#milverton as blofeld au
miwhotep · 5 months
While writing an analysis on James Bond and YuuMori connections, my craziest Milverton headcanon just dropped into my head regarding what he would do if he somehow didn't die in Two Criminals.
So, Milverton actually survives of being shot, but ends up paralyzed. He moves to New York (in the Merchant of London Act I it is mentioned that Milverton has a newspaper there as a branch firm)  with Ruskin, takes on a new identity and starts running an international criminal organization - he becomes the main James Bond villain, ERNST STAVRO BLOFELD, the leader of SPECTRE (whom we only see in the first few James Bond movies while sitting in a chair with a cat and plotting - and Milverton in the Conan Doyle canon kept a cat as a pet, too. I headcanon YuuMori Milvy being a cat-lover, too)
Okay, I am totally believing in this now.
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miwhotep · 3 months
Because I always wanted a manga cover for Milvey and I knew I will never get it, because it wouldn't fit to the cover rule, I designed a Milverton as Blofeld manga cover myself (based after the character covers' style).
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miwhotep · 3 months
I think a lot about the James Bond universe in Moriarty the Patriot and eagerly waiting for when Ernst Stavro Blofeld, the main antagonist of the Bondverse, will arrive to the scene. As a Milverton fan, I want him to come back as Blofeld, but of course, there are other possibilities for the role. Here, I will write down the reasons why I think Milverton can return as him - because there are more to it that just wishful thinking from my part - but I also list and explain two other candidates.
But first, let's learn a bit about Ernst Stavro Blofeld himself. He is the leader of a criminal organization called the Spectre, first appearing in the book called Thunderball. He barely appeared in the earlier James Bond movies, but he got re-imagined and became the archenemy of Bond, lurking in the shadows during the Daniel Craig era. James Bond defeats him in the movie called Spectre. There, we learn more about Blofeld's past and relations to James Bond what are different from the book canon: the Daniel Craig-era's Blofeld was the stepbrother of James Bond, who seemingly died in a mountain incident in his early 20s, but he actually just disappeared and took up a new name. He later started running the Spectre (Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion) and kept crossing James Bond's missions. He also tried to legalize the surveillance system called the Nine Eyes - which collects every data of all different secret agencies and governments, becoming a powerhouse of information exist in the whole world - through committing terroristic acts. In the end, James Bond stopped Blofeld and he ends up in prison, later getting killed.
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Why is it possible for Milverton becoming Blofeld? While he is not from James Bond's past, but from William James Moriarty's (and Sherlock), but the Moriarties are running the MI6 in the end, so Milverton having relations to them instead of Bond is still close to the idea of the Spectre movie's Blofeld.
There's also the tendency in Moriarty the Patriot to cast Sherlock canon characters into the James Bond universe roles: James Bond's past self is Irene Adler, Von Herder is Q, Sebastian Moran is 006 Alec Trevelyan or Albert and later Louis (yes, Professor Moriarty had two brothers in the canon) is M. Milverton becoming Blofeld would fit into this tendency.
While they are not fully similar when it comes to their looks, Blofeld is also a younger man (in his 40s) with grey-white hair. Blofeld has a cat which is shown a lot of times with him, too - and while Milverton didn't have cat in YuuMori, the Conan Doyle canon's Milverton was a cat lover.
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Blofeld in the movie Spectre is obsessed with information and wants to start operating his surveillance system he can get every data with - and Milverton was a media mogul who knew about most things what was going on in London and was also a control freak.
From the antagonists YuuMori gave us, the only one most likely to be smart enough to start an international criminal organization would be Milverton - he already built up several successful companies and have experience in organizing crime, so it is possible that it's him who creates the Spectre. And like Blofeld, Milverton was also a mastermind pulling the strings from the shadows - just remember both the Whitechapel and the White Knight arc. Milverton was also knowledged and skilled in the activities of the Spectre: Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion.
It's also interesting to note that beside what the name Spectre stands for, the word also refers to vengeful ghosts - and Milverton surely want revenge if he survived.
Blofeld seemingly died and came back - and Milverton's body was never found. It could've been just a way for Sherlock getting away from the punishment for killing him, but also, maybe Milverton truly didn't die that night - from what I could gather from my cousin's doctor wife and a doctor friend in the fandom (to both of them, I am really thankful to take the time to analyze Milverton's injuries for me) he can survive if Ruskin gets him help in time (and in Ruskin, I believe). Also, Moriarty the Patriot has a tendency for characters coming back from situations where they should have just died - so I'm not taking Milverton's death as a fact.
And let me remind you a non-Blofeld related fact about Milverton: his company has a branch firm in New York. Is it just a coincidence that Liam and Sherlock ended up in New York as well? If Milverton survived, he most likely retreated to New York: there, he could've learn about Sherlock and William being alive and now working together - that would fuel his anger even more.
The other candidate to be Blofeld is Albert's younger brother, OG William - and OG William is Liam's actual stepbrother. If someone saved him and treat his injuries in time on the night when the young Moriarty group set the house on fire, he could survive, too, and in that case, he also surely wants to have revenge.
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The third person with great revenge in his heart, possible knowledge to build up a criminal organization thanks to his employer's teachings and the highest chance of survival from the three - is Ruskin, Milverton's secretary. If Milverton truly died that night, Ruskin surely wants to take his revenge on the people who killed the person he loved to the point of running back for him into a burning house, despite that it puts his life into danger. Yes, if Ruskin is out there - he is surely furious. I wouldn't be surprised if we get to see him again.
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But maybe Blofeld will be someone who truly didn't appear yet, a totally new character in the series. I don't know where Part 2 will lead us, there will be more focus on MI6 missions at all and if we would even get Blofeld as the next big villain - but it's still fun to theorize on his identity. I'm really in love with the thought of Milverton being him so if this won't be the case, I will just keep it as an AU because it's too good for an idea to just pass by.
And if you see this sign appearing in future manga chapters, beware: the Spectre is near.
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miwhotep · 3 months
I was wandering if Milverton actually becomes Blofeld and creates the criminal organization Spectre, how did he even decided on an octopus logo for it.
Well, that should go like that...
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Milverton/Blofeld: Our criminal organizaton has been successfully created!
Milverton/Blofeld: Now we just need to choose a fancy logo. I would prefer a snake.
Ruskin: I regret to inform you, sir, but it's already the symbol of medicinary.
Ruskin: What if we use an octopus? That looks like lot of snakes at once!
Milverton/Blofeld: Great work, Ruskin!
A new era of evil begins!
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miwhotep · 3 months
I made a tribute to Milverton as Ernst Stavro Blofeld (main antagonist of the James Bond universe, running the criminal organization called Spectre - and its logo is an octopus)
The quotes I used said by Blofeld in the Spectre movie.
Song: Bohnes - You've Created a Monster
Possible flashlight warning!
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miwhotep · 4 months
I want to keep this blog more ordered, so I added a little post with links to my headcanons, analysis and further Milverton stuff - it will be easier for me to find them if I need to.
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The problems with Milverton's character writing in Two Criminals
Charles Augustus Milverton - the Conan Doyle canon and adaptational differences
Milverton, the Moriarty the Patriot version - the Conan Doyle canon and further inspirations
Milverton: the dark mirror of William James Moriarty
When Milverton is actually nice - his relationship with his secretary, Ruskin
Is Milverton blackmailable or not?
Ruskin/Louis similarities when it comes to their relationships with Milverton/William
Little, not evil things what Milverton likes
Milverton and his advertisement company - how did advertising worked in the Victorian era
Reasons why Milverton can still be alive
Another addition to Milverton and Ruskin's relationship
Milverton and Whiteley - similar, but opposites
What can be behind Milverton's surprise in White Knight
Analysis of my favourite Milveskin moments
Milverton as an employer
James Bond universe references in Moriarty the Patriot
A Moneypenny theory
Yuumori James Bond & cocktails
The reason behind Milverton's motivation as a villain
Milverton's origin story
How did Ruskin met Milverton
Milverton as the Moriarties' possible agent-to-be in the media world
Random Milverton / Milveskin headcanons
Random Milverton / Milveskin headcanons II.
Milverton's possible return as Ernst Stavro Blofeld - main villain of the James Bond universe
More about Blofeld and a list of reasons why Milverton is a possible candidate for the role
Milverton as Blofeld manga fan cover
Milverton/Blofeld Tribute (music video)
My Milverton cocktail recipe
Milveskin Caramelldansen edit
Fan-made Milverton anime card & Milvey's flower symbol
Milverton manga character chart
Milverton & Ruskin chibi art
All fanfictions (links with summaries)
Hope in the Darkness (Milverton villain origin story fic)
What Goes Around Comes Around (Milverton getting blackmailed by Ruskin's kidnapping)
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