#mira silvertail
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Family photo!
(Pictured, from left to right: Antares Silverstrike, Cadira Silverflux, Cadfael Silverfrost, Rylix Silverflame, Nasius Silverline, Mira Silvertail. Vachel Quicksilver is not pictured, presumably taking the photo)
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Text Conversation: Mira and Bolt
Bolt: Hey. You there, little guy? I need to talk to you, kinda urgent.
Bolt: Pipsqueak?
Bolt: Little dude?
Bolt: Small fry?
Bolt: I’m gonna run out of height-based nicknames here, come on.
Mira: Hey.
Mira: What is it this time, Bolt.
Mira: I happen to be a bit busy. :/
Bolt: Hey lil dude!
Bolt: And with what?
Mira: I’m talking with
Mira: Uh
Mira: Associates I guess
Mira: Ah. Talking on those weird little anime message boards again?
Mira: Hey! >:(
Mira: Dude- Like I have the time to be talking to random weirdos on the internet.
Mira: I just made a huge breakthrough.
Bolt: No kidding!
Bolt: Look- That’s real great but I gotta talk about something kinda important right now.
Mira: What is it this time?
Mira: Did you mess with Silvertail’s crew again? I told you those assholes were more trouble than they’re worth.
Mira: PLEASE don’t tell me it’s those Nighthawk fuckers. If it’s them I’m not interested after the last time-
Bolt: No, man!
Bolt: It’s Jay.
Bolt: I haven’t seen her in a while.
Bolt: I think she might be in trouble.
Bolt: I’m real worried.
Mira: Oh.
Mira: Damn.
Mira: Are you sure she’s not off on one of her little adventures like she does?
Bolt: This is different. She just up and left and with only a weird text.
Bolt: I really don’t like where this is going.
Bolt: Look. I just really need to see you in person right now. I’m closing in on Duckburg soon, you’ll know where to find me.
Mira: I don’t know a thing so I don’t see how I can help.
Bolt: Just trust me. Besides, I haven’t seen my partner in crime in a while.
Mira: ...Alright. I’ll be there in a few hours.
Mira: But I’m sure she’ll be back by then. She always is.
Bolt: Hah. I wish.
Bolt: I’ll see you then, lil man.
Mira: Would ya stop calling me shit like that?
Mira: And I’ll see you later. Good to hear from you.
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yokasaris · 5 years
Character Profile (Music Edition): Rae-Hann
For many of us, music is a source of inspiration for our characters, so I want to know what songs inspire and/or relate to your muse! Choose between 10-15 songs, compile them into an album and tag some friends to share the beat! The Spark Which We Keep [Helga Arvesten] I want to look into your eyes Since when I do the stars align And make the sky an enchanting dream Lo Digo [Carlos Rivera] ¡Mira! Que todo lo bueno llega Para recordarnos que lo vivido Valió la pena Buried Beneath [Red] I built this house on the shore, all I wanted was more But I felt the sand start shifting Saw the cracks in the walls, I painted over them all I tried my best to just ignore Shattered Dreams [Johnny Hates Jazz] So much for your promises They died the day you let me go Caught up in a web of lies But it was just too late to know Under Stars [Aurora] I've seen it many times Each time they close their eyes and say goodbye Rest in peace and give yourself to harmony
Forever [Kamelot] Will you revive from the chaos in my mind Where we still are bound together? Will you be there waiting by the gates of dawn When I close my eyes forever?
The Last Unicorn [NSP Cover] When the last moon is cast over the last star of morning And the future has passed without even a last desperate warning Then look into the sky where through the clouds a path is torn Don't Talk to Strangers [Jørn Cover] Don't dance in darkness You may stumble there and you're sure to fall Don't write in starlight 'Cause the words may come out real Unstoppable [Red Cover] I'll smile, know what it takes to fool this town I'll do it 'til the sun goes down And all through the night time Fallen Star [Kamelot] Sometimes I find myself caught in the storm And my future's a nightmare away when I'm dreaming Sometimes I fear I am losing your sympathies A liar demands respect Final Destination [Within Temptation] But no one faced what's coming my way And I will let my fear fade away Whatever may be, I'll have to find out Witch Image [Ghost] Like no other to you What you've done you cannot undo While you sleep in earthly delight Still your soul will suffer this plight Limón y Sal [Julieta Venegas] Tengo que confesarte ahora Nunca creí en la felicidad A veces algo se le parece Pero es pura casualidad Moonlight [Kamelot] I have never craved the system's sympathy I get restless over pity smiles Some precaution wouldn't harm my history If I had the will to wait a little while Took a couple liberties with lyric formatting for aesthetic purposes. Anyway, did more of a character timeline. Forever is the piece that made Karrn figure out a plot point from Woven. He just randomly messaged it to me one day and we nerded out because we were both already using it as the main inspiration for our respective plots at the time and didn’t know it. ilu, bro. stolen from: @eorzean-capitalist ! tagging: @roleplay-aficionado , @thechoirrp , @silvertail-ffxiv , @alun-ura , @sola-ffxiv , @desimirffxiv , @gildedandgolden , @captainkurosolaire , @ganshands , @idanwyn , and @zhauric
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for the secrets ask game--mira, for all six, if you want? :D @kerra-and-company
Congrats on nailing exactly which one of my characters would be full of secrets! Mira Silvertail is a goddamn mess of a cat.
(Before we start, I'm gonna add some Actual Backstory things for Mira, since I'm pretty sure my character page is lacking - She's a ranger, and the legionnaire of the Silver warband, and part of Iron. There are also three versions of her that I've thought about and developed in relation to the other members of her warband - each in different timelines, two of which have died in pretty traumatic ways - so I'm gonna focus on the third, surviving one, but all versions of her struggle with the warring loyalties between her warband and her legion.)
(Here, she was kidnapped in LWS1 by aetherblades and sold/given to the inquest as a test subject. Or that was the intention, had the airship not crashed in the Sandswept Isles.)
(There's also a decent bit of charr politics/circumstances in the background affecting this mentality majorly, and intersecting with other charr of mine, namely Ryker, which I'm gonna write up eventually but haven't quite gotten around to yet - I may touch on some of that in here but not go into detail)
(...also slipped into more prose rather than listing. whoops. enjoy!)
1- An Open Secret Charr don't have parents. They have sires, and dams, and they're not supposed to be something that matters.
Except in all of the ways that it does. Charr are also hypocrites. There are few charr who don't know the identities of at least one of their parents, whether from old memories, from their own digging, or from other charr bringing it up, whether to commend, or threaten, or compare. Socially, they're not supposed to admit it, and so Mira never has. But if she happens to be at the Junker's Scrapyard more often than she has proper excuses for, only ever talking to one of the many charr working there, both of them with an uncanny resemblance to one another - Well, that's her business, isn't it?
2 - A secret the people close to your character know Of her warband, she was the first one to learn magic.
She didn't end up the most powerful, or the one who used it most often - That would go to Cadira (though she'd never admit it to his already big head) and Vachel (even if he won't say so, but most of his movement is, quite frankly, physically impossible), respectively. But she was the first to discover it, first to realise it, little feet so drawn to the river and feeding the birds hovering around it, when they would've scattered for anyone else, and one day, gently coaxing health into an eagle's tattered wing with motes of soft green.
She might not be the strongest ranger, but she opened the gate for her warband to explore their own magics - and what she can do is enough. Just enough.
3 - A secret that your character wouldn't really care about getting out She wasn't supposed to be legionnaire.
On paper, that would've, and should've, gone to Nasius - Nasius was by far the better engineer, the better tactician, the better people person. They would've been the perfect choice, if not for the fact that they never wanted to lead. Nevermind that their warband wasn't anywhere near high enough rank to be doing anything important. Nasius actually gathered the warband together at one point and admitted that she didn't want to be in charge. Inexplicably, she nominated Mira. The rest followed.
Looking back, it made sense - of them all, who was the most used to pressure? Who was the one least wrapped up in their own head? She was certainly bossy enough. They all trusted each other - they had to - but especially in this, they trusted Nasius, and trusted in Mira.
Hasn't failed them yet, here.
4 - A secret exactly one person knows anything about. She has nightmares, after being kidnapped.
Not of the actual kidnapping - that would've been understandable, even if she was unconscious for the majority of it - but something about the near-death experience made her drown in dark, deathly detailed dreams, and each morning felt like breaching the surface again.
Awful dreams, sometimes about sending her family warband to their deaths. Awful dreams, sometimes about alternate paths and missions gone awry, about events that had never happened and never would. Sometimes, only memories. Dreams of the Citadel. Dreams of the fahrar.
Relken, the healer who found and hosted her after the crash, is the only one witness to her mumbled sleeptalking, and the brief moments upon waking before she pulls herself together. Sometimes, they can coax her into sharing them. It's a slow process.
5 - A secret nobody knows about, but they desperately want to tell. Mira claims she wants to go back. But she doesn't know whether she actually wants to go back or not. The Olmakhan are... peaceful, and that's nice, for the most part, but it's just nice. She just can't stand the mundanity.
(But the more time she spends away, the more she sees how much she was suffering. She won't, can't, ever hate Iron, but burn her, did it suck sometimes.)
6 - A secret nobody knows about, but they desperately want to hide. Mira's met one of the human gods. In a sense. Maybe two. Depends how she cares to be depicted. Mira knows the Six exist, even if she'll never believe in them like humans do. She can't and won't ever tell anyone.
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So I was thinking about Mira and Nasius, as I am wont to do (and who I can actually make now I have the character slots! (sorry vachel you don't get real boy priveleges yet)) and realised that Mira, Nasius, Antares, Vachel, and Cadira, all have a sort of rhythm or dance-like movements that're part of their attacks (untamed hammer bonks, holosmith sick flips, axe/gunblade spinny spins, daredevil sick flips, mirage sick flips--)
And then you have the twins whose fighting style consists of 'deploy a bunch of little things to rally around and shoot people until they stop moving.'
It is eminently clear that these cats named themselves after a colour and not a metal that has any substantial use in warfare.
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