#minjae locks
prplocks · 3 months
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ᴄᴏᴍᴇʙᴀᴄᴋ: xɪᴋᴇʀs
trial and error
reblog if you save
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kpop-locks · 6 months
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ mcnd ; bf material ♡ᵎ ꒱
like/reblog | @sanzfever
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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sminiac · 2 months
begging you rn to do riding xikers(hyungline ofc) face
💌 — Bff I’m sorry this took so long, but beg no more I gotchu !!!
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⋆ K. Minjae
The most skilled out of the 5, like this is where he excels! It’s a win-win, he gets to watch from this angle while you completely use his mouth any way you want, it’s also probably one of the more tame things the two of you have done, I feel like Minjae really likes experimenting when you’re mutually comfy enough, so face riding is just a piece of cake, a very, very normal reoccurrence, sometimes you’ll just be laying beside each other doom scrolling on your phones and he’s nudging your leg like: “Hey, come up here so I can put my mouth on you.” And you’re like “Okay☺️” and it’s just so.. relationship? Like it’s so cute ?? He could have you sitting on his face for hours, it’s like second nature, facing backwards, forwards, whatever you want. Whenever he’s feeling needy and just wants time with you? You’re sitting on his face, there’s not even a lick of hesitation, he needs it.
Remainder of members under the cut!
⋆ P. Junmin
So shy having you like this, you’re just so exposed and open for him, hides behind his eyelids when you’re looking down, a hand in his hair with that fucked out expression on your face = wants to bury himself further away in your thighs or into the pillows under his head, especially when you’re praising him for how good he’s doing— yet, he can’t fully bring himself to because even though you make him nervous with all the unavoidable attention he simultaneously thinks it’s soooo sexy. The way he’s there only for your pleasure? Yeah, he’s incredibly horny— therefore most likely to cum untouched, no argument here. Although he’s more on the bashful side don’t mistake this as him being sheepish, he’s grown, he absolutely wants you to use him however you see fit, encourages you to just let go and enjoy what his mouth has to offer.
⋆ C. Sumin
LOCK ME UP BC FACE RIDING WITH SUMIN ?!?!!???! This is something he takes very seriously, but the severity of it depends on exactly why you’re sitting on his face. As a punishment he doesn’t want you moving an inch, any little jump or squirm has him slapping at the side of your thigh or your ass, telling you to keep your eyes on him and to “Take it, have to.” He just gets so greedy and indulgent, but if it’s more for the simpler reason of the both of your enjoyment then he isn’t so strict, all he asks is that take advantage of the freedom while you have it. He’s such a thigh grabber, likes it messy and fun. His favourite is when you’re grinding your clit against his tongue and his face is just covered in your slick, he could do it everyday if you needed him to, absolutely no complaints!
⋆ H. Jinsik
He’s on that ‘She could ride my face I don’t want nothing in return’ type of vibe, like heeeaavily. Even before you try it out for yourselves he’s thinking about it, waiting, and he’s so giddy when you finally agree to it, like he’d brag about it if he could. I’d see Jinsik as the type to use his fingers to help him out sometimes too, but if not then he’s literally devouring you, drinking you down for everything you’re worth, he loves it, especially when your thighs start twitching and trembling against his face, holding onto whatever you can to keep you stable above him, but his arms pulling you down as close to him as possible is incredibly counterintuitive to what you’re trying to prevent, but he does not caaare! He could go for multiple rounds, like this man lives by dogtooth lets bfr !!!
⋆ C. Hyunwoo
Deceiving. It’s absurd how sweet and innocent he’ll intentionally come off as when asking you to sit on his face, “Just to try it.” He’ll insist knowing damn well how dedicated and fervent he is when giving head, and having you in this position is like no other, he likes it, maybe a little too much. Even though he’s insatiable he still does his best to make sure you’re able to feel comfortable and enjoy yourself, Hyunu is just so boyfriend, he’ll hold your hand while his eyes are closed, quite literally making out with your pussy, he’s not as messy as Sumin, but he likes that he can easily reach places he normally couldn’t if you were just laid on your back for him. I think he’d have more of a thing for the sounds his lips make with how wet you are compared to visuals, I mean obviously it makes him unbelievably hard seeing you like this, but the sounds too? He’s a goner.
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atinyjules · 8 months
Xikers reaction to s/o fixing their hair please !
Ooo a cutee one! Here you go~
Happy reading!
Middle line version and Maknae line version (coming soon)
Genre: Fluff
Pairings: Xikers x Reader
Warnings: none
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The first time you did it was when the both of you were in a cafe together after escaping the windy weather and you couldn't help but notice how the wind had completely destroyed Minjae's otherwise very clean and well styled soft locks. So without a warning you just leaned over the table and began fixing his hair with your fingers.
"And then I scolded Yechan for doing that when I myself had did the same thing some time back-" Minjae had cut his own words after flinching at the sudden contact of your fingers with his hair.
"W-What are you doing?" he asked with a confused expression.
"Fixing your hair? The wind messed up your hair so I'm just trying to fix it." you said without making eye contact with him, too focussed on fixing his hair.
Minjae couldn't help but heat up from the sweet gesture and just waited patiently as he watched you fix his hair with fond eyes. And from then on he'd just bring his head to your level and be like 'could you please fix my hair?' whenever he had to attend any events or just go out. Fixing his hair had become like a routine for you not that you were complaining.
You and Junmin were out in the beach for date night and nothing could be more perfect than having a candlelight dinner in the sandy beach adorned with rose petals and candles with the love of your life...that was until it began to rain heavily and resulted with the both of you running towards your car for shelter.
As the both of you sat in the car decked with soft towels you couldn't help but laugh at the sight of your boyfriend's dishevelled and poofy hair.
"What?" Junmin asked visibly confused as you cupped his cheek and brought him closer to you.
"Your hair's all messy and poofy! Here let me fix it." you said and chuckled as you ran your fingers through his hair and evened it out.
"If it means getting your full attention, I don't mind running in the rain everytime it rains." he confessed with a blush as he looked at you like you were his universe.
"Shut up~! You'll fall ill!" you whined, face turning as red as a tomato.
"I'm really not kidding!" he said with a chuckled as he pulled you in for a hug.
Sumin was the total package according to you because he was not only a loving and a kind person but a very compassionate and understanding person when it came to your relationship. Plus he was an energetic and crazy ball of fluff who was surprisingly the only person who could keep up with your level of craziness.
It was one of those crazy days when it happened. You and Sumin were bored so you guys went to an adventure park. After riding the roller coaster it left the both of your hair crazy and messy.
"Oh my gosh...your hair!" You said breaking into a fit of laughter at Sumin's poofy and messy hair.
"Look at yours too!" Sumin said as the both of you began laughing.
"Come here!" you exclaimed and chuckled as you fixed his hair catching him by surprise. And after you were done Sumin began fixing your hair too.
"What are you doing?" you questioned as he smiled and kissed your forehead.
"Returning the favor." he said sweetly as he fixed your hair and patted it, after he was done the both of you were on your way to another ride.
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lil-elle · 2 months
Locked Out - Pt.2
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group: xikers
pair: neighbour!minjae x fem!reader
genre: college au, fluff, pining(?), boy next door(?)
word count: 3.2k
content: no content warnings teehee ♡ (unless the existence of food is a content warning?)
a/n: read part 1 HERE
After finishing your food, you found yourself sitting down with Minjae on his couch, just chatting about this and that. The conversation just seemed to flow so naturally.
“So why exactly were you locked out of your own dorm?” He smirked, stretching an arm across the back of the small couch. You chuckled embarrassedly and dropped your head.
“Well…obviously I forgot my key when I was leaving for class this morning. That wouldn't have been a problem if it didn't just so happen to be the day my roommate was going to visit her sister. Overnight.”
“Oof.” He said, smiling.
“BIG oof. So anyway, she locked the door when she left while I was at class. Then I went to work, and when I finally got home- no key.”
He chuckled lightly into his hand, making you gasp and giggle back.
“Hey, don't laugh!” You smacked his arm playfully.
“I'm sorry!....It's kinda funny, though.”
You scoffed dramatically, not in a space at all to act upset with a massive smile stretched across your face.
“...That's when you showed up…” You smiled softly at him and his laughter dried up as a slightly flustered expression came across his face. “So, thank you.”
He suddenly cleared his throat and turned his head away, the red tips of his ears peeking out from behind his hair.
“Y-Yeah, o-of course…” He stuttered and you couldn't help but find his shy persona endearing.
“Hmm?” His head snapped back up to look over at you, his voice cracking slightly as he hummed.
“What's your major? I've never seen you around on campus before.”
The pink slowly faded from his cheeks as he responded.
“Music production! So, like composing and lyric writing, and I even do some performance based classes.”
You felt a strange tickle in your stomach as he said that and thought: “Wow. Okay, that's kind of attractive.”
“Woah, so can you like play the guitar and stuff?”
He let out a soft giggle.
“Yup. And the piano. And I can sing too.”
You couldn't help but chuckle at his sudden cockiness.
“Wow, and you're so humble too~” You said sarcastically, earning a bellowing laugh from him and a smile in a way that pushed up his cheeks and bottom eyelids, almost completely hiding his pretty brown eyes from sight. God, it was charming.
After a few seconds, he sighed and looked back at you.
“What about you, y/n?”
You thought for a moment before sighing with a wry smile growing on your face.
“Just…business, I guess, but it’s not really what I want to do.”
He leaned forward slightly, eyes showing complete, genuine interest in what you were saying.
“I actually don't know what I want to do…at all…”
His eyes turned empathetic as you continued.
“I-It's silly-”
“It's not. Not at all.”
You stared back into his deep, round eyes as he spoke with a firm yet gentle tone.
“Believe me, you have no idea how many different things I tried before I decided on music production. I think I switched majors like at least 4 times before landing where I am now.”
Your heart suddenly jumped as he said those words and your eyes went wide.
“4 TIMES?? What year are you in!?”
He looked taken aback for a moment before stuttering out his response.
“Um…well I'm in my first year as a music production major…but my third year in college in general.”
Your mouth fell open slightly.
He nodded softly.
“You're not?” He asked in almost a whispered tone.
“NO?? I'm 19!”
“Oh! Wow. I didn't know they mixed up the ages when assigning us to dorm buildings.”
“Me neither!??!”
The two of you just stared at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter. You were the first one to speak up through your giggles.
“You've been going here for 3 years and you didn't know either??”
He chuckled for a few seconds longer before taking in a breath and responding.
“I don't know! My roommates have always been in the same year as me and I'm not really the type to socialise with the neighbours.”
You giggled softly and he smiled widely at you, his eyes holding emotions you couldn't quite place, and you couldn't deny how much you wanted to just dive into them and find out every little detail about him.
“...Well I'm glad you decided to socialise with me, at least…” You mumbled before you even thought about it, shifting your arm to lay on the back of the couch as well, your fingers dangerously close to brushing against his.
He looked down at the floor with a shy smile before bringing his soft gaze back to you.
“...Me too…You're really cool, y/n…” Your heart skipping when he said your name was already more than you expected, but when the tip of his index finger brushed against your knuckle oh so lightly, it was as if a lightning bolt just ran through your body. Before you knew it, you'd yanked your hand away and were standing upright, fighting a blush quickly overtaking your face. Silence passed between you two for a few seconds, although it felt much much longer as you stood facing away and rubbing at the spot on your knuckle that he had touched.
“...Um…S-Sorry, I thought-”
“I-It's okay! I just…remembered I have class again in the morning, y’know?” You chuckled shyly, turning to face him despite the insanely obvious redness in your cheeks, which he definitely noticed as his cheeks slowly began taking on the same red colour.
“O-oh! R-Right!” He quickly stood, looking around and thinking for a moment.
“Uh…You can sleep in my bed if you want.”
Your blush only deepened as you stared at him, his words replaying in your head endlessly.
He just stared at you for a moment slightly confused before it hit him what you were thinking, his face growing so red that you could almost see the steam coming out of his ears.
“OH! NO! THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT, GOD NO!” He slapped his hands over his face and you could've sworn you heard him mutter “idiot!” before sighing and dropping his hands again. “I meant…you sleep in my bed, and I sleep on the couch.”
“O-oh! That makes more sense…” You giggled shyly, looking down at the ground. “But…I'm fine sleeping on the couch y'know? I don't wanna like steal your bed…”
“It's fine!” He hurriedly responded. “Really! I don't mind.”
You looked at the small couch guiltily.
“...It doesn't look very comfortable…”
He followed you gaze to the couch before looking across the room and then back to you.
“Then…I can sleep in Hunter's bed! Would that make you feel better? And before you say anything, he won’t mind, so don't worry.”
You couldn't help but giggle about how he seemingly knew the next way in which you'd protest. He'd successfully removed every reason for you to deny his offer and all you could do was smile up at him.
“Well…how can I say no to that?” You giggled and he smiled widely, looking back at you with that adoring look once again and you couldn't help but feel your heart flutter.
“...A-Anyways…” you mumbled, cheeks almost hurting from how much you'd smiled already tonight, “I'll um…go to sleep, if that's okay?”
He nodded, smiling.
“Y-Yeah! Yeah, of course.”
“Is there anything you need from your room before I go in?”
He thought for a moment before shaking his head.
“You're all good.” He said softly. “It's just that door on the left, there.”
“Thanks…” You muttered softly, picking your bag up and carrying it over to the door. You heard him sigh and mumble something to himself as you entered his room, but you couldn't make it out, and honestly you were too distracted to care. It was like a million different emotions were running through you at once. You felt weird but also giddy, excited, wired, flustered, happy, anxious, nervous, shy, etc etc. Pretty much any feeling you could imagine.
You softly shut the door to his bedroom and looked around, feeling strange to be in a boy's- well…man’s bedroom, especially without the man himself present. But it also felt strangely comfortable; not all that messy but also not insanely spotless so at least you could rule out psychopath, just a few shirts here and there and a used cup sitting on one of the side tables by the bed.
You set your bag down in the corner and rummaged through to find the shirt you wore to class stuffed into the bottom, thanking your past self for feeling lazy and just throwing on a pair of jeans and a kind of oversized shirt earlier that morning. You hastily changed out of your work clothes and into the shirt, before realising you'd either have to sleep in jeans, which honestly sounded like a nightmare, or sleep in Minjae's bed in just your shirt with no pants on, the thought making your stomach flip as you stared over at the soft grey duvet blanketing his bed. You sighed, ignoring the heat re-entering your cheeks, and decided on the latter option, placing your phone on the end table before climbing into the bed. You sunk into the mattress, the bed being surprisingly comfier than your one back in your room. “I thought we all got the same bed??” You thought, pondering how his felt so much softer. You turned over onto your side and pressed your face into the pillow. “Even this pillow is softer…” You took a deep breath in, the fabric of his sheets smelling exactly how you thought they would: like a man. Y'know, sandalwood, musk, maybe a hint of lavender and fabric softener. It was nice. It had really been a while since you'd been in a man’s bed. You thought back to your exes and shuddered before flipping over onto your other side and reaching to turn the lamp off, the room being consumed with darkness as you sighed and let your eyes close softly.
The harsh sound of a phone alarm pierced your dreams and your eyes fluttered open, hand already reaching for your phone on the side tables to silence what had disturbed your slumber. You tapped the screen and rolled over, groaning as you buried your face into the pillow. It took breathing in the unfamiliar scented sheets for you to finally remember where you were, quickly shooting up and looking around the dim room, lit only by a weak streak of light coming from under the door. “Minjae's room. Minjae.”
“...It's way too early to feel this flustered…” You mumbled as you lightly slapped your slowly reddening cheeks, before swinging your legs over the edge of the bed and unsteadily picking yourself up. Yawning softly, you grabbed your phone and turned it on to see the time, squinting as the bright, white light filled your vision. “7am…I wonder if she's home yet…”
You quickly slipped your jeans from yesterday back on before creeping out of the room, your eyes meeting Minjae's back as he rummaged through the fridge. You stepped forward shyly.
“Oh!” He turned around, another container of food in his hands that he then placed on the counter. “H-Hey…um…sleep okay?”
You nodded softly, stepping up to the counter to see what he had.
“When is your class?” He pried open the container of what seemed to be scrambled eggs bacon before popping it into the microwave.
“O-Oh..9am. But my roommate should be home by then, if she isn't already.”
He smiled softly, eyes dropping to the ground.
“I see…”
A slightly awkward silence passed between the two of you, only being broken by the sound of the microwave beeping and him taking out his breakfast.
“Hungry?” He asked as he placed the warmed up breakfast on the counter and retrieved a fork from a drawer.
“Oh, no no. It's okay, you have it. I already ate your curry yesterday…”
He chuckled softly.
“I don't mind, y’know? Plus I'd already eaten dinner by the time you showed up.” He pushed the container towards you a small amount and you quickly pushed it back.
“N-No, really, you eat. I'll have something quick before class.”
He smiled and nodded before finally digging into the eggs. You took a good look at his face, more or less the same as yesterday; soft hair falling effortlessly over his forehead, thick black glasses sat low on his nose, with the addition of his skin seeming glossier than yesterday and you suddenly wondered if he had a morning skin care routine or something. “That would explain why he's so…beautiful…”
You thought, turning away and looking down as you fidgeted with the hem of your shirt. He was the same as yesterday, but with a certain ‘morning’ charm to him, not to mention the extra roughness his already deep voice had taken on that you were trying so desperately to ignore since the moment he'd opened his mouth to greet you a few minutes ago.
“So,” He suddenly snapped you out of your trance and you looked back over to him just in time to see his eyes trail down to your legs and back up to your face in a way that made your heart stutter, “was it comfortable sleeping in jeans?” He said with a slight chuckle. You felt a slight warmth enter your face as you remembered your whole inner conflict from last night.
“O-Oh, I didn't…sleep in these…”
He looked slightly confused for a moment before smirking.
“Did you really sleep in that business-y pencil skirt that I'm assuming was your work uniform?” He shovelled another bite of egg into his mouth, keeping his eyes on you as your face only grew redder.
He chewed slowly and you could practically see the thoughts in his head trying to put things together.
“...Do you…carry spare clothes with you…?”
You shook your head before burying your face in your hands. You couldn't see his face but you could easily hear the fluster in his voice as it clicked in his head.
“...Oh…f-forget I asked…”
You felt so embarrassed. You were sure he thought you were a weirdo for treating his bed like it was yours. Either that or incredibly naive and innocent. “...Totally just ruined my chances-…”
You blushed even harder, something you didn't even think was possible.
“...Why did I think that…? I just met this guy!”
Your brain felt like a battlezone as you took a deep breath in and out before sliding your hands off of your face, only to turn and see his face also littered with a splotchy redness that you couldn't deny was so cute.
Luckily your phone that you had placed in your jean pocket vibrated, breaking the awkward silence that felt like a crushing weight that you couldn't hold for much longer. You quickly fished it out, seeing a text from your roommate reading:
“I’m home and I brought breakfast if you want.”
You sighed and quickly typed a response before slipping your phone back in your pocket.
“I should go. My roommate just got home.”
You smiled shyly as he finished up his food and pushed the container to the side before clearing his throat.
“O-Oh, y-yeah yeah…of course…”
The air still felt awkward and tense, like there were words between the two of you going unsaid, either one of you too afraid to speak them aloud.
“I'll...just grab my stuff.”
He nodded and you walked back to his room to grab your bag, feeling a weird pressure in your chest that you couldn’t quite place.
You hauled the bag back to where he was now standing by the door, ready to see you out. You slowed to a stop in front of him, looking down at the floor and fidgeting with the strap of your bag.
“So…um…thanks. For everything.”
You looked up at him with a soft shy smile and he turned away as soon as you made eye contact, his ears quickly beginning to burn up.
“O-Of course! I-I couldn't just leave you out there…”
You giggled softly and he turned back, chuckling along and scratching the back of his neck shyly.
“Hey…if you ever need a place to stay again for…whatever reason…I'll always welcome you here.”
Your smile grew at his words.
“Thank you, Minjae…” You said quietly, your eyes taking in his pretty features as you felt your hand almost unconsciously grab your phone from your pocket.
“If it's okay…can I get your number?” You felt the blush return to your cheeks again as his eyes slowly widened. “J-Just in case…” You quickly stuttered out as if trying to soften the flirty tension your own words created.
He nodded and carefully took your phone into his hands, you having opened up your contacts so he could add his in.
“...Just in case…” He repeated in almost a whisper, fighting a smile pulling at his lips.
After a few quiet seconds of him tapping at your phone screen, he handed it back, and you just stared for a moment at the contact screen reading 'Minjae', the sight making you smile for some reason.
“Well…” you put your phone back in your pocket and smiled at him, “I should get going…”
You slowly turned and opened the door, stepping into the much colder hallway compared to the warmth of standing next to him.
“S-See you lat-”
“W-Wait!” His hand suddenly came around and grasped the edge of the door just as you began closing it, pulling it back open enough for him to look you in the eyes. You just gazed up at him, wide eyed from being so caught off guard.
“...Are you…d-do you…” he stuttered and you blinked nervously, waiting for him to continue.
“D-Do you have a boyfriend?” When he finally got the words out, you felt your breath catch and your heart almost stop. You couldn't fight the immense heat immediately taking over your face, but you felt comfortable in knowing that his looked just about as red as yours.
The light that entered his eyes as you shook your head made you melt with how endearing he seemed, a wide smile he couldn't hide quickly overtaking his features.
“O-oh! W-Well…g-good to know!” He exclaimed almost a little too loudly, forcing you to stifle a giggle. “I-I'll see you later then, y/n…”
You nodded with a smile and he pushed the door closed, leaving you in a sort of daze in the hallway, staring a hole into his door.
“Uh…earth to y/n?” You were startled by a sudden voice behind you and turned to see your roommate poking her head out of your dorm room. “Woah, dude, are you okay? Your face is super red.”
You felt embarrassed and shy, but all of that was overtaken by the unfiltered joy and excitement overtaking your heart and mind.
“Mhmm…I'm awesome…”
@chocoeon @hyunukitty @ihyeokzu @cake1box @chiiyuuvv @shortnstupid @dogyunslover
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bro-atz · 3 months
how do xikers like to cuddle????
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xikers favorite cuddling position
pair: xikers/gn!reader
word count: 888 (seriously)
rated: PG/PG-13 | sfw!
content: fluff, these are proper paragraph descriptions this time, established relationships, only really talks about cuddling styles
author's note: okay this one i did extensive research for because each member shows affection in different ways depending on which member they're interacting with. also, all the pictures are unfortunately hetero couples (bc the bl pictures i keep finding are way too suggestive), but my descriptions apply for gn!road𝓨
taglist: @yuniniverse @eyeryis @sinnarols @dutchessskarma @kookieswithjung apply for the permanent taglist here!
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minjae is possessive (but i think we all knew that since hongjoong taught him well), so he wants to hold onto you and never let go. if he's hugging you from behind, he's the big spoon, and if you're facing him, he's still the big spoon, but he's burying his face in the nook in your neck but i also envision him falling asleep on your shoulder and lap a lot. mans has 9 kids + you to take care of, so the second he holds your hand, he's ready to just sleep
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oh my god junmin is the comfort king fr like in all of his pictures he just looks so cozy and comfy ESPECIALLY WHEN HE WEARS HIS SWEATERS god he's just a grown teddy bear like one of those 6 ft tall ones don't come for his height or i will yell at you that you seem to hug but actually hug you comfy junmin is so comfy and he's big spoon most of the time (unless he's having a bad day, then you're comforting him and patting his back fs)
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do you SEE the WAY this man hugs people??? (specifically jinsik, hyunwoo, and seeun) like he just has the most secure and happy hugs!!! he wants to face you and cuddle you all the time!!! i feel like any and every cuddle position would suit this guy, but i feel like he would like to cuddle his s/o the same way i cuddle my cat: rubbing his cheek against yours and burying his nose in your hair as he practically cradles you in his arms ugh i'm fna CRY
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for our resident huge romantic, jinsik is a fan of literally anything where you're just pressed super close to him and he has the best hold on you. he wants to press his face into your skin and just take you in bc you're so comfy to him holy crap he's so in love w you he's both a little and big spoon imo it depends on the day, but no matter what, he wants lock eyes and profess his love to you, so anything where he can look at your face properly is his favorite
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hyunwoo strikes me as a very looks-like-a-little-spoon-but-is-actually-a-big-spoon kinda guy. so from afar, it looks like he's burying his face in your chest but in reality, you're koala hugging him but laying down. he's just very boyfriend coded idk what to tell you he wants to be there for you and do as you request because he wants to make you comfy and happy bc you happy = him happy
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junghoon doesn't really show affection in the conventional way— he likes to make jokes and make you laugh rather than properly cuddle, yanno? so him falling asleep on top of you but not so much that he's squishing you is totally his style. like, he still wants to be near you, but he wants to be considerate of your personal space he definitely also cuddles in other positions, but he mainly wants to see your face and see your reactions to whatever he says or does
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(first of all, this picture is just so seeun coded pls) but yes, he's a long boi and his chest is broad kq you better close the gyms before seeun can get shredded bc i will actually cry so it's just super nice to sit in between his legs and lean against him and he rests his head against yours and is just smiling and giggling also like based off the way he hugs jinsik vs how he hugs hunter, he will literally engulf anyone no matter the size, so this is literally the most perfect position if he wants to cuddle and talk at the same time
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our resident cutie patootie is the little spoon no matter what okay he's so smol and cute and you wanna put him in your pocket just UGH so CUTE like yechan is the slightest bit younger than him but even yechan babies him come on fr tho like yujun being an esfp is so accurate like he wants to present himself as the dominant one in the relationship (in the best way possible like chivalrous) but at the end of the day, he wants to snuggle into you
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there are one of two ways cuddling with hunter could go. one is the above pic where his arms are loosely around you but still keeping you secure against his chest— you know, very typical-boyfriend-esque the other is where he's laying down and you're laying on top of him bc that way he gets to whisper sweet nothings into your ear and keep you locked in place since his arms are not numb and tight around you
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yechan is the bf who wants to be bf but also loves being coddled himself, so if you're grabbing him to cuddle, he'll just go along w whatever your flow is he is the best of both worlds i mostly see him as a sofa cuddler tbh bc thinking about sharing a bed w him........ his limbs are everywhere like it starts as a cute cuddle that ends up with him laying on you like a starfish (which is still cute tho)
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woojungz · 7 months
how xikers would confess to you! 🍃💐
❝ xikers x gn!reader
𓂃𓈒 this is part 1. members included: minjae, junmin, sumin, jinsik, hyunwoo. i will make a part 2 soon with the rest of the other members (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
( likes and reblogs appreciated!♡ )
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you met him through your dance troupe from school. he was a year older than you, and everyone else admired him for his dependable and leader-like qualities. everyone loves him to the point that your cute puppy love towards him goes unnoticed. it's just normal for people to love minjae that much at your school.
but then suddenly during practice everyone was sad, it's because minjae's gonna be graduating soon. it's never gonna be the same without him in the troupe. you started to brush off your feelings for him, and planned to give him a small little goodbye just like everyone else. until he asked you to stay after class because he wanted to show you something.
and inside your heart was beating really fast, cuz why the hell would your crush ask you to stay after everyone has left. you were starting to think he was mad at you (for absolutely no reason?!) until he told you he wants to show you some dance he made.
at first it was just him dancing while you cheered him on (he told you it was some new choreography he practiced last weekend). you were caught off guard when he suddenly grabs your hand and makes you dance with him! you got shy at first, but as time passed by, you were having fun with minjae, freestyling moves and whatnot.
once you guys got tired, the both of you just sat down on some corner to drink water and refresh. the silence was broken by minjae, asking you if you wanted to go to han river with him to hang out for awhile. you knew he loved it there, one of his favorite hangout spots with junmin (a really close friend of his). so when he invited you to go, it was probably the hundredth time your heart beat really fast for the day…
he brings you to han river after buying a few snacks, then resting at a lone bench beside some tree. it was really quiet, except for the cool breeze and the distant sound of other people around the area. you were caught out of your daze when minjae suddenly took your hand in his. of course you looked at him, wide-eyed.
"you know how much this place means a lot to me right?" minjae asks you, and you nod in return.
"i think it's the best place for me to tell you how special you are to me. i'm not gonna beat around the bush anymore, i really like you, y/n."
you were almost speechless, but thankfully you managed to atleast nod at him. embarrassingly stuttering out words, telling him you reciprocate his feelings, and that you really really like him too.
let's just say han river became your usual hanging out spot once you guys became a couple♡
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your dog was one peculiar creature, the moment you step foot outside, the little cutie wouldn't stop sniffing every single thing around him. when you finally managed to bring your dog to the park, you sigh in relief. surely he would wanna explore now since you guys were in an open space. but no, apparently some random bush was far more interesting than whatever else was at the park.
until you were suprised when a brown fluffy poodle approached your pup. it was collared, your sight following its leash until you lock eyes with a guy in a cozy sweater.
"kong!! don't go running into random dogs out of nowhere!"
you assumed kong was the name of the friendly dog that approached yours.
"no don't worry! it's completely alright, i think my dog could use a few friends anyway, everytime i walk him, he doesn't even move an inch and keeps smelling things!"
"well, looks like the both of them are getting along. oh, junmin's the name by the way!"
he introduces himself, and soon you follow, beginning a small talk between each other as your dogs mingled along. the conversation must've been so good that junmin didn't realize his grip on the leash loosened, and kong suddenly bolts, your dog following suit.
the both of you didn't expect to be caught in a chase real quick, and even if those dogs were quite small, they're still pretty damn fast. after a few minutes of running around the park, your pets grew tired, finally. so that's how you find yourself beside junmin sitting on the unoccupied swings, your dog sleeping soundly on your lap.
that meeting was the first of many as you continued hanging out with junmin everytime you walk your dog at the park. leading to meet ups where you guys bought pet treats, cute clothes for your dogs, and even left them at a doggy daycare for the rest of the day so you guys can hang out alone with each other.
another day passes, the sky clear. as usual, you were with junmin again, but he looked like he was in deep thought. so you asked him if something was bothering him, staring at the way he takes a deep breath before staring right at your eyes. some otherworldly force must've been helping him, suddenly no one else was around this area of the park. he cheers for himself inside, he can do it. a perfect moment as your two dogs are busy playing with each other at a corner.
"y/n, we've been hanging out with each other for quite some time now. i really got to know you well these past months, and i really enjoy spending time with you."
junmin starts, avoiding your gaze. he can't see it, but you smile at him. "me too junmin, i really enjoy your company."
"well, i don't wanna dwell on it much anymore. so i'm just gonna say it. y/n, you mean a lot to me, and… and i like you alot—"
you were about to take a step closer to him until kong parks his butt right at junmin's feet, and suddenly starts pissing all over him, a loud screech resounding throughout the park.
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you wanted a change of pace for now, so you decided it would be nice to take tours of the different art galleries in your city. all was going well, when after a few trips to different galleries… you started to notice this one dude with a very striking fashion sense. as the coincidences of you guys visiting the same galleries at the same time continue, you really can't help but notice him. i mean, who wouldn't turn their head towards someone wearing a bunch of layered clothing with different patterns and textures—but somehow still make it work.
one day, you finally knew what to call him. sumin, he says, officially became your unofficial tour buddy as you continue to plan a lot more trips for next time. that's how you find out what a surprisingly chill guy he is, a huge contrast to how he dresses. sumin had mentioned his daily life consisted of making art, paintings, lounging around parks, and of course, visiting art galleries.
"it's honestly kinda boring though." sumin stares off at a distance as he stirs some of the hot chocolate he had ordered at this cafe you chose to rest at for awhile, after a long session of looking at paintings and whatnot.
"boring?! i'd kill to have a life like that. i only go to art galleries as some kind of escape from my hectic schedules,"
you continue to rant as sumin listens carefully. this was the cycle for about a long time, enough for sumin to know almost every single thing about you now. so does his feelings for you grow by time. he only ever comes around to check out pretty paintings, but instead he's found someone like you, the prettiest he's ever met. just as how unpredictable he was, you weren't expecting him to tell you his feelings anytime soon.
starting the day as usual, you guys meet up at another art gallery that just opened, somewhere beyond the city you reside in. you were quite excited about this one, having seen how popular it got on the internet that you just have to really see it for yourself. as you walk around the gallery, stopping by each painting to tell a bunch of stuff you've read about it to sumin, you can't miss the way he intensely looks at you, his eyes tracing your own up until he's scanned your whole face. honestly it was kind of odd, but you brushed it off. he must've been trying to focus, seeing the way he scribbles on to the paper really hard.
"it's really interesting right?" you ask, totally oblivious to whatever sumin was doing.
"yeah, totally."
an hour passes and you reach the exit of the gallery, but sumin still seems to be busy with his damn paper…
"dude… i literally stopped talking like fifteen minutes ago, what could you possibly be taking notes of. like i get that the paintings were interesting, but were they really that interesting for you to keep writing until—"
sumin finally hands you the piece of paper. you flip it over, your eyes widening before looking back up at him.
"you did this?!" he only replies with a hum, flashing you that cute smile of his.
you couldn't help but feel your heart warm at the sight, all this time he was sketching a beautiful portrait of you. it doesn't look polished, the strokes were the kind of messy that worked together. despite the lack of color, the ink of his pen was enough to convey the way he sees you through his eyes. suddenly your gaze flickers towards the bottom of the page, a little scribble of handwriting made by sumin
i like you, y/n <3
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finals were nearing, spending most of your days at the cafe near your university. even before, you loved to hang out here, to the point that the baristas already recognize you as a regular. it's just that these days, you were needing coffee more than usual, or else you won't survive by the end of the semester.
so when you order the 'usual' this afternoon, you weren't expecting such a different flavor to meet your tongue, fighting not to spit it out and make a scene. internally you were asking yourself what went wrong, approaching your barista friends to ask them if they accidentally gave you the wrong order. but your name was on the cup, so that couldn't be the case, right?
instead, you found out that a newly hired barista made your order. 'jinsik' he introduces himself, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck as he looks down at the floor. and boy did you really forget about the bad drink the moment you laid your eyes on him.
thank god you were able to blink yourself free from the stare you held on him, he's quite literally the most charming barista you've ever seen around here. once he finds out he messed up your order, he apologizes cutely… almost bows to the floor but you stop him.
ever since then, he makes it a point to leave messages on your cup. he's so sweet really, he found out that you were hanging out here for longer because you're studying for your finals. leaves cute messages that cheers you on for the rest of your study time :(
eventually he finally mixes your drinks really well. you often stay during weekends, sometimes staying until the cafe closes, this is usually the time where no one really orders or comes in. jinsik takes it as a chance to leave the counter and sit around with you while you study (mostly just him distracting you because how could you not devote your full attention to someone like him?!)
by the day of your finals, you make one last stop by the cafe to get a drink for the morning.
"hey, y/n! d-day right? there's this drink i've been seeing around everywhere, i heard it's mixed with ingredients that are good for focus. want me to make it for you?"
you curiously agree, taking the cup from him once he's had it done. taking a sip from the drink, your eyes widen because it's a flavor you recognize, something you've brought up with him before, and he remembered it :(
but you wonder how the hell he made it taste so good, taking a peek at the sticker on the cup that showed the drink add-ons. strangely there was none, turning the cup around until you see his message scribbled with a marker.
i like you y/n♡ let's hang out after your exams, yeah? early celebration bc i know you'll ace it!
you can't help but feel your cheeks heat up at his words, he wasn't even saying it directly to you, but your heart feels like it's gonna jump out of your chest. you immediately look for him, spotting him behind the counter, already looking at you fondly with a smile on his face :(
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it was the most awaited night of all time, your school's prom night. everything was perfect, from your outfit, and your friends that are coming with you. but as the event dragged on, your friends wanted to go on their own ways and spend time with their dates. personally you didn't mind, they'd already brought it up before, and you were completely fine with it.
as you sit by the snacks and drinks, you begin to wonder if you should've taken the time to ask your long-time crush to be your date for prom night. hyunwoo, his name was, the main vocalist of your school band that was quite popular with the students. to you he was just the coolest, especially when he sings everytime they perform. but because of that, you assumed that there must be other people that were already hitting on him too. he probably already has a date, someone much better than you, even.
you silently sulk at the corner, busying yourself with the cup of fruit punch you grabbed awhile ago. that was until someone announced through the microphone for everyone to gather by the stage. hyunwoo's band was performing, of course you rushed towards the crowd that also came to watch. right, not only was he gonna be busy with his date for tonight, they were also preparing to perform. must've been why you weren't able to see him around the moment you step foot in here.
and they begin, the band playing their original song. well, it was the perfect song for couples, everyone linking up with their dates to slow dance with each other, making you feel out of place. you left your spot at the middle. forget about watching hyunwoo sing at the stage. you disappear at the back of the crowd, hand still holding the cup of punch from awhile ago. the ice had already melted, you didn't even bother to drink it, probably tasted bad already. just like how you felt watching everyone dance with their partners, you would be lying if you said you weren't jealous at all.
though you decided to distract yourself for awhile, you can't help but think about hyunwoo while you were alone. i mean, his voice is literally the only thing you can hear from the speakers right now. every single line he sings, you can't help but look back on your memories with him. he was one of your close friends, sometimes you guys spend afternoons alone, by the bleachers or maybe helping him with some songwriting and practice. minutes pass by, the band was done, but hyunwoo's voice suddenly saying your name through the microphone caught your attention.
"this song is actually dedicated to someone who's very close to me. y/n, if you're listening, i want you to know that i really really like you."
the crowd suddenly cheers, the band taking their time to leave the stage. at the back, the stage lights were blinding to you. you can't really see hyunwoo. not until you hear a shout of your name, turning to meet his eyes.
"y/n. you're here! i was looking for you everywhere, i wasn't able to see you among the crowd." he begins, panting a bit as he ran from the stage towards where you are.
you weren't able to stop him from suddenly dragging you outside, right at the garden of the venue. it was only the two of you here, sounds of the crickets were doing a little bit to ease your nervousness.
"um, i really enjoyed your performance awhile ago." you began, staring up at his eyes.
"of course, i practiced really hard… for you."
hyunwoo takes your hand in his, fingers tangling with each other. "hyunwoo, i really like you too. a lot."
he blushed at the statement, the both of you avoiding each other's gaze. there was a moment of silence that fell upon the both of you, but your linked hands weren't budging at all. until you hear the faint start of a song from the venue, still quite loud even though you were at the garden.
"want to dance with me y/n? i wasn't able to be with you awhile ago." you weren't able to say no, facing him as he rests a gentle hand on you waist, looking straight into your eyes as the both of you begin a slow rhythm of dancing to the song. it was the best ending you could ever ask for, officially sealing the endless pining the both of you endured, the perfect night made under the dozens of stars and the cozy moonlight.
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peachesyeo · 2 months
obsession ── minjae, yechan broken doll
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💌 parings: childhoodfriend!yechan x fem!reader x childhoodfriend!minjae 💌 genre: yandere, oneshot 💌 contains: suggestive, non-con elements, implies but no smut, manipulation, mention of violence, a little bit of stockholm, your writer needs help. 💌 word count: 0.8k words.
:̗̀➛ 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 + 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 :̗̀➛ 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭? :̗̀➛ 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞? :̗̀➛ 𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭? (for all works)
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you were laying on the couch, with yechan clinging onto you as the both of you watched the cartoon movie that he was so excited about. he insisted that you lay your head on his thigh, and he would stroke your hair, occasionally letting out gasps and groans at the cartoon movie. you stared at the screen, the lights emitting from it reflecting off your orbs.
you were dressed in one of minjae's oversized hoodies. the hem falls right down to your mid thighs. but the exposure doesn't matter to you, anyway.
"yechannie, dinner is ready!" you hear minjae shout from the kitchen, and yechan straightened his back up. you slowly got up, looking at yechan expectedly.
"hyung, i think baby deserves dinner today, she's been a good girl." yechan spoke, while minjae came out of the kitchen, his gaze immediately landing on your face.
no matter how badly cut, swollen or bruised your face is, minjae would still find you to be the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his life.
right now, you were staring at him with big, pleading eyes. your neck was littered with marks and hickeys, and both your wrists and ankles were held on together with bandages.
"were you a good girl today?" you nodded your head urgently. your eyes kept travelling over to the dinner table, and your stomach could not help but let out a loud rumble.
you have been starving for three days, since your last failed attempt to escape from this house. minjae was furious when he caught you, and yechan literally shattered the bones in your ankles, before minjae locked you into the basement once more. it was only today when yechan carried you out of the basement, dressed you and bathed you.
there was a clinking sound, and you feel yechan tugging the metallic restraint on your ankles. you pushed yourself upright using your chin, and extended your hands to yechan.
his eyes darkened. yes, just like this. rely on us.
he made a step towards you, but someone else beat him to it. minjae's hands snaked around your waist, pulling you up easily into his arms. your arms immediately wrapped around his neck for support, and yechan followed behind you, holding the chains like a leash.
minjae sat you on the chair, while yechan attached the chain to a little pole. your eyes landed on the food on the table, and your lips quivered in anticipation. minjae disappeared into the kitchen and reappeared with a bowl. he set the bowl in front of you, and your face fell.
a small bowl of porridge. you look back at minjae, who was shredding bits of boiled chicken for you. yechan had already started to help himself to the fried chicken wing, and you slumped into your chair, disappointed.
"you can't eat too much, baby. one step at a time." minjae got a spoonful of porridge and lifted the spoon towards you. you leaned forwards, swallowing the porridge. you were expecting it to be bland, but it was actually quite flavourful.
minjae and yechan both saw your eyes light up, and the younger pouted. "hyung always cooks the best for you."
"just like the old times, right?" minjae's voice was light. you paused slightly on his words, memories of the past clouding your eyes.
minjae, yechan and you were childhood best friends. the three of you grew up together, and were practically inseparable. that is, until the day yechan confessed to you.
you were surprised. you thanked him for liking you, and you told him that you only saw him as a younger brother.
and his reaction... was not what you expected.
his smile was gone, replaced with a snarl. he grabbed you by the shoulders, questioning you repeatedly. he asked whether you liked minjae instead, to which you denied. you told him that you too see minjae as an older brother, and yechan stomped off.
the both of you didn't talk for days. minjae noticed the tension, but he said nothing. the three of you carried on as per usual, the only difference being both you and yechan being a little bit more distant than before.
until the day of yechan's 21st birthday.
he contacted you first, breaking the ice between both of you. he told you that he was sorry, and that he invited both you and minjae to his house to celebrate.
and then, everything went downhill from there. yechan spiked your drink. you were dragged into his room by the hair. you screamed for minjae to save you, but to your despair, the childhood friend you had was gone.
replaced by a man with lust, obsession and indifference.
you'll never get out of here.
yechan stared at minjae, who was feeding the porridge to you gently. his eyes trailed up and down your body, and the corners of his lip raised.
you're our perfect, broken doll.
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➳ pernament taglist: @wonwooz1 @kwanienies @yeodeulz @enhacracy @leyittara @lonewolfjinji @sousydive @joshuahongnumbers @devilzliaison
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bangtannies-stories · 5 months
Kingpin: Chapter 1
Opening/The Invitation
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Warnings: Violence (physical violence, including a character punching a wall out of anger)
Kidnapping/Disappearance (The central plot involves the disappearance of a character)
Emotional Distress (Jin’s going through a rough patch emotionally and mentally)
Mafia/Crime Themes (story involves criminal activities, including organized crime, mafias, and rivalries)
Tense Atmosphere (The story maintains a consistently tense atmosphere, which may be unsettling for some readers)
In the heart of Seoul, where the air gets damp and cold, and nobody who was a nobody dared to enter without permission or invitation, a tall building sat. On the top floor, the CEO of Sentinel Solutions, South Korea’s most prominent security consulting firm, was in a panic.
He was a tall man, standing at about 5’10. His brown hair was styled into a mullet and parted with a prominent swoop on the right side of his face. Always dressed in a clean, ironed suit, the man was about 37, and behind his charmingly good looks, he was one of the most feared people you could imagine.
His name?
Kim Seokjin.
Seokjin, whose front business already generated enough revenue to keep him wealthy for the rest of his life, had been dealing with a problem in his true walk of life. One where he was known as the Onyx Reaper, kingpin of the biggest crime syndicate in Seoul, the Ecliptic Shadows.
“Boss, we have no leads on Jiwoo.” A deep voice called from the door. It was one of Seokjin’s most trusted members, Taehyung. Taehyung had come to let his boss and friend know that his sister, who had vanished into thin air the previous air, was still not found.
Seokjin, who had shed tears upon tears when his employees weren’t with him, got up and punched the plaster in the wall out of anger.
“I want every available man searching, search all of Korea if you have to! Nobody stops until my sister is safe under our protection!”
Taehyung bowed to his boss, and left the office. As he was walking down the hall, he came across his best friend Jimin who hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep all night.
“How did it go?” He asked.
“Not good. He punched another hole into his wall.” Taehyung answered sadly as the two walked hurriedly to where her disappearance was being investigated.
“I didn’t realize their fight yesterday was this bad. Do you have a clue what it was about?” Jimin asked as he sat down at his desk.
“No idea. All I remember was them screaming at each other before she locked herself in her bedroom. Next thing I knew, the alarm was tripped and she was gone without a trace,” Taehyung answered.
After searching day and night for two days, Seokjin was on edge continuously. His sister had still not been found, and the longer she’s missing, the less of a chance she’ll be found alive.
While he was at his desk searching through evidence, his youngest friend, Jungkook, walked in with an invitation in hand.
“Jin- um sir-“ he started but was interrupted.
“What.” Jin said and looked up.
“One of our allies sent this invitation to his son’s wedding. Apparently it’s really important you show.” Jungkook said and handed Jin the invitation.
Jin read to himself,
“Dear Seokjin,
You are cordially invited to Minjae’s wedding. I know we have been dear allies and good friends for a while, so it is requested you show your support and celebrate with us. It has been a while since you have attended any functions with us. Come say hello! The ceremony is at 2pm sharp this Saturday. I hope to see you!
Park Joon-ho.”
“Jin, I know this is a critical time but I figured we could weed out suspects at the wedding. Many different mafias are coming including… Namjoon.” Jungkook confessed.
Jin banged his fist on his desk in anger.
“That asshole? Why is he showing up?” Jin shouted.
“I’m not sure but I have a bad feeling. He never attends events like this.” Jungkook said.
Jin thought for a moment. He made a decision.
“Fine, we’ll all go. But there will be people searching while we are there.”
The day of Park Minjae’s wedding had arrived. Seokjin, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook arrived along with extra security in case something went wrong.
They took their positions and sat through the wedding, constantly on alert for any danger. Little did they know, three pairs of eyes were watching from the back row, watching their every move. The head of the three was very interested in speaking with the Onyx Reaper.
At the reception, everyone was communicating and speaking of relations when Jin was approached.
“Kim Seokjin, a pleasure to see you out and about.” The deep voice spoke.
Jin turned around and came face to face with his rival.
Kim Namjoon, the Shadowstorm Reaper, and head of the Obsidian Syndicate.
Kingpin Chapter 1 is finally here! I can’t wait for you all to read what I have been working on. I hope you all love it! If you do, please comment or reblog and show some love!
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binnie-bitch · 6 months
I'm Going Freaky - Xikers Fanfiction
(AO3 Link) Pairing: Choi Sumin/Anonymus Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4.8k Tags: Anonymus Sex, Glory Hole, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex Summary: Sumin goes to the rumored Glory Hole at Inkigayo. A/N: I wanted to write some shameless quick smut and friends voted for Sumin, so here we are. While I did write this with idols in mind, like for the ones that Sumin encounters in this fic, I delibrately kept it ambigious so you, dear reader, can imagine whoever you want. Either way, this is all about Sumin getting dick. Please enjoy <3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The door creaked as if foreshadowing doom, opening up to a quiet and dark bathroom. Sumin fumbled for the lightswitch to at least feel a little less like he was stepping into a horror movie instead of a porn video. Then again, the only porn he had watched had worse lighting than a Batman movie, and was the reason he stuck to Hentai for his weekly jerk off session.
But jerking off got boring after a while. And that’s why he was here. In this deserted bathroom on the second floor of the Inkigayo building, the rumored place of many hook ups between idols and also one other thing.
Sumin slowly walked over to the last stall, hands squeezing into fists and loosening again to wipe sweat off his palms. He glanced at the mirrors as he passed, the question of why he was here again crossing his mind for a second, but the answer was pretty obvious. Jerking off was boring and Sumin hadn’t had any luck with other people recently. And so what better way to proceed was to go with an anonymous glory hole specifically for idols?
Sumin had heard about the hole before. When they had first debuted and got acquainted with other artists and the inevitable question of relationships came up. For the most part, it was a kind of rumor. A possibility of existing but no one in Sumin’s close proximity had the guts to confirm it.
Or so he thought, because it was Seonghwa who eventually mentioned that he had not only been to the bathroom, but also had been on both sides of the hole. Seonghwa had also immediately turned red and stuttered his way away from this topic, regretting that he ever said anything, but Sumin was solidly curious at that point. It didn’t leave his mind for a good two weeks and after the tenth Hentai manga he read involving a glory hole, he couldn’t take it anymore.
And so here he was, pushing open the door to either the best or worst idea he ever had. He thanked every god willing to listen that no one else was there yet. For once Sumin had changed clothes and wiped off his make-up quicker than his members, and now he had all the time in the world to get comfortable and calm down his nerves.
The door slipped shut behind him and he turned the lock, hands shaking. He wiped his palms on his shirt again, looking around.
His attention instantly zeroed in on the legend itself. The glory hole. Literally a hole, decently sized for any dick to go through and wrapped neatly with tape to cushion the edges. It was kind of underwhelming. Sumin wasn’t sure what he had expected. It was certainly close to whatever pictures he had in his mind, and yet so much more boring.
He used his jacket to kneel on - very reluctant advice from Seonghwa. The bathroom didn’t really smell like other bathrooms, which was nice. Biting citrus hung in the air and somewhere buried underneath was all the bad parts, but Sumin was too nervous to actually care much.
Every little noise had Sumin tense up. He shifted every few seconds, not sure how much time was passing, but he refused to look at his phone. Minjae had said that Sumin had an hour and he was determined to suck at least one dick in that time.
He was going to suck a stranger’s dick. What was he doing?
Sumin shook that thought off by slapping his cheeks. He knew exactly what he was doing, because oral sex was fun and it has been a while. The worse realization was actually that the dicks would not belong to strangers but other idols. No doubt sunbaenims. Sumin didn’t even need to understand math to be sure of that, and that’s all he would know, because it was all anonymous.
Maybe he could recognize them by voice. Maybe-
The front door clicked open. Sumin stiffened, eyes wide open as he stared at the hole. Footsteps grew closer way too quickly and a moment later, something black came into view in the other stall. A leg clad in tight jeans. It moved around a little, the stall door closed, and then the person cleared their throat.
“Ready, baby?” the man asked, voice a low hush.
A shiver chased down Sumin’s spine and he almost forgot he had to answer, but he was still rational enough to give a small noise of approval.
The stranger chuckled. A belt was opened, then a zipper. The man’s jeans dropped along his underwear, revealing the first glimpse of a thick shaft and unruly pubic hair. But there was no time to catch more as a big hand curled around the base of the cock and aimed the head down into the hole.
Sumin reflexively shuffled away as the growing erection slipped past the barrier, but he quickly drew closer again, drinking in the sight. It was kind of weird to just see the cock. As if there was no person attached, like a very realistic dildo built into the wall of the stalls. The shaft was insanely hot between Sumin’s fingers and while not very long, it had a good girth, with two prominent veins snaking underneath the skin.
Sumin dipped out his tongue and into the slit, shuddering with the overwhelming taste of salt. It was just skin, pre-cum not yet dripping, but Sumin was also hit with musk and sweat, seeping into his senses until he completely forgot his fried nerves.
With nowhere to look but the white wall, Sumin closed his eyes and resorted to imagining who could be on the other side. With every inch stretching his lips and dragging over his tongue another famous idol’s face flashed through his mind. He was sure that he had heard the voice before, but he seemed to have forgotten everything but the handsome faces of all the men Sumin looked up to.
Right before his lips met the taped edge, Sumin pulled back again. He pressed his palms on the wall for some support and sucked around the tip, tongue swirling right under the head. The stranger groaned and his cock twitched.
Sumin’s own dick strained against his pants already and he definitely would have been embarrassed how quick that was, but his mind was solely fixated on the weight on his tongue and trying to keep breathing through his nose. He did openly moan as he descended back down the cock, sucking until his cheeks hollowed out.
Another groan filled the room, followed by a fist banging on the wall. Sumin twitched in surprise and almost bit down, but stopped himself last second and pulled off the dick instead. The shaft glistened with a layer of spit and Sumin opted to curl his hand back around, jerking the cock with quick twists of his wrist and squeezing fingers.
“Is it good?” Sumin asked carefully.
“Yes, baby. So fucking good.”
Sumin smiled, cheeks warm.
He kept up his slow back and forth for a good minute or so, using his tongue when only the tip stretched his lips. The man on the other side didn’t complain once, only giving small noises every now and then. At one point he jerked his hips, but Sumin took the thrust like a pro, even deliberately moaning to get the stranger to do it again.
As the man repeated the motion over and over, Sumin fell into the same rhythm. He met the cock midway each thrust and they easily both picked up pace until the man was basically fucking the hole along with Sumin’s mouth. The stalls rattled and when Sumin opened his eyes he caught sight of fingers gripping the top of the wall separating them.
Soon, the thrusts stuttered, losing in strength. Sumin sucked and sucked, pre-cum staining his tongue each time the cock pulled back. At some point the man stopped, groaning so deep that it shook Sumin to the bones. A moment later, cum flooded his mouth and he just kept sucking, milking and swallowing every last drop.
The cock slipped from his lips with a wet pop and a thin string of drool connected them, stretching until it snapped. Sumin took a deep breath, blinking through the haze. His own erection throbbed and he had to actually dig the heel of his hand into his crotch, easing the tension at least a little.
“Thanks, baby,” the man said, and left the stall.
And Sumin still had no idea who he was. He had a theory at best. Somewhere in the back of his mind he was sure, but it probably wouldn’t fully dawn on him until later in bed. In the moment, Sumin was more occupied with savoring the lingering taste and also pondering if he should masturbate or not.
He decided no when another person entered the stall. Same procedure, except this guy didn’t say a single word. Fine by Sumin. The new cock was really pretty with the slight curve and cut foreskin, inviting Sumin to dig in right away even without any outstanding size.
The second person stayed quiet except for some little whines and muffled moans, but none of them clear enough to get any idea who it could be. He sounded cute though. More feminine than the first, and Sumin couldn’t help but imagine Seonghwa in the place, because that was exactly how he imagined his hyung to sound like.
This guy also didn’t really add anything to the blowjob, but that didn’t bother Sumin. He was happy to take it at his own pace and indulge by not just sucking and swallowing, but also by using his tongue more. Every now and then he pulled off the lick along the shaft or dip into the slit, solely focusing on tasting the precum that freely dripped like a leaking faucet.
Sumin kept one hand on the stall wall again, but his other hand squeezed around his own cock. He was so hard and heat creeped under his skin. There was sweat gathering under his clothes, his guts twisting with each slide of the stranger’s dick over Sumin’s tongue.
“C-close,” the man groaned, too muffled to really pick up the voice enough, but Sumin at least understood what was being said.
Sumin dove back in and sucked the tip between his lips. He brought his hand from his own crotch up to curl around the bare shaft, pumping up and down the minimal space available between Sumin’s mouth and the edge of the hole. The cock throbbed and twitched, drooling more precum.
One swipe of Sumin’s tongue over the head was the cherry on top. The stranger came with no noise, but hips jerked back. His cock slipped from Sumin’s mouth in the process and spilled cum over plush lips. Sumin startled with the sudden change, ducking away from the hot liquid, but only ended up with more of it decorating his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.
The man on the other side released a shaky breath of relief. Sumin swore he caught a mumbled “Thank you” before the stranger left, but his focus was on the cum slowly running down his skin.
Sumin scrunched up his nose. It didn’t smell, but the cum was rapidly cooling and started to feel more like glue. Still, Sumin left it there. He could have used some toilet paper to wipe it off and later in bed he would definitely feel disgusted at himself for not doing exactly that, but there was something weirdly exciting about it all.
Sumin would have paid to have someone call him a dirty slut or something for sitting there at a glory hole, in a public bathroom, with cum on his face. In a good Hentai that would be the moment the protagonist realized they’re enjoying it. Sumin had realized that after the first dick, but it certainly helped decide that this, in fact, was one of his best ideas ever.
Another person came, but quickly left again. Sumin assumed it was someone who would have loved to take his place and he couldn’t help but pride himself in the fact that he was here first. But it also reminded him of how long he had already been sitting there. He wasn’t entirely sure how long exactly and he was afraid of looking at the time, relying purely on the timer he put in earlier, but he did use the moment to stretch his legs.
His knees ached and he was still hard. For a moment he just sat on the toilet seat, wondering if he should jerk off before the next person came. If there was another person. He hoped there was one more. It was surely more fun to masturbate while sucking someone off.
And like the universe heard his prayer, the bathroom door opened again. Sumin held his breath and slowly slipped back down on the floor, eyes stuck on the little space underneath the stalls to see if he could see the person. A pair of combat boots appeared right in the middle of Sumin’s stall and the one next to his.
The person seemed to be waiting for something. Or maybe he was thinking. Sumin cleared his throat just to give a sign that he was in here.
The stranger chuckled.
“I wonder if we have met before,” he said, his voice like a cat purring.
Sumin shivered. “Probably.”
“You sound cute.” The man moved into the stall and in front of the hole. “Do you also look cute?”
“I…I think so?”
Another laugh, almost mocking. “Can you even think all that much, angel?”
Sumin swallowed and squeezed his cock, whimpering with the sliver of pleasure the contact provided.
“It’s okay, angel,” the man cooed, “just open your mouth and let me fuck your throat.”
Sumin could do that.
He shuffled closer, putting his palms back on the wall. While it felt weird, Sumin leaned in and opened his mouth like he was told to, lips almost touching the edges of the hole. It only took a few seconds before the tip of the new cock kissed Sumin’s tongue. The first thing Sumin realized was this guy was much bigger than the other two. Definitely in girth and no doubt in length as well.
And as the man slowly fed inch after inch into Sumin’s mouth, stretching his lips to the limit of comfortable, an overwhelming rush of excitement shook through Sumin’s body. His fingers curled against the wall, nails dragging over the metal, and his eyes fluttered shut. The cock flattened his tongue and there was a distinct taste of something fruity. Like the shaft had been covered in something right before.
“There you go, angel, so fucking good,” the man groaned, bucking his hips, burying the rest of his cock.
Sumin choked and reflexively pulled back. Tears stung at the corners of his eyes, erection begging to be let out of his pants.
“Too much?” the man asked, tone amused.
Sumin slowly shook his head. He could do this, he had to. When would be the next opportunity to suck a dick this big?
So Sumin bopped his head back down, but was quickly met with his limit once more. This time he was prepared and only pulled back as far as he needed to breathe. Inhaling deeply through his nose, Sumin tried again, swallowing against his own gag reflex.
Except he couldn’t really swallow around the intrusion. Drool pooled around the cock, so much that it bubbled out from the corners of his mouth and dripped down his chin. So much of it coated the shaft as Sumin lifted his head again, enough that it was running down the wall of the stall.
The man on the other side sighed, satisfaction coating the edges, but also a mocking boredom.
“You’re so slow, angel. Is it that difficult?”
Sumin whimpered around the thick cock and popped off the head with a disgusting wet sound. More drool spilled over his bottom lip, down his skin, and he desperately swallowed. He wiped at his face with the sleeve of his hoodie, sucking in a deep breath.
“Can’t talk anymore?” the man asked.
Heat creeped into Sumin’s cheeks and he ducked his head. “No? I- I just… it’s so big…”
“Having a hard time?”
The man hummed. “This might be a bit of a bold request, but can I come into your stall and fuck you properly?”
Sumin choked on his next breath, falling into a whole coughing fit. Every muscle inside of him tensed up and his eyes widened, cock twitching with interest. This was real. This had to be real. Sumin begged the universe that it was real.
“Yes! Y-yes, it’s fine. You can… I’ll open the door.”
Sumin scrambled to his feet and unlocked the stall, but didn’t dare actually open the door. He just sat down on the toilet again, watching the boots move from stall to stall. The hinges creaked and the view opened up to long legs in blue jeans, the beginnings of a loose shirt halfway tucked into the pants-
Sumin squeezed his eyes shut. The man laughed.
“Don’t wanna see me?”
Sumin shook his head.
“Is it more exciting if you don’t know?”
As much as Sumin wanted to know, to have those bragging rights to his friends that this and that famous idol fucked him, there was also a sort of satisfaction in being able to imagine. The possibility of Sumin being disappointed with who he got dicked down by was slim, but not zero.
The boots squeaked on the floor and the lock of the door clicked close again, chasing a shiver down Sumin’s spine. Radiating body heat and the faint smell of cologne was all Sumin had to know that the man was standing right in front of him.
“You really are fucking cute. I like the green hair.”
Fingertips brushed along Sumin’s jaw. He shuddered, hands tightening their grip on the toilet seat. His nerves were fried and somewhere in the back of his mind Sumin wondered how smart this was, letting a stranger get so close, letting a stranger outright fuck him.
But at this point, all Sumin knew was the desperation to cum and the fingers touching his face, his neck, dipping past the collar of his hoodie and leaving an invisible trail over Sumin’s collarbones.
One hand cupped Sumin’s cheek and a thumb brushed over some of the dried cum.
“Such a dirty boy, but still a pretty angel.”
The thumb wandered lower, pushing into Sumin’s bottom lip. His lips were probably swollen and red, they definitely felt like it, and Sumin indulged in the small bliss of remembering how the first guy fucked his mouth. He had kinda hoped the third would also do that, but now he was promised something even better.
As the thumb slipped deeper into Sumin’s mouth, Sumin opened up, tongue flicking against the invading finger. Immediately, the grip on his face changed to a tight hold on his chin. The thumb pressed down on his tongue, forcing his mouth to open wider. This way, Sumin was once again struggling to swallow, and drool collected around the thumb.
“You’re so lucky, angel,” the man purred, “just earlier I fucked someone else and I still have some lube left.”
Sumin moaned, heart fluttering. He wasn’t even embarrassed when the hold on his jaw loosened and he could actually close his mouth, and the first thing he did was envelop the thumb with his lips and suck on it. The guy was definitely wearing nail polish and Sumin was impressed at how smooth the paint was as his tongue dragged over the nail.
But then the man pulled away and clicked his tongue.
“I could watch all day, but unfortunately I don’t have the time. So why don’t you pull down your pants and bend over for me?”
Sumin didn’t have to be told twice. He did fumble in the minimal space and with his eyes still closed, but eventually got himself in position. With his pants and underwear pooled around his knees, hoodie the only thing covering most of his ass, Sumin knelt on the toilet seat. He crossed his arms on the tank and buried his face into his sleeves, still damp with spit.
Fingers trailed the curve of both of Sumin’s thighs up to his hips, pushing the hoodie until the bottom sat around his waist. Cool air brushed over skin and Sumin shivered, but it did nothing to cool the heat buzzing in his veins and twisting his guts.
“Just relax, angel,” the man said, one hand settling on Sumin’s right cheek. The long fingers squeezed around the supple meat there and the edges of multiple rings dug deep into skin, no doubt leaving marks.
At the same time, Sumin caught the click of a bottle being opened. The faint scent of something fruity filled the space and the man’s hand slipped away. A moment later, the fingers came back, but this time finding their way between Sumin’s cheeks. One fingertip dipped right into the tight hole and Sumin twitched with a rush of surprise.
“So sensitive. Still want it?” the man asked.
Sumin quickly nodded. He would have begged if he could, but just thinking about forming a coherent sentence seemed impossible. Whatever nonsense he would have spilled if he tried to talk would have been even more embarrassing anyway.
The finger rubbed around the tight rim, pushing right into the middle, then soothing it again with a sort of massage. Sumin focused on breathing, inhaling, exhaling, all while his cock throbbed between his legs and drooled all over the porcelain.
For a moment, the hand pulled away, coming back with even more lube. When the man tried again to breach Sumin’s hole, he succeeded, finger slipping in like a hot knife through butter. A small groan was pushed from deep within Sumin’s chest and he bit down on his sleeve. The cotton was disgusting, especially with how much spit was already soaked in there, but the way Sumin’s noises echoed in the bathroom reminded him of how much shame he would inevitably feel later.
With the first finger inside, it was smooth sailing from there. The second digit didn’t wait long and with the third there was a tangible stretch that didn’t just feel strange, but actually held some pleasure. It helped when the fingers thrusted as deep as they could and the tip of the longest finger brushed that part inside Sumin that had his whole body jerking with a wave of pure unfiltered pleasure.
“Look at you, angel,” the man whispered, more to himself than anything else, “taking it so well.”
“P-please,” Sumin choked out.
Desperation clawed deep in his stomach and the urge to touch himself once again pushed itself to the front, but Sumin tightened his grips on his own biceps and just weakly wiggled his butt. He wanted more, needed more, but words didn’t seem enough to articulate that.
The man understood regardless. With one more thrust, he yanked his fingers out. A little ruthless, but it punched another moan from Sumin’s throat and he actually felt dizzy for a moment. It was so hard to keep up that when the tip of the man’s cock kissed his hole, Sumin actually peeked over his shoulder to see if this was really happening.
And it was.
Big hands gripped Sumin’s hips tightly, nails digging hard enough that it would leave bruises. Before Sumin could accidentally glance up at the man’s face, his hole was breached by a new intrusion, stretching the rim to the limit and leaving Sumin reeling. His whole body seized up and his orgasm burned him from deep within before he could even comprehend that he was cumming at all.
Sumin sucked in a sharp breath, eyelids fluttering. His thighs twitched and his teeth clenched so hard around his hoodie sleeve that he should have been scared about breaking a tooth.
But then the man pushed his cock deeper and any thought melted away. All there was, was the way Sumin’s insides stretched and molded around the thick shaft, taking inch after inch way too slow and also way too fast. Everything was hot and Sumin was so full, only getting fuller by the second.
“So fucking tight,” the man groaned, finally bottoming out.
Sumin trembled with the lingering high of his first orgasm and the resulting overstimulation. His cock was already hard again, or still hard? He wasn’t sure. But he was ready for more, ready for whatever his sunbaenim - hopefully sunbaenim - would give him.
“Please…hyung…” Sumin whimpered, blinking against tears.
“Oh angel, you sound so sweet. I could eat you up right now.”
“Please please-” Sumin gasped as the man jerked his hips once. “Please, hyung!”
“You need it that badly?”
“Y-yes! Yes yes yes”-
A loud, shameless moan ripped from Sumin’s throat at a harsh thrust. Another thrust pushed his mind back into a dizzying haze. Again and again, the man fucked into him, rapidly picking up speed like he also was impatient and desperate.
Sumin buried his face back into the crook of his elbow, biting his bottom lip to keep muffling high pitched and breathy noises. His cock was back to drooling over the toilet seat and his legs definitely hurt at this point, knees aching and thighs too tense, but the pleasure sparking in every crevice of his body drowned out any discomfort.
The man was merciless in his chase, his grip even tighter. There was no way Sumin wouldn’t be bruised in the morning and he couldn’t wait to see it, be reminded of how hard and deep he was fucked. By a big cock of an idol he didn’t know. It would haunt him for weeks, maybe months, until the next opportunity came for Sumin to indulge like this.
As the thrusts turned sloppy, losing rhythm but not speed, fingers tangled into Sumin’s hair and tugged him back, tugging until his back met the man’s chest. While the hand in his hair slipped down to grip his jaw, the man’s other arm snaked around Sumin’s waist to keep him upright.
“Fuck, I could fuck your tight little hole all day, angel,” the man growled right Sumin’s ear.
“P-please do, hyung~”
“You would like that? You wanna be my cocksleeve?”
Sumin dumbly nodded. It was all he could, tongue feeling thick and throat too dry. Talking was difficult and his brain barely comprehended the words anyway.
With the hand on Sumin’s jaw, the man turned his head. Sumin tried to keep his eyes closed, but there were so many tears, he blinked out of sheer reflex, and just before their lips met, Sumin caught a glimpse of a familiar face. His surprised gasp was swallowed up by the man’s greedy mouth.
Tongues slipped together. Teeth nipped at lips. Noises and spit spilled between them, hot breaths mingling in the air. All while the man continued to drill into Sumin’s hole, practically bouncing him on his cock in this position. Sweat stuck to their skin and both found themselves desperate, moaning and kissing and biting like animals.
The last push Sumin needed was the hand around his throat tightening. It barely cut off his air, yet, a wave of molten pleasure crashed over him and he crumbled apart like burned wood. More cum spilled over the porcelain, some catching on Sumin’s thighs. His hole clenched around the cock and the man pulled away from the kiss, leaving Sumin to freely moan and whimper with the haze of another orgasm.
The man thrusted once, twice, burying himself to the hilt and then stopping. Another kind of heat spread in Sumin’s guts and he twitched with one last spark of energy before falling limp in the other idol’s strong arms.
They slowly and carefully peeled apart. The man helped Sumin get dressed again and cleaned everything up, all while whispering sweet nothings, too many compliments to remember. But Sumin was hyper aware of the gentle touches and kisses, the way he was treated like fragile glass.
Everything inside him screamed to just look and see who was so nice, but Sumin kinda already knew. The small glimpse earlier had revealed everything. But also, he couldn’t have opened his eyes even if he wanted to. He was so tired and needed at least ten minutes to recover.
Sumin leaned back against the toilet tank and just listened to the man shuffling to probably get himself adjusted as well. Fingers brushed over his forehead, tugging some loose strands behind his ear. Sumin instinctively leaned into the touch and the man chuckled softly, almost fondly.
“Let’s have some fun again, angel.”
Sumin meekly nodded. “Sure.”
“Maybe next time you’ll actually look at me, Sumin-ah~”
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moonlightdarlings · 8 months
it's always been you | minjae
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PART 2 to "i hate everyone but you!"
You watched as Minjae went off to talk to Junmin and a part of you was left so frustrated that he said such a thing only to walk away.
"Wait!" You shout to him, hoping, praying that he'd turn around again. He flicks his head in your direction, giving you the same pretty smile that he gave when you first met him. You quickly walk to where he is before continuing, "If you don't mind, I'd like to talk a bit more."
Junmin caught on that his best friend should be alone with you for a while, whispering, "Hey, I'll see you back at the dorms, have fun~." Minjae rolled his eyes but he knew he had to address his feelings. He beckons for you to follow him to a quieter place.
You both end up in one of the first-floor study rooms with high glass windows and adjustable lights. To your surprise, Minjae spoke first. "What I said, during our dance, I meant it. I've tried numerous times to convince myself I could remain friends with you, but it's incredibly hard." The boy, so confident in front of you a few minutes ago, was now searching for the right words. Minjae wished he could just ask Siri to relay his thoughts, but he knew deep down that it means so much more than just words.
Meanwhile, you're plastered to where you're standing, unsure of what to say, so you ask, "What do you mean, Minjae?" You step slightly closer to him, admiring how his eyes seemed to hold entire galaxies, wondering if his eyes have always been this breathtaking. You decide to ask again, but softer this time, "Minjae, what is incredibly hard for you?"
You watch as he takes a deep exhale, as though he's been holding it in. Running a hand through his hair, he inhales, "Y/n. It's so hard for me to be just a friend to you when you occupy every corner of my mind. I can't ever hate you because I like you." Minjae steps even closer to you, not that you mind him invading your personal space. Glancing upward, you lock eyes, searching his face for a hint of doubt and smiling to yourself when you realize he is being completely honest.
"Minjae, I..." you start, and all but two words come out of your mouth before he kisses you. You lightly pull away, giggling as you say, "Does this mean we're together or that you definitely like me?" Minjae smiles, the kind of smile that you could never get tired of, and replies, "Both. We can take the dating stage as slow as you'd like, darling."
You grin, cheekily adding, "You haven't even gone to dinner with me and you've already kissed me, so I'm good with taking it slow. Maybe we should plan more events for our clubs together."
"Perhaps. What we should do next is make pumpkin cookies, or maybe we could dress up..." Minjae kept rambling on about different date ideas while you held his hand in complete, utter joy.
a/n: i feel like isn't my best work but i like how it turned out🧚🏼‍♀️ shout out to @chiiyuuvv for the ending idea :) ILY and as always, this fic is really fueled by mochas and my netflix rom com addiction 😌
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sminiac · 7 months
k hear me out....xikers(legal line ofc) catching you masturbating?
Warnings — Smut focused, MDNI.
Once Minjae hears the soft string of pleading words slip through the cracks of your door he comes to a complete stop, his senses spiked by what sounds like his name being called, subconsciously drawn out by the sweltering pleasure that’s thick in your stomach from the work of your fingers running slick against your clit.
He knows he shouldn’t be sitting outside of your room like this, cock stirring heavy against the harsh denim of his pants, what if one of the members were to find him like this? So engulfed by the faintest lick of you he’s only experiencing through sound alone, pathetically drooling over the possibility of you pleasing yourself to what he assumes is the image of him.
His ears just barely catch at the wet sound that actively drowns out your soft squeaks, bed dipping under your weight as you thrash, dedicated to bringing yourself to that ever so inviting peak, but it’s just simply too good.
Poor thing is so nervous, so overwhelmed that his hands are clammy against the handle of your door, the only thing he knows that if it isn’t now it would surely be never, so he takes his chances and cracks the door open, the sight before him making his knees buckle, saliva thick in his mouth.
You’re spread so pretty, sheets a rippled mess over your body, bare skin peaking out here and there, he more than expects to receive a scolding and to be locked out just as quickly as he got in, but instead you’re so timid in beckoning him over that he melts, already too far gone to care about the embarrassment of being walked in on, it being done on purpose or not is nothing of concern when it’s him that’s intruding.
He’s so restrained in your fragile state, works you into this unfamiliarity with him by kissing you so sweetly, his tongue a softness you’ve never felt as he licks his way into your mouth, there’s no power dynamic in the way he moulds into you, he just simply wants to continue feeling the parts of you that he’s only known through vaguely assembled dreams, but god is it so much better than he could’ve ever imagined.
“Could hear you,” he says in a knowing yet sweet tone, watching, letting you drag his hand downwards. “what if someone else got here before I did? Are you that desperate, or am I falling right into your trap?” His breathing is full in his chest, the nerves dwindling as he focuses on the jump of your hips, nerves twitching, in dire need to be satiated by his touch. “Hm?” He coaxes, slipping his hand further back, coating himself in your arousal all the way down to the proximal point of his finger. “C’mon sweet girl, words.”
In short he’d be so talkative, needs to hear that you want him, that you need him, is willing to tease just so he can get the broken string of words out of you. He’s the type to still be considerate of your state, continues to please you but doesn’t actually fuck you until he knows you’re 100% certain, that there’s no impulsivity present to cloud your judgement. In the aftermath If it becomes more of a fwb situation he’s so relentless about teasing you, even in front of the guys, alludes to the two of you having a thing very heavily but he’d never directly say it.
Junmin swears he didn’t just see what he thought he did, right? I mean, sure, it’s his fault for being nosy, and maybe, possibly partially due to the fact that he has the most serious crush on you that he’s ever had in his whole entire life, so he just had to silently sneak around your house to find out what’s been keeping you so long after having excused yourself 30 minutes ago with a fleeting comment about going to change into your pyjamas, but that was too long of time spent separately from you, that’s why he’s absolutely gobsmacked at the sight of you with a pillow stuffed between your legs, leisurely rocking yourself further into the soft pressure, your body left with what leaves very little to the imagination.
You know he’s there, why else would you be wearing what you are? Plus he wasn’t exactly as slick as he thought, so you kick up the reactions, breathy “Min”s making him tense up as you rock a little heavier, faster, his ears perk up at the sound, you’re the only one who refers to him as Min, and he couldn’t mistake himself with Minjae, the two of you aren’t that close.
A troubled whine vibrates from his throat before he can stop it, a hand slapping over his mouth in panic as he takes a heavy step back from the door. “Min?” You call softly, still breathless from your performance, fuck you’re making him so hard. “Junmin?” You reiterate a little louder, pulling yourself back down to the mattress, pillow held between your hands as you wait patiently. “Come here please,” now you’ve got his heart thumping its way up into his throat, “need you.” and you’re going to be the reason he’s laid out unconscious on this floor if you don’t stop.
Hesitantly he reveals himself, his eyes cute and curious as he very carefully slips into your room, conscious to not open it too wide as if someone else were to see, the others were still downstairs, as noisy and distracted as ever, you’d have time. “Ne-Uh, need help with,” he’s struggling to swallow down his nerves, it doesn’t help that he can’t stop looking at you. “with what?”
“You know what.”
In a matter of minutes you’ve got him sat back against the headboard of your bed, fisting shyly at his cock while he watches the show you put on for him, too focused on the way you move, how unreal you look, so pretty fucking yourself just for him that he’s a little startled at your voice as you coax: “Min, faster-” and he’s so quick to submit to your directions, letting out the cutest whimpers as he struggles to keep his eyes open, just wants to see you, watch you, but he’s already so close to cumming.
“Please! Wan’ more, wanna keep watching, shit-”
Once the both of you have finished he becomes so cuddly, just a babbling, incoherent puddle in your hands, sweet boy just wants to be held:( he’s so the type to keep muttering out a slur of indecipherable nonsense, even when you’ve finally got your arms wrapped around him with his head nuzzled warmly against your chest, he keeps going, doesn’t have a thing to say, just sounds of pure contentment, he swears it’s the coziest he’s ever been, pressing small wet kisses to your skin before he promptly crashes out.
Sumin can’t tell what he thinks, you’re so cute, obviously, so eager to imitate the feelings he provokes out of you once you’ve got him riled up and ready, but simultaneously a little offended, which is why he’s so firm on you continuing but this time with his guidance, his supervision, because apparently you’re now capable of fucking yourself into delirium that he doesn’t want to cut you short of it for even a second.
“Nope,” he declines of your attempt to weakly pull down his hand, abruptly tugging himself from your grasp just so he can rest it limply at his hip, the sight of his veins running thick up his forearms isn’t helping your case at all. “you’ve got it.” He insists.
He’s so mean, refuses to even look you in the eyes as he forces you to get off by your hands alone, the most he’ll do is gently rest his fingers over yours anytime your pace slows more than he’d like, urging them to start moving against you’re puffy clit again with his aid. “You were so confident baby, where’d that go? Hm?” His voice runs so deep, a sharp rasp to it that has your back arching in restlessness, the sheets warm, sticky under you from how long he’s been forcing you to “keep going”
It takes quite a while but eventually you crack him with promise that it “just doesn’t feel as good as you” and he’s quick to move, although he doesn’t do it without a heavy sigh, having become not as impatient himself, but more so just wanting to make his girl feel good he doesn’t waste time stripping of his pesky clothes, and he can’t say he hates the way your hands are all over him as soon as he’s holding himself firmly above you, the way they drag up his stomach, the dense ridges of his skin a feeling you’ve gone without for far too long, your nails flit up to his shoulders where they sink into place once he’s pushing his cock into you.
Hair curtaining over his eyes as he watches the way you suck him in, so greedy in the way you pull tight around him when he’s trying to ease back out, the drag of his cock slow until he stops, a frown wearing at his face, “Stop, you’ve finally got what you’ve been wanting, begging me for, remember? The tears running down your face as you cried so pathetically: ‘Please, please baby- just need you inside of me’ and now you want to keep acting like a brat?”
He lifts a hand free from bearing his own weight, grabbing you firmly by your jaw to keep your line of sight directly on him, “you gonna stop now? If you do maybe I’ll cum inside of you, ‘s what you want, right?” You nod, lip quivering, he’s quick to press a kiss to your pouty face, shifting himself further up so he can suck your tongue into his mouth as his thrusts proceed in full, a little heavier, a little more intent on making you reach your end, because the faster it comes the faster he can get back to fucking you, wants you crying again but only because of how many times he can make you cum.
I don’t think I have anything more to add other than him being mean is so 😵‍💫 isn’t hesitant to pin your legs wherever he needs them to be, he’s just so teasing, constantly: “And you thought you could make your own legs shake like this?” He’s so confident in knowing his way around your body that he could laugh at you for even thinking you could make yourself cum, he’s such a service!dom but doesn’t so easily give in, takes pride in making you a mindless mess, because who else could do to you what he does? Definitely not you.
“Feels good honey?” Jinsik asks, an entertained smile on his face as his head falls to the side, finding joy in your surprised expression. “It must since you’re already so wet, what’re you thinking about?” He’s so casual about it, taking his time to shoulder off his sweater as he makes his way over to the couch you occupy. “is it me?” His tone is genuine, yet you can’t help but wonder if he’s trying to be funny about it, the neediness clouding your ability to pick him apart, all you know is that right now he just looks so beautiful, the black glasses propped on the bridge of his nose, his hair soft, not styled, fuck.
“Can you keep going please? I like watching, think you look so pretty my love.”
Who are you to deny him? He sets himself up in front of you comfortably, and if you weren’t so lost to your own pleasure surely you’d be embarrassed by how close, how intently he watches you. He’s so sweet to you, but is so incredibly hard from how you’re clutching at his arm tightly, whining out his name like he’s the one fucking you, god you’re irresistible, can’t help but ask: “Can I use my mouth? Please, need to feel you on my tongue.” And as soon as your fingers run wet over his bottom lip with a nod he’s pulling your legs to rest over his shoulders, heels digging into his back as soon as he’s gently licking your folds apart, the thickness of your arousal drenching his tongue, smearing further over his face in his motions as he drags heavy stripes back and forth, easing you in.
His eyes are so cute, can’t help but search for the way your face screws up when he’s sucking at your clit, his tongue running ticklish against it between his lips. At first it’s solely for your pleasure… until he really gets into it and is just there solely indulging in you for himself, loves making those obscenely loud slurping noises, his fingers searching for yours so they can lock together.
“Can you touch yourself for me?” Is a frequently asked question, it could be so sudden and out of nowhere but it’s so hard to deny him when he asks so cutely, his expression so soft, his pretty eyes so expectant it’s a struggle getting ‘no’ out of you whenever he’s requesting something of you, ugh he’s so😞 doesn’t even manage watching you for long before he’s asking you permission for him to touch himself too :(
Making small 15-20 minute calls to you throughout the day is a normal thing for Hyunwoo, and although his schedule could be a little disorderly at times he always managed to make it happen, he just didn’t expect to catch you at a time that would have him muting himself whilst dashing to a vacant room, one preferably with a lock.
“Tell me what you’re doing baby,” he says, the tips of his fingers lightly toying with the buckle of his belt. “wanna know how you’re touching yourself for me.”
He feeds off of the staticky whine in return that you huff out, frustrated that he just had to be working right now instead of touching you himself. “‘m not, won’t be able to finish.” He can hear your legs swiping restlessly at the cold sheets, trying to keep the thrumming pulse between your thighs to a minimum as your fingers work slowly at pumping in and out, but it’s hard when he sounds so pretty like this.
“You’re such a liar”
You have no reason to keep up the facade when he’s already caught on, he knows you too well, your pace increases, legs shifting further apart, “inside-” you gasp out.
“Mmh, two?”
The thin metal band that keeps the leather in place slips out of the hole as he tugs it loose around his waist, his zipper undone, jaw pulled tight once he’s got his length held heavy in his hand, his pressure light as fingers run up and down experimentally. “Put your phone down and your other hand to use, yeah? Just how you like it.” You move quickly, doing exactly as he says, and once he hears the pitch of your voice heighten he’s tipping over, cheeks sucked in as saliva gathers onto his tongue and is quickly dripping it onto the head of his cock, his fingers catching as it slides down, smearing it further.
“Can’t believe you, shit- have me jerking off while I’m working. But fuck, need you so bad baby… so, so bad.”
Holds the phone close to his mouth so you can hear better when he cums😣 also the type to ask for pictures, loves the visuals, gets so geeked!!! You’re like caffeine to him, is so rejuvenated when returning back to his members like he wasn’t just saying complete and utter filth to you over the phone :b is always shooting you a quick message after, telling you that he loves you and that he can’t wait to come back home, so cuddly and affectionate with you when you’re finally back in his arms.
I haven’t slept in quite a while, so forgive me if some of this is incoherent, I’ll go back over it to edit when I have the energy:,)
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hwaightme · 1 year
Feels Like Home (part 2)
(part 1)
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pairing: seonghwa x fem!reader genre: fluff, slight angst, doctor!seonghwa, graphic designer!reader, slice of life summary: What is home? Perplexed by this notion, you spent many years looking for your own answer, moving and running from your past. Your new neighbour, Park Seonghwa, might just be the key to discovery. wordcount: 4.4k warnings: language, suggestive, mentions of food, mentions of the pandemic, anxiety, mention of past abusive relationships a/n: here is part 2 <3 love and appreciate you all, thank you so much for the likes, reblogs, kind words and generally for being part of this community!
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[do not answer!!!] hey
[do not answer!!!] I know you are seeing this, you have read receipts on
[do not answer!!!] Y/N… come on I just want to talk things through
[do not answer!!!] I don’t think we have ever really had a chance to go over things
[do not answer!!!] you know, understand each other’s perspectives
[do not answer!!!] Y/N! seriously give me a chance I want to just TALK
[do not answer!!!] anyways, I am on my way to your place so… I guess talk soon?
“Wait… what?” You screamed as if a scalding hot iron poked your skin. You read the message, re-read it. Checked the time it was send.
“Forty-three minutes ago… no way, he can be here any second. What the hell do I do?”
You were in a panic. Something was telling you it was too late to do anything – if he was really coming to your apartment, forty minutes would be plenty for him to get to you and hunt you down even if you were to attempt to make a run for it right this second. Besides, if he was outside, he would have probably seen your windows. Nevertheless, you rose to draw the curtains in a hurry. Your heart was pounding, and your hands went cold. You did not want to believe that one of your nightmares could just happen. And right in your complex. Just as you were about to shut off the lights for good measure and potentially lock yourself in your bathroom to wait things out and if need be, call everyone you knew, you heard knocks on your door.
Two knocks softly.
Three knocks a little stronger
Three that knocked the breath out of you.
And there it was, that voice you did not want to ever hear again.
“Hello? Y/N! I know you are in there, open up!”
You were frozen in place, staring at the entrance.
How in the world did he get past the receptionist? How did he get in at all? This cannot be happening right now…
You wanted to dissolve into thin air. Become the monstera by your window. You would even agree to become a paper towel if it meant you did not need to be in this situation. Your fingers moved on their own as they unlocked your phone and searched for the only person who knew this complex, and your apartment, as well as you did. Initially, you had typed out a ‘help’ with far too many exclamation points, but deleted it to instead send a more cryptic
[you] on your way back, could you please get dog repellent?
There was one of your habits reappearing when you least expected, vague texting – your ex enjoyed prying into your phone, no matter how locked and off limits his own was. Just as you saw Seonghwa come online, you heard the pin code to your door being pressed in, and in a matter of a click, you saw the silhouette of a man who made you feel worthless for far too long.
Shit… why did I not think to change the damn pin code? Probably because I hoped that I would not have an ex that would try to BREAK IN?
“Y/N, long time no see.”
“I wish that time lasted longer, to be honest, Minjae.”
“Honesty is the best policy.” Your ex appeared to have totally ignored the venom that instantly came pouring out of you, as you crossed your arms.
“Then let me be honest once more, I have nothing to talk to you about, and I demand that you leave this property before I call the police.” You insisted, hoping that your voice was not shaking.
Minjae had yet to set foot into the apartment, having stopped by the front door in the area where you had stored your shoes. He was suspiciously eyeing a pair of slippers you had forgotten to put away. Male. He demonstratively pushed them aside with his lacquered boot and smoothed his hair in one swift movement.
“You’re a big girl, Y/N. You know that there is no reason for me to do anything out of hand. I just came to figure some things out, see how you were doing…”
Without asking for permission, he kicked his shoes off, faking his respect for your apartment and for you, and lazily walked down the small corridor, all the way into the kitchen dining area. You were still in the same place, with the television to your left. The contrast between you two was hilarious – him every bit a sleazy wannabe businessman, looking like he had just gotten off work and ‘happened to be in the area’; you in a dusty pink sweater and sweatpants combo, fluffy socks on. Every bit the domestic queen. And with each second that past, you were growing more convinced that there was a chance you might not come out into tomorrow in one piece. Danger was written all over this man.
Minjae unceremoniously dragged a chair and fell onto it. He gestured for you to join him, and when you refused, he cackled, and spat:
“What, would you prefer to sit on my lap instead?”
You had to bite your tongue to supress the myriad of retorts that immediately bubbled up.
“So, how have you been, Y/N?”
“Couldn’t be better, thanks.”
“That’s the effect I have on people I guess, thanks I appreciate it.” He teased, very pleased with himself. Your blood was boiling while you remained an immovable statue, burning holes in your uninvited guest.
Disgusting. You felt filthy. And to recall that this was the man who you had given three years of your life to made you want to break everything in your vicinity and shout from the rooftop at the Seoul skyline. This was the man who had the chance to exploit you as he saw fit, and you thought that it was a normal part of a relationship… oh how wrong you were. And how glad you were that all that time ago, while still together, you had the bright idea to move. You had been in a situation that was similar to that of a mouse running around a trap. Had you agreed to move in with him, it would have been over, and you were sure of it.
He had been a manipulative bastard, giving you love only when he wanted to, and other days would hold you at a painful distance, leading your mind astray. Knowingly he had induced your conjuring up delusions that there was a chance he was very much in love with you and was serious. You were embarrassed to had been stringed along for such a grand period of time. Was it narcissism that motivated him? Perhaps – he did not enjoy your company, but he did enjoy the attention that you gave him, and how at any social event it was obvious that he was the apple of your eye. You had a way of making him feel more special than any other bitch he would pick up for a night when he had business trips or was staying late. The innocent adoration that you had been a temple for was addictive, and he could not help but want to take all of that adoration for himself.
Hence, he had pulled and pushed you around like a toy, until a silly error had defined the end of his reign. Truth be told, had you not walked in on him and another random chick he had picked up for some fun, he would have just continued as is and tried luring you back to the neighbourhood where you used to live, and right into his paws. You were more malleable when you had been vulnerable and always scared of something. He had come to state that it was your charm.
It was that you had been already growing distant and he was on edge. To get his mind straight again, he had to have all his needs satisfied, and since you were not as readily available as he had trained you to be before, he had to search a little bit harder for someone else, not that it was too much of a challenge. Minjae was a man confident in his looks and his abilities to show off his money and power, though he did not have much of it. You knew best that in reality, he was on the lower ranks of the food chain at some wealth management firm and did everyone else’s bidding. So outside of work, he took that out on you. How damn romantic.
It had been an unplanned trip. You had been looking for a panini maker you had been gifted a couple of years ago, and your memory led you to go check at your at the time boyfriend’s place for it. Who would have guessed that a panini maker was the bringer of truth and turmoil? And an unpleasant sight of another woman’s bare ass and animalistic grunts resounding in his apartment. Minjae had known it was you instantly, and although he was disappointed, a part of him was oddly turned on by the experience of being caught by you, the innocent and loyal lamb, so while you crept into the kitchen, one hand blocking him and his temporary lover from your field of vision, he pretended not to have noticed.
When the woman who you had never seen before in your life, and Minjae had never contacted again finally had come to realise that there was a figure moving about behind here, only then did Minjae go through the routine of covering up, attempting to waddle after you and bellowing “this is not what you think, Y/N”. It gave him an odd sense of achievement, like he had finally come to this milestone that he had discussed so many times over alcohol-fuelled parties with his colleagues. It was your reaction that had left a sour taste. Panini maker in hand, you merely smiled at him, and said “good luck, mister Lee. We be better strangers.” And that was it. You had left in the blink of an eye, leaving his mouth agape and a script’s worth of dramatic monologues left unsaid.
It was the indifference that had slowly driven him mad. All he wanted now was to see some reaction out of you. Something more than a sigh or a glare. No, something bigger. He wanted to see you lose your mind, just like you had unknowingly done to him by simply walking away. So while in your apartment, on your chair, staring at a changed and seemingly happier you, he was ready to do all he could to tear you apart.
“Who is the lucky guy?” Minjae inquired, gesturing at the corridor. You tilted your head. “The slippers…?” he elaborated, amused by this twinge of jealousy, or more likely, the idea that someone who he was trying to make his possession was very much not his.
“Oh.” You voiced, not giving way to any emotion.
“Oh, what? You have a pretty voice, darling, use it.”
You were wishing on every star in the sky for this torturous encounter to stop.
The aforementioned lucky guy, upon having received the mystical text from you was trying to process its meaning. He was at checkout of the supermarket in your neighbourhood when his phone buzzed, and you had never normally texted in the hours when he was meant to be heading home, so it was entirely unexpected. Deciding that whatever product you were implying needed a bit more elaboration, he put his phone away to finalise the payment and head out.
Once Seonghwa was back out on the street and commenced the final stretch of his journey home, it finally hit him. In recent times there had been one particular person whose entire existence you had concentrated into a series of colourful terms with first character being ‘gae’ (dog) in them. And that one person was… ta-da, your ex.
“There is your chance Seonghwa. Stop being dense and do something. SPEED UP!” he heard his best friend’s voice echoing around him. Manifesting a cry for action. He clenched his fists, and ran like his life depended on it, you on his mind.
His track and field experience had come in handy for the first time since finishing university, with him covering the distance in record time. He had noted that your curtains were drawn, but he could make out a light still on – Seonghwa could not help but feel his worry spike. How were you? Were you holding your ground? What if the time he wasted in the store was critical.
Swinging open the doors to the building, he stormed past a flabbergasted receptionist, only to pause and turn, and forcing an unnaturally polite tone to combat the anger he had accumulated. Today of all days the regular grumpy-looking guard was nowhere to be seen, instead substituted by a timid, tiny lady in her late sixties.
“Excuse me madam, did a young man pass by not too long ago? Not a resident here, went to the ninth floor?”
“Um… why yes… Yes, I believe so… He even greeted me, what a nice young man.”
“Lovely. Well, thank you very much for the information. I am so sorry for shocking you, but he is highly dangerous, and has been harassing one of the residents. I would appreciate it if you could alert security to restrict his access in some way. If a couple of the guys could come to apartment number 907 in the next five or so minutes, it would be much appreciated.”
And on that note, he heard the elevator ping and departed from the receptionist’s desk, leaving her open-mouthed and pale-faced. Why were these boxes of steel so slow when you least wanted them to? Seonghwa tried to level his breathing. He tried to think of everything in medical terms, forming analogies in his head, settling himself into a headspace where he had control. Once out, he stepped out and listened. Nothing yet, so perhaps not too bad? Who was he kidding, he had already imagined at least one thousand scenarios of where things had turned to the worst.
He shuffled forward stealthily, knowing that any heavy footsteps could be heard from the apartments. Four seconds and he was at your door. Now, he heard a male voice. So that was him… the man who you had to spend time getting over. The man who had made you forget what love was. Seonghwa was not going to give you back to that nightmare. He did not have any plan but hearing your raised voice and making out something along the lines of “don’t… get away” and “stay where you are” had him unlock your door and slam it open with no scenario, no operation plan, no ideas. Best he could do was be there for you and be with you.
Seonghwa had crossed the entrance to your apartment at exactly the right time. Minjae had stood up and was about to grab your wrist after you had snapped at him to mind his business and leave. The man was nonplussed, his hand still hovering in mid-air. This gave you ample chance to step away and race towards your saviour. Mouthing your gratitude to him, you used every ounce of your remaining power to not let the waterworks start – as soon as you laid eyes on the young doctor you merely wanted to give yourself space to cry. You mused how his embrace would feel, and if you could melt into it. You wanted to get away from your old self, who was made small and helpless by repeated torment. Your past had caught up to you, but a wave of clarity overtook you.
Seonghwa’s dishevelled hair that still gracefully framed his face, the bead of sweat that was about to run down it, the bag in his hand and, most importantly, the warrior’s stance and glare, all of him looked like a future you wanted to write into the present. Despite that the time was not right for sentimentalities, you understood what drew you to Seonghwa, and why you entrusted him with what could be your life. He felt like home.
“Hi! You brought the groceries I see! Thank you so much, seriously.”
“Who in the… is this the-” Seonghwa heard the man, still in the living room, begin. Think fast, ah to hell with it, all or nothing.
“No problem, love. I missed you.” You were stunned as your handsome neighbour reached out with his right arm and pulled you into a quick hug.
With the trench coat he was wearing being unbuttoned, you ended up being pulled under it as though it was a blanket, and pressed flush against Seonghwa’s chest. Your cheeks flared up, and you could bet on the fact that your face was probably turning a bright red. The cotton sweater he was wearing was soft and gentle, though not to the same level as the hand that was gently caressing your back, thumb moving in repetitive calming motions. You were drifting away, focusing on Seonghwa’s erratic heartbeat. How was he so outwardly collected? After the initial shock passed, you wrapped your own arms around his torso, snaking them under the coat, feeling him stiffen for a split second. This was not how neither you nor he imagined your first more intimate embrace to go, but… desperate times call for desperate measures?
“Stay by me, okay?” he whispered almost right into your ear. You nodded, not wanting to break contact.
“Ahem.” The walking red flag was demanding an audience once more, leading to you turning your body slightly, but still not fully letting go, one arm around Seonghwa.
“Yes?” Seonghwa countered the empty sound, setting the shopping bag on the stool by the entrance.
“So, you are the guy huh.”
“The guy?”
“The guy I was trying to inquire after, but Y/N here would not crack. Great to see you in person, more than I could ask for really.”
“I am afraid I cannot share your happiness, mister…”
“Call me Minjae. We are closer than you think. You see, Y/N and I-”
“I’d suggest you stop and leave our apartment this instant.” He emphasised, ready to open the door right back.
“I think you would want to hear this. You know who I am?”
Minjae had moved from his position in the living room closer to you and Seonghwa, inching forwards like some beast.
“And for that exact reason, I am asking you, politely, to leave.” He persisted, taking him and yourself aside to be at least a fraction further away from your personal monster.
The two men stared each other down, as Minjae pushed his feet into his shoes, having figured out that he would not be able to do much to you while you were protected by this newcomer. Least he could was spit some toxicity while he still could. So when he noted that Seonghwa had taken part of his attention away to listen out for something behind the door, Minjae gave you a dirty smirk and blurted:
“What an honour! So, tell me, does she still cry when she orgasms?”
It all happened very quickly.
How Seonghwa removed his arm from your shoulders. How in the blink of an eye his fist connected with your ex’s solar plexus, with such momentum that you swore you saw some recoil. Minjae’s eyes rolled back as he doubled over in pain, gasping for air. Livid, Seonghwa grabbed the door handle and threw it open, exiting and dragging Minjae behind him. Once out in the corridor, he dropped his voice to a low hostile tone and hissed:
“Listen here. Whatever your motivations are, you look like a guy who I would have to treat at work. And believe me, I know full well how to dissect and take scum like you apart. And if you dare ever be even within a five-kilometre radius of Y/N, I will ensure that your outcome is a plethora of diagnoses.”
For the first time, you could see real fear in your ex’s eyes, and them welling up, be it due to the lack of air or due to him not expecting to meet someone who could equally act like a gangster when the situation demanded. Truthfully, you were in awe of Seonghwa too. The precious image of a nerdy doctor and boy next door was very much gone, instead replaced by a strikingly handsome, alluring and dependable man. His demeanour changed once more as two security guards appeared from the elevators and commenced their routine questioning all the way across the corridor.
Pushing Minjae’s back for him to stand up straighter, Seonghwa forced his weakened form into the grasps of the guards, explaining what had unfolded.
“And who are you?”
“I live in-”
“-My boyf-”
“-in apartment 904.”
“Oh cool. Good neighbour, well, have a nice night.”
You covered your mouth. What in the world were you thinking when you let that fall out? What had provoked you? You were praying that Seonghwa had not heard you as you turned around to head back into your apartment. He followed you, once confirming that the intruder was taken care of and seeing the floor number on the lift come to a standstill, far away from you.
When he entered your abode and took off his coat and shoes, he found you in the kitchen, storing the items he had bought, but setting aside the bbungyeoppang. He disappeared in your bathroom to wash his hands, making you initially believe that your outburst was going to go unnoticed.
Only when you had set two plates on the coffee table, adamant on not touching the chair and dining table for the time being, and you sat together, side by side, did he lean back, stretch his arms out, and muse out loud, with a cheeky expression:
“Your boyfriend, huh? Doesn’t sound too bad. I like it.”
“It was out of bounds, sorry, I didn’t mean it.” You mumbled, looking down at your lap. Seonghwa was observing you, eyes half-lidded.
“Could you look at me?” as gentle as ever, he asked. You dared to lean back a bit and turn your head, encouraged by the brilliant man’s hand being placed over yours.
“Do you mean, it was a spur of the moment kind of thing to make your ex jealous?”
“Oh no. God, no! I… well. Uh. I am cornered here, aren’t I?”
“Yep. But trust me, no matter what you are about to say, know that I will respect it to the fullest, okay?”
He gulped. Fate was not joking around today. Had he known that he would be in this situation even five hours ago he would have laughed at the messenger. Patiently, he waited for you to say what had been running through his mind for far too long, and moved to look at you directly, a mere few centimetres away.
“How do I even… Okay. Two points. Firstly, I would never use you. And secondly, now… it is only you. Only ever you. Seonghwa. I cannot describe how infatuated I am with you, Seonghwa. Ever since we met, something told me, this was it. This was what I was looking for-”
He need not hear more.
“Y/N, may I kiss you?”
“Yes, please.”
Resting one hand on your waist he leaned over to close the gap between you, giving into the paradise that was ‘the now’. Both of you were smiling into the kiss, tasting euphoria and the inimitable feeling that came with the realisation that you were there for one another, and that it was not going to change.
His kiss was like the golden hour, a tender light worshipping your every breath. A slow serene delight, with each touch leaving you basking in a magical glow. Time did not exist, lost to his soft lips. Perfectly in sync, loving Seonghwa was effortless, translating from the little acts of service to the wondrous whole you had kindled. His other hand, which had moved to your nape, guided you. Seeing further closeness, Seonghwa settled back into the sofa, pulling you with and onto him, breaking apart for a moment to ensure that you were comfortable. He allowed himself to seek you once more only once you had given him a nod and a breathy confirmation. Curious and relishing in your personal sunshine, you explored one another, testing the limits of the present. Your fingers found his onyx locks, and gave them a light tug, mind going into overdrive as you heard him stifle a moan.
Even as your moves got lazier, with the intensity of the initial contact being replaced by simple glee, the love did not subside. Never did something feel quite so right. Reminiscent of late spring when the days were beginning to get warmer, when nature showed its beautiful colours, flora in full bloom. Seonghwa trailed your jawline and neck by peppering kisses, rays of sunshine onto your skin. You drew yourself back to take the scene in. His swollen lips, glinting eyes and stunning profile were irresistible. Above all you were here. You were his, and he was yours. As if reading your mind, he took you into his arms and embraced you with the passion of someone who was terrified of losing it all. He nuzzled into the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent, memorising you.
Soon enough, both of you were lying down on the sofa, unwilling to move apart, legs a tangled mess. His index finger was drawing abstract shapes on the small of your back, while you were quietly listening to the now more level beating of his golden heart. Suddenly, he stopped. Your eyes fluttered open.
“A penny for your thoughts?” you asked, barely audible.
“Well, anything for my girlfriend.” He chuckled to himself after saying the title out loud, proud. “I was just thinking back to the time we first met. You remember? Dead of night, us channelling our inner shadow people. When we then sat and talked through until morning, I felt as though I had found my world.”
Bashful, you hid your megawatt grin as Seonghwa hugged you tighter.
You were home.
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lil-elle · 2 months
Locked Out
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group: xikers
pair: stranger!minjae x fem!reader
genre: fluff, college au, boy next door (I guess??)
word count: 1.4k
content: no warnings, just like one or two curses ♡ (istg I can't write without them)
a/n: HAPPY MINJAE DAY 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 (also yes there will be a part 2, it's already pretty much done im just sleepy and wanted to at least post this ON mjs bday)
part 2 is HERE
“You're kidding….” You mumbled as you searched frantically through your bag for your dorm key. You'd pulled almost everything out of your bag at that point and yet there was no key to be seen. Desperately, you yanked on the door handle, hoping by some miracle it wouldn't be locked, but you weren't surprised when the handle didn't budge. You sighed defeatedly as you leaned back against the sturdy door and slid down, mind flashing back to your roommates words: “I won't be back until tomorrow morning, okay?”.
Slowly packing the things you'd pulled from your bag back in it, your mind raced through possible alternatives to sitting sadly outside your dorm all night. “Stay with a friend?” You didn't have many close friends that you'd feel comfortable staying the night with. “Go to a hotel?” Probably the most comfortable solution, but…expensive. “Bust the door down?” You chuckled to yourself as you pictured your weak body barrelling into the door as if you yourself were a battering ram.
A sudden door clicking open perked your attention and you lifted your head to see the door of the room across the hall open, a pretty boy with caramel brown hair and thick framed black glasses peeking down at you.
“Um…you okay…?”
It was only the beginning of the semester and you weren't exactly the type to go around introducing yourself to your neighbours, so this boy was a complete stranger to you. You didn't recognise his face, voice, or know his name. Nothing.
“Uh…” He looked down the hall confusedly and that's when you realised you'd just been silently staring at him, your face going red from embarrassment as you quickly stood.
“S-Sorry! I- um…I'm just…locked out, is all.” You muttered embarrassedly, prepared for him to laugh at you for getting yourself into such a stupid and silly situation.
He stepped out of his apartment, looking at you with a concerned expression, far from the amused expression you were expecting.
“Oh um…Did you…have somewhere else you could go?”
You felt slightly flustered by the care he was showing, something you weren't used to, especially when it came to college boys. You couldn't deny that it made your heart skip.
“Oh I-I don't actually…I was probably going to go to a hotel…I guess.” You chuckled awkwardly as you looked at him, getting a good look at his face and realising how handsome this boy actually was. You saw him look up and down the hall again, unknown thoughts running through his head, before his eyes landed back on you. He swallowed and took a breath in before speaking.
“You could…stay with me if you wanted?”
Your mouth fell open slightly and you just stared at him. You couldn't deny that it probably wasn't a very good idea to accept such an offer from a stranger, especially a man, but you also couldn't deny how genuine he seemed. While you weighed up the pros and cons of his offer, he stood nervously waiting for a response.
“I-I'm sorry, that's probably weird, isn't it?” He stuttered anxiously. “You're not going to stay the night with a stranger…” He scratched the back of his head. “I didn't really think before I spoke…idiot..” That last part came out whispered towards himself and you couldn't help but feel an amused smile pull at your lips.
This boy was different. Not like any of those cocky, confident assholes you now call exes. Or those sleazy, playboy dirtbags you surrounded yourself with in high school. This boy seemed kind yet unsure, like all he really was trying to do was offer some help to someone in an unfortunate situation but he didn't know quite how.
A small giggle escaped your throat despite your desire to hold it down, and he looked at you with a slightly shocked and nervous expression.
“Sure…that's very nice of you…” You smiled at him and he suddenly perked up, a smile crossing his face as well and his cheeks filling with a little pinkness. He was like a kid asking you to buy him a toy and you'd just said yes. It was cute.
“Well, c-come in!” He smiled brightly, stepping aside so you could enter. You swiftly pulled out your phone and texted your roommate about the situation as you made your way into his living room, so she knew just in case he did end up being a creep or a psycho. Slipping your phone back into your pocket, you slid your bag from your back and looked over at the boy now making his way to the kitchen.
“Um so…can I just put my bag down here?”
He nodded with a soft hum of agreement and you placed your backpack on the coffee table.
“You hungry?” He called out and you spun around, seeing him grab out what looked like boxed leftovers from the fridge. It seemed like either him or his roommate was quite the cook.
“Oh! U-um it's okay, you don't have to-”
“All I have to do is heat some of it up, don't worry. You a fan of uhhh…” he spun one of the boxes around in his hands, clearly he isn't the one that made it then.
“...Curry? Wait no…no, yeah, I think it's curry…”
You giggled softly as you walked over to him, placing your hands on the island counter and leaning over slightly to see the food in his hands.
“I'm assuming you're not the one that made this?” You spoke through giggles, turning your eyes to look up into his. He left out a soft amused sigh.
“Yeah…Hunter- my roommate is a big chef. Meanwhile…” he removed the lid of the container and sniffed the contents, “I just eat whatever he makes for me.”
“Makes for you? Wow, lucky!”
He chuckled and placed the container in the microwave to heat up for 2 minutes.
“Well he said he feels bad that he's never around so he makes extra for me as like compensation? I guess?”
You leaned your chin on your hand as he spoke. His voice was soft and something about the way he talked kept your full attention.
“Never around?”
“Oh yeah, he's always doing stuff like going to the gym or dance practice, going to the beach, the park, hiking. Y'know, the outdoors-y type.”
“Bit strange to be outdoors at, what, 8pm at night?”
He chuckled awkwardly and scratched his neck.
“Oh…yeah he's probably just out with some girl tonight.”
“WOAH? A player too?” You said amusedly as he laughed and pulled the curry from the microwave, stirring it around before placing it in front of you with a fork.
“Kinda. Loves outdoors and good with the ladies? Complete opposite to me.”
You gingerly poked at the curry with the fork, stabbing into a piece of chicken and blowing on it lightly.
“You're not good with the ladies? Come on~ I'm here right now, aren't I?” You teased before popping the chicken in your mouth. You knew the flirty undertone that the words you spoke held, but you said it anyway. “Why is that?” You thought as you stared up at the boy's smiling flustered face.
“I-I brought you in out of the kindness of my heart, not because you're a girl.” He explained, a shy smile and a small blush on his face. “I would've done the exact same thing if you were a guy.”
You smirked, swallowing your bite and pointing the fork towards him.
“That's still gentlemanly. Plus…maybe you swing that way.”
He let out a short laugh as you continued eating with a satisfied smile on your face.
“This is really good~” You remarked, too distracted by the food to notice the way he was looking at you, expression soft and admiring.
“...I don't think I caught your name.” He spoke up after a few seconds and you looked up into his eyes.
He smiled and stuck his hand out.
“I'm Minjae.”
You grasped his hand and shook it, feeling a slight electric shock when your hands met. Or maybe that was just the feeling of your heart skipping as he held eye contact with you, his caramel hair falling delicately over his forehead and his glasses sitting low on his surprisingly pretty nose. Either way, you felt something, familiar yet different from anything you'd felt before. You were looking forward to getting to know this boy.
@chocoeon @hyunukitty @ihyeokzu @cake1box @chiiyuuvv @shortnstupid @dogyunslover
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kachulein · 4 months
assign your moots with their bias & a trope!! tell us why too 👀
I'll do this for Kris and Lys considering we all got the same ask👀 I'm literally so curious about who you are anon since you must know all 3 of us. (plot twist, either Lys or Kris are behind those and sent themselves the ask as well😂) (on that note, isn't it weird that we can send ourselves asks? Like yeah, I totally enjoy talking to myself pretending to be an anon???? Tumblr what were you thinking😂)
anyway let's get into it *cracks knuckles*
@http-peachie -> childhood friends to lovers with either Jinsik or Changmin. Listen, both of them would fit this trope so well and the trope itself is really Kris-coded imo. I can't really give a coherent explanation for it, just that something about Kris as a person gives me nostalgic vibes which fits my impression of the childhood friends to lovers trope... smth about it just feels nostalgic. Like I said, idk if that makes sense, it's mostly ✨️vibes✨️ I guess. Alternatively, I'd like to give them hurt/comfort with Seeun (kinda forcing this bias on Kris rn) in which Seeun takes care of and comforts Kris. I just feel like this would be perfect. <3 Third, just for the sake of being evil (as I am iykyk) I'd like to throw in a love triangle with Anton and Jungwon. They are going to either 1) fight to the death and the winner gets Kris (plot twist, I k!ll them both and take Kris🥰😇) or 2) they finally make up (their fight over Kris has been going on for a while yk), become friends and Kris gets both of them🥰🥰🥰
@solovolpe -> e2l with Minjae (I'm just gonna force him on Lys as her new bias now. I don't take criticism for this, tyvm). iykyk but if you don't know Lys, just trust me on this one, it fits, it fits soooo well. Lys was simply made for e2l fics and it's such a fitting trope that I would literally d!e to be able to watch this play out in real life like a movie. It would be dramatic, comedic, and you'd go on a rollercoaster of emotions, probably cry throughout 40% of it but it's all worth it in the end, since they FINALLY fall in love and accept it and live happily ever after. Alternatively, Dorks in Love with Sunwoo because he's one (affectionate)(I didn't want to publicly call him a loser (affectionate) so dork it is) and ✨️vibes✨️ and just to be evil yet again, I'd like to give a third option: snowed in (aka locked in) with Intak (another bias I'm forcing upon her) and they'll be trapped in there until they either 1) fall in love (again, take a chance, baby, let's take a chance🎶) 2) k!ll each other, I guess. We'll see :D
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bro-atz · 5 months
pretty like late night drives
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pair: non-idol!minjae/gn!reader
word count: 1.1k
content: fluff, late night drives
rating: PG/PG-13 | safe for work!
pretty like masterlist
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“Baby,” you whined. “I’m over this.”
“Come on, it can’t be that bad,” Minjae sighed.
He walked over to where you were sitting on the couch and took a look at your computer, only to grimace. You were working on a group presentation for your astronomy class, and you were the only one actually working on the presentation, which meant you had to carry the rest of your useless team. You started four hours prior, and you had barely put a dent into the presentation.
“Aw, sweetie, I’m so sorry,” Minjae offered you a hug. “Do you want me to help you?”
“No, it’s fine,” you sighed into his hug. “I think I just need to take a break. My eyes are starting to hurt from staring at this small screen for too long.”
“Wanna go for drive, then?”
“Yes, please.”
Minjae took your laptop off your lap and closed it before setting it on the coffee table. He held his hand out for you with a smile, and you met with his smile with your own while taking his hand. The two of you quickly got ready to head out and scurried out of your apartment, the front door shutting and locking behind you as the two of you raced to his car.
Minjae didn’t have the fanciest car in the world, but the two of you had shared a good amount of fond memories in his worn down, silver sedan, making his car your most favorite vehicle in the world.
“Where do you want to go, sweetie?” Minjae asked as he got in the driver’s seat.
“Literally anywhere. As long as I’m with you, driving is always a fun time.”
And so, the two of you went. Minjae played light acoustic songs in the background as he drove into the night. You leaned your shoulder against the door of the car and looked out the window as the lights of the night passed by you, the cars on the road blurring together with every passing second. You let out a light sigh, which you didn’t realize you did until you felt Minjae’s hand on your knee when he got to a red light.
“It’ll be fine, you know that, right?” he spoke softly.
“Yeah, I do. Thank you.”
He moved his hand from your knee to your cheek and stroked it lightly with the pad of his thumb, his gentle eyes sparkling as he looked at you. You felt your face get slightly warm as you maintained eye contact with him, and when you felt him begin to move his hand away, you immediately nuzzled your cheek into his hand, hoping he wouldn’t move it.
“Sweetie, I need both hands to drive,” Minjae chuckled lightly. “Let me get to where we need to go first, okay?”
With a slight pout, you nodded. Minjae returned his hand to the steering wheel and turned the car, taking you down a familiar route.
There was a drive-in theater that the two of you liked to go to on late nights and date nights. Minjae pulled into one of the parking spots, and the second he parked the car, he immediately reached for your hand. He laced his fingers with yours and lightly tugged your arm towards him, willing you to lay your head on his shoulder. You did just that.
Some romantic movie was playing. You didn’t know which one it was since you had driven to the lot several minutes into the movie, but that didn’t stop you and Minjae from immersing yourselves into the movie. You sighed again, but it was a peaceful sigh— a sigh that told Minjae that your tension was already slipping off your shoulders.
“Sweetie,” Minjae whispered to you; he was looking at you, but you were still focused on the movie.
“Yes, baby?”
You felt his fingers under your chin, his thumb and pointer finger turning your head so that you were looking right at him. Your heart fluttered just seeing the way he was gazing at you with complete and utter affection, making a small smile appear on your face. You closed your eyes when he leaned in, and it took a slight second, but you felt him gently press his lips against yours.
Minjae’s fingers went from your chin to your ear, the back of his hand slightly nudging your jaw upwards. His kiss got a little more passionate when his lips trapped your upper lip momentarily, the feeling making your entire body tremble. You seriously didn’t want the kiss to end, but it ended, leaving you flustered and, dare you say it, in complete love.
“You’re so lovely, Y/N,” Minjae whispered.
He placed his hand on your head and smoothed out your hair. Leaning your head on his shoulder and hugging his other arm to your chest, you looked at him happily and almost giddily as you saw the way the light reflecting from the movie screen lit up his face, his eyes even more sparkly than ever.
“I love you, Minjae,” you whispered back.
His face remained unchanging, but you could barely make out that the tips of his ears were turning red, and the smile on his face grew the tiniest bit wider. He planted a soft kiss on your forehead and continued to pet your hair.
“I love you, too, Y/N.”
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You thought after the movie was done, Minjae would drive the two of you back to the dorms, but he didn’t do that. Instead, he drove to a new place— a place that the two of you had never been before, but a place that you had heard of from a friend. He parked the car and quickly got out to open the passenger’s side door to help you out of the car. Your hand remained firmly in his grasp as he closed the car door and led you into a forest trail.
It was a little scary in the forest, and you kind of thought Minjae was going to scare the shit out of you, but after about two minutes of walking, you arrived at an open space under the night sky. Rows and rows of green, flowering wheat covered the field. Minjae led you right through the rows and immediately flopped onto the ground. You did the same. The two of you laid in the rows of wheat as you stared up at the sky, barely being able to make out some of the stars. His hand reached for yours and held it once again as the two of you remained peacefully quiet for a moment.
“Can you see the constellations?” Minjae asked, his voice barely louder than the sound of the light wind breezing through the field.
“A little bit.”
“Can you tell me about them? You’re learning this for class, right?”
“Yeah, so that’s Ursa Major…”
And you continued to explain all of the constellations, but instead of looking at where you were pointing, Minjae looked at you, his eyes starry.
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pretty like masterlist
pretty like tag list: @eyeryis @sinnarols @cake1box @hunchan444
apply here to be part of the taglist!
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