#yuumori james bond universe
miwhotep · 4 months
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Moriarty the Patriot has the tendency to cast canon Sherlock Holmes characters into the roles of James Bond characters: James Bond was Irene Adler, Sebastian Moran is Alec Trevelyan 006, Herder is Q and Moriarty's brother is M - only Moneypenny doesn't fit to this rule. At least, yet, because we don't know anything about her backstory.
So I started wandering which Sherlock Holmes character can be Moneypenny - and my guess would be Violet Hunter from The Copper Beeches story.
Violet Hunter is one of the most badass heroines of the Sherlock Holmes stories, even Sherlock complimented her braveness. She was a teacher/governess and consulted with Holmes regarding a job she wanted to take at a family with really weird requests - they asked her to cut off her hair for the job, to wear the clothes they give to her and to listen funny stories in worktime and laugh loudly. Violet Hunter ended up taking the job and she did the investigation around her strange circumstances on her own, Sherlock only showed up at the last scene.
We know as much about Violet Hunter as about Moneypenny - but when it comes to their looks, Moneypenny is surprisingly similar to her: same auburn hair color, freckles and while Violet is not mentioned to wear glasses, she was a teacher and Moneypenny's glasses are quite teacher-like. And that would give an explanation why Moneypenny has short hair beside that it's practical as an agent (since women didn't really have short hair that time) - maybe she cut it off as Violet and she never grow it back.
This is simply theory from me, but Violet Hunter is my favourite Sherlock Holmes heroine so I would be happy if she would be Moneypenny. There's still the question how did Moneypenny ended up at the Moriarties' employment - hopefully we learn it in Part 2.
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ryuusea · 18 days
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Yuumori moriparty doodles
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the-little-pierre · 15 days
Hi~♡ is Pierre
I would like to share with you a fic I wrote~♡ this is the first writing that I publish, hope you like it.
AU western:
Irene Adler x Mycroft Holmes
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Hello....Because you also love TGCF. Your top 5 (or top 3) fav Yuumori characters will be besties with who (in your opinions) if they were in other universe, with your top fav characters from TGCF? Hope my questions are not confusing.....
I kind of ran wild with the premise of this question and didn't stick to five or to just my faves, but anyways here's some random character combo thoughts haha!
Shi Qingxuan and James Bond are either besties or sworn enemies.
Xie Lian and Albert do horrifying things in the kitchen together.
Hua Cheng kind of mildly vibes with William's "abused street kid with a vendetta" (and eventually one eye) thing.
Hua Cheng has confusing feelings about Louis in English 😂😂
Ling Wen and Mycroft spend a lot of time sighing and rubbing their temples in each other's company.
Sherlock and Xie Lian solve a case together.
Feng Xin and Moran bond over their endearingly obsessive guard dog habits.
Mu Qing and Louis hate each other.
Pei Ming and Moran also hate each other.
He Xuan is very onboard with the Moriarty cause.
Qi Rong steals a prototype automobile from Herder's workshop and all hell breaks loose.
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I mentioned in another post that Yuukoku no Moriarty is an adaptation that plays with adaptation as a form, and no one asked me about it, which kind of makes me sad because I really wanted the impetus to talk about it to override my executive dysfunction. But it turns out I think it was interesting enough to write anyway.
Maybe it’s not as interesting a realization as I thought it was when I thought of it…whenever that was. This year, sometime. Maybe this is because I said that literally hours ago and didn’t want to wait.
So, Yuukoku no Moriarty is an adaptation. A loose adaptation (very loose), but nonetheless an adaptation of not one, but two different very well-known stories in not only the anglosphere but pretty much globally. I have never read a Sherlock Holmes story in my life or seen literally any other adaptation of it. I still knew who several of the characters were before I even started the series. I have never read a James Bond novel or seen literally any of the movies. I still knew the character’s names and often roughly what the did, before I started the series. I could recognize a lot of the names of the story arcs and what they were riffs on.
That is how well-known and famous these stories are. They are stories people know just through existing in the world and bobbing along as osmosis.
And this story would not work if it were not an adaptation.
Now, there’s a lot of way to approach adaptations. For instance, when adapting a book to a movie, changes are usually made so that the material in the book can get crunched down to fit into a movie of reasonable length, which means scenes or characters might go. Some lines that were thought will be said. Things like that, in order to make the story work in the new format. Takeuchi-sensei says in his notes in volume two of the series to think of Sherly as just another flavor of Holmes because each adaptation’s version is slightly different. That’s just how adaptations are, no matter how faithful. Changes have to be made to tell the same story properly.
And then there are looser retellings and adaptations that tend to be less strict about trying to tell the same story. Something like Elementary is not really trying to tell the same story as the Sherlock Holmes canon did. Like. The events are not the same. The characters are different. They gender-swapped someone and set it somewhere else. They just used the same pieces of the story—some of the characters and their dynamics, etc.—to tell a different story they wanted to tell.
Yuukoku no Moriarty is doing both at once: It’s a loose retelling that’s dramatically changing the story—and also acknowledging in-universe that this is a different story from the one it’s “supposed” to be.
It helps, because the original Sherlock Holmes stories were narrated primarily by one of the characters acting in the story, and he was, in the original canon, writing them to sell them for money. There’s a bit of a strange fourth wall there that YuuMori is taking full advantage of.
YuuMori’s story starts out with a flashforward: a flashforward to one of the most famous scenes in the original canon, a scene which was reliably recognized for what it was as Reichenbach Falls and Moriarty’s end.
And then tells us a story about how narratives are artificial. How they’re crafted to serve an end. A story about a villain who casts himself into a role as one and calls his plans a “play.” A villain who chooses someone to cast into the role of his nemesis and make the protagonist, intentionally trying to craft a poetic contrast between the two to make the story really impactful. And all this despite the fact that neither of them ever properly fit into the roles they were imagined as and the story demanded them to be: William’s cast listing for his play, as upfront as the cast list in a play might be (if you’ve ever noticed, a play will have the entire cast and their roles in the front), is fake and not true to reality.
It tells us a story about a doctor who writes stories about his best friend and hid the messy details to make sure neither of them came off too terribly and no one got too angry at the details. A doctor who fudges the story of him proposing to someone for a ploy to avoid making his fiancée upset and buried stories completely at his friend’s request for the greater good.
It tells us a story about how the world was told a woman was dead and gave her new life as a man, and the two sides were easily enough to slip and blur between. It tells us a story of a blackmailer who tells the truth in ways that would cause the most harm, and it tells the story of how lying about a man’s actions help save the country because it was a horror they did not need to know.
YuuMori is constantly telling stories about lies being given to people to make a story easy and palatable, to serve the ends of the one lying about the story, of about people crafting narratives and stories, and the more the lie, the closer they put the character to us.
And then it shows us that the story we thought we were seeing from the start in the flashforward was also a trick. You know this story, it said. You know this story and how it ends. Everyone does. It’s one of the most famous endings of a character in the anglosphere.
But did we really? Or do we just know how we were told to story goes and how it ends?
Yes, we had a flashforward. But that one panel would have meant nothing if we did not know that Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarty faced off at a waterfall in Switzerland, and that Professor Moriarty died there, the victim of his eternal nemesis and enemy. And we only knew that because it’s an adaptation of one of the most-adapted canons in English literature.
The story fundamentally would not work if it were not an adaptation. It relies on that premise to tell a story. Not because it’s using the same copyright pieces. Not because it’s trying to tell the same story.
But because if we didn’t think we knew the story, then the twist couldn’t have happened.
And I think that’s an amazing use of the form.
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wirriammoriaty · 4 years
me: trying to shift into the yuumori universe to bang James Bond
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miwhotep · 8 months
While writing an analysis on James Bond and YuuMori connections, my craziest Milverton headcanon just dropped into my head regarding what he would do if he somehow didn't die in Two Criminals.
So, Milverton actually survives of being shot, but ends up paralyzed. He moves to New York (in the Merchant of London Act I it is mentioned that Milverton has a newspaper there as a branch firm)  with Ruskin, takes on a new identity and starts running an international criminal organization - he becomes the main James Bond villain, ERNST STAVRO BLOFELD, the leader of SPECTRE (whom we only see in the first few James Bond movies while sitting in a chair with a cat and plotting - and Milverton in the Conan Doyle canon kept a cat as a pet, too. I headcanon YuuMori Milvy being a cat-lover, too)
Okay, I am totally believing in this now.
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miwhotep · 4 months
My hobby is bartending and I'm also a James Bond movie fan, so I wanted to make a post about the drinks James Bond drank in the Scotland Yard Riot arc in the pub, because it has some interesting connections.
In the James Bond movies, James Bond's favourite cocktail is "vodka martini, shaken, not stirred" - this sentence appears in every movies.
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In Yuumori, he didn't drink vodka martini (but who knows what the future will hold). During the Riot arc in the manga, he drank Macallan Scotch, "shaken, not stirred", just like the famous quote. Macallan Scotch is a famous whiskey - and it is a reference to the James Bond movie Skyfall where Bond drinks this whiskey, too.
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In the anime adaptation of the story, he drank a cocktail having brandy, maraschino cherry and angostura bitters in it - based on the ingredients, this is a cocktail called Brandy Old-Fashioned (what usually also has orange as an addition). Brandy Old-Fashioned is a cocktail what popularily originates from the USA  - the drink mostly asssociated with Wisconsin state nowadays - and it's a great nod to Yuumori Bond's American roots.
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And of course, I used this chance and made a Brandy Old-Fashioned myself, too.
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The bartender in the anime made the mistake to serve it in a wine glass - brandy cocktails, and especially Old-Fashioned don't tend to get served in wine glasses - so I used an old-fashioned glass instead.
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miwhotep · 7 months
Because I always wanted a manga cover for Milvey and I knew I will never get it, because it wouldn't fit to the cover rule, I designed a Milverton as Blofeld manga cover myself (based after the character covers' style).
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miwhotep · 7 months
In James Bond movies, there is always an opening or ending part (called gunbarrel sequence) where James Bond walks into the scene and shoots while the epic theme song is playing (like this)
I wanted to do a gunbarrel sequence for YuuMori's Bond, too.
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miwhotep · 7 months
I think a lot about the James Bond universe in Moriarty the Patriot and eagerly waiting for when Ernst Stavro Blofeld, the main antagonist of the Bondverse, will arrive to the scene. As a Milverton fan, I want him to come back as Blofeld, but of course, there are other possibilities for the role. Here, I will write down the reasons why I think Milverton can return as him - because there are more to it that just wishful thinking from my part - but I also list and explain two other candidates.
But first, let's learn a bit about Ernst Stavro Blofeld himself. He is the leader of a criminal organization called the Spectre, first appearing in the book called Thunderball. He barely appeared in the earlier James Bond movies, but he got re-imagined and became the archenemy of Bond, lurking in the shadows during the Daniel Craig era. James Bond defeats him in the movie called Spectre. There, we learn more about Blofeld's past and relations to James Bond what are different from the book canon: the Daniel Craig-era's Blofeld was the stepbrother of James Bond, who seemingly died in a mountain incident in his early 20s, but he actually just disappeared and took up a new name. He later started running the Spectre (Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion) and kept crossing James Bond's missions. He also tried to legalize the surveillance system called the Nine Eyes - which collects every data of all different secret agencies and governments, becoming a powerhouse of information exist in the whole world - through committing terroristic acts. In the end, James Bond stopped Blofeld and he ends up in prison, later getting killed.
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Why is it possible for Milverton becoming Blofeld? While he is not from James Bond's past, but from William James Moriarty's (and Sherlock), but the Moriarties are running the MI6 in the end, so Milverton having relations to them instead of Bond is still close to the idea of the Spectre movie's Blofeld.
There's also the tendency in Moriarty the Patriot to cast Sherlock canon characters into the James Bond universe roles: James Bond's past self is Irene Adler, Von Herder is Q, Sebastian Moran is 006 Alec Trevelyan or Albert and later Louis (yes, Professor Moriarty had two brothers in the canon) is M. Milverton becoming Blofeld would fit into this tendency.
While they are not fully similar when it comes to their looks, Blofeld is also a younger man (in his 40s) with grey-white hair. Blofeld has a cat which is shown a lot of times with him, too - and while Milverton didn't have cat in YuuMori, the Conan Doyle canon's Milverton was a cat lover.
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Blofeld in the movie Spectre is obsessed with information and wants to start operating his surveillance system he can get every data with - and Milverton was a media mogul who knew about most things what was going on in London and was also a control freak.
From the antagonists YuuMori gave us, the only one most likely to be smart enough to start an international criminal organization would be Milverton - he already built up several successful companies and have experience in organizing crime, so it is possible that it's him who creates the Spectre. And like Blofeld, Milverton was also a mastermind pulling the strings from the shadows - just remember both the Whitechapel and the White Knight arc. Milverton was also knowledged and skilled in the activities of the Spectre: Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion.
It's also interesting to note that beside what the name Spectre stands for, the word also refers to vengeful ghosts - and Milverton surely want revenge if he survived.
Blofeld seemingly died and came back - and Milverton's body was never found. It could've been just a way for Sherlock getting away from the punishment for killing him, but also, maybe Milverton truly didn't die that night - from what I could gather from my cousin's doctor wife and a doctor friend in the fandom (to both of them, I am really thankful to take the time to analyze Milverton's injuries for me) he can survive if Ruskin gets him help in time (and in Ruskin, I believe). Also, Moriarty the Patriot has a tendency for characters coming back from situations where they should have just died - so I'm not taking Milverton's death as a fact.
And let me remind you a non-Blofeld related fact about Milverton: his company has a branch firm in New York. Is it just a coincidence that Liam and Sherlock ended up in New York as well? If Milverton survived, he most likely retreated to New York: there, he could've learn about Sherlock and William being alive and now working together - that would fuel his anger even more.
The other candidate to be Blofeld is Albert's younger brother, OG William - and OG William is Liam's actual stepbrother. If someone saved him and treat his injuries in time on the night when the young Moriarty group set the house on fire, he could survive, too, and in that case, he also surely wants to have revenge.
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The third person with great revenge in his heart, possible knowledge to build up a criminal organization thanks to his employer's teachings and the highest chance of survival from the three - is Ruskin, Milverton's secretary. If Milverton truly died that night, Ruskin surely wants to take his revenge on the people who killed the person he loved to the point of running back for him into a burning house, despite that it puts his life into danger. Yes, if Ruskin is out there - he is surely furious. I wouldn't be surprised if we get to see him again.
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But maybe Blofeld will be someone who truly didn't appear yet, a totally new character in the series. I don't know where Part 2 will lead us, there will be more focus on MI6 missions at all and if we would even get Blofeld as the next big villain - but it's still fun to theorize on his identity. I'm really in love with the thought of Milverton being him so if this won't be the case, I will just keep it as an AU because it's too good for an idea to just pass by.
And if you see this sign appearing in future manga chapters, beware: the Spectre is near.
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miwhotep · 7 months
I was wandering if Milverton actually becomes Blofeld and creates the criminal organization Spectre, how did he even decided on an octopus logo for it.
Well, that should go like that...
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Milverton/Blofeld: Our criminal organizaton has been successfully created!
Milverton/Blofeld: Now we just need to choose a fancy logo. I would prefer a snake.
Ruskin: I regret to inform you, sir, but it's already the symbol of medicinary.
Ruskin: What if we use an octopus? That looks like lot of snakes at once!
Milverton/Blofeld: Great work, Ruskin!
A new era of evil begins!
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miwhotep · 7 months
I made a tribute to Milverton as Ernst Stavro Blofeld (main antagonist of the James Bond universe, running the criminal organization called Spectre - and its logo is an octopus)
The quotes I used said by Blofeld in the Spectre movie.
Song: Bohnes - You've Created a Monster
Possible flashlight warning!
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miwhotep · 5 months
Reading @diveintovortex 's recent post, I again, got inspired to make an analysis why Milverton can still be alive. I already did one like this before, related to the main antagonist of the James Bond universe, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, but today's post will rely heavily on the manga. Here, I will raise seven points why Milverton might not gone yet and we can suspect to see him again.
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Milverton is one of the most detailed, most bothersome to draw characters of Yuumori (especially with that hair). If we look more deeply into the manga, we can see that the characters who only appeared for a few chapters - like Whiteley - are always designed in a more simple way. Milverton's character design has too much work in it, it wouldn't worth it if this was all the storytime he got. Milverton's distinct look suggests that he was meant to be much more than just a plot-device overall, he is a character on his own who still has hella lot of potential in him.
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Yes, I can list it under the point above as well - but I wanna focus on this a little more. Only three characters has unnatural, symbolic eye colours in the series: William, the main character, his brother, Louis - who gets important later on - and Milverton. Considering this tendency, his eye colour - beside it referencing snakes - also implies that Milverton is an important character - again: a character, not a plot-device - but Milverton was mostly just a plot-device yet, whose role was getting Sherlock and William face each other. Maybe, just like Louis, he gets important later on.
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Milverton has some, for the plot, seemingly irrelevant trivia the manga just casually drops at us - like his branch firm in New York. This New York connection gets interesting since Sherliam also ended up in New York. Was this just a coincidence? Or we will come back to this in Part 2?
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Ruskin, unlike Milverton was never meant to be an important character - his character design got re-used from The Adventure of One Student and we didn't even get to know his first name - but the manga still gave him a little focus at the end of Two Criminals, where we can see him searching for Milverton instead of saving himself from the burning house. He most likely survived and I'm sure there was a reason his love for Milverton got some attention in that chapter. I used to speculate that it was to forecast that he will get back to get revenge for his boss later - but again, his character design doesn't suggest he is an important character. On the other hand, that scene could be also to hint that Ruskin will save Milverton. Ruskin is not stupid - he could suspect what happened from the open door where Milverton jumped out - and that door could also provide the fastest way for Ruskin to leave the about-to-crash house. Not much time passed since Milverton got shot who could survive if Ruskin gets him out of the water in time. If he jumped into the water to escape, he might've found Milverton as well.
This point was suggested by @shreddedleopard during one of our talks whom I fully credit the idea to. Milverton keeps paralelling William in poses, methods - and even in "death": William "died" by falling into the water, too. If this was meant to be yet another parallel between the two, that also suggests that Milverton as well, might turn out to be alive.
Milverton's body was never found what let Sherlock escape from the consequences of the murder. However, this might not be the true reason why his body never got found - Milverton's death was actually too bothersome if it was meant to be only for this. It would've been simplier if he just got shot, dying inmediately and his body getting burned with the house and Sherlock could've get away with the murder in this case, too. Milverton also didn't got shot in the heart, but suffered injuries what he could survive if he gets treated in time. If the writer truly wanted us to fully believe that Milverton is dead, it could've been done easily with a heartshot.
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Despite that Moriarty the Patriot gets inspiration from other places than Sherlock Holmes stories - like the James Bond universe or The Dark Knight movie - it's still a story focusing on Sherlock Holmes characters - and the most iconic Sherlock villain beside Moriarty, Irene Adler or Moran is Charles Augustus Milverton... who still has lot of potential. And beside him, who could be the next antagonist in Part 2? The other Sherlock villains who didn't get used yet aren't as much of a big names. That's another point what can suggest that Milverton's arc is still unfinished.
Milverton not getting enough attention in Part 1 despite he clearly implied to be an important character was due to putting too much focus on him could complicate or even get the attention away from the Moriarty Plan what was the main theme of the series in Part 1. Maybe what we saw about Milverton yet was just an introduction and now, that we already know how dangerous and evil he can be, we can see more of his evil in Part 2. Because I'm sure if he is alive, he is ready to commit even bigger atrocities what we could imagine.
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miwhotep · 8 months
I am a big fan of James Bond since my early teenage years. I watched every movies and read all books, so when the Moriarty the Patriot manga first started using James Bond references, I basically screamed. And my voice got 100x louder when the iconic My name is Bond. James Bond. scene happened.
I always wanted to write an analysis of YuuMori's James Bond connections, so now here we are.
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First, let's talk a bit about the actual James Bond universe. The character of James Bond - the MI6 agent numbered 007 with a license to kill - got created by Ian Fleming in 1953. He first appeared in the novel called Casino Royale. Fleming wrote 12 novels and two short story collections with the character. The novels soon got movie adaptations, too, the first James Bond movie was Dr. No in 1962, where Sean Connery played Bond. Currently there are 25 Bond movies.
The James Bond movies can be classified into eras by the actor who played Bond. In order, these follow:
Sean Connery
(George Lazenby - but everyone tends to pretend this movie never happened)
Roger Moore
Timothy Dalton
Pierce Brosnan
Daniel Craig
The movies didn't come out in chronological order when it comes to James Bond's life-happenings. Most movies can be watched as stand-alones - but the Daniel Craig era tried to built up a storyline, where the movies are tied to each other. The James Bond movies always have an iconic intro, sing by a popular singer of the current era (the last movie's intro song was by Billie Eilish.)
The James Bond movie universe started to fuse with the Sherlock Holmes universe thanks to the Alan Moore comic book series, The League of Extraordinary Gentleman (1999). Professor Moriarty appeared here as M - the title what later ended up with Mycroft. The Elementary series (and somewhat BBC Sherlock) continued this tendency, featuring Mycroft as someone who has ties to the MI5/MI6.
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Professor Moriarty in TLoEG
The Moriarty the Patriot series features most characters who are important in James Bond movies. They are..
M - the leader of the MI6, which role was fullfilled by Albert and Louis.
Q - the inventor who keeps coming up with weapons and cars for James Bond. In YuuMori, Q is Von Herder, the blind mechanic mentioned in the Empty House Conan Doyle story.
Ms. Moneypenny - a secretary working personally for M. In the Daniel Craig era, she started as a field agent, but later moved to do office work. James Bond always gives her flowers and little souvenirs.
When it comes to James Bond, his personality in Moriarty the Patriot is similar to the canon one: loving good cars and guns, flirting with woman (especially Moneypenny) and while it's not vodka martini he orders in the pub when he met with Patterson, he asks for the drink shaken, not stirren. (On the other hand, the Macallan scotch he asks for is a reference to what James Bond drank in the Skyfall movie.)
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The location of the MI6 in YuuMori is also similar to the James Bond movies: underground and underwater in the Thames.
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The headquarter in Skyfall
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The Q-sector
The Man with the Golden Army arc features other references for the James Bond universe. The arc's title refers to the movie/book The Man with the Golden Gun (Roger Moore-era) - the two stories only similarity is that both deal with special guns. In that arc, Sebastian Moran takes on the identity of the 006, Alec Trevelyan. The character originally appeared in the Goldeneye James Bond movie (Pierce Brosnan-era) played by Sean Bean. He had the number 006 and he was the mentor of James Bond (like Moran later on). He seemingly got killed off at the start of the movie (but later returned as a villain).
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Alec Trevelyan in Goldeneye
Maybe not an intentional reference, but still interesting: the James Bond movie Tomorrow Never Dies features an evil media mogul, Elliot Carver as a villain who likes orchestrating catastrophic incidents so his newspaper can be the first to write about them, manipulating people that way and gaining control in the media - kind of similar to Milverton (yes, the media mogul Milverton thing is from Sherlock, but still), who was the mastermind behind the Jack the Ripper murders then manipulated the public through the news he created. (I can actually see him orchestrating incidents in order to gain more power and become the King of Media, too.)
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Elliot Carver in Tomorrow Never Dies
We've yet to see the main villain of James Bond: Ernst Stavro Blofeld, (first appearing in the Thunderball book) the head of the crime organization called Spectre. I wander when he will appear in YuuMori, if they appear at all, but I really wish!
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I hope in the next stories YuuMori's James Bond world keeps expanding - that's such an interesting aspect of the series, I love to see more references!
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miwhotep · 8 months
I want to keep this blog more ordered, so I added a little post with links to my headcanons, analysis and further Milverton stuff - it will be easier for me to find them if I need to.
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Charles Augustus Milverton - the Conan Doyle canon and adaptational differences
Milverton, the Moriarty the Patriot version - the Conan Doyle canon and further inspirations
The problems with Milverton's character writing in Two Criminals
Milverton: the dark mirror of William James Moriarty
When Milverton is actually nice - his relationship with his secretary, Ruskin
Is Milverton blackmailable or not?
Ruskin/Louis similarities when it comes to their relationships with Milverton/William
Little, not evil things what Milverton likes
Milverton and his advertisement company - how did advertising worked in the Victorian era
Reasons why Milverton can still be alive
Another addition to Milverton and Ruskin's relationship
Milverton and Whiteley - similar, but opposites
What can be behind Milverton's surprise in White Knight
Analysis of my favourite Milveskin moments
Milverton as an employer
Milverton's eyes and the meaning behind them
The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun
Milverton and the classes
The Milverton/Ruskin conversations
Milverton/Ruskin color analysis
Milverton and his newspapers
James Bond universe references in Moriarty the Patriot
A Moneypenny theory
Yuumori James Bond & cocktails
The White Knight arc and its connections to The Dark Knight movie
The Jack the Ripper case in Yuumori and in reality
The reason behind Milverton's motivation as a villain
Milverton's origin story
How did Ruskin met Milverton
Milverton as the Moriarties' possible agent-to-be in the media world
Random Milverton / Milveskin headcanons
Random Milverton / Milveskin headcanons II.
Milverton's possible return as Ernst Stavro Blofeld - main villain of the James Bond universe
More about Blofeld and a list of reasons why Milverton is a possible candidate for the role
Milverton as Blofeld manga fan cover
My Milverton cocktail recipe
Fan-made Milverton anime card & Milvey's flower symbol
Milverton manga character chart
Milverton & Ruskin chibi art
All fanfictions (links with summaries)
Hope in the Darkness (Milverton villain origin story fic)
What Goes Around Comes Around (Milverton getting blackmailed by Ruskin's kidnapping)
Unexpectedly (Milverton/Ruskin getting together longfic)
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