#minimal plot all nonsense just thoughts pouring out
idatenjumpfanatic · 8 months
I Got Your Back (Begrudgingly)
Loosely inspired by this thread here
Specifically about the Samejima siblings. We all have our own chance to make up backstories for the side characters of the show, but I wanna flesh out what yall already wrote about Gabu, plus some thoughts of mine with those headcanons on the end of this oneshot.
No word count bc I just wrote everything here. Not proofread, so this is basically word vomited before I lose the idea (and motivation)
Notes are that this happened far before the show. Anyways enjoy!
Gabu never did house chores. He was never really fond of them. It was boring, tedious, and above all, not worth his time at all. There were better things to invest his time on, and it was definitely not on those. And besides, Taiga's there to do them instead of him.
However today Taiga was sick.
The older sibling was terribly bedridden, unable to leave his room levels of bad. He said just yesterday that he wasn't feeling well, and then it just got worse now. Gabu would've first thought he was faking it, both have done it before in the past (and neither snitched each time), but the vomiting sounds he heard earlier that morning behind the bathroom door was plenty enough to convince him otherwise.
"Mom, Tai's sick."
"Well, we're still busy at work. Just let him rest, okay?"
"Are you serious?!"
Gabu would've started an argument with his parents about this given the chance, but said parents were too quick end the telephone call before he got another word in. He growled, crossing his arms.
He didn't want to deal with sick brother quite frankly. It's just another chore before school.
Or, I could skip school using Taiga as an excuse.
That thought made Gabu grin. He'd say his poor older brother was down with sickness and he took the liberty to take care of him today, as his parents were really of no use in that aspect, but really he'd just go MTB riding at the trails. Yeah, that'll do it.
Though he needed to wait for a few more minutes to make sure his parents wouldn't catch him.
While he did though, he could hear coughing from the second floor.
Gabu frowned, listening as Taiga's coughing continued for a good few seconds before it stopped. He stayed where he stood even after the house fell into silence. Without even realizing, he was squeezing his own arms as he found himself double guessing.
He stared at the door for a long while, subconsciously humming quietly as he did so. His humming then turned into a grumble, and once he finally made his mind up, he threw his hands and groaned before walking away from the door.
Meanwhile Taiga, he wasn't in the best shape clearly. Every limb felt like lead, and his head was throbbing. It would've been a lot worse if not for the menthol ointment he kept in his bedside drawer, but even then it wasn't enough to alleviate everything else. It didn't help too that every time he wanted or needed to get up he felt like throwing his insides out.
Whatever he got, it was bad.
But still, he knew it was best to just power through it as much as he could. He didn't need to worry about convincing his parents; lately neither would notice if he or Gabu missed school, or if they were even home at all, because neither would be at home either. Sometimes it was for the better, oftentimes it was just depressing to think about, and right now it was the latter.
Gabu at least was told that he was sick, but Taiga knew his brother wouldn't be be able to take care of him. He loves him, but he's also well aware how incompetent Gabu was when it came to basic things. He once set something on fire in the kitchen when the Four Kings were trying to teach him, and whether that incident was in purpose or by accident the fact still stood that Gabu was no longer allowed to try to cook anything.
Which meant Taiga was left by himself.
Taiga heaved a sigh at the thought, but already accepted it ever since he felt the first signs of sickness. He just wasn't expecting that it'd get this bad. Whatever scolding he'd get for not cleaning around the house, despite his condition, he'd take, but for now he would rather try to get a shut eye and think about the aftermath later on. Food and water he'd figure out on getting later on once his body would cooperate.
He turned to the side where his unclogged nostril was up, pulling the blanket some more over himself as he tried to go back to sleep. That part, at least, wasn't that hard. He didn't even realize that he did fall asleep until he woke up in a coughing fit.
Slowly sitting up, Taiga rubbed his throat once the coughs finally died out. He grumbled to himself, disliking the idea of needing to get up for some water, but alas he couldn't blame anyone but his past self for not preparing sooner.
He was already willing himself to get off the bed, but once he was one foot down he spotted an unopened bottle of water just sitting on his nightstand. He stared at it for a long while, wondering if he actually left it there before. Though, his own body didn't let him think about it for any longer as he felt another round of coughs crawling its way up his already parched throat.
Downstairs, Gabu was still staring intensely at the pot of water that sat on the stove. Through rummaging the pantry, he found the easiest thing to cook: packets of chicken broth soup that was just needed to be put in boiling water. He read through the steps earlier, but he was now met with the roadblock of not knowing how to operate the stove.
During this he heard Taiga coughing again, which signaled that he was awake once again. It only meant less time for Gabu, unless his brother went back to sleep right after. His staredown with the inanimate kitchen equipment continued.
Gabu thought about calling one of the Four Kings, if one of them weren't at school, for assistance, but the thought of asking for help for such a menial task only made his cheeks flush with embarrassment. The Four Kings were by no means judgmental towards him, but the issue lied with him and not them.
Damn him for his issue of either serving his ego or knowledge.
"Okay, think about it this way," he began telling himself, "it'd suck if I have to say I still don't know after all this. And if I figure it out myself, I get to stick it in Tai's face."
Yeah, seemed doable. He grabbed one of the stove's knobs and started experimenting.
Taiga laid still, blankly staring at the ceiling. The water helped for sure, but now his stomach was rumbling. He couldn't tell if it was hunger or wanting to vomit, but either way he needed to resolve it with food first. If he were hungry that was it, and if he needed to vomit it meant he needed medicine, and he couldn't take that on an empty stomach.
The stillness was really him psyching himself to get up despite aching all over. He took a few deep breaths (while hovering his ointment over his mouth and nose), before wrapping the blanket around himself as his slowly got up. Sitting up he could already taste the bile coming up his throat, but he pressed his lips shut as he swallowed it down.
Finally he was standing, despite all odds. He fought his urge to hurry as he took little steps, keeping his eyes down on the floor to avoid worsening his migraine. Though, in the few steps he'd taken he heard his bedroom door creak open.
"Ugh, why are you up?"
Taiga tilted his head up and saw Gabu standing in the hallway holding a tray that seemed larger in his tiny hands, and a mask over his nose and mouth.
"Go back to bed," he demanded.
Taiga stood and stared, blinking in shock while Gabu made his way into the room. Gabu was fast to notice his brother not responding, his scowl behind the mask deepening.
"Hey, are you deaf? Go back to bed!"
He didn't wait this time. Gabu quickly set down the tray on the table before he marched forward and practically shoved Taiga back to the bed, and yet despite his sudden actions he still did them with carefulness.
Taiga didn't give him much hassle though and shuffled back. He didn't have the energy to argue or fight back either, so he sat back on his bed and let his sibling do whatever he was planning to do.
"I called mom in her office today telling you were sick, but she didn't care. 'Too busy with work' as always," Gabu scoffed while retrieving the tray.
"And dad?"
Gabu gave him a half-lidded stare. "If mom's busy then he is too, duh," he replied sourly. He set the tray on the nightstand, adjusting it so that it wouldn't tip over since the table was smaller. From there Taiga could see what his brother brought.
A small thermos, a large bowl of soup with a spoon, packs of saltine crackers, a new bottle of water, and multiple sleeves of medicine tablets.
"I heated too much water so I made tea too, but yeah there's more soup downstairs, just let me know."
"You... made this for me?"
"Yeah, don't overthink it."
Normally making a bowl of soup wasn't much of a feat, but for Gabu it was an accomplishment, and Taiga knew that. He was impressed, actually, that Gabu was able to not only gather all of these, but to make some food unsupervised without burning anything down (at least, he hoped. His nose was a little stuffy at the moment to smell anything burning) as well.
Taiga smiled, picking up the bowl as he muttered Gabu a thanks. The warmth of the broth was welcoming to his hands, he'd been getting the chills so the hot food was such a relief. Before he took a scoop though he realized something.
"Aren't you supposed to be in school right now?"
"And so?" Gabu shot back with a shrug.
Taiga looked at him for a little while before he gave a defeated sigh. No way he'd be able to convince Gabu to try and catch up with school for the day. He went back to the soup, and while he started eating he could hear Gabu rummage through the tablets.
"You're welcome, by the way. Don't say I never do anything for you."
Taiga couldn't help but grin again. "Of course, I appreciate it," he said with full sincerity. Gabu glanced at him but then quickly looked away.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm calling the others though after their class to look after you this time. At least they're more reliable."
The last part fell into a mumble, but Taiga still heard it. He wasn't sure who Gabu was referring to, but he was hoping it wasn't a self-inflicted insult. A bit of a reach of course, but it was still a valid concern for him. He didn't know how to comfort him either, as words often didn't translate to what he wanted to convey; a problem for the both of them, in all honesty.
He genuinely wanted to thank Gabu again, since his sudden decision to stay actually solved so much of his concerns, but he also knew his brother was terrible with handling compliments. So instead, he reached out and ruffled Gabu's hair.
Instantly a complaint. "Ew! Get your sick hands off me, I don't wanna catch whatever you have."
Taiga laughed, though it quickly cut into coughing. While his little brother reached for a bottle, the same thought ran in his mind:
Yeah, it may be hard that mom or dad weren't there when he needed them, but Gabu always was, no matter how much he says he doesn't care. And of course, he'll always be there for Gabu just the same.
After writing that last paragraph I realized that the headcanon of Taiga and Gabu having such a tight-knit relationship prior to everything is so much more devastating considering the events of the show.
I like to believe that the brothers are genuinely close, in tandem with the headcanon that their parents are neglectful to an extent, so blood-wise they don't have much besides each other. Also, I like to think that their parents are rich or at least holds a high status, since Gabu does a lot of stuff he gets away with (particularly with the stealing school equipment incident), but because they work first before their own kids, they've become blissfully unaware of what their children are up to. Which is tragic.
One last thing, I initially titled this one-shot as "Love Language" because I headcanon that both the brothers' love language is act of service (mostly through bossing other people). Seeing how Gabu is so bad at handling verbal compliments, I take it he's more of a "show, not tell" kind of person, and on top of neglectful parents it's more likely for him to pick that up from Taiga.
Also as siblings, especially in an Asian household, verbal show of genuine affection, gratitude, or sorry is difficult to do so at times. Often it's expressed through other means, like food or asking the other if they wanna hang out outside after a fight. Those kinda stuff
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
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masterlist - part two ½ - part four
disclaimer: this is a collection of one shots set in the same au - there is no plot/no catch/minimal angst
nsfw <3
Maybe I don’t hate you. 
Maybe I’m tired of pretending we wouldn’t be great together. 
It was dark when they stumbled into Elide’s apartment. She shoved his coat off and let hers fall onto the floor of her entryway. Their bags were next and then Lorcan cupped the backs of her thighs to hoist her up. 
He walked further into her place. Elide cupped his face in her hands and claimed his lips in a greedy embrace. Her teeth snagged on his bottom lip and she flicked her tongue over the small hurt. “Couch?” 
“Gods, no,” she breathed. “We aren’t high school students.” Elide licked into his mouth and Lorcan groaned. 
“Don’t talk about high school students with your tongue in my mouth.” 
Elide tipped her head back and laughed, her eyes closed. “Fair enough, Salvaterre.” She tugged his face back to hers and pressed a softer kiss to his kiss-swollen lips. 
“So, kitchen counter, then?” 
“No, you pig. Bed.” 
Lorcan smirked against her mouth, “As the princess commands.” She laughed softly and kissed him silent. 
“‘t’s the room by the fire escape,” Elide said. 
He smoothed his hand up her back to pull her closer and walked into her room. Lorcan laughed darkly at her shriek when he tossed her onto the mattress. 
Elide bounced on impact and glared up at him. “Bastard.” 
“Aw, babe,” Lorcan cooed, “I didn’t know you were into nicknames.” 
Her response was abruptly cut off by him tugging her down to the foot of her bed. He spread her legs to fit himself between them. The tight skirt of her slate-grey sheath dress constricted around her thighs. When he leaned down, seeking her lips, Elide paused him with a hand over his heart. 
Lorcan stopped instantly, his eyes searching hers, “What is it?” He stepped back when she pushed his shoulders. “El, talk to me.” 
“Nothing’s wrong, stop worrying.” Elide stood up and turned around. She twisted her thick, chocolatey tresses to the side, exposing the smooth elegance of her neck and her dress’s zipper. “Undo me?” 
Lorcan stepped closer and wound his hands around her hips, “Gods-damn tease.” She let out a sultry chuckle that melted into a moan when he pressed his lips to the curve of her neck. He slowly tugged the zipper down and followed its path with feather-light kisses over her spine. Then, he kneeled to pull it down. 
Her bare skin glowed in the moonlight that streamed through her window. Lorcan looked up at her when she turned around and stepped out of the crumpled form of her dress. Elide slowly let her hair go and it spilled down, the rich darkness stark against the paleness of her skin. “Why are you looking at me like that,” she whispered. His gaze was filled with wonder and devotion. “It’s just me.” 
“You’re beautiful, you know that?” She slowly sat down, leaning back on her elbows. Lorcan ran his hands up her thighs and dug his fingers into the supple flesh. “You are my wildest dream.” 
Elide reached out to grip his jaw and pulled his lips to hers, “Stop being a sap and fuck me.”
Lorcan snapped his teeth at her and snarled a warning, “Play nice, Lochan.” He plundered her mouth with his tongue and subtly wiped the tears that had formed from his words away before they could fall. 
“Oh,” she purred, “I’ll always play nice for you.” Elide stretched out on her back and lifted her hands above her head. “Ravage me, darling.” 
He laughed darkly and rose above her. Elide wrapped an arm around his head and ran her other hand down his front, deftly undoing his shirt buttons. She shoved the offending garment from his body, “Off.” 
There was something desperate in her voice and in the hasty way she touched him. Before his mind could be completely fogged by her, Lorcan pulled away and pressed her wrists into the mattress. He bent his head, slowly kissing her neck and up her jaw, “Princess, slow down. I’m not going anywhere.” Lorcan nudged her chin with his nose and then pressed his lips to hers. “I’m right here.” 
Elide breathed in deeply and pulled her wrists out of his hands. She strung her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs around his waist, “I just want you to fuck me already. Take it slow and deep, mmmm.” He hummed into her mouth and dipped his fingers between her thighs. Even through the mesh of her panties, Lorcan could feel how slick she was. Elide broke off the kiss when he grazed his fingertips beneath her underwear and teased her. “Don’t fucking tease me, please.” 
He laughed quietly and stroked her again before curling two fingers into her tight heat. Lorcan pumped her slowly and circled his thumb over her clit. Her breathing hitched and became lighter in his ear. To ground her, to keep her with him, Lorcan peppered kisses over her chest and down to her cleavage. 
Through the lacy bra, he licked his tongue over her nipple and was rewarded with a low moan. Her hips started to rock with his motions and Lorcan slid down her body. Her thighs parted to accommodate him. Lorcan banded his forearm across her belly and pressed her into the mattress, “Stay still.” 
Elide stopped moving and waited in agony as he pulled her panties down her legs and tossed them to the side. She slid her fingers into his hair as his exhale fanned over her sensitive core and tightened her hold when Lorcan sucked her clit into his mouth. 
The feeling had a wanton, breathless cry pouring from her parted lips. Elide tipped her head back as he continued, working her up and up and up with his mouth and fingers. I should’ve known he’d be good with his mouth, she thought to herself, the thought pulling a half-mad giggle from her pleasure-wrought body. 
She felt his wicked grin against her sex and arched her back, “Oh, gods, please.” He crooked his fingers and Elide gasped, “Yes, right fucking there, yes.” She could feel herself dangling on the precipice of everything and pulled on his hair, “I’m so close, I’m gonna- ohhh, Lorcan.” 
It could’ve been an eternity or a split second later when Elide came. She was weightless, crashing through the sticky-sweet bliss of release. From her mouth poured the most wondrous sounds he would crave hearing forevermore and her body spasmed with it all. 
Lorcan rose from between her legs and kissed up her body. Elide reached out for him, a serene smile on her face. “You’ve never been that polite before,” he teased her, wearing a proud grin. Elide hooked her legs around his hips and expertly twisted them. Lorcan gaped up at her, shock and awe and lust flitting across his eyes, “Damn, princess.” 
She laughed again, tipping her head back, “Don’t look so surprised. There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me.” 
“Yeah, things I want to learn,” he said, sliding a hand around her waist. “C’mere, El.” Lorcan sat up and Elide leaned in. They kissed slowly, drinking each other in. Elide looped her arms around his shoulders and traced nonsense patterns over the nape of his neck with the tips of her fingers. 
As they continued, practically melting into each other, Elide reached down between them and fiddled with the buckle of his belt before she managed to undo it. He groaned softly when she undid his fly and slid her hand into his briefs. 
The air changed around them when they were both bare. It became slow, and soft, like this moment was special and something neither would forget. 
Biting kisses and desperate holds melted into exploring touches. Elide rested her forehead against his as she sunk down on him and her thighs squeezed the outsides of his hips. He rubbed her back, kissing her softly. Elide eased into him and after, every movement was bliss. 
They wrapped their arms around each other, desperate to ease the sting of longing for one another. Even pressed as close as they could be, it barely soothed their aches. Elide idly thought, as she felt her body seize in anticipation, she would never get tired of this.
Something shifted in her and she committed the sight of his face, the way the silver light of the moon slipped and slid across his euphoria-filled features, to memory. She dusted chaste kisses across his cheeks and their lips met once more. 
They reached their peaks in that soft, slow way. Elide felt like she was floating as she came for the second time and like the only thing that was holding her to the ground was Lorcan beneath her. She kissed him, mumbling against his lips, “Come for me, baby. Let go.” 
Her name was a prayer spilling from his mouth when he climaxed, holding her hips to him, “Fuck, princess, you’re so gods-damned perfect.” 
She hummed and licked over his lips, “I know, babe.” Lorcan pinched her side in retaliation and she pushed his hand away, “Don’t you dare tickle me.” 
Lorcan laughed and shuddered slightly when he lifted her off of him. “I would never.” He tucked his hand behind his head and looked up at her ceiling. When the bed shifted, Lorcan looked down at Elide. “Where are you going?” 
The dark-haired woman picked his shirt up off the floor and buttoned it over her. She walked over to her closet and pulled a thick flannel blanket out. “I want to show you something. Come,” Elide held her hand out expectantly. Lorcan pushed himself up and picked his underpants. He put them on and took her hand. 
“Where are you taking me?” 
“Somewhere cool,” she promised. Elide tugged him behind her as she marched out of her room to the fire escape. She pushed the window up and climbed out onto the iron structure. “C’mon, don’t be a coward.” Lorcan clicked his tongue at her and followed her out. “We’re going up.” She started up the stairs and Lorcan laughed under his breath before dutifully climbing up behind her. 
They climbed up onto the roof and Elide pulled him over to a lattice-covered area. Fragrant jasmine vines curled around the cover and after she flicked a switch, Lorcan saw the fairy lights that had been strung up. “Did you do this?” 
Her cheeks were flushed and she nodded, biting the inside of her cheek, “Yeah. I… I did it a few years ago and some of my neighbours helped me.” 
She made a surprised squeak when Lorcan tugged her into his arms, “It’s perfect, princess. Thank you for sharing this with me.” 
Elide stretched onto her tiptoes to kiss him sweetly, “You’re welcome. Let’s sit.” She stepped over to a patio couch and grabbed the blanket. Lorcan sat down and she spread the blanket over them. He wrapped her up in his arms and stretched his leg out so she could sit between his legs, her back against his chest. Elide settled into him and said softly, “Isn’t it beautiful?” 
He kissed the top of her head and rested his chin on the crown of her head. From her roof, they could see the entire city, all lit up. Lorcan smiled, “It is.” 
For a while, they didn’t say another word. Lorcan dragged his fingers up and down her leg. He stared at her while she stared at the lights. Elide let her head back back against his shoulder and looked up at him. “Lorcan?” 
“You’re my wildest dream, too.”
@mythicaitt​​ @werewolffprince​​ @schmlip-scribble​​  @empire-of-wildfire​​ @the-regal-warrior​ @ladyverena​​ @ttakeitbacknoww​​ @shyvioletcat​​ @alifletcher2012​​ @tswaney17​​ @ourbooksuniverse​​  @flora-and-fae​​ @thesirenwashere​​ @queenofxhearts​​ @maastrash​​ @mynewdreamwasyou​​ @cursebreaker29​​ @empress-ofbloodshed​​ @b00kworm​​ @hizqueen4life​​ @silversprings98​​ @amren-courtofdreams​​ @minaidss​​ @superspiritfestival​​ @sanakapoor​​ @ireallyshouldsleeprn​​ @spyofthenightcourt​​  @thegoddessofyou​​ @more-espresso-less-depresso-xx​​ @claralady​​ @neonhellas​​ @darlinminds​​ @readingismyonlyhobby​​​ @autophobiaxx​​​ @silversprings28​​​ @myshadowsingeraz​​​ @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln​​​ @elriel4life​​​ @always-in-a-daydream​​​ @jlinez​​ @ladywitchling
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