#mira von brandt
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Part 1 of some sketches that I wanted to share! These are from a couple of weeks ago, and mainly focus on Brooke but with a bonus Mira as the third sketch. Here is some more info on the sketches!
- The first one is mainly an idea on what a "witchy" outfit for Brooke would look like! :3 I know I haven't mentioned it as much on here, but basically after getting to know Gaia more through their adventure together in the main story, Brooke gets more interested in the concept of witchcraft and starts practicing it himself! Due to Mareas' culture he is hesitant to at first, but he soon gets more into it as he enjoys the sense of "freedom" he gets from this magic form. Obviously, he would be a sea witch, and for his outfit here I was inspired to give him a longer cardigan/shawl(with ocean wave patterns at the bottom) from some witch outfits I was looking at for inspiration, with casual pants and beach sandals. I was going to give him a beach/sun hat but I forgot, but he would have more crystal or ocean-motif jewelry to fit with the "witchy" theme, and I did give him a couple more ear piercings here just for fun(also to symbolize how he is gaining more self-esteem/comfortability and like he has a purpose or direction in life than he did before), which includes a second set of lobes and his right cartilage.
- The next sketch is just showing him with his glasses on, and how he really doesn't like them as he prefers contacts. The last/third one is similar to the second one in that it is showing Mira with glasses on, who like Brooke doesn't really like them much(but for different reasons).
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Christmas Fairytale Vote 2019 | Round 1 - Part 3
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Voting ends on Monday, 11:59pm GMT+02.
How it works As mentioned on my youtube channel, I want to translate a fairytale adaptations for Christmas but I cannot decide on which one because there are so many. Usually I would do one poll but youtube only allows for five options, so this will be done in rounds. In the first round, the two movies with the most votes per part will move to the next round where they will be set against the other parts winners. In round 2, a winner and a second place of different parts of round 1 compete against one another. The winner of each poll moves on to the final round where the Christmas Fairytale Movie I will translate 2019 will be decided on. Overall you will be able to choose your winner out of 15 movies.
The Contestants
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Die sechs Schwäne [The Six Swans]
On her 18th birthday, Constanze discovers a well-guarded secret. She discovers that there must be six brothers who were turned into white swans because of an inconsiderate word the father said on the days of Constanze's birth. Costanze is stunned when suddenly the six swans appear. They explain to her that only she can break the curse.
With Sinja Dieks, André Kaczmarczyk, Anton Algrang, Julia Jäger, Arved Friese, Timon Wloka, Paul Alhäuser, Jonas Hämmerle, Timon Strake, Bjarne Meisel and more.
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Des Kaisers neue Kleider [The Emperor’s New Clothes]
Emperor Friedhelm the Fashionable soon celebrates his birthday and has nothing to wear. He is bored by the expensive and magnificent robes. Who cares if his subjects live off the smell of an oily rag. When the young Jacob comes around to The Emperor, he is delighted. But The Emperor be warned: Who is stupid or not worthy of their office, for them the dresses are invisible!
With Matthias Brandt, Sergej Moya, Alissa Jung, Manfred Möck, Audrey von Scheele and more.
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Der Prinz im Bärenfell [The Prince in the Bearskin]
Prince Marius is extremely vain and he also cannot find the right wife. One day, he walks into the devil's trap in the forest. If we does not find a woman that truly loves him with all her heart until the next equinox, he will lose his soul. But he shall not find this woman as the pretty Prince Marius but as prince in bearskin. Saddened, he withdraws into the the forest. One day is hunger is so great that he steals bread from a farm. In doing so, he meets Elise who works on the estate of her aunt Hedwig. She saves him and secretly nurses him back to health. And she falls in love with him with all her heart...
With Max Befort, Mira Elisa Goeres, Inga Busch, Kiran West, Nora Hickler, Wilfried Hochholdinger, Mirosla Nemec, Nicolaus Sternfeld and more.
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Prinz Himmelblau und Fee Lupine [Prince Skyblue and Fairy Lupine]
The Queen wants her son Prince Skyblue to marry a pretty, well-to-do and uncomplicated princess without magical powers. But the prince wants to choose his bride himself and rides off with his squire Fred. He meets the lovely fairy Lupine and they fall in love with each other. The Queen tasks a witch to prevent this love. Because of a curse Skyblue and Lupine suddenly do not recognize one another anymore.
With Ruby O. Fee, Jonathan Berlin, Friederike Kempter, Mechthild Großmann, Patrick Güldenberg, Sarina Radomski, Enno Hesse, Daniel F. Kamen and more
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Die zertanzten Schuhe [The Worn-Out Dancing Shoes aka The Twelve Dancing Princesses]
King Karl is desperate. His twelve daughters are keeping a secret from him. Each morning their shoes are worn-out by dancing. None of the princesses wants or knows what happens at night. Even the oldest daughter Amanda whose shoes never have holes. Many princes before could not reveal the secret. But that does not scare away soldier and puppeteer Anton. He is in love.
With Dieter Hallervorden, Inez Björg David, Luise von Finckh, Carlo Ljubek, Janina Flieger and more.
>>>Vote now<<<
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jc · 4 years
Das Beste aus Twitter, August-Edition
Auch im heißesten Monat vollbringt Twitter wieder wahre Tweetwunder!
Können wir bitte nicht mehr „sozial Schwache“ sagen, wenn wir Menschen meinen, die wenig Geld haben? Viele dieser Menschen sind sozial stärker als die, die finanziell stark sind. Danke.
— Sven Lehmann 🏳️‍🌈 (@svenlehmann) July 30, 2020
Und damit einen wunderschönen guten Morgen! pic.twitter.com/JCme52kiXL
— Krieg und Freitag (@kriegundfreitag) August 1, 2020
auch auf deutschen speisekarten findet man mittlerweile viel vegetarisches. bier und hühnchen z. b.
— katja berlin (@katjaberlin) August 1, 2020
*legt Klopapier in den Rewe-Einkaufswagen… vieeel Klopapier*
— Katz & Tinte (@KatzUndTinte) August 1, 2020
Ich bin beeindruckt von Twitter. Alle hier wissen ganz genau, welche Aufgaben die BaFin hat.
— Ulrich Gelsen (@gelsen) August 1, 2020
Common fucking sense. https://t.co/ouTpLe7x8N
— Marcus John Henry Brown (@MarcusJHBrown) August 1, 2020
Vergessen Sie bitte nie: Kaffee und Tee unterscheiden sich nicht nur in Farbe, Wirkung und Schreibweise, sondern vor allem im Geschmack.
— Herr Kaltenbach (@blauekastanie) August 5, 2020
Folge niemandem ohne abgeschlossener IHK-Ausbildung „Social Media-Manager (m/w/d)“.
— Gavin Karlmeier (@gavinkarlmeier) August 5, 2020
Können wir eigentlich sicher sein, dass es so heiß ist? Oder sind einfach nur vermehrt Thermometer im Einsatz?
— Vanessa Giese (@dieliebenessy) August 7, 2020
Bin gekommen, um euch die frohe Botschaft zu verkünden, dass Hundi gekackt hat.
— Quarkkrokettchen (🏡) (@anneschuessler) August 9, 2020
Gleich kommt die Erstgeborene (13) nach Hause und bringt ihren "Freund" (SECHZEHN!) mit. Mehr dazu demnächst im Blaulicht Report.
— der_Meinereiner (@der_Meinereiner) August 10, 2020
Moin Timeline 😷 Na dann wollen wir mal wieder 🙄 Sorgt bitte für reichlich Abkühlung und Erfrischung bei dieser Affenhitze… Schönen Dienstag ☀️ pic.twitter.com/dK6uUvrHOi
— leeve Jong 🌈 (@leeve_jong) August 11, 2020
»Kokosöl ist bei Raumtemperatur fest.« 🤔 pic.twitter.com/bXu65Rrq0A
— Felix Neumann (@fxneumann) August 10, 2020
Babyschwimmen. Nur für Kinder unter sechs Monaten. Warteliste bis März 2021. Falls ihr euch fragt, wann man anmelden sollte: Bei Geburt oder 9 Monate früher.
— Sebastian Eckert (@SebastianEckert) August 11, 2020
I don’t think there’s a purer, more distilled form of evil than anti-homeless architecture. Imagine spending this much money to prevent people without homes from getting sleep. https://t.co/TYOoN5NLQE
— Aidan Smith ⧖彡 (@AidanSmith2020) August 10, 2020
If k8s is “kubernetes,” does that mean sk8erboy is “skuberneteerboy”?
— emily@home screensaver (@emilyst) August 4, 2020
Nichte, 16 Jahre alt. Nach 2 Tagen die erste Kommunikation. "Ich habe 1000 Follower auf Insta." (Wir haben einen Anfang. Juhu!) "Ich hab 26 Tausend auf Twitter." "Das ist nur was für alte Leute. Die Hälfte ist wahrscheinlich schon tot." Obwohl sie recht hat HALTET MICH ZURÜCK
— Tomster (@namenlos4) August 14, 2020
Ich habe ja bis heute nicht verstanden, warum Bitburger keinen 8er-Kasten rausbringt und ihn "Byte" nennt.
— MasterOfSocialDistancing (🏡) 🇪🇺 🌍 (@MasterOfNone667) August 14, 2020
wenn ich gewollt hätte, dass alle widerspruchslos über meine witze lachen, wäre ich nicht satirikerin geworden, sondern vorgesetzter.
— katja berlin (@katjaberlin) August 15, 2020
All die netten Menschen, die ich niemals kennenlernen werde.
— leonceundlena (@leonceundlena) August 16, 2020
Finger hoch, wer für den Urlaub auch immer 1 Shirt pro Tag einpackt, bloß um zu Hause 10 unbenutzte Shirts wieder sauber in den Schrank zu legen.
— Annabell Bils (@bilsandbytes) August 17, 2020
„Wenn der Wind der Veränderung weht, suchen manche im Hafen Schutz, während andere die Segel setzen!“ von meiner Freundin Katharina – Grundschullehrerin und 1 Jahr im Segel-Sabbatikal zzt in Bergen/Norwegen
— Michele Lichte (@Lichtemomente) August 17, 2020
Ein Kind hat ein Windows Phone. Wie sehr kann man seine Kinder hassen?
— Torsten Beeck (@TorstenBeeck) August 17, 2020
Suche nach Jobs mit dem Schlagwort „Digitalisierung“. Finde Jobs bei denen man Akten einscannen soll. Das beschreibt Deutschland ganz gut.
— Genug Anouk 😷 (@GenugAnouk) August 18, 2020
Karnevalsverbot 2021 Rheinischer Sezessionskrieg 2022-2024
— Frankie Crisp (@cnirbliw) August 18, 2020
Ich muss mit der Tochter mal über passende Ablageplätze für ihre recht lebensecht aussehende Spielzeug-Vogelspinne reden. Eingewickelt in den Abwaschlappen auf der Küchenspüle ist jedenfalls KEIN passender Platz.
— Einhörnchen (@urban_Sqirrel) August 18, 2020
Ich bin Teil von zwei Podcasts, lebe vegan und fahre gerne Rennrad. Täglich zerreißt mich innerlich die Entscheidung, womit ich Leuten zuerst auf die Nerven gehen soll.
— Herm (@hermsfarm) August 19, 2020
ein rätsel meines alltags: wieso haben fast alle babyhosen hosentaschen und meine kleider haben keine?
— Saskia Jungnikl-Gossy (@sjungnikl) August 19, 2020
Hey Leute, lasst uns mal die AfD nächstes Jahr wieder aus dem Bundestag schmeißen!
— Mira Wegener (@MiraWegener) August 18, 2020
The error was later corrected by another @openstreetmap user, BUT, in the interim, Microsoft took an export of the data and used it to build Flight Simulator 2020. The result… this incredible monolith (2/2) pic.twitter.com/wXKBK03Gcd
— Liam O 🦆 (@liamosaur) August 20, 2020
Als ich damals Depressionen hatte, ist meine Freundin mit mir im Schlafanzug im schönsten Restaurant der Stadt Frühstücken gewesen. Ich hatte keine Lust mich umzuziehen und sie wollte nicht, dass ich alleine Assi aussehe… So Freunde musste auch erstmal finden…
— Nuk Lear (@Nu_Kloar) August 20, 2020
I just rang IT help desk to order a new mouse because the one in the office isn’t working…. Turns out it’s a whiteboard cleaner. How’s your friday night going? #Team999 #Nightshift pic.twitter.com/siWxxsyWGl
— Nick The SOM (@ScotAmbSOM_Nick) August 21, 2020
Good morning! pic.twitter.com/LzDiRpoqO5
— Wo sind sie jetzt? (@exprofis) August 22, 2020
don't mind me just floatin by pic.twitter.com/5Q2eTW7lzZ
— Gators Daily 🐊 (@GatorsDaily) August 22, 2020
Ich frage mich, ob es da einen Zusammenhang gibt… #LogoDesign pic.twitter.com/R4Ou8UxdY0
— Benjamin Helsper (@Klausebou) August 24, 2020
Wievielen umgefallenen Säcken Reis entspricht es ungefähr auf eurer Emotionsskala, wenn der FC Bayern irgendwas gewinnt?
— Waffelsine (@Waffelsine) August 23, 2020
Damals, als Staubsauger-Roboter noch riesig waren …. https://t.co/rtYzyiG2II
— Alexa Brandt (@media_log) August 27, 2020
Suche Mann mit unkompliziertem Nachnamen zum Heiraten. Nur ernstgemeinte Zuschriften.
— Nicole Diekmann (@nicolediekmann) August 26, 2020
Recherche-Protipp: Wenn du feststellst, dass alle anderen, inklusive der Fachleute auf dem Gebiet, etwas ganz Wesentliches übersehen haben, dann ist es viel wahrscheinlicher, dass in Wirklichkeit du etwas ganz Wesentliches übersehen hast.
— Lars Fischer (@Fischblog) August 27, 2020
Eine Pandemie, ein Koch, der zum Sturz der satanistischen Regierung aufruft und Esoterik-Muttis, die Seite an Seite mit Nazis marschieren, weil sie im Supermarkt keine Maske tragen wollen. Gäbe es das als Film, wäre es die unglaubwürdigste, bescheuertste Handlung aller Zeiten.
— Victoria Schwartz (@VictoriaHamburg) August 29, 2020
Bevor es google gab war es so: Man wollte etwas wissen und dann hat man irgendwann gedacht, ach egal.
— David Kebekus (@MisterDavidK) August 28, 2020
Die Herzdame: „Wie heißt noch diese Pflanze hier, die ich bloß nicht ausreißen soll?“ Ich: „Das kann ich von hier aus nicht erkennen.“ Die Herzdame reißt die Pflanze aus und wirft sie mir zu. Die Sonne scheint, es weht ein leichter Wind, es ist ein schöner Tag. Die Ehe hält.
— Max.Buddenbohm (@Buddenbohm) August 30, 2020
Das ganze Schulsystem in DE&AT ist also darauf ausgelegt, dass intelligente Frauen ab Mittags zuhause auf ihre Kinder warten und mit ihnen stundenlang Hausaufgaben machen damit sie gute Noten schreiben & studieren können um eines Tages wiederum auf ihre Kinder Mittags zu warten.
— Joanalistin (@Joanalistin) August 29, 2020
Traue keinem Account mit mehr als zwei Hashtags pro Tweet.
— LaPierrot (@IchBinJazz) August 31, 2020
̶i̶̶c̶̶h̶̶ ̶̶d̶̶a̶̶t̶̶e̶̶ ̶̶m̶̶o̶̶m̶̶e̶̶n̶̶t̶̶a̶̶n̶̶ ̶̶s̶̶o̶̶ ̶̶e̶̶i̶̶n̶̶e̶̶n̶̶ ̶̶t̶̶y̶̶p̶̶e̶̶n̶ ich hab bis vor kurzem so einen Typen gedated der hat mir gerade gesagt dass er keine Lebkuchen oder Spekulatius mag
— Pixie Apfelbaum (@pixieapfelbaum) August 31, 2020
Meine Mutter ist übrigens echt sauer, dass die Uhr an ihrem Herd nach 46 Jahren kaputt ist. Das ist nicht mehr mein Deutschland! Danke Merkel!😡 pic.twitter.com/vMPp7MU2ir
— Han Twerker (@mitWorte) August 31, 2020
* * *
Du möchtest keinen Beitrag mehr verpassen? Du kannst dich per E-Mail benachrichtigen lassen, einfach hier klicken!
(Original unter: https://1ppm.de/2020/09/das-beste-aus-twitter-august-2020/)
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A Mira I made with this picrew a couple of weeks ago or so, thought I would share here since I shared my other characters I made with it. I forgot why I wanted to make her with it(probably to test out her features), but I do think she came out pretty cute!
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Didn’t get a chance to upload these till now(I originally did on my DA two weeks ago), but I finally sketched out the future kiddo concepts I made last year! It was always something I meant to do but it was never at the top of my project priorities. But, here is part one of sketching out those concepts, and I hope you enjoy! :3
(Their bios can be found below!)
* Silas Erdmann Son and youngest child of Gaia and Ren, younger brother to Aster by about 2 years. Prince of Erdennia. While he is adopted, his parents having found him as a lone elf baby when visiting more of Erdennia's smaller villages, he is very much loved by his brother and the rest of his family. He is much like his Papa when he was younger, being more standoffish and withdrawn, but he does has his rare moments of warming up to others when he is comfortable. Like his parents and older brother, he too has taken to witchcraft, though unlike their more nature-based magic, he practices gray magic more. He often feels ‘overshadowed’ by Aster who tends to get the most attention and he feels like he acts condescending towards him about that, however that is untrue as Aster loves his grumpy brother and does his best to include him whenever he can. * Aster Erdmann Son and oldest child of Gaia and Ren. Crowned Prince of Erdennia. A compassionate and precocious young lad, he has taken to advocacy work from a young age to stand up and fight for what he believes in. Much like his parents he has also taken to practicing witchcraft, practicing nature magic much like his Mama but was mainly inspired from his origin as a ‘clay baby’ to pursue it. With them being a little closer in age and both relating to being clay babies, he is close friends with Crowned Princess Mira of Feor, who often keeps him on his toes with the adventures they get into when together.
* Phoebe Von Brandt
Second daughter to Hestia and Tyson, younger sister to Seraphina by two-ish years. Princess of Feor. She takes more after her mama in temperament, being more calm and serious than her older sister. While she is quite strong like the rest of her family, she prefers more academic pursuits, commonly being found reading in the castle library. While she usually complains, she often gets roped into her older sister and older cousin Mira's antics, often acting as the 'voice of reason' to help keep them out of trouble. * Miku Neptune Daughter and youngest child of Amaya and Iris, younger sister to Gale by 5 years. Princess of Arian. Miku is a ‘clay baby’, meaning she is a biological child of her parents through the practice of a ritual created by the witches. Miku is a total sweetheart to all those around her, seemingly more confident than her brother but she does tend to bottle up her nerves more than express them. She is interested in her Mama Iris’ work as an ambassador, and hopes for herself that one day she can be able to travel out into the world. * Gale Neptune Son and oldest child of Amaya and Iris. Prince of Arian. Gale came into his parents’ lives one day when they were visiting one of the local orphanages, and after falling in love with the baby they decided to adopt him and bring him home with them. Gale is mostly a happy and carefree child, though is often intimidated by the older nobles of the royal court, worrying about if he could ever measure up to their expectations. Besides his Mama Maya, one person he can relate to this with is his cousin Clara, who is often under a lot of expectations as well as the crowned heir. * Clara Neptune Daughter and only child of Talia. Crowned princess of Arian. Despite the trauma her mother went through when she was younger that left her pretty withdrawn, the two have a good relationship as Talia considers her girl like the “light” of her life. Clara herself is very well-mannered and proper, a little quiet but she does her best to speak up. She loves doing anything she can to make her family and friends smile, even if with small gestures.
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TLR: 20 Years Later
After I explored some of the concepts I had for the future/sequel ideas next-generation cast, I wanted to post this list with everyone's approximate ages! This is only to establish everyone's ages relative to each other, since their concept bios did not state any exact ages for any of them.
I think some of these could count as spoilers, but since I've technically already shared these concepts I don't think it really matters anymore? In any case, I won't be sharing how these families come to start anytime soon, as those will wait for the potential next-generation sequel novels/novellas I'm considering writing, but I still hope you enjoy this list! As the title suggests, these are everyone's approximate ages 20 years into the future of the novel's universe!
((Going to organize these by families to make things easier))
- Lady Rosia and Lord Carmelo Belmonte
* Briar: age 19
* Basil: age 17
* Thyme: age 16
* Hazel: age 14
* Ivy: age 13
* Sage: age 12
- Ruling Queen Meredith and King Consort Adrien Alagona
* Dallas: age 18
* Wade: age 14
- Lady Emberleigh and Lord Kenneth Brand
* Oriane: age 18
- Ruling Queen Talia Neptune
* Clara: age 16
- Princess Amaya and Lady Iris Neptune
* Gale: age 15
* Miku: age 10
- Ruling Queen Gaia and King Consort Ren Erdmann
* Aster: age 13
* Silas: age 11
* Antheia: age 8
- Ruling King Ignatius and King Consort Brooke Von Brandt
* Mira: age 13
- Princess Hestia and Lord Tyson Von Brandt
* Seraphina: age 10
* Phoebe: age 8
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My art ideas have been kind of depleted/all-over the place lately, so something simple I usually do during these times is ink + color old sketches! Since I've been having some thoughts about my TLR next-gen concepts lately, I thought I would 'finish' their sketches! Like the originals I did these in different batches, starting with the kids from here~
I hope you enjoy! :3 Below are all their bios again(for the third time lol), from left-right and top-bottom!
* Silas Erdmann Son and middle child of Gaia and Ren, younger brother to Aster by 2 years. Prince of Erdennia. While he is adopted, his parents having found him as a lone elf baby when visiting more of Erdennia's smaller villages, he is very much loved by his brother and the rest of his family. He is much like his Papa when he was younger, being more standoffish and withdrawn, but he does has his rare moments of warming up to others when he is comfortable. Like his parents and older brother, he too has taken to witchcraft, though unlike their more nature-based magic, he practices gray magic more. He often feels ‘overshadowed’ by Aster who tends to get the most attention and he feels like he acts condescending towards him about that, however that is untrue as Aster loves his grumpy brother and does his best to include him whenever he can. * Aster Erdmann Son and oldest child of Gaia and Ren. Crowned Prince of Erdennia. A compassionate and precocious young lad, he has taken to advocacy work from a young age to stand up and fight for what he believes in. Much like his parents he has also taken to practicing witchcraft, practicing nature magic much like his Mama but was mainly inspired from his origin as a ‘clay baby’ to pursue it. With them being a little closer in age and both relating to being clay babies, he is close friends with Crowned Princess Mira of Feor, who often keeps him on his toes with the adventures they get into when together. 
* Phoebe Von Brandt Second daughter to Hestia and Tyson, younger sister to Seraphina by 2-ish years. Princess of Feor. She takes more after her mama in temperament, being more calm and serious than her older sister. While she is quite strong like the rest of her family, she prefers more academic pursuits, commonly being found reading in the castle library. While she usually complains, she often gets roped into her older sister's and older cousin Mira's antics, often acting as the 'voice of reason' to help keep them out of trouble. * Miku Neptune Daughter and youngest child of Amaya and Iris, younger sister to Gale by 5 years. Princess of Arian. Miku is a ‘clay baby’, meaning she is a biological child of her parents through the practice of a ritual created by the witches. Miku is a total sweetheart to all those around her, seemingly more confident than her brother but she does tend to bottle up her nerves more than express them. She is interested in her Mama Iris’ work as an ambassador, and hopes for herself that one day she can be able to travel out into the world. * Gale Neptune Son and oldest child of Amaya and Iris. Prince of Arian. Gale came into his parents’ lives one day when they were visiting one of the local orphanages, and after falling in love with the baby fairy they decided to adopt him and bring him home with them. Gale is mostly a happy and carefree child, though is often intimidated by the older nobles of the royal court, worrying about if he could ever measure up to their expectations. Besides his Mama Maya, one person he can relate to this with is his cousin Clara, who is often under a lot of expectations as well as she is the crowned heir. * Clara Neptune Daughter and only child of Talia. Crowned princess of Arian. Despite the trauma her mother went through when she was younger that left her pretty withdrawn, the two have a good relationship as Talia considers her girl like the “light” of her life. Clara herself is very well-mannered and proper, a little quiet but she does her best to speak up. She loves doing anything she can to make her family and friends smile, even if with small gestures. While her parents aren't together, she still has contact and visits with her father, and enjoys learning more about being half-air nymph with him as he is an air nymph himself.
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All The Non-Human Characters
Since I recently did this for my @spooksverse-asks blog, I thought I would do it for here as well! Since my novel takes place in a fantasy world, creatures/monsters do exist and there are some characters who are either not human or not completely human. So, here is a list of those characters! :3
. Arethusa Alagona: merfolk
. Meredith, Brooke, and Murphy Alagona: half-merfolk
. Beckham Calder: merfolk(of the hypnotic/siren-variety)
. Alwyn Asturias: half-water nymph
. Raine Taevas: fairy
. Ren Plaskett: half-elf
. Shannon Ayers: selkie
. Demeter Erdmann: half-forest nymph
. Enki Erdmann: dryad
. Gaia, Avani, and Beaumont Erdmann: half-dryad/quarter-forest nymph/quarter-human
. Eteri Kazami: vampire
. Mira Von Brandt: quarter-merfolk
. Aster Erdmann: quarter-elf/quarter-dryad(then mostly human after that but has a little forest nymph in his genes)
. Silas Erdmann: elf
. Dallas and Wade Alagona: quarter-merfolk
. Gale Neptune: fairy
. Clara Neptune: half-air nymph
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A cute little idea I had for a drawing a couple of days ago, of an older!Tia holding and posing for a picture with her niece, Mira! :3
This takes place about 10 years or so in the future, with the most notable changes to Tia's appearance(aside from getting a little more curvy) being her hair as it is now shoulder-length, and the scar she has on her left shoulder/collarbone area, that she got during battle one day. Mira here is toddler-age(3-ish), but she loves her auntie Tia, just as Tia adores her.
I hope you enjoy!  ❤️
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A little something for MerMay, just so I don't forget to do at least one drawing. So, here's Mira as a little mermaid~ 🧜‍♀️
Being half-Mareasian, Mira does have the same abilities of being able to breath underwater and also have a mer-form, though unlike a full-blooded native her abilities are limited in how long she can hold them and how deep into the water she can go. She usually does not see large bodies of water much anyway, but whenever she is visiting the black sand beaches of Feor with her family or the Kingdom of Mareas to see her other family, she usually likes to have at least one moment where she can connect with her Mareasian roots and experience her mer-form in the water~ 💧
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Something I wasn't sure about sharing on here before, but eventually decided to anyway. I originally drew this a few days ago, inspired from an idea I had a couple weeks prior, of practicing drawing babies more, and drawing this particular character when she was one. 
Since I have not shared her here before, this is Mira Von Brandt, the Kingdom of Feor's future crowned princess! She doesn't come into her parents' lives till much later(when they are like 30/29), since children weren't on their mind much for the majority of their relationship up until that point. She is a 'clay baby', meaning she was born from an old ritual of the witches that involved mixing the parents' dna with a clay mold of a baby, then waiting a few months for the mold to slowly start breaking apart after imbuing it with magic and a spell. She grows to be a very feisty and playful tomboy, and would rather go on adventures than sit still or pay attention to her royal duties. While she has no magic at the moment, she eventually grows to have steam-related abilities.
I hope you guys like her! Originally, I never intended to make her or any future children for my novel characters, but her concept wouldn’t leave me alone when I first got it earlier this year, so I had to design her out. Since she doesn’t come around into her parents’ lives till several years after the end of the main novel’s events she will not be used much, but I still found it fun to work on her concept anyway.^^
((A reference of her as a kid(that I made a few months back on DA) can be found under the “readmore” below, though the only changes I’ve made to her design since then is giving her a more ‘fair’ skin tone and making her hair a little bit more ‘bluish’ than just black, but everything else is the same))
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