#minus cassie here because she’s not visible here
cuephrase · 1 month
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Young Justice (2019) #6
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loki-subterfuge · 6 years
Author: lokilover9 Chapter: #20 Rating:Teen The morning following the storm, Shandi made her way to the kitchen and found a note next to the coffee maker from Loki. ‘I heard my unexpected absence yesterday, left you rather concerned. Should it reoccur, Kroshka suggested leaving you a horse tranquilizer. I opted for a note, instead. Currently, I'm inspecting the grounds for damages and forest debris from the storm. Tell me when you're ready to go. ;) Yours truly, Brat.’ She poured a bowl of Fruit Loops. “A horse tranquilizer? You're in deep doos doos, Natskies.” Loki's secret destination turned out to be a Mini Golf course and minus some amusing mishaps, the two quite enjoyed themselves. While returning to the car, he couldn't stop smirking and Shandi finally caved. “Okay, let's have it. I can tell you're ‘dying’ to comment.” “You're hilarious.” He laughed. “It was enough one ball struck the ass of a senior, then a second flew beyond the fence, but a third nearly decapitated a squirrel.” “Well..he shouldn't have sat atop the challenge marker. I thought the little twerp was part of it.” “Yes, but you were to aim the ball through it.” “Listen, I've a hard enough time seeing my feet, nevermind a tiny ball before them.” “Fair enough, but Norns you've a violent swing Lizzy. It's a good thing we weren't bowling. Imagine the carnage, then?” Before driving off, they received a call from Tony. “Hey guys. As it turns out, S.H.I.E.L.D didn't know of Shamus selling at the fair because the Antiques are owned by his son and common law wife. Their main shop is located in Jersey and ownership is under her name. With a fair happening there this weekend also, I'm guessing Shamus is selling here as a favor.” “Perfect timing.” Said Shandi. “You bet, Doll. On another note….” Shandi and Loki were elated to learn the couple were expecting. “Ahhh! Does this mean I get to play auntie? I'm going to spoil your little one, rotten!” “Maybe I'll postpone any shopping until this missions over.” Said Pepper. “Nat expressed the same.” “You must celebrate with some Asgardian Whiskey, Tin Man. Thor should still possess a few bottles.” “Not after the birthday incident.” Said Pepper. “He's forbidden to drink that, like you're forbidden to conjure him gifts, Loki.” “As you wish, Virginia.” “Yeah, see Cactus? You traumatized my girl.” The call ended and Loki chuckled. “I conjured him a blow up doll of the hulk, with breasts, a lacy bra and feathered butt plug.” Shandi rubbed her brow. “Oh my goddd. You're truly warped.” “Eh he he he.” Carters Bakery was busy when they arrived and Shandi went straight to the ladies room, in the basement. It had recently been renovated, given three new stalls, each fully private from floor to ceiling. While doing her business, she paid no mind to another who’d entered, until hearing an oddly familiar sound outside her door. “Hello? Who's there?” Footsteps quickly faded, after the entrance door closed and she carried on. Upstairs, Alice was behind the counter, aiding Mrs. Carter, Beth was working in the back and Loki patiently waited for Shandi at a two seater table. Focused on his phone, he hadn't seen Tanya enter until she purposely stood in his view. Clad with thick makeup, heavy perfume, a snug, cut off t and jeans so tight, they sported a camel toe, he thought her absurd. Especially when parking it on the opposite chair, with a sly grin. “Hello friend. Remember me?” “Can't say as I do.” He flatly replied. Her frustration due to insult, was hardly concealed behind a fake smile. “The grocery store?” “Oh..right. That seat is reserved for my wife. Would you mind?” Tanya pouted and twirled a lock of her hair. “Does she accompany you everywhere?” Loki replied, politely. “Not that it's any of your business, but I prefer it that way.” Ignoring his comment, she leaned onto the table, attempting to lure his gaze to her cleavage. “What a crime one so tantalizingly handsome would waste himself on only one.” He returned to his phone. “Your time would be better spent elsewhere. Good day.” Mrs. Carter then approached and customers lessened their chatter, when she plunked a bag down before Tanya. “These are what you came for, yes? Daddy's steak pies? Today, they're going on his tab. Now, be off.” A short, stout, woman, close in age to Alice, she carried an air of one you’d hesitate crossing, yet it was clear by her tone and demeanor, Tanya frequently indulged. With a smug glare, the young woman quietly left. Once out of sight, Mrs. Carter had no sooner introduced herself as Judy when a young girl came tugging on her mother's arm. “They're out of order and I really have to go.” “The washrooms?” Asked Judy. “No they aren't, Cassie.” “But, the sign said so.” “What sign?” “On the door and there's a lady inside asking for help.” Loki was downstairs in seconds and found Shandi trapped in her stall, by three large pieces of duct tape across the door. “What the fuck?” Magic quickly peeled them away and when she stepped out, sweaty and flustered, he was genuinely concerned. “Are you alright? How long have you been in there?” “Since we arrived.” She dabbed her face with a paper towel. “Why the hell would somebody do this?” Judy suddenly appeared, gasped at the scene, then scowled. “Because they aren't playing with a full deck. Good heavens girl, are you hurt at all?” “No.” Shandi replied. “Might I ask who you're referring to?” “Tanya. I heard you'd the misfortune of already meeting her?” Alice arrived and her mouth fell agape. “Unbelievable, she hasn't been back two weeks!” “You're surprised?” Asked Judy. “She must've come from doing a duct tape run for daddy, before coming for his dinner.” By this point, Shandi was visibly pissed and Loki gained her attention with a kiss to the temple. “Please Elizabeth, try hard not to let this upset yourself, or the baby?” He then addressed Judy. “Are you certain she's responsible?” “I'd bet my life on it, son.” “I still don't understand.” Said Shandi. “What was her intent and how was she aware I was down here?” “I'm guessing she saw you enter together, via the window, then watched yourself head downstairs. Her intent, was to access him.” Judy gestured towards Loki and Shandi stared up at him, subconsciously crossing her arms. “And did she?” Battling a smirk, he replied. “Briefly, but I was quick to dismiss her.” She relaxed again. “Oh...well okay then.” Cassie and her mother entered, so Loki excused himself to wait upstairs. When Alice followed, he asked if Tanya was prone to such behavior. “When learning you’d encountered her through Laura, Beth and I gave a subtle warning to Elizabeth, hoping not to raise needless concerns. In light of this, you need to be better informed.” Judy waited as Shandi washed her hands, apologized for the incident, then offered her and Loki free lunch, plus any other intended purchases. When Cassie was settled in a stall, her mother was introduced as Rachel and a short conversation began. “I gather princess evil has struck again?” “Unfortunately, yes.” Judy replied. Rachel shook her head. “Was that your husband, honey?” Shandi nodded. “Then you've a problem.” The stall reopened, all went quiet and Judy shot Rachel a reassuring wink. “You can always call Dahlia or I, if you need to.” “You're busy, Judy.” “It doesn't matter.” Rachel smiled. “Thanks.” The bakery was empty when Shandi returned and as Rachel and her daughter left, Loki insisted they accept Judys offer. She requested they remain until after she made a call, excused herself, then Beth nonchalantly locked the Bakery’s door and lit the closed sign. Once the couple were served and seated, the ladies retreated into the back and Shandi whispered. “Don't you find it odd we’re locked in?” “Apparently, Judy likes privacy for such calls.” “Huh?” At that moment, Judy's angered voice rang loud and clear through the walls. “GOD DAMMIT, SCOTT! SHE TRAPPED A PREGNANT WOMAN IN A BATHROOM STALL! YOU’VE HEARD FROM ENOUGH OF US WHAT SHE'S CAPABLE OF, GROW A DAMN SPINE AND STOP TURNING A BLIND EYE TO IT!” “Is she actually addressing the Chief of police, Tanya's father?” “Yes, Alice warned me of it.” “What? And you agreed to stick around? We can't risk him wanting to question us about this.” “OF COURSE THERE WERE NO WITNESSES, THERE NEVER IS! FROM NOW ON, COME FOR YOUR OWN PIES, SEND YOUR NEWEST ROOKIE OR HIRE A BLOODY COURIER! IF SHE STEPS ANOTHER FOOT IN MY BAKERY, I’M FILING TRESPASSING CHARGES, YA HEAR?” “Apparently, being questioned about today, will not occur. Tanya, however, may become a problem." “Why?” “According to Alice, she’s caused several divorces in this town, takes pride in such accomplishments and is known to be relentless in the pursuit of those she fancies.” “Are you implying she now fancies you? I mean no offense, but you only..met once.” Shandi recalled the immediate effect Loki had had on her and the thought of anyone else trying to win his affections, sparked unpredictable jealousy at a level she'd never experienced, until Tanya entered the picture. And of course being the God of Mischief, Loki couldn't help but tease, finding amusement in her reactions. “Do you not think it possible, she could?” “I never said that.” “It may be pure physical attraction.” “It's pure stupidity thinking you can boink a guy, buy taking the actions she did.” Loki cackled at her frown. “Boink? There's a way of putting it. Does that mean I'm, boink-able?” A smirk curled on his lips when she blushed. ‘Oh lord.’ “I'm hungry. Let's eat now, Clifford.” ‘I'm hungry too, Pet. Yet not for a sandwich.’ “Certainly.” Once Judy regained her calm, the women reappeared, sat at the next table and without hesitation, began speaking about Tanya. They revealed she'd been absent from town almost a year and always returned to Scott after a relationship elsewhere went sour, or they'd have a blow out of sorts, then he'd allow her back. Her daddy's weakness, she was spoiled to an atrocious degree and most in town, were reluctant to challenge her with Scotts position. They warned she's a master manipulator and liar, lacks empathy and respect, is highly charismatic and applies these talents along with her beauty, seeking out the hearts of unattainable men to appease her ego. Once realizing her charms have failed, or she's rejected after an affair, her talents are then used destroying her desires life, regardless of who else she hurts to succeed. Shandi was silent, thinking Tanya was indeed despicable, when Loki spoke up. “Has she ever been violent?” Alice and Beth looked to Shandi, as Judy responded. “Yes. That's why we're telling you all of this.”
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