milohaze · 1 year
Miss Rose, Miss Hayle, Grace, and Olivian made in a little character creator.
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milohaze · 7 years
Previews and updates
Hey, so I’ve been busy. Lots of life stuff going on, I’ve found a bit of time to write, but i’m still not doing it as much as i should be.
I do however have a surprise coming in a few days, just a little something of someone. So i hope you all will be as happy as i am about it.
As always these are just in the works and can change before there released.
🔵PREVIEW:Grace held the buttplug under herself and as she began to put it in she noticed Olivian watching her. A wicked grin came across Graces face as she decided to put on a little show for her peeping friend.
Pushing just the tip inside of her Grace started to fuck herself with the buttplug. She made sure to let out little moans and gasps as she slowly pushed it in and out of her. After a minute of fucking herself, Grace started to push the toy deeper inside her. Olivian watched as Grace let herself fall onto her toy.
Now sitting on the floor Grace spread her legs and started to play with herself infront of the mirror. “Mmmm.. you really don’t know what your missing out on Olivian. This feels great”
🔴UPDATE: As you may have noticed the title for this short changed. It ended up going a completely different direction and honestly one i’m enjoying. i’m fairly close to finishing this one, but i need to finish the end and then give it a final once over.
🔵PREVIEW: “ uh….Make little ones?” The queen huffed. “ We must make sure our little ones are made…. We need more of them” “Well yeah, every kind does. They need to make their own little ones so they can survive” “ It is not the same… our men must all make little ones now so we have more that can be big
” “Why must you make them now?” The Queen sat quietly for a moment. She slammed her fist down. “ Your kind can’t be trusted. They do not know our ways and they only wish to harm us” Grace was confused by the sudden outburst. “ T-That’s not tr- “ NO! Your kind have taken my kind. I watched them hunt one of our own. They took her away” “wait….no she-” Something slammed into the back of Graces head knocking her forward. “ Do not talk to our queen before she is done talking to you. Your kind do not belong here”
Grace held the back of her head. She yelled out in pain and frustration. “FUCKING FUCK YOU” “I tol-” “NO!” Grace interrupted the cow. “ I’M SICK OF CUNTY MCMEAT FISTS OVER HERE BEING A FUCKING CUNT” Grace sprung up.
🔴UPDATE: This part has been coming along nicely, although working out how these cow girls speak has been a bit of a pain in the ass. I’m really looking forward to using these cows, and i think taking time to use them right will be really fun.
🔵PREVIEW:“Mistress?” The pup rolled over to face his owner. “ Yes dear?” “A-Are you…okay?” “ I’m fine” There was a long silence between the two before the pup spoke up again.“ M-Mistress..” “ What?” Miss Rose looked at the pup. Even though it was dark she could tell he looked sick. “ I…I know that… you just…seem upset…a-and…I know you don’t like hugs b-but would…w-would it..maybe…make you feel any better?” Miss Rose weakly smiled. “ Would it make you feel any better?” “ I-I…we…. I’m sorry… T-That’s not what I’m trying to do…�� Miss Rose moved a bit closer to the pup" I know…“ “I-I’m sorry” “Come here…give me a hug. The pup looked down he was a bit hesitant but he slid over and hugged Miss Rose
.Pup felt awkward, but happy. Being touched was always very strange for him, He’d spent most of his life without physical contact. It never really bothered him until he had his own mistress. Now that he had an owner, he wanted to show her that he could be normal and affectionate. That’s what they had been told to be in the facilities. Everything an owner needs and wants. He was worried about his mistress. After hearing her talk with Miss Hayle, he knew something was wrong and the only way he could think to help was by being there. Even if every little sound was just adding to the pounding in his head. The pup was determined to be a good pet.
🔴UPDATE: I’m still fairly early in this part, but i have an idea where i want it to go. I’m hoping to start getting along and develop some stuff. Overall its taking some time but it should be worth it.
🔴UPDATE: Nothing really going on with this one, its just sort of on the back burner. I have another idea for a doctor themed thing, i’m still figuring it out, but it will probably replace this.
🔴UPDATE: People really liked this and honestly I’ve been thinking about it quite a bit. I have nothing down yet. However i think i might pick it back up and continue with it. Rest assured, you should see some curvy milfs somewhere.
Want a story? Send me a message and you can commission me!
KOFI: https://ko-fi.com/P5P0655C
That’s it for now. I’ll see you guys soon with the surprise thing. 
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milohaze · 7 years
Story Previews/updates
 I’ve been working on stuff on and off, but its been a bit slow. I figured i’d just make another post with how all my stories are going and do another preview post.
So far i have the two main stories and two shorts.
Keep in mind everything just a work in progress and things can change before they get released.
Shorts: Space Grace: Bar butts
“Maaan it’s so nice to be back home. I forgot how nice it is to go for a walk and not have to worry about anything chasing you” Grace stretched her arms out and spun around as her and Olivian walked down the sidewalk. “ The sun feels really nice too…” Grace turned back to Olivian. “ You can feel that right? I mean I figure you would in your physical form but it’s hard to read you sometimes”
“ Yes Miss. My physical form is as realistic as it can get….if you’ll remember that very intrusive medical exam you put me through…” Olivian gave Grace a somewhat unpleasant look. “ Uhh..heh.. w-well I am your commander and it’s my duty to understand my shipmates physically and mentally” “Of course Miss, but I do believe that all that fondling is uncommon practice” Grace gave her friend a guilty smile as they continued down the street.
Just a fun little thing I felt like doing. I mentioned this somewhere before but I’ve fleshed it out a bit more. There will be some changes to Olivian as the main story goes on, and i see these as a way to try out a few things. so far i really like how i have her and Grace interacting in this one, but as always these shouldn’t be considered cannon.
Shorts: Doctors note
As the doctor headed towards the door Thomas stopped her. “ Uh.. you’ll be seeing me? What about doctor Mcallen?” “ My mother retired a few years ago. Seeing as this isn’t that big of a town I took on all of her clients” The woman smiled as she started to leave. “ Just stick your head out the door when your ready, I’ll be right outside”
“ Woah, hey wait I’m just here for a doctors note. Not a physical” The women turned back and addressed the young man with a stern tone. “ Any good doctor will tell you, that you should have had a physical when you were sixteen. It’s a great time to make sure your growing properly and you have no health issues. Seeing as you haven’t we’ll be doing that today.” “Bu-” “ Now, your gonna put that on and we’ll see about that note when your done” The doctor left the room closing the door behind her. “ Guess we’re doing that then…"
This has been on the back burner for a while. I got sick at my old job and they were complete and utter cunts about it.(and everything else, honestly i could go on for hours about that place. Fuck them!) Anyway, while sitting in a doctors office for an unnecessary doctors note, i came up with this story.(God damn i’m salty about them)
Space Grace part 3: Cow town
There was a weird silence before the queen spoke. “Bring the red one to me” Holo grabbed Grace by the arm and walked her towards the throne. The cow threw Grace down infront of the queen. Landing on her hands and knees Grace paused for a moment to let the pain fade. “Red one” The queen now addressed Grace. Looking up at the cows leader Grace was met with a nine foot tall beast of a woman. She was dressed in something resembling a black corset with red lace. Like her daughter the queen had a loose fabric skirt. The matching red and black skirt ran down just below the queen’s knees. Like the rest of her kind the queens tan skin was covered in scars, while from her left hand up to her shoulder the queen had the same strange markings as Mocalo.
The Queen brushed her dark red hair out of her face as she angrily looked down at the tiny naked woman in front of her. “Can you not speak?” “I-I uh yes… Yes I can speak..” Graces voice cracked as she spoke. Trying to regain her composure, Grace started to stand. “ I’m here-gah FUCK” Holo slammed her foot down into the back of Grace’s leg. “ Do not stand to our queen,you insult our her by being here”
“Holo, that is enough” The big cow huffed and took her foot off of Graces leg.
I’ve been a bit hesitant to continue where i am with this part. Just something about the queen’s appearance doesn’t feel completely right. so i’m still thinking her design over. Working on that short has really helped me get in the mood for writing Space Grace, so i should get on it sometime soon.
Miss and Pup Part 4
Look…Izzy…you shouldn’t feel guilty for having that woman out of your life. She was gone the moment Mark was and you know that. She did nothing but harass and spread shit rumors about you in a time when you needed family the most. If you ask me, you have no reason to feel guilty.” “ That doesn’t mean i still won’t…”  The two sat and talked for hours, both worn out by everything that happened that day. Eventually Miss Hayle went back home and Miss rose went back to her bedroom.
Miss rose sat beside her pup. She watched him sleep for a while, made sure he was okay. After a few more hours of not being able to sleep Miss Rose fell asleep on her couch.
I don’t really have a lot written down yet for this part and what i do have is still in pieces. However I’ve been feeling really good about Miss and Pup lately so I’ll probably start working on it this weekend and hopefully get some stuff down. I’ve also had an idea for a Pup x Miss Hayle short. Nothing in the works yet, just i feel she needs to make use of those big boobs shes got, and it could be cute pairing her up with pup for that. Idk maybe some day.
I’ve had some ideas about doing another short with someones characters. A certain chav busty mouse has caught my eye lately, but maybe i’ll have to save it for a while.
🔴Another big thing, is that i plan to look into a kofi/ tip jar type deal. Honestly I’d love to be able to do this full time but realistically it is in no way an option right now. I feel like now that i’m trying to set goals and get stuff out more often that it might be okay to do something like that. My biggest issues with opening any sort of money thing is that i wouldn’t be holding up my part. Which i believe is just unacceptable. I very much think that you need to work to be paid and now that i’m working on providing more content i think i might try it out. It would also really help with bills and supporting myself. which of course is the priority right now.🔴
In time i hope to put something aside and see if i can get some art of Grace and Olivian. Just an idea right now but if you have any suggestions for artist or anything i’d love to hear about it.
Anyway as usual thank you all for reading and i hope to have something out soon.
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milohaze · 7 years
Fuck it, Its also on my twitter because tumblr is being a fuck about it apparently.
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milohaze · 8 years
Life update
Hey there. I don't really know why but I felt the need to make an update. First off due to work stuff and unfortunately falling into a slump my writing has slowed down. I really hate that but the best I can do is try. Even if it means staring at a blank page for some time. T _ T Space grace, Miss and pup and super secret story I showed last time are still in the works. Some things need reworked, but besides that I still have them on the mind. Like I said before I've gotten into this slump. It feels weird and I don't know how to fix it other then keep thinking about things. I have lots of ideas for characters down the road in all of the current stories as well as some that should appear soon(ish) but besides that I can't do much. I'm almost at fifty followers! I wish I had the ability to do something awesome for the milestone but I have no idea how I'd do that. (Feel free to send suggestions) Anyway I guess that's about it. Oh, but I was thinking about making a side blog just for rebloging stuff I like. If anyones interested in seeing that then let me know. Which leads me to once again thank you for reading! I'm glad that I can entertain (even if it's not in a regular basis) and hope to create more for you all. If you ever want to talk or ask those options are open ;P Alright I need to stop this I'm rambling.
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