#mint rug
daefics · 9 months
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Library - Family Room Example of a mid-sized transitional enclosed medium tone wood floor family room library design with white walls, a standard fireplace, a stone fireplace and a wall-mounted tv
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vintagehomecollection · 3 months
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Osborne & Little The Decorated Room, 1988
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toyastales · 2 months
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The wall mural is so pretty 😍
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spacebeyonce · 2 years
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bpdamandayoung · 8 months
got sad so i finally bought myself a rug i love being an adult
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smoke-under-skin · 9 months
New Orleans Enclosed
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Enclosed dining room - large transitional light wood floor and beige floor enclosed dining room idea with white walls and no fireplace
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Kids Room Toddler
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Kids' room: medium-sized coastal kids' room idea with multicolored walls and a brown floor that is gender-neutral for both sexes.
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weneedtogirlthehellup · 10 months
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Guest Bedroom Mid-sized eclectic guest bedroom with a dark wood floor and green walls
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general-cheezits · 10 months
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Family Room Enclosed Family room - large southwestern enclosed dark wood floor family room idea with green walls
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magnusficent · 1 year
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Family Room in Albuquerque Family room: large southwestern enclosed family room idea with dark wood floors and green walls.
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bookofbonbon · 6 months
you keep him there - coriolanus snow.
Pairing: Coriolanus Snow x Reader.
Warnings: Death. Dead Body. Toxic relationship. Toxic!Snow x Toxic!Reader.
Summary: Coriolanus is now President and you his First Lady. Perhaps you don't particularly like him but, you are protective of him.
Word Count: 1213.
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You sit in calm silence, hand pressed to your temple - careful to avoid your meticulously styled hair as a cigarette burns between your fingers - the beginnings of a headache coming on as you knead the taut skin softly, waiting patiently for the arrival of your husband. 
You’d known Coriolanus your entire life. A common theme amongst most polite Capitol society. Of course, 15 years on and the divide between old money and new still existed; flimsy but very much still there. 
Were the two of you close growing up? No.
But, did you consider him friend? Also, no. 
At the very least however, did you like him? Not in the slightest. 
Of course, none of that mattered, not when each of you headed your respective families; families who made up half of the remaining four of the Old Guard of the Elite - Snow and Blizzard.
So, it was to no one’s surprise when your betrothal to Snow was announced at 20; the match arranged by your respective grandparents - although you suspected Coriolanus had more of a hand in it than his senile grandmother did - and cementing your union as husband and wife at 21.
So, despite your dislike of the newly minted, 23-year-old President of Panem, his role as husband in your life actually meant something to you - you’d always protect him.
It’s what got you into your current predicament. 
“How many times must I tell you to stop smoking inside?” his voice shatters the silence from where he stands on the other side of the Parlour.
His long legs carry him quickly over to you, a deep scowl etched into his features as he plucks the cigarette from between your fingers and crushes it in the ashtray. 
“The nicotine will stain the walls yellow. Not to mention the smell,” he stands over you, sharp nose turned up in disgust. 
“So, I’ll have an Avox clean the walls and replace the furniture,” you resolve, standing from the plush couch and leading him out of the Parlour and into the Drawing room. “Besides, that’s the least of our material problems, right now.”
“And what about when the nasty habit leads you to an early grave? Hm? What will an Avox do then?” 
You stop outside of the drawing rooms closed doors. Turning to face him, you lean against the frame and smile. 
“Come now, Coco, I thought we agreed never to lie to each other,” you tut. “Let’s not pretend the prospect of an early grave doesn’t secretly thrill you.” 
Coriolanus rolls his eyes at the nickname, he simultaneously hated and grew fond of it. 
“And yet, still you pretend you don’t like me,” he raises an eyebrow at you. “Whether you choose to believe me or not, I would like to grow old with you.”
“Or not,” you smile tightly, turning swiftly back toward the closed doors. 
A lie, you knew Coriolanus held affection for you, no matter how oddly he showed it. Although, the same could be said about you with him. However, it was just that affection - it wasn’t a lie that you didn’t like him. 
“As I was saying, yellow stained parlour walls are the least of our material problems right now,” you open the doors of the drawing room and reveal the dead body on the floor. “Not when Livia Cardew’s fiancé is bleeding out on my new rug.”
“I’m not sure what it is about me that seems to invite talks of treason.”
You find yourself leaning, once again, against the doors frame as Coriolanus steps further into the room.
“Must be all those outward displays of affection you show toward me,” he speaks sarcastically, crouching down. “I'll have a new rug made for you.”
You snort something of a laugh - a rare sound. 
“What did he say?”
“He came to deliver something of a warning to me.” 
You stand behind Coriolanus, placing a hand on his shoulder and peering down at the blue faced and bloody nose body. 
“Is that so?”
You make a noise of agreement, “something about power getting to your head and boasting that he himself was about to step into immense power in a few short weeks when Livia’s mother steps down; that he was doing me a favor by stopping by, if I had any sense I would leave you before it was too late.”
“Truly two pretty little idiots,” you scoff. “As if we’d allow the fool and that idiotic girl to take control of the Capitol’s largest bank. Although, I suppose we should thank them,” you wonder aloud. “They have made it significantly easier on us.”
“Thank you,” Coriolanus pats his cheek and stands.
Ushering the two of you out of the room, he guides you to the front doors with a hand on the small of your back.
You laugh, proper this time; the sound is nice, reminding Coriolanus of a songbird - without the temptation to shoot it dead - and it brings a genuine smile to his face. 
“What of Livia?” you ask, as he takes your coat from an Avox and helps you into it.
“We keep her alive, a small token of our mercy,” he decides. “But we strip her of the majority of her family’s assets on the grounds of treason, replace her with someone Capitol society trusts as heir to the Cardew Empire and leave her with only enough to keep her just above the line of poverty.” 
Turning you toward him, Coriolanus observes you quietly with a strange look in his eye as he tucks a stray hair back into place and fixes the imperfection.
“I supposed I should break the unfortunate news of her never-to-be husband’s passing to her, I’m already ten minutes late.”
You smooth out the front of your coat, stepping out of his reach and out the door but, not before pressing a kiss to his cheek. 
Before, you can clear the landing to descend the front steps however, Coriolanus calls to you. 
“Hm?” you turn back to him. 
“Would you…” he trails off, the strange look still in his eye - it’s insecurity.
You don’t point it out.  
“Would I?” you repeat, stepping back within his reach. 
“Leave me,” he finishes, recalling the earlier warning given to you. “I mean, after all, you say you don’t like me.”
His lips pull bitterly.
You almost laugh in his face, that after five years together and all you had done for him that he would still question your devotion to him. 
“I don’t,” you shrug, nonchalant. 
His jaw tenses, ears turning red with anger… or maybe humiliation but, you don’t give him time to dwell on it; crowding his space and gripping his jaw tightly between your fingers, you force him to look at you.
“But, I also don’t have to like you. I love you and that’s enough for me, I can only hope that someday that it’ll be enough for you too,” you loosen your grip. 
Coriolanus swallows thickly, eyes closing as he presses his forehead to yours.
“It’s enough for me,” he whispers. 
“Always remember,” you remind him, pushing him back slightly to look into his eyes “We’re a team. Snow lands on top and…”
“the Blizzard keeps it there,” he finishes.
You keep him there.
All fics are my own work - I have not posted my work anywhere else.
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters/places mentioned above.
Do not copy. Do not translate. Do not repost.
bookofbonbon 2023. All rights reserved.
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Family Room Enclosed
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Plants which thrive in the humid, shady conditions of a bathroom include: ferns, the spider plant, aspidistra, grape ivy, the umbrella plants Dracaena maginata, the weeping fig and philodendrons.
Traditional Country Style, 1991
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stararch4ngelqueen · 8 months
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Time Written — 5:12 p.m
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“Y’sore, love?”
Your eyes open from your dazed trance, leaning your head up from its tilted rest on the tub. The owner of such heavenly voice stood in the doorway, shirtless with a pair of dark sweatpants hugging low around his waist.
Taking in a breath, mint vapors combined with creamy vanilla invade your nose from the bath he prepared. Your beloved sat himself beside the tub, grasping hold of a nearby sponge to dip into the sudsy waters, admiring his sweetheart he had carried over to provide such ample treatment.
“Didn’t go too hard on ya, did I?” He hints at amusement while ringing out the water, watching you shake your head with damp, flushed cheeks from the heat of your bath.
“Y’can say it, sweetheart. I won’t get mad.” He runs the sponge along the nape of your neck, running warm water over where it hadn’t met your skin before.
“Need to remind you that the idea was yours. Started to imagine how it’ll change you after you told me.”
His gentle words reach your ears as the sponge slowly runs along the front of your sensitive, lovebite dappled neck.
“This beautiful body changing, swelling with our future babe.” His low, velvety chocolate tone of voice made your skin rouse with excitable shivers, nearly making your knees buckle under the waters.
Many parts of him swell with pride over the undeniable fact that his voice excited you, stirring the embers of your sweet, sensitive little cunt he had properly fucked for the last hour.
Returning the sponge to its spot, he grabs a bottle from a small rack full of your favorite bath essentials. Weathered palms rub together to warm delectably scented body oil along your back and shoulders.
“Those perfect little tits plump an’ full of milk.” Such calloused hands caressed said breasts, cradling along as your sore, bitten nipples brushed long his rugged palms.
Such a naughty girl, you never got enough of him. Especially when your body needed rest, your eager willingness to have him take you however he pleased was as erotically exciting. He’d have you speared on his cock all night if he could, buried so deep inside to keep every ounce of his seed in your needy little womb.
“If this doesn’t take, I won’t mind tryin’ again. How’s that sound to you, Princess?”
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spacestationerysims · 2 years
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autonomous "make a mess" interaction my beloathed
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After Wes did his part, it's Adrien's turn now
*knock knock*
"Come in! I don't usually have a visitor at 8.30 PM at summertime, to whom do I owe such pleasure? Oh....Adrien, son, why are you still in the office? Everyone usually left around 6 or 7 PM, except Cathy obviously, she's such a reliable assistant for me. Oh crap, enough with the rambling, what's up, son?" the DILF said cheerfully, unaware of Adrien's malicious intention
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"Oh, the pleasure's mine, sir *close the door*. Especially when I will explore that tight hunky body of yours using that beautiful rugged hands and feeling all the raw authoritative strength coursing all over my system," Adrien said grinning as he takes a swig of his vial that he dropped to the floor with almost half of its content still left inside it. He found himself delighted with the mint-like yet more intense sensation from the potion as he tried to make his move
Taken aback with his own employee seemingly in lust with him so openly, he tried to speak a few words to get some sense back to Adrien. After all, this is the star recruit from a local Catholic college, why is he openly admitting to his homosexual desire knowing full well that his own boss is very much a devoted followers of Christ? But, the moment Adrien sprinted like his sole life goal literally placed right in front of his lanky 28 years old self, Mr. Wilson knows that shit will go south quickly, so he readied himself for an impact as he closed his eyes and raised his arm before realizing that 80% of Adrien's body already absorbed into him. Now faced with Adrien's face literally super close with his face, Mr. Wilson realized how fucked his situation at this very moment as Adrien's form seemingly turned slimy and his eyes clearly a little bit wrong
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"We're going to be so close, I'm practically going to puppet your body to do whatever I desired," Adrien said with a maniacal grin that Mr. Wilson wouldn't expect coming from the usually-reserved new joiner
Adrien then lunged for a deadly kiss that will seal their fate and despite Mr. Wilson effort to move his arm to stop Adrien and turn his head away, rest of Adrien solid-slimy form still not absorbed by Mr. Wilson's body simply splashed on the surface of the DILF's face and upper part of the suit. The "slime" then moved to enter all possible orifices, be it Mr. Wilson's mouth, nostrils or ears, all entries are utilized and stuffed to the brim by the leftover slime. Mr. Wilson's body then convulsed like a fish taken out of the ocean in his seat, battling for its life as the invader inched closer than ever to take full control. His erratic movement and the spreading sensation of the invasion drawn him to unbutton his shirt and tried to do anything to stop the sensation from taking hold over his entire body. Yet, when the cold, slimy feeling managed to gain access to the veins in his cock and simultaneously reached the back of his head, he knows that he's fucked beyond repair. Eventually, Adrien's invasion overwhelmed the 51 years old muscle tank, which then roared in delight as he finally take a deep, crisp breath of the air-conditioned, sandalwood-scented executive suite from the lung of the one and only Robert Wilson. He chuckled in delight as his control become stronger with every second passed with him inside his DILF of a boss body. The body actually started to feel less and less foreign and it's like as if he's always in control of this 5'7" fit ball of muscle within minutes, so in an abuse of his boss muscle memory, Adrien slid the calloused hand Robert Wilson used to shake hands with high-powered executives and bureaucrats into the exposed muscular chest now under his control.
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It instantly electrifies him as Robert's memory revealed a very sensitive nipple that always sent the law firm partner to his knees during all his sexual escapades. Adrien experienced the same knee-buckling sensation as he can sense the growing erection confined by the denim. Add to the fact that Adrien just practically aroused the 51 years old by slipping inside of him, creamy white spunk painting his underwear and the rest of his clothing is simply inevitable. Not even a minute after teasing the perky pink nipples of his own boss, Adrien shot the biggest load out of Mr. Wilson's dick as if he's been blue-balling himself for weeks! Adrien simply chuckled to the mess he created,
"Sloppy guy, don't you? Fuck I don't expect you to be this easy, sir," he said as he savored the taste of now-his cum from his finger, the taste and the deep chuckling just sent his flaccid cock into yet another semi
"Hahahahahah, I can do this shit all night long," he said as he grinned mischievously while ensuring that he cleaned all his fingers
Looking at his disheveled reflection, Adrien decided to at least clean himself up before meeting his boyfriend. Besides, he's been dying to see the inside of the executive bathroom inside Mr. Wilson's office, so he strut himself to the secluded bathroom in his soiled clothing, the shit-eating grin plastered on his face as his eyes caught the plaque of the law firm, Wilson, Thorpe, van Beecker, the idea of walking around the law firm he now basically own and demanding attention from everyone as they all practically worked for him now really drive him close to the edge. But, he calmed himself down and managed to get into the bathroom without another spunk spoiling his pants.
Inside the shower, more memories of Mr. Wilson unlocked for him. A dinner plan with his son tonight, yeah, just gonna call that sport after this whole shower to cancel it, and mostly memories about works from the past few months. The sensation feels calming and right, that all of this feels deeply personal yet very much rightfully his. It's like climbing a mountain, there's more sight and area that his eyes can see from a much higher vantage point the longer he climbed, or in this case, the longer he stayed inside this body. He can direct his focus to a certain memories even from the distant past now, like his wedding day, the day his only son was born, the moment he tearfully admitted to his wife that he fell out of love with her and reconnected with his old homosexual desire, everything becomes more and more accessible which certainly can help him to play the part of Robert Wilson through and through. He did all that with his eyes closed, head backed to the wall without realizing that his hand wandered all over his body, feeling all the muscle and the ridges of his weathered, strong physique and letting out momentary delighted moan and groan with each touches and more memories revealed. When the memories showcased the first memory of Mr. Wilson, the merging eventually completed as he no longer viewed Mr. Wilson as a separate entity and seeing his memories from third-person point of view, he's seeing and experiencing it from Mr. Wilson's perspective. As that moment happened, the climax hit Adrien very hard as 53 years of Mr. Wilson's life finally fused very beautifully with his own set of memories, making all the pain, sorrow, joy, lust, euphoria and all sort of sensation that Mr. Wilson went through crashed into his system and knocked himself off as volleys of cum wildly unloaded from the hard 9 incher monster that's been on the edge for the past couple of minutes
Adrien found himself splayed on the bathroom floor, losing track of times and his body sticky from all the mess he sprayed. But he just simply chuckled as he found himself finally fully at home inside this studly DILF body he can comfortably called his now. He just quickly wiped off the excess, drying cum from his body with the shower still running and finished his shower in no time as he cannot let his boyfriend waited any longer
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As he walked back to his office, he found it weird that the door is opened and he can clearly listen someone humming from inside. And that's the voice of his son, Carl! Shit, he thought frantically, thinking of any excuse to explain why he's showering in the office and skipping dinner with his son without informing him. As he tried to keep his cool and walked into the office suite, his son suddenly greeted him first with no shirts on whatsoever
"Hello, dad. Or should I say, Adrien,"
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That's when Mr. Wilson's eyes darted to the now-empty vial sitting in his desk. Who is this person and how the fuck he's in control of Carl's body????
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