#minthara is the scary AGM
wylstarion · 4 months
i'm stuck awake thinking about a bloodweave fine dining AU with bitchy lead server astarion and a smug sous chef gale. They butt heads a little in the beginning because Gale is a bit of a hard ass about the menu and Astarion doesn't care about anything other than making tips. Astarion pretty quickly wins over Gale though by bringing him drinks and snacks during the rush, always coming with a gift in hand when a table wants a ridiculous modification. Gale starts sneaking food to Astarion when it's slow just to make sure he's eaten because he sees him working long hours with no breaks. Gale finding Astarion crying in the walk in after a particularly hard day and just holding him tight while they both freeze. Taking smoke breaks together to share a cigarette after close. Going for drinks after work and getting a little too tipsy, stumbling home together while laughing about all the ridiculous people they dealt with today. Gale finds himself looking forward to working with Astarion every day. Eventually they stop bickering and just start flirting so much at work that everyone around them is just WAITING for them to finally kiss and get it over with. Also Karlach as a food runner who just has to WATCH them eye fuck eachother every time Astarion comes into the kitchen and she has to refrain from telling them to get a goddamn room.
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