#mir fans r so funny
inhidingxoxo3637 · 1 year
Mir fans always
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nyarisu · 5 years
I'm bored, do you have any good rammstein fanfic recommendations? Especially hot ones
*cracks fingers* Yes! My time to shine has come!! I can finally shove down people’s throats all the amazing smutty fan fics I’ve read. I’ve been training for this my whole life XD
(this took a while. I wanted to includ some sort of description too but I ended up writing some tags and my reaction to the fic rather than a short summary, which would have been more helpful  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
Literally everything by FeatheredShadow. I cannot stress enough how much I love everything she writes. The honorable mentions (aka my favourites) are:
alle wollen nur dich zähmen – Till/Richard. It’s sweet but has hurt/comfort too (also Till feeling murdery)
stroh wird gold und gold wird stein – Richard/Schneider. Making out, dom Schneider and sub RZK, really nice dynamic between the 2 and clever puns from the others XD
und die wellen weinen leise – Till/Richard, hurt/comfort, making out, read it.
du bist mir ans herz gewachsen – Oli/Schneider. Heavy making out, implied Till/RZK.
das feuer wäscht die seele rein – Till/Paul. That’s it, that’s my favourite fic written by her. It’s soft, it’s cute and it’s adorable. Romance with a side dish of sexual frustration, everything is written so well and asjkl I’m in love pLEASE LET THE BOYS BE TOGETHER  
Most of the fics written by Arrestzelle. Also I think most all her fics are smut, so you have what to choose from. Again, these are just my favourites aka the ones I always come back to (I reread fan fiction a lot ok??)
Mein Tier – you know that one fic with Frau Schneider and the other guys as some fucked up dogs? That’s it :)) The smutty chapters are suggestively titled and dear lord let me tell you they are good.
Heart On His Sleeve – Paul/Flake, secret crush and sleeping together. It’s on-going, it seems there will be smut but meanwhile the only thing it’s doing is crushing my heart.
Oh My God, Do That Again – Paul/Till, smut. Bossy Paul? *shrugs* idk, just Paul being Paul I guess. Pre-Rammstein
Missed You – Paul/Flake, smut
Don't Cry  – Paul/Till, some kissing, Sonne AU. Sad.
A Rocky Start – Paul/Flake, smut
The Wolf and the Lamb – Till/Paul, smut. SUB TILL! SUB TILL! SUB–
Feuer und Wasser – Richard/Schneider, smut. Another Dom Schneider for all your daddy Schneider needs ^^
Stripping Away the Layers – Schneider/Till/Paul, smut, dom Schneider, hot.  
And now just some random fics from different authors:
Crawl for me by Zigrat – Till/Richard, smut, sub Richard, Mein Teil live intro inspired.
Auferstanden aus Ruinen by FrauFeuerengel – Till x Richard, hurt/comfort. There’s a little bit of kissing at the end but the whole fic makes it worth the wait.
Temperance by auroragone – Till/Paul, kissing, broken feels caused by Till’s special brand of sad and low elf-esteem, have fun owning a heart.
Fried Eggs and Honey by autiotalo (orphan_account) – Till/Paul, lots of pining, I think there is some kissing going on around here but I’m not sure, Feeling B era.
Indulgent by Anonymous  – Till/Paul, smut
Kiss With A Fist by followthecreeper (insibbegerest) – Paul/Richard, making out during Haifish filming, hilarious reactions from the others.
Rock Star by autiotalo (orphan_account) – Paul/Schneider, smut and eavesdropping, I love the end. It’s funny and Schneider gets trolled.
sehnsucht ist so grausam by lunarcorvid – Till/Schneider, smut, sub Till just the way I love him :)) I think it’s one of the first smutty R+ fics I’ve read.
Till x fem!reader, both smut, the first one longer than the other.
Heat by whispered_weavings
Female Gaze by Writing-Rammstein (writingfanfic)
And I’m really sad because I was just trying to find a particular Oli/Till fic that was posted on Tumblr (Headscratches it was titled?) and I can’t find it anymore, it got deleted T_T And it was really nice! If anyone has it saved, please share it with me.
Yeah, so... enjoy the smut? XD
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sapphirewolf100 · 7 years
I Have Been Tagged Ohoho
Tagged by @leiderschneider​ OH MY LORT I AM B LE SS ED Can you answer all of these without lying? (I wouldn’t doubt it my dood)
1. Last thing you put in your mouth? - I believe it was a hostess cake thing
2. Where was your blog picture taken? - if we talkin bout my icon y’all Rammstein fans know this was from the “Sonne” music video eDe if we talking bout my blog header then I drew that myself >:3c
3. Worst pain i ever experienced? - Damn idk what immediately pops into my head is when I got my frenulum removed (that lil muscle/tissue you have that’s right above your front teeth and connects to your lip)
4. How many times have you been married? - Nadda bc I am a single pringle
5. How late did you stay up last night? - I think past midnight even tho I should’ve slept earlier bc I was hella t i r e d 
 6. If you could move somewhere else right now,where would it be? - Where I should be moving in like a few weeks (which is me Mom’s) bc I’ll have to start over again and get outta this miserable hell hole that currently houses S t e v e the dickhead who stole all my shit (funny I was gonna make a post about me moving out of state but I guess this will do for rn asdfghj)
7. Do any of your tumblr friends live close to you? - Not that I know of no ;0;
8. Last time you cried? - Oh heck that might’ve been like 3 weeks ago bc I had a big ass mental meltdown w h o o ps 
9. Who took your profile picture? - depends on what y’all talkin bout eDe
10. How many marriage proposals have you had? - Nadda bc here again, I am a single pringle
11. If you could have any career,what would it be? - Oh heck idk maybe an author or smthn (maybe I’d actually get around to writing/drawing out my comics I wanna make ASDFGHJ) 
12. Last book you read? - I honestly can’t remember..
13. If you could talk to anyone right now who would it be? - Maybe my grandfather...I feel like he’d know what to do rn
14. Are you a good influence? - I guess I am??? Idk but I’ve been told a lotta people look up to me & I’m an inspiration (My cousin’s kid is starting to say she wants to be an artist now bc of me)
15. Does pineapple belong on a pizza? - On y’alls pizza if ya want but not mine bc imma be topping it with MEAT and olives
16. You have the remote,what channel would you watch? - maybe the weather channel bc I’m such an old lady with my habits
17. Whom do you think would play along? - ... -squints- what the hell y’all talkin bout (Spiel mit Mir is playing in my head now LMAO)
18. Have you graduated from a university? - Nope but I graduated from High School YEET (I’m a dumbass why would I be in college/a uni)
19. Favourite football team? - I’m not really into sports my dude tbh (as y’all have noticed from all these questions I am boring as HELL) y’all beautiful people out here whoever wants to do this be my guest ohohoo (I’m honestly hardcore multitasking so I can’t tag ppl rn asdfghj)
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nyarisu · 4 years
I have nothing to do so could you recommend any Rammstein things to watch and read? Pretty please
Ok strap in loosers we’re gonna be here for a while XD (tbh I kind of missed composing wierd ass-long lists so thanks for the opportunity
Rammstein things to watch
I remember when I got into this fandom (aka half a year ago) I was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of R+ material. Still am. There are live recordings for almost every show! You could watch 500 lives and still not be done with it!!
Ok so besides all the materials on their channel and all the dvd lives they released (it’s really easy to find and download them, really) you have this really nice masterpost of earlyish and relevant performances. SEID BEREIT, Amadeus83 and Amadeus 84 are also included in said list but they have tons of videos so check them out.
And these are all things from my watch later list (either for watching later or just for storing): Rammstuga (has also some bloopers and funny moments - tho let’s be honest, with Rammstein everything is funny… when it’s not kinky, at least), Bucksttabu (lives and a bunch of demos from which I really have to point out Schwarzes Glas and Panterra aka Pussy meets Gib mir deine Augen just because I want and can - and love them), Doktor Flake (some early lives and interviews), MrOtto1939, MrRammstein1966, Ashot M. RAMMSTEIN-ARMENIA, Rammsteinfans Germany(with theBizarre Festival in 1996because I really love Laichzeit and some interviews as well), RammWiki (early stuff + some pre-Rammstein), another Bizzare Festival but this time from 1997,that really nice VIVA JAM Interview from 1997(that sometimes disappears from the face of YT? I this still a problem?)… hmmm i don’t know ab OuT tHa Aa at….,,,.. not L iK e a bAnANa…???.?
(you can see I started to take it less and less serious the further I wentdown the rabbit hole I was already snorting Rammstein memes up the nose at thelast 2 videos XD)
The only reason I have interviews up there is because the channels I listed happened to also have some interviews. To be honest I haven’t watch that many, for some reason… I can probably count them on one hand?
I ugh…. at one point, I had this wet dream of listing ALL their live performances with youtube links to ALL of them but… I could probably be quarantined for 3 more years and still not be done with it (is there something like this? did someone already do it? I really need all my performances in chronological order more than I need air you don’t unDERSTAND-)
Also the R+ meme tag. You can both watch and read that shit XD
Rammstein things to read
*cracks fingers again* *whispers* i love shoving fan ficition down people’s throats
First and foremost, I’ll always put FeatheredShadow (also on tumblr I’m so sorry I don’t know your name >.Arrestzelle (aka Brig) at the top of the list. Always.
I made a few weeks ago some lists with fanfiction I abolutely love and adore (be it smutty or not), wierd, unusual and fucked up fics and niche/rare fics. Basically read everything from the R+ fic tag and you should be good. Oh and you also have this list (which is not mine).
Obviously in the meantime I discovered some more gems but I don’t know if I should edit the original posts to add the fics ontheir proper (top) place, reblog the post with the new additions or makean entierly different post. I just started delving into DeviantArt but I’m at the beginning and I still have LiveJournal and fanficion dot net to go.
Anyway, I really have to mention these:
Hol mich ins Sternenreich by RomanKerze – Till/Richard, Till/Schneider, Richard/Paul and Richard/Schneider; puppy play, no smut, sub!Till and Richard, excelent, 12/10 would recommend again.
Mit Dir Bin Ich Auch Allein by struwwel– Till/Richard, romance, slow burn, hurt/comfort, gonna destroy your heart and all your feelings… it’s awesome. The characters are so well written and usHNSfejicfs everything is perfect.
I really have no words to describe how much i love these 2 fics I could praise them a whole day and still not be done with it (I want to read them again T_T). And while you are busy with these, I’ll go and add to the list the other fanfics I found (this is already too long).
So… have fun and see you in a few years when you finish watching/reading all this? :D
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nyarisu · 5 years
What are your favourite niche fics? Rare kinks or AUs or pairings?
I’m enjoying myself with these but you are really making me work my worth in fan fiction, aren’t you? :)) I have a question: are you the same person who’s asked me about fics these past weeks? Do you know the fics I listed? Are you reading the ones you don’t know? Are you enjoying them? Please tell me!!
Ok now back to business! (I’ll continue assuming this is still about Rammstein until stated otherwise XD). I’ll start with pairings. As I said, you can make me ship pretty much anything as long as it’s well writen and there’s chemistry between the characters (because there’s only so much chemistry you can have in a PWP). AND if things will progress the way they already had, there will be no rairpair left in this fandom for me. I’m that hungry for content I will shortly start eating any fan fiction that is even a tiny bit decently written.
Also this is gonna get a little bit repetitive because some of these were included in my good and hot R+ fics which is really just my faves.
And I’ll start by crying again about Headscratches, a Till/Oli one-shot posted on tumblr which got deleted or something and I’m very sad about it
du bist mir ans herz gewachsen by FeatheredShadow – Oli/Schneider. Heavy making out, implied Till/RZK.
mir immer noch das herz versengt by FeatheredShadow – Oli/Paul, some kissing and banter? I really liked how the other members would react to Oli’s thoughts. “And in Till’s earshot,” Paul added without mercy, having apparently decided that the situation required desperate measures – namely the fact that no one in the band could resist Till’s sad sad eyes when something upset him. / “You know how Scholle reacts when someone criticizes the line-up of the band –” [...] “He is going to kill me. And Flake will help him bury my body.” These 2 parts totally killed me XD I can totally see them doing that (aka character description was spot on but this is FeatheredShadow we’re talking about, we already knew that)
Perfectly Nice Arguments by hwbswd – Till/Flake, lots of pining, funny and Till being sad. I don’t have a „Till Lehmann is a sub” tag for nothing and seeing Till in this vulnerable position checked all my boxes (also ripped my heart appart but that’s details).
I could also add the Till/fem!Reader fics I included in my first list because people are either a) not really into reader inserts or b) it’s a reader insert and it’s kind of frowned upon to want fuck... the boys?... even tho we are pretty explicit in drooling after them/wanting to fuck them and also reading/writing fics about them fucking each other so I don’t really understand what’s happening there?? (or maybe because there are really few good written reader inserts, that could also be the case idk)
For rare kinks:
Mehr series by ChristophKruspe – Richard/Schneider, belly/chubby kink, smut. Doesn’t matter if that’s not your kink, the smut is good, you’ll like it
And AUs (kind of):
Mouth-to-Mouth Blood Transition by Zigrat – Till/Richard/Oli/Flake and Paul/Schneider, they get turned into vampires, literally what it says on the tin XD no smut but it’s blood drinking so it’s still hot
Temperance by auroragone – Till/Paul, kissing and what I didn’t mention last time, special abilities (the sad Till warning still applies)
canto by autiotalo (orphan_account) – just Till going to a monastery. And probably having some sort of internal crisis idk it’s Till we’re talking about. This really is a niche fic :))) it’s quite lenghty and I only read it once but I remember enjoying it.
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nyarisu · 5 years
Rammstein Family Game: Get to know me! (created by @vapor-stein)
Many many thanks to @ofmemesandbands @theelliottsmiths @notafraidofredyellowandblue @endlich-allein​ and @ghostlovesc0re​ for tagging me!! (I was gonna do this anyway but now I can actually blame someone for my word salad XD )
Also of course I read what other people wrote on his tag as well and let me tell you I lived for the unpopular opinions and there was a certain one that shocked me (but in a good-natured way?). And Stirb nicht for mir being roasted because it’s so funny how strong people feel about this song in particular XD
1. I’m curious: when did you discover Rammstein? Fuck if I know. For the most time they have existed in this wierd atemporal bubble where they were always somewhere out there (which is kind of right because I’m only 1 year older than the band itself) but at one point during my childhood I must have heard Du hast. So... late 90’s / early 00’s?
2. Tell me your story. How did you discover them? Ok so this question has 2 parts because fucking none asks how I started actually LISTENING to them. The first part of the question is answered above, probably heard Du hast because I don’t really have any early memory of another song but then again I forget very easily so there’s that.
And the second part is how I became a fan. Obv over time I heared a few other popular songs and the only one that stood out was Mein Herz brennt (ok, Mutter too but MHB has like 465694831 instruments which is <3). During the tour last year, someone I follow on instagram posted the „Mein Herz brennt” part from the chorus in her story and that made me think hmmmm I’ve already been listening to it a few times lately and I love it and I’ve been saying for a few years I’ll give them a chance might as well do that now.
And it went like this: on Wendsday I listened to the recording of the live in Berlin (2019). Sometime that evening I must have discovered Deutschland because the next day I was fucking obsessed with it and listened to it on repeat the whole day. And lastly, Friday I listened to the untitled album on repeat because it fucking slapped. So there you have it, my descend to maddness (and Saturday I was fighting against my growing Till attraction until I just gave up and Sunday afternoon I admited I find a grandpa hot). So yes, the last 3 days of August 2019 were life changing :))
 3. Favorite song? Mein Herz brennt and Deutschland, they are on equal foot, no way to choose between them. MHB because it has the amazing instrumentals and Duestchland because it has the amazing voice (and also they both are favourite song of the pre- and post-knowing R+)
 4. Least favorite song? Come on. I know you have one. *pulls up the songs rating list* according to the list, that would be Jeder Lacht but I don’t really care about the last let’s say 10 songs on there so yeah. Oh yes, and also Stripped and the English versions are not on the list so they don’t even exist for me.
 5. Favorite album? I have no idea which one that would be. I mean, I could say it’s the untitled one but there are also many songs I love very much from other albums. So I can’t really choose.
 6. Least favorite album? *shrugs* don’t make me rate albums (yet)
 7. Something that speaks to you in the deepest sense of the word: a lyric? A specific song? I... kind of started relating to Keine Lust because I can’t really motivate myself to do anything anymore (but lately I’ve been better, I like to think). But yeah, if I think a little to much about the song, I’ll probably start tearing up or something.
Wilder Wein and Schwarzes Glas hit me in a very emotional way because they just make me nostalgic for a thing I never lived/experienced and it’s wierd because they are such different songs.
 8. Unpopular opinion: about a member? A scandal? Anything? *starts rubbing hands* yes! I’m seeking discord and ruin withing the fandom with my unpopular opinions I was dying to be asked this question XD Ok so I have 2. The first one I keep seeing people all the time stating the opposite, and that is: I like Stirb nich for mir (and Te Quiero Puta). It’s an ok song, I enjoy it and I have nothing against it. More than that, I really can’t say whether I prefer the album or the demo version more. They are so similar and different at the same time that my brain doesn’t really comprehend comparing the 2. And the second unpopular opinion, which I’ve never seen stated, is: I hate Schneider’s curls. Obv I hate the hedgehog style even more but... the curls! I don’t trust them! (and I’m low key glad he cut his hair again)
 9. Have you ever seen them live? Tell me what you felt. ... let’s not talk about this (I still feel like the universe is against me because I first bought Trondheim feuerzone and then find out I can’t go to because it’s too expensive and have none to go to, but now I can’t go to Turin either. Also my copy of In Quiet Nights still doesn’t want to reach me for the second time so there’s that)
 10. Do you play any instruments? If you do, can you play any song by them? The only instrument I’m playing is the voice (as one does XD) but other than that, no, I don’t and I can’t (but if I would, I’d totally learn some piano versions :D)
I’m tagging @crina-s-blog?? If she wants to do the tag?
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