#misprinted hoodie from Wish
oz-mola · 4 years
Dad: “what does your hoodie say?” Trying to pronounce it
Me: “oh it’s the name of a band. Gojira”
D: “what’s that, a rock band? Where they go poor, stereotypical metal imitation and air guitar”
Me: “yeah it sounds just like that actually”
D: “oh gosh...I like some of it, but the kind that makes sense. Not none of that intelligible”
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mikaa-mina · 4 years
At Garden’s Edge Chapter 4- Chapter 4: I know I only buy plants I end up killing from you, but we’re friends right? Delightful. So. I had a terrible awful day and-
( Beta read by Tarek_giverofcookies )
At Garden’s Edge
Chapter 4- I know I only buy plants I end up killing from you, but we’re friends right? Delightful. So. I had a terrible awful day and-
The next time Aziraphale saw him was not because of a dead plant, though the poor thing was looking rather dicey the last time he had checked in on it, but because he’d had a rotten day. Followed by a terrible night, only to wake up even more peeved the next day after being unable to sleep more than fitfully. Memories of that awful day buzzed around in his head incessantly only making his mood curdle even more.
He’d had some more than unpleasant intruders that had barged in, souring a rare book deal he’d spent months setting up, and kicked up a sizable fuss about matters Aziraphale has less than no desire to revisit, and the whole exchange had left him rather vexed.
Tracy, a lovely woman with a quick wit, was away on her honeymoon and as a new (if you count five months as new) resident of Soho and perhaps a bit of a recluse, his only other friend in the city (excluding book dealers of whom he had no wish to talk to as he was currently) was Crowley. Crowley was also possibly the only other person who might be awake at this hour. He did run a flower shop after all.
It's not until Aziraphale is juggling two hot disposable cups into one hand/arm to pull open the door to the flower shop only to be met with locked resistance that he realizes he doesn't actually know what time the flower shop opens at. It had just always been open any time he came by so he assumed... well, hm.
Looking at the unfamiliar door, unfamiliar in that he'd only really ever saw it propped open and never closed, he looked for any sign of hours. There was a window in the middle of the top half of a door with a sign that simply said "closed" without offering anything else.
Aziraphale frowned.
Well. Perhaps he was setting up but not quite open and wouldn't mind a coffee to start his morning. Mind made up, he knocked on the door "Crowley? It's me, Aziraphale."
It was just as his eyes caught sight of the white etched words on the window "closed Mondays and at 6pm" what no opening time? that the door flung open forcing him into a hurried two step side step maneuver to keep from having his nose unbeautifully bashed in.
Still juggling the cups and his balance he was further unprepared to look up and see Crowley in quite the state. For one, his sunglasses were jammed haphazardly onto his face, and for another he looked rather spooked, body language tense as if preparing for something terrible. Being so close Aziraphale could see Crowley’s pulse hammering in his throat and that new information had his gaze snapping back up to his face. It’d been a while but he’d seen that posturing before.
Putting on his most charming smile Aziraphale politely ignored the panic Crowley was shoving down, and the way his body was teetering on the edge of the fight from his fight or flight response. Aziraphale would have taken a step back to give him some breathing room if he hadn’t thought that it would spook the dear even more. Instead, smile still intact even as he took in other details he had overlooked, a small white cord painted to match the door frame it sat against, shoulders squared and braced for impact, arm out of view likely holding some kind of weapon, he said “good morning Crowley. I brought coffee.”
Crowley blinked, adrenaline rushing out of his body evident through the sagging of his shoulders and spine. Something softly clunked against the marble floor out of Aziraphale’s sight, most likely wooden from the sound it made against the ground.
“Ah- I- you- ngk,” Crowley drug a hand down his face, weariness evident in every line of his body. “C’mon in,” he finally settled on, moving out of the way for him to come in.
Aziraphale smiled brightly at that. “Thank you dear. I’m afraid I’ve come before the shop opened, haven’t I?” He politely ignored the baseball bat laying on the floor beside the door instead focusing on other details he failed to notice before and realized Crowley was in a pair of black silk pajama bottoms with a hoodie hastily shoved on. “Oh, oh my, I’m terribly sorry. I’ve interrupted your sleep haven’t I?”
Before Aziraphale could fret too badly about showing up not only unannounced and before the shop opened, but also intruding during when he was clearly sleeping, Crowley waved him off. “Nah- I mean yeah, but I should get up soon anyways for the shop.” He paused after re-locking the front door and peered through the gaps in the shutters over the large windows in the front of the shop and grumbled seemingly to himself, “what time is it anyways?”
“Ah.” Whoops.
Crowley turned rather slowly to face him, the exaggerated movement something like a horror flick would have.
“Well, hm, well it’s probably around,” what wouldn’t be too much of a stretch? He got up around 4 but the cafe didn’t open until 7am and it probably took him about five for the non-existent line and another twenty to get here so, “quarter to eight?”
“Ughhhhhh,” Crowley let both hands drag down his face, knocking his glasses askew until he caught them as they slid off his face.
As cheerfully and encouragingly as he could Aziraphale reminded him, “I brought you coffee!”
“Alright, alright,” Crowley gave in and before opening his eyes he replaced the sunglasses on his face. “Let me just -yawn- get us some chairs. Here, follow me.”
Aziraphale followed him to the back of the shop where the cash register was and waited by the counter on the stool Crowley had pulled from behind it for Aziraphale while the man disappeared into the back room of the shop.  
He returned with a wheeled chair he then plopped down into with another yawn but shot Aziraphale a grin before he could apologize. “You said there was coffee?
“Oh, yes. Yes of course, here you go my dear.”
Crowley paused for a moment when taking the coffee from Aziraphale and for a moment he worried that perhaps he should have gotten him tea or something else. But then Crowley gave him a grateful smile and sat back in his seat, cradling the coffee between both hands as he brought it up to his face to take a deep breath.
“Mm.. Smells like...  plain black coffee?” He raised his eyebrows in question.
“Yes. Oh, should I have perhaps added cream or sugar? Only I didn’t know how you took it and figured if you liked it sweeter you’d have sugar but mayhaps I should have grabbed some of those packets...”
“Nah, it’s fine.” He took a deep drink, settling back as it warmed him up from the inside out, “s’good. It’ll wake me up.”
After watching him for a moment longer and determining that he did indeed mean that, Aziraphale allowed himself to relax as much as possible on the stool and enjoy his hot tea.
“So how come you brought me coffee?” Crowley asked after a moment before hastily tacking on a “not that I don’t appreciate it! I do. Just, uh, well, why?”
“Oh, well,” suddenly Aziraphale was unsure. It was one thing to come by right at opening and offer coffee with a smile and then ease into a chat about their week and quite another to have woken someone up from their sleep just to complain about your day.
Crowley looked up at him again, long spindly fingers wrapped snugly around his paper cup, looking all  for the world like a snake basking in its heat what with the way his whole body curled around it, hoodie and all. One leg was folded up under him entirely while the other was propped up, foot on the cushion, knee nearly to his chin, like a man who clearly didn’t know how to sit properly in a chair.
“Oh?” He looked suddenly more interested and curious, “is it something embarrassing?”
“Ah, well, not exactly,” Aziraphale floundered for a moment, “more of, I wouldn’t have woken you up for it.”
“Pssh, not like I’m going back to sleep now. M’already awake.”
Yes, Aziraphale privately agreed, after the adrenaline kick he had got it would be rather hard to get back to sleep now.
“C’mon, you can tell me.” Crowley grinned and Aziraphale gave in with a sigh as if this wasn’t what he had wanted to do all along anyway.
“Oh, alright. It’s not terribly interesting I was just... most vexed.”
“Oh?” Already Crowley was leaning forward in his chair like he actually cared what Aziraphale was going to say. Well. Who was he to deny him now?
“Yesterday,” he started, resolved to tell the tale now and gain a sympathetic ear to be upset together with, “I had the most rude and inconsiderate guests who didn’t even come by for my services! They came in just to disrupt everything, taking up my time and just generally being a nuisance and worst of all, worst of all, they scared away Mr. Dulaney!”
“Mr. Dulaney?���
“He’s this, well, rather... difficult rare book trader.”
“Difficult,” Crowley repeated with a small smirk growing on his lips before he raised the cup to his lips for a drink.
“Yes, difficult. He’s more than reticent to part with any book and in particular he has this first edition misprint of the bible, they call it the Wicked Bible this particular misprint, and I’ve been wearing him down for-”
“I’m sorry, the what bible!?”
Aziraphale sighed, wanting to get to the good bits of his story already but relented, not all that unwillingly he found, at the sight of Crowley delightedly surprised.
“The Wicked Bible, for it’s misprint, it omitted the word ‘not’ in the commandment ‘thou shalt not commit adultery’.”
“No kidding,” Crowley breathed with fiendish delight.
Aziraphale couldn’t quite fight back the grin as he added, “there’s a fair amount of bibles all with different misprints, some as amusing as that one.” And then, since Crowley looked so interested and curious, Aziraphale launched into a long spiel about the different bible misprints and then on how a rare few misprints were due to mischief. Then that topic wound into how the monks who transcribed things before the printing press came along would often write in the margins revealing just how bored, mischievous, and scandalous some of them were which led into a conversation about the delights of illuminated manuscripts, even the ones without too much of the delightful commentary from monks.
By the time Aziraphale finally got back to his original story, with a not-so-quick detour about various frustrating, yet humorous in hindsight, interactions with the Mr. Dulaney, the sun was hot and bright in the sky.
When Aziraphale finally bid goodbye so Crowley could get changed and open up the shop, nearly the whole shop floor was basking in the bright warmth of the morning sun streaming in through the sky lights. Aziraphale felt lighter than he had in days, and almost as bright as the shop, glowing as he left with a smile on his face. He even found it easier to deal with rude customers that wrongly assumed his shop was a bookshop in the sense that he would ever sell his books.
Perhaps he would bring Crowley a coffee early one morning again. Though this time he’d respectfully wait until Crowley opened up his shop for the morning.
When did he open the shop?
Alternatively Titled: I had a bad day, please let me tell you all about it oh no, so sorry, didn’t mean to expose your anxiety and paranoia
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colourupuniforms · 4 years
Best Rugby Clubs in Australia
The highest level of provincial rugby union in Australia is Super Rugby. There are four Australian teams in this competition, which also features teams from Argentina, Japan, New Zealand and South Africa.
For most of the history of the sport in Australia, the country has had no national club competition. The first attempt at such a competition, the Australian Rugby Championship, was launched in 2007 with eight teams, but lasted only one season before the nation's governing body, the Australian Rugby Union, decided to discontinue the competition due to financial losses. The current national domestic league, the National Rugby Championship, was launched in 2014 with nine teams. From the demise of the ARC to the launch of the NRC, the top level competitions of the Shute Shield in Sydney and the Queensland Premier League in Brisbane served as the next highest level of club competition in the country
Lexington Parade, Adamstown Heights NSW 2289, Australia
PLAYERS & VOLUNTEERS WANTED The Kotara Bears Senior Rugby League club is looking for players and volunteers to field 2 teams in the 2019 Newcastle & Hunter Rugby League Competition. Both our A and D grade teams made the finals in 2019 and our friendly community club is always looking for new people to join. Registration is great value and there are always social activities to make mates and help the local community
 14 Oleander Parade, Caringbah South NSW 2229, Australia
Burraneer Rugby Club is a living, breathing, growing and vibrant part of our local community. Our club is made up of over 300 local families whom, live, work and play in the shire…all day every day. Burra Rugby is made up of player’s aged 4 through to 63, whom experience the highs and low’s of community rugby every weekend through winter and enjoy the life experiences that are unique to the rugby community network. In recent years our seniors side has remained undefeated at home (2 seasons) and have come close to taking out the Meldrum Cup in Sydney's Subbies Rugby. We are in a transition period with a lot of the older players leaving the club, providing the opportunity for new and younger players to come through the ranks. We are a club known for a great culture and we are a very culturally diverse team. In recent seasons we have had players from Zimbabwe, New Zealand, England, the Cook Islands, Wales, Ireland and more. Our goal as a rugby club is to be an organisation which provides an enjoyable environment which facilitates the involvement and development of good people. Our facilities are the envy of every other sporting organisation in the country and we would love to share them with you. Thanks for taking the time to browse this website which has been created for your enjoyment ! If you are looking to play Subbies rugby at a club with a great culture, Burraneer is the club for you.
 Nicholson St, Chatswood NSW 2067, Australia
Chatswood Rugby Club was founded in 1912 and is one of the oldest Rugby Clubs in Australia. Running out onto a home ground of Beauchamp Park, Nicholson St Chatswood. New players are always welcome! Join us at training every Thursday night 6.30pm at Beauchamp Park
 Concord NSW 2137, Australia
Briars Rugby union fields 4 Grade teams with an under 21 Colts side AND WOMAN'S TEAM, so the Briars cater for all abilities ,senior age groups of both genders. We famously love a cold beverage after Rugby so do not worry if you’re better at that variety of social activity. PLAYING FOR BRIARS We offer various standard of Rugby, from really good to not so good, so it really doesn’t matter if you haven’t played before, with strong leadership groups, Briars will never let you fail or falter. Our experienced heads can teach you rugby one on one, you just need to bring your enthusiasm. Our season is long and demanding and as such we recommend that you read the social links, as we like to break the season up and celebrate our progress, we also recommends that you read the injuries section of the website. Preseason usually starts at the end of February, with games starting in April going to September. Training is on Tuesdays (fitness) and Thursday (team run) from 6.30pm sharp at Greenlees Park. Attendance at both sessions is expected for all players wishing to play higher grades. So you now know enough, see you Tuesday/Thursday night at 6:30 Greenlees park get yourself down to training (the earlier in the season the better) introduce yourself to one of the many club officials or even some of the players we are one of the most friendly clubs in Sydney. 
Powerhouse rugby club
 Albert Park VIC 3206, Australia
City based club various grades and abilities all ways looking for new players
 Concord NSW 2137, Australia
We play in the Shute shield competition in Sydney.
 Airport West VIC 3042, Australia
A family friendly rugby league club offering all levels of the sport. Girls (12-17) Tag League Women's (18+) Tag League Juniors 5-16years Seniors 18+.
 Shenton Park WA 6008, Australia
Social touch all ages all abilities, every Wednesday night 6pm all year around. All welcome, just turn up and join in
 Heatherton VIC, Australia
Heatherton CC is a proud 139yr old Club. Affiliated with the Victorian Turf Cricket Association. We are seeking Players of all attributes to come down and enjoy their passion for cricket.
 Aspendale VIC, Australia
Small competitive cricket club with 5 Senior teams (including Turf and Synthetic) and strong junior teams ranging from Under 18's to Under 12's and junior milo and T20 Blast programs. Very social, welcoming and inclusive club.
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