#mini pipettes
microlitusa · 2 months
Miniature Micropipette | Mini Micropipette | Small Micropipette
Introducing the Microlit Lilpet Miniature Micropipette—your go-to solution for precise liquid handling. This compact, easy-to-use micropipette is perfect for laboratories, research institutions, and clinical settings. With its lightweight and ergonomic design, the Lilpet Miniature Micropipette ensures accurate and reliable measurements while reducing hand fatigue. Whether you're handling delicate samples or need consistent results, this micropipette offers unmatched control and efficiency. Enhance your lab experience with the LilPET Miniature Micropipette, available now at Microlit. Discover the ultimate in precision and convenience today!
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
A Broken Sort of Normal Part 2
WC: 757 CW: Canon-Typical Violence, Self-Doubt, Jack and Maddie Fenton's A+ Parenting Masterpost
Worse than— no, not worse than. Nothing was worse than being constantly forgotten by everyone he cared about. Nothing was worse than knowing he was only worth knowing when he’d died. An issue was that Danny still had the same need to protect people even without the ghosts attacks. Day in and day out Danny felt an aching hurt in his chest at not doing anything to help. Working as a receptionist at a slightly rundown construction firm wasn’t the worst job, but it felt like it was slowly killing him. It felt like his core was shriveling up.
Danny knew he needed to make a change. At a loss of what to do and short on options, Danny had enrolled in the paramedic course at the local community college. He excelled at it.
It turned out all those years of patching up his own wounds gave him a pretty good head start on his classmate. So good, in fact, that his instructor recommended him for a job in Central City when he graduated with honors. It was bittersweet to know that when he wasn’t constantly harnessed by ghosts, he could actually do really well at school.
His parents missed his graduation.
His move to the city was done alone (his rented u-haul filled with what he could cram into it) and with a white knuckled grip on the steering wheel. It felt like a second death leaving the only home he had ever known behind.
It felt like relief.
(He didn’t know which was worse.)
Central City was better and worse than he expected. The constant noise rattled him until he got used to ways to combat it: earphones, white noise machines, a cheesy little indoor fountain. The anonymity soothed him— no one paid attention to him in the city. Slowly he carved out his place.
He was part of the city’s emergency response team. Their primary job was working to secure the city and her people during villain attacks. Secondary to that they did follow up with victims, held community events to spread awareness about everything from emergency prep to smoke detectors, and helped with rebuilding efforts.
It was rewarding work and Danny’s core sang for it.
It was a little exhausting to have to run right into a villain attack on his day off though. Good thing he always kept a mini kit in his bag. What sort of emergency response team member would he be if he didn’t listen to their own advice? It was a really nice little kit too— ultra compact but it contained gloves, pipettes of water, disinfectant, a range bandages, a suture kit, a snap light, and even a shock blanket. Danny added a few extra gloves to it too.
As he ran towards the sounds of disaster, Danny felt a brisk wind breeze past him— and then blow back again— as the Flash (one of them, Danny hadn’t been around long enough to tell them apart) backtracked.
“Kid—” Oh, it was the older one then. “—you should be heading the other way. Lummox is up ahead—”
“I know,” Danny snapped, not stopping moving. “I’m a field medic. I’m on my way to help, and you’re not going to stop me.”
The Flash seemed at a loss for what to say for half a beat. “Okay. Sure. Want a lift?”
“I can get you in a second— literally— but I’m leaving you on the edge of it all.”
It would be convenient. And it’s not like he couldn’t trust Flash. Danny slowed to a stop and shrugged. “Sure, onward, Seabiscuit.”
“Famous race horse? Cause you’re going to carry me? Never mind. Just pick me up, dude.”
Danny ignored the look he got from the Flash and clung on for dear half-life. Fuck the Speed Force felt weird. He was pretty sure it was less than a second to get there, and Danny didn’t quite stick the landing, but he got his feet under him fast enough to rush in to help.
Eventually Danny required an extra vest from the team that came in and just blended into the background of other medics. It wasn’t a bad day— no lives lost and all the injuries were relatively minor. (He even got some overtime payment, which he wasn’t going to sneeze at). Danny figured it was just part of being in the city, occasionally running into villains and heroes even off the clock.
He didn’t expect it to really happen again.
(He should have known to never have expectations.)
AN: Still moving along with this odd little thing! It's been fun to write a Danny in a very different place than my other fics- mentally and physically! Just to be clear btw- Danny is in a bad place at the start of this fic which is putting a negative light on how he's seeing things. Sam and Tucker just... moved on with their lives. Those sort of high school friends you liked a lot but drift away from. Without the history of ghost stuff to bind them, it was just part of life to them. Danny just has a different memory history so it hits harder for him/feels harsher.
Stay delightful, darlings!
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Another great day of saving the sharks.
Into (mer-creatures explained) Chapter 1 Chapter 2 <- You are Here.
Chapter 2: Lights out ~
You Dwell on the assignment at hand as you lean on the desk. 
If this shark doesn't survive the night all your hopes will be dashed. And you're still worried about the fact he's all alone. He must have been separated from his Daycare during the storm. That must have been so scary.
You sigh.
He's still asleep so you can't even check his stress levels or anything. You'd decided a while ago that you were definitely taking this next night shift to look after Ray but you still had to do the rest of your shiftly duties so as he sleeps you decide it's time to check up and feed the rest of the Celestials.
You're thankful for the fact each team only has one species each to look after. That meant you could focus on the Celestials while other Mer-creatures would be looked after by other people. But Mer-creatures aren't the only sea life at Cove Aquariums. Imagine looking after all the hundreds of fish by yourself.
Thankfully the night shifts were quiet, with no guests and only one or two from each team staying and all keeping to their sections. It was refreshing, especially from the hustle and bustle of today.
Before checking on the mini-mers you head to the break room to grab a quick coffee. Most others on night shift would probably be getting their cup of Joe later they've probably only just arrived. It's not usual for someone to take a day and night shift at the same time. But this was a special case.
The break room was empty. As you grabbed a coffee you remembered you should probably eat… you grab a handful of snacks as you head off to the mini tanks. 
It wasn't quite time for the lights to shut off for the night cycle so the Solars are still active just in time for their last meal of the day. As you look over the tank you see no one has scraped the algae from the edge of the glass, it's usually a day shift job but with how busy you all were with the rescue mission it makes sense it was forgotten. It'll add to their meal anyway. You quickly scrape the algae away with the mini squeegee. You notice Sunny, your Solar clownfish quickly snatching up flakes of algae to munch on, while Clips your eclipse mer barely notices the free meal. 
You then head to the cupboard, unlocking it and grabbing a feeding tray. There are two betta and three clowns to feed. You open up the mini freezer in said cupboard and take out a few portions of frozen brine shrimp and a pinch of pellets. Not forgetting a net for the feeder fish and a cup and pipette for the brine shrimp. 
You place your equipment by the tanks and start prep. You defrost the brine shrimp in some tank water and pipette them into the clownfish tank, just a little. Clips is immediately swimming around catching them all.
Variety is key to a mer clown's diet so next you drop in a few pellets. These are Sunny's favourite for sure and he grabs one to start chewing on. 
Sun your betta isn't so fussed on brine shrimp so you drop a frozen portion into the betta tank, it'll defrost in time for Moon to enjoy overnight, you instead opt for feeding Sun some pellets. As a final step, you open up the cupboard underneath your tanks to reveal a little tank full of feeder fish, a common practice among merkeepers. You scoop a few minnows up, dropping a couple in each tank, the Lunas and Clips will enjoy hunting those later. 
You can't forget to rinse your cup of brine shrimp in the feeder fish tank, allowing the dregs of the premium meal to be eaten by them before sprinkling some flakes in, healthy feeder fish make healthy meals. It was a routine you were all too familiar with. You watch the merfish swim around for a moment, Clips is busy chasing his food around the tank. As both Solars tuck into some pellets. You also spot a little hand emerge from one of the caves just in time to snag a fish. It's good to know Moonmoon got his breakfast. You smile at their fishy antics. “And people call you guys sea monsters.” You whisper to well no one, the fish? They can’t really hear or understand anyway.
 Ray should be waking up soon so you finish cleaning up and say good night to the Solars. Normally you'd stay long enough to say good morning to the Lunas but you have more pressing matters to attend to. 
As you re-enter the Aqua clinic you notice a twitch from Ray's fins. You have at least an hour before lights out so hopefully he wakes in time to check his health. Thankfully the clinic tank had a little hidey space so he can hide away and sleep at night. 
You would try to keep the lights on but that's just as dangerous. You wonder if some company would help. You first head to yet another freezer, yes where there is a fish that needs feeding there will be a fridge and or freezer nearby for your convenience. You open the fridge and take out a few defrosted mackerel, placing them in a bucket, it's not ideal a crab or catfish would be better but this is what you have at hand, you weren't expecting to be feeding a lemon shark when you put this week's order in. You then suit up in your wetsuit, your black one since the blue one is still wet from this morning. And not forgetting the fish aid kit. 
You climb the steps up to the top of the large tank and set everything down not too close to the edge of course. You watch as his fins twitch some more… Now you could wait until he wakes up all by himself or you could use a little trick you've learnt over the years. This job is definitely not for the squeamish. You take a pair of scissors and stab one of the mackerel before you waft its blood into the tank. 
You can see his shark instincts stirring him awake. His face scrunches and his little nose twitches as he sniffs the water. He finally opens his eyes, follows the scent and pokes his head out of the water in search of where the fish might have gone. He tilts his head as he looks at you. 
“Here for you.” You chuck the fish in his direction. It's so odd to be speaking to him, that's usually not allowed.
He catches the fish and starts to munch it happily. 
You've never actually gotten the privilege to work with a Solar in a tank before, it's usually just tagging them and releasing them back to the wild, and even then you don't get to join those trips often. Seeing him so close is fascinating, this will be this aquarium's first bigger variety of Solar, no of a Celestial. 
You quit marvelling at him and set up the equipment. This part is usually a lot harder but you think he's gonna be pretty cooperative. 
He finishes his fish and you stretch your hand out to him hoping he'll understand. He inches closer curiously. 
“Can I have your hand?” You ask. 
He comes as close as he can and sniffs at your hand. You're glad now you didn't extend the one you'd held the fish with. He then slowly places his hand in yours. You can't help but smile. And he mimics smiling back at you, his glowy eyes sparkle. 
You then strap a health monitor around his arm. It then starts sending data to the monitor tablet. You give it a check to see how he is. Everything seems normal and at pretty good levels. You let go of his hand to scroll through his results and immediately his stress level peaks, not too dangerously but enough to be noticeable. You take his hand again and it evens out, you let go and it peaks again. Interesting. You note that down. 
“Here, have some more for being so good.” You throw him another fish. 
You start to wonder… Could you start your research with some tricks? How about come here? That could be handy.
You wait until he's finished his fish and then stretch your hand out before opening and closing it. “Come, come here, Ray.” 
He looks at you puzzled for a second and then slowly approaches again. 
“Well done.” You throw a fish in the middle of the tank. 
You continue a few times and he gets faster at recognising your call. You run out of fish so you stop. That was so cool. You note down a couple things about the whole experience. 
“Ah, that was fun.” You sigh, sitting down at the edge of the pool dipping your feet into the water. A small chime echoes through the whole Aquarium, which means lights out. You quickly check the monitor tablet, this might freak him out. 
All tank lights slowly shut off, and all the other lights dim to keep the tanks from having too much light pollution. You see his stress levels spike to dangerous levels. He swims over to you almost leaping out of the water as he wraps his arms around you. 
“Woah there.” You pat his head. Checking the monitor it shows his stress lowering into the safe range, still high but safe. 
You sigh…  “I'm going to have to be your Luna for tonight, aren't I. You sigh again, slipping into the water. The fish meds are going to irritate your skin beyond belief but at least they weren't toxic… right? 
Thankfully you had thought to bring a pair of goggles in case you had to get in the water because you'd dropped something. You don't, though, have a rebreather or a snorkel. You hang onto the edge of the tank. He slowly lets you go and the stress alert hasn't gone off. Good.
 You need to make him feel safe. What would a Luna do… you think back to watching the little fish. They always do a perimeter check. You sigh and adjust your goggles before taking a deep breath. You dip under the water and make a show of swimming around before coming back up for air. 
“Feeling safer yet.” 
He tilts his head looking at you. 
“You need to go to sleep or you'll never get better.” 
He just stares. 
You sigh… you then take his hand and with a deep breath you take him down into the water and show him the little hidey space with the kelp and a little cave. You grab another gulp of air at the surface before swimming around in his tank hopefully communicating to him that you'll protect him. You resurface before looking down under the water. He looks up at you before back to the hiding spot. Back at you. You have to take another breath before you lower your face into the water to watch him again. A few bubbles leave his mouth reminding you of a sigh. He then swims over to the kelp and curls up in it. Still staring up at you. You get some more air checking on him again. He lays his head down and closes his eyes. You resurface. Taking a moment to breathe. You’re going to have to wait a while, to make sure he’s asleep. This is an odd scenario you’ve gotten yourself into but if it keeps his stress levels down and keeps him safe and alive you’re going to do it. 
You can’t help but yawn. It’s been a long day. If the lights have just gone off it’s probably about 12am, day shift will come about 6… you sigh. That's a lot of hours to stay awake for. You had to make sure Ray would last the night, He might not have lasted even this long without you. 
You lie on your back floating on the water. 
“This is gonna be awesome,” you reassure yourself. You close your eyes. “Just don’t fall asleep…” You feel yourself drift. 
Your head gently bumps into the glass of the tank. “I’m awake.” you gasp. You have no idea what time it is but the lights are still off so it can’t be too late. If someone found you like that, you don’t know what would have happened, they’d probably think you’d died or something. 
You need to get out and check the time. You first check on Ray… he’s still sleeping, so you should be able to sneak out. You swim over to the ledge and hoist yourself up that weightless feeling leaving you. 
You just lay there for a moment before you gain the strength to move. You dry your hands on your towel and check the tablet you abandoned earlier for the time. You sigh in relief it’s only 1:30. You then groan it’s only 1:30. Maybe the night shift wasn’t a good idea after a rescue mission. 
You drag yourself back to the changing rooms. You rinse off and get back into your uniform. Before grabbing a coffee and fetching some work from your desk, bringing it to the clinic so you can keep an eye on him. 
You have a handful of paperwork to get done and a few reports to write up. You’ll get some of that done. You get a couple hours of work done, take an impromptu nap, check on all the fish, and they’re all fine. Then get to work again. You can’t help but notice how itchy your skin is.
 As the hours tick by you decide to do some more research you were pretty well versed in Celestials of course but looking at the latest studies never hurt. Oh… an MRI of a Lunas brain has shown they have very similar brains to humans, you knew they had similar IQs but the resemblances are striking. Another article about their ‘secret language’, it’s no secret it’s just sonar. Ok, this study has more evidence to support the theory that Solars do most of the Star rearing in their daycares interesting. Aw… do they always have to go into the terminology? If you’re reading an article like this you’re no noob and probably know that daycares are the celestial version of schools, stars are the baby celestials who haven’t yet developed into a solar, a luna or an eclipse yet, and we all know a village is where a big daycare lives. We know all this, they’re the first things you learn. You sigh, scrolling through more articles.
Nice, a new Celestial village has been discovered in the Great Barrier Reef. Oh goodie… another theory on how they reproduce, until someone finds some actual hard evidence you’re not going to believe them, what do they have this time? Oh… interesting they believe there might be another type of Mer-creature, a female one, not the most outlandish theory. 
Your mind then wanders back to the first article with the MRI. If it’s that similar maybe you could look into how humans learn communication. You do a little googling… it says… ‘There is no innate system for humans creating knowledge and language.’ Oh fun, you keep reading, ‘Instead, we learn from the “inputs” that we're given;’ ok… ‘in other words, we are able to mimic the language spoken around us and slowly build our grammar and vocabulary.’ well Celestials are pretty good at mimicking, usually fish but it could work… You keep searching, maybe looking at how people teach children languages can help. ‘You can support language development by talking with your child and responding when your child communicates. Reading books and sharing stories is good for language development.’ you note that down, talking, responding and stories. 
Reading a story to a fish sounds kinda funny, sure they’re not just fish but still. You might try it. You know the only other study to teach mer-creatures to speak used training methods similar to teaching parrots. You’re not sure you’ll go in that direction. You keep looking into different articles but in time you start getting bored of the repetitive answers. You lean on your elbow sinking lower your head almost reaching the table. 
The alarm chimes as all the lights slowly brighten. 
“Morning already?” you sigh. The next shift will feed the miniatures but Ray is your sole responsibility. You know everyone is scared of him now that he’s imprinted? No befriended you! You decide that's better. You’ll coin that term. You chuckle, your all-nighter is getting to you. You grab some fish, you’ll feed him before you leave. Not bothering to change since both your wetsuits are probably still wet anyway, you make your way to the top of the tank. You wait this time sitting there yawning. It doesn’t take long, the light system in this area of the Aquarium is set to the average Celestials internal clock after all. He pokes his head up out of the water. And smiles at you. 
You smile back. “I brought breakfast.” you throw a fish his way.
He catches and enjoys it. “I bet that's good huh? Want more.” 
You feed him about two small mackerel and head back to clean up. 
Once you're done you sigh and clock out. You make sure to reassure Ray you’ll be back soon.
The next shift is arriving as you head out, you say a quick good luck and head home. Once home you grab a snack and get to bed, as soon as your head hits the pillow you’re out like a light.
Your ringtone stirs you from your sleep. 
You check your phone.
It's Kai, your boss.
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whoslaurapalmer · 4 months
top 5 pasta shapes? top 5 dinosaurs? top 5 blorbos?
top 5 pasta shapes --
-cavatappi!!!!!! this is my favorite noodle ever. i think it's perfect. perfect chew texture, perfect size, ridges for sauce, a tube to collect more sauce, a cute little spiral.........oh it's such a great shape. -rigatoni!! esepcially mini rigatoni. just so nicely shaped. got those ridges. -pipette! i like to call them angry noodles bc i think they look like little angry faces. they're like elbows with one of the ends pinched closed, and, they're bigger, and, ridges. ridges are so damn important in a pasta. like elbows, they are very Scoopable, which i also love in noodle. -penne. sometimes, you just like a good penne, you know? i like wiggling them onto the tines of a fork instead of stabbing them with the fork. perfect little guys. -spaghetti. sometimes nothing does it like just a good long noodle. the best for fun sauces, i think. i feel like the long noodles can really collect sauce sometimes and spaghetti especially bc it's average, not like linguini or angel hair, and it just, bunches together with the sauce and you get the best of both tastes.
top 5 dinosaurs --
so i really know very little about dinosaurs honestly to like, successfully have a top 5 :( but my favorite was always the ones with the really long necks!!!! what are they. oh like the brachiosaurus or the diplodocus!!! or the apatosaurus!! (why are there so many.....) i just think they're charming. tall guys.
oh and special mention to the helicopiron!!! whatever the hell that was. you delightfully horrifying ancient shark thing.
top 5 blorbos --
-we all know lemony has to take the first spot. he is forever in my heart and lives rent-free in my head. i think of him always. -itachi. i cannot deny the lingering hold this stupid boy still has on me and always will. he's just part of my soul, permanently. he tried so hard and just fucked up so bad, and i love him. -tenth doctor. i could talk about him for ages and ages and ages and probably still not get through everything i wanted to say about him, oh my god. -tohru honda. i just love her dearly and, i also share a lot of her enthusiasm, and she's just all around so precious to me in her joy and her grief and her determination. tohru is in fact not my top fav fruits basket character, but she holds a blorbo status (rin is my top fav fruits basket character, but she somehow doesn't hold a blorbo status. i don't get it but that's how it feels). -laura!!! i think about laura always as well. out there, somewhere, hopefully having a kind day.
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parkerbombshell · 9 months
Rules Free Radio Dec 19 2023
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Tuesdays 2pm - 5pm  EST Rules Free Radio With Steve  Caplan bombshellradio.com On the next Rules Free Radio with Steve Caplan, we’re going to check out new and recent releases from singer-songwriter Michael Nau, The Lunar Laugh, Big Thief’s Adrienne Lenker, Friko, The Irrepressibles, The Libertines, Canadian sax player Cory Weeds, and sax legend Houston Person with pianist Emmet Cohen. In the second hour, we’ll hear some classic Blues from Albert King, Canned Heat, Slim Harpo, Little Willie Littlefield, Johnny Winter, John Hammond, Jr. with The Nighthawks, and others. We’ve got a lot of classics and in-betweens including Joan Jett, The Darling Buds, The Kinks, Ricky Nelson, The Beatles, Procol Harum, Jack Bruce, Psychedelic chestnuts from The Peanut Butter Conspiracy, The Strawberry Alarm Clock, plus Nick Drake, The Wondermints, Eddie Angel, The Pussywillows, Van Morrison, Kenny Burrell, Lush, The Pipettes, and a lot of others. In the second set of the first hour, we’ll hear a mini tribute to the late Jeffrey Foskett, who just left us a few days ago. He was a longtime collaborator with Brian Wilson and The Beach Boys and he worked with some of the biggest names in music. The Darling Buds - Sure Thing Remy Zero - Belong Lush - Lit Up The Pipettes - Because It's Not Love (But It's Still a Feeling) Eddie Angel & The Hi-Risers - Soldier of Love The Lunar Laugh - Picture Perfect Ricky Nelson - Travelin' Man The Beatles - I'll Be Back The American Analog Set - The Kindness Of Strangers The Pussywillows - My Baby Looks But He Don't Touch The Kinks - Something Better Beginning Jeffrey Foskett - Something There Jeffrey Foskett & Jeff Larson - You Remind Me of the Sun Jeff Foskett - My Back Pages The Wondermints - Shine The Peanut Butter Conspiracy - Lonely Leaf The Strawberry Alarm Clock - Pretty Song From 'Psych-Out' John Hammond, Jr. w The Nighthawks - Howling For My Darling Albert King - The Hunter Joan Jett And The Blackhearts - Love Me Two Times Canned Heat - Dimples Little Willie Littlefield - I Want A Little Girl Slim Harpo - Little Queen Bee Johnny Winter - Black Cat Bone Eric Burdon & War -  Bare Back Ride Van Morrison - Moondance Kenny Burrell - Midnight Blue Lou Donaldson - Twist Time Emmet Cohen Houston Person - Why Not Cory Weeds - Home Cookin' Michael Nau - One Morning in Vibrato Tchello Palma - A Whiter Shade of Pale Adrianne Lenker - Ruined Jack Bruce - Theme for an Imaginary Western George Harrison - Ballad Of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll) Lara Somogyi - Hundred00 Procol Harum - A Salty Dog Friko - For Ella The Irrepressibles - For Martin Michael Nyman - The Scent Of Love Nick Drake - Way to Blue The Libertines - Night Of The Hunter The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Acoustic version) Vikingur Olafsson - Goldberg Variations 21 Read the full article
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cuppatea87 · 10 months
November 2023 Empties (& Mini Reviews).
Years ago on my old Tumblr, I did a side blog which did reviews & the likes of that sort of thing. One of these things I did was a monthly empties & mini reviews of these products. I've decided to have another try at this (I've also been inspired by various YT channels & IG pages which are based on panning products & also monthly empties). It would also possibly be helpful to me if I see something that I have used & remind me that I did like it considering my memory recently has been terrible.
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Anyway, so far this is the empties for last month that I will also do mini reviews on. If I do another one next month & it has some of these products I won't include them. Anyway, I'll start with the first product:
Simple 10% Vitamin B3 Niacinamide Booster Serum:
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I liked this serum! I've used various brands of niacinamide serums over the past few years & I really liked this one. It was nice to apply and it had an almost creamy feel to it. I also preferred it to The Ordinary's serum as that always had a sticky feel to it (though I did like that had the inclusion of zinc to it). I would definetly get this again.
Simple Age Resisting Day Cream with SPF 15:
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This was just a simple (no pun intended) moisturiser & does what it says- keeps my skin moisturised. There is no scent to this. I would use this again but I do wish the SPF was higher.
Erbario Toscano Rose Shower Gel:
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This smells absolutely gorgeous! I love rose scented things & the smell of this also reminds me of Turkish Delight (not the chocolate one).
It does feel like you need to get a good few squirts for it to foam though. It lasted a while (I got this in August). I would definetly get this again if I see it in TK Maxx.
The Body Shop Lime & Matcha Hair & Body Mist:
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This smelt very limey! It's a super refreshing scent and is great scent for throughout the day when you need a pick me up. Sadly though this seems to have been discontinued. I picked this up in TK Maxx for about £6 (I think the original price was either £10 or £12).
Nourish Body Scrub- Rosehip & Coffee:
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I got this from (surprise, surprise) TK Maxx. I thought it would have a rose like scent but it didn't- it was a very strong coffee smell (which didn't bother me as I like the smell of coffee).
Its a dry scrub which I'm not used to- I'm used to using ones that lather up. It does an amazing job of exfoilating & left my skin feeling soft. However, I would not purchase this again. It's very harsh (I actually managed to scratch myself with it) & it's incredibly messy.
e.l.f Eye Primer:
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This is really good & is also a reasonable price. I've used a Maxfactor or Revlon eye primer in the past & it was horrible; I've also used the Urban Decay one which is brilliant but pricey. Since I've been trying to practice using eyeshadow, I've been using the e.l.f eye primer & it does the job. It does such a good job, I'm on to my second tube.
Cogerie Hyaluronic Anti Age Serum:
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I like this serum so so much! It does have a light floral scent so if you don't like scents in your skincare, bear that in mind. My skin always felt soft after using this & it kept my skin hydrated. I also like the design on the bottle, its really pretty.
I do have two problems with this though: the first one being that I always struggle getting the remainder of the serum in bottles that have a pipette in them. The second is I got this from TK Maxx so it's anyone's guess whether they'll have this in stock again. I would definetly get this again though.
Garnier Skinactive Micellar Cleansing Oil Infused Water:
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This is the best thing I have ever used to remove my makeup- it gets my Barry M Genie Lipstick off effortlessly and it is great removing waterproof makeup. I get the blue one (the yellow one dries out my hands & makes them sting).
And there you have it- my monthly empties. Do you have any empties that you would get again? Is anything on this list you would try?
I'm also sorry for the appalling photos. Standard lighting and phone camera does not make great ones.
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zhuangdetai · 1 year
Boost your lab's efficiency with JOANLAB's Digital Laboratory Centrifuge – a versatile mini centrifuge machine suitable for 0.2/0.5/1.5/2ml test tubes, offering speeds of both 4000 rpm and 7000 rpm
JOANLAB is an advanced scientific equipment company,which focus on developing,manufacturing and selling laboratory instrument. Our main products including magnetic stirrer,heating mantle,pipettes,centrifuge,vortex mixer,vacuum pump etc. Power: 110V/220V 50/6Hz Angled rotor 0.2/0.5/1.5/2 ml*12 PCR rotor 0.2ml*12*4 Max rotation…
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starfight3r · 1 year
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L'atelier du Gunpla Builder (partie 1)
Plusieurs personnes m'ont demandé quels étaient les outils que j'utilisais pour monter les kits et faire des dioramas...
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Pince coupante.de modelisme.
Cutters style x-facto et standard.
Mini-perceuse à main.
Pinces crocodiles sur piques à brochette.
Pincettes de précision.
Pipettes (pour doser la peinture, le diluant,...).
Godets mélangeur.
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Milliput et plasto (pour les jointures, ).
Collé cement avec aiguille et pinceau.
Super glue.
Pinceaux en silicone (pratique pour travailler le miliput et le plasto, pour "sculter l'enduit...).
Ruban de masquage.
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Limes de différentes tailles.
Outils de sculptures.
Pinces à ressort.
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Pinceaux de différentes tailles, formes et qualités. Mon avis perso, seuls les pinceaux de précision doivent être de très bonne qualité
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Un aerographe et un compresseur. Du milieu de gamme est suffisant pour du gunpla.
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Outil multifonctions style Dremel, utile pour les dioramas, décor, ... Ici aussi du milieu de gamme est plus que suffisant pour le modélisme.
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Set d'accessoires pour outils multifonctions.
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Pistolet à collé et pyrograveur.
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studybooboo · 5 years
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First time removing a bacteria's DNA, was amazing...
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mooshys · 4 years
hq + what they’d be like as lab partners
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the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to lab partners. honestly, your partner will either make or break the lab experience for you... so choose wisely! based off my time wasted away in a well ventilated lab.
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atsumu ➝ a walking nightmare in the lab. always goes “the lab doesn’t seem that bad” to his friends and then gets stuck on the first five steps. is the one that gets a 348% error after decanting and drying underneath the hood and then makes up a random number for the results just to get out on time. for the remainder of the semester, YOU’RE the one doing the lab and atsumu’s just an errand boy gathering the necessary supplies. always forgets to label his beakers and will mix up the water and the acid because of this... the TA despises him and will rip the glassware out of his hands and label it for him before going back to the bench. since you’re his lab partner, you get your lab graded harder by association
kita ➝ the lab saint. he actually knows what he’s doing because he read the lab the day before, made multiple notes and diagrams, and will ask questions during initial procedure breakdown. the professors love him and ask if he would be willing to share his lab notes as a sample for the next semester. keeps his bench incredibly clean and does a 50/50 split of the work to keep things fair (also tells you that it’s the best way to learn). if you’re confused with the process, he takes over and shows you how to properly do it, making sure to go slowly and asks you if you understand. never gets frustrated when things don’t work out, instead traces back his steps to see where he went wrong. his percent yield is always in the 90′s (a walking god amongst men). people are constantly telling you how lucky you are to have him as a lab partner as if you don’t already know
akaashi ➝ the smart lab partner who doesn’t care what you do as long as you two get the right data. he’s a pretty chill guy, but if you tend to be on the clumsier side, he’ll take note and be like “...maybe I should do this part” to be nice. kind of burnt out and it shows in lab when he puts on his lab coat backwards or when he grips his micropipette a little too tight. sighs a lot when heating up or cooling solvents (he despises how most of lab is just a waiting game). funniest in the driest way possible, and if you reciprocate his sense of humor, then he’ll hold you to a higher regard. you two meet up every week to finish writing up the lab reports because it’s easier to check calculations and create your reasonings together this way (won’t admit that he enjoys your company aloud)
osamu ➝ didn’t show up to the first lab because he switched majors right beforehand. said he gave up on pre-med. it’s only the second week of classes, osamu...
suna ➝ has his lab partner do all the work and goes “Ooooh neat” when recording the reactions (straight up writes “turned yellow” as an answer... like okay? at what temperature? did it bubble? was a visible gas released? how long did it take? he does the bare minimum). kind of never knows what’s going on in lab because he reads the procedure right before class, so he’s heavily reliant on his partner. if YOU don’t know what’s going on... then you’re both screwed. always forgets his lab coat and you have to text him 30 minutes before class to go get it. has a nice circle of friends who share their data with him, so he’ll copy it and show it to you when you’re stuck. honestly, the only reason why you guys are passing lab is because of the sheer generosity of others
futakuchi ➝ the smart asshole in lab. gets the job done, but he’s horrible to work with. makes sure he does everything as fast as possible because he wants to get out within the next hour... if the directions call for medium heat, he has the hot plate dialed to the highest setting; will shake up the test tubes himself if the centrifuge is busy; doesn’t care about cross contamination and uses the same wooden stirring stick throughout the lab (just leaves it lying on the bench... the bench he never sterilizes). always pressuring you to hurry the hell up when grabbing solvents from the TA. bosses you around all the time and will straight up do the lab by himself when he’s in a rush (says “I have plans after this” as if you dont?!). you two get a nice grade... but was it worth it?
kuroo ➝ great partner, the only flaw he has is that he cares way too much about every little detail. follows lab instructions to the T. handbook says to stir for ten minutes? you’re standing there with that stirring rod for exactly ten minutes. doing titrations and the professor says the color should be a pale pink? he’s watching every single drip and is questioning if the pink should be more vibrant or not. need 7mL of water? he’s checking the meniscus of the graduated cylinder, dumping and refilling until it’s a perfect 7mL. sweats whenever he uses the pastor pipettes. makes you nervous sometimes because his lab anxiety rubs off you. by the time you two are halfway done, the rest of the class already left. you guys are always the last to leave lab, but he makes up for this by buying you lunch
matsukawa ➝ poured water into sulfuric acid. did it in front of the TA, was automatically failed for the lab that week, and kicked out for the day. now you have to do the lab by yourself
hanamaki ➝ was the one who told matsukawa to pour water into sulfuric acid as a joke. felt so bad about it that he went after him. you end up doing the lab by yourself and you don’t share the data with him out of pettiness. he failed the lab that week
sugawara ➝ he’s a fun lab partner, but he plays too much. like no, stop, please keep that petri dish away from your mouth; that agar may look like jelly, but we just streaked it with e. coli... will act like a model student whenever the TA walks by, but as soon as they’re out of sight... he’s treating the lab like it’s a cooking mama mini game. pretends that the inoculating loop put over the bunsen burner is a stick with a marshmallow at the end. even though he messes around a lot, he still gets his work done. texts you cheesy lab jokes. at the end of the semester, he stole a couple pH strips as a souvenir for surviving lab together and will occasionally use them to test on the water from the school fountains (spoiler: he no longer drinks from the water fountains on campus) 
shirabu ➝ the TA. he was incredibly standoffish when he first introduced himself to the class, but really he’s just kind of awkward. knows when students copy data off of other people, but at this point he’s too tired to even care (he’s an undergrad TA, so he doesn’t get paid for being in the lab). can be kind of terrifying at points; he’ll be walking around to monitor students and will straight up ask “why are your hands shaking?” and “did you not read the lab before coming today?” when he sees you do something wrong, he’ll instantly correct you (you need to trash the micropipette tip RIGHT after you use it) in a stern manner. don’t cross him or else he’ll start grading your papers extra hard. someone wrote their phone number for him in their lab report once and he took points off for it
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Wait, wait I couldn't find that information anywhere! I'm sure Carla's grades are good academically but what about Shin?
I'm not sure exactly what information it is you're referring to anon? If you're referencing one of my posts you'll have to send me a link. Personally I can't remember Shin's grades ever coming up in canon (if my memory is failing me then someone please let me know where this comes up). The only reference to anything grades-wise so far as Shin is concerned comes up in the bloody bouquet bonus wedding dress CD, where, if I'm remembering correctly, Shin originally says he's not going to work with the other boys on a school project but after Reiji tells him that if he does nothing he might have to repeat the year and he'll get no group points, Shin agrees to work with them out of fear of Carla getting mad if he doesn't get any points. From this we can infer that when it comes to grades, Shin's key concern is not upsetting Carla, so I imagine he at least gets passing grades. Shin isn't stupid (well he can be but in a very specific way) but he's not exactly the studious type so I doubt he gets grades as good as someone like Reiji's (when he and Carla are discussing how they spent their time in Banmaden in the Guitly X Guilty CD mini-drama and Carla tells Shin he spent most of his time reading, Shin responds saying that suited Carla but that could never be him).
In his MMB CD he does attend a chemistry class with Yui and although it ends in blood sucking shenanigans, Shin does show that he knows how to pipette solutions (look at my boy doing basic chemistry :') ) and he doesn't seem out if his depth when talking about setting up the experiment either.
That's as much as I know regarding Shin's school grades, apologies for the stream or consciousness text, I'm just about to go to bed. Anyway I hope this helps with whatever it is you were looking for!
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phoenix-manga · 3 years
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Ottilie Character Headcanons:
Ottilie lives in the Rose Kingdom, her parents are both professors of a school that teaches philosophy and mathematics. The entire family is an odd bunch, always living by philosophy and would all quote odd poetry that doesn’t make much sense to others other than themselves. 
Her family may be a bit odd but they are well respected for having so many students to sign up for their classes and getting good grades. They are also of nobility so they are always invited to gatherings and parties.
Her unique magic is called, “Shroomy Sprout”, by touching a patch of dirt, she can grow mysterious mushrooms with a variety of effects, every mushroom always changes from every little thing she does such as what food she ate, how she felt and even if she feels a bit ill. The mushrooms don’t stay there for long and will disappear in a puff of smoke after 10 minutes if not used. 
She is influenced by their poetry that she has gained an interest in all things whimsical and strange. She even has collected books with a variety of genres but all have something whimsical about them.
Her pet is a Hickory Horned Devil Caterpillar that she named Squeaks due to the squeaking noises it makes. She has a terrarium purse which is a strong, transparent container that holds a mini garden in it for her caterpillar to be in, she dislikes leaving it alone so she always has it on her person. If she can’t carry the container around then she keeps Squeaks hidden in one of her pigtails, which sometimes freak people out to see a big bug wriggling about a girl’s locks.
She likes all manner of bugs but her favorites are the ones that have eyespots on them, she always gets into staring contests despite knowing those are fake.
Though raised in a house by two genius professors as parents, she can have her airhead moments by saying a quote that leaves everyone confused as to what she meant. She can agree to shenanigans that seem interesting although most of the time she declines.
She may have the typical ojou-sama personality, has proper manners and etiquette though her whimsical mannerisms are often mixed in, but she can’t read the atmosphere sometimes and ends up making things confusing or awkward. But she is helpful when it comes to studying, all her mind-blowing way of phrasing often get stuck in someone’s head, her parent’s tutoring her also contributed to that. She definitely would be one of those who would say mind blowing things like “Why call them apartments when they’re built together?”. 
She will probably end up eating weird things in the forest if left by herself, she can’t help but want to eat something very colorful, so someone always has to stop her before anything happens. Always says that she is doing it for discovery, no honey, the medical books states that is NOT edible, you don’t need to discover if it can kill you or not!
Though a lot of her friends and relatives thought she’d be a professor like her parents, she actually wants to make fragrances in the future. She has a home-made pipette that she brought from home to make a variety of scents and fragrances. Her side of the room always has a lot of scented things kept in boxes, candles, perfume, paper, incense sticks and many more.
Whenever she makes a fragrance, she always has colorful smoke swirling around her, sometimes she can make fragrances that can make shapes from the smoke when used. That’s because she incorporates her magic and magical herbs into them.
Ottilie once experienced the cruelty of nature when she released a wild rabbit she fostered when it was injured, just a few meters away a Hawk flew down and snatched it. She cried for a week and even made a crude drawing of the rabbit and placed it on a fake grave her parents made just to make her feel better. Her parents won’t let her live it down and would always tell guests and friends about it, Ottilie is embarrassed from being reminded.
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svvitchfoot · 4 years
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Ok I would first like to say that scicomm, especially scicomm by non-scientists, is incredibly important and a wonderful thing, and I definitely love this.
However, as someone who works in a science lab, has done some work enforcing lab rules, and regularly works with dangerous chemicals, the lack of personal protection equipment and general lab safety procedure is KILLING ME.
Like, ok, lab coats, yay, we love lab coats! However please button them up they can’t protect your clothes if they aren’t covering your clothes.
Neither Jon or the scientist is wearing safety glasses or gloves and that’s honestly bothering me the most. If you’re wearing one form of PPE you should probably be wearing gloves and glasses!!! Especially if you’re gonna handle glassware Mr Scientist, you don’t know what trace chemicals are on the pipette!!
The only hair opinion you will ever hear from me is that Jon needs to tie back his hair if he’s gonna be in a lab. It’s mostly a fire hazard (pro tip: be very careful around open flames like Bunsen burners) but it’s also really annoying when you’re working and you shouldn’t be touching stuff anyway unless you’ve taken off your gloves/washed hands (this is how I have, repeatedly, gotten trace nitric acid on my earbuds. Nitric acid burns.)
I’m assuming that little jar of clear liquid is water and Mr Scientist was like, demonstrating how pipette bulbs work (they don’t, but I have strong opinions about pipette techniques), but irregardless, it’s very bad lab etiquette to leave unlabeled jars of liquid open and it’s even WORSE etiquette to LEAN OVER THEM JON WHAT ARE YOU DOING
This mini lab-safety lecture has been brought to you by unwilling participants Mr Scientst and Jon Foreman, and my nearly 5 years of working in chemistry labs of varying danger
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dojore · 4 years
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Pack of 100 MINI Transparent Plastic Dropping 0.2ml Pipettes. Reusable & Disposable Eye Dropper for Oil. by Dojore http://dlvr.it/RrskNn
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sjrresearch · 4 years
What Paints are Good for Historical Miniatures Beginners
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(This article is credited to Jason Weiser. Jason is a long-time wargamer with published works in the Journal of the Society of Twentieth Century Wargamers; Miniature Wargames Magazine; and Wargames, Strategy, and Soldier.)
Having been a wargamer for 37 years and a miniatures (tabletop) gamer for 34 of those, I tend to get one question from a lot of novices - “What’s a good paint brand to use?” The truth is, everyone has their favorite brand, and everyone has their likes and dislikes. Some paints are, confessedly, better than others. At least, in my humble opinion, they are. But you are reading this because you did just want my opinion, right?
I am going to stick to paint brands I am familiar with. And the first thing I am going to tell you is the first rule of paint selection I learned and never forgot in 34 years as a miniature wargamer.
Acrylic paints are just better all around. They mix easier, are cheaper overall, and clean up a lot easier than oil-based paint. Your cleaning solvent for acrylic paint is as close as your sink tap! However, don’t get any on the carpet. No paint is coming out of that easily! Also, another tip: Use flat paints. Gloss does not look good on historical figures, or any sort of wargaming figures for that matter.
So, with that, let’s get started.
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Vallejo is, to me, the best general-purpose hobby paint line out there. Most of the line comes in 17ml eyedropper bottles and are clearly labeled as to the contents. (Pro tip: Put the Vallejo stock number on the cap, as it’s a good way to know what’s in the paint bottle). The paints themselves are of a good quality, but you have to be careful how much you load your brush as they aren’t pre-thinned. You’ll need a palate to use the paints, but that’s a plus as a bottle can go a long way. Many of their Model Colors and Panzer Aces lines correspond to historical colors, which is also a plus, and many tutorials have the Vallejo Model Colors or Panzer Ace stock numbers as default color listings, so matching colors to the cool tutorial for “How to paint your Bolt Action 28mm Hungarians,” for example, is a snap. 
Vallejo is my go-to brand, and I really recommend it for the novice painter. They also come in sets with everything you need for a given subject (in fact, Vallejo even markets specific sets for Flames of War and Team Yankee. A big plus for you guys!). However, be careful of the Model Air and Game Air sets, as they’re meant for airbrushes and do not take well to brush painting. That said, if you have an airbrush, they’re a good solid set of colors to start with. 
One of the other things I like about Vallejo is it’s a full-service line. They sell primers, spray paints that match their Model Colors and Game Colors (Fantasy) lines, and just everything you might need. As your painting and techniques improve, they have the product for you. You just cannot go wrong with Vallejo.
Army Painter
Army Painter is another fine beginner-friendly line. I use a lot of their specialty products (their ready mixed tones and washes and their tools), but their paints are awesome.) They offer a good pigment and also come in the eyedropper bottle, like Vallejo. I am a little bummed they don’t have direct matches (or attempts at matches) to historical colors, but I really like their reds. It’s a really vibrant color that stands out on a figure (Pro Tip: Use grey primer instead of black. 
It’s a lot easier to paint red, yellow, or even white against, useful for those yellow Spanish or White Austrian Napoleonic uniforms). You also get a little more for your money at 18ml of paint in a bottle. The paint lines also come in beginner-friendly sets and tend to be a bit cheaper than Vallejo. Get the Warpaints Starter Paint Set pictured below:
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It comes with your ten basic colors, a brush, some shading which will do wonders for the looks of your models, and a very handy instruction manual. If you’re a novice painter who’s never picked up a brush, this is the set to get. 
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Reaper is also another line of paints where you “can’t go wrong.” I find their flesh tones very high quality and would recommend them over any paint line outside of Foundry (more on that later). Reaper also has paint sets, and it will take a lot of work to match them to historical colors, but it can be done. 
Their eyedropper bottles come in a little smaller than either Army Painter or Vallejo, but the paint is also a bit cheaper in the States as Reaper is an American company (Vallejo’s based in Spain and Army Painter is mostly based in the UK). Reaper has its own beginner sets, and while they’re fantasy-oriented, the paints work as well for virtually anything. It also has its own carrying case. 
They’re slightly more expensive than the Starter set Army Painter puts out though, but you do get a lot more for your money with a carrying case, 11 bottles of paint, two brushes, and an instruction guide. You also get an empty paint bottle if you want to preserve mixtures, and a few free fantasy minis (gotta practice your historical schemes somewhere, right?). It also has a very useful instruction manual that will give you some useful tips on how to paint.
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While both lines are great and have a lot of specialty options, these really aren’t paints for the beginner model painter. Heck, it took yours truly a while to crack the code on both colors. Are they good colors? Yes. They both have the nice eyedropper bottle setup and are just wonderfully pre-thinned paints that brush on or work well in an airbrush. And they both have a ton of specialty colors that match the historical wargamer’s needs (especially 20th-century conflicts). However, they’re not for beginners. But once your skills increase, give them a try. Trust me, you will love the results (Pro Tip: They look especially good with an Army Painter wash).
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I rather like Foundry, especially their non-Caucasian flesh tones. Often, their other colors are a bit off. The paint is a bit thicker than Vallejo, but if you thin it out just right, you get some really vibrant results. Moreover, I love their “Triad” system, where they sell the same color in three different shades including a base, a shade, and a highlight. While this means they don’t sell singles, or at least I haven’t seen it, it does mean you get a system that works well for a lot of subjects. They even wrote a book about it by Kevin Dallimore (who’s probably one of the best painters out there). 
It’s a weighty tome, but it’s worth it, and it has a wealth of historical subjects and details on “how to paint them.” My biggest complaint about Foundry? The bottles. I really do wish they’d go over to the eyedropper model. I don’t love paint pots, though you do get a lot of paint per bottle (20ml). The cap can become hard to close the more you use the paint, which then leads to dried out paint. 
Solutions to the problem include either:
Getting a pipette set, empty eyedropper bottles from Reaper or Army Painter, and transferring the paint, 
This idea from Dr. Tabletop.com, where with a bit of work, you remove the cap, snap on the spout and voila! Instant eyedropper bottle.
Many people swear by Citadel as an option for beginning painters (especially with their new Contrast system.) More often than not, though, Citadel is as hit or miss. Sometimes, like with some of the Contrast colors, you can get a really nice shade and wash pattern (the reds in the system, for example, would do well for British uniforms from the 17-19th Century, for example), but less vibrant colors, such as greens or greys, don’t do as well in the system. And, you have to prime white with Contrast colors, or at least a light grey. This means, if you miss a spot, it’s going to be rather obvious. 
That said, there have been good results with some figures (especially science fiction projects, but that shouldn’t differ from Historical miniatures). The main issue is this, Citadel has two major problems. One, it’s expensive, especially the Contrast paints at $7 a bottle for 18ml. And second? The bottle design. In two words? “It stinks.” The bottle is topsy-turvy and top-heavy that spilling is almost a guarantee. Considering what you pay for Citadel paints, this wasn’t a particularly good move on Citadel’s part. I’d recommend either, again, transferring the paint, or getting Dr. Tabletop’s toppers. Either way is going to save you a lot of aggravation and money. 
Also, keep in mind, Citadel is made for fantasy and gothic sci-fi, so the names of the colors are lurid, to say the least.  That said, they do have beginner-friendly sets:
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At 45$, it’s pricy, and there are cheaper, better alternatives for someone just getting into the historical side of the miniatures hobby.
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Tamiya is one of the old stalwarts of the model building community and was one of the first Japanese model makers to market kits in the US. They have a really good line of paints in rather large bottles. If you’re not going to go eyedropper, then this is the way you package your paints. Everything just fits together in terms of the bottle, including the price of the 23ml of paint you receive. The paints fill historical needs very well (especially for Cold War and Modern subjects, or WWII Japanese), and they are of good viscosity.
 Like Vallejo, they also have a complimentary spray paint line, but you don’t get as much for your money, so unless you need a specific color, it’s not worth the cost.  Other than that, I don’t have any complaints about them. I tend not to use them as my go-to, save for certain applications like NATO 3 tone woodland camo for 1980s American and West German Tanks. They play well with other colors as well, but they are bit pricy. I wouldn’t recommend them to someone just starting out in the hobby, but as your first paint line to step up from? You could do a lot worse.
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Lifecolor is an Italian company, and I only have one set of theirs. Their bottles aren’t the greatest, but I am happy with the quality of the paint. The choices of colors abound, but I would recommend Tamiya slightly over Lifecolor, even though I think the latter may have the edge in choices of colors and the breadth of historical subjects is as wide as you can imagine. If you want it, Lifecolor probably makes a set to cover it. 
Surprisingly, you get 22ml of paint from their bottle, but the bottle is all plastic. The paint is pre-thinned, but slightly thicker than Ammo or MiG, but I still think it’s not really something I’d recommend to the beginner. That said, they’re a great set of paints if you’re ready to make the leap to the advanced level. 
Privateer Press (aka P3)
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P3 paints are a solid, workmanlike choice for the beginner. They are bright, vibrant colors, that, while flat, they go on solid and have no real sins to speak of. They come either in sets of six or individually. I have a bunch of them, but to be honest, I don’t use them as much as some of my other color ranges. 
Despite their perks, P3 paints do suffer from the same problem as the Foundry paint line, where they have subpar bottles. They have 18ml of paint, which is about average for the industry, and I do like their Pig Iron color for a lot of gun barrels and other metallic items. It’s a solid set of colors for a beginner, but I really think you could probably do better with Army Painter or even Foundry. 
A Word About Craft Store Paints
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You can find them at Michaels, or Walmart, or just about any other craft or big box store out there. They’re cheap (ranging between $1-$1,50 a bottle, whereas your average hobby bottle ranges around $3), acrylic, and you get a lot of paint (the average craft store paint bottle is 59ml). And, you get a squeeze top, which is darn nice to put paint into the palate with. But, as they say, you get what you pay for. 
I have come home with paint I was looking forward to using from Michaels only to find out the paint was separated (pigment and fluid have come apart) or it’s become rock hard. That said, I have wargame buddies who only use craft store paints, including one guy who painted some very nice 28mm German WWII Fallschirmjagers (Paratroopers), and I have to say, I can’t tell it was all craft paint. Just know what you’re buying and don’t buy some glossy glitter bomb paint by accident. 
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Avant-hier, en nettoyant la salade, je tombe sur un minuscule petit escargot. Comme il en faut peu, en ce moment, pour enivrer nos vies, j'appelle aussitôt les enfants, qui se prennent d'amour pour lui, au premier regard. Ni une, ni deux, l'escargot est adopté : il faut, D'URGENCE, lui trouver un habitat digne de ce nom ! Les mains dans l'évier, j'aurais, en temps normal, envoyé bouler mes enfants dans leur chambre, et l'animal dans la poubelle, mais, rendue émotive peut-être par la conjoncture, touchée sans doute par la fragilité de ce petit être à coquille, je me laisse convaincre de la nécessité ABSOLUE de lui construire, dans l'instant, un vivarium. Dans une transe mi-verte mi-sociale, je virevolte donc entre la cuisine et le cellier pour trouver le matériel adéquat, devant mes enfants circonspects, peu habitués à me voir si prompte à répondre à leurs requêtes. J'écarte d'un "PEUH" méprisant leur vulgaire proposition de pot de confiture, et finis par extirper des placards, victorieuse, un vieux tuperware à la taille IDÉALE. Ravie de ma trouvaille, et sous l’œil hypnotisé des enfants, je m'empare lestement d'un tire-bouchon pour percer le couvercle, afin de parachever l'ouvrage. Raoul et Mimi n'en peuvent plus de joie, et couvent du regard leur petit protégé, qu'ils recouvrent, dans la foulée, de tas de feuilles de salade, preuve de leur débordante tendresse.
D'un commun accord, l'animal est baptisé FANTOMINUS, parce qu'il est TRANSPARENT, MINI ET QUE C'EST UN NOM DE POKEMON. Une garde alternée est rapidement décidée : Fantominus passera 48h chez Mimi, pour commencer, mais Raoul, évidemment, a un droit de visite, dont il ne se prive pas. Il vient régulièrement arroser le vivarium avec sa pipette de chimiste : "il lui faut vingt gouttes d'eau par jour" assène-t-il d'un ton docte à sa sœur, épatée par tant de science infuse. De mon côté, je crains, pour la pauvre bête, une noyade, un étouffement par les bronches, que sais-je : je ne peux m'empêcher de faire une recherche sur internet "Comment s'occuper d'un escargot ?". Je tombe sur DEUX pages de notice. D'où il ressort qu'il aurait fallu, pour commencer, nettoyer le tuperware à l'eau bouillante et au détergent doux, que la température doit être maintenue entre 17 et 30°, qu'il est conseillé de laver régulièrement l'animal avec une BROSSE À DENTS À POILS DOUX et de lui donner du CALCIUM. (Je préfère ne pas évoquer la question du TAPIS CHAUFFANT) Une chape de plomb me tombe dessus quand je lis qu'un escargot en captivité peut vivre entre trois et quinze ans. Si ça se trouve, quand les enfants auront quitté la maison, il sera toujours là.
Je m'imagine en train de lui donner le bain, et des petites coquilles d’œuf, pour le calcium.
Bon sang, l'avenir me fout vraiment les jetons !
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