#minus the cocaine and fucking on a beach
gimmethatagustd · 10 months
i have a bts cursor chrome extension downloaded which means that my cursor is a cartoon version of this taehyung
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and i did a virtual meeting with one of my student interns this morning where i had to share my screen and i fucking forgot she would see it jshdfjks
and then when i hover over a link the cursor changes to a cartoon version of this yoongi lying on his tummy
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i'm such a bad example of professionalism for these college kids lmfaoo
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topsytervy · 3 years
Goodbye ~ Rafe Cameron
Blurb: You and Rafe were dating until you realized he changed way too much...and not for the better.
Word Count: maybe 4,300 (i did some last minute editing)
Warnings: mentions of drugs (coke and weed), hints at sex, swearing, toxic behavior, age gap (16 and 19), canon Rafe (minus the murder), grammar/spelling mistakes,i think thats it.
One thing before you read:
Not me already thinking of a part 2 where they reunite years later at John B and Sarahs wedding
You dated Rafe Cameron for a bit, starting your relationship months before his downward spiral. Key words there being dated and a bit. Almost a year. 11 months 17 days and 5 hours to be exact but who was counting.
Rafe Cameron was.
Out of the 11 months 17 days and 5 hours that your relationship lasted, you two spent 11 months 2 days and 30 minutes with each other and they were the best 11 months 2 days and 30 minutes of his life. 
You broke it off though after he had promised that he would try to quit his drug habit, his coke habit to be more precise, and didn't. Whenever you tried to help him, he'd push you away and say, 'I can take care of my own shit, Y/N. I don't need you to help'. 
The last straw was when he drove up to Barrys, you in the passenger seat next to him, unamused since he said he'd be taking you to the beach but didn't, opting out to fulfill the hunger of coke instead.
"Rafe, please. You're doing so well. We can still go back home. Lay down, watch a movie, have some fun…" You trailed off, thinking that the last option would definitely have him turning back.
"After this, Y/N/N. Then we can have all the fun we want." He smirked.
You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. "It's no fun when you're high." You mumbled under your breath.
He parked the car and told you to stay put, which you chose to ignore as you promptly swung the door passenger open and hopped out of the vehicle. After all, you were all dressed and ready for the beach, eagerly waiting to feel the sand between your toes and the sun on your skin -and to see your boyfriend shirtless- and instead, you were at Barrys. Not to pay off a debt and say Rafe was out, but too get more cocaine. You were upset and you were going to make sure he saw you each second he was with you so he'd feel bad about breaking his promise. Rafe rolled his eyes as you followed him inside, not really wanting Barry to see you.
Rafe and Barry greeted each other and you followed them towards Barry's room where the exchange was made. Rafe watched Barry count the money, his index finger tapping on the side of his leg as he waited. You stood in the corner of the room, unamused by your boyfriend as you watched him begin to chew on his lip as Barry furrowed his eyebrows and recounted.
"What are you trying to do, country club?" Barry finally asked.
"What do you mean?" A confused look crossed Rafe's face.
"You're 20 bucks short, man. You think you can just stiff me?"
Rafe looked at you and you held up your hands. "Why are you looking at me? I don't wanna be here in the first place and where the fuck would I hide 20 bucks? My bikini top." You glared. Rafe shot you another look. "I'm serious, Rafe. You wanna frisk me, be my fucking guest." 
Rafe looked at your face and saw you were telling the truth before turning back to Barry, who was eyeing you up as you talked at Rafe but moved his gaze back to the man in front of him when he thought of an idea.
"You know, country club. I could let it slide and still give you what you want. You'd just have to keep it hush-hush." He smirked.
"What do you want in exchange then? My truck? Bike? Uh…my watch?" Rafe began to take off the watch his father gave him but Barry held up his head, causing Rafe to look up at him.
"A couple of hours with her." Rafe followed Barry's pointer finger and saw you raise your eyebrows.
"Excuse me? Do I look like I wanna have sex with you?" You asked.
Barry's smirk only grew. "I like you. You're a feisty little thing I can tell."
Don't I know it, Rafe thought to himself as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth.
You had to stop yourself from letting your jaw drop. He was actually thinking about it.
Rafe Cameron, your boyfriend, the guy who decked a kid in the jaw who had accidentally brushed his hand against yours when at a kegger once, was actually considering this guy's proposal. 
If Rafe said yes, you were a goner. There was no way you could overpower Barry. You could barely overpower your 12 year old brother when fighting for the remote and he was weak as hell.
"No. Its fine. Just give me the cash back and I'll come back when I have the 20." Barry gave him back the cash and Rafe nodded his head towards the door. "Lets go, baby."
You walked in front of Rafe and made your way outside, stopping right next to the passenger door, not opening it. 
Rafe came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Lets get home, baby. Put on a movie and lay down, have some fun just like you suggested." He grinned, kissing your neck as he repeated what you had said not even ten minutes ago.
You shrugged him off and rolled your eyes.
"What's up with that?" He asked, slightly offended at the actions.
"You actually thought about leaving me alone for a couple of hours with that guy, Rafe. That's what's up with that." You turned around to face him.
"I didn't though."
"You still thought about it Rafe. You thought about letting that man, that slimey, greasy, man, have his way with me just so you could get some coke."
"Hey, you're not in there with him, though. You're out here with me. Aren't you, Y/N/N?" You didn't respond. "Aren't you?!" Rafe hollered, causing you to jump slightly.
"Let me ask you this, Rafe. If someone came up to me right now and asked if I'd break up with you to date my celebrity crush, and I stopped to think about it instead of saying no right away, how would you feel?" Rafe clenched his jaw and didn't respond. "How do you think I feel right now after knowing that my jealous, possessive boyfriend who hates when a guy even looks at me, stopped and thought about a proposition his drug dealer brought up that meant he could still get his cocaine if he let his dealer fuck me and he'd let the 20 dollars slide."
"You don't know if he was going to fuck you." 
You let out a laugh in disbelief. "Don't play dumb, Rafe. You know exactly what he was going to do."
Rafe didn't say anything, just closed his eyes and started counting to ten to try and calm down so he could reason with you. He opened his eyes and went to speak but you were gone. "God, fuckin a." He cussed, grabbing his keys from his pocket and jogging to the driver side. 
He climbed in and started the vehicle before tearing out of the driveway. It's not like you had gotten far, jogging was faster than walking but not by much and Rafe saw you after just a mere 30 seconds of driving. You had slowed to a walk and when you saw his truck pull alongside you, you rolled your eyes and returned your gaze to the road in front of you. 
"Baby. Let's talk about this like adults." He sighed.
When you didn't answer, he sped up just a smidge so the bed was next to you, and pulled to the side of the road, getting out of the truck.
He stood in front of you. "You shouldn't be walking home. It's too far." You ignored him, going to walk around him but he just moved to be in front of you again. 
"Rafe, I'm warning you. Back the fuck off right now." 
"Just get in the truck and then we'll talk about whatever is going on up in that head of yours." He said gently.
"I already told you what was going on. You seriously thought about selling me out for sex just so you could get high."
"Y/N/N, get in the truck."
"It was disgusting that you hesitated before saying no.  What happened to me being your girl and no one else touching me or else you'd cave their skull in back there?"
"Get in the truck." He ran his hand through his hair, feeling himself getting angrier and trying to remain calm.
He didn't like yelling at you or getting angry at you, knowing how it scared you when he wasn't even yelling at you but someone else.
"You know, why can't you just get high with weed like JJ." 
And that was it. 
Rafe reached out and grabbed your chin, yanking you close. "Get in the fucking truck, Y/N." He seethed, his voice dangerously low. You tried to keep your face as neutral as possible despite how you felt on the inside. "Now!" Rafe yelled.
You flinched slightly before yanking your face from his grip and climbing into the passenger seat. You looked out the window as Rafe walked over to his side and climbed back in. 
You were a bit shaken up if you were being honest. Rafe had never yelled at you before today or called you by your actual name. It was usually your nickname or baby. He had also never grabbed you like that outside of the bedroom.
"I try to have a civil fucking conversation with you and you walk away. How fucking mature is that?" Rafe glanced over at you and you could feel his eyes on you but you just kept looking out the window. "And the fact that you think that just because I hesitated, I was going to give you over to Barry is fucking ridiculous. My brain was processing what he said, not thinking of letting him fuck you." Rafe was actually thinking of Barry's offer but you didn't need to know that for sure. "You're mine, Y/N. You hear that? M-I-N-E. Mine. I don't share my things with anyone and you know this." 
You swallowed hard at his words, taking in the toxicity of your situation right now. He wasn't the same Rafe that you started dating all those months ago. He was far from the Rafe who you let take your virginity when you hit month six of your relationship. He was far from the Rafe that the minute you said you were uncomfortable, was taking you away from whatever was making you uncomfortable or stopping what you were doing.
He was far from the Rafe you had fallen for.
"Drop me off at the chateau." You mumbled causing Rafe to stop his speech. 
"Drop me off at the chateau." You said louder and slower. 
"What if I don't want to?" He huffed.
"Drop me off at the chateau or I'm calling JJ and he's gonna meet me at Tanneyhill and I'll let him tear you apart." 
Rafe's eyes left the road and he looked at you, still staring out the window. Rafe didn't say anything, just drove you where you told him to. 
The pogues sat on the porch and watched as Rafe's truck pulled up. 
Pope looked around at the group. "Weren't they supposed to be at the beach?" 
Kie shrugged as she watched your door swing open before the truck parked. "That's different. She's never done that before." She raised an eyebrow.
"What are you talking about?" John B asked.
"She just hopped out of Rafe's truck before it stopped. She usually stays in there for a minute after he parks." Kie nodded towards you as you walked towards them, rolling her eyes as if the boys should've known that.
Rafe sighed as he parked the truck and hopped out, jogging up to you and grabbing your arm. 
"Please just come back to Tanneyhill with me, Y/N, and we'll talk." 
You shook your head, retching your arm away from him. "We're done. Don't call me, don't text me, don't contact me at all. I can't do this anymore Rafe. I've tried helping you and being there for you and everything else during this...this...obstacle in your life and it's like you're not even trying anymore." You told him with tears in your eyes.
"What? No. No. No. I'm gonna get my shit together." He ran his hand through his hair.
Your friends stood up and slowly made their way over, not to eavesdrop, but just in case things took a turn.
"You keep saying that Rafe and I keep believing you but I can't. Not anymore. Not after today." You lamented, "Bye, Rafe. I wish you the best." You quickly turned and jogged into the chateau, feeling the tears start to fall.
"Y/N," he called, about to go after you but John B and JJ stopped him as the other two followed you inside. "Y/N!" He attempted to shrug off your two friends but when it was clear that they would not be letting him follow you without a fight, he pulled away, walking backwards to his truck. "I'll come back! You know I will! You're my girl!" He shouted as loud as he could.
John B and JJ stepped forward and Rafe pursed his lips before climbing into his truck. John B and JJ watched Rafe drive away before heading inside. John B sighed as he heard you cry in the bathroom, plopping down on the couch next to Pope as JJ found his home on the floor.
"Do we know what happened that finally made her break?" JJ asked, wanting nothing more to break the Cameron boys nose.
Pope shrugged before nodding towards the bathroom. "Kie's in there right now trying to calm her down and get her to talk about it." John B rubbed a hand over his face. "She's his girl? Really?" Pope raised an eyebrow, letting the two boys know that Rafes little shout was heard.
John B shook his head. "Not anymore. I think it'll take a miracle for her to go back to him."
"And he'd really come back here just to try and get her back?"
JJ looked at Pope with a serious expression. "He can fucking try but if he even looks at her, I'll break him. I'll take her to work with me if it means not leaving her alone for Rafe to show up and try to weasel back in." 
Pope licked his lips. "She seemed so happy with him in the beginning. I was honestly kind of rooting for them."
John B looked at Pope. "I think we all were." 
"And she was happy with him. Then he decided that coke should join the relationship and that's when it all went downhill." JJ added.
After an hour had passed and no more crying was heard, the three pogue boys got up and made their way to the bathroom.
JJ knocked on the door and Kie immediately answered. "Come in."
He opened the door slowly to avoid hitting anyone before the three boys made their way into the bathroom. It was a bit cramped but no one complained as they looked down at you with your head on Kie's lap, eyes closed as you slept.
"What happened ?" Pope whispered.
"He went to Barry's and was short twenty dollars. Barry said Rafe could still get the coke and not have to worry about the twenty if he could have a couple hours with her."  Kie started.
"Sounds about par for the course for Barry," JJ mumbled, knowing all about the dealer.
"Rafe thought about it before saying no. After a small argument and explanation as to why she saw his hesitation as a problem, she started walking. He followed, told her multiple to get in the truck but she didn't, and then he grabbed her roughly and told her one more time and she did because she was scared." The curly haired girl sighed.
The boys all shot each other a look but Kie quickly shut it down. "No. You are not fighting him. That will just cause more problems. We're going to ignore his existence and be here for Y/N. Understand?" No one spoke. "I said, Understand?" Kie said more sternly.
The boys all mumbled the agreements and JJ crossed his fingers out of sight. If Kie thought he was going to just let it all slide right by, she was wrong. No one hurt his friends and got away with it. She should know this by now.
"Now, can one of you be useful and put her to bed? Or am I just going to have to do it myself?" Kie raised an eyebrow.
"I got her." JJ muttered, walking over to Kie and picking you up gently.
He took you into what he claimed as his room and placed you on the bed, throwing a blanket over. He turned to leave but stopped, biting his lip for a second before turning back around and giving you a kiss on your forehead.
Now, here Rafe was, six months later, at The Wreck with Kelce and Topper, watching JJ and you wait for your food at the counter.
Rafe made a face and at the sight of you two close together and thats when he noticed JJ's arms around you, swaying you two back and forth.
Rafe's jaw clenched as did his hand that was around his glass of water. "What the hell is he doing with his arms around her?" His eyes narrowed.
Kelce and Topper looked at each other before holding up their fists. 
"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot."
Topper groaned as Kelce whooped with victory. "Tell him, Top."
"JJ and Y/N have been together for like a month and a half now." Topper muttered.
Rafe stared at his two friends. "And you guys didn't tell me?" 
"Well, we didn't think it was important and you seemed to be doing alright finally so we just kind of- Where are you going?!" Kelce asked when he saw Rafe get up from the table and walk out the door.
The two friends looked to where you and JJ were standing only to find you two not there.
They immediately got up, Topper pulling a 50 from his wallet and putting it on the table while screaming a 'keep the change Kiara' as they both ran out.
They watched as Rafe's truck pulled past them and out of The Wrecks parking lot.
"Hey man! You're our ride!" Kelce hollered.
Rafe's hand gripped the steering wheel as he drove, jaw still clenched. He stopped at a stop sign and slammed his hand on the wheel in anger. It was months after your guys break up and Rafe hadn't even looked at another girl the same way he looked at you, let alone thought about getting into a new relationship. But here you were, dating JJ Maybank for a month and a half apparently.
You always had been known as Rafe's girl, even after the break-up. He made it practically impossible for any guy to even think about talking to you because Rafe had the full intention of getting you back. 
But, of course, in classic JJ style, JJ had to steal what was his. Now you were referred to as JJ's girl but Rafe was too high or out of it to notice the change.
He pulled into the driveway of the chateau minutes after you and JJ did, you laughing at something JJ had said as you got out of his truck.  
You heard a car door slam and looked behind you, calling for JJ when you saw an all too familiar vehicle.
JJ came around to stand next to you and his eyes narrowed as Rafe stormed over.
"Im gonna beat you so bad you'll think your daddy did it, Maybank!" 
"Rafe! What the hell are you doing here?" You shouted at your ex.
"I wanna know why the hell I just heard that you're going out with him?!" Rafe stopped right in front of you.
You could feel the rage coming off of Rafe and you opened your mouth to speak but JJ stepped in between you two. 
"I suggest you back the fuck up and move on, Cameron." 
"What's funny is I'm not here for you, JJ. So I suggest you get the fuck out of the way so I can talk to Y/N/N."
JJ narrowed his eyes. "Over my dead body."
Rafe chuckled darkly as he nodded his head slightly. "That can be arranged."
"Rafe, JJ. Stop. This is fucking ridiculous." You pulled JJ back by his upper arm before turning your gaze onto Rafe. "We broke up Rafe. It's time for you to move on."
"No. You don't get to tell me when I should move on, Y/N. You don't get to tell me any of that typical bullshit okay? I already told you all those months ago that you're mine and that hasn't changed." He shot at you.
JJ smirked. "I think it has because now the whole island knows her as JJ's girl. Not Rafe's. JJ's."
Rafe took a step closer. "You watch your mouth, Maybank." 
"Or what? You gonna swing on me? I hope you do so I have a reason for beating you shitless." 
You turned to JJ. "Since you're not helping with this conversation, why don't you help by bringing the food inside." You held out the bag that contained your guys lunch and JJ sighed, taking it.
Not without one last jab at Rafe though by kissing you on the lips right in front of him. You were quick to stop a ready-to-pounce Rafe who went to lunge at JJ, but your boyfriend just smirked at your ex before heading inside.
"I'm gonna kill him." Rafe said, fists clenching.
"No you're not. Why can't you just accept the fact that I'm happy?"
"Because you're happiest when you're with me. Remember saying that to me that one night? When we were walking around at like 2 AM and you just said it out of the blue and then blushed cause it was only a month into our relationship and you didn't mean to say it out loud. You immediately apologized cause it was stupid and corny but I told you it wasn't if it was true and that I felt the same way with you. Remember that, Y/N." His demeanor changed from hostile to soft.
You closed your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose. "That was before you were snorting lines for breakfast, lunch and dinner. That was before everything changed. Before you changed, Rafe." Rafe looked down at the ground in shame, fiddling with his fingers. "I wish that I tried harder to help you and keep you from where you are now. I wish I hadn't pushed your buttons that day when you told me to get in the truck and that I acted more mature than I did. I also wish I hadn't said the weed comment cause I know how much you can't stand JJ and were insecure because of my friendship with him and I guess you kind of had a right to be considering whats going on between me and him right now. In a way, I kind of egged you on with not letting you talk but that day you grabbed me and yelled at me, that was it. I couldn't stay any longer. That was the first time I ever felt scared of you."
Rafe felt regret and sadness wash over him. "There is absolutely no excuse for the way I grabbed you that day or how I spoke to you. That was wrong of me and I shouldn't have done that no matter how angry I was. I'm so fucking sorry for that. It's one of my biggest regrets." Rafe admitted looking at you. "If I could redo that day, I wouldn't have done any of that. I wouldn't have even gone to Barry's. We would've just gone to the beach like you wanted and then went back to my place for a shower and then watched 50 First Dates because you always watch that movie after a beach day. If I could go back before then, I wouldn't have had that line that started it all and we would've just stayed home from that damn party. " 
You smiled softly. "I appreciate you owning up to your actions, Rafe but that doesn't change anything that's happening right now. I'm not going to break up with JJ just to get back together with you while you're still using. Maybe at some point in the future we'll find our way back to each other but right now, you need to focus on yourself and getting yourself help so you can get better."
Rafe nodded slowly and it was quiet for a minute before he mumbled. "Does he treat you alright?"
"Does JJ treat you alright?" He asked a bit louder.
You smiled. "Yeah, he does."
Rafe nodded. "That's-" Rafe felt his voice crack and he cleared his throat. "That's really good, Y/N/N."
You placed your hand on his arm and gave it a squeeze, kind of like how a grandma would. "Take care of yourself, Rafe." Rafe nodded again. "Goodbye, Rafe." You sent him a small sad smile before walking off to the chateau.
Rafe couldn't bring himself to say that though. Instead, he said the one thing he never got to.
"I love you."
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bakugous-bbygirl · 4 years
Okay I liked your how BAKUSQUAD would react to singing ddlg okay but how would they react to singing PJ or 3 musketeers all by ppcocaine maybe including hawks and Dabi
~How Bakusquad reacts to you singing 3 Musketeers + Dabi and Hawks~
Ooooo I like this. Also thank you for the ask! I chose 3 musketeers because it had a little more wiggle room with all 7 of them. Although PJ is a equally good song I would be willing to this for PJ but maybe with less characters for my sanity
A bit of background to make this easy: this song has hella bi vibes so if your not into that it’s not a big deal it might just be mentioned once or twice depending on the lyrics
Also slightly 18+ again. Her songs get dirty. Swearing and mentions of weed smoking
(Sp—, Sp—, Spain, what you doing?)
Hey Daddy Kaine! (Listen up)
I got bitches (You got bitches?)
Haha, ayy, ayy
Tell lil' shorty come here (Ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy)
Trap bunnie bubbles!
Again Mina is the queen of knowing ppcoacaine.
All you had to say is you have bitches and it’s over with
She pops her head from the kitchen asking if you got bitches
She knows your not serious because your relationship is like, the best.
But it’s still fun to sing
Totally killed the rest of the song together she’s the best hype woman for you
Bitch, I still get texts from my ex
You thinkin' that she yours but she movin' to the next (The next)
No bitch can compare, they all think I'm the best (Fuckin' right)
Real witch bitch, put yo' ass in a hex (Voodoo)
Bitch, I got big stack, big flex (Big flex)
Baby call my phone, tryna blow her tax check
Call me a nympho 'cause I like good sex (Oh)
But don't be mad when you going through my texts
Fair to say he was slightly caught off guard on how confidently your saying this stuff right next to your boyfriend
At first he thought you seriously got textes from your ex with made the poor bird a little insecure
Once you explain it’s just the lyrics and that you blocked your ex before you guys started dating he’s okay
Handles it pretty calmly and just wants to know the song
You even did little dancing motions like you are really feeling yourself to this song. Damn it’s kinda hot
He doesn’t listen to it as hard as you clearly do but enough to know when it’s gonna happen again
Like a 7/10 hype man and does the background work for you to keep your energy up
Still slightly worried about the ex and sometimes goes through your texts just to make sure
Ayy, ayy, tell lil' shorty come here (Come here)
I'm tryna blow her back out, walking funny for the year (Wobble, wobble)
Tell me that you want me, that's the shit I always hear
I got three bitches on me like the three musketeers
Ayy, ayy (Musketeers), tell lil' shorty come here (Come here)
I'm tryna blow her back out, walking funny for the year (Wobble, wobble)
Tell me that you want me, that's the shit I always hear (Always hear it)
I got three bitches on me like the three musketeers
Loves the fact your so confident
I mean yeah the song is a little vulgar for you being such a bottom for him
Really curious how you look topping a girl
Wouldn’t mention it but just know he’s thinking it
Would ask how you came across the song in the first place since it’s not what he assumed you listened to while working out with him
You explain your hype playlist is a journey for another day
Overall though: much calm 9/10 because of the one impure thought but again you don’t know that
However next time you are away he’s so thinking about it while getting himself off
You probably look really hot going down on another girl
...okay now he’s questioning if you’d be okay with a threesome. It’s not cheating if everyone is cool right?
Bitch, shake that ass or kick rocks (Kick rocks)
Fuck a situationship, I'm tryna see that box
Saw her on her Tinder, said she like long walks (Oh the beach)
Runnin' with my phone but bitch who got these locks?
Dumb ho, who bought this motherfuckin' phone?
Yeah, shorty love it 'cause I'm making her moan
Try to find another bitch, get hit in the dome
Yeah, I know I am a queen 'cause I'm sitting on the throne
Man he was smirking his cocky ass off.
You flipping your hair (wether it be long or short I flip my short hair all the time.)
Grinding all in his lap durning the sexual parts
Tapping his temple half way joking and half way threatening him for real about him finding another girl
Also referring to yourself as queen and his crotch as your throne
He just holds your hips and makes you grind again whispering dirty shit in your ear
Oh he took it the most seriously because he knows you’ve had past relationships
This one is just the best.
For sure ended with you “sitting on your throne” you know, just while moving your hips and bouncing
And the next time you go into your playlist you happen to notice that almost all of your songs are gone minus all the ppcocaine songs you have
Cheeky burnt man but two can play at that game
Hey, gang, NextYoungin
It's Daddy Kaine in this bitch (Ayy)
Pull up to the function and she tryna get lit
Shorty talkin' foreign, yeah, I'm thinking she a Brit
Never stay strapped 'cause my brothers with the shit
Keep talking money 'til they hit you with a lick (Baow)
All yo' shit fake but there's Gucci on my fit
She want bread for the head but no, I'm not a trick (Nah)
Okay you two were just smoking weed and you actually were on the verge of falling asleep
Until you heard this part about to play
You had sat up and starting getting all silly
You didn’t face him while doing it but he could tell you had your eyes closed since you were still a little sleepy
About half way though you had laid back down in his lap admiting you didn’t know the rest and giggling
You guys still finished smoking just he didn’t take it seriously at all since you were high and it was a song
Still wants to hear you do it while your sober just doesn’t take it seriously in the moment
He’s a good and trusting boyfriend and he knows you don’t mean anything behind it
Switchin' up the roles, charge a rack for the flick
Keeping dirty money but my hands still clean (Yup)
Bitch is high tech, yeah, I think she off the lean
Don't try to kiss me, ho, you need some Listerine
Drown in this money, all you see on me is green
I bought her a Perc' and I bought her a bean
Now she blowin' up my phone so I know that she a fiend
Got her in her feelings, tell her bestie that I'm mean
No, I never need no hoes, I just pass 'em to the team
He’s the king of passing hoes off to his team
Denki was always lonely so it worked for him
When it came to you he didn’t take you as someone who rapped at all or talked about passing hoes off
Just got all grumpy and held you from behind mumbling something about not passing him off
He knows good and well you couldn’t give him up your totally in love he just wants to make sure you know it’s not a choice
He asked why you even like the song if none of it applied to you for real and that earned him a nice bonk to the head
You don’t have to always relate if you just wanna vibe and rap
Mostly just curious how you got into such intense music he liked it deep down inside but no way he’s letting you know that.
You got bitches, Nya?
Hell yeah
How many?
Hmm.. three musketeers
Ha! (Da—, da—, damn, what you doing?)
Daddy Kaine and Cocaine
Yeah, Daddy Kaine and Cocaine, huh
He so learned from his mistake last time
Would you call it a mistake? He wouldn’t. But he still made sure to put his game down for you.
He was mostly listening to you the whole time to make sure you wouldn’t climb on top of him and demolish his high score
But since you stayed in your seat he relaxed a bit
He still put his arm around you after losing at his game and gave you a firm make out session making sure if you did have bitches he was the best
Wait no he’s not a bitch
But your not his he wouldn’t call you a bitch?
Let alone his bitch.
Poor baby worked his brain to hard and got totally distracted while kissing you
Zoned out until you bit his lip
He was fine afterwards just got a little Too caught up
Haha thank you guys for reading! Please send in requests anytime this was a lot of fun for me!
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