whoseholtz · 16 days
if i could tell her | will smith
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pairing : will smith x fem!reader
warnings : the BRIEFEST mention of being drunk underage, cursing, situationships (ick), reader is a theater kid, use of y/n, dear evan hansen, kissing, but just sickening fluffiness mainly <3
summary : will finally plucks up the courage to tell y/n he wants their relationship be more than just casual, and when he tries confessing he unintentionally quotes dear evan hansen
word count : 2.5k
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Y/N and Will had been casually ‘going out’ for around a month now, but due to their conflicting schedules, they rarely got time alone together. Whenever either party had ever felt like they had the right moment to attempt at confessing, something always seemed to come up, or in many cases, ruin the moment.
The previous Monday, Will was quite literally seconds away from finally, officially, asking Y/N out. But do you know what happened? Gabe interrupted; the moment was perfect, and his teammate had ruined it.
Will attempted not to seem phased by it and tried to move on, but he still felt a hint of bitterness in his stomach when he thought back to that day.
However, the failed attempts aside, Will was determined that today was the day; in a few hours, Y/N would be his girlfriend and he would be her boyfriend. At least that was the hope.
Everything was planned out; that very night was Y/N’s first performance in front of a sold-out audience as Evan Hansen in BC’s production of DEH. He was so proud of her to be able to land the main role in the musical, nevermind that it was a usually male-dominated part to have.
Will has spent hours with her rehearsing, reading lines back and forth to help her learn them perfectly and not mess up. The girl had already known the entire musical by heart, but conditioning yourself to then only play one role was actually quite difficult, something she found out rather quickly.
While the boy wouldn't admit it, he actually enjoyed the soundtrack and found himself listening to the songs in his day-to-day life, even on the way to training.
On one particular occasion, he’d been walking to the rink on his own before Gabe and Ryan had joined him, and due to the noise canceling on his headphones, he hadn't realized until Ryan had nudged him in the side lightly, he'd jumped and paused his music.
This led to him being asked what he was listening to, and without really thinking, he’d replied, “Oh, just Dear Evan Hansen, you know.” Needless to say, he’d been teased for being a theater kid multiple times since then.
This musical had somewhat become a shared passion between Will and Y/N, and even though the hockey player wasn't directly involved in the production, he still felt as though he had become a part of the family that was the cast and crew. Most of his time was taken up by hockey, but that didn't stop him from popping in and helping wherever he could.
Ironically, the group had always referred to Will as “Y/N’s boyfriend," and every time either of them tried to remind anybody that they weren't official yet, eyes would be rolled and unconvinced looks would be pointedly given. So, maybe it was about time they could make the nickname accurate.
Special. That’s what he wanted this to be: special. It was all planned out to be just that, and with the night that it was going to be, Will thought it was no better timing than the present.
Smiling to himself, he thought about the fact that, if all went to plan, he could be cheering from the audience for his girlfriend, not just whatever he was supposed to call her right now.
Presently, Will stood at the entry to the block of dorms Y/N stayed in. He had asked his teammates to help pick an outfit for him and hoped it would impress the girl he was hoping to sweep off her feet.
He wore his favorite suit, a maroon-red color similar to the colors of Boston College itself, with a matching tie and white shirt. Perhaps it was cliche; the more he thought about it, the worse those concerns made him worry, but he brushed the thoughts out of his mind, watching the doorway with anticipation.
In his hands, he held a sweet bouquet of flowers—pink tulips, to be exact. No, he couldn't confirm they were her favorite flower, but he always associated her with the flowers. The first time he looked on her Instagram, the emoji in her bio stood out to him immediately.
He had accidentally admitted this fact to the old lady who owned the local florist, but instead of laughing at him, the lady smiled with a twinkle in her eye, muttering something affectionately along the lines of “young love.”
A creak from the door in front of him swiftly took him back to his current situation, and he looked up, his voice catching in his throat for a moment. In front of him was a flustered Y/N, and Will truly felt like the luckiest person in the world.
“Hi!” the girl squeaked out enthusiastically. "Sorry, I took a little longer than you probably expected; I couldn't find my key,” she explained, looking slightly guilty.
“It’s no problem; genuinely, I would’ve waited hours if you needed me to.” Will spoke sweetly. Y/N took it as a dramatic use of hyperbole, but in the boy’s mind, he was speaking nothing but the truth. “These are for you,” he added, handing the bouquet of tulips to the girl. “I didn't know which flowers you liked, but, uh, these reminded me of you.”
“They're gorgeous! And... pink tulips are actually my favorite; you must be psychic.” or maybe he just looked at her Instagram too many times—the same difference, really. Y/N was sure that her heart rate was about 1000 beats per minute, but she calmed herself down with some deep breaths.
“Could I?” She gestured her head between the flowers and the hallway she had just appeared from, asking if she could go and put the flowers back in her dorm, and Will nodded, silently sighing in relief at a moment to get himself together.
After a few minutes, Y/N got back, and Will offered his arm for her to take. She did as prompted, and he led her onward. The first part of his plan was in motion; phew, now all he had to do was not mess up the date or the whole part where he was going to ask Y/N to be his girlfriend.
Unfortunately, part of the plan had Will relying on his friends. Yes, he trusted them, but he still anxiously awaited what he was going to be presented with when they arrived at the park.
He had spent all morning preparing a picnic basket of foods for their date; he’d even taken a trip to a store to buy a wicker basket and a red check blanket to fully complete the aesthetic.
Yet, he was (thankfully) pleasantly surprised when, as he brought the girl through the park, his picnic was perfectly set out for their date. He’d need to remember to thank the boys later. Will looked at Y/N, nervous for her reaction, to see what could only be described as pure joy painted across her expression.
“Will! This is so cute,” she let out a squeal of awe. “You didn't have to; oh my gosh, this is so cute.” She promptly wrapped her arms around the boy, kissing him on the cheek in excitement. His cheeks lit up at this, because while she’d kissed him on the cheek before, it never stopped feeling like the first.
They sat together in the afternoon sun, engaged in conversations about many topics ranging from hockey to Taylor Swift, but somehow, the topic of Dear Evan Hansen had not come up yet, which Will sort of wanted it to, so he could approach what he’d been waiting to say for a long while now.
“And then the show's tonight, and like Ms. Laynor said, we could have a few hours to ourselves before we had to get ready for the opening, right? But she never specified what time we needed to be at the theater, so I just thought four hours before was good, you know. Arrive at 4 p.m. in time for the show at 8, perfect!” Y/N ranted on slightly, but Will listened intently, nodding in agreement with her decision.
“Yeah, I think four hours is good, and if she needs you before then she can always message you.” Will reassured the girl, his eyes twinkling affectionately at the passion she held for the theater. Just seeing the smile that graced her face made the boy know this was it—this was the time he was going to do it. He wasn't sure why he knew, but the moment felt right. He took a deep breath before speaking.
“There's really nothing like your smile; have I ever told you that? It's sort of subtle, but real, and it's perfect." Will started; he had a habit of talking with his hands, and as he spoke, it was highlighted. “And I don't think you know how amazing seeing your smile can make someone feel—can make me feel!”
Y/N watched him talk, stunned and speechless as Will confessed what he had never had the guts to speak out loud before. “And I know that when you're bored in class, you start doodling in the margin of your books, and I noticed that you annotate your books with a pen when you see something you like.”
Admitting this took bravery, but honestly speaking, the boy still hadn't come to terms with the fact that this was actually real.
“But I’ve kept it all inside; I haven't said it to you. I’ve wanted to, seriously, but I couldn't seem to talk to you about it; I couldn't find a way, and I didn't know if we were on the same page because sometimes it feels like we're a million worlds apart, so it was like, where am I meant to start? And how do I say it?"
He took a long breath before he said the most important part, “I love you.”
That was it; he’d done it; he’d said it. There was no taking it back now. He felt close to exploding as he looked directly into her eyes for the first time since he’d started talking. Y/N looked close to crying. Will could only hope that was positive, but the demons in his head only told him of the rejection that was coming.
“Will. I don't know what to say. He braced himself for the harsh reality check he feared was building. “That's the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. Wow. I love you too, seriously.”
He deflated, “I get it,” before his mind fully comprehended what he’d just heard. “Wait, what?” His previously crestfallen body language perked up instantly. Did she seriously say what he thought she had? Surely he had to be dreaming, and resisting the urge to pinch himself to check was becoming increasingly difficult.
“I love you too,” she smiled. “And I think if I hadn't already been, the fact you just quoted Dear Evan Hansen to tell me how you felt would've made me fall in love on the spot.” She said it meaningfully; his words had been quotes from a song, yet somehow, everything he said felt raw and honest, like he had written the song about her.
With the realization of what he’d done, Will groaned inwardly, “Fuck, there's no way I plagiarized my confession of love from Dear Evan Hansen. I’m so embarrassing.” He knew the words had been too smooth to be completely his own, but of all the things he had to quote from, It was the musical his girlfriend was going to perform in a few hours.
“What? No, you aren't! You genuinely don't know how much it means. You spent so much time helping me rehearse for the performance when you didn't have to, when we weren't boyfriend and girlfriend, but you did anyway. And you memorized the lyrics, and now you're quoting the songs when you tell me you love me.”
Y/N looked at him with an expression of pure adoration and said, “You're not embarrassing at all; you're just possibly the sweetest person I’ve ever met.”
“I never meant it in a bad way that it was quotes from there. I mean, you changed it so it would fit me; that's just about the most thoughtful thing in the history of things. It was personal, to me and to us; that's what matters.” and she was extremely serious when she said that.
The idea that someone she'd fallen in love with cared at all about her passions meant everything, and then for the love to be requited felt like a million years of joy all at once. The boy felt the same, along with a major sense of relief and, well, a hint of lingering embarrassment.
“I’m glad, wow. I’ve been waiting so long to finally tell you this. I can't even believe it's just happened and that you actually like me back, and all the rejection scenarios I imagined were stupid.” He was cut off by the pressing of a kiss on his lips.
“Shut up,” she mumbled affectionately against his lips, smiling slightly into the kiss. Any of their previous fluttering, drunk kisses were forgotten at this moment; the passion after months of mutual pining solidified this as the first kiss, not just for them as a couple but for them as people too.
They continued for a few seconds before both of them lay down on the blanket, somewhat starstruck, letting the situation completely settle in their minds. It was a comfortable silence as they replayed the moment in their heads like a film reel.
It had gotten to 4 p.m. and Y/N had left for the theater. Will spent the time he had between then and the show in a few hours processing everything that had gone down. It honestly shocked him that he’d ever followed through with the plan to begin with.
Fast forward to the performance. Will sat in one of the closest rows to the stage, excited to watch Y/N perform a project she’d been working on for so long. Personally, he was extremely impressed; the entire cast had worked their asses off, and it was definitely worth it.
While Will had listened to the soundtrack, he’d never seen the full musical performed, and seeing it there was something special, especially knowing how much it meant to the people on stage. As the production came to an end and the cast performed their curtain call, the audience gave them a standing ovation.
Y/N, as the title character, got her own turn to bow and take in the true feeling of the audience clapping for you and cheering for you. The feeling was indescribable, but at that time she felt on top of the world, lost in the moment, at a peak in her life.
She was grinning ear to ear as she met the eyes of Will in the crowd, and this somehow prompted the hockey player to shout, “That’s my girlfriend!” at the top of his lungs.
Needless to say, he was extremely embarrassed that he'd said that out loud, but it got his point across in a pretty public way, no doubt about that. Y/N laughed slightly before the rest of the cast joined back into a line with her, taking their final bows as the curtain closed, the show ending.
a/n :: thank you for reading!! the formatting ended up a bit weird and i had to reupload this bc tumblr decided to bully me and not submit this to tags... but hopefully it works now and i hope you enjoyed :3
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y0itsbri · 2 months
tagged by @heymacy and @sxltburn the cutest cuties ilysm
name: bri
age: twentysomething who knows
location: snuggled up in bed w my cat<3
latest music discovery: good luck, babe! by chappell roan is on repeat in this household babyyyy 🍀
latest movie: death note⚰️
last tv show you finished: death note aaaand dungeon meshi 🍲🐉
most recently started book: the 'fucking trans women' zine by mira bellwether
most recent trip out of town: my gf's birthday trip to our first concert together 🎂
most recent trip out of the country: oh lawddd. probably to the bahamas with my dad about a decade ago
most recent gift you made yourself: a little crochet bumblebee and a couple crystal carvings of a fluorite cat and a selenite heart ❤️
most recent gift you made to someone else: idk if it was the most recent but i picked out a megalodon shark tooth for my gf and it's so fucking cool
most recent text message you received: 'hi honey. u up?' from my mom
most recent text message you sent: 'yeah i'm up' to my mom
last fic you read: girllll it's been a hot minute
last drink you had: ginger ale
last thing you ate: a bowl of cheerios
latest piece of clothing you bought: a vintage button up from the 80s, equipped with shoulder pads and all
latest piece of advice you received: everything happens for a reason
latest piece of advice you gave: don't overpluck your eyebrows right away (unless you're going for a 90s goth look but they may or may not grow back)!
latest thing you promised yourself: hold less room for anger at the table
tagging @heymrspatel @gallawitchxx @vintagelacerosette @creepkinginc @7x10mickey @sickness-health-all-that-shit @arrowflier @energievie here's a mini garden happy spring lovies🌺🌻🐝🌷🐞🦋🌼🌱🫛🐇🦔🪷🌈🍅🧺☀️
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drawingale · 1 month
🌷May Updates🌷
Hi, I’m Drawingale 💙  
I have two webcomics on GlobalComix and I like to draw fanart occasionally
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Aeria: Mira is your average high school girl until aliens arrive on Earth
DG’s Origin: Azura seeks out help to save her family from being petrified stone forever
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inspiredwriter · 6 months
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Leonardo :*camina por el bosque* de vuelta en la montaña y visitar a mi querida cierva 😊😏🦌💕💘💖*saca un ramo de tulipanes* ahora está bien le daré un ramo de flores no machistadas por el frío😁😅💐🌷🌨️
Miguel Angel : Sí, Ya quiero volver a ver mi amada sierva de nieve 😁🥰🦌☃️💞❣️💝*saca un tarro de chocolate y su mochila* Espero que le guste chocolate caliente que le traje ☺️😉☕💘💕💗 ¡mira ahí está hermano estan jugando! 😃😏
Stefany and Anastasia :*corriendo por el prado nevando* ¡jajaja pero qué divertido! 😄😆🌨️❄️✨
Leonardo and Miguel Angel :*se acerca a las chicas* hola preciosas~😏😘💕💘💗❣️
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Stefany : Oh mi tortuguita viniste a avitarme 😍🤗💞💕💘*abraza a Leo y lo besa en los labios* Mmmmuah~😚💋💕💘💖 te extrañé mucho🥰🥺💗💞💝
Leonardo : claro yo también te extraño mucho mi amor 😏😄💖💘💕❣️*saca el ramo de tulipanes y lo da a Stefany* este ramo de flores para para ti y y esas no son machitadas como la primera vez 😉😅💐🌷💘💞💗
Stefany :*resive el ramo* Oh gracias Lee, se ve muy hermosa 🥰😃🌷💗💝❣️💘* mueve sus orejas*
Miguel Angel :*se acerca a Anastasia*¡Mi amada Anastasia he vuelto! 😄😁💞💕💖💘
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Anastasia : mi precioso princesa hermoso 😍🥰💝💘💞💗*salta sobre Mikey y lo besa en los labios *Mmmmuah~😚💋💘❣️💖 te extrañé mucho Me tienes un regalo😃☺️🎁💕💞❣️
Miguel Angel :*le da el tarro de chocolate caliente* claro Toma mi amada sierva es un delicioso chocolate caliente lo preparé mismo y eché malvaviscos pero no lo bebas Aún es demasiado caliente 😏😘☕🍫💖💝💕
Anastasia : Wow, gracias espero tomarlo pronto 😄🥰💘💗💝* besa a Mikey en la mejilla* Muah~😚💋💞💖💕
Donatello and Rafael :*amina por el bosque* Leo, Mikey ¿en donde esta hermanos? 😕🤨
Stefany :*mira a los chicos*cariño estas tortugas son tus hermanos 🤨😃✨
Leonardo : claro son nuestros hermanos que les contamos es Donnie y Raph los trajimos a la montaña para que les conocieran 😄☺️🏔️🦌
Miguel Angel : claro y recuerda que nos dijeron que trajeron sus amigas 😁😉✨
Anastasia : Claro que la trajimos están en el otro bosque jugando les dijimos sobre ustedes 😊🥰💕💖 ellas vendrá rápido con la magia😄😉🦌✨
Leonardo : muy bien Ahora quédense aquí mientras con sus hermanos Ven Mikey 🙂😉🏃‍♂️*seva*
Miguel Angel :*se va de atrás de Leo* Como gustes hermano y solo esperen mientras las llamamos 😉😘💘💝💕
Stefany and Anastasia : ¡está bien guapos! 🥰😍💞💗❣️
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April And Candy :*camina por el bosque y mira a Stefany y Anastasia*hola chicas 😄😃👋
Stefany : vaya llegaron Justo a tiempo chicas 😊😏🦌✨
April : sí tuvimos que tomar un atajo más rápido en la montaña 😄😁🏔️✨nos preguntaron ayer que que podíamos conocer a sus novios😃😏💗💞
Anastasia : claro hermana las chicas que encontramos son tortugas y son muy amables y generosos y guapo 🥰😍💘💖💝
Candy : vaya No puedo creer que tú y Stefany tengan novios de ayer es muy hermoso😏🤭💗💞💝(pensamientos💭) qué suertudas Yo también quiero tener novio😞🥺💖💕
Stefany : muy pronto los conocerás nos pidieron que nos quedáramos aquí mientras hablaran con sus hermanos 😊😉✨
Donatello :*mira a sus hermanos* ahí están chicos Por qué se tardaron tanto 🤨🤔
Leonardo :*se acerca a Donnie*lo sentimos Donnie es que fuimos a hablar con nuestras novias para que los conozcan 😅🥰💞💗
Rafael :*se cruza los brazos* jajaja, están hablando de nuevo sobre esos ciervas de Navidad falsos que soñaron 😆😈🦌
Miguel Angel : Oye Raph, No te burles y además es cierto las ciervas son mágicas y los demostraros 😡😤🦌 ✨chicas ya pueden salir 😁😏💕💝
Stefany and Anastasia, April And Candy :*salen de los arbustos*
Donatello :*mira a April*Wow no puede ser son ciervos mágicos 😲😳🦌✨(pensamientos💭) esa cierva de de cabello castaño rizado que quiero abrazar y besarla 🥰😍💗💞💘
Rafael :*mira a Candy*Sí, yo creí que eran solo cuentos sí son reales 😧😲🦌(pensamientos💭) esa sierva de cabello morado es hermosa que quiero besarla y hacer el amor 😍😈💕💝💘💕
April: *Comes to Donnie* Hi, handsome, you are probably the Donatello that the girls told me about😄😘💘💖💗💕
Donatello: *Waves his hand in embarrassment* Hello, darling Yeah, it's me, I'm very glad to meet you. And what is your name?👋😳😍💓💗💞
April: My name is April🥰💖💝💕
Donatello: *Blushes* Wow, what a beautiful name~😃😍💘💓💕 That's the reason why your eyes look like a spring sky~😏🌤🌷💗💝💞
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April: *Blushes* Oh, that's the nicest thing I've ever heard, boy😍💖💗💓 *Kisses Donnie on the cheek* Muah~😚💋💗💖💕 Do you want to go for a little walk along the snowy alley?🤭🥰🌲🌨💝💘💞
Donatello: With pleasure, beauty, let's take a walk😁🥰💖💝💗 (Thoughts💭) Oh my gosh, she just kiss me!😍❣️💓💞 I so want that graceful doe to kiss me on the lips, but I can't do it in front of my brothers, because I'm embarrassing🤫😅
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Donatello and April: *Take each other's hands and leave*
Donatello: *Turns around and winks to Leo and Mikey* Thank you, guys~😉😄💗💕
Michelangelo: (Thoughts💭) Check it out, it was love at first sight😁😏💘✨
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Candy: *Wags her tail with excitement* Woah, you're probably Raphael, right?😃😍💖😂💘💞 Oh my gosh, you're really so huge!😍💪💓💗💕 *Hugs Raph* So huge and warm~🤗🥰💝💖💞
Raphael: Oh, chill out girl~😳💘❣️💓💞 (Thoughts💭) She acts like a little kid, but she is so beautiful😍💗💖💞 *Hugs Candy's waist and kisses her on the forehead* Muah~😚💘💝💕 Huh, I'm also incredibly glad to meet you, only i don't know what's your name, sweetie😏😅💓💖💕
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Candy: *Blushes* Oh, sorry big boy, I'm so cold that I completely forgot about manners😳🥶❄ *Puts hands under Raph's jacket* My name is Candy, but sometimes everyone call me sugar cane🤗😘🍬💖💘💞
Raphael: *Feels Candy's hands on his hips* Maybe you wouldn't mind going into the garbage truck and warming up, sugar doe😘😈🔥💗💓💖
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lovelykhaleesiii · 8 months
🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷Send this flower to 10 mutuals to let them know you love them 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
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I adore my aegon ii sisterwives 🌹
I love you so much, Mira! I appreciate you so very much! thank you for sending this beautiful collage of our handsome husband ��☺️
isn’t he just a doll?!
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callsign-rogueone · 3 months
Hi friend!
Just checking in! Hope you had a good weekend full of either relaxation or inspiration 🩵🩵
Have you written anything you’re particularly excited about lately? 😇🤓
hiii 🥺
I started working full time on Wednesday and it’s a lot of walking and standing and talking so I’m exhausted lol. I spent the weekend sick in bed but I did get some writing in!
here’s everything I worked on. I am very excited about a few of these, as you can tell from the length of their descriptions.
Mira and Bunny (sneak peek posted!) I cannot articulate how wild this is going to be. rivals to lovers, banter, sparring, and 🌶🌶. currently at 3k words and I’m maybe… halfway done? 🫣 not expecting this one to take off, bc I know there aren’t many Mira girlies out there, but I’m proud of it and I’ve enjoyed writing it :)
Bodhi and Darling! I’ve finally figured her backstory out 🥰 rewatched some of a certain popular Netflix show for inspiration… that’s all I’ll say for now.
Bren and Duchess (so many different wips. them at the viscount’s place, their wedding, their anniversary, dealing with the general, and I still haven’t told y’all her signet yet, either… 👀)
secret relationship with Dain request 🤭 keeping this one under wraps for now, since it’s ~secret~ hehe
bonded dragons with Ridoc request (also very proud of this one. I think I’m onto something here ☀️🌶)
I have a week off coming up next month and I might try to post once a day then 👀 but for now we’re goin kinda slow. maybe 2 posts a week? but I’m also making everything longer than I used to… so idk. I’ll find the energy somehow. gotta keep y’all fed ❤️
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06chrome06 · 1 year
''Sevdiğim kim varsa, kendim de dahil, sevebileceğim herkes de dahil, sağlığı iyi olsun. Kalbi ritmini çalsın, yanakları kiraz pembesi, dudakları bal olsun.
Teni sıcak kalsın, enerjisi dışarı aksın. Ciğerlerinde nefes, kollarında, bacaklarında enerji hep olsun. Kanı bol olsun, damarlarında dönüp dolaşsın.
Sevdikleriyle bir arada olsun, kolu kollarına değsin, gözlerinin içine baksın.Lafları birbiriyle başlasın.
Nesi var, nesi yoksa bölüşecek, bulup getirecek birileri olsun. Bu birileri az ama öz olsun. Sevgisinin tamamını harcasın, harcasın ki ona büyük bir miras kalsın.
Sevmekten bıkıp usanmayacağı biri olsun, onun yeri ayrı olsun, onu soysun başucuna koysun. Onun her şeyine, her haline tanık olsun. O biri, onu bir hareketiyle güldüren, bir hareketiyle ağlatan olsun.
Duyguların hepsi onda olsun, kalbi buna teslim olsun. Bütün şarkılar onu anlatsın. Aşık olsun, sırılsıklam olsun. Kurumasın.
Yapmaktan bıkıp usanmayacağı bir işi olsun. İbadet eder gibi, her gün bu keşfini yeniden kutlar gibi onu yapıp dursun.
Yaptıkça daha iyi yaptığını görsün.
Neşesi bol olsun. Kendini mutlu etsin, durduk yere neşelenmek nedir bilsin.İçindeki bir şey durup durup zıplasın. Gördükleri, duydukları onu gıdıklasın, kahkaha attırsın.
Çocukken en sevdiği ana sık sık gidip gelsin, ama nereye gidip geldiği bilinmesin. Değiştirmek istedikleri değişsin. İçte ve dışta, iyi günde ve kötü günde tadilat yapsın. Eskileri atsın, ruhunu havalandırsın. Kapıda hep kamyonu dursun, dilediği yere taşınsın.
Kendinden taşınmak isterse içindeki güç, dışındaki sevgi ona yardımcı olsun.Bileği bütün bağımlılıklarıyla, alışkanlıklarıyla güreşsin.
Bir şey ona sürpriz olsun. Günlerinden bir günü bir pakete sarılı dursun. Açınca içinden hiç beklemediği güzel bir haber çıksın.
Bugün üç yüz altmış beşten herhangi biri olsun. Öylesine bir Pazartesi yahut arkaya kavuşturduğu ellerinde unutulmaz bir Salı saklasın.
Öyle tahmini mümkün olmayan bir şey olsun ki bu, hayatın sihrini anlasın. Bir hayali gerçek olsun, bir hayale gözünü yumsun.
Bir çizgi filmde olduğunu unutmasın.
Bu duayı okusun, kendi sesiyle okusun. Duası gerçek olsun.
Tek kelimesine nazar değmesin. AMİN. ''
(Üç Sulukuleli kadının Hıdrellez duası)
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r0yalqueen · 2 months
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Mira Linn oc 🌷
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malamira · 3 months
hi, i'm mira !
🌷 a girlypop in her 30s 🌷 i write sfw & nsfw content 🌷 multi-fandom enjoyer
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leafbuglove · 2 years
got any silly animal pixels? love the blog btw! ♡
sure thing!! and awee thank you mira! 🌷
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whoseholtz · 26 days
begin again | william eklund
summary : reader's last relationship ended messily and she posts a soft launch of her new boyfriend
fc : alana lintao
a/n : this is my first fic ever so like pls don't judge if you think it's bad... also the summary is horrible icb
song : begin again (taylor's version) by taylor swift
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liked by y/bff/username, eklund_72 and others
y/username on a wednesday in a café ☕️
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username HELLO???
y/username hey pooks 🤗
username stop this is so cute...
username after you know who she deserves this so much!!
y/bff/username and i wasn't aware...? 🙁
y/username STOPPP i was scared okay but message me oh my god i have so much to say
username oh?
username our girl is getting her begin again moment !!
liked by y/username
and more...
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liked by eklund_72, thombordeleau_ and others
y/nusername i watched it begin again 🫶
tagged eklund_72
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eklund_72 jag älskar dig 🩵
y/username jag älskar dig också 🩵
username THE I LOVE YOUS IN SWEDISH?? i'm gonna kms bye
username OH MY GODDD
thombordeleau_ wake up bubs y/n and eky hard launch was posted!!
liked by y/username, eklund_72 and others
y/bff/username my wife is dating a man... the betrayal is crazy
y/username shhh we can't let anybody know about our secret elopement
username y/n wag era?? we're so back
username not the sharks 😭😭💔 y/n please
username like of all teams??
username FR why not someone actually good now i'm going to be in pain supporting them for y/n
fabianzetterlund good luck with him you will need it
username the taylor swift caption 😭😭 ME WHEN?!
and more...
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liked by y/username, tristenrobins and more
eklund_72 mitt hjärta ☀️🌊🩵
tagged y/username
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y/username beach days are better with you :)
comments on this post are limited
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nyukyusnz · 1 year
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚➶ mutuals •°. *࿐
elle ; ⤑✧∘ @sunghun ∘✩
sue🐙 ; ⤑✧∘ @soobnny ∘✩
lilac🫶 ; ⤑✧∘ @liliansun ∘✩
dori🌷 ; ⤑✧∘ @odxrilove ∘✩
ximena ; ⤑✧∘ @luvruby ∘✩
rose🐢 ; ⤑✧∘ @yangsrose ∘✩
mari🍄 ; ⤑✧∘ @hirokari ∘✩
nika🥀 ; ⤑✧∘ @shinehyuk ∘✩
cami ; ⤑✧∘ @kyswoo ∘✩
amelia🌥 ; @chenlay-zhong ∘✩
zelda ; ⤑✧∘ @jeongans ∘✩
hwi🍧 ; ⤑✧∘ @gyyyyyu ∘✩
mira ; ⤑✧∘ @4xiaojun ∘✩
roy🫐 ; ⤑✧∘ @jyvnho ✩∘
mai ; ⤑✧∘ @choibinn3 ∘✩
mako🐬 ; ⤑✧∘ @seolboba ∘✩
amie🦉 ; ⤑✧∘ @binniebutter ∘✩
sachi🍥 ; ⤑✧∘ @ssssachi ∘✩
ren☄ ; ⤑✧∘ @kqyutie ∘✩
lily ; ⤑✧∘ @/fleuriya ∘✩
sunny🌞 ; ⤑✧∘ @tangerinesungchan ∘✩
ryura ; ⤑✧∘ @/ryurass ∘✩
liv ; @/juniblvssom ∘✩
loki ; ⤑✧∘ @alohajun ∘✩
clementine🩰 ; ⤑✧∘ @qlcwiinq ∘✩
liz ; ⤑✧∘ @/moatrashh ∘✩
kim ; ⤑✧∘ @kynrki ∘✩
eun🐑 ; ⤑✧∘ @euiioo ∘✩
ara✨ ; ⤑✧∘ @shinescape ∘✩
frida ; ⤑✧∘ @scftjoo ∘✩
mari ; ⤑✧∘ @kyuala ∘✩
saph ; ⤑✧∘ @koakyuu ∘✩
minie ; ⤑✧∘ @/yoshiikore ∘✩
minnie ; ⤑✧∘ @mini0o ∘✩
mari🐈‍⬛ ; ⤑✧∘ @gfksn ∘✩
jaydi🎐 ; ⤑✧∘ @acaiasahi ∘✩
fae🪞 ; ⤑✧∘ @jangwonie ∘✩
lay🦋 ; ⤑✧∘ @luvyjn ∘✩
miyu ; ⤑✧∘ @ixomiyu ∘✩
ren ; ⤑✧∘ @reniqt ∘✩
ace🐝 ; ⤑✧∘ @binniecorre ∘✩
sree👽 ; ⤑✧∘ @deeznutsriki ∘✩
jam ; ⤑✧∘ @hypesahi ∘✩
kari ; ⤑✧∘ @/yedammi ∘✩
yeonie ; ⤑✧∘ @wonvelvet ∘✩
faith🌺 ; ⤑✧∘ @0x1lovebot ∘✩
tokki ; ⤑✧∘ @carateum3 ∘✩
xander🐱 ; ⤑✧∘ @tbzloonar ∘✩
milky🍚 ; ⤑✧∘ @milkybonya ∘✩
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚➶ pls let me know if you'd like to be removed or anything like that !! if you'd like any notices for me to be aware of, i have been ia and i don't know a lot about what has recently gone around !! stay safe , i love you all <3 !! •°. *࿐
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Feliz día para todos!!! 🌷
❤ .. Cuando sólo empiezas a preocuparte sobre el amor incondicional - a tí mismo, a otro, - tus intenciones se vuelven puras.
Amas simplemente porque amas y no estás tratando de obtener algo por ello. ¡Y aquí es donde el mundo comienza a otorgarte beneficios.
Porque al estar en un estado de amor incondicional, estás en equilibrio, existes en la misma frecuencia de vibración con esos niveles de realidad que se encargan de crear todo tipo de beneficios en tu vida.
Cuando haces algo en lo que no puedes poner amor incondicional, desperdicias energía, la pierdes.
¡Empieza por amarte a tí mismo!
Puede que te parezca que no sabes cómo es - amar incondicionalmente... De hecho, todos lo saben. Cada uno de ustedes contiene naturalmente un profundo amor propio incondicional. Es el amor el que te acepta tal como eres. Este amor no es crítico, no juzga, no exige que te conviertas en algo diferente, mejor y más perfecto.
En el fondo, cada uno de ustedes conoce su esencia Divina. Entonces, en el fondo, cada uno de ustedes se ama y se acepta tal como es. ¡Recuerda esto! Solo recuerda este sentimiento. Esta aceptación incondicional de tí mismo es el secreto de la fuerza que siempre está contigo.
Directo amor incondicional antes que nada en nosotros mismos, queridos. Si hacen ésto, se eliminarán muchos de sus problemas.
Su camino se aclarará, ya no tendrán que vagar en la oscuridad. Quedará absolutamente claro qué es lo que realmente necesitan y que no.
Y todo tipo de bendiciones surgirán en su camino por sí mismas; después de todo, serán atraídas por su sintonía con las vibraciones superiores del amor Divino.
Porque el amor de Dios es amor incondicional, y cuando amas incondicionalmente, te vuelves como Dios.
Somos Divinos, somos chispas de Dios 🌟
Cierra los ojos y respira profunda y lentamente inhalando y exhalando.
Imagine un calor suave y agradable que se extiende por tu pecho mientras te miras.
Es un sentimiento de ternura, aceptación y alegría tranquila que te puedas aceptar tal como eres, sin exigirte nada, sin reprocharte nada, sin criticar, sin querer cambiar, pero disfrutando del sentimiento.
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inspiredwriter · 2 months
*En el Bosque*
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Miguel Angel :*recoge huevos en el suelo y los pone en la canasta* Wow, adoro el día de pascua😃😁🐇✨🎉 hay muchos huevos de colores🤩🥚🌈✨ espero que sean de chocolate o sea que viene con unos juguete🤔😄🍫🧸
Leonardo :*recoge un huevo en los arbustos* Si, Splinter nos dijo que cada año el bosque viene el conejo de de pascua 😏😉🐇✨siempre ponen los huevos el bosque para que los niños los busquen por diversión🙂😊👧👦🥚🌳🌿
Rafael :*frunce el ceño* Oh por favor papá nos contó esa historia Cuando éramos niños solo es una tonta historia de las conejas de pascua 😒🙄*se cruza los brazos*ya somos grandes para recoger huevos 😡🤨🥚
Donatello :*toca a Raph del onbro* vamos Raph no te enojes tanto Será muy divertido sé que somos grandes Pero tenemos un niño interior 😁😉👦
Miguel Angel : Si, hermano solo diviértate😃😄*mira por los lados*debo encontrar un huevo alguna parte🤔😉🥚*revisa en los arbustos*¡Oh santo guacamole! 😳😍💞💘💖
Leonardo : ¿Qué pasó Mikey encontraste otro huevo? 🤨🙂🥚
Miguel Angel : No, pero vean esto encontré a conejo de pascua sino cuatro preciosas conejitas😏🥰👯‍♀️🐰💓💞❣️💝
Leonardo, Donatello and Rafael :*mirán los arbustos*Oh Concha pero que conejitas 😍🥰😏❣️💝💘💓💖
Anastasia :*pone un huevo en los árbustos*Genial que cada año ponemos huevos el día de pascua😃🤩🐇✨ y será para nuestros amados🥰😁💖💞💘💓
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Stefany : Si, Espero que disfruten los chocolates que hicimos y los juguetes ☺️😉🍫🪀*pone los huevos en el arboles* sé que tuvimos la idea de vecinos las conejas de pascua 🙂😄🐰desearía que los chicos estuvieron aquí Sería más divertido 😊🥺💝💘💓💞
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April :*pone los huevos en la montaña de hojas* no te preocupes Stefany las chicos vendrán y Será muy divertido cuando vengan 😉😏💝💖❣️
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Candy : tiene toda la razón April Espero que venga y vean a sus lindos conejitas de pascua 😊😘👯‍♀️💞💝❣️💖*pone un huevo detrás de la roca*
Leonardo :*susurra*Supongo Qué son nuestras chicas de pascua 🥰😁🐇💕❣️💖qué tal si vamos por a jugar con ellas para darles cariño 😏😈💘💓💞💝
Rafael :*guiña a Leo*Oh si pensaste muy bien grande líder será mejor día de pascua de todos 😉😏🐰✨💘💓💖
Miguel Angel :*deja su canasta en el suelo*genia es mejor que recolectar huevos y quiero tener a esa linda conejita naranja y besar su colita esponjado 😍😚🐇❣️💘💝💕
Donatello : Así es hermanos y tengo una idea para llamar su atención 😁😉💡✨💓💞💗❣️*toma un huevo y lanza enfrente de las chicas* hay que guardar silencio y vendrán a nosotros 😏🤫💖💝💕💘
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April: Ah, I think I heard something, girls😯😳 *Turns around and looks towards the bush* How strange, who put the chocolate egg in the middle of the road🤨🙁🥚🍫
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Anastasia: I don't know, sis, I was next to Stefany all this time😗😊
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Candy: *Walks up to the bushes and picks up the egg* Girls, is this by any chance not the same egg that we left in the flower meadow?🤔🤨🥚🍫🌷🌼🌻
Anastasia, April and Stefany: *Approach Candy and look at the egg* Are you serious, Candy?😧😯😕 This means someone threw this egg towards us😃🤭😄✨
Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello and Leonardo: Surprise, beautys!😏😍😃😆💗💖❣️💞 It's the season to hunt sexy rabbits~😈🐰🐇💓💘💝💕
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kittysam-uy · 2 years
¿Cómo estudiar?
By: kittysam-uy
Estudiar es algo que a bastantes personas le cuesta, y yo soy parte de ese grupo de personas. Así que hoy decidí hacer este blog explicando como podemos estudiar. 💌
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Pero antes...
Aclaro que este método no digo que sea eficaz con todas la personas, ya que cada una estudia a su manera y la que más le funcione. Yo solo diré la técnica que utilizo, ya que capaz alguien más la necesite.
Si tienes algún problema de aprendizaje lo mejor sería buscar soluciones en Google, YouTube o preguntarle a un especialista.
Ya todo aclarado, les dejo estos simples pasos para estudiar de manera rápida. 💕
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Paso a paso
Busca información en páginas fiables, o confirma la información que vas a dar antes de exponer o realizar un examen.
Lee unas 3 o 4 veces el texto.
Escribe con tus palabras el texto
Ahora busca en Google una página que pase de texto a voz.
Copia tu texto en la página.
Escucha el audio 3 o 4 veces al día
Y el día del oral, examen o escrito antes de ir vuelve a escuchar el texto unas 5 veces o las que te sean necesarias.
Mientras estés en camino de tu centro educativo repite palabra por palabra en voz baja.
O también puedes ir escuchando el audio.
Pídele a un amigo que te haga preguntas sobre el tema.
Concéntrate en darle una respuesta correcta.
Realiza tu actividad.
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"Tengo miedo de exponer y equivocarme"
Habla con tu profesor/a/e para salir al baño o de exponer por último, si antes de la clase tienes recreos no dudes en utilizar ese tiempo para estudiar.
Si te llegas a sentir mal antes de exponer avísale o al profesor o a un compañero.
Inhala y exhala, si tienes miedo escénico no mires a tus compañeros mira a una pared, mesa u algo que esté cerca de ellos.
Si te llegas a olvidar de algo mira tu presentación lee mentalmente el texto y dilo con tus palabras, nunca digas algo como esta textualmente escrito, ya que es punto de un oral es saber si entendiste del tema.
Lee información extra para ganar puntos.
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"Estoy temblando, tengo miedo de no aprobar"
No temas, si estas seguro/a/e de que tu información es totalmente correcta no dejes que el miedo te controle.
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Si es un examen de matemáticas haz esto:
Haz lo mismo que la vez anterior solo que con ecuaciones
Si te cuestan las tablas de multiplicar copiala en un cuaderno las veces que sea necesario, luego pasala a la página de texto a voz.
Pídele a un compañero/profesor/padre/madre/tutor que te haga una lista de operaciones, luego se la muestras y si tienes una mal pídele que te ponga 2 operaciones más y así sucesivamente.
Puedes mirar videos en YouTube.
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No estas solo/a/e
Siempre va a ver alguien dispuesto a ayudarte, no te quedes con la duda, pide ayuda si no entiendes, pregúntale al profesor. 💕
Lindo día 🌷
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polvr1s · 1 year
send  🌷  for  a  soft  starter . / @engelkatze
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Lleva un par de minutos detenida en este sitio. Puede ver a su hermana menor a lo lejos, trabajando y luciendo genial en todo este entorno. No sabe si esto es lo que pensó que su hermana podría hacer para siempre, pero no se le da mal: parece en su elemento. Cuando siente que Gain mira a su dirección es que sonríe, antes de alzar su mano derecha en un saludo. Espera que haber leído bien y que su hermana se acerque: quiere hablar con ella, después de todo.
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