Hey proseman! It's timeline time!! Legacy: 8, 15. Sarril: 6! And then be nice to him with a 7. And did you think you'd ever get an ask from me that didn't have Ecstasy in it. She's your sexy, sexy albatross, bitch. Ecstasy: 4, 12
oh bitch i know you love her dont you worry you’ll get your ecstasy time. dyke looking ass :/
also since i’m answering this 2 years late i’m not doing sarril fksdfhskdj i’m prioritizing my tiefs instead. war is hell (war is my inability to reliably write).
8. The timeline in which they gain everything they want, except the thing they wanted the most.
(TW in this one for fucked-up hell stuff and the pretty much unprovoked goring/murder of a low-tier devil who can’t fight back.)
It’s hot, in the Hells. Even for something like Legacy now is - she’s still changing, and she’s somewhere in between tiefling and devil, that amorphous middle that means she’s still hot. All the time.
Zariel doesn’t really trust her yet, but that’s okay. It turns out that her grandmother is still surprisingly warm, even down here, and Legacy is just as soothed by her talons in her hair now as she ever was up top.
It turns out that there’s still plenty for a devil’s lackey to do, even if they’re not trusted, especially when they still have the same amount of power as they did when they were - alive? on the Material Plane?
Legacy hasn’t figured which she is. “Dead” and “alive” aren’t exactly the same when you’re no longer really where alive people go.
The fact is, it no longer matters to her. When she’s finished transforming - perhaps Zariel’s left hand while Baba is her right - she’s betting she cares even less than she does now.
Anyway, it’s hot. It might be hot for a long, long while. Still, she could have it worse.
Two of the imps - what were their names? - Drogmud and Golvan, or something like that - are bothering one of the lemures. Legacy doesn’t know its name, and she probably never will.
Drogmud and Golvan - okay, that’s definitely isn’t right but it was definitely a D and a G - flit around the mass of flesh that resembles a head, poking sharp fingers into it and drawing blood. They’re giggling, a harmony with its quiet pained moans.
Down here, things are simple. There’s a hierarchy, easy enough to learn and easier still to understand - the ones on the bottom get crushed, the ones on top get power.
Legacy’s on top. She enjoys Zariel’s palace and Baba’s attention (Bheyd in front of Zariel, and Orias everywhere else) and the fact that she’s not being ground under boots.
There’s a dim memory, from up top, of a large tome and the word lemure. The footsoldiers of the Hells, the bottom of the ladders. Dying over and over again in an endless war.
Legacy’s only died once. Twice, arguably. She remembers the terror of it. The cold, the dark. She can’t imagine doing it for eternity, without any letting up, without any hope of promotion, just slow oozing over cracked pavement, babbling gibberish in Infernal. Laughed at by even imps. Bleeding for the bad humor of two devils that don’t ever get much bigger than housecats.
Golvan pokes again, this time getting one of the lemure’s eyes. It makes a truly pitiable sound and finally smacks at the imps that have been bothering it this whole time.
Legacy watches it miss. But that doesn’t matter.
Legacy watches the imps descend upon it like locusts. Teeth and claws turn the lemure to meat, the gibbering mouth of it shrieking in pain, wordless and pleading.
That could have been her, she knows, without Baba. Her horns have started to branch and they’ve started looking bleached, and there’s nubs in her back of growing wings - they itch like hell - but she could have been... that. She’s lucky. She has what she wanted.
The lemure finally gives up, shrieking turning to choking. The imps leave the flesh before it starts to dissolve, bored now that their meal isn’t fighting and complaining. That lemure will, over a few days, rejuvenate wherever its remains are thrown out and be right back to where it was before - bothered by imps, or maybe torn to shreds by demons, later. One of the nameless masses. Never promoted. They could have been the most evil person in the Material Plane or simply have made one too many bad decisions, and they’ll be here forever.
And that could have been her. If she hadn’t stayed with Baba, if she had passed up the power she has now, she’d be the one watching the tiefling see her ripped apart, asking for help and getting none. She wouldn’t be the one watching.
No, this was the right decision. Power is - this is what she wants.
She should get back to Baba.
Legacy kicks the wet flesh as she passes it, and barks to the imps, “Clean up your own messes, or you’ll join them.”
She doesn’t look back to see what they do with it.
15. The timeline in which they let a chance go by.
There’s a lot of noise on the docks at this time of day. This part of Os Kvelya is a little crowded, because the Lower Docks’ streets aren’t quite wide enough for the volume of people they serve. Legacy’s always wondered how deliberate a choice it was, if some city planner ever decided they could go just a little narrower to fit in one more tiny apartment on the block.
Still, even with that noise, there’s an easy way to figure out what is and isn’t normal. The normal noise is like a low drone, occasionally shattered by sharp noise from only a couple feet away as a mom cries out a name to keep her child nearby or a worker gets berated for getting in late. Normal conversation. Normal day in the docks.
What isn’t normal is a scream like that.
A scream like that gets attention, and more importantly, gets Legacy’s attention.
She makes her way to it immediately. With a scream like that, something’s happened, and with a scream like that, there’s something for someone like Legacy to do.
She’s not the first one on the scene, unfortunately. There’s a crying woman - the source of the scream, probably - and a dead body. More than that, there’s a group.
Some albino wolf sniffs at the corpse as - going off the veil and the authoritative shouting Legacy had just heard - a Gravedigger and a city guard start their own investigation.
Legacy pauses. Considering.
Chance lets the world pause, too, to let her decide.
She steps back with the crowd. Bad luck that she wasn’t there first, but she’s not getting involved with a Gravedigger et al.
The world turns on.
Chance takes another path.
4. The timeline in which they knew beforehand of something they would have prevented if given the chance.
Raini’s meant to leave today, for the Hells.
Ecstasy isn’t going to let her. She knows better. There’s some... sixth sense she has, who the hell knows where it’s from. Maybe it’s another gift of Asmodeus’, the same way the horns and tail are. Maybe it’s that damned gun, still draping over her shoulders and whispering her own voice in her ear.
Either way, Raini’s meant to leave today.
She’s deeply asleep when Ecstasy sneaks out of bed. Ecstasy’s very good at sneaking, and after a night like last, Raini’s not stirring anytime soon. Maybe that’s the only reason Ecstasy’s doing this.
No, there’s more to it. She knows, somehow. If Raini goes to the Hells, she won’t be coming back. Not dead, but - gone. Ecstasy knows the same way she just knows Infernal.
“Arvest,” she hisses, shaking the bundle belowdeck. “Up, now.”
Arvest, confused but compliant, follows Ecstasy up to the deck, the sun only just starting over the horizon, like it’s considering just going back to bed with everyone else. “What do you need, Captain?”
“I need a Sending,” Ecstasy tells them. “And I need you to mess around with it.”
Arvest blinks slowly. “How?”
“Listen. I need you to send this to Cylthia, okay? And make yourself sound like Raini, or as close as you can.”
Arvest holds up a finger, then fishes out a wire. Ecstasy lets them work. They usually mess with their material components when they need to mess with a spell. They consider it for a second, bending it around and pinching the end of the loop so it’s a little pointed. The ends of the wire get twisted together, then Arvest holds it up. It looks a little like a feather. “What’s the message?”
“Cylthia,” Ecstasy starts.
The feather vibrates a little and almost echoes, Raini’s voice, Cylthia.
“I’m not coming to Hell.” not ... Hell. “I know we talked, but I'm enjoying my retirement. Bring someone from the B team and apologize for me.“ retirement ... team ... apologize ...
Arvest does their thing, then tilts their head. Cylthia responding.
“She’s confused,” they report. “At least, more or less.”
“Send back.”
Arvest holds up the feather again.
“What's confusing? I was clear, I'm not going. Take Dezon or something. Leave without me. I don't want to explain to four more people. Go.”
Arvest goes silent again. “I think she bought it.”
“Okay, good. I don’t think she can cast Sending to check, so. When Raini doesn’t teleport in, they’ll take it as legit.”
Ecstasy avoids Arvest’s questioning, disapproving look. Raini’s not going anywhere. Raini’s going to sleep through their meeting time and teleport to an empty room. By then, the other Motherfuckers will already be in the Hells, and Raini won’t be able to get to them.
She’ll be incensed that Ecstasy didn’t wake her up, and when the story comes up, furious at the lie, but she’ll be here. That’s what matters. That’s all that matters.
12. The timeline in which they had a person in their life when they needed one the most.
Here’s the thing about Ecstasy. She had everyone she needed. Her parents were great, her childhood was fine. She became one of the most feared slash respected ship captains in the world. What does she have to complain about? Where does anyone get off, saying she needs someone?
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m just so thirsty, says the voice in her ears. You can’t imagine. She will need a funeral. Isn’t this a small price to pay for the power I give, though? It’s your own fault, you fucking forgot, didn’t you? I get so thirsty, I warned you. Wipe the blood out of your nose. I’ll drink that too, don’t think I won’t. If no one else is around.
Ecstasy considers throwing the gun into the ocean beneath them. But that won’t fix the corpse behind her. It probably won’t stop her making another, either, it’ll just make them harder to kill.
She’ll need another first mate.
“Ecstasy?” comes the voice from behind her.
It’s not- it’s Raini, not- Ecstasy recognizes the voice, anyway. One of the ship passengers not cooling to ambient.
You sound angry, says the voice. Sing-song.
“What?” Ecstasy asks again, angrier.
She turns. Raini’s got her hands up. “Excuse me. You’re the one brooding over here.”
Ecstasy glares. For a woman who’s been here a sum total of five times, Raini’s kind of an uppity bitch.
“What,” she repeats.
Raini crosses her arms. “When are you moving her?”
“When I’m ready.”
“She can’t stay on the deck forever. Get someone to bury her. Hell, I’ll do it. I used to be in a temple.”
Ecstasy, despite herself, despite everything in her head right now, is surprised. “You were?”
Raini rolls her eyes. “You don’t have to sound so surprised. Yeah. I’ve got it.”
Ecstasy finally flicks her eyes to the body. The blood probably won’t stain the deck - it’s treated - but. But.
“You need to take care of her,” she finally says.
“I’ll bring my coworkers, minus Lent. They’ll take her off.” Ecstasy gets the impression Raini is trying to be nice.
“Bring Zize,” Ecstasy says. “I’m - I don’t want this anymore.”
“Alright. Sure. You’re the captain.” Raini looks to her too. “You’re... are you, you know?”
“No,” Ecstasy says. “But thanks.”
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fiharri · 4 years
Cylthia: 1, 11, 18 and then 21 for whoever is interesting/funny!
1. Things you said before you knew any better
Cylthia is fifteen and she doesn't fit in. She’s gone to school for much of her life, she’s been as good as she can manage (maybe she can’t help if when she gets mad things catch on fire, and maybe she can’t help it if people love to make her really mad because she’s different and children can be so cruel), and even though there aren’t many other students she’s not been able to befriend any of them.
So maybe what happens is she gets so mad that she completely loses it to her parents. Her parents, who wanted her more than anything, but who can’t understand the world they’ve put her in. The world they want is not the one she’s lived in, and she can’t feel at home. So she tells them "I hate you!”, and she yells and she runs outside, not sure what to do.
And maybe she regrets it, but she doesn’t really understand what hate is. Do the people in her home hate her? That doesn’t seem right. She wants to hate people, but all she can feel is sad that she can’t be what everyone wants. It will take her a long time to realize she doesn’t need to be that, and being herself is enough. But she doesn’t know any better.
11. Things you said to get out of trouble
Sometimes what happens is you forget. You don’t forget things often, that’s one of the benefits of a mind enhanced by magic (both by birth and through learning). But what you forget is a small thing; you promised to bring dinner, and when you arrive it is the straw that breaks the camel’s back and she’s frustrated because she can’t tell if this is a relationship or this is just the two of you doing something for the sake of your nation. It’s never been something that you’ve discussed outright, so it takes you by surprise, and she apologizes for her tone and instantly puts that veneer up again. And all you can think to say is, “I’m here for you,” because you’re here for Neilia, but you’re staying for her.
18. Things you said that were a promise you intended to keep
(please do not roast me for this being exactly what you expect)
Going to Hell was supposed to be difficult, yes, because it was enough to pull Motherfuckers Unlimited out of retirement. But they had been powerful enough for long enough that it felt like anything was possible if they just tried. And so Cylthia had kissed Iris, a good long goodbye kiss, and looked into her eyes and smiled. She had held her hands, and said, with absolute certainty, “When I get back, I’m going to ask you to marry me.” And Iris looks so happy because while they haven’t really talked about this, they’re honestly so happy and so ready for it. It only took the near end of the world for it to happen.
When a famous adventurer leaves on an adventure, they never consider that they might come back different. Not coming back at all, sure, that’s always a risk. But coming back as someone else? Not something they really put on the table. So when Cylthia greets Iris with, “Hi, I’m Cylthia, but I guess you already know that,” Iris cannot fathom the change she sees. Her mind twists into the worst possibilities, but the truth is that her Cylthia didn’t come back.
At least, not until later.
21. Things you said to stop yourself from doing something stupid
It’s not so much something she said. It’s the self-control she has when presented with a choice to make. Daecyne has never found it difficult to find kindness in herself. Her connection to nature, her love for the world. It makes her happy to be kind and to share that kindness with others.
What’s harder is when she’s being shown these feelings she hasn’t had before. The way she feels when she sweeps up seven men in a single spell and obliterates them, wipes them from existence. How she feels when in less than five seconds she takes a cognizant enemy to little more than a babbling child. She loves that feeling of power. But standing in her childhood home, in the dining room she ate at for so many years, she wants to lash out and hurt Havoc, the being that has caused her so much of its namesake. The so-called “queen” that holds her soul. It would be easy, to give in. To use the knife it gave her to stab at it, to wipe it away and release her parents from the hardship it reminds them of. But she doesn’t.
Instead, as her hand drifts forward, she grabs her arm, knuckles white around the hilt. The twisted blade is hungry between her fingers, and what it wants is blood. To cut, to rend, to carve. What she does is she grabs she arm and she asks for Havoc to leave, so she can have a few more moments with her mothers before she heads away to try and save the damned world again.
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samsbastardzone · 4 years
☕ Give us one (or more if you feel like it) of your OCs deep dark secrets! Why do they keep it hidden? Spill the tea! I usually send three questions but this time!! Give us secrets for three ocs!
Pointy craves a loving family more than almost anything else in the world. She never had one, you see, and she’s tried so hard to Repress Repress Repress the  trauma of being in such an unloving environment for twenty years. ‘Cause she’s lucky, right? Her parents never hit her, never laid a finger on her. Wouldn’t dare. They know about tiefling children, have heard stories of the fire and the fury that comes when they aren’t treated right. So they raised her, fed her, clothed her, gave her a roof over her head and marketable skills. And sure, they hated her, but how many people have had it so much worse than she has? How many other tiefling children– no. She won’t think about that. What she’ll think about is this knife, and how to stab it into the back of this dude in an alley, and how much money he’s got on him and how much candy she can buy for herself and her baby sister with it. Seventeen years old, then, practicing and practicing and getting stabbed and crawling home, and running running running from the truth.
Her parents don’t want her. Never have. She was so wanted,  so loved, before she was born, and then all they saw was gaudy pink and  horns and fangs and a cry so loud it shakes the building,  and they thought to saddle her with a name that is at once a living reminder of their distaste for her and a mockery of the beautiful tiefling custom of virtue names (as she reads of in the library at seven years of age, the first she hears of others like her). At twelve, she hears an argument in which she discovers that she is the result  of a deal with a devil gone wrong, and she begins to take pride in that. Her parents deserved what they got.
And so does every asshole she stabs, stabs with what has become her namesake, stabs while fucking Repressing So Hard that her parents never wanted her, and it fucked her up so very badly.
It’s fine. She’s fine.
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alwaysyourqueen · 2 years
Wip ask! Want, believe, follow, and then carte blanche to share one sentence you're really excited about!!
woah i actually get sent an ask game?? okay let's see:
want (from my janto fic) The town they were going to visit was indeed called Strangerville, and it was just far enough outside of Las Vegas not a soul wanted to go there.
believe (from my tlou fic) That was some next level shit that she wasn’t sure she could actually believe.
follow (also from my janto fic) Not a minute later, Jack followed suit, taking the chance to leave his coat behind on the seat.
free space (from my new batman unburied fic) She could never take back what her touch would do to the only person she thought was worth a damn.
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toomanyorphans · 4 years
24, 29, 50! For anyone, but 50 for whoever it causes the most Drama for 👀👀
24.  Which other player character does your character find themselves having the most in common with? 
I’ll do Nakoria for this one. Nakoria connects the most with the bastard trio, because while she doesn’t share Zier and Nissy’s moral views or engage with the dramatics as much she can at least understand their mentality of looking out for themselves. Nakoria is like- Ah finally someone I can understand.
29.  What are your character’s hobbies and interests outside of their class?
A secret about Eve is that she actually likes embroidery. I think she got to learn it because her parents didn’t have anywhere else for her to go during the lesson because she wasn’t on an adventure and I think she actually really liked it. If anyone points it out though she’ll beat them up.
50.  Who in the party would your character prioritize rescuing, in dire circumstances?
OwO this is a tasty one. Trying to decide who the most drama will be is Difficult. I’ll say it for Eve though because that’s the only one I can think of, Eve would absolutely grab Nyxi, and in fact tried to last battle when she fell. She doesn’t consider herself a self sacrificing person but she also.... made a deal with a dragon to save a city at thirteen soo. 
0 notes
Hey so I know the update today was very exciting, but are you still going to address the comments you got the other day like you said you planned to?
I’m working on it, but you won’t see anything public today or tomorrow at the very least. I’ve got offline stuff to do, as well as emotional processing/talking my responses through with people. I’m slowly responding privately to people who contacted me privately about it; it will take a lot longer for me to reply publicly. 
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bellejolras · 3 years
mutuals my beloved*:
*(as of 4-26-2021 & who have been active in this decade)
A @aimee2ley @alchemistalph @allkinds-oftrash @andmynewlymeltedheart @andylloydwebber @annakarenina2012 @apricotshark
B @betsywolfe @bezukhova @boogalulu
C @chapstickgal @chevellerose @cwood317
D @darthxerik @dragonweb99
E @eelectrifying @euphrasiex
F @fucks-currently-being-given
H @hendrickses
I @isabellalinton
J @jesusridingadinosaur @justjunipersage
K @kirsteinjolras
L @ladyjanie @lemonstars @lungthief
M @mais-charmante @meclusa @misscleverlesbian @misslaurey @miraclewhipofficial @mosskiid @mylovewasmydecay
N @nellygwyn @nanzyn
O @oklahoma2019 @onceagainsheishis @onemu @otomriddle
P @panic-at-the-dorm-room @patbroklos @pleiadic @prncesselene
Q @queer-and-full-of-fear
R @roadtohell @rw-ravager
S part 1 @sasa299 @sea-and-silence @skadeedle @sofiyaalexandrovnarostova
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got tagged by my dude, my pal, my son @frxnkenstein
 nicknames: teag, mouse, dad, watson, one of my friends calls me teagy-weenie? it’s a lot
gender: female 
star sign: Gemini...i know i know...unfortunate  
height: like somewhere between 5′9″ and 5′10″ i dunno...pretty tall but not tall enough to be like a tall person you know?
time: 9:05 pm
birthday: June 5th 
favorite bands: uhhhh...green day, the clash, one last night, the killers
favorite solo artists: uhhhhhh.... beck, david bowie, mika
song stuck in my head:  round here by Counting Crows
last movie i watched:  Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
last show i watched: the last show i finished probably....game of thrones but like the last thing i watched was...penny dreadful i think
when did i create my blog: one morning during my...junior year when everyone else was still setting up their laptops and i was bored...so 3 years ago?
what do i post: mostly bad memes or gay stuff with the occasional aesthetic thing
last thing i googled: neutrophils... I had an anatomy test   
do i have any other blogs: yeah i have this one poetry blog but let’s not get into that it’s pretty bad
do i get asks: lmao no
why i chose my url: it’s a combo of my favourite killers album and what at the time was my favourite green day song and i thought it had a cool dichotomy 
 following: 225
followers: 161
average hours of sleep: ummmm like 6 on a good night........zoinks
lucky number: 9
instruments: guitar and piano but i’m not very good at either
what am i wearing: my big ass college shirt (it’s literally like a 4xl i love it it’s so big) some shorts and my grandpa slippers
dream job: developmental genetics research scientist with my own lab
dream trip: i really want to go everywhere???
favorite food: probably pasta? I really love pasta
nationality: British-American (i’m like half a first gen american that’s kinda cool)
favorite song right now:  forgotten souls by our last night   
I tag: @thenamesstark @misscleverlesbian @butterfliesanddeadstars and @pastelgoth6661 if you guys feel like doin it 
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i-love-my-corner · 7 years
OHHH monkey shits hERE WE GOOOOOOO
so i was tagged by the lovely @chinigan​ (who is totally amazing and you should go follow them!!!)
Rules: answer these 85 82 statements and tag 20 people
The last: (1) drink: Uh water I keep in my car lmao (2) phone call: I called xfinity to pay the bill but other than that it was my father. (3) text message: To “a shramp?” which stated that I had made it home safe. (4) song you listened to: Nothing You Can Do by MasterSword. It was made for the fifth-anniversary video, Animate-A-Grump! (5) time you cried: Last month, when I watched Moana for the first time lmao (6) dated somebody twice: I did, once. I was a sophomore in high school and I was dumb enough to think he would change lmao. I mean, I dodged a HELLUVA bullet, because he was involved in an online child solicitation sting last year (Aaron Quigg, bottom left) and here’s the court record to prove it lmao (7)kissed someone and regretted it: Nah. I don’t regret any of the kisses I’ve given out! (8)have been cheated on: Yup, but it was middle school so like ? who cares lmao (9)lost someone special: Not...really? (10)been depressed: Womb to the tomb baby (11)gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope, never. (12) favourite colours to wear: Black, white, grey. In The Last Year Have You: (13)made new friends: Yes!!! I’ve made so many!!!!!!! We’re all future funeral directors lmao (14)fallen out of love: I mean I guess??? (15)laughed until you cried: Of course. Just yesterday, while watching Wheel of Fortune, the puzzle was “Private E_ _” and I very confidently yelled “PRIVATE EGG.” It was “Private Eye.” (16)found out somebody was talking about you: I haven’t found out but I imagine people do. (17)met somebody who changed you: Indeed. (18)found out who your friends are: Uh I guess????? (19)kissed somebody on your Facebook list: Yes. (20)how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Like . . . 98% of them (21)do you have any pets: I have four! Three dogs and a cat. The cat is mine, the dogs are the “family pets” lmao (22)do you want to change your name: I do. (23)what did you do for your last birthday: I don’t . . . remember . . . I’m so sorry. But I remember that, two birthdays ago, one of my best friends broke into my dorm room and decorated everything. Before that, too, my other best friend gave me a photo album of all our selfies from New York City. (24)what time did you wake up: ~11:30AM (25)what were you doing at midnight: watching Skarknado 5. (26)name something you can’t wait for: Colder weather holy fucking shit (27)when was the last time you saw your mom: Last weekend (28)what are you listening to rn: Game Grumps. Because that’s all I do anymore lmao (29)have you ever talked to somebody named Tom: I used to know a Tom back in elementary. He was an interesting kid. (30)something that gets on your nerves: messy fucking food (31)most visited website:  It’s a tie between tumblr and youtube (32)hair color: It’s blonde, brunette, and red. (33)long or short hair: It’s long (34)do you have a crush on somebody: I do have a crush on somebody. He’s twice my age and doesn’t know I exist lmao !!! (35)what do you like about yourself: I sing well, and my hair is really pretty when it decides to behave. (36)piercings: I’ve got three in each ear! (37)blood type: I have no idea my guy (38)nickname: I’ve recently been called “Ren-Ren” so I guess ??? (39)relationship status: single as a motherfucker (40)zodiac: scorpio (41)pronouns: they/them/theirs, please! (42)favorite tv shows: I don’t watch a lot of TV anymore lmao (43)tattoos: None, but I know what I want!!! (44)right or left handed: right  (45)surgery: Does wisdom teeth removal count? (46)piercing: You already asked this (47)sport: I played golf for one year in high school and I hated it. I don’t really like sports tbh. (48)vacation: I’m always impartial to NYC, but I really loved Arizona and California!! (49)pair of trainers: the fuck are those lmao (50)eating: n . . . nothing?? (51)fav drink: Iced Thai Tea. I haven’t had it in SO LONG. (52)what you’re up to: Doing this lmao (53)waiting for: School on Monday, because after school I have a lab, and if there’s two cases I’ll be at my required ten to graduate!!! The cases are bodies. (54)want: Somebody to love. (55)get married: It’d be nice, but it’s okay if I don’t. (56) career: I WANNA BE A FUNERAL DIRECTOR DUDE (57)hugs or kisses: Both bitch (58)lips or eyes: Eyes (59)shorter or taller: I don’t care lol (60)older or younger: I’d prefer older, but if they’re like a year younger than me, then it’s whatever. (61)nice arms or stomach: I don’t care (62)hook up or relationship: Shit don’t matter, dude (63)troublemaker or hesitant: Both? (64)kissed a stranger: I did once, actually. Met at a mutual friend’s party. (65)drank hard liquor: Have you seen my freezer. (66)lost glases/contact lenses: Never, surprisingly. (67)turned someone down: Yup. Very awkward. (68)sex in the first date: If it happens, it happens. (69)broke someone’s heart: Not that I know of (70)had your heart broken: Nahhh (71)been arrested: Nope. (72)cried when someone died: Yep. It was during school. I was a fucking mess. (73)fallen for a friend: Yeah. Do You Believe In: (74)yourself: I’m working on that (75)miracles: I guess???? (76)love at first sight: Eh. (77) Santa Claus: no (78) kiss on the first date: If it works out, sure (79) angels: Yeah! Other: (80)current best friends names: Jayson, Jenn, Caitlyn (81)eye color: Stoney blue? (82) favorite movie: CINDERELLA
I think I fucked up the counting lmao but hey! i did it!! i hereby tag @itsnotblonde @syrup-omg @fandom-whiplasher @misscleverlesbian @warfstachedark and uh whomever else wants to do it lmao i’m not good at tagging
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chequemerci · 7 years
Hey everybody! This is my intro post for the @lgbtomgcp network, which I am so happy to be a part of. My main is @misscleverlesbian so if you’re part of the network and haven’t gotten a follow from me, let me know! I think I got everyone, but I’m at camp right now so I have terrible signal. But just let me know if I didn’t get you, and I’ll fix that right away~
My name is Rebekah! I started reading check please a little over a year ago, and I’ve had this blog for a little less than a year. I’m definitely gay and gender? is?? We’re not quite sure, but we’re working on it. For now, I use she/her pronouns though~ I try to make a fair amount of original posts, but as I said in my application due to my summer job I won’t be able to be online very much until August. I’ll interact with the network as much as I can in the meantime though, and make sure you send me a message if you ever want to talk! Can’t wait to get to know y'all better and really get involved in this community~ 💖💖
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gutsybitsies · 8 years
misscleverlesbian replied to your post
“brought it up with @des-zimbits and now here it is Kent Parson writes…”
Hey OP I already reblogged this with commentary but I seriously want an explanation on why you thought this was an okay post to make like my mind is blown.
the reply here
dude… why do you find the idea of a man fetishizing lesbians cute…i don’t even know where to start with this….
As a lesbian, this made me feel vile. I AM NOT A FETISH. I am not some ~smut~ for a man to write. OP stop using my identity as a hot fanfic kink for a man to get off on.
I’d like to apologize that my post caused anxiety, it was a tricky premise from the start because Kent’s not wlw. I know Kent’s behavior in the post was problematic and I think writers should be ethical when depicting other marginalized people. 
I don’t usually tend to write explanations with apologies, but since people wanted to know, the reason I even began to think that the premise was okay, is because I’m a wlw who also writes slash, and I wanted to explore the inverse of that. There’s a lot of wlw who write slash, i feel especially in omgcp (or at least all the people i talk to about omgcp are wlw). 
So this was meant to be about Kent as a mlm who began by writing gross male centric things, but learns from wlw friends that there’s a better way of doing things, and then his writing changes EDIT: I'm deleting the original post, and again I'm sorry for any anxiety,.
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Ecstasy: 4, 31 Legacy: 13, 22 Zephyr: 19, 26!
4. Things you said instead of “I love you”
“Where’re you getting off to so quickly, darling?”
It wasn’t as if Raini had never stayed the night before. Rather, Ecstasy was hoping that it had become something of a routine. Or if it wasn’t, Ecstasy was big enough to admit that she certainly wanted it to be. Not even for the reason of morning sex - though she did have to admit that there is something very gratifying about how good a mood Raini’s in one hour after waking versus one minute after waking.
“Motherfuckers,” comes the reply, which isn’t actually very surprising.
Ecstasy lies back down, her interest in waking up waning now that she’s got no real reason to stay in bed. “What do they have you doing, then, angel?”
Raini waves her hand vaguely. “The usual. Danger for the reason of doing good.”
“Mm. Classified, huh?” Ecstasy opens her eyes to watch Raini getting dressed, and finds herself sitting up. There’s a scar on her back, angry red, the kind of thing that healing magic was only able to patch up superficially, relying on Raini’s body to do the rest of the work while it went on its merry way to help out with the other deep cuts and breaks that would also have been life-threatening.
She finds herself reaching out to touch it, only interrupted by the curtain of fabric as Raini tugs her robes over her head. Ecstasy blinks, the image of the scar curdling her good humor as Raini pops the cork on the healing potion Ecstasy has so kindly left out on the vanity, Raini taking a few sips every time she comes over to clear away the hickies Ecstasy leaves every time. She imagines that it clears some of the redness of the scar, as well, but finds that her mood is still sour about the whole thing.
Regardless, Raini is responding, in the infuriatingly blasé way that Raini can respond when something either matters a lot or not at all. “And dangerous. I’d never bring you into it. Safer that way, etcetera. Plus Lent would hate it if you interfered.”
Ecstasy has to remind herself not to pout about this. Something about “danger” and “Raini” going together has started to ruffle her feathers, and seeing the physical evidence of that when Raini was meant to be staying way back and being protected by her party -
Well. Anyway.
“You wound me, princess,” Ecstasy says, and lets Raini get her put-upon sigh out of the way before continuing, “Sure you can’t be a few minutes - well, maybe a few hours late?”
She watches Raini turn around, probably intending to give a very clear negative, but then again, Ecstasy cuts a pretty nice figure sprawled across the bed, naked with her tail flicking in something Raini doesn’t have to know is frustration at the ‘danger’ part of this situation. So as soon as there’s a flicker of considering on the wizard’s face, Ecstasy pounces.
“C’mon, cupcake. I’ll be gentle with you.”
And it gets her a scoff and an eye roll, of course.
But it also gets her a kiss before she makes her way out.
31. Things you said that you wouldn’t have if it were light out
It’s absolutely on Ecstasy, the fact that Raini’s sound asleep and she’s not. It’s not that she doesn’t want to be, it’s just that she’d gone out to piss after everything and Raini had fallen fast asleep in the two or three minutes she’d been gone.
Ecstasy unwraps the robe she’d donned to keep the crew from being alternatively intrigued or affronted by her naked body, thanks her lucky stars that she has hooves and doesn’t have to worry about putting on and taking off her boots for a trek like that, and, however illogically, doesn’t lay down yet. Instead, she sits on the edge of the bed, the slight movement making Raini stir but not bother waking up yet, and she cocks her head down at the wizard.
“Angel,” she tries, wondering.
Raini barely reacts. Hm.
Ecstasy’s already put out her lamp, so her wizard’s face is all shades of gray with her darkvision. Still, she can imagine every color that lights itself on Raini’s face usually - the pink of her cheeks, the gray-blue of her eyes, the slight glow of the arcane sometimes buzzing around her. It’s probably good that it’s dark, though, because Ecstasy doesn’t think she’d be doing this if it wasn’t.
Not sure what “this” is, exactly, but it culminates in her brushing Raini’s hair back, shushing the discontented mutter it gets her, and pulling the sheet up over her bare shoulder.
Ecstasy rolls her eyes at herself and crosses back over to her side of the bed, pulling the sheets down and joining Raini, slotting her body against Raini’s back. Raini’s pulled herself into a ball, but she’s still expressed that she likes Ecstasy’s warmth (“So you really like how hot I am, huh?” “Would you shut up?”) so, spooning it is.
Ecstasy, even as she makes fun of herself for doing so, moves Raini’s hair out of the way and presses a kiss to the side of her head. “Sweet dreams, firefly,” she says, relishing in the lack of a response. That’s better, for her. “See you in the morning.”
And then she settles in to sleep, herself.
13. Things you said that were important to you
It’s kind of more what she doesn’t say. The conversation is already moving on without them, but Legacy is caught, just a bit, in Frey’s gaze.
She has the sudden feeling that Frey Holt is the kind of good that makes just about everyone figure out just how bad they are.
It twists something in her stomach, and Legacy’s lips press together when Frey tells her, “Kindness is free, even to people it’s easy to be unkind to.”
GD and their new friends are talking about dinner, so Legacy doesn’t say, “Kindness is never free. Especially not to people who are unkind to you. It’s not even free to people who are.”
She doubts that Frey would agree with her, first and foremost, and more than that she doesn’t know what, exactly, her argument would be. Coming from Legacy, the argument would be rich - hypocritical, considering she’s spent part of her life lying to strangers for money. But it isn’t free. If Legacy were more inclined to be shitty towards Frey she’d probably give a jab about how Frey doesn’t even know how banks work, how should she know what’s free and what’s not?
Frey’s kindness isn’t free. She can’t really think it is. Frey’s kindness, at least the kindness that Legacy’s seen, is turning herself into the smallest dog possible because GD is scared of her, even when it’s obvious how much she likes being large and wolfish and wild. Frey’s kindness is hurricanes and lightning storms in the middle of a city, just to keep people safe, people she met only a few days prior. Less than a few, even. Frey’s kindness is sinking a spell into nothing more than a scrape. Maybe Frey means that her kindness doesn’t put someone in debt to her for it, but there’s still a sunk cost. It’s still not free.
And it’s not naivete, either, Legacy doesn’t think, because she’s seen other types of kindness, too, even just from the few people she’s interacted with so far in the city.
GD’s kindness is letting herself feel the fear when Frey transforms, just so Frey can be that dog or wolf. Sunk cost. Cardea’s kindness is sitting for an hour listening to flutes so she can make sure a criminal is at rest. Sunk cost. Wén Xuěliàng and Yáo Jìngwǎn approached a couple of people talking about murder just to put a ghost to rest, Arianell gave a protective contract to a bunch of basically-nobodies because they’d done a good job and agreed in good faith not to hurt anyone unnecessarily, Klymene granted a random wizard protection just because they’d asked. Sunk cost, sunk cost, sunk cost. None of it is free.
And that’s all to people they like. To people they have no reason to be unkind to. If Frey thinks she’s taking nothing from herself to apologize to a man who only doesn’t want her dead because his people fled in thirty seconds, she’s lying to herself, and she’s certainly lying to Legacy.
But she doesn’t say any of this. And the rest of them are already walking, talking, insisting on paying for dinner.
(More kindness. More sunk cost. Gratitude, sure, but kindness, and still - not free. Quite literally, in this case.)
Legacy wonders how much of that Frey can read off of her, as she starts walking, too, leaving Legacy a little lost.
She stomps a hoof on the ground, once, casts her eyes upward, and walks a bit faster to catch up.
22. Things you said after making a bad decision
(for my dnd party, just to be clear: bad decision is HEAVILY in quotation marks. i love party coherency and so does legacy. but also aren’t all bad party decisions (and there by definition have to be Many) precipitated by One decision, the one to BECOME a party? i rest my case.)
There’s a scream on the docks, which isn’t really a new thing because the crush of the Os Kvelya docks are always loud and there’s always someone screaming at someone else.
But this is a scream. Proper, horrified.
Much more interesting than a walk home, anyway. Legacy alters her course immediately.
She’s not the only one. None of them are city guards, or anything, but there’s three - creatures, considering one of them is a large white wolf - and a clearly distressed human woman, pale as anything and probably the reason for the screaming. The other three, wolf included, seem to have “inspecting the body” down, so Legacy focuses on the woman instead. Having a possible witness passing out on them won’t do anyone any favors.
She keeps an eye on the investigation, though. After a minute, she decides to involve herself. The woman-who-was-a-wolf gives her findings first: “He got stabbed! With a big knife. In his ribs.”
And Legacy replies, invested: “You hate to see it. Do any of you three know him? I'm assuming not.”
Considering the screaming woman is the only one who looks with any fear towards the corpse, and no one else seems to be taking time from their investigation to grieve quietly, sob loudly, or beat their chests in misdirected anger, Legacy has to assume.
It takes her on a bit of a whirlwind, too. Stabbing on a dock leads to necromancy leads to a boat to brunch then to a criminal court, and so on and so forth to a fight with a necromancer. It’s about there that Legacy realizes that she should regret this. Chalk up the whole thing as a bad decision and get back on the road after a few more days in the city.
She finds herself in a bathhouse with them later, her wounds healed, instead of bandaged like they would have been if she were alone, scrubbing grime off of her and enjoying easy conversation with the two women who aren’t deep in their own heads right now.
The bard, GD (whatever that may stand for), says, “It’s nice to be among friends, if you all would like to stick around.”
And Legacy finds herself not minding the idea. It’s only hours after they meet, with Legacy only half-trying to keep her eyes off a very pretty set of tits, and she says, “GD, I think I'd like to stick around. Those who solve a murder together stay together, etcetera.”
And that, despite what she intellectually knows, the fact that necromancers and Reveries and Asmodeus and going after them all are generally considered bad decisions - well, she’ll just see what happens. She’s got a good feeling about it nonetheless.
19. Things you said when nothing bigger concerned you
“Sir Gentry,” Zephyr coos, chuffing him under his chin. “Pretty boy.”
He chirps at them and blinks, and Zephyr grins. “Okay. Off the desk. I have to study and you’re not very conducive to that.”
They pick him up and set him down, turning back to the spellbook she’d used the Academy funds to buy. Before this it was a shitty three-copper notebook that she took great pains to conceal, but this is a proper spellbook, with thick pages and a pretty purple leather cover. It’s the most luxurious thing Zephyr’s ever owned, and smells a little bit like lavender.
“All I have to do is impress them,” Zephyr tells themself, though she’s not sure exactly who “they” are yet, and don’t yet know how to impress. Their innate magic is very different from the spells they’ve been able to grasp so far - where Zephyr can remember the sparkling feeling of accidentally casting dancing lights or faerie fire on herself, this is nothing of the sort.
This is memorization, more, going over and over incantation and effect and intent and theory in their mind until they have magic concentrated like a beating heart and mind together in their body, just waiting to be released.
It’s the way they’ve learned to make it work. Their professors describe something different, but Zephyr has felt the welling feeling of possibility on the tip of their tongue, and can’t imagine any other way of casting. They’re no longer casting with her joy, but they’re still casting with everything of herself she can throw into it. Today, they’re content.
They open their spellbook proper, the lines on their face hardening as they concentrate. They know how to do this, or something like this. Like they’d said, all she has to do is impress. They’ll start breathing magic.
That’s plenty impressive.
26. Things you said while lying about yourself
“Zephyranthes Mirimm,” she says, holding out her hand.
Lona Mirimm looks at her with vague distrust in her eyes. Zephyr tries not to make it seem like it matters to her.
“I’ve never heard of you,” Lona says.
Zephyr waves that off. It’s easy to rebut, that. She’s practiced it a thousand times, preparing for this. “I doubt you would have. I’m not one of the generational Mirimms like I expect you are - my parents aren’t even Rosohnans. I’m from Asarius, originally. It’s so nice to meet you!”
She gives Lona a wide smile that they hope isn’t going to be seen through, and Lona finally takes her hand, then. “It’s nice to meet you, too.”
One Mirimm down, Zephyr thinks to themself. Hopefully no more to go.
They’re not sure how far their pedigree will actually stretch, though she’s sure that when she does better than good in the Academy, no one will think to check.
She looks over her shoulder as she leaves Lona, accidentally catching her gaze. Zephyr blinks, jerks her head back to the front, and focuses on the tap-click of her new heels as she hurries down the hall.
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fiharri · 3 years
12! 26! 28! 41! For the superlatives
12. is the best singer?
Magnolia easily. I mean, she's literally a bard who singing is part of her whole thing. She puts on like she doesn't use magic but that's because she's very very good at performing normally, and she's a gorgeous singer. So yeah.
26. takes the most risks?
SAPHEIRA. Literally one of her biggest character moments was running into the center of enemies, shouting to get their attention, and going into a rage. She knew it would help others get out alive but she is ready to take the hits for it
28. is the most competitive?
Hm, Perseus and Cylthia would both be pretty competitive I feel. I don't know, a lot of my characters have like…ambitions and stuff, but they're not always truly competitive. Also Kayatosh sometimes when they feel they have something to prove. And Sapheira when she's had a bit too much to drink.
41. is the best leader?
Lorren. She used to be a military woman and left because she didn't agree with it, and she led her own squad and adventuring party for years. She's the best at it and the most experienced.
A second would be Vesper because they're trained for a lot of situations from the Cobalt Soul, though leadership isn't exactly priority #1.
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samsbastardzone · 4 years
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper? 38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had? 47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event? Again for whoever you want as long as one (1) answer is for Zize!
21. Pointy has a very high temper. It doesn’t come out often, but she is Not good at having productive arguments.
Cap is working hard to shed her cold anger. She knows it doesn’t accomplish anything, and she’s old enough that she wants a few hundred years as a calmer person.
38. Vinny sees her quick, flighty party  members (Roona, Ayen) and her more stoic ones (Arbor mostly but also Sarril), and she wants to be more like them in ways she can’t define, especially when they succeed as she fails. She doesn’t have a very strong sense of identity yet. She’s still in the stage of “oh, I like that personality trait, so I’m gonna try it on myself.”
47. It’s hard to find formalwear for dragonborn. She’s been known to take a very fancy evening gown, tuck the sleeves into the bodice, and turn it 90 degrees so her tail pokes out the leg slit. (You and Raini will both hate this, but) He owns One (1) nice and properly tailored suit. It’s kind of frayed and has a secret little bleach stain, but it’s passable. (Raini’s had to wrestle them out of The Coat and into some stuffy suit jacket before).
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dykearthurmorgan · 7 years
Tumblr media
@misscleverlesbian i love jenkins and u can’t stop me
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tagged by @frxnkenstein thanks my dude you’re the best my ibubrofen
10 songs on shuffle:
1. Forgotten Souls - Our Last Night
2.  Golden Years - David Bowie
3. Sally - Foxboro Hot Tubs
4. Outside The Wall - Pink Floyd 
5. Palm Trees - SWMRS
6. Livin’ On The Edge - Aerosmith 
7. Lover’s Town Revisited - Billy Bragg
8. The Crooked Beat - The Clash
9. Down In The Park - Foo Fighters
10. Visitation Of The Ghost - The Brobecks 
ummmm I tag @thenamesstark @misscleverlesbian and @butterfliesanddeadstars if you guys wanna
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