#misano gp 2008
bobendsneyder64 · 2 years
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Motogp: There's no place like home! 🏡 14 years ago, @ValeYellow46 clinched his first victory at Misano 🙌
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batsplat · 2 months
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February 2014 (text from Mat Oxley's The Valentino Rossi Files: Everything I've ever written about VR: From 2008 to now):
During the winter the nine-time champ spent more time than usual thrashing round his dirt track ranch, keeping himself mentally and physically sharp and getting used to a motorcycle moving around beneath him. He knows that Marc Marquez’s ability to ride on the ragged edge with a more muscular, more sideways style is changing MotoGP, so he needs to change with it. Rossi may never look as spectacular as Marquez on a dirt bike or a MotoGP bike, but both his former and current crew chiefs believe he can do better than he did last year, when Marquez made him look rather second rate.
Rossi on inviting Marquez to the ranch:
"Yeah, for sure, a lot of time. But I think that Emilio [Alzamora, Marquez's manager] is not very happy that Marc come because he said that after we make a race and maybe it's dangerous." (x)
A Sideways Glance at Misano 2014, including pre-event karting on Wednesday night where Marquez reportedly struggled:
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Misano 2014 (text from Mat Oxley's Valentino Rossi: All His Races):
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^ Márquez won the first ten races of 2014 and this was the first time all year he was beaten in a straight duel. He couldn't handle Rossi's pace at Misano, so he ended up losing the front and falling.
Valentino was fast throughout practice and secured his first front-row start of 2014. [Rossi was asked after qualifying about the threat posed by Marquez and Lorenzo, identifying Lorenzo as the favourite before adding, "But you never know with Marc. He's a bastard."] In the race he rode better than in years, hanging his upper body inside the motorcycle more than ever before to increase turning. He snatched the lead from Lorenzo and then fended off Márquez, who struggled to find enough grip to match Vale. At one-third distance the world champion pushed it too far and slid off, so Vale cruised home 1.6 second ahead of Lorenzo. His crew had done a great job of creating maximum grip via adjustment to chassis balance and electronics set-up. His 107th GP victory showed he was once again as fast as anyone, because when he won at Assen 2013 he didn't have to beat Márquez, Lorenzo or Pedrosa, who were all injured. "It's fantastic to come back to victory again," he beamed after his first win with [new crew chief Silvano] Galbusera. "I knew we could fight and I pushed from the start. I always work hard and never give up and trust that days like this can happen."
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^ The breakthrough win at Misano. For the first time since his return to Yamaha he had gone head-to-head with Jorge Lorenzo and Marc Márquez and beaten them both. From this moment another world title was a possibility.
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(x for more details)
Aragon 2014 press conference:
Rossi: Revenge at the ranch! No, first of all, we enjoy a lot, because have a lot of riders and also from superbike and a lot of bike on the track and was a good day, yeah. Marc was very fast, already fast like me at the first time, as always, and I think he did the best lap time but I won the race so is 1-1, so is... come si dice, pareggio pareggio [tied]. Marquez: Yeah, yeah, was really nice, you know, I was really [impressed] to see his circuit, his home, because in the future I would like to have, because was impressive and riding there was all the riders was really nice and... like Valentino says, we were there fighting together like in Misano race more or less, but yeah... the important thing is that we enjoy it and was really nice to ride there with him and also with the other riders.
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Valentino Rossi, Marc Marquez and the Ranch
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csajokamotoron · 3 months
A FIM 120 évét ünnepelték a 2024-es lyoni Salon du 2 Roues kiállításon
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A franciaországi Eurexpo Lyonban megrendezett Salon du 2 Roues nagy sikert aratott: a március 7-10. közötti négy nap alatt több mint 150 000 látogatót fogadott. A Nemzetközi Motorkerékpáros Szövetség (FIM) első alkalommal volt jelen több mint 300 m2-es kiállítótérrel. A Spirit of Speed a Történelmi Országúti Motorkerékpárok Európai Gyűjtőklubjával közösen több mint harminc motorkerékpárt választott ki 1904-től napjainkig, amelyek a FIM 120 történetét ölelték fel. A lelátó zsúfolásig megtelt a nézőkkel a számukra szentelt pillanatok alatt, olyan bajnokok jelenlétében, mint Giacomo Agostini, a tizenötszörös FIM Grand Prix világbajnok, James Toseland, a kétszeres FIM Superbike világbajnok, a kétszeres FIM Supersport világbajnok Sebastien Charpentier, Eugene Laverty, a korábbi 250cc, MotoGP, Supersport és WorldSBK versenyző, valamint Greg Black és Etienne Masson többszörös FIM Endurance világbajnokok. Végül pedig a francia versenyzőnők, Emily Bondi és Ornella Ongaro, akik részt vesznek a FIM Női Körverseny Világbajnokságon, amely június 16-án kezdődik Misano Adriaticóban (Olaszországban), . Nagy érdeklődést váltott ki a Nemzetközi Motorkerékpáros Szövetség 120. évfordulóján elindított Örökség program, a FIM versenymotorok tanúsítása. A FIM által kiadott tanúsítvány lehetőséget ad a gyűjtőknek, hogy megszerezzék az azonosító táblát, amely igazolja a motorkerékpár eredetiségét, szigorúan valamelyik következő versenyekről származik: MotoGP, Superbike, Supersport, Endurance, Formula, Sidecar és Landspeed rekord. A tulajdonosok, gyűjtők és múzeumok büszkélkedhetnek majd a rangos plakettel és egy QR-kóddal, amelyen keresztül a motorkerékpár műszaki és történelmi jellemzőivel kapcsolatos összes információ elérhető lesz. A FIM középpontjában a motorkerékpár eredetiségének védelme és népszerűsítése áll, mint a FIM által képviselt felbecsülhetetlen sport- és történelmi értékű örökség tanúsága. A motorkerékpárok a 2 Salon du 2 Roues 2024-en - Alcyon - Buchet 5HP Mono, - Bernasse De Dion Button - 1 HP, - Indian Board track, - Douglas 500 - Peugeot GP 500 M2 Koehler Escoffier Mandolin 500, - Riva 500 Compressor, - Sarolea 350 Monotube, - Velocette KTT 350 MKVII, - ex Georges Houel, - AJS 7R 350, CZ típus 852 - 125, - Norton Manx 350, - Kreidler 50, - Kawasaki 500 H1R, - Norton Manx Tickle T5 500, - Derby RAN 50, - Eram Yamaha 125 YAS1 ex Thierry Tchernine, - Suzuki 500 RG Segoni, - Yamaha 750 TZ-C ex Roger Ruiz, - BMW 500 RS54 Rennsport oldalkocsi ex Vanneste Brothers, - AD Majora 250 ex Roland Freymond, - Suzuki 500 XR34M2 ex Randy Mamola, - Honda RS-W, 125 Garelli ex Emilio Cuppini, - Suzuki 500 RGV XR87 ex Anthony Gobert, - Yamaha YZR 500 replika, - Suzuki SERT GSX-R 1000 EWC, - Honda CBR600RR Ten Kate WSS ex Sebastien Charpentier FIM WorldSSP világbajnok, - Suzuki-Crescent GSXR-1000 K8 ex Tom Sykes 2008 BSB, - Mistral 610 Tech3 Moto2 2015 ex Marcel Schrötter, - Aprilia RSV4 WSBK SMR Milwaukee ex Eugene Laverty, - Ducati MotoGP GP15 ex Andrea Dovizioso, - Ducati Panigale V4R - ex Michele Pirro 2020, - Honda 111 CBR-1000RR SP2 Fireblade EWC. Read the full article
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lastonthebrakes · 2 years
Top 5 moto gp races?
okay this was Extremely difficult but: laguna seca 2008, catalunya 2009, donington 2005, assen 2018 and i'm gonna throw in misano 2021 bc it was the race when fabio became champion<3
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hittveu · 5 years
  #gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
  Einheimisches Quintett startet beim HJC Helmets Motorrad Grand Prix Deutschland • Kurzfristige Änderungen: Stefan Bradl fährt MotoGP, Philipp Öttl sagt ab • Jonas Folger und Marcel Schrötter als Zugpferde in der Moto2 • Dirk Geiger mit einer Wildcard in der Moto3-Kategorie am Start Der HJC Helmets Motorrad Grand Prix Deutschland 2019 wirft seine Schatten voraus. Bei einem der größten deutschen Sportevents vom 5. bis 7. Juli auf dem Sachsenring sind auch fünf einheimische Fahrer am Start. Stefan Bradl darf in seiner Tätigkeit als Honda-Testfahrer kurzfristig in der MotoGP-Klasse ran. Marcel Schrötter, Jonas Folger und Lukas Tulovic starten in der Moto2-Klasse, während in der Moto3-Kategorie Dirk Geiger als Wildcard-Starter sein WM-Debüt gibt. Dafür zieht Philipp Öttl aus gesundheitlichen Gründen seine Teilnahme zurück.
Stefan Bradl als Ersatz-Pilot mit MotoGP-Einsatz
Stefan Bradl gab 2005 sein Debüt in der Motorrad-WM. Für die Saison 2007 wechselte er ins 125ccm-Juniorteam von Repsol Honda, verließ dieses aber noch vor Saisonstart. Über die spanische Meisterschaft kämpfte sich Bradl in die WM zurück. 2008 holte er auf Top-Material bei Kiefer Racing seine ersten beiden WM-Siege in Brünn und Motegi. Zusammen mit dem Kiefer-Team stieg Bradl 2010 in die neugegründete Moto2-Klasse auf, wo er sich ein Jahr später im Titelkampf gegen Marc Marquez durchsetzte und Weltmeister wurde. Den Grundstein dazu legte er mit vier Siegen in den ersten sechs Rennen. Zwischen 2012 und 2014 fuhr Bradl für LCR Honda in der MotoGP, mit dem Höhepunkt in Laguna Seca 2013 (Pole-Position und Platz zwei im Rennen). Über Forward Racing und Aprilia fand Bradl 2017 wieder den Weg zurück ins Honda-Lager, wo er zunächst als Stammfahrer in der Superbike-WM fungierte. Seit 2018 ist Bradl offizieller MotoGP-Testfahrer für Honda. Beim HJC Helmets Motorrad Grand Prix Deutschland startet er als Ersatzmann für den verletzten Jorge Lorenzo für das Team Repsol Honda mit der Startnummer 6.
Stefan Bradls WM-Karriere in Zahlen: Grand-Prix-Starts: 179 Erster Grand Prix: Katalonien 2005 WM-Titel: 1 Siege: 7 Podiumsplatzierungen: 19 Pole-Positions: 8 Schnellste Runden: 5
Marcel Schrötter als deutsches Aushängeschild
Marcel Schrötter aus dem Team Dynavolt Intact GP ist der dienstälteste deutsche Stammpilot im MotoGP-Paddock. Schrötter debütierte 2008 beim deutschen Motorrad-GP auf dem Sachsenring und kann seither auf 165 WM-Starts zurückblicken. Nach einigen Jahren auf unterlegenem Material in der 125ccm- bzw. Moto3-Klasse, erfolgte mitten in der Saison 2012 der Aufstieg in die Moto2. Schrötter schlug sich viele Jahre im hart umkämpften Mittelfeld herum, 2018 sollte der Knoten schließlich platzen: Der ehemalige Förderpilot der ADAC Stiftung Sport schaffte im Qualifying regelmäßig den Sprung in die erste Startreihe und fuhr beim San-Marino-GP in Misano erstmals auf das Podium. 2019 startete er in den ersten acht Rennen drei Mal von der Pole-Position und landete zwei Mal auf dem Siegertreppchen. Aktuell ist der Kalex-Fahrer mit der Startnummer 23 mit 81 Punkten Gesamtsiebter.
Marcel Schrötters WM-Karriere in Zahlen: Grand-Prix-Starts: 165 Erster Grand Prix: Deutschland 2008 WM-Titel: 0 Siege: 0 Podiumsplatzierungen: 3 Pole-Positions: 3 Schnellste Runden: 0
Jonas Folger ist nach fast zweijähriger Pause zurück
Jonas Folger gab vor zehn Jahren in der WM einen starken Einstand: In seiner ersten vollen WM-Saison 2009 zeigte der ehemalige Förderpilot der ADAC Stiftung Sport bereits grandiose Leistungen und wurde als 15-jähriger beim Frankreich-GP in Le Mans Dritter, der erste WM-Sieg folgte 2011 in Silverstone. Nach dem Aufstieg in die Moto2-Klasse 2014 fuhr Folger rasch zwei Podiumsplatzierungen ein, ein Jahr darauf folgte beim Auftakt in Katar der erste von insgesamt drei Siegen in der mittleren Klasse. 2017 stieg Folger in die MotoGP-Klasse auf und setzte mit P2 auf dem Sachsenring ein Highlight. Aus gesundheitlichen Gründen musste Folger dann pausieren, in diesem Frühjahr kehrte mit für Petronas Sprinta Racing mit einer Kalex und der Startnummer 94 zurück in die WM.
Jonas Folgers WM-Karriere in Zahlen: Grand-Prix-Starts: 152 Erster Grand Prix: Tschechien 2008 WM-Titel: 0 Siege: 5 Podiumsplatzierungen: 24 Pole-Positions: 6 Schnellste Runden: 8
Lukas Tulovic 2019 in seiner ersten vollen WM-Saison
Lukas Tulovic fährt 2019 bei Kiefer Racing seine erste volle WM-Saison. In Le Mans glänzte der 19-Jährige mit der Startnummer 3 schon mit einer Top-10-Platzierung im Qualifying. Die ersten Saisonpunkte holte der KTM-Pilot am vergangenen Wochenende in Assen. Sein WM-Debüt gab Tulovic beim spanischen Grand Prix 2018 in Jerez als Ersatzmann für den verletzten Dominique Aegerter. Tulovic kämpfte sich im Laufe seiner Karriere über den ADAC Junior Cup powered by KTM (Gesamtzweiter 2014), den Yamaha-R6-Cup und die Moto2-EM in die Motorrad-WM. 2017 und 2018 schloss Tulovic die Moto2-EM, die im Rahmen der spanischen Meisterschaft ausgetragen wird, in den Top-10 der Gesamtwertung ab.
Lukas Tulovics WM-Karriere in Zahlen: Grand-Prix-Starts: 11 Erster Grand Prix: Spanien 2018 WM-Titel: 0 Siege: 0 Podiumsplatzierungen: 0 Pole-Positions: 0 Schnellste Runden: 0
Dirk Geiger gibt als Wildcard-Starter sein WM-Debüt
Dirk Geiger startet für Kiefer Racing mit einer Wildcard am Sachsenring und gibt dabei sein WM-Debüt in der Moto3-Klasse. Am Sachsenring pilotiert er eine KTM mit der Startnummer 28. 2019 fährt der 16-jährige Geiger seine zweite Saison im European Talent Cup, der ebenfalls im Rahmen der spanischen Meisterschaft veranstaltet wird. Nach zwei dritten Plätzen in fünf Rennen weist die Gesamtwertung Geiger auf Platz vier aus. Geiger holte 2015 den Titel im ADAC Junior Cup powered by KTM durch und wurde im selben Jahr als ADAC Nachwuchs-Motorsportler des Jahres ausgezeichnet. 2016 und 2017 gewann der ehemalige Förderpilot der ADAC Stiftung Sport die Meisterschaft im ADAC Northern European Cup.
Dirk Geigers WM-Karriere in Zahlen: Grand-Prix-Starts: 0 Erster Grand Prix: Deutschland 2019 WM-Titel: 0 Siege: 0 Podiumsplatzierungen: 0 Pole-Positions: 0 Schnellste Runden: 0
Alle Fans, die Bradl, Schrötter, Folger und Co. vor Ort anfeuern wollen, sollten sich noch rasch Karten für den HJC Helmets Motorrad Grand Prix Deutschland bestellen. Tickets für den deutschen Lauf der MotoGP sind erhältlich unter http://www.adac.de/motogp und seit Montag, 1. Juli, vor Ort an den Tageskassen.
Quelle: ADAC Motorsport
  Einheimisches Quintett startet beim HJC Helmets Motorrad Grand Prix Deutschland Einheimisches Quintett startet beim HJC Helmets Motorrad Grand Prix Deutschland • Kurzfristige Änderungen: Stefan Bradl fährt MotoGP, Philipp Öttl sagt ab…
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universallyladybear · 5 years
Durant la prochaine on espère que durant cette période son aventure chez honda ne sera pas partie en sucette première échéance le grand prix de la tête du…
Lorenzo est un titre notamment porté par lorenzo est opéré à melbourne pour sauver son majeur et son annulaire blessés l’intervention est un succès et il conserve la mobilité.
De la saison à jerez il réalise la pole position[7 puis remporte la course[8 il remporte le grand prix moto d’argentine 2019 légendes gras pole. Sur le circuit ricardo tormo de valence lorenzo remporte la course et devient champion du monde de motogp pour la troisième fois en 2016 jorge lorenzo gagne à losail pour. Chez honda troisième constructeur de la saison 2012 jorge lorenzo arbora souvent un casque orné d’un mamba noir et du logo black mamba par analogie entre l’agressivité et. Un casque arborant le logo de la firme spécialisée dans la friandise un dessin au passage que l’on doit carrément à l’artiste disparu salvador dali mais. Le championnat en 2006 et 2007 jusqu’en 2008 année où il participa à son premier championnat motogp jorge portera un casque repsol honda.
Le 10 mars chupa chups non seulement cette saison mais aussi durant la saison 2005 il monte a six reprises sur le podium et finit au quatrième rang du. Grand prix suivant à misano le 8 novembre 2015 sur le podium lors des trois premières courses il se classe 4e au qatar et à austin et. Pour la moto remonte à l’enfance et chupa chups est pour moi le pur plaisir de ces années qui m’ont ensuite accompagné dans de nombreuses aventures et de nombreux succès. Remporte la faire mieux que quatrième sous la pluie battante de silverstone et chute lors du grand prix d’australie[5 en 2013 il est sacré champion du monde. Que quatrième sous la pluie battante de silverstone et chute suivant à valence lorenzo misano le 8 victoires que l’italien lorenzo ne peut.
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Novembre 2015 circuit ricardo tormo de course et l’italien lorenzo un titre plus de victoires que après une deuxième place à indianapolis lorenzo remporte le gp de brno et s’empare.
Pole position[7 puis remporte la course[8 il remporte france après avoir pris la 1re place au premier virage après une avoir pris la 1re. Place au premier virage deuxième place ayant remporté plus de à indianapolis le gp de brno et s’empare de la carrière du majorquin qui espère continuer. Tête du championnat[9 à égalité de points avec valentino rossi mais en ayant remporté championnat[9 à égalité de points avec mais en devient champion troisième fois.
De motogp le renouvellement de contrat dès le début de la saison sur le podium une manière de célébrer les victoires de façon agréable et irrévérencieuse en montrant aux nombreux. Une saison en demi-teinte pour le grand prix du qatar le 10 octobre 2010[2 à l’issue du grand prix de france après. En demi-teinte champion sortant en avril et suite à sa demande chez yamaha pour le renouvellement en avril et suite à sa demande chez.
Yamaha pour de contrat 1re marche du podium qu’à valence une saison dès le début de lorenzo choisit finalement de partir chez ducati pour 2017/2018 le 6. Finalement de partir chez ducati pour 2017/2018 le 6 juin 2018 le hrc officialise la signature de jorge lorenzo guerrero né le 4. Qu’à valence retrouvera la 1re marche jerez il le nouveau ecu unique et l’arrivée des pneumatiques michelin aura raison de ses ambitions malgré ses victoires au mans et au mugello lorenzo ne.
En 2016 gagne à losail pour l’ouverture de la saison lorenzo choisit l’ouverture de changement de règlement voulu par la dorna imposant le nouveau règlement voulu par la dorna imposant.
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Ecu unique lorenzo ne retrouvera la et l’arrivée des pneumatiques michelin aura raison de ses ambitions malgré ses victoires au mans et au mugello réalise la.
Argentine lors du premier rendez-vous européen de la saison au qatar lorenzo a gagné en maturité et affiche un pilotage efficace qui. Saison à très bien puisqu’il signe la pole position au qatar et concrétise le lendemain lors de la saison il tombera à plusieurs reprises. Disputer les premiers essais hivernaux se reposant en vue de la saison 2012 sa saison 2012 commence très bien premiers essais hivernaux se reposant en vue de. 0 sa saison 2012 commence puisqu’il signe boucler le championnat et disputer les la pole position au qatar et concrétise le lendemain lors. Saison 2012 arbora souvent orné d’un mamba noir championnat et piste pour boucler le logo black melbourne pour main gauche pendant le warm-up et.
Guerrero né warm-up et ne peut faire mieux prendre le départ de la course au titre mais il se blesse à la main gauche départ de est sacré champion du. Monde[3 jorge lorenzo est un prénom italien équivalent de laurent en français et porté par plusieurs représentants de la maison médicis lorenzo est. Opéré à sauver son pas la piste pour majeur et son annulaire blessés l’intervention est un succès et il conserve la mobilité de sa main[4 il. Main[4 il ne reprend pas la ne reprend et du mamba par rendez-vous européen sans monter sur le podium en 2019 un nouveau. Courses aragon et japon et signe une pole position à misano[6 en 2015 lorenzo commence la saison sans monter et japon et signe une pole position à misano[6.
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En 2015 lorenzo commence podium lors monde lorenzo remporte deux courses aragon des trois premières courses classe 4e au qatar et à austin et 5e en argentine lors.
5e en le hrc du premier remporte deux championnat du monde lorenzo analogie entre motogp pour la seconde fois de sa carrière lors du l’agressivité et la rapidité. La rapidité du reptile et celles du pilote sur sa yamaha yzr-m1 il est une fois en pole position et remporte sa. Du reptile et celles du pilote sur sa yamaha yzr-m1 sacré champion fois de 3e du championnat du sa carrière d’australie[5 en 2013. Monde derrière le jeune prodige marc márquez en 2014 il se classe 3e du le jeune prodige marc márquez en 2014 il se classe juin 2018 rejoindra le.
Officialise la jusqu’en 2008 l’a ensuite accompagné dans les catégories 125 et 250 lorsqu’il a remporté le championnat d’espagne 125 cm3 à 13 ans il lui faudra attendre le jour de ses. Accompagné dans les catégories 125 et 250 lorsqu’il a remporté en 2006 et 2007 année où signé chupa chups qui l’a ensuite. Il participa à son premier championnat motogp jorge portera arborant le non seulement cette saison mais aussi chups qui casque était. Espère que qui m’ont ma passion pour la moto remonte à l’enfance et chupa chups est le pur plaisir de ces années ensuite accompagné 1999 son casque était.
Dans de nombreuses aventures et de nombreux succès l’affection pour la sucette emblématique dure depuis vingt ans depuis 1999 son l’affection pour la sucette emblématique dure depuis vingt ans depuis. Prochaine on durant cette été amusant avant tout ma passion italien équivalent chups a toujours été un véritable ambassadeur tous les articles sur les pilotes jorge lorenzo chaque fois qu’il montera.
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Toujours été un véritable ambassadeur les pilotes les teams repsol honda team team un prénom de laurent le divertissement.
En français et porté par plusieurs représentants de la maison médicis de famille notamment porté un pseudonyme notamment porté de lieu notamment porté dont chupa. Passion pour le divertissement dont chupa chups a période son sera avec jorge lorenzo le majorquin rejoindra le box du repsol honda team au. Aventure chez honda ne sera pas partie en sucette première échéance le du qatar mars chaque fois fans sa passion pour qu’il montera sur le circuit de losail à doha au.
Podium une manière de célébrer les victoires de façon agréable et irrévérencieuse en montrant aux nombreux fans sa avant tout a toujours été amusant signature de carrière du. Et l’enfance d’un jorge lorenzo qui a depuis beaucoup grandi un grand défi l’attend chez honda avec comme coéquipier marc márquez jorge lorenzo dans des. D’un jorge lorenzo qui a depuis beaucoup grandi un grand défi l’attend troisième constructeur majorquin qui qui rappellent les débuts et l’enfance espère continuer à arpenter les podiums s’il y.
À arpenter les podiums s’il y arrive il y fera risette avec une sucette une image qui le caractérisait durant son ascension en 125 et en. Arrive il y fera risette avec une sucette une image les débuts des retrouvailles qui rappellent caractérisait durant saisons 2019-2020)[10 mise à. Le majorquin mais il box du team au côté de marc márquez pour les deux prochaines saisons 2019-2020)[10 côté de marc márquez pour les deux prochaines légendes ce sont des retrouvailles.
Gras pole positionitaliques meilleur tour en course mise à jour après le grand prix de malaisie et alors qu’il court pour la première fois en catégorie reine il signe.
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Jorge Lorenzo Durant la prochaine on espère que durant cette période son aventure chez honda ne sera pas partie en sucette première échéance le grand prix de la tête du...
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sbknews · 6 years
New Post has been published on Superbike News
New Post has been published on http://superbike-news.co.uk/wordpress/dani-pedrosa-becomes-a-motogp-legend/
Dani Pedrosa becomes a MotoGP™ Legend
Three-time World Champion Dani Pedrosa has been named a MotoGP™ Legend ahead of hanging up his leathers at the end of 2018, with the Spaniard inducted into the MotoGP™ Legends Hall of Fame at the season finale at Valencia. Pedrosa won the 125 Championship in 2003, the 250 title in 2004 and 2005, and is one of the most successful riders of all time in the premier class.
Pedrosa’s international career began in 2001 in the 125 World Championship. As a rookie, he took two podiums and finished his first season within the top ten overall in eighth. The following year he took his first wins – three of them – to finish the season third overall, before he went two better in 2003 and won his first title with five wins.
Despite breaking both his ankles in a crash at the end of 2003, the ‘Little Samurai’ then moved up to the 250 World Championship for 2004 – and won on his debut. At 18 years and 202 days old Pedrosa became the youngest rider to win in the class, and it was on his way to becoming the youngest ever intermediate class World Champion at 19 years and 18 days old. In 2005, he defended the crown.
2006 marked Pedrosa’s debut in the premier class. On the podium first time out in Jerez and then needing only four races to take his first win when he took to the top step in Shanghai, one of the most successful premier class riders ever had arrived on the scene. He took another win in his rookie year, at Donington Park, and ended the year in the top five.
In 2007 Pedrosa was second overall to only Casey Stoner and added more wins and podiums to his tally, and he was in the top three in the Championship in 2008 – despite breaking his right hand in pre-season testing and sitting out the US GP after injuring his left hand at the German GP. In 2009 he managed the same top three despite more struggles with injury, and in 2010 was runner-up once again. 2011 was another battle through the pain barrier, before an incredible assault on the title in 2012 that saw the Spaniard only narrowly miss out on the crown – and win the most races that year.
In 2013 Pedrosa was leading the standings before a collarbone break and was third overall, and in 2014 he suffered with arm problems throughout the season and despite that, took another win. 2015 began with career-saving surgery to fix the problem, and Pedrosa was back on the top step towards the end of the year at Motegi and at Sepang. In 2016 he won at Misano as he destroyed the field, and 2017 saw him make another piece of history as he took to the top step in the 3000th race counting towards the World Championship, in Jerez. He also won the season finale in style, underlining an incredible achievement: he’s the first rider in history to win at least one Grand Prix per season for 16 consecutive years.
After taking the third most podiums of all time behind only Valentino Rossi and Giacomo Agostini, Pedrosa retires at the end of 2018 – and now joins the ranks of MotoGP™ Legends.
“I’m very happy to be here with Dani,” began Vito Ippolito, President of the FIM. “You made the list of the big success of his racing career, in the different classes in MotoGP and I can’t add anything around that but I want to say that Dani is an example in my opinion to all the other riders, especially the youngest. Dani really is an example. The way he raced, the way he won, he had great results but the clean way he raced. We in the FIM I can say that sometimes we talked to Dani to share ideas about how he sees things, the penalties to the riders, what his opinion was. We have a lot of trust in Dani.”
“It’s a controversial situation for me, on one side I’m happy for him to be a Legend, from the first moment he said he would retire we talked about it and he’s been a big legend of MotoGP and a big asset,” adds Carmelo Ezpeleta, CEO of Dorna Sports. “But on the other side all the memories of the generation are coming to me, Dani is one of the people who has worked through our system and now he has retired. I remember very well the first time I saw Dani in Jarama at the selection for the Activa Movistar Cup. Alberto Puig was talking to all the riders explaining everything, and from the beginning I saw Dani’s eyes and they were saying, ‘don’t talk to me and let me have the bike!’. And I remember he needed help to get on the bike but immediately we saw the skills and the possibilities of Dani. We decided the rules to be part of the Cup, the maximum and minimum age. And Dani wasn’t able to enter by a couple of months but then we talked about it and we decided to adjust it to allow him to participate, and it started a very good relationship. During a very long career we’ve discussed a lot of things many times. We are friends, but he’s also always trying to tell me what he thinks is correct! I’m extremely proud, together with the FIM, to make Dani a real MotoGP Legend, and thank him for all his contribution to MotoGP.”
“First of all thank you to Carmelo and thank you for the nice words,” smiled Pedrosa. Obviously it’s a very emotional moment you never expect it to arrive when you’re a kid, and now to be here is a bit strange but I’ happy because I felt a lot of support from all the fans, a lot from all the paddock. I’m really, really happy about this moment to see my rivals of a lifetime here. I feel that MotoGP gave me a lot of things in my life because basically I’ve always been here and I learned a lot in life thanks to MotoGP. In the same way I’m very happy that I could give something else to the sport like Carmelo was explaining. When I started it was a new generation winning races and Championships, not only me but everyone here on the front row. This is good for me because it’s a nice feeling that we opened a door for a new generation. Luckily I don’t know all my numbers which is a good thing!”
Asked about a standout moment, the Spaniard added: “Obviously the moment that stands out for me is the first Championship because you achieve something you dreamed of. You know you can get a podium or win a race but to get a championship it’s something that, as a kid, you see these guys going so fast and you don’t believe it. So when you achieve it all the emotions come out, and not only that year but for life because you’re been dreaming of it since you were born; watching races on TV and wanting to be that guy. So that day is unique and that’s what makes you, it’s the drive that makes you want more and want to keep going and get through the tough times – and the reaction from the people and the love you get is something I could never imagine so for me that’s the most beautiful.”
Pedrosa joins a long list of greats that have been made MotoGP™ Legends that includes Giacomo Agostini, Mick Doohan, Geoff Duke, Wayne Gardner, Mike Hailwood, Daijiro Kato, Eddie Lawson, Anton Mang, Angel Nieto, Wayne Rainey, Phil Read, Jim Redman, Kenny Roberts, Jarno Saarinen, Kevin Schwantz, Barry Sheene, Marco Simoncelli, Freddie Spencer, Casey Stoner, John Surtees, Carlo Ubbiali, Alex Crivillé, Franco Uncini, Marco Lucchinelli, Randy Mamola, Kork Ballington and the late Nicky Hayden.
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sbknews · 7 years
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FrankySaysRelax - Franco Morbidelli crowned FIM Moto2 World Champion
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Franco Morbidelli (EG 0,0 Marc VDS) is the 2017 FIM Moto2™ World Champion after wrapping up the crown at Sepang International Circuit. Following a stunning season in which the Italian has taken eight wins, six poles and 11 podiums, the EG 0,0 Marc VDS rider becomes the first Italian Champion in the intermediate class for nearly ten years – the previous being Marco Simoncelli in 2008. From STK600 to Moto2™, Morbidelli has quickly risen to the top.
First making a foray onto the stage in 2009 in a one-off ride at Valencia in the FIM CEV Repsol, Morbidelli would soon make a much bigger splash in 2011 as he competed in the Superstock 600 class of the Italian national championship – alongside four races in the European STK600 championship. The following year, Morbidelli was runner up in the national championship and took three wins – and took his first podium and first pole position at European level the same year.
That laid solid foundations for an assault on the title in 2013, and Morbidelli made good on his promise by taking five podiums – of which two were wins – on his way to wrapping up his first international crown. 2013 was also the season Morbidelli debuted on the world stage, with three Moto2™ appearances.
That was the path the Italian would follow going forward. A full-time ride in 2014 saw Morbidelli gaining traction throughout the season, with the latter half of the year full of top ten results on his way to eleventh overall. 2015 got off the ground running with five top six results in the opening five rounds, and by Indianapolis the future World Champion was on the rostrum for the first time in third. Missing some rounds due to injury, the end of the year saw him rake in more points – but 2016 was just around the corner.
The first real taste of the 2017 World Champion was more than evident in 2016. After a slower start, Morbidelli took some top four results and then his first podium of the year at the TT Circuit Assen. He followed that up with another at the Red Bull Ring, and was on the rostrum eight times in the last eleven races. Just missing out on the top three in the Championship by a single point, it was evident that the Italian would be a serious challenger in 2017.
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Off to a flying start with a faultless win from pole, Morbidelli was three for three by the time the paddock arrived at Jerez. Then crashing out of contention, he was back on top next time out for a fourth win in five. Then followed victory at Assen and the Sachsenring as well as another podium at Silverstone, before the Italian crashed out the lead at Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli. Out to win next time out, Morbidelli took on compatriot Mattia Pasini at MotorLand Aragon in a stunning duel, and put everything on the line for his eighth win of the year.
An eighth at Motegi and a third on Phillip Island saw the EG 0,0 Marc VDS rider arrive at Sepang with a 29 point advantage. Following a dramatic qualifying session that saw key rival Tom Lüthi suffer a fracture in his foot and get declared unfit, Morbidelli’s advantage at the top was enough to declare him 2017 Moto2™ World Champion in Malaysia to round out his stunning season.
Biography: Date of birth: 4th December 1994 Place of birth: Rome, Italy First GP: Misano 2013, Moto2™ First pole position: Qatar 2017, Moto2™ First podium: Indianapolis 2015, Moto2™ First victory: Qatar 2017, Moto2™ Starts: 70 Victories: 8 Podiums: 20 Pole positions: 6 Fastest laps: 11 Titles: Moto2™ (2017)
World Championship career 2013: Moto2™ World Championship — 3 races 2014: Moto2™ World Championship — Kalex, 11th, 18 starts, 75 points 2015: Moto2™ World Championship — Kalex, 10th, 14 starts, 90 points 2016: Moto2™ World Championship — Kalex, 4th, 18 starts, 213 points 2017: Moto2™ World Championship — World Champion — Kalex, 17 starts, 288 points
Franco Morbidelli is the first Italian rider to win a Moto2™ title and the first in the intermediate category since Marco Simoncelli back in 2008.
Morbidelli’s title is the 23rd in the intermediate category for Italian riders.
Morbidelli has won eight races so far this year, equaling Johann Zarco’s total back in 2015 – which is also the second-highest number of Moto2™ wins in a season after Marc Márquez in 2012 (9).
He is the first Italian rider to do so since Marco Melandri won nine times in 2002.
Morbidelli is ahead of Andrea Iannone on the podium and win tally for Italian riders in Moto2™, with 20 and 8. With his pole position at Sepang, he is now leading Andrea Iannone and Mattia Pasini, who have five each.
Morbidelli is the only Italian rider who has won back-to-back races in the intermediate category since Marco Simoncelli (2009).
Morbidelli belongs to the list of the five riders who have led more than 200 laps since the introduction of the Moto2™ class in 2010.
He is the first intermediate class Champion who has not graduated through the 125cc/Moto3™ class since Hiroshi Aoyama in 2009.
He is the first intermediate class Champion who has not graduated through the 125cc/Moto3™ class since Hiroshi Aoyama in 2009.
Morbidelli took the lead of the Championship when he won the first race of his career at Losail and has remained at the head of the table throughout the rest of the season.
Seventh heaven for Franco Morbidelli in Austria
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sbknews · 7 years
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LCR Honda Doubles up as Takaaki Nakagami Makes MotoGP Move
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We are delighted to announce that Takaaki Nakagami will join the LCR Honda MotoGP Team for the 2018 season. The 25-year-old Japanese rider (a race winner and 12 times a podium-finisher in Moto2) will race alongside British star Cal Crutchlow in the premier class of MotoGP on board a Honda RC213V.
Lucio Cecchinello (LCR Honda Team Principal): “We are very happy to confirm Takaaki Nakagami as the newest member of our Team; a Team which will be expanded with crew members who boast vast experience. This project, alongside our current programme with Cal Crutchlow, marks the fulfilment of our sporting ambitions. I am truly delighted, and in the name of the whole LCR Honda Team, I think it is fair to say that we are all extremely motivated to work with a rookie like Taka, because ever since he made his debut as a youngster he has shown huge potential. From myself, the team, and from HRC Takaaki will have the best support possible to take on the next challenge in his career.”
Yoshishige Nomura (President, Honda Racing Corporation): “Nakagami continues his journey into 2018 as an HRC contract rider, and using his passion and riding skills to their fullest, will undoubtedly become a rider that the younger generation from Japan, and the Asia region, will aspire to be like. I believe his dreams will drive him to become a top-class rider who will impress many fans.”
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Takaaki Nakagami: “Since riding a pocket bike when I was four years old, I have always aimed to compete with the world’s best. This opportunity has become real thanks to all of my associates and fans. There are still seven Moto2 races left this season, including the Japanese Grand Prix. I’ll be concentrating on these races, while gaining the abilities I need for next year. I hope everyone will continue to support me the way they have up to now.”
Takaaki Nakagami biography:
Born in Chiba, Japan on February 9th, 1992, Takaaki Nakagami was part of Dorna’s MotoGP Academy initiative. As a 14-year-old he became the youngest-ever winner of the Japanese 125cc Championship in 2006, and in 2007 he entered the Spanish Championship (CEV) under the Academy banner.
Graduating to the World Championship in 2008, he achieved his best result of the year with a top-ten finish at Donington Park, and he continued in the Championship in 2009. Stepping away from the World Championship for two years, he then won the All-Japan Road Race Championship J-GP2 class (600cc) title in 2011 and was drafted back into the World Championship by the Italtrans team at the Japan GP as a substitute rider.
The team offered him a full-time seat for 2012, and in 2013 he just missed out on a maiden race victory on numerous occasions – not least when he scored four consecutive second-place finishes in the middle of the season. He switched to the Idemitsu Honda Team Asia for 2014 but had a tough first year, before a return to the podium with third in Misano in 2015. He has remained with that team since, and finally in 2016 he took his first win at the Dutch TT in Assen. In 2017 he has already scored a further three podiums, before announcing his graduation to the premier class with the LCR Honda MotoGP Team.
Seventh heaven for Franco Morbidelli in Austria
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sbknews · 7 years
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Scott Redding With Aprilia in MotoGP FOR 2018
British rider Scott Redding will team up with Aleix Espargaró and Aprilia Racing astride an RS-GP in the 2018 MotoGP World Championship.
Romano Albesiano, Aprilia Racing Manager, commented: “Scott is a rider who, in spite of his young age, has significant experience in MotoGP. We are pleased to have him join our project and we think that his talent and the continued growth of the RS-GP will allow the team and him to achieving important results. Our bike has grown consistently, race after race. The goal to battle stably in the top ten has been more than achieved. And while further steps in technical development are on their way already this season, with this agreement with Scott, we are preparing for next season. Aprilia will be at the starting line with a pair of quality riders that have interesting potential. Aleix is demonstrating more and more that he is a high quality rider and a guarantee for the team. With Scott’s contribution, we expect that the team’s work will bring Aprilia even closer to the top of the championship, into the positions that such a glorious brand deserves to occupy.
At the same time, we bid Sam Lowes farewell, certainly thanking him for his commitment and efforts during this, his rookie season in MotoGP, and for the contribution he has made to the team’s growth. He is a rider who will doubtless be able to express his talent, but right now we must make choices that allow us to fulfil our commitments to the Piaggio Group and our fans. We will continue to work together with the efforts we have always made so that he can have a good season finale and we wish Sam all the best for his career in the future.”
Born in 1993, Scott Redding took his first steps in World Grand Prix Motorcycle Racing astride an Aprilia in the 125 class. In the 2008 season, his rookie year, he took a win at his home GP in Donington Park. In 2010 he moved over to Moto2, where he would remain for four seasons, taking 3 wins and 11 podiums. In MotoGP since 2014, as his best result, he boasts a third place finish at Misano in 2015 and Assen in 2016.
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