glitzyboo · 2 months
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nenan · 1 year
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Minmie photographed by Amy Peskett
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dyingenigma · 1 year
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Minmie, makeup by Aimee Twist
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eepop-stuffs · 2 months
So, because i have a love for media preservation, and recently got a VPN, I figured I could compile some stuff from websites I couldn't visit before, like the Minmie website. The Minmie website is region-locked for the US, so I'm on a Japanese server. I chose Japan because this is a region that I know Minmie products were sold in. Like the Fulla website, it's partially lost. For the same reasons as the Fulla site, too. Ruffle simply can't open a lot of the archived pages. However, because Minmie was smart, we can actually see the home page due to the site not opening on a flash-based loading screen.
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Much more after the cut!
This capture is from February of 2006, two years after the site was launched and six before it would be taken down. The 2004 capture's flash elements are inaccessible (but still there!), and for some odd reason the animation of Minmie and her man(?)* on the Vespa is inaccessible on every later capture.
*Edit: It's her brother. I was writing this as I was going along, I had no clue who he was at first😭
That blue part of the background is animated, and the text scrolls. I forgot to capture it in the video I think, but the red mailbox hops up and down when you hover on it.
The top animation seems to restart after a certain amount of time.
The 10 squares at the bottom bring you these images, and they're the same in every capture.
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Slightly problematic "Attack Gangster" caption aside...
It's kind of weird how low quality these are, right?? This is the official website. These images literally come directly from the page those squares lead to. Also that last one of the boy character terrifies me. Also....does the seventh image imply that the boy's name is Min and the girl's name is Mie?? It would be hella weird if it did, considering that after the DJ Min image, the name Minmie was exclusively used to describe the girl in merchandising. Because they never used the boy again. I didn't even know he existed until now.
I love Minmie's art style so I'm kind of disturbed by the way male characters look in it-
I find it really interesting the way they draw her jawline sometimes, it's very round. They only seemed to do this in the 2000s, after 2011 she had an exclusively sharp jaw.
It's surprisingly low effort on everything but those little animations and transitions, there. The pages listed on the buttons are inaccessible no matter what capture you're on, although in the October 2008 capture, the "Character" button leads to a different page with content that Ruffle can't run. This is different from the others in which the buttons don't do anything at all when you click on them on the front page's archive. The "mail" option leads to an error page in the 2006 capture, although similar to the Character page, in every other capture it doesn't do anything at all. The "Shop" option leads to a site to purchase the Minmie domain instead of an archive for some reason. The "board" button seems to have lead to either a chat room or image board, but it's not accessible from the main menu and the URL is a swf, which I can't access. There's an "about me" page in the URL tab on the archive, but nothing loads.
We still have the site map, and the site map actually gives us the pages the buttons led to.
The shop page looked like this. I don't find it necessary to screenshot all of the options on the menu because all of them are pretty much the same, just with a different title, sometimes a longer page, and different inventory (the photos of which were not archived). Although I think it's very amusing how one of the shop pages is just named "bunch of keys". The "New Product" gif's background would rapidly flash black and white.
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Here's the New Product pages (there's two for some reason).
New Product 1
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New product 2
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Like I said earlier, the pages look mostly the same. Because of this I only screenshotted the pages that had a different layout. Sadly the shop page is the only part archived through the site map.
Now we look to the URL tab. There's several gifs that are unavailable, and while it was also unavailable there's two gifs with the word "avatar" in their titles. This might also be nothing, though. The domain squatting sites were and continue to be archived even after the original site went down, so a majority of the URLs are from those. A lot of the old Minmie files lead to a blank or unavailable screen, however.
But back to what I did find:
There's this strange part of the site I found, and it's a menu with some futuristic graphics. It has a lot of moving parts, and buttons.
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I have no clue what any of these lead to, the URLs that have names relating to some of these buttons just lead to the menu, again. The image to the side is blocked, and there's only one date of capture for the three URLS, so for now that's a mystery. I assume the background was a repeating pattern based on the order of the missing images in the back. Green binary over a black background, perhaps?
I found parts of the index page from 2012/11. Any other captures of this iteration of the site are fully unavailable, with many of the assets meeting the same fate as the right image in the futuristic menu page. These are super cute.
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The red text is an error message. The catalog has the same layout. I think the most interesting thing about this version of the site is that one of the catalog pages has an option that says "Minmie doll". I would love it if anyone could give me any insight about that.
There's two images here that show the site when it was active during the early 2010s.
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Both are from @tmgc's blog.
The 2011/12 site also has Wallpapers listed. They are all unavailable. there's multiple game pages (for both versions of the site, actually) but they both have nothing at all archived.
There's some more from this version of the site, I'll reblog with those images though. There's this huge image gallery of images from several events that I won't be able to fit in here
And now, we have some comic pages! They confirm the boy and girl are named Min and Mie respectively. I refuse to ever give that idea any credibility. I put them in a webtoon-adjacent order for more convenient reading :)
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[page 3-6 are missing]
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[Pages 9-14 are missing]
I have a feeling I know why these pages in specific were archived...
I'm kind of pissed about this comic??? Like why put Mie all over the marketing and merch and then....do this??? I was wondering why the brand failed so bad and the site died so quick, but now I think I may have my answer? I seriously think the 2010s cutting Min out of the picture was a good thing, if he acted like this.
As stated earlier I'll be reblogging this with more images, specifically from the 2011/2012 version of the website's event image galleries.
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tmgc · 1 year
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sweetmelodie · 1 year
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nymphdiary · 1 year
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new bag ♥︎__♥︎
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neon-nick · 13 days
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First concept AU
Expanding on ideas and design, Mimni, Paul, and Pawner
Introducing Dangle, Agatha, and doodle
First color art of all the character
The first concept for Balloon
NPC in the Festival Grounds
Concept of Kaine
Festival Character Sheet Background Template
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fr-familiar-bracket · 1 month
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wonwoosthetic · 5 months
series masterlist
word count - 2.1k
pairing - minnie x mingyu (feat. wonwoo at the end)
summary - mingyu thought to have found the perfect chairs for their new apartment… much to minnie’s dismay
a/n - as I went through my mimiwon google poll, a lot of you guys asked for more domestic scenarios and since I also once asked if you'd be okay with short writings, I thought I could post this as well :) just a little something I came up with back when I saw one of their chairs in Mingyu's live haha, kinda random but I hope you like it! <3
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Chairs 🌷 Minnie
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"Nini!" The familiar loud voice bounced off the walls of their apartment. The female member was sunken into the couch, her laptop propped up on her lap. She had thrown on a slightly thicker sweatshirt due to the colder weather, with a short shirt underneath, knowing she'd probably take off the first layer later in the day.
Each one of the three had been busying themselves separately for the time until their manager would pick them up and bring them to the company's building for their scheduled practice.
"What?" She shouted back at her fellow '97 Liner, who had been in his room, but his quick footsteps suddenly echoed through the hall until they stopped in the living room, right by the couch. Dressed in simple grey sweats and a white shirt - almost a signature look of his.
Mingyu grinned at the girl. "Look at your phone." Said device was on the coffee table, face down to not distract her from the very serious shopping spree Minnie was currently indulging in.
Her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as she glanced to the side, up at the taller member. "You're standing right next to. Show me."
"No," he shook his head, "look at your phone."
Not wanting to start a pointless argument in the middle of the day, she leaned forward with a slight sigh to snatch her phone off the surface. Turning it around, the notification she had heard only a few seconds ago was beaming right in her eyes. With one quick click and the face-id feature, the group chat the three dormmates had created after moving in together opened. Mingyu's message, a picture, was right at the bottom. "The chair?" She thought out loud. The rapper had sent a screenshot from a website, showing a white woven chair. As all three of them were getting ready to move into the new place they had chosen to rent, the hunt for new furniture had begun. Some of their old stuff, they'd of course bring along, but as their current apartment was slightly smaller, they'd have a lot more space to fill in the future. Some of that space would be filled with a new and bigger dining table, that would ideally have chairs as well.
Mingyu nodded excitedly. "I just ordered them."
The girl's head snapped towards him, her lips slightly parted. "Huh?"
"Four of them. But I think six might be smarter. For more people, right?"
"You didn't order them." Her statement was possibly supposed to come out as a question, but it surely didn't sound like one. As she took a quick peek back at the picture an almost chuckle fell from her lips.
"I did," he repeated, nodding once again. With a few steps forward, the '97 Liner sat down next to her, grunting as he let himself fall onto the sofa.
"No, you didn't," each time, Minnie tried to convince herself of the fact that this man just admitted to buying four, almost six, of those garden stools, only for them to be put into their new dining space.
"I really did," Mingyu chuckled, not catching up with her distressed reaction. "Look," he held up his phone screen, "We have a similar dining table and it looks good," showing her a picture on the original website.
"But..." The female member stopped herself, "Why did you order them?"
"We said we'd go for a European style, so... you don't like them?" Finally, he had caught onto it.
Minnie could only shake her head, her eyebrows scrunched up apologetically as she locked eyes with him.
"What? Why not?" The rapper gasped.
She shrugged, "They don't look good."
"Yes, they do," he glanced back down at the screen, "If you sit on them, you'll feel like you're in Greece."
"Why would I want to feel like I'm sitting in Greece when I'm in my dining room? Maybe for the terrace, but definitely not for inside!" The girl started arguing.
"You said you liked the European style," Mingyu commented back, his voice getting slightly louder in annoyance.
"Yeah, European as in like... Scandinavian. Not beach style. This isn't cute for a dining room."
He shook his head, pushing himself back to stand up. "Look at them once they're here, and then maybe you'll like them. How would you know that now?"
Minnie was quick to shake her head, her laptop already back on the coffee table. "No, because I don't like this style in general. And my mom's an interior designer, I think I have a pretty good eye then."
He shrugged, "Maybe you don't."
The female member scoffed, thinking for a second if she should continue that exact conversation, but decided against it. "Why would you even order them without asking us first? I ask you guys about everything too!"
"You didn't when you ordered that knife set," Mingyu pointed out, on his way to the kitchen, but turned around when he noticed the serious stance the girl had taken.
"Are you serious?!" She huffed out, "What's bigger? The only four chairs at the dining table or three knives out of many more that we'll have?"
"But I'm gonna use the knives the most probably," he argued. A good point, but Minnie wasn't going to admit that in the heat of the moment.
"I'm gonna use them too!"
"Yeah, but me too! And you didn't ask me about them," he stated, now walking back to open the fridge door, and getting the bottle of water he was looking for. 
"Okay!" The female member shot up from her place on the sofa, palms up. "Go and ask Wonwoo what he thinks of the chairs."
The oldest of the three was on the better end of the situation as he had been sitting at his gaming set-up for the past two hours. The noise-cancelling headphones being the biggest blessing as they kept him guarded off every single word that came from the '97 Liners.
"He said he doesn't care about the furniture. And," he added sheepishly, "he actually likes the European style."
"Mingyu! This isn't European!" Minnie whined out loud, holding her face in her hands. A frustrated sigh tumbled from her lips. She took a deep breath, trying to collect herself and not get too riled up over some chairs he had ordered, but he was really testing her. 
"You know what?" With her phone in her hands, she started to make her way away from the couch and over to the small hallway that would eventually lead to the gamer's room. "I'll go and ask him since you clearly don't understand why this is-" 
The girl's rant was quickly interrupted when the taller member got a hold of her arm, pulling her in, making her back hit his chest and keep her from walking further.
"Let me go!" She fought against his tight embrace. But with no luck. "Mingyu, I swear to God-"
He tightened his arms around her, "Just listen to me-"
"Let me go and I'll listen," Minnie argued, stopping her frantic movements to try and shake him off.
"No, look-"
"I'm not listening."
The rapper sighed, "You'll go running as soon as I let go of you."
"No, I won't," she scoffed, turning her head to look up at Mingyu, only to find him with a smirk plastered on his face.
"Oh, yeah?"
"Yes." She spoke quietly, closing her eyes and nodding her head in etiquette.
As genuine as she sounded, the '97 Liner had known her for long enough to know how good of a romancer she had become, knowing just how to use her words and facial expressions for her benefit. 
He grinned, "But listen to me first-"
"Mingyu! NO!" The girl started giggling in his arms, her hands coming up to wrap around his wrists, trying to push them off, which laughing only made it harder than it already was. "Leave me alone."
"Promise you won't go running off to Wonwoo-hyung," he tried to argue with her, a smile still evidently on her face, as well as on hers now.
Minnie rolled her eyes with a chuckle, "Sure, whatever, I promise. Just let me go," whining the last part out loud, trying to free herself with one last wiggle of her shoulders.
"That doesn't sound very convincing," Mingyu laughed at her attempt, only tightening his grip and pulling her deeper into him, getting a groan from the female member in return. 
Her head snapped back, her hair tickling his chin for a split second. 
"I'll scream." She suddenly threatened, getting a chuckle and 'tsk' in return. "You don't believe me?"
"OPPA-!" Her shrill voice echoed through the open room and hallway, only to be cut off within a second by Mingyu's big hand covering her mouth.
"Are you crazy?!" He glanced down at her with wide eyes, genuinely surprised by the sudden outburst. "What are the people underneath us gonna think?"
"I told you, I'd do it." He could feel her grinning underneath his palm, making him roll his eyes. His hand left her face before turning her body around in his embrace, now chest to chest with the smiling girl peeking up at him
"You're really annoying sometimes," he commented, not able to hold back copying her expression with the way she was looking at him.
With a finger to his chest, she blinked up, "But only sometimes," her lips curling into a sheepish smile.
Minnie patted the big muscle underneath his top, "Cancel the order," fluttering her eyelashes extra much, "Please."
Her act immediately fell, her arms dropping down to her sides while his was still around her shoulder.
"But-" she was once again cut off, only this time by the messenger sounds from both of their phones. He reached into his back pocket, giving the girl the possibility to wiggle out of his embrace, now standing in front of him with her arms crossed.
After one quick look at the screen, he spoke up again. "We have to go." Informing her that the manager was probably already waiting for them downstairs.
"Cancel the order first," the female member didn't back down, continuing her argument.
Mingyu sighed, "Later." Before turning around to get to the front door to put on his shoes and jacket, "Get Wonwoo-hyung."
"Mingyu, cancel it, I'm serious. They're ugly," she continued, but he glanced passed her and raised his voice to call out for the older member, who was already coming out of the door to his gaming room, fixing the sweater he was wearing.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm here," he passed the girl, joining Mingyu in the hallway. Minnie looked at him almost offended. "You didn't hear me when I called out for you but when he does it you're up in a second?" Putting the fact that he was probably not wearing his headphones anymore these few seconds ago.
"When did you call for me?" Wonwoo wondered, crouching down to get his left foot into the sneaker.
The girl scoffed with a chuckle, walking up to him, "Wow... good to know you wouldn't hear if I was getting murdered."
Mingyu rolled his eyes with a sigh when the '96 Liner glanced at her in confusion and slight concern at the same time.
"Don't say stuff like that," reaching out to tap her chin. Minnie just shook her head and moved to her own pair of shoes in the corner.
The younger rapper was waiting for her, already in his outerwear, holding out his hand with her jacket in his grip. Without a word, she snatched it from him.
"You're being overdramatic," he commented, grazing a hand over her head of hair.
"Cancel the order, and I won't be," she shrugged off his statement, brushing past him to get to the door, but with his much longer legs, he had caught up with her, getting a hold of the handle first. He opened it and motioned for her to walk out first, chuckling even before his answer dropped from his tongue.
"Maybe later."
"Mingyu-" she turned back around, ready to smack him, only to be pushed further out the door by Wonwoo rolling his eyes in amusement behind her.
You better bet she was sulky about the situation during their practice session as well. And maybe the multiple times she then stepped on Mingyu's foot weren't all that accidental after all.
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Taglist: @waosobii @chaebb @lunarxsun @hoe4wonwoo @kimhyejin3108 @soobzao @billboard-singer @cosmicwintr @zwiehe @alixnsuperstxr @angie-x3 @smooore @allthings-fandoms
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elbarkla · 5 months
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hanging with my favourite dinosaur, ❤ MINMI ❤
Minmi paravertebra was small (2.5-3m long) and lived in Australia like me. Perhaps in another life we could have been friends. At least I can draw him having a fun eating apples
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glitzyboo · 2 months
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DJ MIN 2006
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animepopheart · 1 year
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★ 【安次郎ユージ】 「 ミンミ・エディット 」 ☆ ⊳ minmi editoh // ms gundam f91 ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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eggarth · 9 days
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rue portrait to celebrate cutieno’s prio :)
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dry-gold · 5 months
Mythunga, a cretaceous pterosaurLinks and propaganda Mammalodon, a cenozoic baleen whale from before baleen Mandageria, a devonian lobe-finned fish Megalibgwillia, a big cenozoic echidna Meiolania, a cenozoic horned tortoise Minmi, a cretaceous armoured dinosaur Murgonemys, a cenozoic soft-shelled turtle Murrayglossus, an even bigger cenozoic echidna Muttaburrasaurus, a cretaceous ornithopod dinosaur Mythunga, a cretaceous pterosaur
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tmgc · 1 year
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