#mini This One is Mine crossover!! Ayyy!
jordanstrophe · 4 years
Going One, Going Twice, part 11
Prison party, part 3/3
CW: Pet whumpee, Whumper party, choking/strangling, manhandling, intimate Whumper, public torture, whipping implied, shock collar mentioned, fight scene
Robert kept his eyes low, staring at the plate sitting in front of him, trying to distract himself from the cries of the man being tortured on stage. The room rumbled with laughter from the dozens of people seated around him at every stroke of the whip, and shock from the collar.
This was sick. 
He glanced back behind him. He couldn’t see Peter from here, but he hoped he couldn’t see or hear anything. 
“Nina, can we talk please?” Robert whispered. Nina groaned annoyingly “Shh! Quit being a distraction! Just enjoy the show...” She hissed at him, before taking a sip from her glass and chuckling, not even taking her eyes off the stage.
Peter slowly paced around the small room, he wanted to close the door all the way to shut out the screaming, but wasn’t sure if he was even allowed to. He looked up at a large glass cabinet, with family photos, tiny golden figures, and a bowl full of papers and letters. Everyone in the photos looked miserable, all glaring at the camera with seething hatred, Robert wasn't in any of them. He sat at a bench close to the exit, he huddled himself underneath the oversized coat, covering his ears. He wanted to go home so badly, he didn’t want to be here, but he had nobody to blame but himself for getting him in this situation. He could hear faint footsteps approaching, as his head shot up.
His breath froze when he saw the Barron, back turned to him as he closed the doors behind him, the room fell quiet, as he slowly turned his head to look at him with a smile. 
“Peter, is it?” He tilted his head to the side, slowly walking closer to him. Peter jumped to his feet, clutching the coat around his shoulders tightly, as if it could protect him. He slowly backed away, realizing he just put himself into a corner.
He opened his mouth to speak, but in an instant, the Barron closed the distance, slapping his hand over his mouth and slamming his back against the corner. His face inches from his, one hand covering his mouth, the other closing around his throat, the collar around his neck being pressed into his skin. He struggled against his hand, but every inch he moved, the Barron’s hand closed tighter around his neck until he was forced to be still, breathing heavily, defenseless. 
“If you scream I’ll crush your throat.” He whispered in his ear, with almost a friendly loving smile across his face. He slowly removed his hand from his mouth, testing him, eyes darting back from staring into his eyes, then down to see if his mouth would move.
“Good boy.” He cooed, as Peter stayed silent, frozen in fear with the strong hand threatening his neck. 
“It’s too bad, really, how the auction turned out.” He breathed, his other hand turning gently, as his thumb glided across his cheekbone. Peter tried to tilt his head away from it, but was punished with his hand tightening around his throat, stealing his breath away. He grunted and immediately fixed his head straight, being forced to lean into the Barron’s touch.
“Na ah! None of that now. Ohh, you. If I had you, I would have broken you so beautifully.” He smiled. “How’s he treating you? Are you getting love and attention? Or abuse and neglect?” He asked, running a hand through his hair.
“H-he’s k-kind.” He croaked, struggling to breath, talking made it even worse. He tried both to lean away from his and not strangle himself at the same time. He wanted to cry out for his master, but that would make things worse for the both of them... Just give the man what he wanted, and maybe he will leave. Give him what he wanted, and maybe he won’t cause his master anymore trouble. Just be good...
“Is he now? Hmm, what a shame. Understandable I suppose. Do you know why he really bought you?” He asked, Peter let out a high pitch whimper, as he tightened his hand even firmer to get the point across. 
Why did master buy him? 
He paid an unholy amount to get him, yet he was nothing but a handful since day one. Master was still patient, kind and caring even after all the trouble he caused. 
“He bought you because he felt sorry for you.” The Barron smiled, finally loosening his grip. He gasped for air, finally able to take a decent breath.
Peter looked up at him, making direct eye contact for the first time. 
“I dont-t blame him, I feel sorry f-for me too.” He muttered with a weak voice.
An unnaturally large smile slowly spread across the Barron’s face, after a pause, he broke into a loud wheezing laughter, letting go of him to try and support his weight against the wall. He sounded like he was probably dying, much to Peter’s hope. If anything, now was his chance to bolt for it. 
He slowly shimmied against the wall further and further, until he was a good foot away from him, feeling confident enough to run. He made it all of two steps when a hand shot out, grabbing his coat and yanking him back. The coat was pulled off his shoulders, but he had lost his footing and slammed backwards onto the cold hard tiled floor. The Barron was immediately on top of him, one knee pressed against his chest, both hands wrapped around his neck, forcing his head up. 
“N-.. ng.. No! S-stop it-t!” He choked out, desperately fighting back, trying to pry his fingers off his neck. 
He could barely see anything as his vision blurred, the Barron was both furious, and overjoyed at the same time, almost happy he tried to run so he could hurt him. 
“p-.. ease...” He rasped, with the last of the breath in his lungs. The collar indented in his neck, his eyes were open, but the room kept getting darker. He felt like he was drowning, breathing in water, yet he couldn’t even breathe at all. He reached a point where his body was numb, he couldn’t feel his legs, the knee digging into his chest, pressing against his lungs, or the hands wrapped around his neck anymore.
There was nothing.
The weight lifted off in an instant, as his body instinctively took a breath. The weight against his chest was gone, as he turned to his side, as the breath quickly turned into coughing, his body desperate to get as much oxygen back as it could.  He blinked his eyes open, to see two figures on the floor next to him, with a repeating *bang, bang* sound echoing throughout the room. It was right next to him, but felt so far away. Loud voices started to screech from behind him, he tried to turn his head to look, but he couldn’t move.
“Someone help him!”
“Get him off!”
“He’s crazy!’‘
“Do something!”
What was happening? Was this even real? No... This had to be another dream. He had to have passed out and was having those lucid fever dreams. 
“Robert, stop it!” A woman yelled. 
Master was here?
Peter tilted his head, his vision slowly returning with each struggling breath. His eyes went wide, when he saw Robert, on top of the Barron, hammering down blow after blow to the man’s face. 
He stared, unable to move as he just watched. The entire party standing at the doorway doing the same, not knowing what to do, not wanting to get any close to Robert, who was completely berserk. The Barron was nothing beneath Robert’s size, his coat was torn off, as his muscular build was shown. 
Two men finally pushed through the crowd, one of them was the man who was at the door when they first came in. They each grabbed Robert’s arm in an effort to pry him off the Barron. He was determined to clock him in the face one last time before he was finally ripped off. 
“DON’T YOU, OR ANYONE ELSE EVER TOUCH HIM AGAIN!” He hissed, while being drug back. “Get your hands off me!” He shouted, pushing the men off him, before collapsing on his knees next to Peter, gently taking his chin, tilting it up to get a look at his neck. His eyes went from fury, to concern as his eyebrows furrowed as he looked him over. 
Peter opened his lips to speak, but only a sad quiet rasp left his throat. “Ssshhh, don’t try and speak, just take it easy.” He said, gently placing a hand on his cheek, as he closed his eyes to push his face into the palm of his hand, a tear streaking down his face. 
“Come on Robert, he’s fine.” Nina sighed. She knew he was pretty liable for Pet damage against the Barron. 
“He’s not fine, Nin, I’ll be the judge of that.” He looked up at her coldly, his eyes staring right through her. She almost took a step back, but composed herself. 
“Look, he's fine, it's not that bad.” She reached down to take his hand to try and pull him up. “Don’t touch him!” He yelled, pushing her hand away.
“Don’t touch me!” She barked back, slapping his hand back purely out of spite.
“Open the door! Now! We’re leaving.” Robert motioned.  
“Don’t be ridiculous, I’m calling the authorities!” She hissed. 
“N-Nina! Wait.” The Barron rasped, his face unrecognizable, dripping with blood. He was standing beside the glass cabinet, holding a letter in his hands. He couldn’t turn his head, so he just awkwardly turned his whole torso to face Robert.
“Is this, what your a-after?” He muttered quietly, holding up the letter with Robert's name on it. 
Robert went pale, eyes darting between him and the letter. “Yes.” He muttered back. The Barron pulled out a lighter from his pocket, flicking it on and holding it to the letters corner. “Wait!” Robert cried.
“The boy. Give me, th-the boy, for the letter.” He rasped, looking like he could fall unconscious at any time. 
Robert’s grip around Peter’s shoulders tightened, Peter was deathly silent not even his breathing could be heard. Robert stared at the Barron with hatred, his head falling down slightly as the he smirked with bloody teeth at his hesitation, letting the lighter sizzle the corner.
“Burn it.” Robert muttered.
Peter broke down crying in his arm, clutching his coat tighter. ‘M-mas... Mast..r.. !” He choked out, his voice breaking. 
“Sssh! Hush now, it’s alright.” Robert soothed. “I wouldn’t trade him for the world! He’s worth far more than that, even that letter, SO BURN IT!” He yelled.
The room was silent, the Barron’s smug smirk disappeared as he stared at him blankly, before holding the lighter up, igniting the letter in his hands as he let the ashes flutter to the floor at his feet. Robert let out a sigh of defeat, gently cradling Peter in his arms. 
“L-let him go.” He stuttered, turning his body towards Nina.
“Wh-what? Are you crazy? What did you do, hit your hea- Oh. Oh that’s right.” She blinked. 
“I said, let 'em g-go.” He stuttered again. 
She looked between the Barron, and Robert, before shaking her head. “I don’t think so.” She growled with a low voice, her eyes narrowing as they fixated on Robert.
That’s okay, I’ll just break the door down” Robert shrugged.
“You’ll break the door down, huh? Good luck, cousin. I installed some pretty sturdy locks. Even a charging bull couldn’t possib-” *SLAM*
Robert kicked the door at the keyhole, as the wood around the lock splintered into chips. 
“I.. I-I.. How.. Wh-what?!” She stuttered, frozen in place with the phone still in hand, as Robert grabbed Peter’s coat laying on the floor, and bundled him up in it, lifting him back into his arms. “You alright love?” He whispered. Peter’s head collapsed onto his shoulder, blinking up at him with glossy tired eyes. “Yeah, I know. Let’s get you out of here.” He nudged, carrying him out the door. 
He gently laid him in the passenger's seat, brushing his hair from his face tenderly. His eyes fluttered closed as he slowly passed out.
“Hey! A voice called from behind, as Robert immediately slammed the door closed to try and keep him safe. “Stay back!” Robert growled. 
“No no! I’m here to help...” A man said, jogging up with a towel in his hands. He slowed down when he got close, holding out a teal colored towel with ice packed in it.
“For his neck, on the ride home. I snagged some ice from the buckets on the dinner table.” The man smirked. “Is he okay?” The man asked.
“No, he's not okay...” He muttered, slowly taking the towel from his hand. “But thank you.” He muttered. “Yeah! No problem, take care of him!” He called, opening his own car door. 
“Hey! What’s your name?” Robert asked. He wasn’t sure why he was curious, but the man seemed way too nice to be in a place like this. He didn't even give him a bad gut feeling like everyone else did. 
The man stopped, slowly turning his head.
“Charles, Charles Mendrix.” He smiled, nodding his head before sliding into his car. 
“Hmm.” Robert hummed to himself.
He climbed into the driver's seat, gently tilting Peter's head up to place the ice pack on his neck. His breath shuttered, but he didn’t move at all, his eyes still closed tight. 
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart... This is my fault.” He sighed, resting his hand on his forehead. 
"Let's get you home..."
Tag list: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @moose-teeth @ill-eat-you-if-you-cross-me @yet-another-heathen @sillypizzazineoperator @freefallingup13 @alien-octopus @unicornscotty @whumpzone  @penny-for-your-whump @girlwithnoballons242 @whumpingredroses  @rippedjeansandfadeddreams  @cupcakes-and-pain @thinkingofausername
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Thank you for reading!
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