#minecraft single player
jeepsters · 4 years
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i made a gif out of it >.<
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steampunkminer · 5 years
Emerald Millionaire Ep.24 - "Cathedral of Greed Progress" ⛪ - Minecraf...
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louisthewarlock · 6 years
So uh
Question, does anyone know if there's a way to get a single player Minecraft world back completely restored after it has been accidentally deleted?
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skebobbie · 8 years
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-The New Home-
I haven't posted anything Minecraft related so I decided I should! Its a bit of getting back into building a lot but my modded single player is going along just fine. I'll end up making a video series on it but for now. Here's my for fun stuff. :3
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New part of Minecraft Survival! I hope you guys enjoy!
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Minecraft Adventures: Vixen T. Fox’s Journal of Survival #1
Day 1:
I find myself in a field of tall grass, and a spattering of daisies, and maybe some dandelions. There is a chest near me, with some meager supplies. There are three kinds of raw wood, some sticks, a wood pick, a wood axe, a few apples, and some bread. I set to work making a crafting table, and make as many wood tools as I can with what supplies I have. After this I put all my spare tools in the chest for back-up, and safekeeping.
Not too far away is several acres of trees, mostly birch and oak. I use my wood axe to chop down as many as I can, while exploring my surroundings. There is a few ponds that will be useful for fishing later. There is also one pond that has a bit of sugar cane growing on the edge. I harvest some, leaving enough behind to regrow. I also replant a tree for every one I cut down.
As I explore a bit, I find there is a small herd of horses nearby. I feed a few of my apples to one, and try to mount one in hopes to tame. It is unsuccessful. No matter, I need to look up in the archives that survived with me, on how to tame these noble creatures. They will be useful for traveling later.
All too soon it starts to get dark. I have no armor yet, so staying about with the undead, and spiders soon to awaken from their daily slumber is risky business. So I settle for doing some nighttime mining. This way I can upgrade my tools to stone ones easily. Perhaps I can find some coal to make torches, and iron to make some armor, and upgrade even further. Also, when I mine stone I can make an oven. I'll need one to do anything of use.
Night 1
Firstly I organize my pack and tools for easy use. Next I find that I don't have to dig very deep to find a nice small vein of coal. I gain about three levels experience, and get twenty-six chunks of coal out of it. I make some torches, a stone sword, a stone pick, and an oven, with the cobble that I dug through. I also make another wood pick. This takes up my night. ---
Day 2.
I return to the surface to find it with it raining between sun breaks. I think I shall load up on more wood. I gain a couple more apples for my efforts. Turns out there are some poppies nearby, too. The night returns faster than I wish, and I don't get much done. Time to return to nighttime mining.
Night 2
I don't have to dig much further down to reach the top of some sort of cavern. I carefully place a block of cobble that I've gathered to step down without falling.
Wow! The cavern is huge. There is plenty of iron and coal to get me started on surviving this world.  I don't know how much time has passed since I came down here, as time doesn't have any meaning while underground. I sense that it approaching the middle of the night though, as I smelt my first load of iron.
I just remembered to make a pail for water, as it will be useful for making obsidian that is made from standing lava. There is a lava pool, and a waterfall down here. I also make more torches because as I explore, I need to light my path. I set my torches to the right along the cavern walls, so that I know which way to return. If they are on the floor, it means multiple paths or a large roomy section of the cave.
I explore around a bit more, going past the waterfall and quickly find myself in battle with a lone skellie. I defeat it, having to consume bread, and venture on.
Soon I come to a regular spider spawner, with a large chest as my promised reward. It takes some time, but manage to destroy the spawner, and kill the remaining spiders. I had to consume more bread, as the efforts were quite taxing. I am greatly rewarded for my efforts though. I find a saddle, some iron horse armor, a name tag, some wheat, gunpowder, and redstone. I am happy for the moment, as I consider my next move to survive this place, that I have dubbed Ancient Elma.
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