#tiffy cheesecake
milohaze · 7 years
Story Previews/updates
 I’ve been working on stuff on and off, but its been a bit slow. I figured i’d just make another post with how all my stories are going and do another preview post.
So far i have the two main stories and two shorts.
Keep in mind everything just a work in progress and things can change before they get released.
Shorts: Space Grace: Bar butts
“Maaan it’s so nice to be back home. I forgot how nice it is to go for a walk and not have to worry about anything chasing you” Grace stretched her arms out and spun around as her and Olivian walked down the sidewalk. “ The sun feels really nice too…” Grace turned back to Olivian. “ You can feel that right? I mean I figure you would in your physical form but it’s hard to read you sometimes”
“ Yes Miss. My physical form is as realistic as it can get….if you’ll remember that very intrusive medical exam you put me through…” Olivian gave Grace a somewhat unpleasant look. “ Uhh..heh.. w-well I am your commander and it’s my duty to understand my shipmates physically and mentally” “Of course Miss, but I do believe that all that fondling is uncommon practice” Grace gave her friend a guilty smile as they continued down the street.
Just a fun little thing I felt like doing. I mentioned this somewhere before but I’ve fleshed it out a bit more. There will be some changes to Olivian as the main story goes on, and i see these as a way to try out a few things. so far i really like how i have her and Grace interacting in this one, but as always these shouldn’t be considered cannon.
Shorts: Doctors note
As the doctor headed towards the door Thomas stopped her. “ Uh.. you’ll be seeing me? What about doctor Mcallen?” “ My mother retired a few years ago. Seeing as this isn’t that big of a town I took on all of her clients” The woman smiled as she started to leave. “ Just stick your head out the door when your ready, I’ll be right outside”
“ Woah, hey wait I’m just here for a doctors note. Not a physical” The women turned back and addressed the young man with a stern tone. “ Any good doctor will tell you, that you should have had a physical when you were sixteen. It’s a great time to make sure your growing properly and you have no health issues. Seeing as you haven’t we’ll be doing that today.” “Bu-” “ Now, your gonna put that on and we’ll see about that note when your done” The doctor left the room closing the door behind her. “ Guess we’re doing that then…"
This has been on the back burner for a while. I got sick at my old job and they were complete and utter cunts about it.(and everything else, honestly i could go on for hours about that place. Fuck them!) Anyway, while sitting in a doctors office for an unnecessary doctors note, i came up with this story.(God damn i’m salty about them)
Space Grace part 3: Cow town
There was a weird silence before the queen spoke. “Bring the red one to me” Holo grabbed Grace by the arm and walked her towards the throne. The cow threw Grace down infront of the queen. Landing on her hands and knees Grace paused for a moment to let the pain fade. “Red one” The queen now addressed Grace. Looking up at the cows leader Grace was met with a nine foot tall beast of a woman. She was dressed in something resembling a black corset with red lace. Like her daughter the queen had a loose fabric skirt. The matching red and black skirt ran down just below the queen’s knees. Like the rest of her kind the queens tan skin was covered in scars, while from her left hand up to her shoulder the queen had the same strange markings as Mocalo.
The Queen brushed her dark red hair out of her face as she angrily looked down at the tiny naked woman in front of her. “Can you not speak?” “I-I uh yes… Yes I can speak..” Graces voice cracked as she spoke. Trying to regain her composure, Grace started to stand. “ I’m here-gah FUCK” Holo slammed her foot down into the back of Grace’s leg. “ Do not stand to our queen,you insult our her by being here”
“Holo, that is enough” The big cow huffed and took her foot off of Graces leg.
I’ve been a bit hesitant to continue where i am with this part. Just something about the queen’s appearance doesn’t feel completely right. so i’m still thinking her design over. Working on that short has really helped me get in the mood for writing Space Grace, so i should get on it sometime soon.
Miss and Pup Part 4
Look…Izzy…you shouldn’t feel guilty for having that woman out of your life. She was gone the moment Mark was and you know that. She did nothing but harass and spread shit rumors about you in a time when you needed family the most. If you ask me, you have no reason to feel guilty.” “ That doesn’t mean i still won’t…”  The two sat and talked for hours, both worn out by everything that happened that day. Eventually Miss Hayle went back home and Miss rose went back to her bedroom.
Miss rose sat beside her pup. She watched him sleep for a while, made sure he was okay. After a few more hours of not being able to sleep Miss Rose fell asleep on her couch.
I don’t really have a lot written down yet for this part and what i do have is still in pieces. However I’ve been feeling really good about Miss and Pup lately so I’ll probably start working on it this weekend and hopefully get some stuff down. I’ve also had an idea for a Pup x Miss Hayle short. Nothing in the works yet, just i feel she needs to make use of those big boobs shes got, and it could be cute pairing her up with pup for that. Idk maybe some day.
I’ve had some ideas about doing another short with someones characters. A certain chav busty mouse has caught my eye lately, but maybe i’ll have to save it for a while.
🔴Another big thing, is that i plan to look into a kofi/ tip jar type deal. Honestly I’d love to be able to do this full time but realistically it is in no way an option right now. I feel like now that i’m trying to set goals and get stuff out more often that it might be okay to do something like that. My biggest issues with opening any sort of money thing is that i wouldn’t be holding up my part. Which i believe is just unacceptable. I very much think that you need to work to be paid and now that i’m working on providing more content i think i might try it out. It would also really help with bills and supporting myself. which of course is the priority right now.🔴
In time i hope to put something aside and see if i can get some art of Grace and Olivian. Just an idea right now but if you have any suggestions for artist or anything i’d love to hear about it.
Anyway as usual thank you all for reading and i hope to have something out soon.
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Thanks @thereynoldstwins and @brxndonflowers for the tag!
Nickname: Tiff or Tiffie sometimes!
Star sign: Libra but the personality trait stereotypes don’t fit
Height: 5′0″/152 cm
Last film I watched: How to Train Your Dragon 3
Favorite Musicians: obv TK...also Bastille, Kelly Clarkson, and I just recently became obsessed with Lewis Capaldi!
Song stuck in my head: Kokomo - The Beach Boys
Other blogs: none, just this one!
Do you get any asks: not unprompted but seriously message me anytime, I loooooove to chat about TK
Blogs following: 201
What I am wearing: Pajamas! with polar bears lol
Dream job: Anything that will support me tbh
Dream Trip: God, New Zealand, England, Australia, Yosemite, Ireland, anywhere really! I love to travel but only get the chance every several years.
Play an instrument: No but I really want to take piano lessons one day
Languages: Just English
Favorite food: Dessert. Chocolate, ice cream, cheesecake, etc
Favorite song: For the first time in a loooong time it’s not a TK song! Hold Me While You Wait - Lewis Capaldi.
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daehwifi · 6 years
eighty-five questions~
- admin xion
putting it under read more because wow it’s long- 
:・゚ last…? :・゚
1. drink: tea 
2. phone call: my mom
3. text message: every5ong but if you’re asking for a singular person then shuri hehe @xiupch ily bb 
4. song you listened to: gondry - hyukoh aka one of my fav songs 
5. time you cried: uh like two days ago 
:・゚ ever…? :・゚
6. dated someone twice: never dated at all!
7. kissed someone and regretted it: never lost my first kiss D: 
8. been cheated on: nope
9. lost someone special: no and i hope not
10. been depressed: who hasn’t? 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: i’m underage to drink buddy 
12. fave colours: pink, white, black, light blue, yellow, beige uhh-
:・゚ in the last year, have you…? :・゚
13. made new friends? yes !! 
14. fallen out of love? uh... yeah-
15. laughed until you cried: yEAH
16. found out someone was talking about you: uhh yeah?? 
17. met someone who changed you: everyone i meet has changed me in a positive way [very few are negative tho...]
18. found out who your friends are: mmhm 
19. kissed someone on your facebook friend list: don’t use facebook and i haven’t lost my first kiss yet :o
:・゚ general :・゚
20. how many facebook friends do i have in real life: i don’t use it D: 
21. do you have any pets: no ): 
22. do you want to change your name: uhh not really? i don’t like my name but i prefer my nickname + everyone calls me by my nickname anyway so i’m fine with just sticking to tiffany 
23. what did you do for your last birthday: went out with family! 
24. what time did you wake up today: i have a fucked up sleeping thing where my body naturally wakes up around 8am - 9am but then i realized it was the weekend so i fell back to sleep... i keep on having the fear that it’s a school day so i’d wake myself up every minute until 30 mins past of non-stop doing that 30 times and then i’d accept the fact that it’s the weekend and go back to sleep lolol- so if you’re wanting a proper answer, 12:59pm 
25. what were you doing at midnight last night: uh- sleeping ? 
26. what is something you can’t wait for: to graduate [i’m going to 9th grade guys aHHHH] 
27. what are you listening to right now: the boyz house ep 1. - kitchen LOLOL [kevin is making his cheesecake and being panicked in english i love it] 
28. have you ever talked to a person named tom: my brothers name is tommy- but uh if that counts then yes and i talked to him like 10 mins ago because he gave me the rest of his instant noodles 
29. something that gets on your nerves: i hide my anger a lot because once i express it i then become anxious about peoples opinions hAh, but since i hide it a lot i have a really high ‘pissed-off’ tolerance i guess so nothing in particular... 
30. most visited sites: tumblr & youtube 
31. hair colour: black
32. long or short hair: i like both! 
33. do you have a crush on someone: if jisung park counts then sure but if you’re wanting someone who i can actually talk to then yeah if shuri counts @xiupch i love you babYYY but like if you want someone even closer who i can like contact irl if i wanted to [simply just travel ‘a few’ miles] then yeah @loveleehyuck i’ll hug her and whisper donghyuck into her ear then blush and go back to ontario- 
34. what do you like about yourself: i don’t judge things a lot unless i’m asked for my opinion... but even so, it’s rarely negative
35. want any piercings: i want a second lobe and a cartilage on the same ear 
36. blood type: ab
37. nicknames: tiffy, toffy, tofu, tiff, tiff tiff, xion, uhhhh anything else you can think of LOLOL 
38. relationship status: single and mentally unstable to mingle 
39. zodiac: pisces blub blub 
40. pronouns: she/her
41. fave tv shows: uhh i’ve been watching my mister if that counts [i love iu] 
42. tattoos: none but i want one small one on the side of my wrist 
43. right or left handed: left handed! 
44. ever had surgery: nope but i have stitches on my chin if that says anything? 
45. piercings: just your basic lobes 
46. sport: recently i’ve been enjoying badminton!
47. vacations: none cause i actually don’t like going outside that much hAHA-
48. trainers: adidas, nike & puma 
:・゚ more general :・゚
49. eating: legit just finished eating instant noodles
50. drinking: nothing
51. i’m about to watch: well i’m currently watching the boyz house ep 2. - room and screaming over jacob’s cuteness 
52. waiting for: nothing really 
53. want: for my writers block to fuck off !! 
54. get married: i don’t even know when i’ll find love...
55. career: interior designer 
:・゚ which is better? :・゚ bolded my preference! 
side note: first few is referred to my ideal type or something // the rest apply to my own preference~
56. hugs or kisses
57. lips or eyes
58. short or taller: n/a
59. older or younger: n/a
60. nice arms or stomach
61. hookup or relationship
62. troublemaker or hesitant
:・゚ have you ever…? :・゚
63. kissed a stranger: no
64. drank hard liquor: nope! 
65. lost glasses: don’t have glasses, but i’ve lost my fake glasses like once?? 
66. turned someone down: ...yeah
67. sex on first date: i’M UNDERAGE 
68. broken someone’s heart: no because middle school crushes are always stupid and never genuine-
69. had your heart broken: answer to 68 applies to this too-
70. been arrested: nope 
71. cried when someone died: i cry to anything 
72. fallen for a friend: who hasn’t? 
:・゚ do you believe in…? :・゚
73. yourself: at times...
74. miracles: also at times...
75. love at first sight: not really? unless bias counts?? their personality counts a lot, i just can’t fall in love with someone at first sight-
76. santa claus: s u r e 
77. kiss on first date: nope nope nope 
78. angels: yeah i’ve met my angel already @xiupch
:・゚ other :・゚
79. best friend’s name: iNHALES every5ong: @ke-ying @woojiniee @xiupch @loveleehyuck
80. eye colour: brown
81. fave movie: i haven’t watched movies in a while but the first that came to mind was like howl’s moving castle and hotarubi no mori e  
82. fave actor: park shin hye 
83. fave singer: hmm, no one in particular but i really love oohyuk, crush & dean 
84. fave group/band: i don’t even know at this point 
85. one word to describe yourself: i n t e r e s t i n g 
i was tagged by mae ! @maemihoy and i shall tag @loveleehyuck, @xiupch & @ke-ying as well but you don’t have to do it if you don’t want too !!
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prettiffy · 4 years
Well, hello, Tiffy!
Finally you came to the last section of get-to-know Tiffy a.k.a. Tiffany Geralda.
- Tiffy loves Caramel Latte so much! (yes, she is kinda basic)
- Her favorite foods are scrambled egg and strawberry cheesecake.
- She likes dog sooo much! 
- Baking is one of her coping mechanism. 
- She is a night owl. She’ll never understand how it feels like to be an early bird.
- She stays up late! Usually binge watching her favorite series.
- Tiffy is a HUUUGE GHIBLI FANS. Please hit her up if you want to discuss about Ghibli’s movies. AND currently, she is in Haikyuu!! and Jujutsu Kaisen fandom. Prolly more to come...
- Tiffy will be a great listener if you have something to talk about. She gave great solutions too!
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I tried to make my own versions of Tiffy Cheesecake and Luna Paws, the true owner of these characters is @scifijackrabbit, I know there are a few things missing, but Soul Calibur doesn’t provide much in there.
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kimtiffy-blog · 6 years
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kingretrokirby · 8 years
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smokystash · 8 years
What is tiffy's deal?
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