#milo haze
milohaze · 1 year
Miss Rose, Miss Hayle, Grace, and Olivian made in a little character creator.
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bitchfitch · 2 years
7 for Adonis, 14 for Arlo, 27 for Haze :D
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Old records and that specific audio quality of a gramophone. Sunlight through a window and onto a work bench. Old black and white movies and long car rides in the passenger seat
He can enjoy the feeling for a little bit most days, but the memories of sweet moments always turn sour if he lingers on them for too long.
Eventually though it's calliope music, and road noise that echos inside an 18wheelers trailer, and the corner booth of dive bars, and the feeling of cold black dirt on his hands. He spends a lot more time with the memories those bring up. They sour sometimes, but they don't feel like the prelude to a horror movie like the others do.
14.What animal do they fear most? 
Cats. Arlo Hates cats. Hes absolutely terrified of them and won't go within about 30 feet of one. The phobia is so bad that it absolutely neutralizes his ability to think and use his magic so he can't hurt a cat.
He says it has to do with the eyes. there's something about being looked at by one that just ruins his day. Eyeless cats are fine tho. They can hang out with him and he'll be pretty ok with them existing.
27. What causes them to feel dread? 
Doors being slammed and shouting not directed at him are the Big ones, but he has his phone set to only ring for emergency calls so his ringtone is dread inducing in its own way. Going too long without a check in from any of the beddort club Kids when he knows they're on a mission is also something that'll keep him up until he gets confirmation they're ok or he decides it's been too long and he'll be checking on them himself.
the other one is when someone says "I went to the hill and nothing happened?" or anything else that might imply Arlo is loose and potentially causing new problems.
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pechadream · 2 years
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I should probably save my gems for milo but I think I’m gonna pull for melony, allister SS, and also victor-
allister is getting the majority of the pulls out of all of them though because he is my favorite
oh yeah also raihan came home too- 
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I’m so happy- all my sons are coming home 😭
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pammyloumendkens · 1 year
...😒🤬ÁGÁÍN😖:😒🤔HÓW🤬MÁNÝ🤬TÍMÉS🧐,🤨DÓ I😞🤬HÁVÉ2🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️🤬Make ÍT🤬CRÝSTÁL🤬CLÉÁR🙄🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️:🙂😀😃😄😁😆😅😂🤣UR😊NÓT🤬GÓNNÁ🤬TÉLL🙃,🙄U🤬DÓN'T🤬HÁVÉ2🤨:😏UR🤬JÚST🤬Usin'🙄THÉ🤬ÉXÁCT🤬SÁMÉ🤬Approach/ Strategy/Tactic4 Shawmila Pt.2🤭ÁS U DÍD With Shawmila Pt.1😉:😜UR🤬SHÓWÍN🙄ÉVÉRÝ🤬1🤨THÁT'S🤬HÓW UR🤬Admittin'/Confirmin' ÍT😝🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️...🙄I🤬🤔
😖😕😟🙁☹️😞😩🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️&🙄2🤬THÍNK🙃🤪:🤨My Vision=Comprimised😒,🙄Since I🤬HÁD THÁT🤬Paranormal Run-In With THÁT🤬BRÍCK Wall;Of THÁT🤬Shed,🙃'Cause THÍS
Was Gonna TurnOut 2B A Surprise-Release🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️
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“This is entirely fake. Like, literally none of this ever happened. Ever. I don’t even know where he got this from,” Wilson said. “My best guess is that he went to the Milo [Yiannopoulos] school of gay stereotypes, just picked some at random and said ‘eh- good enough’ in a last-ditch attempt to garner sympathy points when he is so obviously in the wrong even in his own fucking story.”
“While concluding her remarks, she decided to take a jab at Musk’s alleged ketamine use and toyed with his ego by saying he is lost “in a ketamine-fueled haze, desperate for attention and validation from an army of degenerate red-pilled incels and pick-mes who are quick to give it to him.”
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jar0fhoney · 15 days
PART 1 / PART 2 / PART 3 (NSFW) / PART 4 /
Warning: Mentions of Pregnancy and virginity. piv.
You started Sunday the same way you always did. Wake up before dawn, start breakfast for you and Ma, stare out the window and think about the list of chores you could never keep up with.
“It’s a beautiful morning!” Your mother shuffled past your open door towards the kitchen, “Are you sure I can’t just handle all the work in the field today? Won’t you want to relax before your friend arrives?”
“Mother, please do not blow this out of proportion.” You scolded her light-heartedly, “I’m just going to do my work as usual, and when he stops by I’ll take a break-”
“My baby is getting courted by a big strong orc~” She sang out to you. You followed her to the kitchen. “How did you know he’s courting me?”
“So he is courting you.” She swayed back and forth in front of the hearth, throwing bits of kindling onto the fire.
“Well- I-”
“Y/n, don’t you remember. When I told you about the family that lived in the neighboring plot. The wife told me so much about how strange orc courting was, especially with her being human, and-”
“You didn’t tell me it was a half-orc family…” 
She turned to you with a devious smirk, “Wouldn’t you like to know about a half-orc family.” “MA!” You grabbed an apple from the table (a bright red one that matched the color of your face) and ran out the door. You weren’t really mad at her, but this entire situation was so out of your comfort zone. The only experience you ever really had with being pursued was desperately avoiding Milo for the past two years.
You glanced at the sundial in the garden. Three hours. You had three hours to try and get some work done in the field and shake off the nerves.
The tomatoes were a mess. No wonder, this was a corner of the field that had been sorely neglected this season. The sun was climbing higher, and the heat of its rays were beginning to lick the back of your neck. What time was it anyways?
Your mothers voice was loud enough to carry all the way to your little corner in the tomato patch. You shot to your feet, craning your neck to see her enthusiastically fawning over a slightly nervous Khargaad. You could hear him nervously chuckling as the two exchanged words.
Well, might as well go save him. You looked down at your work clothes covered in grass stains and mud. Hair was sticking to the back of your sweaty neck. Gross. Probably didn’t smell pretty either.
Your mother caught you out of the corner of her eye and pointed excitedly, “THERE SHE IS!”
You cringed. Gods she was making all this fuss and you looked like you just crawled out of a ditch.
“Hello! I see you met Ma.” You were trying to casually wipe the mix of dirt and sweat from your face, wading over to them through the field. He felt his heart skip a bit when you got closer. You smelled so earthy. And the musk of your sweat was… it could drive him feral.
He started imagining all the ways he could steal you away and worship you. Fill you. Taste you.
“Um… Khargaad?”
He jolted out of his sinful haze, “I couldn’t show up empty handed.” He thrust a basket into your arms. It was laden with fancy imported fruits. “This- This is too much. This must have cost-”
“Hush now,” his voice was like warm honey, “I hunt big game, I can afford it.” He had a cocky little smirk on his face. You thanked him, motioning to follow you into the cottage.
He looked back at your mom one more time, “It was so nice to meet you, Ma’am.”
Your first lessons together went just as well as predicted. By the end he was properly frustrated, arms crossed and everything.
“The letters. It doesn’t make any sense. It’s all… mixed up.”
“Let’s just end it here for today.”
He was so cute like this. All flustered. 
He stood up from his seat, being careful to crouch as he easily exceeded the height of the ceiling. “Alrighty, let’s get to work.” He crossed the room in one long stride, pulling his shirt over his head. He looked strong, but not in the way statues are with their lean bodies and taught chiseled muscles. He looked like a man who ate well and worked hard. Your eyes wandered to the slight love handles that peaked over the waistband of his trousers. Gods you were no better than a man, thinking about how bad you wanted to feel him in your hands.
He glanced behind his shoulder, “Where first?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Khargaad.”
“Do you think I’m going to just leave with all this work to be done?”
He followed you like an excited puppy to the tomato patch you had been working on. You had tried to tell him that he didn’t need to waste the rest of his day helping with this. But he knew he didn’t need to. He wanted to. And who was going to stop him? Certainly not you.
He started on one end, and you the other, working slowly until you met in the middle. By the end, your hands were red and scratched up from pulling the thistle weeds. Of course, Kharghaad’s were so calloused that it was like he had a pair of gloves on. He gave a little gasp when he saw your sore fingers. “Why didn’t you say anything…” He scooped your small hands into his, as delicate as you would pick up a fresh baby bird.
Every time he touched you it was like this great release. Your mother, as loving as she was, never quite developed a touchy-feely nature. You were so used to it fleeting as soon as it was there. Quick handshakes, brushing against someone in the market. You craved physical touch.
So when Khargaad didn’t let go of your hands. When he held them so carefully and tenderly. So deliberately. You found yourself trying to memorize every little second of the moment.
“I’ll have to buy you gloves.” He muttered, picking out the little needles with surprising dexterity. He took his canteen and went to rinse off the skin. “I can wash my own hands, Khargaad.” You chuckled.
“But I want to,” He blurted out with immediate embarrassment, “Sorry, I guess you could say it’s an orc thing? It’s sorta like… we’re very communal. There’s no reason to do much of anything alone, if you think about it…” He sort of trailed off like he was getting ahead of himself. He paused.
“I hope I'm not smothering you. Maybe humans aren’t like that-” He went to let go of your hands, and a part of you cried out inside. You were tired of trying to play this stoic lone wolf character. It wasn’t who you were. It’s not who any of us are. We all need each other.
“Please, don’t stop…” You whispered to him, thrusting your hands back into his. You uttered the magic words. The words he had been waiting for. He pulled you into his chest. It didn’t matter how gross, hot, and sweaty the two of you were. Or that your mother was most definitely watching joyfully from the kitchen window. Nothing mattered. “Can we go somewhere?” His voice was muffled as he whispered into the top of your head. He was taking long deep sighs, taking in your scent.
“Please…” The need in your voice was palpable. He didn’t waste another moment, leading you to the forest behind your property. “Khargaad… the road is that way.” You motioned behind yourself. “I know a quicker way.” He glanced back at you with that sweet little smirk on his face.
Once past the treeline, the soft light of dusk struggled to breach the overhead foliage. You walked together for some time, before the sound of running water bubbled ahead. He had led you to a little clearing, where in the middle stood a circular style tent. A creek babbled away off to the side. The moon was full and provided plenty of light for you to take it all in. “Do you live here?” 
He nodded, looking down at you expectantly for approval. You grinned, “It’s lovely.”
He snaked a strong arm around your waste, pulling you in. His other hand cupped the back of your head, tilting your face up to his. For a moment he hovered over you, as if waiting for your permission. You reached up to cup his face, thumbing over one of the tusks jutting out of his mouth.
His lips met yours. It started slow, like sipping on a glass of fine wine. Then it was hungry. Like you had both been starved. You were getting drunk off of the needy little grunts he was making, pulling you in flush with his body. You could feel him through his trousers, and it startled you out of your stupor a bit. You hadn’t been with anyone before, and it was bound to happen sooner or later, but this was a bit more than you ever imagined.
It was almost like he sensed your tension, pulling away to look into your eyes, “Let’s get clean.” He had brought his thumb up to caress over your cheek, planting a small peck before jogging to his tent. Watching him disappear under the flap, your mind raced. What if you weren’t ready? What if he’s not patient?
He bounded out towards the stream, beckoning you over. He started to frown as you got closer, like he could smell the apprehension coming off of you, “Do you need to go slower? Do you want to go home? Nothing has to happen. Nothing at all. You are in charge.”
He started unlacing the ties of his trousers. You instinctually looked away, giving him privacy he clearly didn’t need. With the sound of water sloshing you looked back at him submerged up to his sternum. You approached the water’s edge, looking down into the little bubbles churning in the current. “Hey… what’s wrong?” He waded over to the edge, leaning onto the grassy bank. There wasn’t any aire of seduction in his voice, just one of genuine tenderness.
You sucked it up and opened your mouth, “I’ve never done this before…”
“With an orc?”
“No like… I’ve never done this before… ever.” You winced as the words came out. You were a grown adult, this conversation shouldn’t feel embarrassing. But it did nonetheless.
“And so you don’t want to do this?” He didn’t seem fazed at all by the information. “No!” You yelped out a little too enthusiastically, “No- I mean, yes. Yes I do want to. I want you.”
You started to pull at the ties of your shirt, face so flushed it was probably glowing red. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you. You ripped the shirt off your head like pulling off a bandaid, exposing your chest to the warm summer air. You went to fiddle with the strings of your work pants. He still didn’t look away, and you didn’t ask him to.
And there you were, clothed only in moonlight. Khargaad thought, maybe the moon had come out just for you tonight, to see your beauty for itself.
You stepped down into the water. “Are you sure you’re human? Not a beautiful fairy playing tricks on me?” Khargaad was completely entranced by you, eyes roaming over the curve of your shoulders to the curves of your breasts.
You felt some of the tension ease, snorting at him “I don’t think a fairy would smell this bad.” He gasped a bit as if he had just remembered, grabbing a bar of soap he had retrieved from the tent. “May I?” He asked, lathering up the bar in his hands.
You nodded, letting him wade closer to you. You felt the palms of his massive hands begin to work themselves into your hair, massaging his fingers into your scalp. “Oh-” You exclaimed a rather embarrassing moan, but it felt so good. He finished and went to clean his own hair. “Hey, it’s my turn now!” You scolded him. He was more than happy to let you clean him. As he said previously, it’s a part of orc culture to do things with other people. That includes bathing.
And oh how he loved to see you doing orc things. Like wearing that yellow dress dyed with orc spices, and making those pickled eggs for him. It made him think about how great it would be to bring you home with him, to meet all of his family. For you to find a place in his tribe. He missed home a lot, and now you were a part of that picture. You finished running your fingers through the curls of his clean hair.
He heard the sloshing of water, turning around to see you drying yourself off. He joined you. You cast a quick glimpse below his waist, blushing furiously at his partially hard cock.
You walked together to the flap of the tent. The inside surprised you. It was so… cozy. “Ah-” He had leaned down to nuzzle into your neck, you loved the feeling of his tusks against your skin. He pulled you to what could best be described as a nest. A nest of pillows and blankets. He very carefully leaned you onto your back, “Is this okay?”
You giggled at him, “Yes Khargaad. I will tell you if I need to stop, okay?”
“Promise?” He leaned back on his knees, his olive green skin looking lovely in the warm glow of the lantern lighting the tent. His member was on full display, completely unashamed. The way it twitched in anticipation made your stomach flutter. “Yes.”
He lied down next to you, peppering little kisses in the crook of your neck. His hands began to roam your body, starting with your shoulders and slowly moving down to your tits. His calloused palm grazed over the sensitive peaks, causing you to let out a breathy sigh. He took your left breast into his hand, thumbing over your hardened nipple. He palmed your chest for a few moments more, like he was savoring each and every new part of you he explored. You felt his cock hard against your leg. You shifted your thigh, giving him just the lightest sensation of friction. The groan he mumbled into your skin made you feel hot between your legs. You clenched your thighs together, trying to get some relief.
His hand traveled down to your stomach, caressing the curves and grabbing a soft handful of skin. “Good…” He whispered. You shivered as his hand glided over your hips, so close to your entrance. He reached for the inside of your thigh, pulling it over into his cock. He let out another breathy sigh that left you completely slick with desire. His hand hovered over the mess of hair covering your mound. You opened your legs, giving him permission.
He started by slowly palming you, just beginning to give you the attention your pussy was desperate for. You felt a finger slip past your folds, getting drenched in the slickness. Khargaad shifted you up a bit so he could have better access to your chest. He dipped down, taking a nipple into his mouth and sucked playfully. “Oh f-fuck-” You were stuttering at the pleasure of it all. He grinned into your chest, “Keep making those noises sweetheart.” The pet name made your heart flutter.
He kept gently probing a finger up and down your slit, until he dipped one down just at the beginning of your entrance. His fingers were bigger than your own, but this wasn't so much of a stretch. He slowly sheathed the finger in you, “Tight.” He grunted. He made a come hither motion into that sensitive spot of your inner walls. You yelped out a completely sinful moan as he prodded you a few more times. His finger exited your hole, pulling the wetness of your cunt onto your swollen and sensitive clit.
“Khargaad-” Your hips bucked up into him as he swirled long languid circles around that little bundle of nerves. He pulled off, and sat back on his knees, “Can I taste you?”
It was the way he asked more than anything. Like he was close to begging for it. You nodded, spreading your legs for him. He settled down in front of you, using both of his thumbs to spread your lips apart. You felt the tip of his fat tongue probe your needy pussy. He reached up to play with your nipples, while he moved up to your throbbing clit. He started with light kitten-licks, making you whine and buck up into his mouth. That wonderful tongue of his made swirls and then quick flickering motions over the sensitive spot. At this point you were almost completely lost in pleasure, and reached down to thread your fingers through his soft brown curls. 
You were already sensitive when he started, so you were very close to finishing. You actually yelled when he inserted a finger into you. Prodding that sensitive spot while attacking your sensitive clit; it was making the most obscene wet noises. “Close.” That was all you could manage as he devoured you. There it was, feeling crushed over you like a ton of bricks. You coated this hand, legs spasming. He dipped down to lap up the remnants of your release. Your taste, your smell, the feeling of his hair clenched in your fist. He was addicted.
He leaned back, taking in his work. You had a hand on your forehead and a hand on your chest, calming down from what you just experienced. You glanced down at him, both hands on his thighs. His cock was completely erect, tip glistening with pre-cum. It was so heavy it bowed down under its own weight. “Y/n…” He was trying to figure out what to say next. His cock needed to be buried in your pretty little cunt. He needed to bottom out into you. He wanted to hear the sound of his heavy balls slapping against your skin with every thrust. But he couldn’t say that, though. He didn’t want to push you if you weren’t ready.
So when you propped yourself up on your elbows, legs spread for him, he almost felt like crying. His human mate was so strong. So ready for him.
He crawled over you, pinning your legs over his shoulders. He took the base of his cock into his fist, guiding it slowly over your folds. You were so warm for him. He pushed his pulsating tip past your lips, wincing from the sensitivity. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, but you were completely entranced watching his cock slide into you. His tip found your hole, sliding in but not going any further. He was absolutely strangeling the pillow he was resting his hand on, trying to maintain control. Khargaad was watching you, every little subtle expression. He kept sinking himself into you, stopping when you made the first wince of pain. He was big, and you were so tight. 
“Y/n?” You looked up at him through those pretty lashes. He nearly lost it all right there, just from the eye-contact. You got off of your elbows, leaning down completely. You gave a little nod, still making direct eye contact. Slowly and gently, he worked his way in until his hips were flush with yours. He leaned back, still buried in you, letting you adjust to the stretch.
He wouldn’t last long at all, seeing you like this. Your little face with knotted brows, arms thrown overhead. Khargaad brought his hand to your stomach, rubbing little circles into the soft skin with his thumb. You were perfect. Perfect to take his seed. Perfect for growing a little half-orc.
He wouldn’t yet, of course. Not until you were ready. For you, he would wait as long as needed. But his strange orc hormones and instincts craved it beyond explanation.
He began rocking out and back into you, keeping a slow languid pace. You reached out for him, and in an instant his head was nuzzled in your neck again. His pace started to ramp up a bit, earning little mewls from your lips. Oh he definitely wouldn't last much longer. “W-where…” His breath hitched in your ear. “Huh?” You were too flustered to try to understand what he was asking.
“Going to-” He was hissing and groaning, barely able to work out a sentence, “On your body- ah- or o-on the bed?” His motions were getting jerky. “Fuck- sorry- oh fuck.”
He pulled out just barely in time to empty himself onto your stomach. He fucked his rough fist through the climax, sighing at the sight of his seed coating your tummy. It felt a lot warmer than you expected, and much more… volume. He finally let go of his cock, reaching for a linen cloth and dunking it in a bowl of water he had set nearby. “I made a mess…”
He sounded so guilty, and you giggled at him teasingly. One of his hands cupped your face, while the other softly wiped the length of your cunt, messy from your own slickness. He wiped the cum that was coated across your stomach, being careful not to spill any on the bed.
“You did so good.” He started cooing sweet nothings to you while running his thumbs across your cheekbone, “Wore me out…” He chuckled, throwing the rag across the room. He yawned and stretched his arms above him.
“Do you want me to go home now?” You were all too familiar with the stories women told about men finishing and ordering them to leave. You didn’t quite have the confidence yet, to advocate for yourself. To tell him you wanted to spend the night wrapped up in his arms.
For Khargaad, this question felt like an arrow to the heart. Had he not done enough? To make it clear how badly he needed you with him? He laid down next to you, pulling you close, “I would kill the person who would try to take you from me right now.”
Here is Part 5 for you lovelies <3 <3 <3 btw Khargaad is living in a yurt, that's what I was trying to describe lol.
I attached a playlist I put together. These are the songs I've been listening to while writing this, if anyone wants to hear the vibes :3
Tagged List <3
@reads-stuff-quietly @loo-looland @sluttygirl123 @beaniebaneenie @blushycadaver @sunndust @whyiamadegenerate @the-attic-of-porcelain @freakyotaku059-blog @youknowits-derea @thoughts-of-bear-undercovers @allthecraftandthings @gruffle1 @kennedyabraxas123 @queenies1x1 @jellyslimesofficial @jasminedragoon @rangoismyname @the-queen-of-sorrows @the-dumber-scaramouche @heddaloddafun @swimmingrascalbatdragon @hellodollstuff @wingedghostpepper @pistachioinfernal @honeybaegle @sammehshark @dij-ology @forgemotherkestrel @wafflefries786
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elliezlils11utt · 4 months
jinx x f reader!
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summary: jinx teaches you how to make bombs !!
content: sfw!Jinx being insane ! Fluff fluff fluff !! reader calms jinx down when she sees Milo, bomb descriptions.
wc: 515.
a/n: I’ve never written for jinx or anyone in the arcane fandom so if this is shit I’ll take it down! probably won’t get any attraction bc im genuinely insane and love jinx. if u like this PLEASE send me arcane asks for vi and jinx😓
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music reverbed off the wall of the hollow room the two of you occupied. the silly girl in front of you dancing to the beat lazily. a goofy smile spread across her face. you watch her work away at the new toy she was creating. her goggles looked so cute of her head as she shook her butt to the tune of the song blaring in the background. you giggle, watching your girlfriend in her element was so fun. she looked so focused as sparks fly in front of her.
‘whatca doin baby?’
you ask, wrapping your arms around jinx. you kiss her cheek.she flips up her goggles and spins to look at you, her eyes explore your face. rapid eye movements to catch every aspect of your features.
‘workin on a new toy.’ she deadpans her expression flipping back to her work desk. she flings the bomb into her hands, holding it by the smallest part of the machine. she shoves it into your face. her teeth capturing her bottom lip into a grin.
“here, look.”
she grabs your arm and pulls you down to her level. you crouch down next to her. she rips her goggles off her face and gently places them onto yours. she kisses the goggle lense.
‘alright cutie, blue to red.’ she says quickly, pointing at two wires.
‘put the red wire to the blue one dumbass’ she laughs sarcastically, throwing her head back.
you do as she says connecting the two wires. jinx stands up and grabs you from behind, sitting you down in her chair. her body leans over yours, she takes your hands in her own and works with the trinket. guiding your hands where to go. she hums to the tune of the music.
‘anndddd, volia !! she’s done’ she holds up the toy handing it to you with a proud smile. her face looses all expression for a second.
‘no she’s not, shut up!’ she shouts out to no one. her gun jumps into her hand and points it to the corner of the room.
‘Milo again? it’s okay baby.’
you calm her down. you always feel bad when she gets upset. The figment of her past tormenting her. the death of her sibling haunting her, following her.
her mood changes again, in an instant. she giggles, grabbing the bomb the two of you had just created. she looks at you, a mischievous look plastered onto her face. she sticks her tongue out slightly before throwing the weapon into the void beneath the two of you. quickly you jump up at the loud noise of the explosion under your feet. your girlfriend giggles, grabbing your hands she pulls you to your feet.
the bomb created a tint of pink light over the room. pink powder flying all over the place. she spins you around giggling. you watch her in awe, your insane girlfriend is so perfect to you. her craziness making her unique and fun to be around. you smile and join her. dancing around the room in the haze of the bomb
A/n: If this flops I’ll know not to post arcane again🤗
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themonotonysyndrome · 2 months
Had a big-brainer moment while chatting with the beautiful @thegoldenlittlerose today!
David/Angel & Asher/Babe. Alpha & Beta just got hitched to their mates.
And as we all know, what comes after a wedding is the HONEYMOON.
You're telling me, that the people in charge of the Shaw Pack are gone? So who's keeping an eye on things? Milo?
Aite then. Let's say Milo is in charge until David and Asher return to Dahlia. I'm thinking of a fic where Milo has to work with Christian - of all people - when something goes down. I don't know... an unknown Vampire clan is tryna mess with them because word got out after the Summit, there's cold tension between the Solaire Clan and Shaw Pack.
Shenanigans happen, and because Christian is a reformed jerkass, he apologises to Milo for the hazing. Milo accepts, and he opens up a little to him.
BOOM! Suddenly, a revelation!
How do you fight against a Vampire? Get another Vampire on your side, and it just so happens that Christian has been in a relationship with one bitchy Princess ever since he broke off with Amanda.
Milo is shocked, concerned and wonders what's up with the water in Dahlia to make the wolves in the Shaw pack seek out partners in the Solaire Clan dnfnsdkfnsdkfn
DO YOU SEE MY VISION @autisticempathydaemon!?
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ ace. adonis. agate. amber. ambrose. amethyst. anders. aqua. aquamarine. arion. arthur. asriel. astra. astrid. astro. athena. atlas. aurora. blaise. bran. briar. bruxo. bunnie. bunny. calamity. callisto. calypso. cantasyia. caspian. cassian. cassiopeia. cedar. cedric. celeste. celestine. cherish. circe. clem. clemet. cosmo. coven. crystalesse. crystalette. cullen. cynthia. draco. drake. dreerie. duske. eerene. elphias. elysia. ember. emil. espen. etherial. fay. finn. florian. fyre. galatea. garnet. glyra. griffin. haven. hazoire. hera. hypnyra. indigo. jade. jasper. jinx. juno. kara. kian. kimble. krystal. krystalle. lapis. leo. link. lucien. lumen. lumiere. luna. lune. lunesse. lunette. luz. lyra. mabel. mac. mackenzie. maddie. maddy. madelyn. madison. maggi. maggie. magia. magique. maria. max. maxwell. melanie. melodie. melody. mercy. mia. milena. miles. milo. minerva. moonesse. moonette. myrror. mystique. nova. onyx. opal. orion. oscar. pandora. pearl. pearlesse. pearlette. pearlle. phineas. phoebe. phoenix. pinkie. pinky. ruby. rune. sage. salem. sapphire. selene. seraphina. sereia. silouet. skye. sol. sora. sorcyrie. soren. spella. twyla. twyllusia. zephyr.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ abra/cada. ae/aer. agate/agate. alch/alchemy. alchemy/alchemy. amber/amber. amethyst/amethyst. an/angel. angel/angel. aqua/aqua. aquamarine/aquamarine. arc/arcane. arcane/arcane. blue/blue. bow/bow. ca/cast. cae/caer. cast/cast. cha/charm. cheer/cheer. ci/cir. cla/clash. con/conjure. cry/crystal. crystal/crystal. cu/curse. cur/curse. cure/cure. curse/curse. de/demon. di/dim. du/dusk. elix/elixir. en/entity. fae/faer. fi/fight. frill/frill. garnet/garnet. glitter/glitter. go/golden. go/good. grim/grim. grim/grimoire. h?/h?m. hae/haze. hex/hex. hx/hxm. hy/hym. illus/illusion. illusion/illusion. jade/jade. jasper/jasper. joy/joy. krys/krystal. light/lightning. ma/mage. ma/magic. mae/maer. mag/magic. mage/mage. magi/magic. magic/magic. magic/magical. magick/magick. mance/mancer. melody/melody. mi/mist. moire/moire. moon/moon. muse/muse. myst/myst. mystic/mystic. necro/mancer. necro/necro. onyx/onyx. opal/opal. orb/orb. pe/peril. pearl/pearl. pink/pink. po/potion. poi/poison. potion/potion. pow/power. pretty/pretty.���pu/purge. pur/pure. pur/purity. pure/pure. ru/rune. ruby/rubie. rune/rune. sapphire/sapphire. sept/septor. sh?/h?r. sha/dow. shae/shade. shine/shine. shx/hxr. shy/shyr. sing/sing. sini/ster. som/somber. sorce/sorce. sorce/sorcerer. spar/spark. spark/spark. spark/sparkle. sparkle/sparkle. spe/spell. spe/spells. spell/spell. spell/spells. spi/spirit. spirit/spirit. staff/staff. star/star. strik/strike. strike/strike. stry/stryke. super/super. sweet/sweet. th?y/th?m. thxy/thxm. tri/trick. trick/trick. vae/vaer. wa/wand. wa/ward. wan/wand. wand/wand. ward/ward. whims/whimsical. wing/wing. wit/witch. wiz/wiz. wiz/wizard. wizard/wizard. ⚡️ . ⭐️ . 👁 . 👼🏻 . 💢 . 💥 . 💦 . 💨 . 💫 . 📖 . 🔮 . 🧙‍♂️ . 🧙🏻‍♂️ . 🧹 .
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tired-of-being-nice · 5 months
the sound
*emerges from finals covered in blood* IM ALIVE *throws this down* *leaves*
anyway, enjoy a little showing of how coren is kept in line!
cws: brainwashing/conditioning, sensory overload (sort of), willing brainwashing
Coren's head isn't working right. It feels all floaty, not quite attached to its body. By the time it got back to where it was supposed to be it was already late in the day and it was too exhausted to give a proper explanation of why it was so late and what it was doing last night. It just begged forgiveness as much as it could when it couldn't think in coherent sentences, much less speak, and now it's sitting on a chair putting all its strength into staying upright and waiting patiently to be told what its punishment is.
It hopes it's the noise. It really, really hopes that. Not just because the alternative is being alone and it can't bear being alone, but because it's so tired and it can't think straight and the noise will help with that, it always does. It'll fix Coren. Make them able to do their job again. Coren wants to be able to do a good job. They want to so badly.
Its head hurts so terribly, which is good, because if it didn't it thinks it would probably slide right off the chair and collapse onto the ground, but it hurts, it hurts so much, the lights are too bright in here and their thoughts are chasing each other in circles and their ears are starting to ring–
"–ren? Coren?" 
Coren blinks and squints at the blurry figure in front of them until it resolves into the shape of Erica, their...manager, or handler, or whatever it is you want to call her.
"Hi, Erica," they mumble. "I don't feel good."
"I can tell that," Erica says with a raised eyebrow, and Coren shrinks back in shame. "What are you holding?"
Coren turns their head to stare at the spatula clutched in their hand. "I, um...dunno."
Erica sighs. "Well, I don't have time to pry it away now. Come on. We've decided you need some more time with the Sound."
Coren perks up immediately and follows behind Erica obediently, mustering their protesting body through the few steps with the promise of soon, soon, soon.
The noise room is empty and white and clean, and Erica shoves Coren inside in a way they'd protest usually but today are grateful for.
The door shuts behind them, and there's a slight click from the speakers, and then the Sound comes on.
It's like white noise but more, resounding, near-deafening, filling the room and your mind until you can't hear yourself think, let alone scream.
(They did use to scream, didn't they? They almost remember that, every time they come in here. But it never sticks— the sound takes it away, and besides, they don't want to remember something so unpleasant.)
Coren sighs, slumping bonelessly to the floor, a dazed smile spreading across their face. The noise drowns out any thoughts, rises and falls in waves, crashing against Coren's brain and gently smoothing away all the pesky contradictory thoughts that had been nagging at them. The ache of starvation fades from their limbs, and the haze of sleepiness melts from their mind. Everything is fine. Everything is alright. 
(but milo–) shhhh (but i have to–) shhhhhh (i'm still hungry–) shhhh (i can't rememb–) shhhhhhhh
This is so nice. Coren doesn't need to worry now. What was there to worry about, anyway? They're safe. The Company has them. The Company loves them.
Their fingers loosen, and the spatula drops from their hand, forgotten.
that's right! it was an EMOTIONALLY SIGNIFICANT SPATULA this whole time! haha!
taglist: @whumpsoda @snakebites-and-ink
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transidiotloli · 13 days
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I am problematic!!
Me My name is Monoka, I'm 4/7/12/15/500/899 years(I am Polyage>w<) 🇯🇵ノ🇹🇭ノ🇧🇷 !!
I am radqueer, radinclus, xennie, parafilica, comship, proship, otherkin, alterhuman, lolicon, shotacon n nanacon
Loli irl O.o
I make flags, userbox n symbols:3.
I do it on my own, that is, I don't make requests.
Loliqueer, littlequeer, Apatheticqueer, imoqueer, citrusqueer, radqueer n radinclus:D
All my names!
¹Kay, ²Daisy, ³Kurimi, ⁴Dolly, ⁵Mumi, ⁶Bambi, ⁷Cari, ⁸Mili, ⁹Lilico, ¹⁰Coral, ¹¹una, ¹²Rex, ¹³Nyx, ¹⁴Aika, ¹⁵Ruby, ¹⁶Castiel, ¹⁷Otto, ¹⁸Daze, ¹⁹Yuu, ²⁰Nomi, ²¹Miette, ²²Melodie, ²³Blair, ²⁴Aya, ²⁵Lex, ²⁶Ocho, ²⁷Ira, ²⁸Ophe, ²⁹Ray, ³⁰Laine, ³¹Axe, ³²Miette, ³³Mimi, ³⁴Zany, ³⁵Nuko, ³⁶Aino, ³⁷Irene, ³⁸satan, ³⁹len, ⁴⁰Haru, ⁴¹Myme, ⁴²Sora, ⁴³Fizz, ⁴⁴Neo, ⁴⁵Lyra, ⁴⁶Misa, ⁴⁷Poe, ⁴⁸ Ari, ⁴⁹Ayuna, ⁵⁰Buzz, ⁵¹Aria, ⁵²Nelly, ⁵³Villy, ⁵⁴Puffi, ⁵⁵Dot, ⁵⁶Marnie, ⁵⁷Miu, ⁵⁸Aima, ⁵⁹Chie, ⁶⁰Ryo, ⁶¹Limbo, ⁶²Lys, ⁶³Kiki, ⁶⁴Minou, ⁶⁵Hima, ⁶⁶Fuwa, ⁶⁷Mici, ⁶⁸Minou, ⁶⁹Cane, ⁷⁰Milo, ⁷¹Grace, ⁷²Faye, ⁷³Doye, ⁷⁴Astyr, ⁷⁵Cyn, ⁷⁶Zeno, ⁷⁷Stella, ⁷⁸Nori, ⁷⁹Lyalka, ⁸⁰Luna, ⁸¹Starry, ⁸²Ester, ⁸³Mikio, ⁸⁴Uta, ⁸⁴Noemi, ⁸⁵Haze, ⁸⁶Opal, ⁸⁷Wyn, ⁸⁸Hoshi, ⁸⁹Sidra, ⁹⁰Nadime, ⁹¹Lila, ⁹²Meru, ⁹³Monoka, ⁹⁴ Bite, ⁹⁵ Gutz, ⁹⁶blade, ⁹⁷ Kata, ⁹⁸Buredo, ⁹⁹Tenshi, ¹⁰⁰Neko, ¹⁰¹Rinku, ¹⁰² Nikushimi, ¹⁰³ Cake, ¹⁰⁴Medae, ¹⁰⁵Cinna, ¹⁰⁶Soda, ¹⁰⁷ Core, ¹⁰⁸Candy, ¹⁰⁹ Sherbet, ¹¹⁰Nou, ¹¹¹Noi, ¹¹² Jass, ¹¹³Amos, ¹¹⁴Rue, ¹¹⁵Sarreil, ¹¹⁶Mailia, ¹¹⁷Luke, ¹¹⁸Theo, ¹¹⁹Max, ¹¹⁹Yuri, ¹²⁰Akira, ¹²¹Yuki
(Pink = love>w<)
My main trans/cisIDs:
transID: TransGender, GenderFluid, PolyGender, PanFem, GirlFlux, BoyFlux, TransAge, TransBaby, TransToddler, TransLoli, transShota, TransNana, TransDumb, TransCute, PermaInocente, TransJujiTuko, transADHD, TransMadd, TransSH, Transed, TranFactKin, Transtherian, PermaR4p3d, PermaBullied, Trace, TransJapanese, TransThai, TransMoreMelanin, TransVitiligo, Transalbino, PermaBrokenLeg, TransAmputatedLeg, TransCrutch, TransCronoAge, TransSynesthesia, PermaBlush n IterPlura
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CisIDs: CisBlack, CisAsthma, CisBiteSh, CisSedentary, CisParanoid, CisAngerIssues, CisAltherkin, Cistherian, CisFkin, CisFactKin.
Antiradqueer, antixenogender, anticomship, anti para, anti transID, antilolicon, Homophobic, Racist, N4z1
->I don't mind if you use my flags, but I'll probably block you
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sappymix1 · 9 months
anything related to dnfbaby please... can be them thinking or talking about baby or having a baby or helping baby with their homework or babysitting someone else's baby prompts baby fever please.
hi bea sorry i took so long 😭😭 1.2k words of dnf baby i hope you like it i love you 🫶🫶🫶🫶
George cried the first time he saw June in her crib. 
It was painfully sudden, tears streaming down his unshaven cheeks as he choked on a sob, and June, oblivious to everything, just slept on, one arm curled up over her head as her legs scrunched towards her body. 
“Hey,” Dream was, unsurprisingly, on him in a second, losing the sleepy haze that had filled his eyes as he held June in favour of purple tinted concern nearly overflowing. “Baby. What’s wrong?” 
The way Dream always talked to him – where he was calling him baby or honey or George but in a tone that made it sound better than any sweet name – made George cry harder. The definitive break, making just what Dream called him a full sentence that said a million different kind words. I love you or whatever. 
George didn’t answer Dream’s question, just let himself find the easy comfort of his broad chest and gentle touch. He buried his face into Dream’s rumpled shirt, right by his heart, and Dream’s hand immediately came up to hold his back. 
“Does something hurt?” Dream asked, and his voice was careful, but George could hear the concern in it and he knew that the doctor’s words – cautious, rest, limited motion – were running through his head as George cried his eyes out into his shoulder. Dream probably thought that he was, like, dying, and George felt a rare rush of guilt for not having resolved the matter as soon as possible. 
“No, I –” He didn’t know how to explain what was happening, so he grasped for the easy answer. “I don’t hurt. Sorry.”
Dream scoffed, but it was more delicate than his normal one. A lot of things had become more delicate and smaller in the last few days. George thought that this one was probably for his benefit just as much as it was June’s. “Why are you apologizing like I’m going to be disappointed that my husband – who literally had a baby within the last week – isn’t in pain? You never apologize, anyway.”
“I just didn’t know what else to say,” George said, and Dream pulled back slightly so that he could press his hands to George’s cheeks, reaching up to brush the tear streaked skin under his eyes with his thumbs. George’s eyelashes automatically fluttered at the gentle pressure on the thin skin there. He knew that he had dark bags bruising the skin there, just like Dream, the obvious mark of new parents that Dream had swore six months earlier that they would never get because their baby would just be so based and goated. June was based and goated, to be clear, but it turned out that even that wasn’t enough to prevent both of them from being exhausted already their first night home from the hospital.  
Maybe that was part of what brought out the tears. Just, like, exhaustion. That, and — “she’s just so little,” he said, and his voice was still a little bit shaky. “Like, I don’t know, she didn’t seem so tiny until we brought her home.” 
Saying home now had the same surreal, floaty feeling attached to it that it had back when George was the new one, when he had first passed through the front door and tracked dirt from the uneven driveway all over the floor in his rush to find Patches. It was home to Dream and Sapnap and Patches, and then to him, and then to Milo and Naomi, and now June too. She would learn to crawl and walk and run surrounded by green painted walls and they would never again have the reverence to her that they had once had for George, because they would have been hers for as long as her dark brown eyes could take them in. But for now, it was new and she would learn them just as they would learn her, both being forever changed. When George, now, thought of home, there would be bottles lined up along the sink and rattles and blankets on the floor. 
“I know,” Dream said, and he wiped one last tear from George’s cheek but left his hand to brush through his hair. It had been quick, but he had already found that he had run out of anything to cry. Further evidence of his suspicion that he was just exhausted and overwhelmed and the sight of June in her crib – the crib that Dream had built for her on a rainy Tuesday afternoon while George directed from the chair that Dream had insisted that he sat in despite George literally being fine to stand – had been enough to bring everything that he had been pushing down to the surface. Besides, Dream had already cried so much at the hospital when he first got to hold her. Really, George deserved more recognition for holding it together for so long. “She got your genes, I guess. Tiny little guy DNA.”
George made a face. “What?” But he moved ever so slightly to rest his head on Dream’s shoulder, and Dream carefully circled his arm around his waist as both of them watched June sleep, curled up and comfy in her new cradle. Her big eyes – Dream’s eyes, really, despite being George’s in color – were scrunched shut and George could see the slight rise and fall as she breathed steady in and out. 
“I think she looks like you,” he told Dream, looking up. “Her nose, and her eyes. They look like yours.”
Dream hummed, and George wasn’t sure if it was supposed to be an answer or just one of the little melodies that sometimes clung to his lips. “I think she looks like you.”
“What?” George could feel his voice a tiny bit lounder, and June sighed. Both of them were quiet, bracing for her to wake up, but she just moved slightly before settling back down. Her eyes never even opened. “She doesn’t, like, at all.” His voice was softer, this time. 
“She has your eye color,” Dream said, like that wasn’t the most basic answer imaginable. 
“Loads of people have brown eyes.” 
“Yeah, but not yours.” Dream was still being gentle, and George knew it was because he was still afraid of accidentally hurting him, but his arms around his waist tightened ever so slightly as Dream leaned closer. “When she opened her eyes the first time, when she just looked at me, it was like being looked at by you the first time. It felt like I was looking at someone I’d known for years.” 
George wiggled ever so slightly, and he could feel his face flushing pink. He felt…happy. Loved. So much of it was just love. “She can look like both of us,” he compromised, and he could feel Dream just shrug against his back, accepting it immediately. 
“Makes sense. She’s our baby.”
George couldn’t help it. He smiled, so wide, leaning back into Dream’s arm as his chest erupted in yellow. Our baby. Home. “Yeah. she is.” He said, and he reached up to wipe one last tear away with the back of his hand before leaning down to press a goodnight kiss to June’s forehead. When he stood back up, her tiny mouth had curled up into a smile, even as she slept peacefully. 
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vavuska · 26 days
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I'm sorry that Vivian - Elon Musk's daughter - is dealing with an oppressive father sharing inaccurate details about her life and spreading false medical information to invalidate trans kids right to self-determination. But I love the fact she is strong enough to call out Elon's lies and persevere, despite his billions of minion around the globe still supporting his bullshits.
I want to give more space and attention to Vivian, who chooses Threads (over X) to mock her father for his lies, hypocrisy, transphobia and bigotry.
To Vivian I wish she cal find all the love and happiness a person can have in this world. I hope we will build together a better place for every queer kid. A special hug to everyone who is struggling with oppressive parents who force them into the closet.
Be proud of yourself. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️❤️
There’s a lot of stuff I need to debunk which I will get to don’t worry, but I want to start with what I find the funniest which is the notorious “slightly autistic” tweet. This is gonna be a bit so just bare with me
This is entirely fake. Like, literally none of this ever happened. Ever. I don’t even know where he got this from. My best guess is that he went to the Milo Yiannopoulis school of gay stereotypes, just picked some at random and said “eh- good enough” in a last-ditch attempt to garner sympathy points when he is so obviously in the wrong even in his own fucking story.
I did not have a “love of musicals & theatre” when I was four, because y’know… I was fucking four. I did not know what these things were. My earliest real experience with musicals was when my twin brother had a hamilton phase in 8th/9th grade and overplayed it so much in the car to the point where for a long time I swore off the entire genre.
I never picked out jackets for him to wear and I was most certainly not calling them “fabulous” because literally what the fuck. I did not use the word fabulous when I was four because once again I would like to reiterate… I was four. Like this is so obvious I don’t even think it warrants explanation but apparently people believe this nonsense so here I am.
This entire thing is completely made up and there’s a reason for this. He doesn’t know what I was like as a child because he quite simply wasn’t there, and in the little time that he was I was relentlessly harassed for my femininity and queerness. Obviously he can’t say that, so I’ve been reduced to a happy little stereotype f*g-ing along to use at his discretion. I think that says alot about how he views queer people and children in general.
As for if I’m not a woman… sure, Jan. Whatever you say. I’m legally recognized as a woman in the state of California and I don’t concern myself with the opinions of those who are below me. Obviously Elon can’t say the same because in a ketamine-fueled haze, he’s desperate for attention and validation from an army of degenerate red-pilled incels and pick-mes who are quick to give it to him. Go touch some fucking grass✨
Credits: vivllainous - Vivian Jenna Wilson.
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alexandraisyes · 2 months
Hi hello pookie
:glancescutely: Your Highly Unconventional KC.
Gimmie gimmie.
jk i just wanna know the science/reason behind KC's "cold to the touch even when overheating" function teehee
is it just cz he's a lunar model, or could be his magik?
either way, gimmie gimmie omnomnom
(me literally having been pulling up your account *while* walking out of work cz i was thinking about this when doing closing duties, im hungry, feed me Peepaw Alex)
Okay so actually there is reason to my whimsy. I have very specific temperature headcanons for the DCA, and it's generally due to being a solar or lunar model. It just is my own little teehee, but I'll list them out from hottest to coldest (I'll even include the AUs (and mine), and also the computers bc they're modeled after DCA.). Degrees are in Fahrenheit.
Also, this post is gonna be fucking long. The temperature reactions are based on a human reaction, for reference of just how hot/cold it is.
115 and above: Extremely hot. It would feel painful to touch almost immediately, risking burns with prolonged contact. Kronos (Lord Eclipse)
110: Very hot. It would feel almost painfully hot, like touching something straight out of a hot bath. Francis - Helios (Dark Sun)
105: Very hot. It would feel very hot to the touch, and uncomfortable to touch for too long. Eclipse - Dawn (Swap Sun)
100: Hot. It would feel very hot, like holding a hot water bottle. Milo and Ilo (OG Computer AIs) - Dolus (Supernova - Eclipse)
95: Hot. It would feel hot, like touching the side of a mug of hot coffee. Solar - Moros (Servant Eclipse) - Morpheus (Supernova)
90: Warm to hot. It would feel hot but not painful, like touching warm skin. Spaniard - Chips (RESET - OC Eclipse) - Helios (Supernova - Solar)
85: Warm. It would feel quite warm, similar to touching something that has been in the sun for a while. Sunrise - Solstice (Swap Eclipse) - Eos (Lonely Sun) - Sol (Supernova - Sun)
80: Warm. It would feel comfortably warm, like a warm bath. Solar Flare - Jack - Apollo (Ruin's Sun) - Freyja (Supernova - Sun)
75: Warm. It would feel slightly warm, like touching something that has been sitting in a warm room. Angel (Solar's Sun) - Cruis (Servant Sun) - Nebula (Supernova)
70: Neutral. It would feel neutral to slightly warm, very close to average room temperature. Cora (Swap Solar Flare) - Charon (Supernova - Sun) - Caeli (Supernova - Solar Flare)
65: Neutral. It would feel close to room temperature, neither warm nor cool. Ruin - Earth - Gaia (Evil Earth) - Geb (Supernova - Earth) - Janus (Supernova) - Vixen (Supernova)
60: Slightly cool. It would feel mildly cool, a bit cooler than room temperature. Lulu (RESET - OC Lunar) - Space (Swap Earth) - Artemis (Ruin's Moon) - Khonsu (Feral Moon) - Lola (Supernova - Lunar)
55: Slightly cool. It would feel cool but not unpleasant, like touching something kept in a cool room. Moondrop - Selene (Swap Lunar) - Sanguine (Supernova - Bloodmoon) - Aporia (Supernova) - Ariadne (Supernova)
50: Cool. It would feel refreshingly cool, similar to touching a cold drink can. Bloodmoon (Blood/Harvest) - Nexus - Clementine (Supernova - Bloodmoon)
45: Cool. It would feel noticeably cool but not uncomfortable for short periods. Crescent (Solar's Moon) - Sentry (Swap Killcode) - Haze (Supernova - Lunar)
40: Cool. It would feel chilly to the touch but not painful. Prolonged contact might make your skin feel numb. Lunar - Vanth (RESET - OC Lunar) - Equinox (Swap Moon) - Eris (Supernova - Bloodmoon) - Luna (Supernova - Moon)
35: Cold. It would feel brisk and unpleasant but not unbearable for brief contact. Your skin would start to feel numb after a few moments. Styx (Lord Lunar) - Luctus (Supernova - Lunar) - Phobos (Supernova - Moon)
30: Cold. It would feel uncomfortably chilly, and your skin would quickly start to feel numb. Killcode - Huntermoon (Swap Bloodmoon - Hunter/Wolf) - Rigel (Supernova)
25: Very cold. It would cause an immediate shock to the skin, feeling like a sharp, biting cold. Bloom (Vanth/Moon) - Deimos (Supernova - Killcode)
20: Very cold. It would feel very uncomfortable, and your skin would start to go entirely numb after a short period. Frank
15 and below: Extremely cold. Touching this would cause a stinging pain almost immediately, and prolonged contact could lead to frostbite. Nyx (Evil Lunar)
To specifically answer why certain animatronic's outward temperature doesn't change, regardless of if they are powered off, overheating, in a freezing environment, etc. Yes it does have to do with their composition, which might be affected by magic or even star power.
RESET Characters shared with @polaris-stuff @dragoncxv360
Supernova Characters shared with @turbotasthick @itzholly2
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night-market-if · 10 months
How would Haze react if Milo got really drunk one night and tried to shave Billows in order to prove once and for all that under all that cat hair, Billows is a demon?
Who says he hasn't already done that?
And Hazel cursed Milo to not do harm to Billows a long time ago.
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slaasherslut · 8 months
Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic/ original/ anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Thank you @hamburgerslippers for tagging me!! I reread the work I pulled this from and it reminded me how muhc I love it so THANK YOU!!
Colts voice was low as he flicked his tongue, his eyes still on Milo as his blood covered tongue retreated into his mouth. 
Yes this is a brotherly crossover au piece about my oc Milo and @rottent33th's oc Colton. I really need to work on this because I really love these two as brothers.
(I dont really have enough people to tag so) Tagging: @bluecoolr-main, @visceravalentines, @venus-haze, @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better, @6lostgirl6, @devil-doll13, @goldrose-star
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