#misc rp. / (  memes  )
rpmemes-galore · 2 months
for muses who don't understand the meaning of the phrase ' take a break ' ... sentence starters
"Why don't you just sleep?"
"Hey... hey! You're dozing off, again."
"I brought you something to eat / drink."
"The work will still be here after you rest."
"You haven't moved since I left, have you?"
"Stand up, walk around the table, at least."
"Put down the pen. You can finish that later."
"Yeah, you'll get this done, but at what cost?"
"I don't like when you get lost in work like this."
"Close your laptop. I'm mandating you a break."
"You really don't know how to take it easy, do you?"
"You have a headache? Have you had any water lately?"
"Working yourself into the ground isn't going to help anyone."
"I'm worries about you. You look like you haven't slept in days."
"If you're gonna keep working, do you at least want some coffee?"
"When was the last time you had something to eat? Or a shower?"
"Of course your eyes hurt, you've been staring at the screen for hours."
"You fell asleep on your paperwork. You need to take some time for yourself."
"You're barely staying upright. You need to lie down, they can function without you long enough for you to take a nap."
send (pluck) for sender's muse to take paperwork / pen / computer mouse away from receiver's muse.
send (hidden) for sender's muse to hide receiver's phone / writing tools in hopes of getting them to relax
send (barricade) for sender's muse to block the doorway and not let receiver's muse leave until they agree to rest
send (pillow) for sender's muse to tuck a shirt or cushion under receiver muse's head when they doze off mid-work
send (nourish) for sender's muse to set food down in front of receiver's muse, because they haven't eaten in hours
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mcflymemes · 11 months
MISCELLANEOUS SENTENCE PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
hey, what was that shot?
do you think i did it?
i was just thinking that i wouldn't be caught dead in those shorts.
please don't take it away from me.
sometimes it feels like having a ghost in the house.
i haven't had sex in six... no, seven months.
i'm wrong all the time. it's how i get to "right."
they said it was right around here somewhere.
i don't think they're going anywhere.
if something doesn't feel right to you, it usually isn't.
we need to get you to a hospital.
you said this was going to end badly.
i want to follow in your footsteps.
hey, look what i found. a dead guy.
i wasn't being rude. i was being curt.
what's up, [name]? did you find something?
people are pigs.
i... am a genius.
i've got something for you to see.
i can't discuss the case.
it's gotta be the murder weapon.
how are you holding up?
i think i'd just feel a lot better if i had a change of clothes.
stay strong.
you rolled out of bed and managed to dress yourself.
i just wanted to congratulate you in person.
you never give up.
give me some time. i'm not a miracle worker.
i noticed something strange.
you don't have a personal life?
can't get much deader than this.
i just figured i'd come by.
i hope you're not starting to admire those thugs.
you stay, or i'll smash you to pieces.
this one's actually dead.
i tend not to believe people. they lie.
do you stop when it's finished, or when you've had enough?
stop doing the thing i know you're doing!
i'm not an egg man.
you need to get a girlfriend.
not enough to sting. just enough to make you think.
how much does water weigh?
i can't be fucked to plug it in.
don't insult me.
i'm a sinner. i have sinned.
it's warm! why is it warm?
sometimes i can be a little thoughtless.
it's not supposed to be fun.
your timekeeping is abysmal!
i guess i should stop trying to impress you.
i'm looking for the greater comfort of long-term financial security.
it was a gift from me, so technically i own it.
i've been talking for nine minutes?
you're not a bad guy.
never doubt. never look back. that's how i live my life.
i had an absolutely lovely day.
knowledge demands its payment.
i'm not in the mood.
the clues were there!
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kg2hub · 19 days
🎭 Kindergala Starter Prompts!
here's a collection of prompts you can send into people's ask boxes to interact with them if you don't know what to say, or find it easier to just copy & paste something and send it!! :D
ofc, feel free to change, alter, or expand on these prompts if needed! these are all for different scenarios, but i'm sure you can figure which ones are which from context :'''D
❝Your mask is cool! What's it supposed to be of?❞
❝Ew. What are you doing here?❞
❝Are you... supposed to be me?❞
❝Oh my god. I am so sorry! I didn't mean to spill my drink on you!❞
❝This is really weird... You remind me of someone I know. But different.❞
❝Have we met before?❞
❝There's so many people... I'm getting kind of nervous.❞
❝What are you doing all by yourself? The party's over there.❞
❝Is it really you...? I thought you were dead!❞
❝Oh no, you are not getting the last slice of cake if I have anything to say about it! It's mine!❞
❝Fancy seeing you here. I didn't think we'd meet again.❞
❝I didn't know they let plebians in.❞
❝Why are you so old?❞
❝I remember being that young. I wouldn't ever go back to that.❞
❝Excuse me? I don’t think that's a very nice thing to say.❞
❝I noticed you staring at me for a while... Why?❞
❝I thought I should say hi to everyone here! So hi!❞
❝What even is up with all this multiverse stuff... Have you ever thought about it, like, on a philosophical level?❞
❝So... any mysteries from your world you can spill about to a total stranger?❞
❝I'm under a lot of stress here, so can you stop being so annoying!?❞
❝Do you think past lives are real?❞
❝How do you feel about dying?❞
❝I wish I got a better mask... Mine doesn't fit me that well.❞
❝You're carrying a lot of food there! Need some help?❞
❝Man... I hate the 'no violence' rule. Do you know what I'd do if that wasn't a thing?❞
❝You look like you're having fun! Can I join you?❞
❝You just look like you need some company. I can sit with you for however long you need.❞
❝Did you bring a date for the gala?❞
❝I'd really like to dance with you... Do you feel the same?❞
❝So. We're in the void, huh? I've never been here before...❞
❝You have a nice outfit. Very fancy! I want your style so bad!❞
❝I feel kind of silly, all dressed up for something like this... How about you?❞
❝I came here alone... Can I hang out around you and just be friends for tonight?❞
❝Whoa, hold up! What are you doing?? Isn't that dangerous!?❞
❝I'm about to pull the biggest prank ever, but I need some help. Are you in?❞
❝I bet I can chug all the punch in less than a minute. Wanna watch?❞
❝I'm glad I'm here with you. I'm glad we're here. Coming to this place with you was the best idea, truly."
❝—Wait, is it your birthday? Happy birthday!! Good place to have your party, huh?❞
❝I didn't actually want to come... I was dragged here, kicking and screaming.❞
❝I didn't think I'd have this much fun, but I am!❞
❝Hold on for a second— Your mask is crooked. And there's no mirror nearby... Can I fix it for you?❞
❝...Have you been in the bathroom this whole time?❞
❝Where have you been!? I've missed you!❞
❝Hey, my favourite song's on! Have you ever heard of them?❞
❝Do you think we'll get kicked out if we put ghost pepper powder on all the food and drinks?❞
❝There's so much space to run around and be free! Let loose a little, okay?❞
❝I guess we can't play hide and seek here... Unless you can turn invisible or something. —Wait, can you turn invisible??❞
❝I challenge you to a duel!❞
❝I wanna dance so bad... I'm so scared, though. I'll probably look terrible. I have zero sense of rhythm! I can't dance!❞
❝My group needs someone to take our picture! Can you do it? We'll treat you after, if you want!❞
❝I can't believe I cancelled plans for this.❞
❝Wow... How are you so cool?? I can't believe I'm meeting someone like you!❞
❝What did one mask say to the other? 'I got you covered!'❞
❝I don't think I've been this... calm... in a long time.❞
❝You have such a beautiful smile.❞
❝Jeez, you look like you really need to talk to someone. Like a therapist, maybe?❞
❝I took too much food at the snack bar... Do you want some? Please? I'm begging you, I seriously can't eat all this myself—❞
❝Do you ever know someone, but you don't really know them?❞
❝We might have gotten off on the wrong foot. Can we start over?❞
❝You just arrived? Welcome to the Kindergala! You're a bit late, so the dessert might be all gone if we don't hurry—!❞
❝Did anyone lose a wallet?❞
❝—Hey, is this yours? You dropped this while you were walking.❞
❝I am not cute. Don't you dare call me that.❞
❝I always do something funny before a picture is taken so the smiles are more genuine.❞
❝I thought there would be more adults here. Why is this a daycare??❞
❝The real question is... Where's Waldo?❞
❝...I can't read this. Can you read? What does it say?❞
❝...Sorry, who are you, again?❞
❝Come on, don't look at me like that!❞
❝Coming here was a lot nicer than I thought it'd be!❞
❝This place is so... away from everything. Like, in a good way. It's cozy and quiet— Can I stay here too?❞
❝Would anyone notice if we just take a nap, right here, right now?❞
❝I... brought a gift for you. I hope you like it! Here you go!❞
❝You should let your hair down more often.❞
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idolkilling · 3 months
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do you think she’ll make it
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hymemena · 2 years
Send A Symbol To...
Remember to specify muse for multimuse blogs!
CW: Intoxication, Alcohol, Drugs, Drug Use, Violence, Abandonment, Food
(❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡ - Confess something to my muse
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა - Find my muse hiding
ଘ(੭ ᐛ ) - Know my muse is showing false confidence
૮ ^ﻌ^ა˚ - Cuddle under a blanket with my muse
٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و - Find my muse drunk/high
ʚ(´꒳`)ɞ - Compliment my muse
૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა - Be bitten by my muse
(ಥ_ಥ) - Catch my muse crying
ଘ(∩^o^)⊃━☆゜ - Give my muse a costume (bonus: Specify what)
( •̯́ ^ •̯̀) - Make my muse cry
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ - Deal with the aftermath of your muse leaving mine behind
(๑ > ᴗ < ๑) - Cook/bake with my muse
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memetaped · 1 year
action starters prompts featuring action scenarios.
seat: sender sits next to receiver.
nudge: sender taps receiver on the shoulder.
lesson: sender teaches receiver a new skill.
pry: sender snoops through receiver’s belongings and receiver catches them.
refuel: sender refills receiver’s glass / plate.
glance: sender looks at receiver.
object: sender notices a personal item of receiver’s and asks about it.
stray: sender walks away from receiver.
stomp: sender storms away from receiver.
camera: sender photographs receiver.
record: sender videos receiver.
address: sender replies to a question intended for receiver.
block: sender smacks receiver’s hand away from something they shouldn’t touch.
write: sender pens a letter to receiver.
text: sender sends a text to receiver.
dogtooth: sender gnashes teeth at receiver.
friction: sender and receiver stand / sit together, refusing to speak.
command: sender orders receiver to stay put.
quiet: sender interrupts receiver with a stern “stop talking.”
jingle: sender hums a melody and receiver asks where it’s from.
coach: sender gives receiver instructions, telling them how to do something.
lecture: sender scolds receiver.
hover: sender watches over receiver’s shoulder while they do a task.
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runememes · 6 months
⤏ 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚕𝚘𝚗'𝚜 𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚜 ( 𝚙𝚝. 𝟷 ) - an assortment of sentence starters from james s. a. corey's babylon's ashes. please edit as necessary
go on !
what's that supposed to mean, anyway ?
is anyone home ?
what did we get ?
it's just that i'm so tired...
can i come, too ?
you shot us !
be serious.
fragile. you ?
you were starting to lose your temper.
would that be alright ?
there's people counting on that cargo.
boarding team's ready. you want us to breach ?
if they start shooting at us, do what needs to be done.
we're setting a perimeter.
they're going to be fine.
it's our job, yeah ?
so, we're going ?
is it a problem ?
you don't have a gunship.
earth was always the prime target.
is that not enough ?
not sure how we got here
can't sleep ?
what's that doing out there ?
what now ?
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rp-memesrus · 1 year
MORE BULLSHIT I'VE SAID ON DISCORD. pt 2/? change whatever you need to for it to fit.
"jester just farted on my fucking pillow."
"i also bark when i have to pee."
"you've dinged your last dong."
"fairy weedmother."
"thanks, it's the neurodivergence."
"well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions."
"call me lexapro baby."
"please don't steal my bells mr. goose."
"i'm judy chaotic."
"i heard blooming grove and i just went feral."
"honestly, catholicism is just witchcraft with more guilt."
"in a wild turn of events — man bat is broke."
"the autism is autisming hard."
"danger is his middle name."
"i feel abandoned by god in this chili's tonight."
"you're my horticulturalist husband."
"the gays stay winning!"
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troublcmakcrs · 1 year
//i finally wrote... a reply for this blog
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townofcadence · 1 month
⭐️ w Artair ! :3c
Miscellaneous Actions ⭐️ - for my muse to stargaze with yours .
He's set out a blanket from his bag, before helping Butch down onto it. He-- probably doesn't have to, but after how rough he'd felt recently, it was hard not to want to make sure Butch stayed alright. Artair doesn't do more than hold his arm to off him support, until he's seated against soft grass and softer cotton.
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"Comfy?" He asks, a warm smile on his face. Then his gaze goes back up, towards the dimming sky as twilight began to fade. Fireflies flicker through the grass round them, the field of flowers illuminated in shallow bursts of yellow. There's a soft breeze, too, making everything rustle. The sky above is a deep purple fading to blue, and the first silver speckles of stars are visible, out here where nothing else exists but a rocky mountain, and a house on the other side of the inselberg. As the last threads of light sever with the sinking sun, the whole galaxy comes into view, a tapestry of luminescent glinting above them.
"I'm--- glad you suggested this." Artair's voice comes back, quieter than before. "It's been a while since I just....sat and watched the stars. I always forget how pretty they are."
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rpmemes-galore · 3 months
the caretaker muse vibes ... sentence starters
"You need a hug?"
"Need me to kiss it better?"
"Need me to do that for you?"
"Have you been sleeping okay?"
"I'll handle this, you go sit down."
"I'm here for you, no matter what."
"Look at me, look at me… it's okay."
"You getting cold? Need a blanket?"
"They did what?? I'll get the shovel."
"You're burning up, do you feel okay?"
"Nope, sit back down, You're not okay."
"No, don't put yourself down like that…"
"I'm going to bring you something to eat."
"Don't worry, I remembered the band-aids."
"It's okay to cry, I'm not going to judge you."
"Of course I care about you, why wouldn't I?"
"You're enough. You've always been enough."
"Of course you can get a cuddle, come here!"
"You shouldn't let them talk to you like that…"
"I brought you some tea for your sore throat."
"You're okay. You're totally okay. Deep breath."
"Please just listen to me and take it easy today."
"Are you doing okay? You seem really stressed?"
"Everything's gonna be okay, I'll make sure of it."
"C'mon, let's get you to bed. You look exhausted."
"Hey, if you ever need anything, call me. I mean it."
"Don't worry, I'll cover this. You can buy next time."
"I brought you something to eat. You looked hungry."
"Hey, deep breath. It's not as big and bad as it seems."
"Do you need me to fight them for you? Because I will."
"I'll be a shoulder to cry on, however literally you need."
"You getting too warm? Need something cold to drink?"
"Brought some more tissues and snacks, feeling any better?"
"You're overextending yourself, don't you think? Let me help."
"I believe in you. You can do this. And I'll be right behind you."
"I'll take care of everything. Your only job is getting better, alright?"
"I saw these at the store and remembered you really liked them, so…"
"You don't need to apologize to me. It's not a burden looking after you."
"You're gonna give me grey hairs, making me worry about you like this."
"You're doing your best. I'm not going to ask any more of you than that."
"You don't need to prove yourself to me. I already know you're amazing."
"I don't need you looking after me, I need you to worry about yourself, okay?"
"Hey, careful talking bad about yourself. That's my favorite person you're insulting."
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mcflymemes · 1 year
i'm just trying to figure out stuff.
oh. this is bad news.
don't bother.
you don't know that!
food and sex. those are my two passions.
you don't know my name, do you.
that must have been very hard, losing someone you love like that.
i'm beginning to be very fond of you.
that crap will kill you.
that's a shame.
this is quite a coincidence.
would you care to join me?
you are not a complete idiot.
that's an important part of any relationship.
i never go to funerals. i prefer to remember my friends as i saw them last.
thank you for that.
i sometimes have a silly effect on people.
that's very impressive.
you mustn't take me literally.
why can't people mind their own business?
do you see something wrong?
today was rough.
can i sit in this?
is this about me?
i like spending time with you.
i would love some help.
i really don't care for you much.
don't count on that.
why don't you get settled on the couch, and i'll bring you whatever you need.
i'll tell you how they did that later.
my car's right here.
i always get like this.
does he always wear a suit?
i've been living a lie.
i always liked the circus.
we don't hang out.
i could use some good news.
i can't tell you what a big help you've been.
is there anything that doesn't bore you?
i wouldn't put it past you.
i do a little cooking.
when did you first suspect me?
that can't be possible.
did they love you?
can all of this be true?
now wait a minute.
i was an idiot for giving in.
you and i think the same way. it's amazing.
forgive me for wandering off.
it's almost two o'clock in the morning! what are you doing here?
i do wish people would stop asking me that.
you must never underestimate me.
do you have a picture?
tell me you didn't predict that.
i can't let you get away with it.
i've got my eyes on you.
we're behind you. all of us.
it was a trivial matter.
there's no one i trust more with my life or my death than you.
please give me a hug.
are you sure you want to do that?
i just wanted to ask you a few questions.
i really love my work.
most people want to die in their sleep.
i like the way you wear your hair.
i don't know what you're talking about.
do you understand what i am telling you?
i happen to dress based on my mood.
just remember - it's not a lie if you believe it.
i advise you to do the same.
i couldn't resist trying your pinball machine.
there's just one more thing.
i'm not ready to say goodbye.
whatever it is, make it quick.
just tell me what's going on.
would you dance with me?
when you look annoyed all the time, people think you're busy.
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freaks-ocs · 7 months
Main Stories Menu
Six Feet Over It- my webcomic about demons, angels and alike. will be tagged #sixfeet tag
Apocalypse story- side characters for a post-apocalyptic story by @i-eatteeth #apocalypse tag
Triple A- german small-town horror / mystery #triple A tag
Ezrakaxath- (just a ship name💀)- various supernatural beings and the monster hunter who befriends them all cause he's stupid <3 #ezrakaxath tag
Robot story- fuck capitalism! love robots! #robots tag
Extended Fantasy world- the big pile of fantasy characters from different parts of the same story. #fantasy world tag
additional stories / tags:
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idolkilling · 2 months
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high-effort shitpost (Over the Garden Wall redraw!)
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littlebennettbitch · 1 year
there was nothing more you could have done.
meme: misc angst starters status: accepting (from mutuals)
Immediately, she shook her head in denial. "No." Bonnie licked her lips, pushed past the dryness of her throat, the ache in her soul. "No, I could have - I could have saved them." She shook her head again, and her voice cracked. "I could have done more." Never mind that she had given it her all, magic spent, barely able to keep on her feet. There was blood dried at her ears, her nose. Her hands were still shaking, trembling as though magic was still pouring out of her in a futile attempt to fix what had been broken.
"I should have been able to do this."
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❝  can i say something here?  or do you need another minute of rambling before i get to do the part where i say what you need to hear and you realize you’re freaking out over nothing?  ❞ - modern
The complete look of indignation that he gives her as she cut him off before he takes a deep breath in a blatant attempt to relax and calm down from the mess inside of his head. Robin squeezes between his brows in frustration as agitation bubbles up in his throat but he swalllows the urge to curse back down. This anger was misdirected. He lifts a singular finger to silently imply that he needs a moment to compose, and once he does, he lowers his hand back down to his side,
"Alright. What is it and then I'll have another 3 minutes of angry ranting, deal?"
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