lambta · 6 months
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Don't kill me
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shuyukaweek · 5 years
Welcome to ShuYuka Week 2020!
Welcome to the week dedicated to celebrating Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuki x Yukari Takeba, our favorite ship from Persona 3! Our event will be held from May 18th - May 24th, 2020!
Be sure to do the following:
Please visit our Rules page for info on the schedule and submission details!
Keep up with us on twitter, @shuyukaweek
Get to know your mods: @5kyl1ne (Luis), @DrLouisAmamiya (Lia), @CDRMagnus (Josh), @TreyConover (Trey)
Stay tuned for more!
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relxion-kunp · 7 years
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yes hello this is best boi Minato
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dxfiedfxte-a · 4 years
Tag Dump(Just ignore)
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Silent Munching Noises
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rockuxotaku · 7 years
((Persona. Preferably 5 because I've been kinda obsessed lately))
Persona Overall
Favorite Male Character: Shinjiro Aragaki 
Favorite Female Character: Yukari Takeba (FIGHT ME YOU FUCKERS)
Least Favorite Character: Akihiko Sanada
Favorite Ship: YukarixMitsuru | ShinjiroxFuuka | MinatoxYukari | MinakoxShinjiro | ChiexYukiko | ElizabethxMinatoxMinako
Favorite Friendship: Chie and Yukiko | Fuuka and Junpei | Ryuji and Akira
Favorite Quote: “You don’t have to save the world to find meaning in life.. Sometimes, all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of.”
Worst Character Death (if any): If you worst as in most heart breaking then it was Shinjiro
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment: The Hawaii trip in Persona 5
Saddest Moment: The events of October 4th in P3 | When Sojiro learns the truth in Persona 5
Favorite Location: Iwatodai aka the setting of Persona 3
Persona 5
Favorite Male Character: Yusuke Kitagawa | Sojiro Sakura | Goro Akechi
Favorite Female Character: Futaba Sakura | Sadayo Kawakami
Least Favorite Character: Kamoshida and Sae Niijima
Favorite Ship: FutabaxAkira | MakotoxAkira | AnnxRyuji | KawakamixStability
Favorite Friendship: Ryuji and Akira
Favorite Quote: "Society doesn’t care what may be going on as long as it is enough to kill their perpetual boredom"
Worst Character Death (if any): Goro Akechi
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment: Hawaii!
Saddest Moment: Moragan’s Arc after the Hawaii trip
Favorite Location: Leblanc
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underxstood-archived · 10 years
Who was the one to propose:  Makato after much persuasion from Takeba
Who stressed more over wedding planning: Oh man definetly Yukari. 
Who decorated the house: Mitsuru  Yukari
Who does the cooking: Makato. So pretty much take-out all the time.
Who is more organized: Makato he's the master of organization.
Who initiates bedroom fun: Oh man Yukari.
Who suggested kids first: Oh god probably Yukari. Definetly Yukari.
Who’s more dominant: Yukari. 
Who’s the cuddler:  Once you break Makato's personal space he's a cuddling machine.
Who’s the big spoon/little spoon:. Makato/Yukari
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: Walking around holding hands in the park.
Who cooks: 
Who comes home drunk at 3am: Yukari from a LOOONG day at work
Who kills the spiders: Makato
Who falls asleep first:  Yukari
A head canon:  I'd imagine sometimes they play classical music in their house and just dance together.
Their relationship summed up in a gif: 
Do they have any “rituals”? They sleep with evokers in hand? 
Who is louder? Yukari
Who is more experimental? Makato
Who takes more risks? Makato
Do they fuck or make love?  uhhhhh make love? 
Lights on or off? It's much more intimate with the lights on.
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating? Yukari
Who is more likely to suggest a threesome? Neeeither?
Who comes first? Meh it changes every now n' then.
Who is better at oral and who prefers it? Yukari prefers recieving but she'ls also much better at it.
Who is more submissive? Makato
Who usually initiates things? Makato
Who is more sensitive? Yukari
Who has the most patience? Makato
Which kinks do they share? Public sex at the beach yo. Since they were intterupted at Yakushima. x3
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Defense of Minato/Yukari (Persona 3)
Usually I stay quiet about these kinds of things, but some of the reasons listed were so dumb I had to speak up. And I ship Minato/Yukari, which almost no one ships due to 95% of the fandom hating Yukari.
Let's get down to business, shall we?
-Yukari is a "bitch"
Yes, of course. The most often-stated reason for hating Yukari. Typical. The issue of whether or not Yukari is a bitch in the P3 fandom is a touchy enough subject that it should have its own trigger warning.
Let's go through the ol' song and dance of why Yukari is not a bitch:
Her father died when she was very young. Her mother coped with it by dating dozens of douchebag guys and generally neglecting Yukari. This made her mistrusting, and she pushed others away because she was afraid of getting hurt even more. When you go through something like that, you're bound to come out a little pissed off. Sure, she had no right to take it out on her teammates, who had similar (and some worse) experiences. But when you're upset, don't you sometimes take it out on those who only want to help?
She's also seen as a bitch because of the way she acts, mainly towards Junpei and Mitsuru. She only teases Junpei because they're good friends, and he teases her back. As for Mitsuru, she's suspicious of her due to the fact that her father worked at the Kirijo Group under Mitsuru's grandfather. But this helped her to finally befriend Mitsuru when she realized they had a lot in common, especially after [SPOILER] Mitsuru's father was killed by Ikutsuki. [/SPOILER]
Another thing is that you have to max out your Charm in order to initiate her Social Link, which many see as a reason to hate her. Let's completely omit the fact that you have to max out your Academics to initiate Mitsuru's and your Courage to initiate Fuuka's (though this mainly has to do with her cooking and not her personality).
-"seems forced"
How is it forced? While it's implied that she's the heroine and Minato's main love interest, that doesn't mean you have to make it so. There's a reason there are plenty of datable girls in P3. If you don't want to date Yukari, don't. It's not like she's in your face throughout the game, breathing down your neck and demanding that you like her. Same goes with shipping; if you don't want to ship them, don't. You've got options, so act like it. Moving on!
-Minato is better with Aigis
opinion (n): a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
With that being said, it's stupid to hate a ship for other shipping reasons. In canon Aigis doesn't love Minato, per say; she has a strong desire to protect him. And personally, Minato/Yukari is more similar to an actual relationship than Minato/Aigis. But that's my opinion, right? Everyone's entitled to their own, but that doesn't mean it's true, and it doesn't give you a right to spread hate. So stop.
-Yukari doesn't appreciate Minato
Ah, finally. The main reason that pushed me to submit this.
If Yukari didn't appreciate Minato, then why in The Answer (aka Episode Aigis) was she jealous of Aigis because she got to be with Minato in his last moments and inherited his Persona and Wild Card ability? Why was she willing to fight her teammates in order to go back in time and stop Minato, even if it meant undoing everything S.E.E.S. had done? She wasn't trying to cause conflict; she just wanted to see him again. Her actions and behavior altogether in The Answer are proof that she didn't just appreciate him - she loved him. Saying that she "doesn't appreciate him" is just...stupid. And an obvious excuse to have more reasons to hate the ship.
In conclusion:
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akireiserika · 12 years
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cs-persona · 12 years
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by 326-君と一緒に
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relxion-kunp · 7 years
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I keep listening to soul phrase today and got emotional.
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dxfiedfxte-a · 9 years
Send me a 🍒 if you think our muses would be cute together
Oh man no kidding, Yukari And Minato are another OTP of mine. They both understand each other a lot since they both lost parents. If given the opportunity I’d totally ship em but not without the other muns consent of course ^_^
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kawaiithuglife · 12 years
I know I might catch hate
But MinatoxYukari is so blatantly cannon it hurts
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relxion-kunp · 7 years
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relxion-kunp · 7 years
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Persona 3 doodles.
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akireiserika · 12 years
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akireiserika · 12 years
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