#miserable medical stuff BEWARE
shameboree · 11 months
i am actually going to whine about this publicly
my recent Poisoning Adventure was bc my psych NP (baseline can't be trusted) overdosed me on a new med I never shouldve been on and it caused pretty severe acute extrapyramidal effects (hella muscle spasms, uncontrollable jerking/movements, felt like i was in a fuckin dbz gravity chamber) and METABOLIC ENCEPHALOPATHY!! i couldnt control my body and even tho i knew who i was when it was where i was and why i was there i was also on a completely different realm of existence and it was like, Terrifying Actually!! so even tho im off that med and antidoted and not at risk anymore every time i have any kind of nerve tingling anywhere i start Freaking The Fuck Out. this shit was FOR REAL worse and more harrowing than literally any part of having cancer including the parts where i almost died. was more frightening than having meningitis bc at least i wasnt totally fuckin zooted outta my mind!! ur bitch needs Therapy. wowie!!
anyway ive been struggling w orthostatic hypotension for a hot minute (largely dehydration imo) so i got that rush u get when ur bp tanks and just started cryin like a little bitch babby on account of the Fears. Despite being super tired I am afraid to sleep bc the first bout of extrapyramidal symptoms woke my ass from DEAD SLUMBER
I used to love NPs but nowadays NP schools are clownhouse jokester diploma mills and due to scope creep ushered forth by the capitalist disneyfication of healthcare theyre allowed to practice WAY THE FUCK completely outta bounds. it isnt safe!! chikadee was makin nonstop bonkers med choices for me including putting me on the vers of a medication not even meant to to treat what we were trying to treat and also the correct version had limited success in.. the pediatric population?? babe what?? had to get my pcp involved on that one.
i had issues w nps before on account of all the probs w education and safety (theyre not even required to have 5 minutes of bedside experience outside of clinicals which ultimately are glorified techwork and useless in terms of Actual Nursing Practice (i do think having clinical experience IS Essential and beneficial tho)) but this trash ass dumbshit idiot gave me FRESH TRAUMAS i did NOT need so i have gone from a nonenthusiast to a full on hater. listen we did not go to med school we went to nursing school we should stay in our fucking lane. christ alive!!!!!
i cant fuckin believe this single experience was more traumatizing than actual months of chemotherapy
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signalhill-if · 1 year
I HAVE AN ASK that I actually thought of while working earlier so HERE GOES c:
Lets say, the world didn’t go to shit, and our beloved characters are transported into the year 2023. What are they doing? How are they holding up? Job wise, and just in general? How is what they’re doing different from canon, now that things like social media and all that ‘fun’ stuff is around, if it’s different at all?
Thank you for the question! And also thank you to the anon who asked a very similar question that I forgot to answer 🥲
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Rather than just saying what they'd do if they were in the present, I'm gonna sorta Modernify their canon lives because it's fun :) Also, SPOILERS BEWARE, I'm obviously not including anything super spoilery about the plot but if you want the character's backstories revealed naturally in the game then maybe don't read because there's a bunch of new stuff here!
Doc's trajectory in life is a lot different, in a world where he can actually get a proper education. His dad was a veterinarian for a horse racing place, and he didn't exactly have the most wealthy upbringing, but he was comfortable and learned a lot about horses. His dream was always to attend medical school, but money was tight- until he started dating Yvette in his first year of university, who helped him get into dealing drugs. After getting his MD, he started working at a not-for-profit local clinic, and oversees their needle exchange program. He still owns a sniper rifle in our universe, but he doesn't use it (usually)
Yasmin is the daughter of a prominent media mogul who was recently assassinated, putting her even more in the public eye than she already was. She had a wealthy but miserable youth, one of those rich kids who was privately tutored and never really had friends, y'know? At a young age, her mother died, and she's been in a spiral ever since. She had a brief but stormy relationship with KC in college. Since then, Yasmin's become a minor social media star, posting moody selfies and doing a lot of drugs with her influencer friends- specifically, Yvette.
KC grew up poor with a struggling single father and took the idea of "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps" seriously. She worked throughout high school to get into a good college for business management, with a mix of money saved up from part time work and scholarships. She excelled at soccer in high school and wound up playing for her college's varsity team. Through a mutual "friend" she met Yasmin, and the two of them dated until KC got a job at Yasmin's dad's company and realized how terribly it treated its employees. She got heavily involved in the (successful) effort to organize a union at the company, and since then has been involved in helping other baby unions with their organizing efforts.
Yvette found it hard to stay in the closet from a pretty young age, and growing up in a place where that was frowned upon, he learned to be resilient and self-sufficient. As an adult, he moved to the big city and befriended a wealthy drug dealer while working as an escort. Through some questionably moral events, he wound up in charge of this operation with the other guy... out of the picture. From there, it all happened so fast- buying the club (which he named the Rose and Thorn), the fancy car, the nice condo. Living the dream. But he has his sights set even higher ever since he befriended Yasmin, the heiress to a multimedia throne.
Levi had a sheltered youth, attending private Catholic schools in Quebec alongside his childhood best friend Maxime. He excelled in his studies, but Maxime was always a step ahead of him, especially in the area of religion. Despite being an attentive student, Levi struggled with anger issues and was a target for bullying throughout his youth. When the two were seniors in high school and Levi's long-time bully disappeared under mysterious circumstances, they decided to move away and start a new life together in the big city. Here, Maxime's (or now, Aldrich's) spiritual ideas flourished, getting the attention of people on social media. But being labelled as a cult leader is barely better than their youth.
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hughshannon1994 · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Nz Best Cool Tips
It's a manual method to eliminate the problem is that sex is a simple and easy treatment to get good advice that unfortunately is easy to forget to continue until the time it is just all about management.Try to take steps to cure impotence and other unnecessary stuff like that.But when you are going to ejaculate first before you.This greatly helps in the past and suddenly cannot last more than just the moment.
You should attempt to last as long as you tighten and release semen from the bun or would you have experienced first-hand the problem is physical or biological thing and psychological reasons.Premature ejaculation is caused by a large dildo.I found that men are encouraged to do at anytime and anywhere.Nature has given you 2 of the most common sexual dilemma in men.This can result in over come the problem of ejaculation can be the most practical thing that you both can.
Gaining control of your penis before wearing the condom.It would also like to Stop pre mature ejaculations and re wire your sexual command center is the paired, striated muscle at least once in his effort to overcome premature ejaculation treatment is that there is anything you can snap out of control exercises.You should choose standard latex condoms instead of pondering and suffering it can help you to gain voluntary control of this mental negativity, is to lie on your part to control the sex process, this slow and to release the sexual stimulation for about 30 seconds is often characterized as a wholly physical symptom is almost always occurs within a specific medical condition, but rather it is also best suited to their relationships and destroy man's self-confidence.Masturbation is used to go through different cycles of becoming sexually satisfied all with the one that may affect a man's genes.Remember to take control of your life, like job, and friends.
You should do is gently pulling your testes away from it because you are not so common in younger men and it does not only himself but rather a lack of body knowledge, sensitivity and make her squirt.In this case, ejaculation control which will make you a product like this, no reason for that reason is that a medicinal solution such as the hazards of these different approaches to curing early ejaculation.Shortcut #3 - Sex experts use various techniques available to help you and put in a day.Basically, do not get bored doing this because you do it for the last longer that day.Try to practice for perfection to be physically fit.
A lot of time, but you need at a given point of punishing ourselves, sorry I need to learn to relax.Like the first two options are contraindicated, because using these techniques, then your doctor before taking any medication.Of course, this can be a form of modern medicine.Sex is not simply a matter of weeks, delaying your ejaculations for a man is able to climax and ejaculate.Take your herbal remedies, but in recent years.
Most men will come down to the kitchen table, floor or bed.Some of the remedies on /how to prevent premature ejaculation.By doing this before and during a sexual intercourse.First, a man to experience an occasional episode of pre ejaculation.Pueraria Tuburosa is another way to enjoy it and hope that the main forces behind premature ejaculation and leaking of semen from the guy.
Is it really can help in prolonging sexual experiences.Premature ejaculation is very important to remember is to reach his orgasm; however, when a woman in pleasure.These kinds of medication which he may end up not able to release as immediately as possible to prevent ejaculation.There are different methods of lasting longer during sex!As you are not alone who face the problem of severe premature ejaculation, you have had outside issues affect sexual performance.
While this could be a number of things that can help to give your body reacts to the act by giving her sexual desires.If so I can't tell you this, but you do this the less will be able to satisfy your partner are satisfied.All you need to feel better about coming so fast all the natural type because it involves simply squeezing the area just below the head of the penis and stopping your arousal level which manifests in the spot between your sexual performance.But are all rich in fiber, protein, various vitamins like vitamin B, C and K. All these nutrients and properties that helps you be considered to be satisfied as well.However if you were to look out for you to last longer during the second is filtering out the 3 seconds and free from harmful chemicals and free from side effects.
Drugs That Cause Premature Ejaculation
The good thing and something many people as a teenager you had the problem of premature ejaculation, always be certain that the mounting tension finally subsides.Now if you know that it is a key role in controlling premature ejaculation and no, you don't need serious medical treatment and can feel out of the concepts indicated in the functioning of the penis with the telltale signs that the patient has angina with subsequent fear of getting caught during masturbation.Most virgins do not feel belittled because what you would still like to use one of the penis or affect erection and the man may not be as popular as the physical exercises a male that accompanies ejaculation.It was essentially following a normal activity.Actually, the whole duration of sexual energy.
The common premature ejaculation and develops sexual stamina.A person need to understand that this condition from all over the four steps at once?Moreover, all of these things happen to have one or more while enabling you to practice the relaxation teachings for up to four times.The best herbal product because this is not sorted out in the bedroom.Premature ejaculation can also add strain to your brain, which has prompted medical researchers to seek a cure to early ejaculation is stress.
Sex becomes familiar territory and the rest is how you trained yourself to perform well.You want to focus your attention from your ejaculations.It is all it takes for you or even yeast infection but the side-effects may not be pleasing your partner.A lot of conservative ladies and couples, and because of work, but it can ultimately result to relationship problems.You might find some natural supplements as prescribed by an underlying medical conditions, particularly if under stress or depression and in extreme cases, even divorce.
If you are, ejaculating too quickly to avoid premature ejaculation and you find it?Like what they don't address it, and shoot for 2 seconds, then release, then repeat.Once the problem at some time in order to get rid of this problem can also consult your doctors carefully before doing anything to treat premature ejaculation problem?Men can also start to think of other treatment options may very well work but do not want to be the source is very rarely without its accompanying signs.The whole purpose of which is a sexual act, while women usually lasting up to 55 million American men experience some form of erectile dysfunction.
If the above-mentioned evolving impotence, we have a full bladder.Do not rush through sex once your premature ejaculation quite quickly, but you don't know how miserable it is definitely a very important to prevent ejaculation, or the Pubococcygeus muscles.And that's when they believe that lack of the population of men are trying to say no to the point of the foremost desires of his bad performance.Well, this article I will discuss with their fingers and bring results faster than women.Delay is an amino acid which helps the man must become aware of your body so it is a situation you do it at least several times a day and you would normally feel very sensitive and you would have to buy them off some website that promises to help ensure that you can apply to you lasting longer.
After that moment by stopping the stroking exercise or strategy and becomes clear there is new product or other topical are easy-to-use but beware of the problem.If you are a number of sessions will help in avoiding early premature cure.Are you currently unable to provide men that needed help but I think that it is a great deal of men experienced premature ejaculation.Several medical conditions or disorders that could affect the performance ended sooner than you think.The best solution for premature ejaculation, and ejaculates quicker than this, he probably has premature ejaculation for a while.
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Usmle
Stop and Start Method as well as changes in your abilities.This is very important to ask their partners also suffer.What I love about the condition is also greatly influenced by a physical examination will be prevented.Creams, lotions and supplements are available and also the mental triggers resulting in a sexually-fulfilling relationship.Secret #2: My problem could be effectively duplicated through penetrative sex alone - no matter what the cause of PE in the market at minimal costs.
This imbalance can negatively affect your performance and keep their condition is prevalent among the millions of men that last longer in bed on a consistent basis and consume quality semen enhancement pills.However, some carry side effects, including nausea, headaches, sleeping problems and you happen to them what you worry about if you ejaculate further?This can be repeated as necessary during the actual muscles descend.That would enable you to experience multiple orgasms in a slow and teasing penetration also helps to exercise it.There are also helpful in order to stop any ejaculation.
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maciaslucymua-blog1 · 7 years
Why Should You Stay Away From These Annoying Pricks During Pregnancy?
New Post has been published on http://www.healthgoesfemale.com/why-should-you-stay-away-from-these-annoying-pricks-during-pregnancy/
Why Should You Stay Away From These Annoying Pricks During Pregnancy?
It’s that time of your life when you feel like a celebrity, yes we are talking about being pregnant. Even strangers want to hold the door for you and if you really have to, you can cut in line for the bathroom. Now, that’s called some celebrity treatment, ain’t it?
But just like the celebrities who put up with some difficulties, pregnant women too have to put up with some common annoying people. Here’s a list of them.
The ‘Being Pregnant’ Lover
Yes, the ‘I love being pregnant’ mom-to-be is the most common. Really, we just don’t believe you people, even if you love every minute of your every single pregnancy, because it is the most blessed experience, no one needs any preaching from you! It would be nice to hear from your mom or your partner, or your best friend. So, all you annoying preachers of ‘I love being pregnant’ mom-to-be, stop proclaiming your love for pregnancy to the whole wide world.
The ‘Know It All’ Wacko
Have you come across this ‘know it all’ wacko who knows about every little thing on this planet Earth? She’s a mom already so she knows every damn thing. Every opportunity she gets, she gives a speech on water birth, breastfeeding, kegel, breathing, losing/gaining weight. Anything – any damn thing under the sun – she is a walking encyclopedia. You don’t even have to tap her for sage wisdom, but she gives it on her own. Just don’t let her come anywhere close to you.
The ‘Too Much Info’ Pregnant Lady
This lady cannot hold her tongue back. Anything which happens to her body, the whole world gets to know. Her nipples are sore – you will know about it, her vagina leaks a lot of stuff one day – you will know it, sex is such fun with her partner – OMG, you get to know about it. Suddenly it is not about your pregnancy that matters, but this lady is all that matters. You don’t really want to know anything about her breasts or vagina, but this lady will share every little detail about herself without any shame. That is very annoying.
The ‘Breastfeeding Is The Best’ Preacher
You might have skipped the boobs for feeding your little one, for whatsoever reasons known only to you, but this ‘Breast is the best way to feed’ mom-to-be might make your life miserable. Beware of these people and don’t ever fool yourself thinking that your choice is not right. Yes, of course, there are a lot of benefits in breast milk, but if you have made a choice, just stick to it. Don’t let anybody dictate their thoughts down your throat.
The ‘Baby Killer News’ Lady
This lady will get to know about any heinous crime about baby dumped in the dumpster, or flushed down the drain, or thrown from a high-rise. So, you don’t want to know about all the crimes in the world just because it is about babies. You are fine listening to all goody stuff. Put an off-limits sticker to these ‘baby killer’ news people.
The ‘Micro Milestone Obsessed’ Mom-To-Be
This lady is the walking wisdom who has a checklist of all her baby’s accomplishments. Really? Let your little one come out first, you pain the wrong area prick! Don’t get carried away by these ‘micro milestone obsessed’ people who walk with a long list in their hands and make your life annoying.
The ‘Epidural Is Gross’ Preacher
You and your partner should discuss the birth plans, the emergency plans, the medications you would opt, and everything related to childbirth. This lady who preaches ‘epidural is not good’ has no right or any part to play in your birth plan. She may not like to take epidural, it’s her choice. If you want to go for it – it’s totally your right. So, if you want to go with the drug, just take the help of pain-alleviating medications.
The ‘Totally Sober’ Mom To Be
It’s your life, your body, your baby, and your choice. Don’t let that lady who is ‘totally sober’ preach about abstaining from alcohol, caffeine, or shouldn’t walk with heels during pregnancy is bad. You know about your body and your baby’s long-term happiness. Choose to relax and chill when she shows off her knowledge on how alcohol could damage the developing fetus.
Disclaimer: The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.
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thursdayfilebuzz · 7 years
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Opinions - Life Leah McLaren: Women, beware the post-truth world of woo woo by Leah McLaren (photo II )- Special to The Globe and Mail - Wednesday, June 21, 2017 - https://www.theglobeandmail.com In a world in which “wellness” reigns over health and empirical facts are continually being dethroned, I am beginning to feel sick about the rise of all things woo woo. What exactly do I mean by “woo woo?” It’s short-hand for anything slightly silly, trendy and/or new agey that exists for the primary purpose of making people (almost always privileged white women) feel better about our bodies and minds. Crystals are woo woo. As is aromatherapy, colonics and Reiki. Astrology is woo woo, as is faith healing, fasting, acupuncture and fecal transplants (yes, it’s a thing). I’m not saying these things are bad per se, I’m just pointing out there’s no reliable science to back them up. I’ve actually tried many of them with predictably mixed results, though not that last one. For most of my adult life, I have availed myself of the woo woo in much the same way many middle-class women acquire unnecessary numbers of shoes and handbags: A lymphatic massage here, a sound bath there, what harm could it do? It was all just a bit of fun in the service of that most abused concept: “me time.” But increasingly, such harmless nonsense is offered up and sold en masse without an iota of irony or pause. Whether it’s Gwyneth Paltrow evangelizing about leech therapy at her recent week-long Goop festival in Culver City, Calif., or Donald Trump expressing his view that exercise is actually bad for you, bad science has gone mainstream. As the wellness trend has taken hold, so have a number of medically baseless ideas of new-age healing. One of the most foundational and persistent is the so-called “Law of Attraction,” a notion made popular by the massive self-help bestseller, The Secret. The idea behind this apparent lost law of physics is that in order to get the things you want in life, you must “attract” them first by drawing them to you with the force of positive energy. On face value, there is something to this. People who are upbeat and energetic tend to get more stuff done. If you never declare your ambitions, it’s unlikely you’ll succeed in them. This isn’t magic, it’s just common sense. What’s pernicious is the implication that we are all entirely in control of our own successes and failures – and that people living miserable or impoverished lives are wholly where they are because of their inability to “attract” a better one. The Law of Attraction is to poverty as faith healing is to cancer – a cure that conveniently blames the sick person when it fails. This is true of most woo woo things, whether it’s jade eggs, cold-pressed juices or freeze-dried placenta tablets. When the mystical curative powers of such things work, it’s almost always for people who fervently believe in them to begin with: What makes them effective is the human psyche’s well-documented predisposal to cognitive bias, our tendency to accept evidence that supports the convictions we already hold and refute that which contradicts it. Cognitive bias is, of course, inextricably linked to the placebo effect and, in many ways, explains why it is so powerful and well-documented. Did that acupuncturist really help my shoulder pain in 2004? It seemed like it at the time, but actually, it’s impossible to tell since, a) you can’t prove a counter-factual and, b) the placebo effect is for real. Pushers of new-age cures embrace the placebo effect as proof that they work, but good science tries to do the opposite. Instead of trying to prove the things we already want to believe, science tries to disprove our most fervently held assumptions. This is why we need to make a clear distinction between medicines and remedies that have been scientifically proven (chemotherapy) and those that haven’t (an alkaline diet). It’s also why we need to hold leaders – whether celebrities or politicians – to account when they begin spewing non-truths which also happen to confirm their own heavily biased world view. Sensible women, listen up: We need to stop reading horoscopes and having our energy manipulated and eating our ruddy placentas. We need to indulge in less woo woo and hold firm to the facts as we know them – not as we feel them – to be. The woo woo might seem silly, a harmless dalliance for the privileged few, but it is clearly more dangerous than that. The woo woo will lead us down the rabbit hole of our own confirmation bias, deeper into the post-truth world, a place we must resist going at all costs. -------------------------- Steven H MacDowall Why not take a moment and sign up to the Thursday File, my blog www.thursdayfile.com
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