24blog-news · 2 years
COMUNICADO AFECTADOS Nº 5– Plataforma Kuailian
Nos ponemos en contacto con ustedes para comunicarles que desde la Audiencia Nacional se ha dictado una orden internacional de detención contra David Ruiz de León García Vao, fundador de Kuailian, y contra Cristian Albeiro Carmona Hernández, a fin de lograr su extradición a España, tras no haber comparecido a las dos últimas declaraciones en las que habían sido citados los días 27 de mayo y 23 de junio.
El magistrado de la Audiencia Nacional expone que la medida queda justificada atendiendo al riesgo de fuga existente, la voluntad de obstaculizar la acción judicial apreciada, y la gravedad de las penas que pueden llegar a ser impuestas en base a los hechos imputados. Según los querellados, ambos se encuentran residiendo en la actualidad en Emiratos Árabes Unidos.
Indicarles que seguimos adelante luchando por todos y cada uno de ustedes y los derechos que les corresponden y les deben proteger, confiando en que la Justicia haga su trabajo correctamente y que no se hayan tomado decisiones en este procedimiento que afecten al hecho de asegurar el mayor número de garantías de restitución del perjuicio causado a todos y cada uno de los perjudicados.
Les recordamos que pueden acceder a toda la información relativa a las acciones interpuestas y a las últimas novedades sobre la causa a través de nuestra página web y de nuestras redes sociales, en las que además podrán disponer de la información actualizada respecto a otros procedimientos de los que formemos parte contra otras plataformas de inversión relacionadas con el mundo de las Criptomonedas como Javier Biosca, Arbistar, Kuailian, Mindcapital, Finexics, N2Group, Poolme, Nimbus, Nexfolio, GN10, AbejaMaestra, CBVCCX-CBZHOLDING, Attiora, Bione, ITrader24, 24 News Trade, Tredexo, Excentral, ABSystem World, AROXCAPITAL, LEVELTRADE Y Octagontrade.
Quedamos a su disposición para todo lo que necesiten una vez más desde la Asociación de Afectados así como desde el despacho de Zaballos Abogados que les representamos a todos y cada uno de ustedes. Les recordamos que pueden estar informados de todos los trámites bien en nuestra página web o poniéndose en contacto con nosotros en las direcciones que abajo les reseñamos.
Una vez más, agradecemos la confianza depositada por todos Ustedes en la Asociación de Afectados y en Zaballos Abogados y nos ponemos de nuevo a disposición de lo que puedan necesitar en nuestros canales de comunicación habituales. Especial agradecimiento también les dirige la Fundación Zaballos, quien recibe el 15% de las cantidades que se ingresan en la Asociación, para la lucha por los derechos y las libertades fundamentales, como es la Querella por la Gestión del Covid-19, la Ley de Mecenazgo, las prácticas abusivas de la Agencia Tributaria o las Compañías Aseguradoras.
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coinmarketcap11 · 4 years
Apuestas y ahorros en KuCoin - Todo lo que necesita saber
Las numerosas herramientas y características comerciales de KuCoin proporcionan una amplia oportunidad para obtener ingresos pasivos. Las herramientas que esta guía explora y explica incluyen KuCoin Earn, el Rewards Hub, el Bonus Plan, Crypto Lending (préstamos en criptomonedas), Cloud Mining (minería en la nube) y Trading Bots.
Las numerosas herramientas y características comerciales de KuCoin proporcionan una amplia oportunidad para obtener ingresos pasivos. Las herramientas que esta guía explora y explica incluyen KuCoin Earn, el Rewards Hub, el Bonus Plan, Crypto Lending (préstamos en criptomonedas), Cloud Mining (minería en la nube) y Trading Bots.
También te explicamos cómo puedes apostar criptomonedas en KuCoin y aclaramos los términos técnicos importantes que necesitas saber para beneficiarte del uso de sus servicios.
En primer lugar, exploraremos cómo puedes obtener ingresos pasivos al apostar criptomonedas a través de KuCoin Earn.
MindCapital vs Arbistar ¿Cuál es mejor?
Saber cuál es la mejor opción entre MindCapital vs Arbistar supone comparar diferentes aspectos, tales como la rentabilidad ofrecida, la seguridad, confiabilidad, reputación, la manera en que funciona cada uno, comisiones y otros aspectos que son importantes al momento de decidir en cual sistema invertir. Spoiler Alert: nuestra preferida y la mejor en nuestra opinión es MindCapital.
¿Qué es MindCapital?
MindCapital es un sistema de inversión automatizado que cuenta con algoritmos desarrollados por expertos para aplicar análisis técnico a los mercados de criptoactivos, con el objetivo de identificar las señales y aprovechar las oportunidades de inversión con el fin de obtener una rentabilidad.
Mind Capital: ¿es seguro o es una estafa?
Podemos decirle con total tranquilidad, que MindCapital es seguro, NO es una estafa. Mindcapital cuenta con un sistema basado en Blockchain, por lo que es una plataforma segura para realizar inversiones. Esta tecnología aumenta la confianza que los inversores de Mindcapital tienen en el sistema gracias a la transparencia con la que se hacen las operaciones.
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cryptofreedom-blog1 · 4 years
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4個月前, 我在MindCapital 開始了我的旅程, 我存了100. 美元的存款. 通過建立一個團隊和復合, 我已經能夠創造一個非常體面的每天收入, 每天都在不斷增長! 你可以從今天開始, 和我一樣,只會越來越好!
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cryptobitr · 3 years
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ab-promotion · 4 years
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👉MIND CAPITAL JOIN NOW👈 👁Täglich Rendite kassieren 👁Startkapital ab 40$ in Bitcoin 👁Renditen zwischen 0,5 - 1,5 % täglich 👁Komplett auf Sicherheit und langfristigkeit ausgelegt 👁Auszahlungen ab 50$ in Bitcoin Mehr Info: https://sopo.live/nDHjp5
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xaviercopo · 4 years
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Quieres conocer más del PLAN DE COMPENSACIÓN y tener en CLARO esta gran oportunidad de INVERSIÓN?...INGRESA aquí 👉 http://bit.ly/MindCapitalGye #mindcapital #inversion #criptomonedas #bitcoin #multinivel (en Guayaquil, Ecuador) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGaFPEnjRsa/?igshid=19koe98j9mnf5
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shilongofilipus · 4 years
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Good Morning Millionaires 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💸💵💲💥🔥🔥🔥🔥. If you joined us over the weekend please note that the MTI is trading for us Monday to Friday. Mondays trading result members will all see temn Tuesday Morning, I.e today. So welcome to the world of crypto. Invest start, be patient and grow your bitcoin. The more you invest the more money you will ear if you don't refer or invite other to join you . Don't waste your data on unnecessary things. Link in my bio for more information or https://mymticlub.com📚📚💥 #MTIclub #Crypto #Mindcapital #werareinittowinit🎤 #Zoophilistincrypto #Blametheinternet #EarnMondaytoFriday💰💵 #earninyourcomfortzone https://www.instagram.com/p/CGRT0KgAO8h/?igshid=3a160uiqb7br
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nicolaudorys · 4 years
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Fiquem ligados, vem aí o lançamento da Exchange exclusiva de Mind.Capital.. #mindcapital https://www.instagram.com/p/CFGMIO8n4bc/?igshid=i8zs622upk0n
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Embrace your journey. You have come a long way and you're still trying. That's the beauty in remaining strong. Things always get better. This month I’m looking for 10 new students who want to earn a SIX or even SEVEN figure annual income. Click the link in my bio to learn more... #cryptomillionaires #bitcoinmillionaires #businessopportunity #simonstepsys #mindcapital #MillionaireMentor #onelifeliveit #followyourdreams https://www.instagram.com/p/CD09zCNDvI1/?igshid=t6ohl03b7zd9
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cryptocrew · 4 years
Diversifying Investment Portfolio with Alternative Strategies
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In the investment world, there is no such thing as 100% safe and risk free investment. Remember, all investments whether traditional or alternatives have risks involved. However, it is best if investors don’t put all their eggs in one basket and diversify their portfolio by using different investment strategies.
In the world of volatile markets and changing economies, they may see that investments are risky endeavors. Why then do companies and people continue to invest, buy, and sell stocks?
The truth is that investments provide financial security in the present and even the future. Investments are often treated as another source of income and are highly encouraged for a more secure future. These days, having just one job is no longer enough, and investments allow people to achieve financial growth and stability.
What people should include in their financial knowledge and plans is a portfolio. This portfolio groups together financial assets like stocks, currencies, mutual funds, and the like. The goal is to expand the economic vision by diversifying the portfolio.
Gaining more financial knowledge cannot be emphasized often enough. According to a study by Margarida Abreu and Victor Mendes on financial literacy and portfolio diversification, “investors’ educational levels and financial knowledge have a positive impact on investor diversification.”
Knowing is half the battle, and it is best to be well-equipped with extensive knowledge of all the options available.
Common investments and alternative investments
When the word investment is mentioned, what comes into mind are stocks and bonds. These two are types of investments that have remained popular among the masses. Stocks are ownership shares. An investor owns stock shares in a company that has been publicly traded. Bonds, on the other hand, are loaned money to the government or a company. When the bond matures, the principal is paid back with interest.
These are two of the most popular investment options and are followed by mutual funds and exchange-traded funds. Mutual funds pool together different investors’ money and invest it in stocks. This is one way to own shares in blue-chip companies that are internationally known and have a high return rate of investment. Exchange-traded funds are similar to mutual funds but are bought and sold on the market.
Other collective investments are certificates of deposit (done with banks), retirement plans (an example is the 401(k) plan), and options (another way of buying stocks).
Since the recent global and economic crashes, investors have begun to understand the need to diversify their portfolios with alternative investments. Alternative investments are those that veer away from the stock market, cash equivalents, and bonds.
Examples of alternative investments are physical real estate, crowdfunding, peer-to-peer lending, online business, commodities, fine art, and digital assets. These may seem like smaller ventures, but these continue to thrive even during market crashes.
Even before a global pandemic was declared, markets began to crash with Apple making its announcement first that it will not reach its projected sales in the first quarter of the year. By the time the world was put on a standstill with lockdowns and quarantines, many companies were out of business or closed stores worldwide.
Since large companies failed, there were those businesses, investments, and trading that thrived. As the world has become digitally reliant, it became even more so during the global crisis. Some companies were kept afloat with their sales and services on an online platform. Serious investors wasted no time in securing their digital assets, and others took to arbitrage trading to gain more from market discrepancies.
Digital asset as an alternative investment
A digital asset is a new option for an alternative investment, and business in it has proven to be very lucrative.
According to a study published in Digital Science in 2018, a significant number of investors “are willing to allocate their wealth in such specific assets in 2018.” This then has led to the increase of the demand for digital assets, which, in turn, affected its prices significantly. “Investors are considering such an instrument as an alternative investment.”
Definite advantages to investing in digital assets are its form itself. A Digital asset is considered as a virtual currency that cannot be counterfeited. It cannot also be double-spent and is not limited by any government or law.
The report made by Prance Gold has stated that “The cryptocurrency market is currently at US$ 268 billion, with an all-time high of US$ 744 billion in 2018.”
“With the increasing number of digital assets and exchanges, an increase in trading and investment opportunities are arising for traders and investors. There are different types of strategies that can be taken advantage of, and choosing the right one will help increase the profitability of the digital asset investment,” says the same report.
Alternative investments will help diversify your portfolio, and digital assets are the future.
Are alternative investments good for you?
In the world of investment, a “100% safe investment” does not exist. All investments, whether traditional or alternatives have risks involved. However, alternative investments are usually considered a sound addition in diversifying portfolios. Always do extensive research and arm yourself with as much knowledge about the alternatives market before investing money.
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grupomanrey · 4 years
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Tu inversión no tiene límites. Puedes disfrutar tu vida en grande. #inversion #btc #mcoin #ethereum #mindcapital https://www.instagram.com/p/CCFUjT-lsr1/?igshid=lisj4jl08e4z
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ab-promotion · 4 years
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Trust Pilot "Bewertungsportal gibt Mind Capital 4,7 von 5 Möglichen Punkten. Das beteutet 91 % Kundenzufriedenheit Warum hast Du noch nicht bei MIND CAPITAL investiert. Start am 40$ möglich HIER KLICKEN https://sopo.live/DLq1ty
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essential4you · 4 years
How to build passive income online with MindCapital My Daily Results 05 07 2020
How to build passive income online with MindCapital My Daily Results 05 07 2020
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In this video I’m sharing my results for May 7, 2020
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shilongofilipus · 4 years
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Don't start tommorow. Start now. Tommorow is too late. #MTI #Zoophilistincrypto #Cryptoasset #Digitaltrading #Mindcapital #Whomovemycheese https://www.instagram.com/p/CGMSuIYAawB/?igshid=85ypbkoq0x2x
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