#missing adrian raines hours
bloombubs · 10 months
— blurb ; " How am I going to manage being away from you for a month?" notes: reader x adrian chase / fluff fluff fluff / post sex cuddles / idk how to end it i just had this little scene in my head again. wc: 1k
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Y/N gasped for breath, delicately lifting herself from Adrian’s hips. Their bodies shimmered with a subtle layer of sweat, a lingering glow from their shared intimacy. Swiftly, Adrian scooped her up in his muscular arms, gently laying her on the bed and settling on top of her. 
“Hi,” he panted, a smile tugging on his lips. His tousled, dark curls fell over his forehead as he gazed into her eyes, his flickering over the features of her face with his hazel eyes. His calloused hand cupped her chin, his thumb tracing circles on her skin. Adrian’s kisses rained down on her face, his lips lingering and dragging against her salty cheeks before finding her lips. 
“Hi,” Y/N giggled, her head tilting playfully, revealing the tender expanse of her neck, a tempting invitation that Adrian couldn’t resist, taking full advantage by nipping and leaving a few purple marks. His hands cradled her form gently, the lingering sweat creating a subtle adhesive connection between their skins. “Adrian,” she sighed, fingers entwining in the tousled curls of his hair after draping her arms over his shoulders.
“Hmm?” Adrian lifted his head from the crook of her neck, a contented, lazy smile playing on his swollen lips. His gaze, adorned with affection, was fixated solely on his girlfriend’s face. Acting on an impulse, he reached for her cheeks, squishing them with his one hand and causing her features to scrunch together. Y/N swatted playfully at him, laughter bubbling between them. 
“What was that for?” she asked, amusement dancing in her eyes at his unexpected gesture. The question prompted a momentary pause, Adrian’s brows furrowing in contemplation. He chewed on the bottom of his lip, the gears in his mind turning. The atmosphere shifted as he crafted his response, the weight of realization crashing down on him post orgasm. 
“How am I going to manage being away from you for a month?” His question held a tenderness that warmed Y/N’s heart, yet a pang of sadness resonated within it. 
This marked their last night together before Adrian embarked on a month-long mission.
The prospect of separation lingered in the air—it seemed illogical for Y/N to leave with him. She would be paying for the rent, her job offered a stability that contracted with Adrian’s dual life as a busboy by day and a vigilante by night. 
Sure, the couple had spent several nights apart, but at least it was an hour or two away. The idea of being states away from his girlfriend hit Adrian hard. 
He'd miss the simple joy of returning home after a mission, dropping his weapons on the kitchen table with a satisfying clatter, and then pulling his girlfriend into a tight hug that lifted her off the floor. Those moments, born out of relief and the comfort of being together, wouldn't be part of his day for a while.
No more sitting on the edge of the bathtub, gently rubbing moisturizer on her legs after their steamy showers. Feeling the plush and softness of her thigh against his hands was a small, comforting gesture that held a lot of meaning for him. 
Part of his life was taking care of Y/N. 
Who would patiently listen to his rambles and the detailed stories of his night? Y/N was the only person who listened to Adrian so intently, nodding her head, humming in agreement or her features pulling together for a reaction. 
There would be no Y/N for him to rutt his hips into, to taste, to savor and devour her whole. He’ll be gone, staring at his phone and hoping for a call, or even a cheeky text to get him through each day. 
“We'll manage somehow,” Y/N reassured him, her hands tenderly cupping his cheeks. Her thumbs stroked his skin gently, her eyes fixed on him with empathy. Leaning up, she planted a soft kiss on his lips, the heavenly feel of her plush lips momentarily transporting him.
“I don't think I fucking will,” Adrian blurted out, shaking his head as he continued to gaze at his girlfriend. Despite her comforting presence, nagging thoughts persisted. “Who is going to take care of you and make sure you’re safe? Who is going to kill the occasional roach? Help you bring in groceries? Watch you try on the new clothes you buy and do your little fashion show?” Adrian rambled, not wanting to let go of her body, afraid that once his fingers uncurl from her flesh that she would vanish.
His words were a raw outpouring of the fears and uncertainties that gripped him. The weight of the impending absence pressed upon him, leaving him reluctant to release the embrace that felt like an anchor keeping them tethered together. The fear of her fading away lingered in the tightened grip of his fingers, a silent plea for reassurance in the face of the unknown.
“Oh Adrian” he cooed, allowing him to rest his head on her bare chest. He listened to the comforting rhythm of her heartbeat, a sound he knew he'd miss during the time apart. Her hands moved in soothing circles on his freckled back. 
“I’ll be here when you come back, I’m a call and text away. If you can, we can talk every night before bed and I can tell you everything that’s been going on–even if it’s the most mundane things,” she assured him, her voice a gentle balm to his worries.
“Promise me?” He asked.
“I promise.” 
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Disembodied 8/8
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Warning: Mention of death // Angst // Fluff
Pairings: Adrian Raines X MC // Nik Ryder X MC
Words: 1.646
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7
Even tho this is the last chapter, I have made an epilogue that I plan to post soon! As always, tags in the reblog!
"I don't like this,” Nik said, glancing from the clock to Alex's body, nervously pacing around. "We are too close to the time limit."
"I agree." Seven hours and forty minutes had passed and neither Amy nor Alex had moved a muscle, looking paler every second. 
“I knew this was a bad idea!”
“I tried to persuade Amy to search for another solution but her mind was set.” For a second, a smile lifted his mouth. “She can be truly stubborn.”
“Same as Alex.” 
"My science team developed a possible antidote just in case of this.” He pointed to a sterile table that had two identical syringes with a small dose of a white pearly liquid. “But we have to wait until the time is up otherwise it can be counterproductive.”
“It's too risky.”
“It's better than nothing.” Adrian declared and Nik nodded, agreeing with him.
Seven hours and forty-seven minutes. “C'mon, Alex, wake up,” Nik said, intensively, standing near to her. 
Adrian walked to Amy, sitting beside her, taking her hand in his. “Please, Amy… I'm begging you…” He kissed her knuckles, tightly closing his eyes, keeping his lips there for a few seconds. “Please, open your eyes.” Seven hours and fifty-two minutes. “Be prepared.” He said to Nik and both men head to the table, each taking a syringe. 
Seven hours and fifty-seven minutes. They got close to the beds. “We have to inject it into their hearts.” Adrian's voice was stiff and grave. 
“...Okay,” Nik responded, clenching his jaw.
Seven hours and fifty-eight minutes. They stood in front of them both, attentively watching them as the seconds became another minute.
Seven hours and fifty-nine minutes. Nik and Adrian got closer to both Amy’s and Alex's bodies.
Fifty seconds. Both men keep watching the timer, ready to act.
Forty-five seconds in. They took off the lid of the syringes.
“It has to be precisely at eight hours,” Adrian said, with his shoulder stiff with tension. Forty-seven seconds. “Otherwise–” Almost at the same time, Amy and Alex gasped, coming back to their senses. 
Their respiration was ragged, taking heavy breaths, and blinking fast. Slowly, their natural skin color was returning to their face as they sat on the beds. 
Amy looked around, stopping at him. Her eyes, those beautiful brown eyes he had fallen for, focused on him.
"Amy?" Adrian asked, dropping the syringe on a nearby table. "Are you back?" 
"Well…" She looked at her hands and touched her face, turning to her side and smiling big at Alex, who returned the grin. "Unless there's two of Alex now, it's me." She stood up, stumbling, and Adrian rushed to her. In only a second he was holding her in his embrace, as relief washed over them both. He hugged her tightly and close, with one arm around her back and the other on her head, for what felt like an eternity. “God, I missed this.” She whispered in his ear.
“I missed it as well, Amy.” Adrian gently kissed her temple, feeling the familiarity of her skin, the usual softness of her hair, and the distinctive warmth of her heart. After a while only holding each other close, without words, Amy led her palms up his face, pulling him down. When their lips touched, their kiss was sensual and sweet at the same time, long and deep, forgetting the world around them. Amy gasped at it, overwhelmed with her new senses, making every sensation stronger. 
"Do you feel alright?" Adrian questioned her, studying even the smallest detail of her face, concerned. 
"I do." Amy covered his lips with hers again, ready for the rush of feelings this time. "I guess it's the vampire powers kicking in."
"Amy, there's so many things I need to say to you." Amy moved her arms around his neck, hugging and pulling him closer. "That night, in the Met, I decided this without your consent and I'm sorry. I'm so very sorry that I Turned you without discussing it beforehand. I hope you can forgive me. The mere thought of losing you was unbearable to me. I–" She cut him off with another kiss, slow and sweet, slightly smiling into it as she felt him melting in her arms, relaxing into her touch like always. 
"There's nothing to forgive, Adrian. I didn't want to die. I didn't want to leave you, it was too soon." His forehead gently rested against hers. "I'm okay with your decision and I’m happy about it." 
"Are you certain?"
"Mhm. Absolutely." 
"You might not have heard me that night, Amy. But the truth is I should have told you sooner and under better circumstances." With the back of his right hand, he delicately caressed her face.
"Adrian?" He felt her heart speeding up in her chest. "What is it?"
"I love you, Amy. I love you like I never thought I was capable of. Losing you was one of the hardest things I had to face." He tightened his left arm around her waist, just enough to hold her against his chest. "If you want me, I want to be with you. Just with you. For as long as you'll have me." She smiled big, moved at his words. 
"I love you too, Adrian. You can't even imagine how much." Amy sighed, gently nuzzling into his neck. "I was so scared of losing you that night. Of not being able to stay with you or not telling you how I feel." Adrian turned slightly to his side, kissing her temple. “When Gaius had you in his hold, I just…”
"I know, Amy.” He sighed, closing his eyes, closing everything around him except her. “I was afraid as well, love." He felt Amy's smile on his skin. 
"Where is Alex and Nik?" She asked a little while later. 
"They left after you both woke up."
"I guess we'll leave that drink for another time," Amy added before pressing her mouth on his neck. “Not that I'm complaining.” 
"That's convenient.” Gently, he guided her face up, finding her lips halfway, and placing another kiss on them. A kiss that marked their new life together. “I want you to myself tonight.”
Nik rushed to Alex's side, carelessly dropping the syringe somewhere, taking her arm when she stumbled. "Easy, rook."
“Thanks.” She said, clutching his arm for a little until she stood firm again. With his free hand, he pulled her to a warm hug, still holding her hand in his and squeezing her closer. 
“What do you say if we get out of here? These two are getting way too cloying.” Nik said, sending a look to Amy and Raines.
“Led the way.” When she was pulling her hand away, he, awkwardly first, took it, leading her outside the lab, and to the front door of the building, taking his bow in the way. The air was warm and the night quiet as they walked in silence. Nik took one last left turn and stopped in front of a small bar. “Well, this wasn’t what I was expecting.” 
“Really? ‘Cause I think that is exactly where we should be.” He picked a secluded table, ordered the drinks, sweet for her, bitter for him, and, when they arrived, Alex took the first sip. 
“I’m guessing you brought me here to talk.” She said, looking into his blue eyes.
“I took you here to celebrate. But I’m down for the talk if you are.” Alex sighed, leaving her glass on the table.
“What I told you is true, Nik. I do love you. And it really did hurt me how you could walk away. So… Easily.”
“It wasn’t easy at all.” “Didn’t seem that way.”
“I have feelings for you, Alex. Strong feelings that I’m not used to having. And that scares the hell out of me.” She observed him, without interrupting, letting him say all that he needed. “Everyone that had ever been close to me, has died, sooner or later. And I don’t want that to happen to you. When I saw you on the floor, with your chest open and blood everywhere… I thought that, maybe, if you hadn’t been close to me, you'd be fine.” 
“Nik… Can’t you see all the times you have protected me?” Alex asked, holding his hand over the table. For a second, he looked at it, incredulous, until his finger tangled with hers, and his eyes returned to hers. “I won’t die on you. Not ever again.” She squeezed his hand. “I won’t leave you. Unless that is what you want.” 
“...No. I want you with me.” She let a little smirk lift the corners of her mouth.
“That’s beautiful to hear but I need you to tell me how you really feel, Nik.” She noticed how his walls started to crumble so got closer to him, her leg touching his, her eyes pleading with him. “Please. You can't keep shutting me out anymore.” There was a long, intense pause before he talked again. 
“I want to be with you. All the time.” His tone was a bit secure as she smiled, happy. “I… I love you too, Alex.” She stretched up, taking his lips with hers, as her hands held his neck and he grasped her waist, responding to the kiss. 
“Are you sure you really feel like that and it’s not because I died?” She whispered, barely separating from him. “If I hadn't died, would you feel like this?” He saw the concern in her eyes.
“The fact that you died only showed me what an idiot I was for letting you go and for hurting you.” He hesitated, unsure of his next words, distractedly playing with the hem of her t-shirt. “I’ve… Been in love with you before that happened, Alex.” She smiled and kissed him again. She didn’t need to hear anymore.
“I love you too.”
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bbwithaknife · 2 years
Lessons in Calligraphy Part Two: Cross Your T's (Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader)
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Hello hello and happy holidays. Today I gift you part two of my Adrian x Reader fic. It's my first smut too. It's not good, but listen I wrote it and my goal was to finish it and I did, so I feel pretty accomplished. My writing is incredibly rusty and forced but I'm proud I combatted my depression and said "fuck you I'm gonna do it anyway." <3 as always feedback is appreciated but please be nice as I am sensitive.
Warnings: Minors DNI. Explicit content. Please note reader goes by she/her, has a vagina and breasts. If I am missing anything, please let me know!
Word Count: 3k+
Part One
To say the car ride home wasn’t strange would be a lie. Before you had joined the team you were already pretty familiar with Evergreen, living just on the edge but still within the city limits. Adrian had made the comment that he knew the town like the back of his hand, never once leaving it. He recalled an incident involving a 7/11 and “some dead guys here and there” being the last time he’d been in your neck of the woods. His footprint of life was the complete opposite of you, moving outside of your hick countryside community as soon as you had the chance and headed straight for Gotham. And clearly, Gotham didn’t last very long and you landed in a mirror of a town you used to call home. 
You looked out the window of the “Vigilante Mobile” to admire the way the street lights shined down onto the asphalt below as you zoomed past, the yellow glow like millions of electrical lightning bugs. Adrian was doing the speed limit of course. It had rained momentarily, just a small dusting of rain as you made your way to your destination. The droplets of water stuck to the window and dissipated as you rolled it down. You stuck your hand out and rode the wind. The scent of fresh rainfall hit your nose, a comforting experience. 
He stayed silent for a few more minutes until the car reached the first stop sign. You made a mental note to inform Adrian that brakes shouldn’t grind like that.
“If I guess why you like me, will you tell me?” If he turned on the car’s interior light (if it even worked in this old hunk of junk) he might see the pink across your cheeks. But knowing Adrian, he wouldn’t dare turn the light on while driving. “That’s illegal” he would say, even though it’s just one of those things parents say. The car pulled forward and was back on the move.
“Fine.” You rolled the window back up and took a deep breath. 
“Is it because of how cool I was with that scimitar a few days ago?”
His hands tapped against the steering wheel, thrumming a beat. “Oh! It’s because I’m all caught up with Fargo now.”
“Uh, you appreciate the friendship P and I share and commend us for escaping toxic masculinity and embracing our sexuality?”
You have to stifle a laugh, you know he’s being serious. “No.”
He could go on asking questions for hours if you let him. He would probably drive around aimlessly with no “Point A to Point B” in mind if you hadn’t told him he’d passed your house. 
“Shit, sorry.” He mutters.  A full stop and legal u-turn later, you arrived. Fishing your keys out of your pockets as you exit, the chirp of the car’s horn signalled it was locked could be heard right after your heels hit the pavement. Adrian was still playing guessing games on the way to the door. 
“You appreciate a hard-working busboy!” He sounded so matter of fact. You could feel his presence behind you, hell if you took a step back you’d be pressed against him, back to front. You moved to turn the key, but he was still going. “I mean, I guess maybe it should be busman. I’m 30. No one really considers a 30-year-old a boy, right? I mean, sure I’ve got a bit of a babyface -“
“It’s everything, I guess.” You can’t hide the bashfulness in your voice. You were hoping the creek from the door hinges would hide it when you finally push the damn thing open, ushering him inside. Sure it was dark out, but this was Evergreen; neighbours are nothing but nosey. How would you explain to Beverly you were ushering a wanted criminal accused of multiple murders into your little bungalow? Was he here for a game of Bridge? 
The moment you closed the door and lock it behind you, turning to meet his gaze, he’s on you like a bear to a beehive. Teeth clashed before lips met in a devouring kiss. Your keys fall to the floor clattering on the tiles below. He’s crowding you now, with your back against the door and a large hand gripping your ass. 
He breaks the kiss briefly to meet your eyes with a confidence you’ve never seen from any man. He’s just looking at you and you can feel a build in your core like back in the office. It only makes you turn red. 
You barely have time to register his hungry gaze before his lips meet yours again, this time with a hint of tenderness. You’d bet top dollar you were as red as a fire truck. 
A rouge hand was slipping under the fabric of your shirt. The action hitched it up, the naked skin of your back making contact with the cool metal door behind you had you arching into Adrian. The chain of events had him moaning, a sound you felt you couldn’t get enough of. The friction of his leather gloves became absent for a moment that felt too much like forever but your suffering paid off when bare hands took their place. Rough to some, his touch felt like silk to you. 
Adrian had no patience to even attempt unclasping your bra. Rather he slipped his thumb underneath the painful wire and pushed swiftly up. Your breasts were barely exposed to the air when he took a nipple into his mouth, tongue hot and wet and incredibly overwhelming. The strangled and startled moan you released in response had him reeling back almost as fast as the Flash himself.
“Fuck, sorry - sorry, I should have asked first.” You could tell Adrian was trying his damndest to at least attempt to look you in the face, but he couldn’t keep his eyes off your breasts, both nipples now pebbled from the exposure. 
“No-” you started. Christ, you sounded as if you’d just run a marathon, desperate for water. Thirst too strong for anything else to be your main focus. “No, Adrian- please, you can- you can do whatever.” 
Oh, the expression on his face. He was going to destroy you. 
Lips drag along the valley of your breasts and fingertips trail behind until his palm was centre with your nipple like an arrow to a bullseye. And his grip, Christ the man could squeeze.
The sound you made in response was downright embarrassing. You brought your hands to your face, shaking your head. 
Smooth move, nimrod!
It didn’t seem to phase. Hell, if anything your noises were riling him up. 
Large, wandering hands slowly creep their way south.
You begin to strip your blouse and bra, properly despite the unsteady hands. As you undo each button, teeth graze into the flesh of the start of your hips. He’s tugging desperately at the sides of your bottoms.  
Adrian Chase has seemingly forgotten the invention of buttons and zippers. Trembling fingertips reach down to assist and in seconds goose pimples prickle the skin of your legs. All of your garments had now pooled around your legs. Quick fingers had sunk into the band of your cotton panties taking them down in a quick pull. 
What happened next, however brief was definitely going to be something you’d replay over and over; he takes your foot, carefully caressing as if he's about to place the glass slipper on in reverse as he helps you free yourself completely, allowing for your legs to spread as wide as either of you wanted. 
“Please” He breathes your name, face so close threatening to plunge in. 
“I meant what I said, Adrian. Whatever you- oh God!” 
Adrian pulled away and you whined like a spoiled brat not getting their way at check out. It echoed through the entryway. 
“Sorry, fuck I just -” He spread you open like he’s inspecting, potentially even committing to memory. “You just have such a pretty fucking pussy” His voice is deep, dark, husky, and hot. Too fucking hot.
He doesn't even offer you a chance to respond before he dives in again. Tongue slowly starting from bottom to top, always taking a precious few extra seconds at your clit. A repetitive pattern, a technique perfected. Maybe you were a bit biased, considering the donor but you’d never felt so aroused in your life. 
“Oh, fuck. M’so close . . .” you trail off, as a thick finger (or fingers; you honestly can’t tell at this point) enter you. You feel full and can only imagine how he will feel once he’s fully truly inside you. You didn't believe Chris for shit - thimble my ass. Something in the way Adrian carried himself, especially in the Vigilante suit, gave you “Big Dick Energy” vibes. 
Adrian Chase, apparently Olympian of Pussy Eating, seems to be aiming for gold as lips suction themselves to your clitoris. At this moment, time moves slowly and words come out that even a scholar wouldn’t be able to comprehend. 
A couple things come to mind as you reach your peak. 
Should I be taking what he says at face value? How the fuck did Chris take that photo and send it in the first place? 
Regardless, you thought, I’m grateful.
Fingers dig into his curls as you grind yourself on his pretty fucking face. Adrian doesn’t seem to mind. Rather, he is encouraging the behaviour as he palms your ass and pulls you closer. 
You cry out, your body reacting to the overstimulation before you can form words like “too much” but it doesn’t stop him. In the field, Adrian is ruthless and relentless. You should have expected that would carry over in the sheets. 
With the strength you can muster, you pull him away by the hair harshly. Eyes that should be green look black staring back at you, pupils dilated like silver dollars. His mouth and chin gleam with your slick. Adrian makes no attempt to wipe your essence away. His toned chest heaves. 
You want to leave marks on his throat. Leave a trail of kisses from his collarbone to the “V” of his torso. You desperately want to articulate every single detail of feeling you’re experiencing to him so he knows, knows how good he is. But your legs are jello and your mind is fuzzy and all you can do at this point is try and catch your breath.
You finally find the courage to look down and meet his gaze. Adrian looks up to you like you’re some famous painting from the Louvre. 
He stands up and steadies you. Kevlar rough against your naked skin, you can’t help but notice how unfair the situation is. Legs wrap around him instinctively as he picks you up. Nustling into his neck as he showed off his strength, he says “Let’s get to the bedroom.” Adrian double checks the lock and takes a few steps forward before freezing. 
“Where is the bedroom?”
“Third door on the left.” You kiss into his neck, dead set on finding his sweet spot. 
The surprise of being thrown on the bed is made known to the whole neighbourhood when you let out a horrifying shriek into the comfy mattress, pillows, and blankets below. Comfort and plush was very important to you. You sit up abruptly as Adrian begins to strip. You can’t help but appreciate his physique and take in his figure. Toned and tight you resisted the urge to lick him from top to bottom. 
He brings you back down to earth when he asks for a condom.
This was really happening. 
“Bedside drawer.”
Adrian slides the latex onto his length, pumping himself twice. His dark eyes look to you for consent. You lay back down and spread your legs. He climbs on top of you slowly, a position the two of you had been in before, but not like this. It was playful sparring and he had swept you off your feet, quite literally, with a powerful kick. You fell back on the mat hard and straight on your ass. Adrian pounced on you before you even had time to register the action. Faces only inches apart, your face flushed and you tapped out. 
Oh, the number of times you touched yourself to that moment alone. 
This time was different because this time was real. And you were both naked. 
“You good?” He asks, snapping you out of your way back machine. 
“Yeah, just … fuck I’ve thought about this for a while.” You reach down to stroke him and gauge if he’ll even fit. He releases an inhuman moan, starved for more. 
“Same . . .”
He gingerly slides his cock against your dripping folds trying to hold himself back. Tease you. Convince himself he’s not drunk off the site of you and still in control. 
When he enters you it’s a white-hot sensation. It’s the stretch and depth combination that has you crying out and arching your back again, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer. His forehead presses against yours and the sounds he lets out? It’s fucking music to your ears. He slides a hand down to press his thumb against your clitoris, urging you to chase another high. 
“Fuck, I knew you’d be tight.” Adrian admits he’s been thinking of you and you can’t help but clench. He groans like you’re killing him slowly. 
“I . . . I knew you weren’t a Thimble.”
He grips your hips tight and grinds into you with the pressure of an ACME anvil falling onto you almost involuntarily. You want to feed his ego until you breathe your last breath. Such a simp. 
“Sh-shut up don’t say that.” He pants. “You’ll make me cum.”
“Okay, s-sorry.”
The pace he thrusts is relentlessly slow and cautious. You want it rough eventually, you do, but you want to savor this tender moment. Your gut tells you it’s rare.
It’s only a few more circles on your clit before the coil inside snaps again with the force of a thousand suns. Adrian’s response to your orgasm has you convinced it brought him more pleasure than you. He picks up his pace and buries his face in your neck. You want him to stay there so you play with the curls at the nape of his neck and that REALLY gets him going. 
You can tell Adrian is not far behind you from the grunting. 
He shudders out a “fuck” and stills. 
He remains inside when he releases himself into the condom and collapses on top of you. He was now your favourite type of weighted blanket. 
“Fuck, that was good.” He slurs sleepily and lazily rolls you over so you rested on his chest, his member remaining sheathed inside. The best sword in the fucking stone. 
You hum in agreement and snuggle into him, drifting softly asleep.
It’s not the early morning that wakes you. And it’s not the hunk of a man underneath you either. 
It’s the cries of an Eagle mere inches from your face and flapping its wings. 
You cry out and fall off the bed, taking the sheets with you and leaving poor Vigilante buck naked. Wrapping yourself up trying to save your decency, you curse Chris with a vengeful scream. 
You hear footsteps pounding, followed by softer ones. You smiled to yourself briefly, happy that everyone showed up even if they didn’t tell you before hand. You were short on snacks now. 
Eagly hops over to you and nuzzles at your feet like some sort of apology. 
Chris appears in your doorframe seconds later and you squeak. “The ‘fuck you, Chris’ was not an invitation to come into my fucking room!” You spit through clenched teeth. 
You hadn’t realized Adrian stepped off the bed to greet Peacemaker, bare as the day he was born. 
“Hey, dude.”
You jump up and clench the sheets to your chest, push Chris out and slam the door. You close your eyes and take a deep breath in and out, a bit too quickly, and turn to the man in front of you. 
“That was fun … but it looks like your party is starting, or I guess started.” Your sentence drifts off. You want to ask what this is if it’s anything at all. 
You open your eyes slowly to see Adrian - still incredibly naked but staring at you intently. He looks like he’s waiting for you to ask so he doesn’t have to. 
“So what-“
“Next time I-“
When you register his words you fling yourself at him, lips locking in a quick peck, then smooches all over his damn cute face. 
“Let’s enjoy your party. And when everyone leaves-“
“It’ll be next time.”
Your heart skips a beat and you feel that flutter. 
When you both make the walk of shame down to your friends, they all smile a knowing grin. 
You clear your throat to break the ice. “Thanks for coming guys.”
“We only came because you left your car at the office. We thought you got kidnapped or something.” Harcourt admitted. “Though . . . I’m not opposed to a beer.”
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luverofralts · 2 years
Arkhelios University
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The agony in Roman’s head was proof enough that he was alive. Anything as painful as this had to be real.
He tried calling out for his husband, hoping to hear Abe’s reassuring, familiar voice, but no one answered him.
“Adrian?” he called out hesitantly. Had he simply imagined being reunited with his first husband or was whatever strange dream he’d been having actually true?
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To Roman’s amazement, the once very dead Adrian, Duke Siew answered his call. He tried sitting up off the ground, feeling the cold concrete beneath him.
Luciana toddled over to the glowing blond man who’d appeared out of nowhere. She had never been given the chance to meet him, but Roman had shown her enough pictures for her to recognize him on sight.
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“You did it!”
Theo hugged his sister, amazed to see his step-father again. He’d had every confidence that his sister could pull off whatever plan she had in mind that night, but the results were still astonishing.
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“Adrian! Oh my god, you’re here!”
Roman wrapped his arms around his ex, pulling him into a crushing embrace.
Adrian felt warm and real and safe. Roman buried his face into Adrian's neck, inhaling the same salty scent of a man who loved to be by the ocean. Memories of sleepy mornings drinking coffee with their feet in the ocean flooded his mind. Quiet afternoons on soft sheets looking through baby books. Swimming naked in the waves. Kissing in the rain in the lush gardens of the palace.
"I missed you," Adrian murmured against his ex-husband's ear, making Roman blush despite the circumstances they found themselves in.
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Roman and Adrian's reunion was cut short by the gleeful call of Theo. Adrian let go of Roman, only to be swarmed by toddlers. Roman swept his son into his arms while Adrian struggled to lift both twins at once.
"My girls!" he exclaimed, holding them both close. "I can't believe you're here!"
"Where's your father?" Roman demanded, only to have Theo point to a limp form on the ground. "Go inside and call for help. Tell Grandma to call a doctor."
Roman rushed to his husband's side, desperate not to trade one dead husband for another that night. To his relief, he could feel the gentle rise and fall of Abe's chest against his hand. Blood spotted the ground beside his body, filling Roman's mind with horrific potential scenarios that he fought hard to squash.
Abe was breathing. Adrian was miraculously alive. Kamalani was nowhere to be found. He had a lot of positive things to focus on instead. 
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Lucy didn’t even blink when Roman’s dead husband walked through the door, carrying two excited toddlers in his arms. Roman waited outside watching Abe, making sure that he remained stable until the ambulance arrived.
“I’ll be back for you when I know how Dad’s doing, okay? Stay with Grandma for now; she’ll take care of you.”
Roman hugged Theo in a crushing embrace, grateful to have escaped his near death experience to return to his kids.
“Take your zombie with you,” Elaine insisted, pouring herself a large drink. She gestured towards Adrian, who looked offended at the term.
“Excuse me? I’m not a zombie and I am usually referred to as ‘your Grace’,” Adrian replied irritably, crossing his arms defensively.
“My ex-husband and mother are walking corpses. You were a corpse and you’re currently shambling across my living room. I’ll call you what I want, Your Grace.”
Roman cleared his throat, hoping to diffuse the tension in the room. He’d never seen Adrian remind someone of his rank, but then again, he’d never seen Adrian escape the grave in his husband’s mother in law’s house either.
“She’s not wrong, Adrian. You should see a doctor just to make sure that everything is working right. I don’t want you to drop dead in a couple of hours without warning.”
“And just what happened to revive him in the first place?” Lucy asked, noting that Roman’s face looked quite flushed when staring at his ex-husband. “Don’t tell me that you made a deal with the sovereign. You can’t be that stupid. Not for some booty call with your ex anyway. You’re usually smarter than that.”
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Roman shot her a dirty look but didn’t engage with her bait. Abe and their baby were possibly in danger; he didn’t have the luxury of entertaining Lucy.
“There are things that even the sovereign is afraid of, Lucy,” he replied, staring out at the night sky, trying to process everything that just happened in the last twenty-four hours.
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“Some things are better off unexplained. I have a feeling that even she would agree with that.”
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devilsrecreation · 2 years
Coven Head Shenanigans in that Human Realm au
Either them living in that abandoned house we saw in the latest episode or Mason easily builds a house next to Camila’s
Eberwolf getting the other heads to try the latest challenges and tiktok dances/memes (for example, the one chip challenge)
Angst hours with everyone missing their families
Terra locking Osran in the trunk when she steals a car at the state fair (don’t ask)
Vitimir trying to make a new potion out of household items and—Vit, why are you holding bleach? Don’t mix that with the tide pods! Is that vinegar? VITIMIR, NO!
Playing horror games
Mason having a heart attack on bad construction jobs
Osran calling out all the psychics and showing them how it’s REALLY done (GO OSRAN!)
Never let Terra know about the suicide forest/plant…just don’t
Oh, and don’t let Hettie go to the hospital. She’ll try to dissect the humans
Darius being in love with Swiffer products
Adrian’s reaction to human movies and magicians
Everyone’s reaction to any movie that has witches and wizards in it
Them having the best “costumes” at a Ren fair
Eber freeing all the animals at the zoo
Trying to roller/ice skate…..hoooo boy
I wonder how Raine would react to the different genres of music
And most importantly, Camila and possibly even Luz dealing with it all
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harleybeaumont · 2 years
Get to know eachother Choices Ask Game Time!!
What are your TOP 10 Choices books?
What are your TOP 10 Choices LIs? (I know the first one will be Maxwell, right? 👀🙂)
Get to know eachother Choices Ask Game Time!!
Oh, what a fun ask!💕 Thanks @ladylamrian
My top 10 choices books:
Blades of Light and Shadow
The Royal Romance
Perfect Match
Crimes of Passion
Foreign Affairs
The Elementalists
Veil of Secrets
Open Heart
The Royal Masquerade
My top 10 Choices LIs: (this is gonna be tough)
Adrian Raines
Jax Matsuo (because why not choose BOTH hot vampire guys lol)
Maxwell Beaumont (😆 I love that goofy idiot)
Damien Nazario
Bryce Lahela
Trystan Thorne
Blaine Hayes (although I do love Tatum too)
Flynn O'Malley
Beckett Harrington
Hayden Young
tagging everyone on my perma list if you’re interested, but I’m working on sending this ask out to each of you too (tumblr said I sent too many asks and I have to wait an hour before I send any more 😆)
If I missed anyone it was NOT intentional! (And some people have their blog set up so you can’t send asks) If you wanna play and I missed you let me know and I’ll send the ask! I’m interested to read everyone’s favs!💕
@queen-arabella-of-cordonia @angelasscribbles @xpandass420x @tessa-liam @nestledonthaveone @yolandawalker @lovingchoices14  @queenmiarys @txemrn @twinkleallnight @differenttyphoonwerewolf @persephone13 @3pawandme @phoenixrising308 @peonierose @bebepac
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vesselhoundz · 11 months
Essay #1 on Pàs
How am I going to keep on living? I just will. I will die one day and my body will have no use anymore. It will decay into the wooden box in a beautiful cemetery somewhere where it rains. Perhaps in New York. Where my family came after leaving Minsk. 
My panties are soiled. There is something feminine about sitting in soil, in bloodied panties. It was never my intention to make any of this. It is the only thing I know. The process is not foreign to me and I forget that it is to so many. Creation and creation before the inevitable death. Perhaps it is why I feel no need to create another human being. To give the rare opportunity of life to another being. 
To become pregnant. I would throw up, not from the bodily sensations but from the idea and anxiety alone. I would throw up. 
Many things happen all at once. I lay in my day robe and decay. 
A marriage is nothing if you do not truly know the person. A relationship is learning who and how. I know nothing of commitment. 
A couple days off and what does she do? She writes, she becomes. She lays out and arranges. PÀS. That’s so Pàs. That’s effing Pàs. 
There is something feminine about Pàs. There is something Pàs about my mother. There is something Pàs about me. 
Pas exists in Lithium. In 90s grunge. In loud music and lots of people and kissing like no ones watching, and not really caring, and drugs.
Documenting the thoughts that come in. This is the inside of the mind. It is difficult to visualize because the dreams are so vivid and intense and reality is so tiresome. There is something Pàs about my aunt. We both wake up tired because we lived a lot while we were asleep. What is asleep? I’m more sad to die because then Ill dream no more. The life I look forward to, yet I stay up so late and hold myself back from sleep. I await it. Like an erotic fixation. 
I drink beer. That’s Pàs. 
Angelina Jolie is Pàs. Lana del Rey is Pàs. 
They know it somehow. 
Pas is romantic and deadly. 
Pas is concrete and silk. 
Louis Garell is Pàs, but only because he is a fantasy. Like a member of a boy band she was in love with in middle school. Playing Pàs like a doll house. Playing Pàs like a dream. During the day time. 
Pàs is unfulfilled wrestling without kissing. 
Pàs is supposedly cigarettes and bleach blonde hair and blue eyeshadow and thin legs. 
Being sexy alone. Being sexy around others and insecure and it either mattering far too much that she’s sexy or not at all to a point of embarrassment. Pàs is choosing to wear a blazer to make her more comfortable. Or maybe that’s just me. Pàs is not me. I am not Pàs. There is Pàs in me. Pas is a fantasy. Pàs is a dialogue. A choosing of becoming. Pàs is living alone. 
I want to kill the protector because she can’t always do her job. 
That’s why I’d like a man. 
The fantasy of Adrian Brody. 
Pàs is kind and ugly. Pàs is a pleasant and deserving fantasy. Knee socks are cokequette and fucking Pàs. 
In Pàs, she gets her ass eaten. In Pàs, she lets him go and doesn’t call. Or calls 100 times in an hour. 
Why do I speak? Why do I share? Can’t I not help myself? My nature. All I want to do is shut the fuck up. I miss the chaos then. Unfortunately. I wont leave it behind. Ill make a scene. Pàs.
I don’t ever want to grow old. I want to be 22 forever. I don’t want to be 29 and old. Even if it means Ill have everything Ive always wanted. 33 and Pàs. Ill take it. Sad and old and a drug addict. 
Mortality and death. She faces mortality. 
She’s walking in Irish fields and knows exactly where she is going. 
She cant be too overwhelmed with Pàs. It must come to her. 
She lets Pàs inside and worries that she does it to herself. That she’s made it all this way. She scares herself and thinks of the protector as a thief and a betrayer. The Protector is Judas and Jesus Christ is my subconscious spirit who must be freed and must be betrayed. Death allows us to continue on at the lowest point it fuels a sense of here. You don't just see Pàs, you feel it. 
Will you come over and do dirty unspeakable things to me?
Not because you want to and not because I asked. 
Because you know its what I need and Ill lie there and take it and then You’ll get me water after and let me just lie there. You’ll know I’m alive and slap my ass when we both cum and you tell me not to but I do anyway. And then you go and sit with your dignity after you’ve put your slacks back on and you sit on the couch in your slacks with your dignity in one hand and a strawberry yogurt cup in the other and you lick your lips and read the news. You look over to me and I’m still just lying there with your cum dripping out of my asshole and down my leg, liking the feeling of it and it turns me on a bit again and You look over and notice and shake your head as I press my hips into the blanket of lion fur. You tell me I’m a cock slut because you know me and I roll over and begin to masturbate. Running my fingers down and through and into my pussy. You tell me to stop touching. You just watch. You turn on a record. Some grunge. You come over and grab my face pinching it. You slap me and spit into my mouth and on my vagina. Dont fucking touch it. I stand up and walk off. I piss with the door open. Looking right at him.
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iamredsworld · 4 years
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Why can't he be a real person ? He's so perfect 😩💕
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mercyparkcrew · 6 years
bloodbound. that’s it, that’s the post.
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wildsayeed · 4 years
the fact that when i first played bloodbound i had to take a picture of the names and ask the clerk to repeat like 3 times so i didn’t hand the wrong gift to each guest but now that i’m replaying i don’t think i could ever get those wrong jdkskdkfl
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bloodboundismylife · 4 years
The first Saturday without Bloodbound
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I miss Adrian so much 😔
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Suuuuuure, it's not like you will fall in love in a blink of an eye 👀
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I rest my case...
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖     
Chapter 15 - Mommy missing.
Episode 2. *It took him less than 5 minutes from Sparkle's place to Adrian's, trying his best to stick within the speed limit with heavy rain coming down and Penny screaming his ears off on the backseat of the car* Andy: *He quickly parked his car outside Adrian's fence and grabbed Penny, rushing through the gate* Adrian: *He quickly came out his front door, looking at Andy with a soft frown* Andy: Not now Adrian... I'm really not in the mood, so could you please save your meltdown till after I leave?! Adrian: *He gestured towards Sparkle's car, parked on the usual place where his own car would be parked* I didn't touch anything, I only parked it.... Andy: Thanks! *he quickly rushed to the car, trying to shield Penny's face from the rain with a hand* fucking hell!!! Give me a fucking break!!!! FUCK!!!! *He opened her car door and jumped in, trying his best to go through the glove compartment with one hand, still having Penny stuck to his hip* SHIT!!! Adrian: *He walked up next to the car, looking concerned at Andy* Should I Andy: No! Sorry... it's fine, I got it! Adrian: ............. doesn't look like- Andy: WHAT ADRIAN?!?! *He got out of the car and stood up angry* What doesn't it look like, Adrian?!?! Sparkle is gone! She was supposed to be home several hours ago! Her babysitter ditched cause she has school tomorrow, and I'm left with a screaming hungry Penny, no food, no signal on her phone, no trace of her no matter where I try to look for her and somehow I bet you this is all about how I probably once again have fucked everything up!!! So whatever has happened to her, it's on my fucking ass!!! And now Penny is getting soaked, and it's real fucking hard to try to search for any sort of FUCKING CLUE with a hysteric toddler stuck on one arm!!! So what??! What could you possibly say to me to make me feel even shittier than I already do?!?! Huh?!?! That I'm a bad father?!?! I fucking already know that!!! That I'm a horrible friend and that it's my fault she probably got hurt again!?!? I fucking know that!!! Adrian: *He sighed soft but decided not to speak, as he reached out and grabbed Penny, gently lifting her over in his arms* Andy: ........................................... *slight meltdown* 
Adrian: *He grabbed an old empty pizza box and held it over Penny's head*
Andy: .............. *he shook his head and quickly crawled back in the car, going through it quickly, searching for anything that could be even the tiniest trace of where she could be. When he had no luck he popped open the trunk and got out of the car, quickly grabbing a big lavender bag from the trunk and closed it after a quick search* Well at least she left the diapers and hopefully there's also some milk in here! *He sighed deep and hung the bag over Adrian's shoulder* One more quick search *he pointed at the car* you look very pretty tho
Adrian: *He glared at Andy but decided it was still wise to just shut up*
Andy: *He groaned soft as he opened the glove compartment again and searched around, this time spotting a note in Sparkle's hand writing, noticing it was scribbled in a hurry, but nothing on the paper made sense, although he could guess it was probably something supernatural? He quickly got out of the car, slammed the door and held the note up on front of Adrian* Do you have any idea what this is?!
Adrian: *He looked at the note quick then pointed at his house* Can we go inside please and have a look? It's getting wet out here!
Andy: *He grabbed the bag from Adrian's shoulder* And you're sure you want a baby in your house?
Adrian: *He groaned irritated and hurried towards his door, throwing the pizza box aside before he entered*
Andy: *Inside the house he quickly arranged a solid corner of the couch for Penny to sit, then opened the bag, got a bottle of milk ready for her and handed it to her, sighing relieved as she instantly got quiet and started sucking* sorry about that! *He let a big deep exhausted sigh out and sank down on the couch next to her*
Adrian: .............. *he just stood on the floor in front of them, starring right at them*
Andy: *He groaned loud* Should we get out?!
Adrian: No *he lifted an eyebrow* I was just thinking how much she reminds me of you....
Andy: *He sat up more straight, looking questioning at Adrian*
Adrian: You also scream and whine till you get something to suck on.
Andy: *He couldn't help but burst out in a loud laughter, then grabbed a pillow and threw it at Adrian* dick!
Adrian: Exactly! *he nodded soft and couldn't help but chuckle* Do you need anything?
Andy: *He sighed deep* Beside dick... a beer!
Adrian: *He nodded confirming and walked to the fridge, returning few second later with a cold Mountain Dew, popping it open before he handed it to Andy*
Andy: *He observed the can in his hand* That's a strange beer
Adrian: *He frowned soft and pointed at Penny*
Andy: What? You don't think my daughter has seen me drink before?
Adrian: Not in my house, if you plan to put her back in your car, after you have had alcohol!
Andy: *He lifted his eyebrows high and dramatic* Oh-hooooooookay! *quickly sipping his soda*
Adrian: Give me a moment while I try to figure what this note is about...
Andy: *He sighed soft and took another sip of his soda, grunting irritated as he looked at Penny* Daddy's own evening spoiler... can't wank because of you, and now I can't even drink! *he chuckled hoarse* well at least you're quiet now.
Adrian: It's a spell to create a portal
Andy: A what?! *he looked surprised at Adrian*
Adrian: It's a spell for a temporary portal, but there's no indication of where it would be located, or where it would lead to...
Andy: ........ what the fuck!??!
Adrian: *He sighed soft* If I call Sam... I think he would be better at
Andy: Yeah... fuck! *he looked at Penny with sad eyes* Penny-poo... tell daddy where mommy is... where did mommy go?
Adrian: Does she even talk yet?
Andy: Well... a lot of gibberish that sometimes sound like real words, an occasional da-da or mama, but beside that no... not really... we are still waiting for her first real word... but Brynn says Sparkle thinks it could be any day now...
Adrian: Brynn?
Andy: Sorry, her babysitter... *He sighed deep and looked at Penny* Where's mommy? Couldn't it be nice if that would be your first real word?
Adrian: I'll call Sa-
Penny: Ravn.
Andy: Yeah I think it's for the best
Penny: Ravn! Ravn!
Andy: *He frowned soft and looked questioning at Penny*
Adrian: More gibberish?
Andy: Yeahhhhhh..... Penny where's mommy?
Penny: Ravn! Ravn! Ravn!
Andy: .................. what the fuck!?! *He quickly jumped up from the couch excited and hyper* I KNOW WHERE SHE IS!!! I KNOW WHERE SHE IS!!!
Adrian: ............ *he stood still with his phone in his hands* ...... okayyy?
Andy: She's at the McKinney castle! She's with Raven!
Adrian: *He looked questioning at Penny*
Penny: Ravn! Ravn!
Adrian: Ohhhh... *he looked at the toddler unimpressed* so E is not your friend yet?
Andy: Holy shit!!! Penny you are brilliant!!! *he bent down giving her a big smack on her forehead then rushed out the front door, only to return few second later* Fuck... sorry! *he chuckled awkwardly as he rushed back towards the couch*
Sam: Adrian? Are you there?
Adrian: *He shook his head and looked at Andy with a serious look* Just go!
Andy: But... the moon and *he gestured at Penny*
Sam: Adrian? Is there something wrong?
Adrian: *He held the phone up to his ear* Be here in 5 minutes or your baby sister turns into a sandwich! *He shook his head and pointed at the door* Go!
Andy: *He smiled soft* Thank you!
Adrian: Yeah yeah... get out of here!
Andy: *He nodded eagerly and ran out the door, slamming it behind him*
Penny: *Startled and started crying*
Adrian: *He closed his eyes and groaned deep* Now why would you do that?!
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silma-words · 3 years
39 for Adrian x mc. Thank you
N/A: Apologies for taking so long to answer this ask, Anon! I had started it ages ago but wanted to dwell on A&MC's relationship 'pre-break-up' in more detail before getting back to the angsty stuff. I really did love that prompt, so thank you again for the ask, Anon, and I hope you will enjoy this! :)
Choices: Bloodbound
Pairing: Adrian Raines x MC (Ellie)
Rating: General / Warning: None
Genre: Angst
AU Chronology: Bloodbound AU (after book 1 – the events of book 2 never happened) – ‘Inevitable - Arc II: About time’ (Masterlist) - Sequel to "The right thing to do" (Arc II)
Summary: Ellie is gone, and she might be gone for good very soon. And that thought is harder on Adrian than he had ever anticipated.
Inspired by prompt #39 from Prompt List #1 : “Please come home, I miss you”
Words: 2300
**Disclaimer: Characters and background plot are the property of Pixelberry.**
It had been 72 days since he last saw her. 72 nights since he had had the chance to hear her voice or smell her perfume hanging around his office. 72 too many days and nights. Not enough to have made peace with it. Not enough to have forgiven himself. Not enough to have shred the lingering doubt that he had made a mistake. And the reaction – as chocked, cold, and angry as Ellie’s – of Lily, Kamilah and Jax when they had found out did not help with that at all.
But at least during those 72 nights and days, he had found reassurance in knowing that she was around somewhere in New York, secretly clinging to the hope that he might run into her at some point, or catch a glimpse of her auburn hair at a corner of a street. She had avoided him thoroughly though, and him likewise, to be honest, knowing that it would likely make everything worse.
She had never returned to the office, simply going through HR to submit her resignation officially. She had not requested any recommendation letter from Raines corp., nor contacted the business partner he had referred her to. She had kept under his radar as best as she could, although he always managed to get fragments of information about how she was doing from Lily, albeit involuntarily. And that was through her that he had found out: Ellie was planning to leave. Not only New York, but leaving the country altogether. She had applied for several junior executive assistant positions and internships in Europe, asking Kamilah for references to avoid having to ask anything of him.
Until that point he had managed to put a brave face on and bury himself into work to avoid rehashing the past. But somehow, knowing that Ellie was about to go, and that she did not want him to know about it, widened that painful hole in his chest that did not seemed to want to stitch itself up, despite his efforts over the past 72 nights and days.
Knowing that she could board a plane and leave NY behind at any minute was slowly threatening to drive him mad.
He could not sleep. Nor concentrate at work. Attempting to feed somehow made everything worse, as if any blood that was not hers would only act as a poison to his system. He was not sure anymore whether it was hurt, longing or guilt that was making every breath burn in his lungs, although the hatred he could see so clearly in his own eyes when he stared at himself in the mirror was a constant reminder that he had brought this onto himself. And onto her. As well as onto their friends.
His rash decision and obsession for ‘doing the right thing’ had forced Ellie’s hand and had deprived her of the freedom of choosing her path for herself. Her freedom to keep on building over the foundations of the life that she had started when she had left her hometown to conquer New York. Her freedom to continue nurturing the friendships she had gained when she had stormed into his life and had effortlessly earned her place within his world. He had failed to realise that his decision would force her to slowly walk away from all of this. He could see it clearly now, and he knew he should have realised this sooner.
He knew her well enough to know that she would not want to stand by while he had pushed her out the door. He had known when making his decision that she would be hurt and would likely stay away. And he would be lying to himself if he did not admit that he had hoped she would, to make it easier for him to stay away from her. He realised now how wrong he had been. And how badly he needed her to know this.
He needed to apologise. He needed her to see the guilt in his eyes and the longing in his bones. He needed to make it right. And he could not let these 72 nights and days without seeing her extend to 73.
Fidgeting around his penthouse while waiting for the sun to set, Adrian could not bring himself to do more than ruminate over everything he had ever said to her, and everything he should have said but never did, trying to carefully choose the words he would finally voice out loud when he would get to her. But his mind was restless, and the guilt and doubts were gnawing at his guts.
This torment had to stop. It was too much. And it was pointless. He would always be drawn back to her as long as there would still be hope to make it right. It was inevitable.
He would just lay it all out – his regrets, his doubts, his fears, and his heart -, and would let her crush it all under her heel if she wanted to. He owed her that much.
The minute the skyline was clear of any sunray, he barged out and headed straight towards Lily’s and Ellie’s. By the time he has reached their building, he knew even before knocking on the door that no one was home, the deafening silence of the apartment, devoid of any heartbeat, hitting him as soon as he had stepped onto their floor.
He pondered for a moment going to the Shadow Den where he knew Lily was now staying more often than not, thinking that Ellie might have gone along with her. But he could not bring himself to leave the building. Her scent was all around, seeping through the door like smoke from a fire creeping through his nostrils to invade his lungs. His hand laid flat against the wood, he leaned in so that his forehead could rest beside it, closing his eyes to focus on the comforting smell, hoping that he could somehow be able to also taste it in the air. The familiarity of this place and of her lingering fragrance were both soothing and maddening, the absence of her comforting heartbeat pushing onto his shoulders as if the ceiling of the empty corridor was slowly descending onto him to push him to his knees.
Letting his legs give in under the imaginary pressure, he let his body slide slowly against the door until his body had reached the ground, resting his back against the wood and bending his knees so that he could brace his arms around them, ready to wait for her as long as necessary. He had wasted 72 days and 72 nights when he could have made things right and perhaps avoid most all of this suffering. He could wait 72 more on this floor if he had to.
After a couple of hours that seemed to have lasted an eternity, Adrian was not sure anymore whether the familiar heartbeat that was chiming in his head was real or was the product of his anxious brain. He had been convinced he had heard it a dozen times earlier, but had quickly realised that his anticipation had been playing tricks on his mind. This time, he was not ready to gaze around and realise he had been wrong once more. He even ignored the sound of footsteps echoing around the corridor, convinced it was another one of her neighbours that would freak out at the sight of him crouched on the floor like the desperate fool that he was.
But when the footsteps suddenly stopped on the floor, he instantly recognised the muffled sound of her voice as she gasped in surprise, making him jump as his senses immediately tuned in to capture her presence.
The sight of her made his stomach clench, relief rushing through him in a wave, followed almost instantly by doubt and worry as he could read the shock in her eyes and in the way her body had stopped dead in her tracks, stiff and unwilling to move any further. Her heartbeat was racketing in his ears, and he could see her throat tighten as she seemed to gulp with difficulty.
“Adrian? What...”, she finally managed to mutter, her voice rasped as if she had not had a drop of water in days.
“Ellie, I...” he quickly started, doing his best to collect himself and raise himself back onto his feet, but unsure anymore what he should say now that she was finally standing in front of him.
They stared at each other across the corridor for a minute that seemed to stretch beyond days, the air nearly electric between them, threatening to catch ablaze if one of them dared to breach the stillness that seemed to have trapped both of them in an invisible net.
He heard her breath catch in her throat before her sweet voice finally broke the silence, somehow both cold and gentle: “What are you doing here, Adrian? Did anything happen?”.
He shook his head, struck by the genuine concern in her voice.
“No, I just...” the words were caught in his throat, in his chest and in his head, all bumping against each other before he could brace himself and find the strength to concentrate and voice the words that had been fogging his brain for days: “I heard that you were leaving New York... leaving the country... and I… I couldn’t let you go like this”.
Adrian felt his stomach sink with a thud at her reaction. Not that he had expected any reaction in particular, but he surely was not ready to see her shake her head with a chuckle, with something that could nearly pass as contempt flashing briefly in her eyes.
Her voice was strangely flat and composed when she simply retorted: “I though that was what you wanted?”.
Adrian shook his head, taking a few stumbling steps towards her. “Yes but… Ellie I… I never meant…”
“Adrian, don’t!”, she briskly interrupted, sighing loudly and suddenly starting to rummage rapidly through her bag to search for her keys. She was avoiding his eyes, and was making it clear that she did not want to hear anything else from him.
“I don’t have time for this right now”, she added, walking quickly passed him to reach for her door, her keys slightly shaking in her hands.
Adrian had barely had the time to step aside to let her through, torn between the will to let her be - as she was making clear she wanted him to -, and the aching need in the pit of his stomach to tell her everything he had come there to say. Once she unlocked the door, she quickly rushed inside without glancing back to him, obviously eager to get away from a conversation that she did not want to have with him. And how could he blame her?
It took all of his might not to stop her from closing the door on him, and not to reach out to touch her, cup her face in his hands, and press his words of apologies onto the soft silk of her skin. He would have dropped to his knees and buried his face against her womb in the hope that, somehow, his words might reach her more deeply that way. But that was not what she wanted. And for once, he had to respect that. Even if that meant staring blindly at the door, his nose pressed so hard against the wood that it hurt, listening to her erratic heartbeat pressed inches away on the other side as she was leaning against the door, as if to prevent him from trying to force it open.
Adrian did not know what else to do. He could simply tell her everything right now through the door, knowing that she was still there and would certainly hear it all. Even if he could not see her face, he would be able to grasp her reactions using his other senses, for her body had always been an open book for him to read as soon as she had trusted him with her heart. But he felt that all of his words would just sound hollow to both of them, and would nearly bounce back against the door frame before they could reach her.
His palms pressed flat against the door, his eyes closed, and his lips inches away from the wood, he took in a long shaky breath, steadying himself for the only plea he knew could ring true in this moment despite the thick, wobbly whisper that he managed to push through his lungs:
“Ellie… please… Please come home… I miss you”.
She was still there, on the other side, and she had heard him. He knew it from the way she had stopped breathing for a second, and from the distinct salty fragrance of the tears that were probably now smearing her features, reaching his sensitive nose and making his chest tighten with the realisation that he was powerless to stop them on their course as he had done in the past.
He had thought that nothing could ever be worse than those past 72 days and 72 nights staying away from her, guilt and doubts nagging at his heart. But he had been so wrong. The uncertainty, in this moment, of whether that dreadful count would end now, or would continue over months – even years -, was unbearable. He had laid his cards at her feet, and was ready to bare his heart before her if she wanted him to.
But for now, all he could do was to feel her warmth through the door, and wait. Wait.
Wait 72 seconds.
72 minutes.
72 nights, days, months, or years.
He would wait 72 centuries if that was what it took for her to come home to him.
For the follow-up of this story, head here.
N/A: Sorry for the angst and drama, and sorry for letting it hang like that in the air! What happens next should come shortly, now that I will be alternating between the fluff/smut from Arc I (i.e. ‘pre-break-up’) and the more angsty pieces from Arc II (i.e. post-break-up’). I will try to make it clear every time which Arc I am using and where we stand in the AU chronology, but I hope it won’t be too confusing!
Thank you for reading! 😊
Tagging @adriansbiss , @itsjustwinter , @shanzay44 , @purvishraick, @thefrenchiemama
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jflemings · 4 years
baby, we bleed red and gold  | f.w
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warnings: Possible grammer mistakes 
summary: The twins get a whiff of a plan that Draco and his buddies are hatching for the upcoming game and decide to get you involved in their plan to intimidate them. the tables turn and you get in the way of the serpents. Fred follows through with a promise. 
authors note: I’ve had this sitting in my drafts unfinished for a couple of weeks now so I’d thought I’d smash it out. Once again another Gryffindor!reader that plays quidditch, I can’t help myself. Next fic will be multi house, promise. 
Angelia had been absolutely kicking your asses in practice leading up to the match against Slytherin and to say you guys were prepared was a severe understatment. The atmosphere was unmatched when the lions and serpents went head to head; the age old rivalry sat thick in the air as the butterflies settled in the pit of your stomach and your hands clamped around your broom. 
Up and ready to go with Ange first in line leading the pack, the seven of you got ready to kick off. It had been raining all week and the smell of the pitch took over your senses as you took heavy breathes in through your nose in order to calm the zoo in your stomach. 
A flaming head of red hair came down to ear level with you on your right side.
“nervous, l/n? don’t be. Freddie and I have got your back, these serpents won’t lay a finger on your pretty little head” George’s tone was assuring but the smirk set on his lips told a different story. You had an overwhelming feeling that the twins were up to no good on this particular Friday night.  
“Georgie’s right. No one is gonna get to our precious little y/n as long as we’re around” 
you had to look up to make eye contact with the older twin, a grin gracing his pretty face and a simple wink thrown your way sent your heart into a frenzy. The hound in your rib cage couldn’t be ignored and neither could the whitening of your knuckles from holing the broom in your hands far too tight. 
George stands up straight to be eye level with his other half
“Heard Malfoy barking orders to his sorry excuse of a team” Fred’s eyebrow quirks and silently beckons his twin to continue.  
“Take out the twins he says” 
Fred snickers and knocks his twin with his right elbow “like that’s the easiest thing in the world” 
“I say we do something about it” 
There it is. that’s the plan, take down the opposing team one by one, in whatever way they can. 
Your head lifts and your ears perk as an idea comes flying through your head. The brothers are being rowdy and it somehow only grows your confidence and the bright idea cooking up.
“alright. I want in” the mischievous tone drips off your voice and the smirk gracing your lips can't be hidden when two hands mold to either shoulder and the pair are once again at your ear level and absolutely baffled at your statement. Sure, you got in with the twin’s pranks from time to time but you swore off foul play and mischief on the pitch; You were not about to risk the house cup for a laugh. When they don’t speak you continue.
“If the two of you keep Crabbe and Goyle distracted and off my back i’ll knock Pucey and Warrington around a bit to give dear old harry here enough time to catch the snitch” Your eyes were no longer fixated on the back of Angelia’s robes but instead giving side looks to the boys.
Angelia bounces on her feet and notates her neck back and forth before becoming completely still, almost like she’s trying to list the pros and cons of letting the three of you potentially sabotage your finale game. 
She takes a deep breath out. 
“If you three mess this up for us, you’re all benched for the first quarter of next season and if anyone asks I had zero involvement in this plan of yours” 
You share a sly grin with the twins and George stands up straight while twisting his broom in his hands while Fred lingers by your side, you can practically see the gears turning in his head.
His mouth comes closer to your ear “If Pucey and Warrington are giving you too much of a hard time, let me know and I’ll give ‘em a fright, yeah?” His honey brown eyes scan your face with a sincere look while searching for a reassuring answer. You know that even if you had told Fred that you can take care of yourself if it even looked like the boys were giving you a rough time he’d have them off their brooms faster than you would ever realise.
All you can do is nod before Angie let’s the team know it’s kick off time. You all fly to your positions and you give Fred and George a side glance and nod, getting two smirks in return.
Madam Hooch kicks off the game and it’s on. The quaffle is in your hands and Warrington is tailing you while trying to dodge the twins, with little success. Angelina comes into your view and quicker than your body can process, you’re passing the quaffle on and scoring. Lee’s voice comes over the microphone.
“Brilliant set up and goal from l/n and Johnson! Gryffindor takes the lead by 10 points” 
Angie looks over her shoulder and gives you a thumbs up before flying off ready to score again. That’s how the game goes for another fifteen minutes, you and angie scoring three times before Harry and Draco get the snitch in their sights. they’re flying down near the house stands and you easily spot Hermione, Ron and Ginny’s voices within the crowd of students. 
The sheer excitement and pride you’re feeling puts you in a momentary state of bliss before a beater’s bat is flying your way. You narrowly miss it and spot Marcus Flint sporting a sickening smirk.
“Maybe if your bite matched your bark, your team would actually have a good chance at winning tonight, y/n” Pucey laughed before following flint toward the hoops. 
This interaction meant little to nothing to you because everyone on that pitch and in the stands, including Pucey, knew damn well that you could take any one of the quidditch players at hogwarts one on one. But just because you weren’t bothered by the comment didn’t mean that someone else felt the same.
Fred knew how to keep his cool during games. After playing with his brothers since he could walk, he quickly figured out that you can’t always take your anger out on people flying on magic broomsticks a good 150 metres in the air. 
So when he watched Pucey make a snide remark about you he didn’t know how to handle the overflow of anger crossing through him other than to take a page out of George’s book and attempt (and almost succeed) to knock the slytherin boy off of his broom completely. 
The bludger sent flying towards one of the opposing chasers was anything but accidental and it was all George needed to know that it was time to show Malfoy and his team what taking down beaters actually looked like. 
Your thoughts were racing when George caught up by your side diverging bludgers away from you
“I told you your pretty little head wasn’t getting touched this game” The younger twin smirked while diverging a bludger. George followed you to the hoops and cheered you now when you scored, once again putting Gryffindor back in the lead. 
The game went on and on for another hour and a half; both teams going back and forth with no sign of mercy. 
Alicia and Katie were on a roll. Their technique was unmatched when it came to scoring double goals, you were lingering behind incase they needed you as a distraction or for a pass off but when Katie yet again scores for your team it is immediately known that the odds are once again in your favour. 
With the quaffle once again in your clutches and the hoops in your direct eyeline nothing was set to get in your way. Pucey was trailing behind you with taunts and smart ass comments trying to throw you off your game.
“C’mon y/n, you think that’s what it’s gonna take ta get rid of me?” You could barley hear him over the wind in your ears until he was right up beside you with Warrington now joining him on your left. You were cornered.
“now now boys, wouldn’t want to get in my way would you? it’s not gonna end well If you keep riding my tail like this” The ever prominent smirk on your face was matched with Lee’s voice playing over the microphone letting the crowd know of the current score.
The two boys stopped mid air after you flew away from them catching up with the twins.
“Malfoy’s idea to shake up the twins a bit. Let’s see if we an give them a scare and get one of their star chasers out of the way” Warrington’s eyes scanned the pitch and found his teammates equally malicious ones.
Adrian hesitated before getting Goyle’s attention. The younger beater flew over to his older teammates whilst simultaneously trying to focus on the important game at hand.
Adrian spoke harshly and hastily “Draco needs more time to catch the snitch. It’s time to do what we talked about.” Goyle understood immediately and got into position.
Unknowing of the plan the opposing team had been coming up with against yourself and your teammates you continued on as you would.  Making plays, avoiding bludgers and scoring. Fred and George were doing their best against Goyle and Crabbe but it was becoming obvious that Fred was becoming angry and his plays and hits were getting sloppy. His usual cool, confident demeanour had disappeared and it seemed the Goyle was successfully riling up the older twin. 
Your attention was now split between the game and the boy you fancied. Angelina could see this and ordered you and Alicia swap on the pitch, finally sending you off for a much needed break. Alicia had made it onto the pitch fine and was now in a solid position to help Angie and Katie in what would hopefully be the final play.
The wind had begun to pick up since the start of the game, blowing your robes and hair all over the place. You were too slow to notice the bludger flying at a great speed toward you with a weasley twin hot on it’s trail. 
A head of flaming red hair came into your view and a string of cursed seemed to follow. Fred was now positioned completely in front of you, his bat held high after a hit. 
“Can’t catch the snitch so you get your pathetic excuse of a team to do dirty work? Thats low, Malfoy.” Fred’s voice was booming and the anger basically seethed out of him, turning his face the same colour of his hair.
“Ya know, Malfoy if you didn’t spend so much time playing dirty and actually trained your team maybe you’d have a chance of beating Gryffindor” George cupped his mouth to make his voice echo all over the stands.
Your stomach bubbled with anger when Fred turned around to face you. 
“Angelina would have my head on a platter if she knew I encouraged you to get back out there. Have a rest, let the girls take over. Georgie and I have a bone to pick with Malfoy and his minions and we wouldn’t want you getting in the way of that.” His tone was comforting as he lightly took your chin between his thumb and pointer finger before flying off while swinging his bat. 
You watched bludgers intensely follow the Slytherin players from the players stands, the feeling of Fred’s hand still settling into your skin. He kept his word the remainder of the game. All the players, especially Warrington and Malfoy, got a fright once Fred left you in the stands and if it wasn’t for harry finally catching the snitch you’re certain he and his twin would’ve put the whole team in the hospital wing for at least a week. 
The game had finally ended after almost four hours of play. You were tired but proud of your team and their talent. Fred and George flew down to where you were now standing on the stands and gave you a big, sweaty, exhausted hug.
“You guys were amazing tonight! Slytherin didn’t see what hit them” you lazily joked, a lopsided smile now present on your face. George patted your head affectionately 
“Yeah well if it wasn’t for Freddie over here you probably would be in the hospital wing right about now.” George elbowed his brother and gave you both the biggest smile he could muster before mounting his broom to fly to his dorm. “I’m off to have a shower and hit the hay, being the best beater in Hogwarts has it’s toll on a man’s body ya know” a light yawn came from the boy’s mouth before he flew into the stars, the only thing you could see where his robes fluttering behind him. 
Fred’s right arm makes it’s way around your shoulders and you lean into his side while wrapping your arm around his waist 
“I don’t think you will ever fully understand just how much you mean to me, Freddie” you spoke softly 
“y/n you mean everything and more to me.” His tired gaze found it’s way to you “I told you i’d give those nutters a fright, didn’t I? was only returning the favour, really. Couldn’t let them misplace a hair on your head now could I?” He spoke a-matter-a-factly and your other arm wrapped around his middle, with him placing a delicate kiss to the top of your head 
“we bleed red and gold, baby. I’m always gonna have your back, on and off the pitch; I’m in it for the long haul” your head tiredly cuddled into his chest 
“In it for the long haul, ay? good ‘cause I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
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mascwhump · 3 years
Chapter 10 - Trained Professionals
TW: guns, bullet wounds, blood
Tag list: @whatwasmyprevioususername @milk-carton-whump @whumpasaurus101 @whatwhumpcomments @mnmlover2002 @ashintheairlikesnow
Charlie was woken up the next morning by a tray being tossed next to his mat. He looked up to see a solider, looking extremely annoyed.
"Eat quickly," he ordered.
Charlie glared at him as he slowly rose to a sit. He slid the tray closer and ate the meager portion of toast and grapes. As soon as he picked up the last grape, the solider ripped the tray from his hands and left the room.
"God," Charlie mumbled to himself.
He forced his aching body to stand. He walked to the bathroom and splashed water on his face and into his mouth before deciding to take a bath. He ran the water and slipped into its warmth, the heat soothing his body. He leaned his head back against the wall, and accidentally drifted off.
Water entering his nose caused him to jerk awake. He began splashing violently, only stopping when he realized he was alone. He held his face in his hands as he tried to calm down.
Once he had control of his breathing, he got out of the tub. It was then he noticed a towel and a fresh set of clothes were on the shelf above the toilet. He didn't remember anyone coming in, and he wondered how they got there. Nonetheless, he was grateful. He dried off and swiped on cheap deodorant before he got dressed.
He sat on his mat with the blanket draped over his legs. His head was doing better than last night, but a dull throbbing still remained. The bruises on his skin had darkened into a deep purple. He avoided looking in the mirror, especially at his face. He remembered last night and his stomach tightened. Before, he hoped Mallory would remember it, but now, he wasn't so sure.
A few hours passed and lunch was brought to him. This time, when the solider entered with his tray, he stopped just after entering the room. Charlie looked at him quizzically, but upon closer inspection, he realized that he looked familiar.
"Charlie," he breathed.
He sprinted toward him, dropping the tray just before picking Charlie up and pulling him into a tight hug. Charlie whimpered, his bruises getting pressed on, but he returned the hug.
"Deke," Charlie said, "I'm so happy to see you, but-"
"I'm getting you out of here," Deke said, pulling his mask down to his chin.
"They know what you look like," Charlie said.
"They have you on camera taking some file."
"Oh... shit."
Deke rubbed his hand over his mouth as he thought.
"You need to leave. Please, before they find out you're here," Charlie said, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"You kidding me? I'm not leaving without you guys," Deke said.
"Do you have a plan?" Charlie asked.
"I've been working on a plan since day one. Look, I have access to the gun locker. It's not far from where the others are. I'm going to grab some guns, then bust into the room. The hallway leads us straight out to the helipad."
"That... could work," Charlie said.
"I know it's risky, but I've been weighing the options and it looks like our only chance."
"When do you plan to do this?"
Charlie's eyes went wide.
"Yes, it's meal time and most of them are in the chow hall. There's no traffic in the hallway. We can do this, Charlie."
Charlie looked around the room for a moment before nodding.
"Okay. Let's do it."
They walked toward the door. Deke handed Charlie a pistol and stuck his head outside. He made the hand signal for "clear", and they began making their way toward the gun locker. He was right, the hall was empty. They made it to the locker and slipped inside unnoticed. Deke grabbed two M16s and a few extra magazines. Charlie grabbed his own M16 and shoved two magazines into his sweat pockets. Once they were set, Deke peaked out the door again. They made it to the room without incident.
"Ready?" Deke asked.
Charlie nodded.
He kicked in the door and quickly stabbed the guarding solider in the throat before he could make a sound.
“Deke?" Adrian said.
"Come on," Deke said as he took the keys from the soldier's vest pocket, "we don't have much time."
He quickly unlocked everyone's handcuffs. He handed a gun to Crow and Adrian, and Charlie handed the pistol to Ethan. They filed out of the room, guns at the ready, and followed Deke down the hall.
"There's the door," Deke said, motioning straight ahead.
A shot was fired. Adrian fell. He stumbled back to his feet, limping.
"Keep going," he said.
Another shot was fired and screamed past Charlie's head.
"Stop!" Someone yelled from behind.
Crow turned around and walked backwards as he fired off a couple rounds. Charlie did the same, managing to hit someone. He saw the trail of blood that Adrian was leaving behind, but kept his focus. They made it out the door. A helicopter was waiting less than 50 yards away.
Deke switched to a sprint, making it to the helicopter before the rest of the team so he could start up the engine. It roared to life and the blades began to spin. Bullets flew past and hit the helicopter with a "tink".
Charlie lagged behind, his energy sparse to begin with. He stopped behind some barrels for cover as he fired back.
"Charlie, let's go!" Crow yelled.
The rest of the team was on the helicopter. Charlie inched back, still firing. He turned back toward the team and waved them off.
"Go!" He yelled.
"No, get your ass on here, now!" Crow yelled back.
"There's too many of them. You'll get shot down!"
A bullet just barely missed Charlie's arm, forcing him to sink down to a crouch. Bullets rained upon the side of the helicopter. Deke lifted it into the air slightly.
"Last chance! Get the FUCK over here, that is an order!"
Charlie looked back and waved them off again. Deke pulled up, about ten feet off the ground. Crow jumped out and landed with a roll. He sprinted over to Charlie and took cover behind some stacked crates. He waved off the helicopter.
"Charlie, I'm going to fucking kill you," he said, barely heard over the gunfire.
Charlie ignored him and continued to fire back. More soldiers pooled from inside, firing at the helicopter as it left. Charlie shot his last bullet and dropped the gun. Crow continued to fire, picking off a few more of the men before running out of ammo. The helicopter was at a safe enough distance to escape.
The gunfire stopped. Charlie put his hands into the air and slowly rose up. Crow walked out from behind the crates with his arms in the air. A few soldiers approached, guns ready. They kicked Charlie down to his knees and roughly put his arms together with zip ties. They forced him to his feet again, shoving him and Crow back into the building. They passed numerous bodies, blood pooling out of them onto the floor.
They then entered an elevator.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Crow spat.
"You know damn well that we would've been shot down if I hadn't drawn their fire," Charlie shot back.
"Shut up," a soldier hissed, hitting Charlie in the back with his rifle.
The elevator doors opened and they were marched down a hallway. They entered a room labeled "CONFERENCE" and inside was a long table. Mallory was sitting on the end of it, facing away from the door.
Charlie and Crow were thrown to their knees at the other end of the room. The air was thick with tension as Mallory slowly stood from the table and turned around. He shoved his hands in his pockets and sighed.
Charlie and Crow looked at each other.
"You really thought that would work?"
"It did," Charlie said, "three of us got out."
Mallory rubbed his temples.
"If that's what you consider a success, then I'll let you have that one," he said, "because they don't matter. You two, on the other hand, are much more of my concern. I'll tell you what- I'm not even mad. In fact, I'm more upset with the complete lack of competence within my own ranks."
The soldiers in the room shifted uncomfortably.
"There's going to be some changes around here," Mallory said, "but for now, return them to where they belong. My head hurts far to much to deal with them right now."
Crow and Charlie were walked out of the room. They went back down the elevator, and were separated at a fork in the hallway. Charlie was lead back to his room. The zip ties were cut off and he was left alone again.
He collapsed onto his mat, breathing heavily. The adrenaline began to wear off and the aching in his muscles returned. He couldn’t stay still; he was determined to find a position that didn’t hurt to lie in. Eventually, frustration got the best of him and he settled on his back. Tears of defeat formed in his eyes and he did his best to fight them back.
Adrian, Ethan, and Deke are safe. That’s what matters.
Adrian was hit in the lower part of his leg. Ethan would easily manage to take care of it. He would be fine. Hopefully, they would make it home, or at least somewhere safe soon. He wished Crow would have stayed on the helicopter, so that he would be safe, too.
Exhaustion took over and he fell asleep again. He wasn’t brought dinner, which meant he was able to sleep for a longer period. He wasn’t really hungry, anyway. He spent the rest of the night curled up on his mat.
Morning came, and he woke up just before breakfast. He dragged himself into the bathroom and drank water from the faucet. Soon after, breakfast arrived. He held his arms out to grab the tray from the solider, but the solider hesitated.
“Don’t know if I want to give this to you,” he said.
Charlie stared at him.
“You killed my friend, you know.”
“That’s the risk you take when you sign up for this shit,” Charlie snapped.
The solider threw the tray at him, then splashed the glass of water in his face. He picked up the tray and acted like he was going to hit Charlie with it, before deciding against it and leaving the room.
Charlie sighed and wiped his face with the blanket. He picked the blueberries off the floor and ate them, then the toast which had landed in his lap. After he ate, he grabbed a towel from the bathroom to soak up the water on his mat. He tossed the towel across the room after he finished and sat on the mat.
A few minutes went by and the door opened again. In walked two soldiers. They approached Charlie and ordered him to stand up before handcuffing him. It was an all too familiar feeling.
They took him down the hall and up the same elevator as yesterday. This time, instead of stopping on the second floor, they went to the top. The hallway was much shorter, and they were soon at a door. One of them knocked, and Mallory opened it. Inside appeared to be a small apartment. It barely looked lived in with how tidy it was. The soldiers took Charlie inside, then left, leaving him alone with Mallory.
“This your space?” Charlie asked.
“Yeah. Sit,” Mallory said, pulling out a chair from the table.
Charlie took a seat as he looked around. The smell of bergamot filled the air; a candle was lit on the counter in the kitchenette. Mallory sat in a chair across from Charlie. He leaned back and folded his arms.
“I’m sick of being here,” he said.
“You’re sick of being here?” Charlie scoffed.
“Yes. I’m going back home for a few days,” Mallory said.
“Oh no, I’m so sad,” Charlie replied sarcastically.
“Well, don’t be, because you’re coming with.”
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