#mirage surana
sirensfeast · 3 years
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Again, OC banter/soundset meme by @wild-houseplant​ 
Voice option: Just imagine the mystical male elf voice in Origins. 
Select PC: "What?” “Okay?” “What now?” “I’m here.”
Combat attack: “Idiots.” “Cone of Cold, bitch.” “Oooh, look at me, I’m a big, scary warrior with a big, scary sword!” [If a Templar enemy] “Try to Smite THIS, you bastard!” 
Mana/stamina low: “Shit... magic getting low...” “Yeah, so, I’ve got maybe one tiny, little Winter’s Grasp left in me.” “Give me a freaking lyrium potions unless you want your mage to be squishier than normal!”
Heal me: “Don’t mind the mage, he’s just DYING.” “Hello? Help me?” “Yeah, my blood is supposed to be IN my body.”
Near death: “Guess I’ll die.” “Say good-bye to your healer.” “HELP ALREADY!” 
Enemies sighted: “Oh for fuck’s sake.” “How many are there?” “Must I really put my book down for this?” “Maker’s breath.”
Dragon sighted: “Yeah, no.” “If you try to fight that thing, I’m not healing you. I don’t heal morons.” “Don’t even think about it.” “Hey, you know what’s really fun? Going around the giant, man-eating dragon.”
Spell/attack failed: “Well, shit.” “Oh, come on, you had to feel that one!” “Wha- how does a blizzard NOT affect you?!” “Andraste’s flaming tits!”
Fight over, enemies killed: “See, if you’d left us alone, you wouldn’t be an icicle.” “Is it just me, or are our enemies growing stupider?” “Ha ha. Morons.” “Too bad they don’t have such an excellent healer as me.”
Companion KO’d: [Alistair] “Shit! That looks bad!” [Leliana] “Hold on, Leli! I’m coming!” [Morrigan] “Morrigan! No!” [Sten] “Fiine, I’ll heal him.” [Oghren] “For fuck’s- Oghren’s down, everyone!” [Zevran] “Hold on, Zev! I’m coming!” [Wynne] “Wynne! Hold on!” [Shale] “How did they even-?!”
Trap sighted: “Look, I’m obviously no rogue, but even I can tell that super obvious wire is a trap.” “Yeah, sure, this random spikey thing in the middle of the path is totally not a trap.”
Open chest: “Uh, hello? Mage? Healer mage? What do you think I’m gonna do, magic it open? Ha! No.”
Cannot do the thing: “Yeah, no.” “Still not gonna.”
Alistair “I’ve always wondered. Why do mages wear robes?
Mirage: “We wear them so we can easily hike them up and run faster as we flee from Templars that are trying to skewer us.
Alistair: “Er...”
Mirage: “I’m lying. We wear them so we can tear them off easily for the orgies.”
Zevran: [delighted] “Ah-ha! I knew it!”
Wynne: [wearily] “Mirage, please.”
Alistair: “Riiight. Forget I asked.” 
Leliana: “Have you ever thought about doing something with your hair, Mirage?”
Mirage: “Huh? What’s wrong with my hair?”
Leliana: “Nothing at all! It’s so long and beautiful, that it is a shame to never experiment with it.”
Mirage: “Well, the Templars did try to make me get a hair cut once. They stopped after I froze the first five that tried.”
Leliana: “Oh, I would never dream of cutting your hair! Perhaps I could braid it for you? I think it would look lovely as a plait.” 
Mirage: “Eh, sure, why not. I trust you.”
Leliana: [happily] “Wonderful!” 
Wynne: “You are a talented healer, Mirage...”
Mirage: “I’m sensing a but...”
Wynne: “But you have a terrible habit of allowing your emotions to interfere with your healing.”
Mirage: [annoyed] “Is this because I refused to heal Cullen? He was fine! Well enough to try to convince Greagoir to slaughter us all, in case you forgot!”
Wynne: [sternly] “There was no cause to refuse to help him because of your personal dislike.”
Mirage: “Yeah? Well, maybe next time he shouldn’t threaten to stab a bunch of mages because one might be a blood mage!”
Wynne: [sighs] “Honestly.” 
Mirage: “Bitches don’t get stiches.” 
Zevran: “Has anyone ever told you your eyes are a lovely shade of blue, my friend?”
Mirage: “No, not really.”
Zevran: “No? Such a shame. They are truly the stuff of songs.”
Mirage: “Why are you suddenly so fascinated with my eyes?”
Zevran: "It would be a crime not to appreciate such beauty, my friend. Surely a handsome man such as yourself has noticed you posses many fine features!”
Mirage: [coughs] “W-well, I can’t say I do...”
Zevran: “What say we retreat for your tent tonight, and I show you?”
Mirage: [sputtering] “A-are you implying what I think-?”
Zevran: “I could be, if you wish, of course. It is up to you, my friend.”
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kissmedeadlier · 5 years
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Sale picks! Whether classic black or pastel pink, all KMD guest brand styles have a Deadly edge to them. Grab a sale steal but be fast as sizes are selling out quick, quick, quick! From left to right - Uye Surana mirage brief; Flxsh You and Me Jersey Bralette and High Waist Brief; Bluebella Amelia playsuit. Link in our bio! https://ift.tt/2TBgvCA
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galpalaven · 7 years
hey here’s a snapshot of something i started working on but i can’t remember where i was going with it at all sooo happy WIP Wednesday for the next 20 minutes
Kaya doesn’t know where the Warden-Constable plans to go, when she murmurs something soft and low to her husband and disappears around the corner of the ruin. She looks to Alistair questioningly, but he just shakes his head as Hawke says, “Let’s go—I can already smell something bad from here.”
Lavellan does her best not to hang back behind Alistair the way she really wants—she knows her team has her back, but she is technically the leader. Hiding behind the bigger, stronger man they’ve brought along won’t help anything. Blackwall hangs back, she notices, while Varric walks confidently beside Hawke like he’s never belonged anywhere else. Cassandra is close by, too, looking not even slightly like she’s about to have a heatstroke underneath all that armor. Kaya, nearly panting in the heat, wonders how she does it.
The Wardens are performing a binding ritual, when they arrive.
There’s a magister standing atop a set of stairs, goading them on. His voice is mocking, talking about the Warden’s Oath.
“You know how it goes,” he laughs. “In War, Victory. In Peace, Vigilance…”
The mage kills the warrior Warden, the one that had been arguing, but at the same time there is a newer voice, loud somehow over the sound of magic in the courtyard. Kaya feels her jaw drop when a blade pushes through the magister’s chest, and seemingly materializing out of the air behind him, shimmering like a mirage in the heat, Nadia Surana leans in close and finishes the oath, “In Death…Sacrifice.”
The sword makes an audible, metallic schling as Surana pulls it back out, letting the magister stumble a few steps forward, collapsing to his knees and clutching at the wound. The rest of them watch in silence, waiting for the blood to start pouring between his fingers, but the blood never comes, and Kaya can’t tear her gaze away from the blood dripping from the corner of Surana’s lip. “Do you feel that, ‘Vint? That’s death, inches away. The only thing keeping you from bleeding out is a Warden’s blood magic, and my good heart.”
Kaya remembers hearing the rumors of the Warden-Constable, whispered around Skyhold. The fist of justice in Amaranthine. A warden with eyes of silverite and a heart of ice.
She can see where they got that description now.
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sirensfeast · 3 years
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Mirage Surana, Circle mage, Spirit Healer, Archmage, Hero of Fereldan, and Commander of the Grey.
Abdicated his title of Arl and Warden Commander less than a year into his position. Rumored to have been seen a year later in Antiva City with his Crow lover.
No one is quite sure what the former Commander is up to, but everyone can be sure this is one elf who is never returning to the Wardens.
Beautiful art of my Mirage, commissioned by @thereinafter-art !
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uyesurana · 7 years
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the flora mirage cami & panty 
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uyesurana · 7 years
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only a few flora mirage camis left in stock...
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uyesurana · 7 years
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the ethereal whimsy of flowers tucked into your lingerie, as a floral mirage...
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