#mireia belmonte
on winning champions and the olympics: "it was magical. we're still a little bit emotionally hung over. for the olympic games we are really looking forward to those, and that's also what it's all about. you finish one thing and you already think about winning the next one. i remember getting excited, even crying, with the opening ceremonies of the games, mireia belmonte's medal and ona carbonell's medal. i consider those moments as super engraved."
on montse: "she is a figure that offers everything the player needs to perform well and to improve." but her reference is pep. "for me, every pass they make has a meaning and has a why. it seems like magic to me and it's like art."
on her renovation: "i have been clear at all times. i'm not going to have any doubts or anything and i would also like to thank the club for their confidence and i'm looking forward to continuing and winning titles."
source: @rvte on twitter
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study-with-aura · 8 months
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Monday, January 22, 2024
I am posting this a bit early since I will not have time to post later tonight. My Mondays will now be as packed as my Tuesdays and Wednesdays because they started the volunteer group back up at the library that I love working with. I still miss Ambassadors, but depending on the time, maybe I can do it again next year. I want to find a leadership position somewhere for more experience. It's very important to me. I would love for it to be at the library, but timing is everything.
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Reviewed theorems + proved all circles are similar + proof practice + honors work
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed units 13-15 vocabulary + reviewed MLA format + started writing on my biography assignment
Spanish 2 - Reviewed vocabulary + listened to a story in Spanish + read about Mireia Belmonte Garcia for my writing assignment
Bible I - Read Deuteronomy 9-10
World History - Read over notes on China and Japan + read unit introduction + watched a presentation on Imperialist Japan and the decline of Tokugawa + answered questions
Biology with Lab - Read about genetic engineering + read about genetic engineering from a Christian perspective + wrote a paragraph about my personal thoughts on genetic engineering while arguing both sides of the debate
Foundations - Read more on meekness + completed Lumosity daily brain workout + read an introduction to informative speaking + read about informational speeches + watched a video on how to pick an informational speech topic + chose a topic for my information speech (Impact of Technology on Teenagers' Mental Health)
Piano - Practiced for one hour
Khan Academy - Completed World History Unit 5: Lesson 7 + completed High School Biology Unit 6: Lesson 3
CLEP - Completed Module 3.0-4.3 lecture videos (no new readings)
Duolingo - Completed at least one lesson each in Spanish, French, and Chinese
Reading - Read pages 163-207 of We Deserve Monuments by Jas Hammonds
Chores - Cleaned windows in my bedroom and in the study + took the trash and recycling out
Activities of the Day:
Volunteered for two hours at the library
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful for my fuzzamallow. (pictured above)
Quote of the Day:
It’s not a big thing, but I guess it’s true – big things are often just small things that are noticed.
-I Am the Messenger, Markus Zusak
🎧Piano Trio in E-Flat Major, Op.16 - Richard Stöhr
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futfemspain · 1 year
El vídeo shipper que ha reposteado en sus storys el hermano de J 🙈🙊😻🤭🤗😍😍😍. Esta más enganchado que nosotras mismas. Es el auténtico remador. Es es nuestro cravioto 😍😍😍. Ni Mireia Belmonte llegó a tanto. Que se aguante la pija, ya le gustaría a ella tener un remador asi, ni con sus llamadas de atención va a conseguir bajarme del barco cactus. Ahora vendría bien el meme de patiño y no dejes de soñar 😜. Anon love
El hermano cómo rema la madre que me parió
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waru-chan8 · 1 year
Hi!! I was wondering if you knew any context of Ana tagging this university?? Is she studying?? If you don’t know, then no worries 🤗🤗🤗
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So UCAM is one of the Spanish privates Universities. It's the Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia, also know as Universidad Católica de Murcia (San Antonio's Catholic University of Murcia or Murcia's Catholic University). They are a University that offer scholarship to elite athletes such as Carolina Marín (badminton), Mireia Belmonte (swimmer) and having a federated Basketball, Football and volleyball.
At first, I thought they were just sponsoring Ana (to wear merch and tag them in post) to get more visibility outside of Spain, and because she is from Murcia. Apparently, there's more to it. In 2020, Ana became a consultant in strategy for UCAM for their eSport team. Apparently Ana is helping/or was supposed to give her experience in competition and marketing. Apparently during the pandemic she turned to the eSport (Source). And yes, she was studying there at least in 2017. It was law/law school (Source). I don't know if she ever finished it, but at least she tried to study and race and she become the first Women to win a velocity Championship while studying, so hats off.
That's a promotional video Ana did for the University talking about what tools she uses and why she chooses law. It's because she want to do sportive law to be able to have a team off her own and help other riders grow and manage the contracts. Apparently she did most of her learning online
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natacionv · 10 months
Navegando con Valeria Hola soy Valeria y os voy a presentar mi blog, que es sobre la natación. Espero que os guste. Practico natación desde que tengo 2 años y me encanta porque es muy buen deporte para el ser humano.
-Primero os voy a hablar de nadadores famosos.
Michael Phelps: ya se ha jubilado, pero hablo de él porque es el mejor nadador del mundo. El estilo que mejor se le da es mariposa, Michael Phelps nación en Baltimore, Estados Unidos, nació el 30 de junio de 1985, tiene 38 años. Tiene 28 medallas olímpicas.
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Mireia Belmonte: es una nadadora española, no se ha jubilado todavía porque tiene 33 años. Nació en Badalona (Cataluña). Los estilos que mejor se le dan son mariposa y crol. Tiene 4 medallas olímpicas.
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Caeleb Dressel: nació en Estados unidos, en 1996, tiene 27 años. Los estilos que mejor se le dan son crol y mariposa. Tiene 7 medallas olímpicas.
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Katie Ledecky: se le conoce como Katie Ledecky, pero en realidad se llama Kathleen Genevieve Ledecky. Nació el 17 de marzo de 1997 (26 años), nació en Washington D.C (Estados Unidos), es la mejor nadadora del mundo y tiene 10 medallas olímpicas.
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Ian Thorpe: nació el 13 de octubre de 1982 (ya se ha jubilado porque tiene 41 años), nació en Australia. Tiene 9 medallas olímpicas.
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-Ahora os voy a hablar de los tipos de nados que se pueden hacer en competiciones.
Se utilizan 4 estilos: mariposa, espalda, braza y crol.
Mariposa: 50 m, 100 m y 200 m.
Espalda: 50 m, 100 m y 200 m.
Braza: 50 m, 100 m y 200 m.
Crol: 50 m, 100 m, 200 m, 400 m, 800 m y 1500 m.
Estilos: es un nado dividiendo los estilos de forma proporcional dependiendo de los metros que se realizen. El orden es: 1 mariposa 2 espalda 3 braza 4 crol.
100 estilos: cada 25 metros un estilo.
200 estilos: cada 50 metros un estilo.
400 estilos: cada 100 metros un estilo
Relevos: puede ser que cada persona nade a 1 estilo o puede ser que todas las personas naden al mismo estilo.
En los relevos hay 4 personas, si los relevos son a estilos, la primera persona nada a espalda, la segunda a braza, la tercera a mariposa y la cuarta a crol. Si los relevos son a un estilo, todos nadan al mismo estilo.
Los relevos pueden ser:
200 estilos: cada persona nada 50 metros.
400 estilos: cada persona nada 100 metros.
800 estilos: cada persona nada 200 metros.
Si vais a competiciones, os recomiendo que hagáis lo que mejor se os de, mariposa, espalda, braza o crol. Si no se te da muy bien nadar muchos metros, no te pases del 400 o del 200 y si se te dan bien, nádalas pero cuenta los metros porque si no te va a costar mucho.
También hay en el 800 y 1500 libres, alguien te sujeta un cartel para que veas cuántos largos te quedan
El estilo más antiguo es braza.
Llevar el gorro al hacer natación permite que nademos más rápido.
La natación fortalece el corazón y los pulmones mientras trabajan todos los músculos principales del cuerpo.
Es el mejor deporte para el cerebro.
Yo os recomiendo que si hacéis deporte, haced natación porque os ayudará a estar sanos, a fortalecer el cuerpo y a un montón de cosas más.
Si hacéis natación, no os lo toméis a broma porque la natación es un deporte y si quieres ganar, tienes que entrenar bien, hacer lo que te dice tu profesor y, por supuesto divertirte y entrenar bien.
A mí me parece que la natación es el mejor deporte, porque aparte de entrenar, haces muchos amigos y en las competiciones te lo pasas muy bien. A mi me va genial.
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24deltaideas · 2 years
Mireia Belmonte no se rinde: "A Pars se llega quemando etapas"
Mireia Belmonte no se rinde: “A Pars se llega quemando etapas”
En el artículo de hoy, compartimos el artículo sobre Mireia Belmonte no se rinde: “A Pars se llega quemando etapas”. Puede encontrar detalles sobre Mireia Belmonte no se rinde: “A Pars se llega quemando etapas” en nuestro artículo. Ha pasado el tiempo. Ya no es aquella nia maravilla que revent la piscina espaola cuando todava iba al instituto. Tampoco la enorme competidora que tras prometer una…
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rivaltimes · 2 years
Katie Ledecky breaks Mireia Belmonte's 800 free world record
Katie Ledecky breaks Mireia Belmonte’s 800 free world record
Archive – Katie Ledecky – Vesa Moilanen/Lehtikuva/dpa – File The American swimmer Katie Ledecky broke the 800-meter freestyle world record this morning at the World Cup in Indianapolis (United States), after lowering the previous record held by the Spanish Mireia Belmonte by two seconds. The seven-time Olympic champion, who last week smashed the 1,500-meter freestyle world record in Toronto…
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insideusnet · 2 years
Ledecky Posts World Record in 1,500 Free at World Cup Meet : Inside US
Ledecky Posts World Record in 1,500 Free at World Cup Meet : Inside US
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Katie Ledecky swam to a world record of 7 minutes, 57.42 seconds in the 1,500-meter freestyle in a World Cup meet Saturday night. The previous record of 7:59.34 by Spain’s Mireia Belmonte had stood since 2013. Indianapolis is one of three stops on the World Cup circuit organized by FINA, the world governing body for aquatic sports. The previous two were at Berlin and…
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kyuremking · 3 years
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onabat · 3 years
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study-with-aura · 8 months
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Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Another earlier than usual post, or so it feels. I feel like I rushed through my school work today, partially because I wrote with sloppy handwriting. It's legible, and that is all that matters. Writing helps me retain material better than typing.
A sad point to the day, I had to change out my light blue pen for the regular blue since my light blue wants to keep acting like it's running out of ink. Perhaps it is. I do find myself using that particular pen often enough.
I also think I need new ideas for my photos. Any suggestions on aesthetically pleasing things to add to make them more exciting and stand out? Please let me know in the comments or through asks.
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Review day
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed units 10-12 vocabulary + read about citing sources + plagiarism quiz (100%) + read about the novel Emma by Jane Austen + reviewed writing a thesis and literary analysis + literary terms quiz (100%) + worked on my biography writing assignment
Spanish 2 - Reviewed vocabulary + wrote a short biography in Spanish about Mireia Belmonte Garcia
Bible I - Read Deuteronomy 11-12
World History - Read about the opening of Japan + read about the Opium Wars + read about the causes of the Taiping Rebellion + discussed in written form the Treaty of Kanagawa and its long-term effect on Japan + discussed in writing the causes and effects of the Opium War and the "Taiping Rebellion"
Biology with Lab - Reviewed genetics terms + answered discussion questions about bioethics in genetic engineering
Foundations - Read about morality + completed Lumosity daily brain workout + read about visual aids + looked over dos and don'ts of visual aids + started working on visual aids for my topic
Piano - 60-minute piano lesson + practiced for one hour
Khan Academy - None today
CLEP - Completed Module 5 readings "Revolution in France" and "Napoleon Bonaparte and the Rise of Nationalism" + completed Module 5.0-5.4 lecture videos
Duolingo - Completed at least one lesson each in Spanish, French, and Chinese
Reading - Read pages 208-261 of We Deserve Monuments by Jas Hammonds and finished the book
Chores - Laundry
Activities of the Day:
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful for the studyblr community and how happy I feel when people tell me they enjoy my content.
Quote of the Day:
The water ebbed and flowed. The sky was cloudless, and the stars were shining, and I wanted to cry because I didn’t understand how a world so beautiful could also harbor so much pain.
-We Deserve Monuments, Jas Hammonds
🎧Rondo capriccioso in E Major, Op. 14, MWV U67 - Felix Mendelssohn
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futfemspain · 2 years
Hacía meses que no ingresaba a esta clínica psiquiátrica y veo que nuestra esperanza sigue viva. De ahora en adelante la llamaremos Operación Australia o el Milagro de Australia, tenemos que decidir
anon pensadora
No tendra Mireia Belmonte PULMONES
Madre mia que la última vez se nos ahogo jack en alta mar y la otra en la madera diciendo aquí no sales
Podemos llamarlo operación camarón 😉 o operación Titanic abro debate
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swimsuitrepublic · 4 years
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bikerspiritmagazine · 4 years
O Marc Márquez γίνεται 28 χρονών και κορυφαίοι αθλητές του εύχονται χρόνια πολλά σε ένα VIDEO
O Marc Márquez γίνεται 28 χρονών και κορυφαίοι αθλητές του εύχονται χρόνια πολλά σε ένα VIDEO
O Marc Márquez που γεννήθηκε στην Cervera στις 17 Φεβρουάριου 1993, σήμερα γίνεται είκοσι οκτώ ετών και για αυτόν είναι ειδικά γενέθλια αφού η εστίαση φέτος είναι στην ανάκαμψη ενόψει του Παγκόσμιου Πρωταθλήματος 2021, το οποίο ξεκινά στις 28 Μαρτίου στο Κατάρ.Continue reading
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luisdemen · 4 years
¿Un coche que purifica el aire al andar? Hyundai lo hace posible con su modelo NEXO
¿Un coche que purifica el aire al andar? Hyundai lo hace posible con su modelo NEXO
Hyundai continúa revolucionando el mercado con tecnología única. Con el lanzamiento de su modelo NEXO, en 2018, ha cambiado el rumbo de la industria automotriz; este modelo eléctrico tiene la particularidad de purificar el aire mientras está en movimiento ¿Cómo es eso posible?
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NEXO es la SUV de pila de combustible presentada por Hyundai en Europa en 2018, cuya singularidad es que la única…
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potatokroos · 7 years
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Mireia Belmonte’s reaction after winning Women’s 1500m Freestyle's silver medal at FINA Budapest 2017.
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