joycecarolnotes · 5 years
jarrich or barry and sally (or barry/sally) "Everything is okay."
Thank you for giving me such fun options! Oh boy, I really wanted to write both but I am a person of a remarkably small comfort zone, and inside that remarkably small comfort zone is where I shall stay.
"Everything is okay, shh." Jared whispers into Richard's hair, curled up beside him in his loft bed. "Richard. My prince. You did the right thing."
"Pfft. Yeah right. Everytime I do the right thing, the world just fucks me harder."
Jared, who seems somehow to know exactly which emotional screw to twist, wraps his long arms around Richard and holds him all the more tightly, in spite of (because of?) Richard's viciously self-loathing protests.
"I'm so proud of you," says Jared. "And that you did it because of me makes it all the more, oh - "
He can't seem to finish the sentence, and instead chokes out a sob.
Richard thinks, peevishly, I don't know how to be this. It doesn't matter how much he wants it: wants to be good, for Jared or for anyone. There's some sort of badness inside him that Jared - Jared, who is good, who is smart, and loyal, and diligent, and good, so good, so much of all the things Richard himself values so highly - has willfully blinded himself to.
There's a part of him that wants to be reckless. That wants to push Jared, just to see if he'll push back. That wants to hurt Jared, just to see if he can, and how badly.
There's a part of him, too, that wants to hold Jared. That wants to be held, gently, just like this, like they are right now, and told that everything is alright. Even if it's a lie. Especially if it's a lie. And there's a part of him that wants to believe it.
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sweetbertram · 5 years
@misoka58 replied to your post “The Pied Piper blog is gone and this feels like a personal betrayal.”
it's still there! it is under company news now :) http://www.piedpiper.com/company-news/
okay it wasn’t loading when i first checked it but yes it’s there now!!!!!! crisis averted everything’s fine.
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retrauxpunk · 5 years
shipping headcanon for jarrich: 6, 9, 11 from SFW and 1, 3, 6, 9 for NSFW please😆 (I'm asking for a lot sorry!)
oh don’t apologise, i love these asks hahahah thank you for sending them!
6. Going out to eat: Who pays? Who orders the most food? And who has dessert?Jared would try to pay for them both every single time basically … and Richard fights him for it. In a friendly exasperated way. I think Richard would order the most food (and be sometimes bad at estimating how much he can actually eat), while Jared has been brought up to believe any kind of indulgence/physical enjoyment is a sin, basically, so he is more restrained with his food choices … until Richard kind of realises what’s happening and encourages him to actually enjoy stuff more and not feel bad about it. And as for dessert … neither, at first, but then Jared gets more comfortable and it is revealed that he is a ~dessert connoisseur~ he starts regularly indulging in sweet things more and Richard eventually joins him.9. Is someone multilingual? Do they try to teach another language to the other? How does it go?Neither are multilingual (aside from fragments remembered from Spanish classes in school) except for Jared’s inexplicable German knowledge … he picked it up from when he was living with a foster family that wasn’t actually horrible, but were a bit … odd, let’s say. He picked it up while asleep, from his foster dad, who’d do a lot of ranting in German late in the night and who could be easily heard through the thin walls.
11. Baths or showers? Together or separate? Any bubbles or bubble fights?Jared loves baths, especially bubble baths, but rarely takes them because they’re an indulgence and he’s conscious of how much water they use. Richard pretty much only showers because it’s kinda never occurred to him to take baths as a leisure activity? But one day Jared opens his eyes to the joy of baths (especially bubble baths) and Richard becomes briefly obsessed. When do share a bath together sometimes, for example if they’re at a hotel with a big enough tub for both of them.
And now for the NSFW… ;)
1. How often do they have sex, if at all?There’s not really a regular schedule, so to speak, it’s quite variable. Sometimes it’ll only be once or twice a week (or fewer), sometimes it’ll be several days in a row, and sometimes multiple times a day. Depending on their mood/life circumstances … like if it’s really busy with Pied Piper then it might not happen for ages (or it might happen a lot? for stress relief lolololol) and if they’ve not seen each other for ages it’ll be frequent for a bit. I guess I don’t see either of them as having, like, insatiable sex drives; both seem comfortable with it not being super frequent/regular, but I also don’t see them as being completely ace, hence this ‘it kinda just happens whenever!’ headcanon.
3. Any kinks they clash on?…Hmm I don’t think about jarrich and kinks at all lmao. Let’s see. I read someone (I can’t remember who, sorry!) saying that Jared is kinda into giving praise a lot / body worship that kinda thing, but Richard just finds it uncomfortable, and I can definitely see that being a thing. Other than that I don’t think I imagine any big clashes, just difference in preference (e.g. I could see Jared being into more extreme dom/sub stuff than Richard is).
6. Dom/top? Sub/bottom? Any switches?I reckon they’re both switches/vers. Convenient, right?
9. Quickest turn ons? Immediate turn offs?Ooooh let’s see. Richard is quickly and easily turned on by neck kisses (receiving them, that is). Jared is turned on by Richard whispering into his ear. As for turn-offs… Jared Does Not Like breathplay/being choked, and Richard (as mentioned before) does not like being on the receiving end of praise/worship, and also does not like any variation of the kind of affectionate/sappy baby-speak that couples sometimes do (no matter the context, in or out of the bedroom).
send me a ship and a number and i’ll write out my headcanons
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antiquitea · 6 years
what was your favorite band as a teenager? (if it's too personal pls feel free to skip this!)
Not too personal at all!
I had a lot of favourite bands as a teenager, trying to figure out my musical tastes - every year I seemed to love a different genre. ;)
But the ones that I remember the most vividly are Backstreet Boys, Duran Duran, and Rammstein. Because I am a land of contrasts. 
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doctorcolubra · 6 years
for the wip meme: eye(s)
Other than his remark about thebunker, Richard is too preoccupied to offer an opinion on the house.  He submerged himself in his thoughts on the flightback to Earth, and since then he’s been quiet. Not catatonic, exactly, but taciturn, his eyes unfocused, as if the realworld is a minor distraction from something complex and important he’sdoing.  He replies the way you would ifyou were busy disarming a bomb.
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cawsaurus · 6 years
what's your favorite drink other than sangria?
Hi friend! Thanks for the ask!
Alcoholic: Hard cider or honey rum
Non-alcoholic: Matcha tea oat milk latte with cinnamon and just a hint of honey because I am embarrassingly white
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joycecarolnotes · 5 years
how about harry potter au?😂 (and unsolicited question: what house do you think everyone in pied piper are sorted in?)
Oh boy I forgot I did write a lil HP au once! And I had a bunch of ideas where it could go that totally never went anywhere! I'm not 100% firm on all these opinions but let's say: Jared and Richard are Hufflepuffs, Dinesh is a Slytherin, and Monica and Gilfoyle are Ravenclaws.
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sweetbertram · 6 years
Hi I'm v interested in your take about Richard and his time at Stanford and why and how he ended up dropping out so close to graduating!!
So I think Richard was always really clever in school, took a lot of AP classes, and maybe even graduated high school early and used some of his AP credits to skip pre-requisites in college (I did that and I sometimes regret it tbh)
So right from the start he was in higher-level classes, and that meant more pressure and more stress and more work. Plus Richard’s social skills aren’t exactly great, and he was so far away from home and living on his own for probably the first time ever, which was probably hard on him. But he handled things, in his way, until his final year when his anxiety spun out of control and he had a nervous breakdown and ended up failing his classes and not being able to do damage control until it was too late.
(Given what the robot said about Richard’s suicidal thoughts and urges to harm himself I would not be surprised if the aforementioned breakdown involved self-injury or a suicide attempt.)
And he didn’t want to stay an extra semester to fix everything - by that point he’d realized that college wasn’t really for him, he wasn’t enjoying it and it wasn’t giving him any benefit and he just wanted to leave and work on his own projects on his own time. So he dropped out, and went straight to Erlich’s incubator and pitched his app.
And the rest, as they say, is history.
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retrauxpunk · 5 years
ask game: 3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
‘basket and swung it round and round and let go and …’
let’s get personal: ask game
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antiquitea · 6 years
🌙🌸✨ questions! ✨🌸🌙meme 6, 25, 26!
6. do you have a favorite quote?
I do! It’s from the goodbye letter of the late, great Jack Layton - former leader of Canada’s New Democratic Party. No matter where you fell on the political spectrum, everyone loved Layton. I have no doubt in my mind that he would have been Prime Minister one day.
He passed away due to complications from cancer in 2011. You can read his full letter to Canadians here, but the last few lines I’ve carried with me for nearly a decade:
My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.
25.  what inspires you?
Oof, this is a tough one! The people around me inspire me - friends and family. I want to be someone that they can be proud of knowing and loving. I want to be the best person I can be for them.
26.  is there a song/movie that always makes you cry?
Ha! I’m a big sap, so anything remotely emotional makes me weepy. For songs, I actually answered this on Twitter earlier today! The top three that immediately come to mind are:
Fooled by the Night - Minus the Bear
I Will Follow You Into the Dark - Death Cab for Cutie
Amelie - Kalle Mattson
As for movies, ones I’ve seen recently that threatened to make me cry (or succeeded) are:
Loving Vincent
Call Me By Your Name
There are a lot of others! But as I said, a lot makes me emotional ;)
🌙🌸✨ questions! ✨🌸🌙
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doctorcolubra · 6 years
When you get this, answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers.
@misoka58 sent me this too, so I'll try to answer!1. I like my voice? I'm very awkward with small talk but I do pretty well when reading aloud or performing. I used to do phone sex, actually (so many stories I could tell). 2. I'm physically stronger than I look, so in spite of being a 5'2" wiener, I can lift a lot. This is mainly useful for spiting any condescending guys in the vicinity, and also putting together Ikea furniture.3. I have a pretty good memory, at least for certain things. 4. I'm a good cook in general, and I make great bread.5. Cats and queer girls usually like me so I must be basically okay.
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joycecarolnotes · 5 years
13, 15💛
13. Unpopular opinion about a character?
I feel like season five gave us a lot of growth in Richard and especially in his ability to take other people’s emotions into account (often to his own detriment!) and I’m just not willing to buy “Richard is a thoughtless asshole” as a justification for all Pied Piper’s problems anymore. It felt like the season finale tried to backpedal on his development and I wasn’t having it!
That said, I’ve always believed Richard was a good person trying his best.
15. Unpopular opinion about the show?
Is it an unpopular opinion that I wish it was just a show about friends building a great company and falling in love along the way with no conflict? If so then that
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joycecarolnotes · 5 years
1/2 unsolicited rec: i think you'll like a novel, the twelve kingdoms: sea of shadow by ono fuyumi! it's a story about the growth of a bit oppressed? high schooler who obeys her parents and peers, and basically about her trying to be a good person. it is a YA novel and fantasy fiction set in a world inspired by chinese myths, which she's whisked off to.
ooh thank you! I have been on such a fantasy reading kick lately and this sounds wonderful, I'll check it out! 💛
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retrauxpunk · 5 years
for an ask game: what's your favorite trope?
so many! but some of my faves are: hidden/secret badass (when someone who appears non-badass turns out to be a huge badass); romeo/juliet romances involving people from opposing sides; enemies to friends/lovers; the thing where a character is about to be killed in combat and then another character (their friend/lover) saves their life by stopping the blade/taking out the enemy that kind of thing; i enjoy fixer characters; i also enjoy the ‘go to school, save the world’ trope where it’s teenagers who have to balance a normal life with superpowers or whatever
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retrauxpunk · 5 years
hi this is from the main acc of @shfzw. thank you so much for doing podcast I really enjoy it!!! it's like watching sv with friends and that's really nice. when you said "au where richard is thomas middleditch" I was like, I didn't know I want that au but now I really want it hahaha it seems like real fun! anyway it was really good and thank you for recording and sharing it! if you feel like doing it again I'll listen to it!!! (of course no pressure no obligation) thank you so much!!!!
!!! thank you SO MUCH i’m so glad you enjoyed it!!
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joycecarolnotes · 6 years
talk to me about wip ask game: I want to demand all bc all of them are so intriguing!! but I'm a decent adult so I'll... pick less than all. first sight fake dating!
“Look, Laurie,” Richard started. His exasperation was clear. “The algorithm works, okay? It was built on my tech. And maybe all these users should just give their matches a chance. They’re probably going to die alone anyway.”
“Richard!” Jared interjected. He held his hand over his chest, scandalized.
“What we need here,” said Richard, “is a test case. Right? I mean, you said it yourself, they’re a vocal minority. The vast majority of FirstSight users find perfectly acceptable matches. All we need is a test case willing to be as vocal as they are, prove the tech works. Let’s test it, right? Now somebody - somebody - sign up. C’mon, Dinesh?”
“Not it,” said Dinesh.
“Fine. Fine. I’ll sign up. See, I’m doing it right now. And there’s - wow - there’s, uh - a match. Already.” Richard went white. “It’s, ah, ah, it’s - “
Jared’s phone buzzed. “Well, would you look at that,” Jared chirped, clicking through to see the details of the notification. “97% compatible!”
So this one was an au where Pied Piper ends up working with the FirstSight dating app, but there are widespread reports of users being dissatisfied with their matches. So - to prove a point and for PR purposes - Richard agrees to publicly date his top match. Duh it’s Jared, who then documents their “relationship” on the Pied Piper blog. There’s a lot of turmoil over choosing what to share with his followers and what to keep just for himself. And then they fall in love!
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