#miss power listens to the screams of terror she hears in her flashbacks
wormspoodle · 3 years
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very simple and silly au post for today
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clericbyers · 5 years
okay but imagine mike calling the byers and he’s on the phone with will just chatting about nothing and will mentions offhandedly how he wishes they went swimming at the quarry at least once before he left and mike has a graphic flashback to that night when the cops fished that body out the quarry and how he thought will was dead and mike just starts sobbing.
he doesn’t even quite understand why he’s crying, he hasn’t cried in a while and the feel of tears pouring down his cheeks is a hot flash of wetness that he hates more than anything. his hands are shaking and he drops the phone, bringing his eyes to his face to wipe the tears but his breath is caught in his throat and he choked on a sob. his knees go weak and he falls to his ground as suddenly everything that had happen in the past three years spills over his emotional barriers.
he can hear the echoes of screams in the back of his head. it’s a mixture of el, will, bob, joyce, nancy, everyone. everyone who was injured because he wasn’t good enough. all the neighbors that were melted and smashed together into that grotesque monster the mind flayer used to terrorize el. if he had taken will more seriously...maybe there was something more. maybe he should have done more. maybe el shouldn’t have saved him when he jumped off the cliff for dustin. he could barely do anything for anyone since then. el and will were gone and doing fine without him. lucas has max. dustin has suzie. mike has nothing but his thoughts, the thoughts that consume him and call him a coward for failing at keeping who he loves safe and happy.
there’s muffled noises coming from the reciever and they sound a bit like mike’s name but he can’t really tell right now. someone is coming downstairs and he looks up to spot the blurry figure of his mom rushing to his side.
“will is on the phone; he said you dropped the call.” she starts, kneeling down with him and taking his face in her hands. “michael...”
and he collapses into her arms knowing he can’t tell her the details of what’s bothering him and he can’t even put it in words right now anyway. she cradles the back of his head and presses him into her arms with soothing words he isn’t really listening to.
she brings the phone back to him, tells him to talk to will, and leaves before mike really understands what’s happening. “mike! mike, are you there?” and mike manages to make some strangled sound of a yes into the reciever. “oh good. good. are you okay? I could hear...I mean, I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
mike shakes his head. he forgets will can’t see him but he doesn’t have the strength to vocalize. will makes some noise on the other end of the line. “do you want to talk to el about it?”
“no!” mike hisses, closing his eyes as he feels another sob wrack his body. why can’t he control himself? why is he losing what little power he even had over his own bodily autonomy? “no. just. talk to me. please.”
he may not understand what exactly is happening to himself but he knows will’s voice is like the lighthouse in the distance glowing in the murky waters of his mind.
“ah, okay...” will is hesitant. “i’ve been watching a lot of trek recently in the last week, it’s kinda weird. remember when dustin would always argue with lucas about if star trek or star wars was better? i never weighed in but i have to say kirk is a force to contend with.”
mike smiles as will’s voice melts into a hum in his mind. he’s not really paying attention to the words but the comfort of will’s voice manages to pull him from wherever his mind had gone. mike rubs at his eyes and leans against a wooden pillar as will’s laughter takes to the line. he misses will so much.
“hey,” he interrupts hastily, “I’m sorry.”
there’s silence. “sorry for what? you know I don’t judge about these things.”
these things. panic attacks. anxiety attacks. flashbacks. trauma.
that’s not what mike’s sorry is for. it’s for how he treated will last summer, it’s for how he wasn’t able to save bob, it’s for taking so long to figure out where will has disappeared off to even though there was no way possible he could have known. it’s sorry for hiding his feelings, for being too scared to tell will, too scared to admit...
“i love you.”
“yeah? i love you, too, mike.”
“no, not like that.”
more silence. “oh. is that...is that why you...,” will takes a deep breath and when he speaks, he’s shaky. “you can’t just say that, mike.”
“i’m sorry.”
“stop apologizing, my god,” a groan. “i love you, too, but right now, you’re...you’re not ready for this conversation. just get some sleep. i’ll call you tomorrow, okay? promise.”
“promise.” mike stares at his feet. “can you...can you keep talking? it helps.”
mike can hear will’s smile even if he can’t see it. “of course. of course i will.”
and mike closes his eyes and lets will’s soothingly familiar voice lull him into sleep and prepare for an important conversation in the morning.
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cheetahsprints · 5 years
Blood and Bone
Prompt: Winter Date
Summary: Peridot’s peace is shattered by a welcome interruption.
Words: 1574
Peridot straps on her skates. Verdant eyes scan the frozen lake. Being undead has its downsides - such as always being cold and not gaining muscle mass - but there were perks. It meant she couldn't be colder than she already was. It meant she could skate on thin ice. Even if the ice breaks, it's not a threat, barely an inconvenience.
There was a time when Peridot longed for the sweet release of a stake to her arrested heart.
She takes this time to appreciate her second existence on Earth, as well as the serenity and beauty of winter. She takes slow spins on the ice, pristine snow banks and trees weighed down by twinkling white twirling around in her vision. She pauses at the sound of rustling, followed by a light growl. She casts her senses, but they hit a hastily thrown up barrier - one that somehow feels lazy and sarcastic. She knows it doesn't belong to the nearby pack's Alpha, all sharp and intimidating. She fights a smile, her suspicions already cemented.
Not a minute later, a large, white and furry mass slams into Peridot, and she is barely able to shriek before she's plowed into the snow.
Peridot surfaces, sputtering, to be greeted with the mischievous smile and bright violet eyes of her mate, her forbidden lover. Amethyst still wears her ears and tail, the latter of which wags fiercely, spraying snow everywhere. She licks Peridot's face just to be annoying, from her nose to the triangular tattoo on her forehead.
Peridot's eyes flick to Amethyst's Marrowbind - an uneven cluster of bone shards embedded in her chest that seal her fate as a Lycanthrope - where it's exposed by her loose purple top. Its purpose is similar to the Bloodmark above Peridot's eyes. Since she's a Bloodsworn - known by humans as a Vampire - Amethyst and her kind should be her sworn enemy.
Still Peridot questions, "What are you doing here?! This is clan land!"
"Aw, aren't you glad to see me Ankle Biter?"
Rolling her eyes at the nickname, Peridot scoffs, "Of course. It's just any Bloodsworn with a quarter of a wit could sense your fuzz bucket a mile away!"
"Only a mile huh? Man, I'm trying too hard."
"Trying to get us slain for treason, you mean."
Contradicting her sour tone, Peridot cups her cheeks and kisses her. She's bathed in warmth. Where the radiation of the sun fails to soak into her skin, and a candle no longer burns her flesh at a touch, Amethyst's supernatural heat blankets her.
Peridot isn't so arrogant to assume they're the first pair, but there's nothing on record. Discretion is the better part of valor. Peridot sags with relief when Amethyst nuzzles her neck. She gathers Peridot in her strong arms. Peridot is a bit of a sucker for being handled, especially since the disappointing discovery that no Bloodsworn were muscular eye candy. Any who were muscular when they Turned were soon to atrophy.
"I just missed you so much," Amethyst murmurs. "Not just 'cause it's moon week."
Peridot hums. Amethyst urges, "Come on, give me that nerd monologue."
"It's not a monologue!"
"Whatever you call it, my sensitive ears need that sweet music."
Despite the current ceasefire between their 'sides', Peridot is hesitant to encourage her. Swallowing her fears, Peridot obliges, beginning to idly chat about recent events and discussing her job and hobbies. During this, Amethyst hoists Peridot on her shoulders. She probably feels like a feather. Amethyst is no powerhouse compared to others in her pack, especially her Alpha. She's considered a runt, but that doesn't stop Peridot from enjoying the ripple of her muscles. Amethyst carries her through the woods and on a hike up the cliffside. All the while, Peridot has her sense out like a net.
As a young Vampire, Peridot never fought a Werewolf before Amethyst, and she was led to believe that her kind was superior and more indestructible. She was, in a word, cocky. One injury, a broken shin that threw her into war flashbacks, and she was down. Amethyst was wounded six ways to Sunday, bleeding and spitting blood, yet she fought like a storm of maternal ursine.
Until Peridot had started screaming and crying like Amethyst had ripped her legs clean off. Somehow recognizing the panic attack, Amethyst had approached cautiously, eventually getting permission to haul Peridot to a secluded area. She nursed her back to health. Peridot fled right after, fearing favors being extracted. When Amethyst asked nothing of her, they sat by a river in neutral territory over red meat and blood bags. For hours on any days that could be spared, they talked.
How she had been humbled. Humility became appreciation, they formed a friendship and… undying love. Peridot felt she could search ten thousand lifetimes and never forge a bond like this again. Overcoming her preconceived notions to give Amethyst a chance was the greatest decision she ever made. Love is worth the suffering, Peridot tells herself day to day, when the worries get the best of her.
Distantly, Peridot hears Amethyst ask if she's alright and the sound of snow crunching under bare feet. She must have lapsed into silence. She dives in where she's left off, more to distract herself from dark musings than anything.
As they reach the apex, Amethyst remarks, "It's so nice to hear the sound of your voice, chatting my ear off. My pack are all monosyllabic with the occasional grunt y'know?"
Peridot sinks her fingers into Amethyst's hair, broadcasting happiness that her mate can probably scent. She scratches her scalp, earning a low rumble that Peridot recognizes as the Lycan equivalent of a purr. Peridot says, "For my part, it's a liberating experience to actually have someone listen and care about what comes out of my mouth."
Her mind darts to her roommate. She's about the only Bloodsworn in Peridot's faction that she can stand, and they're friendly intellectual rivals at best.
She goes on, "Pearl is engaging, she doesn't talk down on me or outright ignore me like my superiors… but she's also an expert at turning the conversation to herself, and damned if she ever heeds anything important I'll tell her. She'll claim she misheard, when really she couldn't pull her head out of her self-important ass."
Peridot has the utmost respect for Pearl, though her words shadow it. Pearl is well aware Peridot trash talks her - it happens face to face, and Pearl gives as good as she gets. It's hard to believe the brazen rebel was once a human bloodslave surviving on the edge of desperation. Many of their kind consider her lesser - less capable, less intelligent, less powerful, less valuable. Between each other, they have trust and admiration enough to tease in good spirits.
Amethyst chuckles.
"Moon Goddess light my path! I hear that. Wish I had a sirloin for every time I spoke and my Alpha replied with 'no one cares'. Those stuck up butt-munches deserve each other." Amethyst mutters, "Copying us and acting like they invented the notion, pah."
Peridot chortles along. They stop. Peridot examines the hill, spotting a two person sled. Her eyes widen. She scrambles from Amethyst's back and attempts to escape, but Amethyst is too quick even for Vampiric speed. Of all species, Bloodsworn and Lycanthropes are the most well matched. It's unfathomable that they should use their compatibility for murder and misery.
Peridot protests, "I'll fall off, or you'll crash!"
"So hang on tight, ya dip. It's not like we'll die. We won't crash again anyway, I've got the hang of this thing. Promise."
Peridot shoots her a deadpan expression before she's dragged across the snow. It's the optimal consistency for sledding, and Peridot focuses on frozen water flakes instead of her terror frozen inside her, unable to evoke a proper response. Amethyst marches to the sled. Peridot has little choice but to clasp the lip while Amethyst settles behind her. Peridot takes to lecturing her in order to stay sane.
"My body, held up by the strings of dark magic, no longer produces adrenaline. Therefore, it lacks a fight or flight response, resulting in Bloodsworn being either overly reckless or overly cautious with no gauge or filter." Peridot continues, "Harrowing yet not life threatening situations are sensationally overwhelming and impossible to process."
"Yeah, and it's funny," Amethyst responds. “Like when I’m giving you hickeys and you just go limp.”
As her lungs no longer have to trifle with the mortal requirement of breathing, Peridot screams without pause the whole way down. Amethyst laughs like a maniac behind her. Lycanthropy causes her to constantly be high on adrenaline, seeking thrills. She at least shows she cares by having a firm grip of Peridot's small waist. Amethyst has added several ramps, and she yells out points for herself throughout the ride. She guides the sled by throwing her body weight alone, and there's numerous near misses. Amethyst shifts her hand into a paw and digs it into the ground to bring the sled to a gradual halt.
Peridot stumbles off on shaky legs and collapses face first into the snow. The tremble spreads to her body, which is immediately wrung out as though she ran ten thousand miles without replenishing on blood. Amethyst turns her over and rests her in the crook of her arm, stroking her forehead. Amethyst always coddles her after these experiences, so it's not lacking in benefits.
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Tywone Milton - Flames
It was february 2nd, 2013. My parents are in a huge argument about me, but I don't understand. “He is not ready for the real world”,My mom said. “I have trained him for this moment”, My dad Replied. “He's ready”. Ready? Ready for what? As I try to put these little bitty clues together, my mom yells out “WATCH OUT” to my dad. My dad swerves into another car and ended his and my mother life. That's another reason why I hate my dad. It is now August 20th, 2018. I was only 10 years old when that happen. I don't really have a name but my mom always called me D.F.D. I wonder what is means. I grew up in a cabin in the woods but still went to school. Kids would make fun of me because I would run in the woods saying “I am home”. I now live with my brother in chicago. My brother name is mike. I wonder why he has a perfect name and I have letters. I will be attending Bull academy high school. Today will be my first day of high school. I hope high school goes way better than grammar school.
“Little brother are you ready for your first day of school”, Mike said. I don’t say anything. Instead I give him a look that tells him that I am nervous for the first day. “D”, Mike calls out loudly. I finally give my brother an answer.
“I don’t know about this Mike. I’m nervous as I can be but without my mom being here to cheer me up, then what am I going to do.” My brother come by me. “Your first day will be great. And if you do get nervous, just remember what mom will always do.” He puts up his pinky up and wiggle it. My mom will always do that when I am nervous or even scared to do something. She calls it her good luck charm.
“Now, are you ready for school lil bro.” It is 3rd period and I am already tired. My first class was reading The teacher was talking like she was possessed. Then my second period class was
Biology. I wasn’t paying attention all because the teacher was saying words that i didn’t even understand. Also there was a tall student behind me throwing things and yelling out “DUMB FRESHMAN” to me. I would have said something like idiot or stupid, but my mom always told me “if I retaliate, I’m just as worse as they are”. I really miss my mom. I am now walking across thestreettogymformy3rdperiodclass. Theteachertakesusinthebasketballcourtwherewe have gym at. He start telling us the rules in gym like when we first walk we must go straight into the locker room and change into athletic attire. Another rule is that if we don't get changed we will lose all our points for the whole period and have to write. Once he gets done telling us the rules he sends us to our locker room to go get change. I go to the teacher before going into the locker room.
“So teacher”, I said. “What’s your name”. “Mr.Barnes”,The teachers said. “Now go in the locker room for I give you a week of detention.”I walk away not saying anything to the teacher. That teacher is a real buthead. I start walking towards the locker room. I soon as I walk in, two boys grabbed me and took me in the middle of the locker room. Another boys walks over and look me in my face. It was the same boys that was messing with me during 2nd period. He hits me in my stomach and hit the floor. I feel some type of feeling but I just thought it was pain so I didn’t pay no attention to it. The two boys picks me up again. The third boys grabs my face and told me to “look at him”. “Remember me”, the boy said. “Andy Beast”. Andy Beats? That sound like a name that terrorizes other kids just because he can. He hits me in my stomach again. But this time it wasn’t pain that I was feeling. It was some type of shocked like electricity in my body. The two boys picks me up again. Alexander grabs my face again.
“Where is your mommy and daddy now”? Then that’s i get angry. So angry that I throw the two boys that was holding me to the lockers and punches Alexander in the jaw. He falls to the ground. “AAAAAAHHHHHHH” Alexander scream. “My jaw hurts so bad!” What did I just do. Where did all that strength come from. The two boys looks at me that they have seen a ghost. “Hey”, Mr.Barnes yells. “What is going on in there.” I Panic and run out the gym and go home. As I get home I see my brother car. “Good. Maybe he can help me on what just happen” I run in the house and slam the door behind him. My brother comes out his room in his underwear. “D”, he yells. “What are you doing here. It was a early day today.” “No”, I replied. “Bro i don’t know how to tell you this but something just happen to me.” He comes by me and tap my shoulder. “What I tell you to do when you is nervous.” He takes his pinky and wiggle it. I do the same to make a connection. “Now what’s going on”, he ask me. “Bro. I just knocked out a boy because he was bullying and I don’t know how.” Mike start to smile. “Aye. Don’t feel bad, you were defending yourself. I’m proud of you.” “No. Any other day this will be good but this time there is a problem. So listen. I took two boys and threw them into lockers and took the third boy and hit him so hard in his jaw that it got broken.” Then that’s when my brother got a scary look on his face. “It must of triggered when he was being attacked”, he says. I gave my brother a confused look.
“Mike, what are you talking about?” He looks at me “Do you remember all that training that our dad made us do.” After he said that I got a sharp pain in my head. Then another flashback. “Dad”, I whimpered. “Where are we going.” He didn’t answer. He took me to the lake a couple a miles by our cabin. He took some fish. “Good”, I said with relief. “ I am hungry. I didn’t even eat lunch.” We catch over a dozen of fish and puts them in a bag. We take the fish to the middle of the woods and stood there. “Grab a fish”,My dad says with a angry voice. I take a fish and give it to my dad. My dad grabs his knife out his pocket and takes the fish out my hand. He takes the fish and puts it over my head. He then takes the fish and cuts the inside of the fish making the guts fall all over me. “Dad”, I cry. “What are you doing.” He says nothing. Instead he puts more fish gut on my face. He does that with four other fish. Then he takes a huge branch off the ground and give it to me and tell me to “defend myself with strength and power.” Than he runs behind a huge tree. I stand there confuse on what is about to happen. Then I hear a huge “ROAR” coming from the trees. A huge brown bear starts charging at me. I start running then turn around and swing the branch at the bear. It hits the bear and breaks. Then the bear swings its paw at me and scratch me in my eye leaving a line through my eye. I fall to the ground. My dad just stands there and watch. “Dad”, I scream while crying. “Help Me, Please.” He doesn’t do nothing. The bear look at me and takes his paw and puts it in the air. Before he finish me off I hear a huge “POW”. The bear was shot in the heart and fell to the ground. It was my mom. She was holding a rifle. I get up and run towards here and holds her tight. My mom picks me up, give my dad a scary look, and takes me home. I was only five when my dad made me do that. I start to cry. I look at Mike.
“Training. It was torture. If it wasn’t for my mom shooting that bear I would be dead.” i kept on yelling how bad my father was then my brother stop me. “He was getting you ready. Ready for the world.” “Getting me ready”, I replied. “ That is the same thing my dad said to me before she died, but i didn’t understand.” Then I grabbed my brother arm. “What is happening to me.” I walks to the fringe and grabbed a half empty pepsi and drinks it. Then he gives the can to me.
“Close your eyes.” “What”, I said. “I’m not closing my eyes.” Then he grabs me. “If you want to know what you are then you must listen. Now, Close your eyes.” I close my eyes. “Now imagine you melting the can.” I focus on what my brother said. Then all of a sudden the can start to melt because of me. There was fire coming out of my hand. The can melt to ashes. I look at my brother. He was smiling. Than I look back at my hand then passed out. “Test subject 21”, Rick said. “Here we go, Three....Two....O-”. “STOP!” It’s my dad. “I told you to babysit, not use him for your deadly experiments.” My dad was so mad that I saw a vein pop out his forehead. “Please brother”, Rick Plead. I am this close to turning this boy into a hero.” My dad ball his hand up. “I am going to hurt you.” He punches Rick and made him fell on the button. He is knocked out. There were a power of electricity surrounding me . My dad runs towards me. He can’t get to me. I am trapped. “I’m sorry”, My dad says. Then he runs out the lab. There was a huge boom and the lab got destroyed. I look around and there is a fire. But it is coming from behind me. I’m floating in the
air. I see the light. I float in the sky and see my dad walking away. I start to cry. My dad hear me. He turns around and see me in the air on fire. “OH MY GOD!” BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I wake up. “That’s how uncle Rick died”. My parents told me he died in a explosion but they never told me it was my fault. I get out the bed. I take a shower and brush out my teeth. I get out the bathroom and get dress. I go in the kitchen and see a note on the fringe. It’s from Mike. “I was going to tell you that your name stood for Devil Favorite Demon but you passed out. Sorry.” That was probably one of the things I didn’t know what I want to know. I ate me some cereal and head out the door to school. I head inside the school. I walked in the office to be stopped by the principal and the dean.
“So I heard you got into a fight with another student”, the principal said. “You broke the boy jaw.” “We have no choice then to suspend you for ten days. Apologize to Andy and leave, please.” I nod my head and head to the class to where andy was. I walk in and Andy is looking at the window.
“Andy”, I call. “I’m sorry for breaking your jaw and putting you in bandages.” He turns around and look at me. He start to laugh. Then his eyes start to turn green. Plus he was taking off his bandages. I look at the principal and the dean and they was in more shocked then I was. “Actually”, Andy said. “I should be thanking you. See I was created by your uncle Rick. he didn’t even want me. He made me drink something that made me passed out and then I lost some of my memory.” As he was talking his body start to turn into scales like a lizard. “The good thing was that I had one important piece of memory left and that was you.” The more he talked
the more he turned into a reptile monster. He grew a long tail and sharp horns on his back. “I just needed to find the boy that have no family and after your little stunt yesterday well, we both know that wasn’t you that did that.” The principal start to interfere. I don’t know what you are or who you are but you need to get out my sch....-. Before he can finish Andy shoot acid at his face. The principal start to scream so loud the kids start to rn out the class.
“Run”, the dean screams. After that he was shot with acid on the back of he head and died. Every student and teacher screamed and run out the school. I looked at the dean and the principal and then looked at Andy. He grabs me with his tail and squeeze me then throws me through the hall. I’m hurt on the ground and I don’t know what to do. I look up at Andy. He makes a ball of acid and throw it at me and start laughing. I get up and put my hands up. I close my eyes to make everything dark. I waited, but nothing happen. I open my eyes and there was a fiery shield blocking anything from hitting from me. Andy stop laughing. I put the shield down. Then I look at my hands and make a fiery ball of my own and throw it at him. It knocked him out.
“Yes”, I scream. I run out the school. I start heading home. “I need to get home to my brother. He might know this guy.” I get in front of my house. Our door is wide open. I walk in the house. The house is trashed. The kitchen is messed up, our t.v is messed up and my room is messed up. I start to get nervous. “Where can my brother be? Who took him?” I try looking for clues. I moved some stuff around and found a recorder. I played it.
“Yo D”. It’s my brother. “He made a recording for me. I heard what happened at school today and it is not going to be long to they find me. So listen up. You have different abilities that goes with your fire power. One of them is that you can make fire out of a ball and throw it at your
target. You can also turn a regular object like a pen and turn it into a fiery sword. You can also turn on fire and fly.” THUMP! THUMP! “Open up”. A group of men are knocking in the background. “I don’t have much time left. I left a box under my bed. It’s your un-.” Booom! “Wait stop.” THUMP. It sound like they knocked him out. They start talking to each other.
“The boy isn’t here”, one of them said. “That okay”, the other said. “We will take him to the lizard king and then we will find the boy.” They take Mike and leave. The recording stop. I need to hurry to Mike before he be gone forever. I grab me some better clothes and a pen and start to go out the door until I remember what mike said about the box under his bed. I go by his door. It’s locked. I ball my fist up and punch the door down. I walk in and go to his bed. I grabbed the box that he was talking about. I open the box and it was a uniform. On the uniform was a earpiece and a note saying “put on the suit and the earpiece and press the button ”.I put on the uniform and the earpiece and I press the button and said “hello”. My brother answered. “D, it’s me Mike.” “Mike”, I said with a relief. “D you need to hurry up to Rick’s lab. That’s where we are. I will guide to what you need to do.” I put a nervous look on my face. “I don’t know Mike. I don’t know if I can take them all.” My brother start to talk some sense into me.
“Look D. The world need you. I know you can do this. I believe in you. I will be there to help you on the way.” I look up and see a picture of my mom and dad. I walk over to it. I start to cry. “This is for you guys. Okay Mike, I’m ready.” Mike start to tell me where to go to get to the lab. “Now fly over here and hurry.” I open the window and jump out the window. Instead of me flying I fall on the ground.
“Ow”, I ache in pain. “What happen”, Mike replied. “I try flying but it went wrong. I think I need to practice on flying first.” My brother sigh. “Okay, just super speed here fast.” I got up and start running over there. I ran so fast that I thought I was going to throw up. I got to the lab. The Lizard King must have fixed this place up. “Mike”, I said. “I’m Here.” “Wait”, Mike replied. You just going to walk in there. You need to activate you fire vision. Get close up in the building and blink your eyes three times. You should be able to see any skeleton from ten feet away.” i listen to my brother. I go by the building and blink my eyes three times. Everything went dark except the people I saw. “Mike it worked”, I said with excitement. “Good”, Mike replied. “Now what you see.” “I see two people guarding a door.” My brother start to think of a plan. “I guess you can just walk in and attack. Good Luck.” I take a deep breath and kick the door down. The two people approach me. I remember these guys. These the guys Ithrew when they tried to jump me. But instead they had claws as hands. One of them threw there claw at me. I grab it without touching the venom. The other person runs up. I throw the claw at that person and
stab him in the heart. Then I throw the other person on the ground on his stomach. I take the pen that was in my pocket and made it into a fiery sword and stab him in the heart. They both are dead. “That was pretty easy”, I said. I walk over to the door and kick it down. I see my brother. I start running towards my brother than I stopped. I saw my brother eyes. My brother eyes are brown. That person eyes was green.
“I know it is you Lizard-King.” He start to laugh, then turns to a lizard again. “What”, The Lizard-King said. “Looking for your brother. Well there he is.” He was hanging from a rope over a pool of acid. “Help D”, Mike screams. “Let him go”, I scream. “Whatever you say”, he shoots acid at the rope and burn making mike start to fall. I yelled “nooo” then jumped so high that I caught my brother from out the air. We both fell on the ground. “Nice catch”, my brother said. I smile. I turn around to see Lizard- King in the air trying to jump on us. My brother move me out the way. They start to wrestle. I grabbed my sword then I got ready to stab the Lizard-King but there was a problem. They both was Mike. I didn’t know who to stabbed. “Which one is you”, I ask. They both said “Me.” I don’t know what to do. “Someone give me a sign.” One of them winks at me. The other one does something that only the real mike will know. He wiggle his pinky back and forth. I take the sword and stabbed the first one. It turned out that i was right. He fall to the ground.
“No”, The Lizard- King yelled. “I will not die alone.” He takes his claw and stabbed my brother in the chest. My brother falls to the ground. “NOOOOO”, I screamed. I take the sword out the stomach of the Lizard-King. He dies. I run over to my brother.
“I’m so proud of you”, My brother said gasping for air. “Your going to do great things.” I start to cry. “Don't cry lil bro. The world needs you. There are other people like you that you might need to stop. And if things get tough then remember this. He takes his pinky and wiggle it back and forth taking his last breath.
The End
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