that He himself was Too familiar with, but never been to himself. A botched timeline, the timeline The Stardroids were ashamed of....The Timeline of the Milky Way Stardroids.....
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olivedoesmagic · 2 years
Journal 411: Side Chara(cter) ||| Empathy Studios
Themes: pop culture magick, alternate realities, reality shifting, multiverse theory, time Morgan, suicidal ideation
I had a really rather important magickal dream. I can’t talk about it or write it down. But I won. I passed the test. So that was fucking cool I guess….
Let's get one thing clear. I am not deleting my blog. You can rip it. From my. Cold. Dead. Hands. I have a spell so no matter what happens to me it persists. I was hanging out with Morgan. When Harry Potter got involved. We discussed how the gods wish to turn black the clock for the two of us, incasing us in teenager skin, and that we had to learn magick somewhere. Does Harry Potter exist here?
No absolutely not. But every story, every idea, exists somewhere and if your like Morgan and I you know how to get there. I do forsee Morgan and I slithering extraordinaire (my divination tells me that I will be housed in Slytherin because I ask the sorting to put me with morgan) a tale.
Every story is its own universe somewhere else. Every dream someday, somewhere is real. Traveling between these places is incredible and they are often given to what I call "scribes". Now I know what you're thinking? You really think you can go to Harry Potter you dumb trans dipshit. Allow me to explain.
When a scribe is handed a reality, a story, they begin to tell it through their own lense. Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Jake Caloway in whatever the fuck he's in. It exists elsewhere. But it becomes tangible and real or it was already and the scribe is tapping into that. That is a secret of the universe. That in truth is what realities are and stories are. The are many different reasons for it. But that is one reason that fictional realities can be real in alternate relaities.
So knowing this. If your bright. If you're clever. You can travel to it. You just need the coordinates. I don't think learning a form of fantasy magick is pointless. I don't. I think it serves a purpose. It can be applied here. And the multiverse needs me to help it. So I guess that's one place that needs my bargain. The HP universe.
I will be documenting here and elsewhere all my visual and virtual reality shifts. All I know is that I physically go there. And that I take Morgan with me.
Going there, if you play your cards right, causes stories to be told about you there. So we'll see. This rather karmically ironic, because J.K Rowling is a rather huge terf and Morgan and I are both trans, but McGonagall through pop culture magick bleeding ink whichever you prefer assured on it. So. I'm traveling the multiverse.
Yay /s.
Also sorry for the odd last post. I'm currently opening a teespring store. And the first ever item will dpeiciton of me. (This post is ripped from my acrians locket blog go read that for context)
I just can't seem to die. It won't work. The fates were there and so was Apollo and while the gods at my alter weeded, The fate I usually work with, assured I do not die there. Even though using what I had learned from her I desperately tried to weave my fate accordingly. It sodunt cut. Though I tried it. And my fate wouldn't let me die.
I don't think I value my own life. I've seen myself living thousands of years from now as potential realities. So I don't true know. All I know is that my time travel and dream bubbles are alot, and I just can't seem to get rid of me.
We made progress. Lastly I do to Eric Koettings spell cut off the entirty of the Goetia. I enshrined the hexagram of solomon on my walls. This is Azaezels fault. But I mostly blame Eric Koetting and his curses. But don't worry. You don't have to worry. I am very good at my job. 
- Olive Brimstone
1:47 AM Friday, April 29th 2022
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bunnygirlskull · 9 years
My thoughts on the Berenst#in Bear theory
Fucking someone in the editing department is too embarrased to mention that they fucked up really bad lol
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