#misadventures in eorzea
ishgard · 8 months
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Zenos: I believe we are going to have to kill this man, Livingway. Livingway: Damn.
...I was just thinking about my 'Zenos lives' AU and the awkward spaceship ride home when this manifested in my brain.
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dravania · 8 months
A very silly tierlist that popped into my head when I considered 'Zenos would be covered in bite marks all the time'. Two facts exist simultaneously here:
Biting is an Ahru love language.
The tier doesn't reflect favoritism or 'more bites = more love'.
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modernmisadventures · 11 months
Chapter 18: Cookies and Company
“Knock knock.”
The sudden voice nearly caused Jess to jump out of her skin, yet a single glance back towards the door - or, rather, where the door had been - was enough to settle her nerves almost instantly.
“Varrus?” She tilted her head as the Elezen strode inside the disaster of a bar - seeing it in broad daylight had certainly illuminated the damage. Nearly every glass and bottle had been intentionally shattered, furniture and tables snapped in two as though they were little more than twigs, the floor sticky with a concoction of every cocktail imaginable.
“Hey,” he greeted softly, striding up to the counter; she watched as his eyes scanned her skin, his brows furrowing, a scowl darkening his handsome features. “Cir told me what happened, but, gods, I didn’t think it was this bad. Are you sure you’re ok?”
“I look that bad, huh?” She gave a soft chuckle, though her humor seemed to do little to improve his mood.
“Honestly? Yeah, you do.”
Not that she could disagree - she’d examined herself further after she’d awoken at Thancred’s that morning, and even she couldn’t help but grimace at what met her in the mirror.
“Hey, if you think this is bad, you should see the other guy. Or the other guy. Or the other guy.”
Again, her humor fell flat. The Elezen placed the basket he’d been carrying on the countertop, his jaw tightening. “Oh, I hope I do.”
“Varrus,” Jess warned, “don’t do anything stupid.”
With a sigh, he shook his head. “Nevermind that. What are you doing here so soon?”
“Working,” she snorted. “The better question is, what are you doing here?”
“I thought I’d come by to check on you, but I didn’t know it would look like… this.” He motioned vaguely around the disaster of a room. “Shouldn’t you be resting? The bar won’t be open for a few days at minimum.”
“Maybe,” she sighed, “but someone’s gotta clean up around here. And if the bar isn’t open, I’m not getting paid.”
“Are you sure it’s safe?”
“No,” she huffed begrudgingly. “But it would be a lot safer with a big, strong Elezen watching my back.”
To that, at least, his scowl finally disappeared, replaced by a soft grin as he reached for the basket.
“Here. I made these for you.”
“For me?” Curiously, she peered inside, finding a bundle of cookies - chocolate chip, if she had to guess. “Oh, Varrus, you shouldn’t have!”
With a grin, she reached in and grasped one, taking a bite. Not bad… though, judging by the browning on the edges, he’d softened his butter a little too aggressively, but the taste was good - and the thought made it all the sweeter.
She glanced up to find him watching her, a look of trepidation on his face.
“So?” he asked. “Are they… ok?”
“They’re wonderful, thank you so much.”
At that, he let out a sigh of relief, much to her amusement.
“Good. You have no idea how many failed batches that took; I hope Cip and Cir like botched cookies, because our kitchen is full of them now.”
“Cip too, huh?” Jess raised an eyebrow, an amused smirk upon her face. “Sounds like she and her man reconciled.”
“That’s a word for it,” Varrus huffed - and she could only imagine the sounds and chaos he must have found himself living in. “She’s over almost daily - it’s practically like having another roommate. At least Cir had the bedrooms soundproofed.”
Jess snorted - she could only imagine why.
“Kal’istae even stayed over last night,” Varrus added, much to her surprise, “though she left early this morning, back to work or whatnot.”
Right. Work. With a nod, Jess picked up her broom, resuming her attempts to clean the glass, that she might be able to scrub the floor - only to grin Varrus reached for the dust pan, kneeling to help her sweep away the clutter.
“You don’t have to do that,” she offered, yet he shook his head.
“It’s the least I can do - on some level, I feel like this is my fault.”
“Your fault?” She tilted her head, to which he nodded with a sigh.
“Cir told me the only thing they stole was your computer. If I hadn’t given it to you, maybe they wouldn’t have broken in…”
“Varrus, don’t be silly,” she huffed. “It was simply the quickest worthwhile thing they could grab - they probably would have gone for the till, too, had I not startled them.”
He opened his mouth to speak, yet before he could, she leaned down and pressed a finger to his lips. “But, I wouldn’t object to the help.”
At that, he smiled with a nod, dumping the full dust tray before glancing around the room with a huff. “So, what was your computer doing here, anyway?”
Jess bit her lip, glancing down at the floor before answering, “I… I live here. In the cellar. I know, I know, it’s… not exactly luxury, but I can’t really afford anything else.”
“Gods, I had no idea… And you’re safe now? Staying with Thancred, I think Cir said?”
Slowly, she nodded. “For the time being, anyway - at least until we can get this place serviceable again.” Not that she wanted to return - no, every small sound, every moving shadow made her jump, the events of the night before flashing into her mind. But what other choice did she have? She couldn’t exactly stay with Thancred - she felt as though she was already putting him out enough as it was, especially at the start of a brand new relationship. No, she’d only get in his way, no matter how much he insisted she wouldn’t.
And there wasn’t anywhere else for her to go - she couldn’t afford a place of her own, as she’d said, which left her the only options of returning to the bar, or finding someone’s room to rent.
And she’d prefer the cold, dank cellar to living with a stranger, that was for certain.
“You can’t live here, Jess,” Varrus huffed in exasperation. “It’s not safe - or clean, for that matter. You… could always come live in my bathroom - or my closet, or-”
She silenced him with a bemused shake of her head. “Tempting, but I think I’ll figure something out… and if I don’t, I know where to find you.”
“If you’re sure…” His expression said he wasn’t convinced, but, all the same, he let it go. “Oh, before I forget - Cir thought to invite you, and the rest of the crew, to a pool party this weekend.”
“A pool party?” She tilted her head. “Where? Cip’s?”
“No, our condo.”
“You have a pool?”
He nodded. “On the roof. I guess I must have forgotten to mention it.”
At that, her mind came to a screeching halt. “You have a rooftop pool? On the twelfth floor?! You bet your ass I’m going to be there!” Her unease around his roommate be damned, she wanted to feel the freedom of swimming where she could practically touch the sky.
“I’d rather bet yours,” came his reply, only to earn him a playful shove as she bumped him with her shoulder.
“Ha, ha, very funny. Now are you going to help me clean or not?”
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ainyan · 1 year
Day #19: Weal
Prosperity; happiness: in weal and woe.
A ridge on the flesh raised by a blow; a welt.
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She hissed as he gently swiped the washcloth over her back, washing away the oils he’d used. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. Not like this,” he murmured, skimming his thumb lightly along the weals he’d raised in her skin, thin purple lines criss-crossing amidst the pearlescent scales that graced her back.
“You didn’t hurt me,” she murmured, though the hint of pain in her voice belied her words. “You didn’t do anything to me I didn’t ask for.”
Lowering his head, Cirdan brushed his lips across the welts, reading them like braille where they rose from her skin, writing the story of their lovemaking. She hissed again, then sighed, and he felt her muscles relax as she sank into the bed. “Still. I was perhaps a bit overzealous in my attentions. Wait here. I have some ointment that will help.”
Of course he did. She had little doubt he made use of it himself after a bout with one of his guards, or a run through the gym. Closing her eyes, she turned her head and tucked it against his pillow, inhaling deeply of the scents of sweat and sex and incense, scents that had always reminded her of him, no matter how far apart they’d been.
She felt when he returned, when the bed shifted heavily beneath him as he settled down beside her once more. She heard him unscrew the cap on the ointment jar, then gasped softly as he touched the cool cream to the still smarting weals. “Oh!”
“It will numb them soon, I promise,” he murmured, but she could already feel it sinking in, deadening the pain and easing the discomfort. “I’m sorry.”
She waited until he was done, then twisted and caught his hand, drawing it to her naked breasts. He gazed down into her lavender eyes. “Don’t be.” Then she grinned slyly. “Didn’t we always promise each other, for weal or woe?”
He gave a startled laugh, then shook his head at her, curling his fingers around hers. “Somehow, I don’t think that’s what they meant by that saying,” he chided her.
She drew their hands up and kissed his knuckles, and he hissed softly as she nipped at them. “Maybe not, but it works.”
“Yeah,” he murmured, leaning down to kiss her. “It works. And so do we.”
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FFXIVWrite2023 Day #19: Weal
OCs: Ciprys Dreamweaver, @sylaurin's Cirdan Takeshi
AU: Misadventures in Modern Eorzea
[ -- Master Post: FFXIVWrite2023 -- ]
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squaffle · 2 years
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Finn’s Misadventures in Eorzea (it doesn’t usually involve moogles...well, maybe a little)
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the four letter word: everything is not alright
The Ghimlyt Dark -----------
Riven, wake up!
He needed to go faster, go faster, go faster--
Landing on the ground hard enough to rattle his bones amidst the Ishgardian infantry--
Someone get a healer!!
Riven unmoving, barely breathing in his arms--
Estinien?! Where are you going?!
He wanted to stay he wanted to stay he wanted to stayhewantedtostay everything inside him was screaming to stay, stay to make sure she breathed, that she opened her eyes, that she was warm and alive--
Love was not meant for one such as him. It was too gentle. She was too gentle. She was soft and sweet, he was brutal and razor-edged. She believed in the goodness of men, he didn't. A woman like her made a man think too much, made him start to think that...he could be what she believed him to be. A noble knight, an honorable man.
Estinien knew he was far from being a noble knight or an honorable man. He wasn't educated. She deserved someone as smart as her. There had to be some fool that was her intellectual equal among all the swains that dared darken her doorstep. Never mind that the thought of Riven smiling at another man, a faceless bastard being able to hear her laugh, hold her hand, touch her-- filled Estinien with a green-eyed rage. Yet he had to keep his distance.
I love you, Estinien.
Words that had gone past every defense he had around his heart-
I love you, Estinien.
His soul had sang. It had screamed in joy.
I love you, Estinien.
He wanted to be that honorable man. That noble knight.
I love you, Estinien.
But she deserved better than him. He was a poor man, a relic of a country's shameful past. What could he offer her? His rage? The nightmares that still haunted his sleep of the monster he'd become? It had taken everything in his power to keep those hidden from Riven when they'd been together-
I love you, Estinien.
He couldn't shake Ghimlyt. Couldn't shake the memory of her limp body in his arms. Her unsteady breathing. Orn Khai had been a relief, a bloody blessed distraction. Perhaps the Fury had decided to have mercy on him. And while their quest had ended up in misadventure--it was still a distraction, still good enough to keep thoughts of her at bay. Perhaps if he stayed busy, he could finally kill the hot ball of need/longing/somethingelsehedidnotwantoname--that seemed to be permanently lodged inside him.
And then he had run into the Scions' receptionist and the Baldesion woman. His...rather unsightly night aside, the request they made of him promised more work, more distance. More opportunity to steel his will, his soul against that siren's call of things he did not want to think about or feel--
To shore up his defenses against her--
But he missed Riven. She was a hole inside him that just would not heal. And he didn't want the hole anymore.
He wanted her.
He was weak against her.
He missed her. He missed everything about her. Her voice, her scent, her tongue, her laugh, the way her face would scrunch up when she was reading something particularly serious that she was trying to make sense of. He missed her explaining things to him--Riven had a way of teaching so that even the most basic dolt could understand what she was presenting--
He missed the shine in her eyes, the way her body would melt against his own--the pure trust she gave him when they were in bed, as if she knew she was safe--that he wouldn't let anything or anyone harm her--
His tongue slipped. Or had it? On a linkpearl call to Riol--
Do...you know how Riven's doing?
The response, enough to make his blood run cold--and it had not been for all his training as a solider, the desperate urgency of the new mission he was on--if he'd had the power, he would have cast that aside and made a beeline straight back to Eorzea-
Don't know. She's been gone for a while now.
What do you mean gone for a while?!
As in she's just vanished. Nobody's seen hide or hair of her. Or Augustine and the others for that matter. I'll ask Tataru about it the next time I see her.
His own inquiries at the towns he passed through as he began to make his way into Ilsabard--
The Warrior of Light? Nobody's seen her for moons now!
I heard a rumor she and her companions made for the New World--
I heard they all died at Ghimlyt Dark and the Grand Alliance's covering it up--
She was fine. She was safe. She could handle herself. She had her sworn. They would die before she was harmed. He didn't have anything to worry about. Shouldn't have anything to worry about. Everything was fine.
I love you, Estinien.
Everything was not fine.
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magazineswire · 4 months
Hildibrand Quests: The Eccentric Detective Adventures in Final Fantasy XIV
In the expansive world of Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV), players embark on epic quests, facing formidable foes and uncovering intricate lore. Amidst the intense battles and high-stakes storylines, the Hildibrand Quests stand out as a refreshing and comedic diversion. These quests follow the misadventures of the eccentric detective Hildibrand Manderville, providing players with a unique blend of humor, mystery, and lighthearted storytelling.
The Genesis of Hildibrand
Hildibrand Manderville, the self-proclaimed "agent of enquiry, inspector extraordinaire," was introduced to players during the A Realm Reborn expansion. Clad in a dapper suit and armed with an unwavering sense of (often misplaced) confidence, Hildibrand quickly became a fan favorite. His over-the-top personality, coupled with the equally quirky cast of supporting characters, sets the stage for a series of quests that are as entertaining as they are absurd.
A Unique Blend of Humor and Adventure
The Hildibrand Quests are distinct from the main storyline in FFXIV, primarily due to their comedic tone. While the game’s primary narrative often delves into serious and epic themes, Hildibrand’s adventures are filled with slapstick humor, puns, and exaggerated situations. This stark contrast provides a delightful reprieve for players, showcasing the game’s versatility in storytelling.
Key Characters and Their Charm
Hildibrand Manderville: The star of the show, Hildibrand’s unwavering (and often misguided) determination to solve mysteries leads him into all sorts of ludicrous scenarios. His character is a parody of classic detectives, blending elements of Sherlock Holmes with a touch of Inspector Clouseau.
Nashu Mhakaracca: Hildibrand’s loyal and equally eccentric assistant, Nashu is always by his side, providing comic relief and occasionally useful insights. Her unwavering faith in Hildibrand’s questionable methods adds to the charm of their partnership.
Godbert Manderville: Hildibrand’s father, Godbert, is a master goldsmith and the owner of the Gold Saucer. His impressive physique and unexpected wrestling moves add another layer of absurdity to the quests.
Memorable Quests and Moments
The Hildibrand Quests are filled with unforgettable moments that have left a lasting impression on the FFXIV community. Some of the standout quests and scenes include:
The Zombie Incident: Hildibrand’s attempt to solve a case involving a zombie outbreak leads to hilarious situations, including a memorable scene where he attempts to blend in with the undead by adopting their shambling walk.
The Dragon’s Neck: A quest that culminates in a wrestling match against Ultros, a recurring Final Fantasy villain. The quest’s climax, featuring Godbert’s surprising wrestling prowess, is a highlight of the series.
The Gentle Dead Man: Hildibrand’s "resurrection" after being presumed dead results in a series of comical misunderstandings and slapstick humor, perfectly encapsulating the spirit of the Hildibrand Quests.
The Evolution of Hildibrand Quests
With each new expansion, the Hildibrand Quests have evolved, introducing new characters, settings, and even more elaborate scenarios. From the deserts of Thanalan to the grand city of Kugane, Hildibrand’s escapades take players across Eorzea and beyond. The continual addition of these quests in expansions like Heavensward and Shadowbringers shows the developers’ commitment to maintaining this beloved aspect of the game.
Community Reception and Impact
The Hildibrand Quests have garnered a dedicated fanbase within the FFXIV community. Players eagerly anticipate each new installment, drawn by the promise of laughter and the opportunity to see their favorite bumbling detective in action. The quests have also inspired fan art, cosplay, and in-game role-playing, cementing Hildibrand’s status as a cultural icon within the FFXIV universe.
The Hildibrand Quests in Final Fantasy XIV offer a delightful departure from the game’s more serious narratives, bringing joy and laughter to players through the antics of Hildibrand Manderville and his companions. Their unique blend of humor, mystery, and adventure showcases the game’s rich storytelling capabilities and provides a testament to the creativity and versatility of the FFXIV development team. Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or a newcomer to Eorzea, the Hildibrand Quests are an essential and entertaining part of the FFXIV experience.
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altanirynsi · 1 year
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Letters | Altan Irynsi | FFXIV GPose
"Your curiosity itches. Just take one already."
(In other words: I finished the 10th anniversary quest tonight and was both inspired and cried so hard)
Lives Touched #1
Just look at them all... how many do you think there are?
Altan does not reply. He knew none save himself could hear the voice. The one that has been following him since he hung up his blade and walked away from the Scions.... how long ago has it been now? Two years?
He cannot separate himself from that life entirely-- he certainly could never imagine walking away from Raha-- so he gets glimpses into the Scion's latest adventure, misadventure, whatever one deems fit to call them. He no longer quibbles over the details.
He heard about the Letter Forest in Ul'dah, celebrating adventurers and all they have done for Eorzean. Initially, he'd scoffed, his thoughts wandering back to the innocent time of his life when he too, was just an adventurer.
What an adventure his life turned out to be.
He'd severed the Warrior of Light's tale when he left the Scions-- most people didn't know him anyway, much less know his face on sight. Those that once recognized him, could no longer. His once shadow-black strands of hair forever scarred white on a world not his own. Dual, warm violet eyes now reduced to one-- the left having seen its color obliterated in Ghimlyt, replaced with a pale prosthetic. Distinct blue-grey skin now marred with countless dark scars.
It made living a normal life... disturbingly easy to return to.
But in the end... he had gone. He's still unsure why-- he didn't even teleport, instead catching multiple airships from his home in Ishgard to make the journey to Ul'dah.
And so he stands, staring at rows upon rows of letters written to Eorzea's adventurers. People buzz by him without an inkling of who he was-- what he has done-- as he hesitates from picking one.
Your curiosity itches. Just take one already.
Part 2 >>>
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picturesofashe · 2 years
:3 for the obligatory otp asks, 18. How likely are they to have fur babies? How many and what kind? and 51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
18. If memory serves me right, Aymeric already has a pet cat (thanks Eorzea Collection)! This means he has double the lap cats to contend with, as neither are inclined to move from their spot once settled. However this does mean Ashern gets a taste of his own medicine rather often, as the spoiled little princess likes to take a nap in his lap, almost always when he wants to get up (she knows, she always knows). So that's one off the bat, but there aren't any plans on getting more (yet).
Between Ashern and G'raha, there don't have any already established pets, nor have any current plans to. Ashern is often away from home, and the fact that he likes taking G'raha with him on whatever misadventure he has planned means neither of them would be home much, raising a concern that they wouldn't be able to take care of a pet. They wouldn't really be able to provide the love and attention a fur baby would need. Maybe when they've settled they will, especially if you take into account the amount of strays Ashern ends up finding.
51. Ashern has a plethora of head bunts to give, and he gives them often, he has a lot of love in his heart after all. On the flip side, Aymeric puts emphasis on the little things, making hot cocoa to share on those cold winter days, the forehead and goodknight kisses, and the engulfing hug that Ashern loves so much, just to list off a few. They're both saying constantly saying "I love you" often to each other in their own ways.
With G'raha, it's the hugs that knock the breath out of Ashern, the squeeze of his hand, peppering his face with as many kisses as he can stand, and the many head bunts of his own. His non-verbal I love you's come packaged with his physical affections to the point where Ashern is happy to drown in it.
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azezyl-zazyl · 1 year
Test posting into the new theme! I still need to customize the default mobile appearance.
Mostly, I think this'll just be informal meta posts about headcanon. I've needed somewhere to funnel FF14-specific posts for a while, but with different characters through or in the middle of Endwalker, I'm not sure I'll be putting all of those here.
I love to see peoples' different WOLs! It seemed fun to put together a (mostly somewhat-)canon-compliant misadventurer to imagine fumbling through Eorzea and beyond while replaying.
The name is in honor of Azeyma, of course. In meta reasons, it's because it would make a specific NPC twitch.
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ferretbomb · 2 years
Tonight, Ferret is making his long-awaited return to Eorzea, to continue The Misadventures of Quinn Tailchaser! But what lies in wait, entering the Shadowbringers expansion? Certainly not... EX-PURR-OSION! https://t.co/amWPw1jJbQ https://t.co/878kUngiP9
— FerretBomb (Opinionated Limo-Rat) (@FerretBomb) Nov 4, 2022
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ishgard · 2 months
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dravania · 1 year
posing bloopers
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Chapter 4: A Bookshop Encounter
‘A Dragon’s Touch’... No, no, she didn’t love dragons quite that much. 
‘Primal Attraction’... She’d already read that one too many times. 
‘The Morbol and the Lalafell’... Ew, no. 
‘The Sultan’s Handmaiden’... 
With a forlorn glance at the bookshelf before her, Jess let out a heavy sigh. Was there truly nothing good to read? Maybe something sporting a handsome Elezen as its titular hero? 
Not that she had preferences, of course… 
It seemed even the city’s largest bookstore simply couldn’t satiate her thirst - for reading, of course. 
Maybe she’d just have to read The Boy and the Dragon Gay for the hundredth time… 
“Oh! Jess, isn’t it?” The voice was soft, the accent something of a mix of Eorzea and Sharlayan, with a hint of Ishgard’s haughty tones at the edges. It belonged to the woman standing at Jess’s shoulder - a tiny Au Ra with indigo skin, obsidian horns, and starshine freckles scattered across her nose and cheeks. “It’s Kal’istae,” she reminded the bartender. “Looking for a good book?” She smiled cheerfully up at the other woman.
"Oh!" Jess gasped, nearly jumping out of her skin upon seeing the slightly-familiar face. "Um, hi, no, I was just… shopping for a friend." A lie, of course - it wasn't like she had any friends to shop for even if she'd wanted to. Not that the Au Ra knew that, for a mercy. 
She hastily turned her head away at the feeling of the blush rampantly rising up her cheeks, grabbing a random book off the shelves - she didn't care which one - and tucking it safely under her arm. 
"There, that should do," she muttered, plastering a smile upon her face. "I, uh… what brings you here?"
They were teacher eyes, those lavender-rimmed eyes that gazed so serenely at Jess. They saw that. They know better. “That’s a shame,” she replied. “I was going to offer some recommendations. Sometimes a girl just needs to sink into a soft, smutty romance with no plot and just a bunch of thick-hewed thighs and heaving bosoms.” 
She stepped past the bartender, tilting her gaze up to peruse the titles of the books arrayed before her. “Oh, that looks interesting.” Turning back to Jess, she smiles, a dimple flirting at the corner of her lips and a guileless look in those dark-and-light eyes. “Would you mind being tall for me? I hate to be a burden, but when it comes to bookstore shelving, female Au Ra and lalafells need not apply.”
Turning back, she points up towards a book several shelves above her head, the spine reading ‘Lessons in Lust’. What hints of the cover can be seen seem to indicate a classroom of some sort. “Not that I’d ever engage in such behavior, you understand,” she rambled on pleasantly, “at least not in my classroom. But it’s fun to dream, isn’t it?”
"I-it is," she stammered, taken aback by the woman's unreserved manner. "Though I can't say I've read this one." It brought a slight smile to her face as she acquiesced the smaller woman - being so short for a Highlander herself, she often forgot that she was, in fact, taller than a good amount of the population. 
"Never been much a fan of classrooms," Jess snorted, eyeing the book's cover before passing it off. "Though I'm not stranger to getting fucked in them - er, by test scores, mind you. Not… literally." 
Gods, if there was one important lesson academia had never taught her… it was when to shut up.
“Alas,” Kal’istae sighed, “I’m afraid I don’t know the feeling - literally or figuratively. But at least I can experience it vicariously through poorly-written yet still tantalizing smut.” She eyed the cover herself, approving of the svelte miqo’te woman - predictably wearing little to nothing - being ravished by the dark-haired elezen with the inexplicably ripped shirt. “I like how the tie stays on even though the shirt’s half-off.”
Flipping it open, she thumbed through the pages, pausing to read softly under her breath. “‘... cupped her rounded hips in his broad hands, his fingers inscribing themselves into her flesh as he lifted her effortlessly from the floor, placing her on the desk. She stared at him with wide eyes, bosom heaving’ - ah, there it is. A bosom must always heave.” Chuckling, she tucked the book into the basket dangling from her arm. “Long, lustful looks over chemistry books - that’s my thing. You? I bet you like swashbuckling adventures and chocobo racing across the moors, don’t you?”
"Am I that obvious?" Jess laughed, the tension slowly easing from her posture. "You got me - the sex is just best when there's a hint of desperation and danger in the presence of a world-ending threat. To say nothing of the nights under the stars, in the forests, at camp… All unrealistic, I know, I know. Though why fantasy writers so love to use sword euphemisms…" 
It was at that moment that she glanced down at the book under her arm, unable to disguise the horrified grunt that escaped her mouth. 
"Though, I admit, I'm picky, and there are just some things I'd rather leave for everyone else!"
Kal’istae’s dimple winked again when she grinned. “Unrealistic romance is the best kind,” she replied. “What’s the point of dreaming about it if it’s just commonplace?” Briefly, her smile faded, and when it returned, it wasn’t quite so bright. “Of course,” she murmured, “sometimes just a little romance goes a long way… but. Anyway. We’re talking about books, not…” Shaking her head, she instead glances at the book in Jess’s hand. “If that one is not to your taste, perhaps we can find one that better suits. What is it you crave - literally and literarily - today?” No, that’s not a word - but it still makes for a good pun.
What was it she craved? To know the love of another, to give her heart, body and soul to one who gave in turn. To feel the press of skin upon skin, another's lips on hers, to hear-
"Right. Books. We're talking about books. Um…" Jess bit her lip. "I guess I tend to go for the softer and sweeter variety, if you get me." 
Yet something in the Au Ra's tone struck a chord deep within her - a familiar ache, a longing to her words… 
"Wait a minute," Jess interjected, "someone as kind and soft and gorgeous as yourself, certainly you've got your fair share of romance in your life? What are you doing here in the section for hopeless losers like myself?"
Her question, of course, carried another meaning - she couldn't help but recall Thancred's words, and Ryne's pleas stop that. Maybe, just maybe, if she did the slightest bit of digging… 
Kal’istae’s laughter was soft, warm and rich and comfortable. “Aren’t you the sweetest thing? Darling, you’re no less gorgeous than myself, where’s your romance?” She shook her head at the bartender, still chuckling. “I’ve had my share of friends with whom I have shared mutual and extraordinary benefits, but I’m afraid there’s little room in my life for romance, between my work and my… extras, like dancing. And you’d be amazed at how many men and women shy away from the notion of dating a mage.”
Despite her apparent cheer, sorrow lurked beneath her words and her eyes didn't quite meet Jess’s. “Anyway, there’s no one interested in me that way in my life now, and I’m not interested in making any more… friends. Of a sexual nature, in any case, but I am very interested in making friends of a more platonic bent.” Her gaze lifted to meet Jess’s, leaving no doubt as to what exactly she meant. “Hard for a mage to find those sometimes, too. But a girl likes to have other girls to talk to.”
Jess couldn't help but smile, though there was a disappointment in her chest. So Thancred had been speaking the truth… He was smitten with her, yet she wasn't interested in him.
Of course, such things were understandable - gods knew Jess had found herself on the opposite end of that situation more than once, though her would-be-suitors were typically down on their luck hopeless sorts. 
Which, she had to admit, was an apt descriptor for herself as well. 
"Why wouldn't people like mages? Magick is all over Eorzea, almost everyone can do it. Well, I mean, everyone but me, but you get my point." She turned and motioned towards the bookstore's coffee shop - a better place to sit and chat than in the scantily-clad shirtless men section. 
But scantily-clad shirtless men are so therapeutic. Kal’istae was not adverse to joining Jess in the coffee shop. “Many people have access to their aether,” she agreed, “fewer can do much more with it than simple cantrips and household charms. Not everyone can be a conjurer, or an arcanist, or a thermautage. And those who can’t are often nervous of those who can. Or maybe it’s just me that makes them nervous.”
She followed Jess into the cafe, then stepped up to the counter to order a small cup of hot chocolate. “Do you want anything?” she offered to the bartender. “After everything we put you through the other day, the least I could do is treat you to a nice, non-alcoholic drink.” She studied the pastries in the display case. “Truth is, Jess, it’s probably not the magic. It’s probably something else. But the only thing anyone seems to want from me is sex. No one wants a relationship. And I’m tired of it. I want consistency, damn it.” Her laugh was soft and sad. “I want… well. That’s not important right now.”
When the barista came back with her hot chocolate, she pointed to a pastry, then glanced expectantly at Jess, clearly hoping the woman would take her up on her offer of a treat.
And Jess was never one to say no to a free snack. She snatched it up at the first offer, practically stuffing the entire thing in her mouth in one bite. 
"You and me both," she snorted through her mouthful. "I mean, the relationship part, anyway. Can't relate to the rest. But I highly doubt it's because anyone finds you intimidating." 
She paused to gulp, her words ringing through her ears with a pang of regret. "I, uh, I mean- no offense or anything but you're kinda… dainty? Um… as in to say, not exactly- Oh, nevermind." She pinched the bridge of her nose with a grunt. 
"I'm sorry. Thancred always said the only thing bigger than my imagination was my mouth."
A bit bemused, Kali took her hot chocolate and her pastry and moved to a table, talking as she walked. “Looks can be deceiving,” she chuckled. “I’m less dainty than I look, though I would be surprised if I could intimidate a fly physically. No. I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I’m not as pretty as you think. I look like a kid. A doll. Who wants to romance a doll?”
She slid into a chair, lifting her face and smiling - but her smile faded away at the mention of the psychologist. “Ah. Thancred.” She spoke his name as if tasting it, rolling it on her tongue. “Right. You… you’re his sister.” She lowered her gaze and toyed with her pastry. “You must be very proud of your brother. He’s… he’s something else.” The smile that curved her lips now was equal parts affection and exasperation. “I am… more than passing fond of him, truth be told.” She tore a piece from her pastry and popped it in her mouth, chewing thoughtfully. “But I suppose you hear that a lot. I imagine he has plenty of girls interested in him.” She shook her head. “Not that I - uh. Hmm. You’re his sister,” she repeated, and a dull flush flooded her cheeks, turning the indigo to violet.
"But… Wait, you said you weren't interested in anybody, and no one was interested in you." Jess furrowed her brows. "But… but he said…" She brought a fist to her mouth, weighing her next words carefully - an unusual habit for her, to be sure. Gods, this was… confusing. A perfect example of why she herself didn't date.
"Um, well… I can assure you he's very very much interested - and he's in deep. Hopelessly, even. I've got receipts." She held up her tomestone to demonstrate said proof, should the other woman request it. Maybe she was meddling. Maybe she was doing Thancred a favor. She owed it to him, anyway. 
Shaking her head, Kal’istae smiled. “I said I’m not interested in another friend with benefits,” she corrected gently, “and I said no one is interested in me for a relationship. I’m very much interested in a relationship - and, forgive me, but I’m extremely interested in a relationship with your brother. He is,” she sighed, “so handsome. And sweet. And kind. And the way he cares for you and your siblings…” She trailed off with a faint smile on her lips, a dreamy, far-away look in her eyes.
A look that comes crashing back home as Jess continued. Startled, she stared at the bartender for a long, speechless moment. “I - interested in sex, yes,” she said, confused. “But you’re implying…” Her cheeks flushed again, then paled, and she wrapped her hands around her hot chocolate, seeking comfort in the warmth. “I’m sorry. I must be misunderstanding. Thancred Waters does not - they always said… I… Hmm. I knew him - his reputation - from Sharlayan,” she confessed. “He was a few years ahead of me at the Studium, but still very much a topic of conversation. He… doesn’t have girlfriends, I thought?” Despite her words, there’s a hesitant hope in her eyes.
"Trust me, I know exactly what you're talking about - that's why I lost my mind when he brought you into the bar." Jess snickered. "That means more to him than I think you realize. I've never met any of them before - I don't know that he's ever been interested in anyone long enough for us to meet."
She shrugged. "But you're different - he said as much, in words and in actions. And he's a great guy! Really! He's… got a job. He's got an apartment. He… uh… Well, he can cook. Um…" The Highlander brought a finger to her chin, desperately thinking of ways to sell the Au Ra on Thancred. "He's… a good listener? Uh, what is it people look for in relationships exactly?"
Kal’istae’s eyes crinkled at the corners as she grinned. “I think you’ve hit most of the salient points,” she said gently, “and you hardly need to sell me on your brother. I already think he’s worth the trouble - I just… you’re sure he likes me that way?” she asked, a bit plaintively. “I thought for certain all he wanted was to get in my pants. And while I might have obliged, I… well.” Huffing out a breath, she stared at her hot chocolate. “I’ve got a crush on him.” No. Really? “Gods, that sounds so high school.” Shaking her head with a helpless laugh, she looked up at Jess. “Well, they say you are what you teach. So you’re sure?”
"I heard it straight from the chocobo's beak," she nodded, holding her chin high with a feeling of pride. Had she done it? Truly? Had she won Thancred a tried and true girlfriend? It… There was no way it could be that easy. 
"I mean, I can call him and put him on speakertome if you really don't believe me, or you can read my messages. Cross my heart and hope not to die, I'm telling the truth as it's been presented to me."
For such a small thing, she really was being quite dense. 
Probably best not to count your chocobos before they’re hatched; still plenty of ways for this to go sideways. “No!” Kal’istae colored as she raised one hand. “Gods, no, that would make me melt into the floor. I don’t - I need some time to process,” she murmured. “I’m having trouble believing. Not you,” she added hurriedly, “just the situation. My luck.”
Shaking herself as though shedding water, she coughed softly. “Look, I know this is asking a lot - he’s family and I’m just someone who really wants to be your friend - but don’t say anything to him about this, or me, or what we spoke of? Not until I have a chance to figure out what to do. I need… I don’t want to fuck this up.” Are teachers allowed to say that? “I’m not chickening out, promise. I just… I need to let it simmer. We should go find you a book.” It’s almost as if she’s holding up a sign that says ‘Subject Change’.
"Right. Books. Though, given your interest in my brother, I somehow doubt we have the same taste in men," Jess snorted. All the same, she wasn't about to pass up a chance to talk about cheap romance literature with who she hoped was someone she'd be getting to spend plenty of time with in the not-so-distant future. Gods, she hoped so… For Thancred's sake.
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ainyan · 1 year
FFXIVWrite Day #25: Call it a Day
call it a day
end a period of activity, especially resting content that enough has been done.
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She slid from her chair and stretched, arms reaching above her head as she threw her head back, her tail arching and flicking out behind her. The cropped sweater she wore rose, inching up her torso until it stopped just below the edge of her breasts. Rising up on her tiptoes, she paused at the apex of her lift, long legs showcased by thin, clinging leggings as she turned her head and smiled invitingly at the silver-haired man bent over the rules pamphlet from a game. “I think I’m going to call it a day,” Kal’istae announced.
Thancred didn’t even look up. “Already?” He glanced at the watch on his wrist, frowning. “I suppose you’ve put in a long one. I’ll be in in a while.”
Silence met his words, lingering uncomfortably long until he blinked and looked up, noticing that three of the four other people clustered about the table were staring at him with varying degrees of disbelief. The fourth was too caught up in looking through the game pieces to notice the increasingly awkward hush.
He turned to look at her, taking in her posture, her pose, the way the light struck her dark scales, sparking off the silvery freckles that dusted her indigo skin. He met her eyes, watching him with an expression of overstated patience, and grinned sheepishly. “Oh. I. Uh. Yes. Calling it a day, definitely.”
As he let the booklet fall heavily from his fingers to the table and began to drift towards her, the fourth person finally looked up. “But,” Varrus began to protest, but Cirdan sighed and reached over, clamping one large hand over his mouth.
“Pleasant dreams,” Ciprys called with a smirk as Kal’istae evaded Thancred’s outstretched hand and began to stroll towards her bedroom, tail twitching with each exaggerated roll of her slim hips. He followed eagerly after, already working at the buttons of his shirt.
Varrus looked puzzled, glancing around the table at the remaining members of the group. Cirdan was rolling his eyes while Ciprys grinned broadly, swinging her tail from side to side. Jess’s cheeks were crimson and she stared fixedly towards the kitchen, where she could just see the timer ticking down for the cookies still baking in the oven. “But, what about dessert?” he asked in confusion.
“I think they found something better,” Ciprys quipped, smirking as Cirdan shot her a look.
Varrus frowned. “But what’s better than cookies? Especially ones Jess baked!”
The two Au Ra merely laughed, while Jess covered her face in a futile effort to hide her growing blushes. “Nothing,” Ciprys finally managed to choke out. “Nothing at all. Come on, let’s finish setting up while we wait for the cookies. And if we don’t leave them any, well serves them right.”
“Indeed,” Cirdan agreed, and subtly distracted Varrus with a question about the rules while Ciprys worked to calm Jess before her blushes set the poor girl on fire.
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FFXIVWrite2023 Day #25: Call it a Day
OCs: Kal'istae Miurani, Ciprys Dreamweaver, Cirdan Takechi, Jess Shepard, Varrus Varlineau
NPCs: Thancred Waters
AU: Misadventures in Modern Eorzea
[ -- Master Post: FFXIVWrite2023 -- ]
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burndrawsss · 4 years
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Haurchefanttttttttt 。・゚゚*(>д<)*゚゚・。
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