#missing robbo hours
sipkntl · 6 months
mind you that man is a full grown adult
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xivdl · 7 months
oh andy, andy
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my muse:
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libraryofloveletters · 8 months
Perfect Match
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Andy Robertson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: ted lasso inspired - yes I used the dating app from it and what ???, reader works for liverpool, lots of friendly teasing, it's so obvious but not to them, andy's got a crush and the boys try to help him, a few sweet comments from andy, reader thinks he's hopeless, a funny but sweet moment at the end, alcohol and the consumption of, one illusion to nsfw stuff at the end.
Word Count: 3.4k
Author's Note: it's missing robbo hours :( so I dug this out of my vault of unwritten fics
You had been editing the pictures from the last training session, trying to see what you can send out to the players and post on the LFC account before your office door swings open. "Where are my photos?" The man shouts, his thick accent jumbling his words a bit.
The chair spins, you're face to face with your favourite left back, Andy. You smiled at him. "Hello to you too, Andrew."
You and Andy had always been close, even though you had only joined Liverpool 2 years ago. He was the first to welcome you, make you feel at home; to this day, he still does that.
"Hello to you too, lady." He smiles back at you, leaning on the edge of your desk. "How's the editing going? My fans are waiting to see my handsome face."
You rolled your eyes, "it's going.. slow. I'm doing the people of the world a great service by not letting them see your face."
Andy scoffs, "as if, you just wanna hoard pictures of me.. for you know.. dirty purposes." He bites his lower lip, a shit eating grin on his face as he raises his eyebrows.
You laughed so hard that you snorted. "Shut your face, you're so full of it."
The left back laughs, watching as you turn your attention back to the computer in front of you, clicking away. Your phone sat on your desk, face up as always - it buzzed, a chime sound came from it that Andy's never heard before nor does he seem to recognize.
"What's that?" He reaches for your phone, you attempt to grab it before he does but Andy's reflexes are faster than yours. He unlocks your phone - that's on you for leaving your password as 0000.
"Andy, give it back." You stretched your hand out for him to give it back. He scrolls through the notifications, landing on the one he assumed the noise came from; Bantr.
"There's no pictures," he huffs, trying to refresh the page. You roll your eyes, "it's anonymous, Andrew. It's not supposed to have photos."
"You're a photographer, why would you pick a stupid app like that?"
You find yourself rolling your eyes yet again. "It's that way so you can build a connection; you get to know the person based on personality and not looks."
Andy tilts his head to the side still confused as to why you'd pick such an app. "But.. you're beautiful, any man would be stupid not to see that, y/n."
Your cheeks flushed red and suddenly, the room felt as if it was closing in on you and it was 100 degrees hotter in there. "Shut up, you're such a sweet talker," you rolled your eyes.
He laughs at your statement, shrugging as he sets your phone down. Andy gets off your desk, his arms resting over your shoulders and his chin poking into the top of your head. He watches as you click through the various pictures, storing through the good and the bad, fixing minor blemishes as you went.
"You should try it, you know." You tell him quietly and Andy hums, waiting for you to keep talking. "Bantr, you should try it. You're a funny guy, you might have luck."
"Maybe," he shrugs it off, his hand lifting to squish your face. You swat his hand away.
"Aren't you supposed to be in the gym or something?"
"Yeah," he huffs, "but Mo and Trent are trying to do some sort of crunches competition and you know-" "You hate crunches, I know, Andy."
He laughs, "why would I go on Bantr when I have you, y/n?"
Your heart skips a beat, but you figured he's just joking - he's always just joking.
"Whatever, Andy. Unlike you, some of us actually have work to do."
He gets the hint; you were politely shooing him out of your office. "Yeah, okay," he nods, kissing the top of your head before squeezing your face once more. "Send me my pictures please."
"I'll edit them last."
"Saving the best for last?" He asks, turning towards the door.
"Trying to spare myself from seeing your face, I've had my fill for now." You joke, earning a laugh from the left back as he walks out of the office.
The day rolls by and you did in fact send Andy his pictures. His phone buzzes in the cup holder as he heads home, glancing at it as he pulls up to a stoplight.
To Andy: *12 Image Attachments* Stop bothering me now, Andrew.
He smiles to himself, making a mental note to text you back when he arrive home. In typical Andy fashion, he becomes distracted by the million little tasks he does when he gets home.
It wasn't until he got into bed that he remembered your message, shooting you a thank you with a little kissy face emoji and saving the photos.
Your words from earlier ring in his head as well; bantr, you should try it. You're a funny guy, you might have luck.
Andy searches it up, his finger hovering over the button for a moment before pressing it, watching as the little circle spins and it begins downloading. He follows the steps; putting in his birthday, picking his location, adding a user name.
That took him a moment - he couldn't exactly put his name, could he?
There couldn't be that many Andy Robertsons in Liverpool.
He'd feel wrong for lying and putting a fake name so instead, after a few minutes of thinking, he comes up with a user that is still him without being him.
Andy sits up, contemplating if he should delete the profile. He's a footballer, is this even okay that he's doing this? Would he get in trouble for this?
He ignores the thoughts and his thumb presses the matches tab. He swipes through a few, reading their cheesy bios before he comes across a profile that catches his eye.
The user sounded familiar but he couldn't place it, unsure where he saw it. He decides to message them while he still has the courage.
lfc26: Hey! How are you? 
The reply came but a few seconds later.
photographer_10: Hi! I’m good, how are you? 
lfc26: Good as well, exhausted from work. 
photographer_10: I hope you get some rest.��
lfc26: I just hopped into bed. 
photographer_10: Me too, it’s been a long day. 
lfc26: Tell me about it, and the weather’s been shit.
lfc26: That’s if you’re local. You in Liverpool? 
photographer_10: Yeah, have been for a few years :) 
photographer_10: Are you a fan of Liverpool? 
The message stares at Andy, he feels like he’s been caught. 
lfc26: I am, why do you ask ? 
photographer_10: Your user lol - must be a Robertson fan, he wears 26. 
lfc26: Yeah lol, a proper lad.
photographer_10: I think so too, quite funny as well.
lfc26: So I’ve heard. 
He finds himself smiling, he would have never guessed he’d meet someone who was a fan of him. It warmed his heart in a weird way; not self centred but content. 
lfc26: I think I’m going to head to bed, I have to be up early for work. 
photographer_10: No worries at all, you take care of yourself.
lfc26: You too :) 
It goes like that on and off for a week, the two of them exchanging little details about their days, flirting playfully back and forth. Andy glances at his phone every few minutes, expecting a text from the mystery woman.
It's starting to become an issue.
Everyone notices that the man who is usually on their asses about being on their phones is glued to his.
He's cycling, rather lazily to be fair - awaiting a response to his scandalous question about her workplace attire.
Mo glances over at his teammate, his brows furrow as he wonders what's on his friend's mind. "Robbo," he calls for the Scotsman. "You okay?"
Andy glances up from the phone that was now in his hand. He nods, "fine, why?"
"Because you've been glued to your phone, that's why." Virgil butts in, snatching the phone from Andy's hand which caused a protest from him. "Give it back!" He groans, hand stretched out to the captain.
Virgil shakes his head, his back to Andy as he looks down to see what's been keeping Andy so busy. "What's Bantr?" He asks, turning to Andy and Mo again.
Mo shrugs, clueless before looking to Andy for an answer. "A dating app," Andy mumbles.
Virgil and Mo exchange a glance, so many things said between the two players without actually saying it. "So that's why you've been smiling at your phone, checking it all day?" Mo asks.
Trent was passing by, per usual, butting himself into the conversation between the three players. He grabs Virgil's arms swinging himself in between the defender and the cycle Andy was on. "What's that? Andy's got a crush?"
Andy rolls his eyes, his cheeks give away his stance; curse his pale Scottish skin for giving him away. "I don't."
"You're blushing!" Trent laughs, pointing a finger at Andy's flushed face.
Virgil chuckles to himself, reading the messages between his friend and his supposed crush. "Didn't think you had it in you, man; some spicy stuff." He raises his eyebrows at him.
Andy's face only flushes further red. Trent tries to get the phone from Virgil but the man lifts his arm, even with Trent's jumping, he can't get the phone from Virgil's hand.
"Shut up," he groans, wanting the world to swallow him whole right about now.
"If you like her, why don't you just ask her out?" Trent asks, scowling at Virg as he hands the phone back to Andy and not to him. Virgil flicks Trent's ear in response.
Andy makes a face, "I can't! That's.. are you insane, man?"
Trent goes to speak but stops himself when he sees you walking over. The camera hung over your neck by its strap. "What's going on over here? Any hot gossip?"
"Who says we're gossiping?" Andy asks, smiling at you sweetly.
You shrug, glancing between the four of them. "Players all huddled together, it goes silent as I walk over; I'd say that's gossip."
"We don't gossip, we're grown men." Virgil points out, causing you to laugh. You lift the camera, taking a picture of him and Trent.
"Yeah, of course not, so does that make Macca and Darwin.. little boys?" You point behind you with your thumb, the two Spanish speaking players giggling about something as they stretch.
Virgil presses his lips together, making a dopey looking face. You laughed at him, walking off to take a few more photos of the boys on the other side of the room.
It's Saturday, match day.
Liverpool played Wolves, 4-1 and the boys were going into the next week on a good note.
Andy, per usual, finds you and offers up his company and dinner. You take him up on it, you were finished with your editing and could use the friend time.
You sat across from the man, the two of you tucked away in the back of a little Italian restaurant Jordan used to rave about. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever," you tell him, taking a sip of your cocktail.
Andy hums, glancing at his phone that was face up on the table. Your brows furrow, studying his face as his finger swipes over the screen.
"Waiting for something?" You asked, raised brows when he finally looked up.
"Oh, just a message from someone."
"Someone as in.. a woman friend? Like, a hot date?" You pried, you and Andy didn't have boundaries when it came to conversation; you poked around in each others' business all the time. You both liked things messy and loud and complicated - it's who you were.
Andy shook his head, his face flushed red like when Trent accused him of having a crush. "No," he huffs, washing the butterflies down with a sip of beer.
Your face lit up, grinning at your friend. "No way! You like her!" The words come out in a sing-song tone and Andy rolls his eyes playfully annoyed with you.
"Shut up," he chuckles, taking a bite of his chicken.
You mirrored his actions, chewing your food quietly. You look at him for a moment, smiling at him. "So tell me about her."
"She's kind, and funny. She likes Liverpool so it's a perfect match."
"The bar is so low, Andy." You teased and he shrugged, smiling. "But I'm glad you found someone, I hope things work out between you two."
"Me too," he nods. "What about you? Any luck?"
"Yeah," you took another sip of your drink, "he's a nice guy, but we're taking it slow. We'll see where it goes."
"Good, let me know if he gives you a hard time and you need me to beat him up." Andy says flatly, 100% serious.
You laughed, "as if you could beat up someone."
"I'll pay Virgil to rough him up."
You two chat for a bit more, finishing up dinner and Andy talked you into splitting a massive piece of cake with him - can't have dinner without dessert, just ain't right.
Finally, after what felt like forever, you made it home. You sent Andy a quick text, thanking him for dinner and telling him you got home. You received a thumbs up in response, which meant he was about to fall asleep and was too tired to answer properly - at least he knew you were fine.
You sat on your bed, opening the app you had been ignoring for the last few hours. Clicking on the profile, you send a message.
photographer_10: Hey you.
Andy, who was about to fall asleep, feels the phone buzz in his hand. He opens his eyes, blinking to get himself to focus when he sees who has messaged him.
Suddenly, he was wide awake.
lfc26: Hi, how are you? 
photographer_10: I'm good, sorry I disappeared. Had some work stuff to take care of. 
lfc26: I thought you forgot about me lol.
photographer_10: Never, you’re hard to forget.
Andy smiled at the message, the butterflies fluttering around his stomach like a 16 year old boy with a crush. 
lfc26: That’s sweet, you’ve got me blushing.
photographer_10: I'm sure you look very handsome.
lfc26: Hush you, I'm as red as a tomato right now.
The next message catches him off guard. 
photographer_10: Now are you ever gonna ask me on a date or shall I ask you? 
lfc26: Oh you beat me to it. 
photographer_10: By all means, please. 
lfc26: Would you like to go on a date with me?
Andy stares at the message, he isn’t even sure how long his thumb hovered over the send button. He finally worked up enough courage to hit it, but automatically locked his phone, tossing it on the bed as he rushed off to get a glass of water from the kitchen. 
It was a few minutes later that he came back and saw the response. 
photographer_10: I’d love to. Let me know when you’re free. 
lfc26: Next week? I’m free on Tuesday. 
photographer_10: Perfect, shall we meet somewhere? 
lfc26: Let me be a gentleman and pick you up? 
photographer_10: Sure, I’d love that :) 
The arms around you cause you to jump in your seat, heart stopping momentarily. It wasn't until you saw the pale skin that you connected the dots.
"Scared me half to death, Andrew." You huffed, your attention back on the emails you were answering.
He laughs, his chin poking into the top of your head again, watching as you typed nine knots an hour on your keyboard. "Soooo," he starts and your type comes to a halt. Anytime he says that, something either extremely important or stupid follows.
"So I sorta have a date soon, like this week. I.. it's been a while." He admits and you spin in your chair, Andy now leaning on the desk as he looks at you. "You nervous?" You asked.
He nods, "a little, yeah."
"You want my advice?"
"Is there something I should do? What's proper date etiquette ?"
"I don't think there's such a thing," you smiled. "But, if it were me, I'd like flowers. It's not a must but it's a nice touch - shows that you thought about more than just meeting the person, you wanted to make a good first impression."
"Okay," he nods, as if he's making a mental note. "Anything else?"
"Smell good, don't go straight from training. Go home and shower, do your hair, wear some cologne but not too much, you don't wanna make the poor girl sneeze." You laughed, Andy smiled.
"I always smell good."
"Do you?" You raised an eyebrow, looking at him.
Andy pulls you by your chair, sitting himself on your lap so you could smell him. "Ew!" You groaned, "Andy, get off!" He had just come up from training, and it was safe to say he did not smell good right now.
"What?" He asks, making a face at you. "Not good?" He tries not to laugh at your face, nose wrinkled in disgust.
"So gross," you huffed. "Go away before you stink up my office."
"You smell like me now," he cackled, pressing his sweaty self against you. You groaned, pushing him off of you. "I hate you."
"Love you too, y/n!"
Your music played quietly, you hummed along as you finished up your makeup. Your wine glass sat on the vanity and as you were about to reach for it, your phone buzzed.
lfc26: on my way :)
photographer_10: okay!
You sped up a bit, pulling the rollers out of your hair and shaking it out. Just a last second check in the mirror before you head down. Perfectly on time, the doorbell rings when you get to the bottom of the stairs.
"Coming!" You shouted, walking over to open the door.
Imagine your surprise when you see Andy at your front door, all dressed up, smelling good while holding a bouquet of flowers.
"Andy?" You looked at him, confused.
He blinks, looking just as confused as you. "Y/n?"
You take a moment to connect the dots and it seems Andy's doing the same. "26," you point at him and he nods. "Photographer," he mirrors your action, the two of you bust out laughing at the front door.
"I cannot believe this," you shook your head, laughing as you stepped aside for him to come in.
"I swear I didn't know it was you. I've never come to your house!" He chuckles and to be fair, it was true. You had gone to his place and you've gone out quite a few times but he's never been over to yours.
"I brought flowers, like you suggested." He passes the bouquet over to you; 26 roses all perfectly arranged and wrapped up in Liverpool red paper with a bow.
"My favourite," you smiled, smelling them. "Thank you, Andy."
He smiles, nodding. "Do you still.. you know, wanna go out?"
"Yeah," you smiled, setting the flowers on the counter. "If you want to."
Andy nods, waiting for you to put your flowers into a vase before he opens the front door.
You two ended up going to your usual spot, the Italian place on Water Street. The conversation was flowing, the two of you laughing about how you ended up there and chatted about the upcoming games. It felt normal, it felt meant to be.
You couldn't help but wonder how you missed all the signs.
It seemed that you two were meant to be.
Andy drives you home, walking up to the front door like a gentleman.
"Thank you for tonight," you smiled at him, your hand in his. Andy smiles, nodding. "No need to thank me, my pleasure."
He watches as you unlock the front door and step in. Your hand is still in his, as you look back at him. The look on your face says it before you do. "You know.. the night doesn't have to end here."
Andy hums, smiling at you. He seems to have gotten the hint.
"Yeah?" He raises his eyebrows as you pull him into the house.
The door slams shut, your lips on his as you answer him. "Yeah."
add yourself to the taglist!
taglist: @thesnailus @alwaysclassyeagle @lettersfromvenus @mehrmonga @callsignvenus @kmc1989 @valentinehrts @pulpfixion @ironmaiden1313 @candacels @muglermami @leclerces @yuoluver @themandaloriansdiaries
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liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
soccer players playing animal crossing
leo: has 400+ hours in the game but an underdeveloped island. when asked why has has so many hours, he just says, “i like to fish.”
ney: hes that bitch w the five star island. his island is so decked out, you go there n youre wondering if youre even playing the same game
alisson: the collector. will stay up till the ungodly hours a the night to catch a rare bug cause he thinks time traveling is cheating.
luka: mostly jus interacting w his villagers. he gifts them clothes n furniture every day n feels guilty when he goes a week without playing n all his villagers are like “where were you we missed you!!! :0″ he also spends a lotta time decorating his house.
sergio: bullies his villagers. thwaks em w the net, digs holes around their houses, that kinda stuff. buys expensive furniture n sends it to luka in an attempt to woo him (has yet to be successful)
trent: goes to his friends islands n absolutely TERRORIZES them. chops down trees, digs holes, etc etc
robbo: trents victim who never learns
mbappe: his island is almost entirely made up of a giant ass soccer field he made himself. his lil character wears a custom designed ronaldo jersey. hasnt spoken to his villagers in months.
klopp: mostly just visits his boys’ islands to water their plants n admire their handiwork :))
pep: takes the turnip market WAY TOO PHUCKING SERIOUSLY
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idkversace · 1 year
party- Virgil van Dijk
virgil invites you to a Robertson’s party and picks you up for awhile and no one notices you guys went out to make out.
Words: 2.159
Warnings: alcohol, smut, cute
*English is not my native language
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With each passing hour the party fills up more and more, I didn't know that Robbo knew so many people, to tell you the truth I don't think he did, it was friends of friends that happened. I came straight from an appointment without thinking much about how I was dressing, but looking back now I think I should have gone at home, people are wearing linen shirts, well-pressed pants, women wearing beautiful dresses from very expensive brands, while my jeans and my sweatshirt made me comfortable and maybe too comfortable.
"Virgil?" - I hear Robbo calling me
"Bro, where were you?"
“Here, hey”— I answer, settling down and leaning on the counter that was behind me and taking a sip of my beer
"You've been looking at the door for ten minutes," Trent, who was with me, tells me
“I'm not”
“Waiting for someone?” A woman who just arrived says as she holds my arm and calls the bartender
“No” I say looking at the door but the truth is that I'm waiting, Y/N and I, we've been going out for some time and every time we talk I have the full conviction that I'm falling in love with her. I invited her to the party but because of the appointment earlier with some doctors and physiotherapists to help with a small injury I had during training I couldn't get it, but she proposed to come and then I would take her home. The woman who stopped next to me keeps bringing up the subject and I'm dry with words until I see her entering the house, she's stunning with a black dress that marks her entire body and sneakers of the same color, Y/N had already told me that High heels weren't something she liked to wear, and I admired more and more when she didn't just wear them to impress me or someone else. As soon as our eyes meet, they radiate something we've been holding onto for ages. Lust. Y/N nods indicating she saw where we are and I feel anxious, I feel anxious to be able to touch her, she walks over to me, stopping in front of me while I compose myself and hug her, the guys are not understanding because I didn't mention that she was coming and they had never seen her. While hugging I speak in her ear “you look beautiful” and she squeezes me in her arms and lets me go greeting the guys introducing themselves, I don’t fail to analyze how beautiful and smelling she is.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N” Robbo says
"Virgil didn't say you were coming, we're surprised. Nice to meet you” - Trent Speaks
“I didn't even know if I was going to make it and you do” I say as I turn around at the counter ordering two more beers. The bartender brings it to me and I extend one to Y/N who accepts and thanks.
We were talking for a long time and enjoying the party, some time later Bobby and Renata arrive and Y/N engages in a conversation with my friend's wife, while the guys and I discuss about the next teams we would face.
Y/N and Renata go in search of seeing Robbo's new house and greeting Robbo's wife. I see Y/N coming over smiling and stopping beside me as she touches my arm over the top of the sweatshirt I'm wearing.
"Want another beer?" I say getting close to her
“I'll take some water” she says smiling while looking at me with those eyes she remembered a few nights ago when we were at her house drinking wine and by the second glass she was already drunk and sleepy, I call the bartender and ask for a still water for her.
“That day was a disaster,” she says as we share the same memory and I nod laughing.
"It wasn't, you know it wasn't!" Y/N got up the other day late for work while I missed practice because we spent all night talking while she did her best to stay awake
“I can't drink wine without you, Virgil,” she says and kisses me on the cheek.
“I don't want you to take it without me, always wait for me” I say, touching her hand subtly, she gives me a smile
"Did your appointment go well today?" - Y/N ask me
“We are evolving in the conversation, I think it will be success” I say, but without putting too much expectation
"It's going to be all right, I'll be here if you need me."
“I doubt it, but thanks for the support”
“I have a question” I say changing the subject, I don't want to talk about the injury much less about boring subjects while Y/N is totally beautiful next to me, this time I speak getting very close to her ear.
“I'm at your service, big boy” Y/N speaks in my ear
"If I rob you of a few minutes, do you think anyone will notice?" I ask
"If they notice, let them think we're gone." - she says and runs her tongue over her lips. I take Y/N's hand and head towards the hallway, dodging some people.
The hallway is empty and dimly lit, I lean Y/N on one of the windowsills, my body covers the woman in front of me and I kiss her, I place my hands on her waist and she wraps her arms around my neck pulling me further and deepening the kiss, my hands roam her side. We broke the kiss out of breath.
“Someone will see,” she says.
"No one will see," I say.
“But what if someone sees it and tomorrow it's in the tabloids in England?”
“Okay, if you want to leave then let's go I'll go right behind you” I get out of front of her waiting for her to get out of there and leave, but I'm caught by surprise
“God! you're going to kill me Virgil” she says she pulling me back to where I was before.
Y/N kisses me with desire and sticks her body to mine, her hands go to mine and there she leaves some scratches, while one of my hands stops at her waist and the other is in her hair
"I wish we had it at home," she tells me.
“We can go there you know right?”
“We can't, Robbo is your friend, it would be ugly”
“It's ugly that you turn me on and you know it”
“Yeah, I know” she says and laughs, she kisses me again and I put her on top of the railing. Y/N stays at my height, I open her legs and fit in there, we intensify the kiss and we don't care who could pass.
I squeeze her inner thigh and Y/N shivers, her hands are on my neck.
I bite her earlobe and she sighs and I pull up her dress a bit and run a finger over her panties. Cum! she's wet ready for me
“Damn Y/N, I really wanted to take off this dress of yours” I say softly and my finger is still pressed on your panties
“Virgil! - she says like a supplication bumping my lips and I give a smile, I make a move to remove my hand but she holds my hand and looks at me with supplication.
I kiss her and she reaches further forward causing my finger to have more contact with her panties that are already wet, my free hand goes to her neck and I pull further forward intensifying and she spreads her legs further. I push her panties to the side and my finger makes contact with her clit.
“Virg someone will see” - she says almost like a low moan
“Shiiu no one will see everyone is crazy or dancing, calm down” I say looking at her
I start the quiet, circular strokes on her clit and she gasps and squirms looking for more contact, Y/N is on fire and seeing that I'm the one providing this, my arousal rises even higher. I stick a finger in her and I see her bite her lips when I start the back and forth slow and she wants to let out a moan, she kisses me pulling my neck hard and squeezes my hand closing her thighs around it, I understand the message and speed up the movement, she she bites my lips so hard I taste blood as she starts kissing me again.
“van Dijk” she moans softly in my ear and I intensify the movements and my thumb starts stroking her clit, I kiss her neck, I move my hand up and squeeze one of her breasts and Brooke moans softly, in a hoarse way in the my ear
“Please” - she says and I increase the speed feeling her shudder in my arms, she kisses me hard and cum on my finger letting go of Virgil in the middle of the kiss.
I withdraw my hand from between her legs and leave it beside her body, she is limp and sweating as she looks up at me with a satisfied smile, pulls me in for another kiss.
“How can I thank you?” - she asks me softly
"No need to thank you, you know."
"But I want to," she says and runs her hand over my erection.
“Y/N” - I say softly - “Come on let's find a bathroom, we need to clean up.” I take her dress down and take her off the railing and she holds my clean hand so we can find a bathroom, we meet some people along the way in the hallway and say hello as if nothing had happened.
We find a bathroom and enter it, as soon as I close the door, she presses me in it and kisses me. Her hand goes straight to my erection and starts stroking over my pants.
“Y/N,” I whisper to her with my lips still glued together.
“Shut up” she says and unbuttons my pants - “I must say you look really good in jeans”
"Are you going to praise me now?" - I say
“It's never too late” she says and laughs, her hand goes to my dick on top of my boxers and squeezes it.
I kiss her and she takes my cock out of my underwear and starts caressing it, making back and forth movements, one of my hands goes to her ass and lifts one of her legs making the dress lift and her ass is exposed, she fits the leg lifted at my waist and my fingers part the lace of her panties and I penetrate with two at once. Y/N intensifies the back and forth movements on my cock and I do the same with my fingers, we moan softly each other's name and kiss, my free hand goes to my neck and I pull her closer. I take her in my lap and let her legs open as my cock rubs against her entrance. I get in and out slowly as she pleads in my ear for me to fuck her hard, but I have to control myself because we're not home.
“Virgil” - she speaks softly almost like a whisper and I feel her once again spill into my fingers and I come along with her.
“This was intense” I say taking my cock out of her and lowering her legs, she rests her forehead on my chest and we take a deep breath until our breathing returns to normal.
When we're back to normal, we go to the sink and wash up. We straightened up and left the bathroom, I took her hand and walked towards the crowd.
“This was amazing” - she says squeezing my hand and twitching remembering the feeling of having her under me.
"At your service always" I say with a laugh.
“Well, God made us in a separate house because either I would be pregnant or we wouldn't leave the house” - she laughs
"No babies yet, how about that?" - I stop looking at her and kiss her affectionately this time. I want to ask if she wants to stay with me, if she wants to live with me, but I know that Y/N is independent enough to take care of herself, and I don't want to rush things with her, I want to do it right.
Renata walks by and tells us that Geral is back there, no one seems to have missed us, we go to the backyard and leave Y/N there and get a drink, when I come back they are laughing at something Robbo said, Y/ N looks at me and calls me, I go after her and hug her putting my arms around her neck and leaning against the backyard wall bringing her along with me.
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jsprnt · 8 months
Healing Hearts PT.9 | Virgil van Dijk
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Would a fresh start bring you more than just a new job?
A/N: Hi loves! Sorry for the late post. I’ve been studying for exams I have this week and the next week and it’s been insanely time consuming. That’s also why I’m choosing to take a two week break from writing, I hope you guys will understand. Don’t worry, I promise I’ll be back with a banger. For now, enjoy this chapter <3
WC: 4.326
Summary: Y/N L/N is a very skilled and praised physiotherapist. A certain event pushing her for a fresh start, as a physiotherapist for Liverpool FC. One question always being in the back of her mind: Will she be able to let go of her past and allow herself to experience new things?
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I let go of the steering wheel as I arrive at the terminal, half slumping over it due to how tired I am. Rubbing my eyes lightly to not smudge my mascara, even though I knew that the moment I sat down in the plane I would be out cold and my make up would be smeared. Thankfully, I could use all my energy on driving carefully and properly.
I groan, cursing the scheduling staff for planning a flight with the team at seven in the morning. The match against LASK would take place tomorrow evening, so why the rush?
I grab my small suitcase filled with all the essentials I would need over the course of the next two days. I throw my handbag over my shoulder, actively trying to avoid the September sun, beaming into my tired eyes while locking my car.
I turn around walking towards the small private plane terminal. The wind had picked up since I left my home, making me feel like my suitcase weighed a million pounds. I place my hand above my eyes, looking down at the floor as I continue walking.
"Lookin' tired doctor."
I turn around abruptly, eyes meeting a cheery Robbo.
"Hm slept way too little." I respond, zero energy in my voice. He walks up next to me, a comforting smile on his face while he pats my shoulder.
"Sleep on the plane. Four hours should be good enough doctor."
"That was exactly my plan." I mumble a small smile cracking on my face, continuing to walk beside him. Pulling my suitcase behind me.
It had been about a week since the guys had come back from international duty. The away game against Wolves last Saturday was an amazing way to start again, with a 3-1 for Liverpool.
I had totally been busy with injuries lately, working on the recoveries and planning that came with them. Ibou could start tomorrows game thankfully. I still had to work with Trent on his injury, but I had full faith in his recovery.
Things between me and Virgil had been- normal. He'd joined the team on the away game, showing support to the guys even when he was suspended.
Thinking about that £100.000 fine he had received had me sweating just at the thought of having to pay. Expensive things and prices weren't that foreign to me, but having to spend that amount on a fine had me shocked. I had teased him about it, telling him he could abstain from buying a new super car that week. He had given me an annoyed look, as he continued to run faster on the treadmill during one of our appointments. I had never laughed at him that hard before.
He had brought up our conversation in his car after the appointment, urging me to not keep problems to myself again. I had waved him off with a smile, telling him I'd be fine. Truly, I hadn't lied. Everything had been going fine so far, no calls and no messages from him. I had just been living my life as normal as possible.
The week without Virgil had been a busy one, me being fully engrossed with work and everything. Both the paperwork and recovery of Trent and Ibou consuming most of my time.
The messages from Virgil were the only thing keeping me sane as I worked from morning to the evening. I couldn't lie, going to bed after reading a sweet goodnight message was something I really missed experiencing. That week had blessed me with the best sleep I'd ever gotten since I had moved to Liverpool.
We walk into the terminal, seeing all the familiar faces making me realize I had to actually socialize, instead of trying to sleep standing upright. We both walk through security quickly, being done within a couple minutes.
"I'm sitting." I mumble quickly to Robbo. I greet the people I walk past curtly, making my way over to the lounge, walking up to the very comfy looking seat.
I plop down, head down as I lean back into the chair. My handbag placed, on my lap. I close my eyes, sighing to my self at the peaceful feeling. Though sadly, that peace is broken by a hand tapping my arm lightly. I open my eyes, ready to yell at the person, but my mood changes as I am greeted by a hand holding out a warm cup of coffee. My eyes trail up the arm of the person, tired eyes meeting with Virgil's.
"Oh it's you." I mumble, squinting slightly due to the sun beaming through the glass panels. "Yes it's me. Disappointed?" He replies, a small smile on his lips.
"Very disappointed." I tease my voice tired, arms folded on my chest as I shake my head at him. He raises a brow, clicking his tongue before pulling the cup of coffee away from me.
"See, I saw you that looked tired and got you some coffee, but since you're disappointed by seeing me-" I chuckle at him, extending my hand to grab the cup of hot brown liquid. "I'm kidding, of course I'm happy to see you." I tease, taking a sip of the coffee. He sighs, looking at me with an annoyed but amused look.
He takes a seat beside me, as I sip on the coffee. The caffeine is either going to keep me up or give me the worse headache known to mankind in the next hour. I slump back in my chair, feet off the ground as I sway them a little.
"Why are you acting like you barely slept?" He asks, leaning closer. I lift my arm, putting it above my eyes in a comforting way. "Cause I barely slept like five hours." I mumble, a soft huff leaving my lips.
"Why? You were off pretty early yesterday."
"You'll either call me an idiot or laugh." I sigh before continuing. "I woke up in the middle of the night after dreaming- well having a nightmare about losing my passport." I explain, arm still placed on my head. "So- I woke up panicking. I immediately started looking for my actual passport and couldn't find it. Which lead me to turn my entire apartment upside down and a panic attack until I realized I had placed it into my handbag." I pull my passport out of my handbag, waving it at him. He doesn't spare a second before he's laughing as loud as he can, way too loud this early in the morning.
"You're serious?"
"Dead serious." I grumble, a little embarrassed at the attention he's drawing. "Stop laughing- you're making my head hurt." I mumble.
He clears his throat before turning to me again. I lift my arm and look at him, seeing the most beautiful smile on his face. My eyes travel down to his tatted arms, getting practically lost in the pretty designs.
He opens his mouth to say something, but he's stopped by the announcement of us being allowed to board. I groan, squeezing my eyes fully shut for a moment before standing up along with Virgil. He pulls his training fleece on, following me out.
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The overly tired girl stands up, grabbing her handbag as Virgil walks alongside her. He observes her slumped and tired looking frame, feeling a slight thump in his heart. He didn't like seeing her mood so down.
He reaches out to her and grabs her handbag, her head moving to the side and up to look at what he's doing. His hand now clinging onto her handbag.
"Let me hold it- looks heavy." He mumbles, his hand coming to rest in between her shoulder blades in a comforting manner. She doesn't react, exhausted and slightly slumped forward as she practically lets him guide her towards the plane.
Both are unaware of the gossiping and teasing looks exchanged in between the other Liverpool players.
The cold winds blow past them, making them slow their pace significantly before stepping into the plane and taking their seat, next to each other. She slides into the window seat, head already slumped against the soft cushion of the luxurious seat. He sits down after putting his belongings up, her handbag placed on the small table-like space in between their seats.
They take off a while later, but Virgil taps her shoulder, taking her out of her tired trance.
"Hm? What's wrong?" She asks, turning slightly to face him. "Here, drink this and go to sleep." He says, handing her a bottle of water. She raises a brow, grabbing the bottle and taking a few gulps.
"I don't know if I want to sleep now." She mumbles, standing up to remove her phone from her back pocket. "Why? You still look tired."
"Yeah but-" she begins looking into his brown eyes. "Do we have wet wipes on the plane?" He looks at her confused, wondering why she'd need them. "I'll be back." she says. Walking away as he's looking back at her confused.
She walks back not even a minute later, wet wipes in her hand as she sinks back into her seat. She starts wiping off the make up that was quickly applied that morning.
"You're wiping your make up off to go to sleep?" He asks, looking at her intently. "Yeah, these white seats won't look pretty nor will my face." She jokes, running the wipe along her cheeks. Carefully removing the last of her eye make up before turning to him. "Can you look if all the mascara is gone?" She asks, moving her face close, so he can see.
Virgil stares at her, taking in the beauty of her bare face, realizing he'd never seen her without make up before, this time she was fully bare faced. "The make up? Yes, I think it's all gone." He replies, a breathlessness in his normally deep voice.
She smiles, moving back to sit in her seat comfortably. "Thank you for checking." She discards the used wipes. She can feel her head staring to hurt and places her head back on the soft cushion, a yawn leaving her lips as her eyes become droopy, her exhaustion taking over and pulling her into a slumber. Soft snores making it obvious she was in need of a nap.
The athlete notices the snores, chuckling at the physio sleeping peacefully next him. Staring at her for a moment, tracing her beautiful features with his eyes.
He notices her shiver, and tugs his training fleece off, leaving him in his T-shirt and draping it on her sleeping figure.
He notices his teammates loud banter from across the aisle, hearing them joke loudly brings a smile to his face. He glances back at y/n, noticing her stirring, half awake. He reaches out, placing a hand on her arm and trying to calm her down.
"It's just the guys, go back to sleep hm?" He whispers tenderly, and her eyes close again. He watches her fall back into a slumber, and returns to watching his show he had selected earlier. He'd send a glare to the younger guys when they'd get too rowdy, telling them to calm down just incase they'd wake their physio up. Glancing at her sometimes to check on her.
A quiet "Sorry Virg" sent to him after he would glare. Virgil unaware of the fact that his teammates were gossiping about their way too obvious captain. Making up stories and betting on ways he'd finally confess to their beloved physio.
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I open my eyes, squinting at the sunlight beaming through the window, noticing a jacket on my lap. I fix some of my hair and look at Virgil who looks totally invested into the show he's watching. I look at his bare arms and realize he must've placed his jacket on me while I was asleep. Making me feel warm at the thought. I reach over to nudge him, he turns his head immediately, removing his earphones.
"Oh you're awake."
"How long did I sleep?" I ask him, rubbing my eyes. He checks the time on his screen. "About two hours."
"Really? I was out for two hours?" I gasp.
"Yeah, I just let you sleep because you looked so peaceful." He says, staring at my slightly disheveled form. I can feel my face flush, so I decide stand up, grabbing my handbag and telling him I'll freshen up. I walk past him, sighing to myself as I walk down the aisle to the toilet.
I stare at myself in the mirror, thankfully I didn't look that bad, though my eyes were definitely puffy. I wash my face and fix my appearance a little, pulling down the soft white top I'm wearing since it had ridden up a little while asleep.
I walk back into my seat, plopping down and staring at the screen Virgil was watching, he notices, taking out one of his earphones and handing it to me with no words exchanged. I smile at him, accepting it as we continue to watch the show together.
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I watch as the guys train, the sun had gone down a while ago in Linz, the sky pitch black with stars twinkling as I look up to admire them. The beauty of the sky in an open field was incomparable to the view of it in the big city, but both were amazing to look at.
I had been to Austria before, not necessarily stayed but visited it during a road trip me and my family went on when I was younger. We had traveled all around Europe for about three weeks. My parents had taken much-needed time off and decided traveling and seeing as many places as possible was the way to go.
I snap out of my thoughts at the sound of a whistle, realizing training had finally ended for the day. I tug my jacket on, chuckling at myself for being cold while all the players were drenched in sweat due to training. I watch as I see some of the players sit down on the chairs on the side of the pitch, and walk over to hand them some water.
"How are you even cold?" I hear Ibou yell, visibly tired. I laugh at him, handing him a bottle.
"Because I didn't go running throughout the entire field like you guys." I retort. "Besides I have low iron." I say, zipping up my jacket, hearing some players laugh. "Low iron yeah?" I hear Virgil say, smirking. "What? Can you let me live?" I say, hands on my hips while looking at him offended.
Our conversation- well bickering is interrupted as I turn my head to look at Dr. Woods, who's calling out to me, talking to me about the condition of some players.
Since Dr. Davis couldn't be here I would have to step in for him. This also meant I could join Dr. Woods on the bench as physiotherapist, making me feel super excited for tomorrows game. Finally, my bench debut would happen!
We arrive back at the fancy hotel, our luggage already brought up to our rooms. I was told I could take Dr. Davis'. So, I had my own private room I didn't have to share with any other female staff member, making me long for the comfortable silence and the big soft bed.
I walk along with some players, listening to them chat amongst each other. I reach into my jacket pocket, grabbing the chocolate snack I had stuffed into it, just in case. I had been craving sweets lately, undoubtedly an early sign of my period. I unwrap it, taking a bite before realizing I'm being watched by someone.
"What? I can't have low iron and a snack?" I ask Virgil. My eyebrows raised defensively as I take another bite, shaking my head at his judging expression. He raises his hands, jokingly surrendering with a smile on his face. "I didn't say a word."
"You've been on the doctors case a lot captain, give it a rest." I hear Robbo say as he puts his arm around my shoulders. I smile at him, as he tries defending me. "I know right he's being so rude." I say, as I start fake crying and Robbo laughings. I glance back at Virgil, seeing his expression drop for a moment, something flickering in his eyes.
"You've been teaming up with my teammates! What is this, no support for your captain at all!" He points to Robbo, but other players around us laugh, knowing they've joined me with teasing him. "Sorry lad, the doctor is the one helping me recover after I get injured. I don't want to be on her bad side." I smirk at him, holding back a laugh as we walk into the hotel.
I tell the guys goodnight as I get off the elevator on the level my room is. Walking into the hotel room, immediately walking over to check the view. The shining city lights making me admire them for a second before jumping into the shower.
I walk back out of the shower, bathrobe on as I plop onto the bed. Picking up my phone from the nightstand, realizing my friends had been ringing it. I press onto the missed call, their faces coming into view as I lift the phone closer to my face.
"Finally, miss sports physio called us back." I hear Monet say. I roll my eyes at her, leaning back and throwing my self fully onto the bed. "I was in the shower." I say, voice tired. "How was the flight?" Priya says. "Fine, I took a nap." I reply, running a hand on my face.
"You guys, she called me at two in the morning! Thinking she lost her passport, panicking for I think an hour, before realizing she put it in her handbag!" Jul shouts complaining about my late night call to her. I hear the others chuckle.
"Stop, it's not funny! I really thought I was fucked this time!" I whine. "You really need to stop overthinking, girl you used to always do that back in uni." Liz replies sternly. I groan at the tone in her voice, a scolding from her was always imminent.
I talk to them some more, before hanging up as I had to go to bed. I yawn, grabbing my suitcase and choosing my sleepwear. Changing as fast as possible and getting ready to finally rest properly.
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I cheer as the referee whistles, clapping at the team's performance during the game. Liverpool had won 3-1 and I couldn't be prouder since they were on top of their table. The match was full of exciting moments like, Ryan's first assist for Liverpool and most importantly the final win. Not to mention, my first time being actively working on the pitch during a Liverpool match.
We walk back into the team bus, everyone tired but in a good mood. I pull out my phone, checking my notifications before clicking on the highlights of my childhood football club, who also had a match, the same time as us.
Despite only getting interested into football in my late teenage years, my dad always made it a point to teach me to love his childhood club. It was a generational tradition at this point. Since my dad is part Turkish, and was raised by my Turkish grandfather, he had to support the same Turkish football club: Fenerbahçe. It was one of the things that bonded me and my dad, at least a little.
"What are you watching? Highlights of what game?" I pause the video turning to Virgil. "My childhood club." I reply. "Fenerbahçe? Right you're part Turkish." He remembers, and I nod. "Think Galatasaray is better to be honest." He blurts, and glare at him. He really had to say that he liked my clubs biggest rivals in their league?
"Stop right now, I swear I'll never treat you again." I threaten, offended. "You're a little too fanatic- Okay I'll stop." He surrenders, a smirk on his face. I sigh, and return back to watch the video. "Oh they won, are you happy doctor?" He interrupts, again. "Yeah, my dad is so happy." I laugh, showing him the rare message my dad had sent in our family group chat.
I glance back at him, noticing him staring at me instead of the phone screen. I see him look away quickly, mumbling something about football making everyone happy. I can feel butterflies in my stomach, but I try to shrug it off, returning to finish watching the video. This time paying half the attention with my thoughts somewhere else.
We feel the bus park a while later, and we all walk out and go up to our hotel rooms. I wave everyone off, getting into my room, not feeling very tired, but remembering we had to get up at nine thirty this time, to get back to Liverpool.
I hear my phone ping as I'm watching TV on the couch, snacking on some candy and chocolate I had gotten this morning. I check my phone, seeing that Virgil had texted.
"Are you up y/n?"
I immediately feel butterflies in my stomach. What's with late text?
"Yeah, I'm up." I text, snapping a picture of the snacks on the table. "Craved some candy and a good movie."
He sends a funny sticker, also snapping back a video of him laying in his bed, might I add, shirtless. He pans the camera to show his own empty room, hearing his TV blare in the background. "Ohh so captain gets his own room?" I text, teasing him.
I smile to myself. If anyone else was in this room, they probably think I looked like a giddy teenage girl, texting her crush.
"What room are you in?" He replies, and my heart stops for a second. Why does he want to know that? Does he want to come here? I mentally panic before, getting it together and telling him what number.
"311 why?" I ask.
"You'll see." He replies, and I shoot up from my position. Is he actually coming to my room? At almost ten o'clock? I neglect texting back, running to my bathroom, fixing my hair and putting on some sweatpants underneath my oversized shirt. I take my time, just in time for a knock on the door.
I calmly walk up to the door, placing my head against the door to check through the peephole.
It's hotel staff?
I open the door carefully, sticking my head out of the opening. "Hello miss! Your room service." I stare at him for a second, tilting my head before it clicks. Virgil wasn't coming over to my room.
No, he'd ordered room service for me?
I open the door wider, allowing the man to bring in the food, he leaves shortly after and I close the door behind him.
I grab my phone off the couch, walking up to the food that was ordered for me. Two charcuterie boards; one consisting of all sorts of fruit and the another one full off savory snacks.
This was the sweetest thing someone had done for me in a long time, it making me a little emotional. Tears well up in my eyes at the thought. I couldn't tell if it was my hormonal cycle changing or it was due to the fact that I genuinely was so touched.
My phone pings with Virgil sending messages.
"Did you receive it?" He asks. "I thought this would be better than eating unhealthy snacks."
I feel a single tear drop down my cheek, replying with a picture of my crying face. "Wait, why are you crying? Do you do not like it?" He texts and I feel more tears fall down.
"No, it's so sweet that you thought of doing this." I reply, wiping away the tears on my cheek.
"Come on anyone would think of doing that." He says, and I laugh to myself. He was either way too oblivious or trying to be humble.
"No, seriously. You're so sweet, thank you." I reply, along with a sticker of a cute kitten. He sends a sticker back, before telling me to enjoy the snacks along with the movie.
I suddenly get an idea.
"Do you want to come over? I mean I couldn't finish all this by myself.” I ask, a little nerve wracked, fidgeting with my necklace.
"Are you sure? It's late, and we have to be up early." He replies.
"It's fine come down!" I text back, before dropping my phone on my bed and running to pull on some more appropriate lounge wear, this time knowing he'd come over for sure.
My phone pings a couple minutes later and I open the message. "I'm at your door." I read, before hearing a knock.
"I'm coming." I say, a little quieter too not wake up everyone on my floor. I swing my door open, revealing a very relaxed looking Virgil, in gray sweats and a black T-shirt. The dream combo, I hold back a laugh.
I notice how good his hair looked, his waves done neatly. Did this man just take his durag off or? His hair always looked freshly done, no matter what.
"Hey." He mutters. A pretty smile on his face.
"Hi." I whisper back, returning the smile as my dimples show. I step aside, making way for him to enter my room, and closing the door behind him.
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whorekneecentral · 1 year
Okay so heres my request for my lovely sexy robbo:
Liverpool just won a game, reader couldn’t be there because of work (shame on the boss for keeping us away from our hot bf like honestly who could be that heartless)
Robbo coming home to her on the couch in his liverpool jersey and red lingerie and just being ready for victory sex
With phrases 42 & 67
Phrases 29 & 47
You’re welcome, no need to give me a applause 🤭
- vvd anon
got you babes, you're singlehandedly gonna send requests for all the lfc boys lmao // prompts: “did you touch yourself while I was gone ?” + “I think we’ve found a new kink” 
Liverpool had won their match and it killed you to not be there to celebrate with your husband. Unfortunately, you got stuck covering a shift for one of your co-workers who's kid was sick.
You only saw the last 20 minutes of the match but at that, they were 2-0 against Everton.
Andy would be home in about an hour and you figured you'd do a little something to celebrate with him.
You had a red set you had bought for valentines that you didn't get to use; your husband was much too impatient to even let you put it on. So you figured now would be the perfect time to put it good use and you just tossed on one of his jerseys that he had laying around.
You were on the couch when he got home, laying on your stomach as you watched Netflix. Andy doesn't miss the jersey you had on with the big 26 on the back as well as the red lace covering your ass that was peeking out from under it.
He smacked your ass, causing you to smile. "What's all this?" He asks, walking around to sit next to you. The man lifts your legs, letting you rest them on his lap when he sits and you roll over, now on your back.
"What's what?" You ask and he nods towards you. "What'd I do to deserve this?"
You decide to move yourself to sit on his lap, shrugging. Andy's hands wander under the jersey you've got on, he can feel the lace that covered your body and his finger drags the fabric up to see what's actually under it.
"Did you touch yourself while I was gone ?” He asks and your brows furrow, "what?"
"Why else would you be all dolled up?"
"Who gets dressed up to touch themselves, Andy ?"
"I do." He says, like it's obvious. "Fuck off," you can't help but laugh. "You won. I thought we could celebrate," you mumbled against his lips when you kissed him.
"Yeah, I like that idea."
You’re up on your knees, hovering over his lap, your hands under you as you undo his pants. Andy helps you, pulling them down enough for you to sink down onto him. Your hand rests on his shoulder, giving you a moment to gather yourself before starting to bounce on his lap.
Andy's hand stays on your hip, his firm grasp keeping you in place as you rock back and forth. His head drops back into the couch, his eyes fluttered closed.
“Fuck, you’re perfect.” His hand pats your hip, “made just for me.” He tells you. Your hand tangles in his hair, pulling his head back so you can kiss him. You kiss all over his face, Andy's cheeks red not just from the lipgloss but from the blush forming on his cheeks.
He loves when you love on him like that.  
Andy can feel the way you were clenching around him and he knew you were close; you knew he was close, his eyes closed and head back.
“C’mon,” you whisper to him, your lips by his ears. “Cum for me, baby.”
You’re still on top of Andy, your arms wrapped over his shoulders as you both come down from the high. Your cheek pressed to his, “we should win all our games," he mumbles, making you laugh. "Yeah, that would be ideal, but I think we've found a new kink."
"Yeah, clearly."
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Syverson & Vixen
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Summary: Captain Syverson retires from the Army and takes an extended vacation. He wasn't planning on falling in love. Then he meets vix, an unlucky in love tattoo artist at a party. Do they have what it takes to make it?
Pairing: Syverson x OFC
Word Count: approx 2.3k
Warnings: swearing, smoking, drug use, violence, sexual assault (last paragraph of the chapter if you want to skip it)
Authors Note: I hope you enjoy my version of Syverson. Thanks for reading.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Part 4 Part 6
Part 5
I woke up Sunday morning with a mild hangover. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, hoping it would get the shitty taste from my mouth. It didn't work nearly as well as I had hoped.
I went to the kitchen, made a coffee and cooked a fry-up of bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms, baked beans and toast. I served three plates up, covered two with foil for Jess and Peter, then went out on the back verandah and ate.
I looked at my phone. I had five missed calls from Rob and ten drunken messages about how sorry he was and how he wants to make it up to me. I sent a message telling him to apologise to Pete and leave me alone.
There was a message from my ex/boss, Macca. He just said he needed to book one of his mates in with me after hours on Wednesday. Great, there goes four hours of my afternoon having to sit with my boss and some bikie talk about all the rooting and drugs they did back in the day. At least I would get paid for having to listen to those conversations, unlike when we were dating.
No message from Sy, though. I shouldn't expect one so soon, but I was disappointed. I really liked him. He had been a lot of fun and fit in well last night. He was a fair bit older than me, but that was usually a plus. He was very confident in himself but didn't appear arrogant. He could take a joke and could flirt pretty well. Of course, his amazing body and good looks helped. And my God, he could kiss.
I sighed as I looked over the backyard. There wasn't too much cleaning up to do. Most people had used the bins I had put out. I smoked a cigarette and finished my coffee before I started cleaning the yard.
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"So, tell me what happened with Sy," Jess asked after Pete went home. It was after dinner, and the two of us were watching Netflix with the air-con blasting.
"Well, not much really, we kissed, and it was really good, like hot as fuck good. I'm pretty much ready to go with him back to Pete's place, and he stops and asks me out for a date."
"What did you say?"
"I said I would, and that was it."
"Really?" Jess asked. "He didn't try and take you back to Petes?"
"Nope," I said, feeling a bit confused about it still.
"He seemed keen, though."
"I thought so too. I pretty much told Sy I'd fuck him, and he said no."
Jess raised her eyebrows. "That's weird. Has he messaged you today?"
"No. I'll give it a few days before I worry about it." I was lying. I was worried about it already. I really wanted to hear from him. Maybe I came on too strong. Or perhaps he was so drunk he forgot he asked me out.
Jess nodded. "What happened with Robbo? What was that about?"
I shook my head, "I don't know. He got the shits when I talked to Sy, and then he wouldn't let my hand go. Sy comes up and, get this," I start laughing already. "Sy says to Robbo, 'let go of her hand, son.'"
"Son?" Both Jess and I laugh, and it takes us a few minutes to calm down.
"Yeah, anyway, Rob gets agro about it, and then Pete came, and it was over." I shrugged. "I thought he would leave me alone after that, but I woke up to a ton of messages from him, so who knows."
"What's going on with Macca?"
"Macca is Macca. He brought his new girlfriend into the shop last week. I was relieved, actually. I don't think she's the one he cheated on me with, but he paraded her around and made sure I met her. I'm not sure if he's playing games with me or if he's really over it."
"Are you still going to get a new job?"
I nodded. "Yeah, I feel stifled there. But Macca knows so many people, and I don't know what he has said about me. I think I'm going to have to look out of the area, which means more travel which will suck balls."
"Yeah, I know what you mean." Jen worked on the other side of Sydney, and it could take her 45 to an hour to get to work each day.
"Maybe we could move together. I could try and find a job near the hospital if you want."
"I don't think Pete will move away from the beach."
"Did you guys talk more about getting married?" Jess shook her head and looked like she was going to cry. "Oh, Jess, sweetie. I'm sorry."
I hugged her and rubbed her back while she cried. Poor Jess. I don't know why Pete won't marry her. Jess has an old fashioned notion about not living with your partner until you're married, and its caused friction over the years. But it's getting worse. Jess wants kids too. Despite only being 27, she was worried her time is slipping away.
After Jess had a good cry and we watched Nailed It before we went to bed. I had just gotten into bed when my phone rang.
My heart jumped in my throat. It was a number I didn't recognise. I almost let it go through to voice mail, but I remembered I didn't get Sy's number.
"Hi, Sugar Tits." It was Macca, and he sounded speedy. Great.
"Hi, Macca. Couldn't this wait until the morning? Whose phone are you calling from."
"I got a new number, just calling to let you know."
"Yeah, new provider and all that."
"You could have just texted me."
"Yes, but then I wouldn't be able to hear your lovely voice. Also, I didn't know if you got my message last night about Boots."
"The mate you want me to tattoo? Yeah, I got it. Sorry I didn't reply. I was just going to tell you tomorrow it was ok."
"Well, he's here now pestering me, so I thought I'd call you and check."
"It's fine. I'm in bed, so I'll talk to you tomorrow, ok?"
"Want to come back to my place on Wednesday after the job's done? We could get lit."
I rolled my eyes. "Macca, I've got jobs on Thursday and don't you have a girlfriend?"
"You know I'd rather have you."
"Goodnight Macca, I'll see you tomorrow."
"Why don't you come over now? You can have the week off, and we can hang out at my place."
"Sorry, Mac, I'm going to bed." I hung up, annoyed. I wasn't used to this crap. I should never have gotten involved with Macca. I knew enough not to shit where you ate, but he had been so charming when I first worked with him, and he eventually wore me down, and we dated. Then I fucked up when I found out Macca had cheated on me and got so wasted I kissed Rob. I need to get off my arse and get a new job, so I don't have to see Macca all the time.
My phone rang again. It was a number I didn't know, and I assumed it was Macca calling back.
"Look, I told you nicely. I'm not interested. Don't make me tell you to fuck off."
"Well, alright then, Darlin'." It was Syverson.
"Sy," my breath sped up. "Sorry, I didn't realise it was you."
"Was it that guy from last night?"
"No." I chewed my lip. "It was my boss."
"Strange way to talk to your boss."
"He's also my ex."
"I see." He's thinking I'm a whole lot of trouble, isn't he?
"He cheated on me," I said quickly.
"Well, he must be a few sandwiches shy of a picnic." I could hear the smile in his voice.
I smiled too. Sy wasn't worried. "What are you up to?" I asked, changing the subject.
"I'm just about to hop into bed. I wanted to hear your voice before I did."
"Aww, you miss me already?" I teased.
"I'd be a fool if I didn't, and my Momma didn't raise fools."
I blushed. Sy was good. "I'm looking forward to Friday," I said. "Where are we going?"
"I ain't telling."
"Another surprise," I said. "Do you like surprises?"
"Sometimes. I like surprising pretty little kittens like you."
I felt myself getting all hot, and I loved how he talked. He was so suggestive it made my toes curl. "At least tell me what to wear."
"Something like what you wore to the party would be appropriate."
"And under that?" I asked, teasing.
"Hmm. Why don't you surprise me."
I laughed. "Ok, I will."
"Well, I'll let you get some sleep, Darlin'. Goodnight."
I said goodnight to Sy, but I had no idea how I would sleep.
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Macca didn't show for work on Monday or Tuesday. I was relieved. It meant he found some other girl to warm his bed, which meant he would leave me alone again. I thought about ignoring Maccas phone call, but I had the feeling that wasn't going to be the end of it. It's the second time since I had broken it off with him that he had gotten bored and tried to get me back.
When Macca doesn't show for work, I often have to wrangle shit at the shop. The counter girls, who are always young, pretty and straight out of high school, are always trying to slack off when he's not in, trying to get out of cleaning duties or taking too many breaks. Although I got paid pretty well, I didn't get paid enough to be a manager, but I couldn't stand the shop being dirty. It made the artists look bad. Not to mention then, I was also responsible for the money at the end of the day. Luckily, most people know enough not to steal cash from a tattoo shop and the till usually adds up.
I put out some feelers with other artists I knew to see if any jobs were going. There were a couple of places that looked interesting. I sent enquires to one shop with a link to my socials for work evidence. They replied a few hours later and wanted to meet with me next week.
I spent a lot of time thinking about Sy while I worked. So much so that I found myself drawing Syverson at the workbench on Wednesday afternoon. I drew him as I remembered him, his face in profile, standing with his arms crossed over his broad chest in his black t-shirt, jeans and boots. I added a cigarette packet peeking out of his t-shirt sleeve, and I rolled the bottom of his jeans up. I gave him a pompadour but still short hair on the sides and made his beard a bit neater. I added a 'Momma' love heart tattoo. I drew a frame around it. Now I just had to find someone to tattoo it to.
I felt someone breathing on my neck, and I turned around and saw Macca peering over my shoulder. "That's good, Vix. Who's the dude?"
"The man of my dreams, Mac," I said dismissively. "Nice of you to show up." He looked awful, deep purple bags under his red-rimmed eyes. His skin was pale and dry, his hair could do with a wash, and he appeared to have slept in his clothes.
"I was sick," Macca said without the common decency to even pretend to be apologetic. When he was like this, I don't know what possessed me to date him in the first place.
"A phone call would have been nice," I told him, slipping my drawing in my bag.
Macca shrugged. "Are you still ok to do the tattoo for Boots?"
I nodded and pulled out my iPad to draw the stencil up. "Is he here?" Macca nodded and brought him in.
A few hours after doing yet another Ned Kelly tattoo, Macca and I were closing up. He had paid me for the day, and I had packed up, so I went into Macca's room to tell him I was leaving. He was smoking meth from a glass pipe and offered me some.
"No, thanks," I told him. "That shit messes me up for days."
"I have some coke if you want," Macca offers.
I shook my head, wanting to be out of there. There were always drugs around in my line of work, and though I have been known to partake, I definitely don't want to do drugs with Macca ever again. That's how I ended up sleeping with him the first time. "I suppose you won't be in tomorrow?"
"Come back to my place, Vix," Macca said, ignoring my question. His pupils were so big his brown eyes were nearly black.
"When was the last time you slept?" I asked.
"Monday night." He replied. Only one day without sleep. That's not so bad.
"Why don't you stop now and try and get a few hours tonight, ok, Mac?"
Macca reached out and took my hand. "You were always looking out for me, Vixy. I miss you."
I rolled my eyes. "Maybe next time you find a girl you like, don't stick your dick in another girl." I tore my hand away, and he was on his feet. His hands were on my shoulders, pushing me against the wall. I was scared now. He had been aggressive with me in his behaviour and words before, but never physically.
"I told you it wasn't my fault." His voice was vicious, and little flecks of spittle came out as he spoke. "I fucking love you, Vix." Then he kissed me. He pushed his tongue into my mouth, and it was coarse and dry like sandpaper in my mouth. My stomach heaved. I tried to push him away, but he was too strong. His hands were up my skirt, touching me, trying to get into my underwear.
I brought my hands up and pressed my thumbs into his eyes.
"Bitch!" He screamed. He let me go, clutching at his eyes.
I ran.
Part 6
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footballxixstars · 4 years
Hii! Do you write for Andy Robertson? If so can you do one similar to the Trent ladies footballer piece you did but with Robbo? But where you already know each other and have been friends awhile Thanks xx
I’m so sorry about how long this has taken! I’m sorry about the lack of updates recently but here’s one now. Hopefully the next one shouldn’t take as long but to be honest I don’t know. It’s a long one anyway hope you enjoy it Xx❤💙🧡
Friends Always • Andy Robertson
You and Andy had been friends ever since he played for Hull City. He played for the men’s team and you played for the women’s team and sometimes you would train all together making it easier for the coaches. You had no idea why they did this but it was a lot of fun and it’s how you and Andy met. You and Andy were near enough together constantly when neither of you had training or games to go to. The two of you were inseparable and many people thought that you were dating yet the two of you always insisted you were just friends. Part of you thought that there was something more between yourself and Andy though but when you were going to talk to him about it you got a fantastic opportunity. An opportunity that you couldn’t turn down. An opportunity which meant you would be leaving Hull to a place 150 miles away. You didn’t want to leave Andy but you had to. When you got the news from Andy he was the first person you told and you kept your thoughts to yourself. You weren’t able to talk to him about it and then if he does express feelings you don’t want to leave him in Hull whilst you go to Liverpool. So you and Andy were just friends with hidden feelings on your side. You had no idea how he felt about you.
You and Andy still occasionally spoke over the phone but it wasn’t anything like before. Moving to a bigger team meant more and harder training and more games and more pressure that you had. You missed hanging out with Andy greatly but football was important to you. Slowly you and Andy had drifted apart and those thoughts of you and Andy had also gone away. Well, not gone away completely but weren’t as big as they were when you saw him every day. In 2017 everything changed. You were at Melwood getting your fitness tests done before the start of the season when you saw him. He was standing across the room with a couple of guys from the men’s team just chatting to them. You had to blink a couple of times to make sure that it was real and he was really there and it wasn’t just your imagination. Andy was here. Here in Melwood. He was actually standing with guys from the first team and Jurgen Klopp. What the hell?
“Andy,” You said shocked as you made your way over to him. You couldn’t stop yourself from walking over to him. You needed to make sure that he was real and the only way to make sure was to touch him. Hug him mainly. You missed his hugs. The thoughts were racing all around inside your head. How come Andy didn’t tell you he was in Liverpool? When he heard his name being called Andy instantly perked up knowing that he knew that voice. When his eyes met yours a smile overtook his face and he left the guys making his way to you to meet you halfway.
“Y/N,” He shouted as he made his way over to you. The guys were looking at him in confusion but Andy paid them no attention. He was looking forward to this moment ever since the offer came in from Liverpool. When the offer came he knew that he had to take it. Liverpool was an incredible team which had a lot of promise and he would be a near-certain starter for them and on top of that all he would be close to you again. The transfer made more sense the more he thought about it and even with the little time he’s actually been here (only a few hours) he already feels at home.
“What are you doing here?” You asked him, bringing him into a hug. As Andy’s arms wrapped you, you let out a soft sigh instantly feeling comfortable back in his arms. It had been a while since you hugged him since you hadn’t seen him in person for ages and his arms just felt familiar. It was nice having someone familiar hug you. Someone that felt like home. You took a deep breath breathing in his scent that you loved so much and god did you miss that comforting smell as well.
“I’ve signed for Liverpool,” Andy said, gesturing to the tracksuit that he was wearing. Of course, it was a Liverpool tracksuit which you didn’t notice he was wearing. If you had done then you probably wouldn’t be asking those questions. You opened your mouth to respond but somebody came in the room interrupting the two of you.
“Y/N,” Your coach shouted, walking into the room gesturing to you. You knew that he wanted you to go and be quick with it so you quickly said your goodbyes to Andy mentioning that you would catch up later before leaving the room. Andy watched as you left the room before making his way back to the guys who were still standing there watching the interaction between the two of you.
“So… How do you know Y/N?” Jordan asked as Andy came back over. He had that stupid smirk on his face that Andy had already come to hate. They also began to make their way to the changing room so they could get changed for training.
“We were friends in Hull,” was all Andy said, a clear blush evident on his cheeks. He tried to hide it but quickly gave up knowing that it was useless since they had already seen the blush on his cheeks. Also thinking about it made it worse.
“Just friends,” Alex asked, obviously hinting that the two of you were something more. He also wiggled his eyebrows as he said it showing once again that he doesn’t believe that the two of you were only friends. Andy was used to things like this whilst the two of you were at Hull since it was a daily occurrence but it coming from his new teammates was strange since he wasn’t used to it. It also took them approximately 5 minutes to actually question whether or not you are friends. A new record.
“Yes,” Andy replied, sounding a bit sceptical. He was still getting used to the guys and their jokes so he was still trying to figure out his place in the team. As those words left his mouth they had made it to the locker room so the conversation dropped off but the guys were still laughing at Andy and his reaction. As they walked through the door the other players gave them a couple of weird looks considering they were all laughing at the response and Andy was blushing hard now. Screw his pale complexion meaning it was difficult or near impossible to hide the blush. Luckily none of them actually asked about it allowing Andy to go on with his first day of training with no more questions about it. A couple of the guys gave him knowing looks but he managed to ignore them and carry on with training. He couldn’t lie to himself though his thoughts turned to you regularly and what you used to have before you left and he hoped it could go back to that. Somewhat anyway.
Since Andy had moved to Liverpool the two of you began to rekindle your friendship and slowly the two of you became inseparable once again. The jokes about you two dating started up once again with his teammates and yours mostly making them. Every single time one came up you just rolled your eyes and continued on. You knew they were coming before the jokes actually started so you were all prepared for them. You often made jokes about yourself and Andy dating making it somewhat easier to deal with those feelings that were reemerging but never being brought up not wanting to risk anything since you had just got him back. It was now 2020 and your friendship was as close as ever. Every time that either of you could you would go to each other’s games which were rare since both schedules were hectic and often clashed. This time though he was available to go and Liverpool’s Women’s Team was playing Chelsea Women’s Team and the guys off of the men’s team had nothing else to do so decided to come and watch the game and cheer the team on. Andy was obviously the one to suggest it causing a lot of looks and jokes but you couldn’t keep the smile off of your face when you heard that he was coming to watch the match. You were feeling confident about it.
“Let’s watch your girlfriend play,” Trent said, dragging Andy to their seats. A couple of the guys were following behind and laughed along when they heard Trent bring up you. So it only took a minute for you to be mentioned. A new record. They constantly teased Andy about your relationship saying how you were dating even though you weren’t. He would tell them this but they would just ignore them but he couldn’t help but think what if you were more than friends. He often got those urges to just kiss you or he would find himself smiling when he was just looking at you. He wanted more than a friendship with you. Not that he would ever admit that to anyone.
“Not my girlfriend, my friend,” Was all Andy replied, sitting down in his seat ignoring the guys as they sat around him. He got out his phone and sent you a good luck message not knowing if you would see it or not considering you were about to come out for the warm-up but he still felt the need to message you. It also meant he could block out the guys for a little bit whilst he messages you.
“Well the two of you sure are close and always act like a couple,” Adam said to Andy nudging him a little bit to get his attention. He opened his mouth to argue back but Trent had said something before Andy could.
“Oh look there's your girlfriend,” Trent said pointing to you as you made your way out of the tunnel with your teammates. This caused Andy to hit Trent firmly on the arm and act like he wasn’t watching or looking at you. It didn’t work. The guys watched as Andy’s eyes followed you around the pitch as you warmed up only stopping when you disappeared through the tunnel. When that did happen he turned his attention to his phone ignoring the guys around him who were attempting to make jokes about the two of you. Finally after many attempts and failing to get his attention some of the guys stood up and walked around probably to go to the toilet or get some food before the game. Once they had left Andy let out a breath of relief and allowed himself to look up from his phone. Only a few of the guys were still in their seats talking to each other and they were sat a few seats away from Andy. He felt someone's hand on his shoulder so he turned around and came face to face with James. Andy opened his mouth to ask him what he wanted but Millie cut him off speaking himself.
“I know that you’re just friends but it’s written all over your face. Whether you want to admit it or not you like her and want to be more than friends. You don’t have to try to hide it with me. I won’t make fun of you or tell any of the guys but you need to tell her,” James Milner said to him when nobody else was listening. He would join in with making fun of Andy occasionally but he could see it. He saw it on Andy’s first day at Liverpool but never said anything knowing he would just explain it as he hasn’t seen her in a while. Milner also knew that there would be a lot of jokes and Andy would probably think that is just a joke. He needed to try to get it to Andy somehow which he wouldn’t immediately block it out and this seemed the best way. Andy looked at Millie in shock that he had actually said that. Somebody knew just from his facial expressions. What if other people had figured it out? He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times trying to find the right words or even attempt to deny it but he couldn’t.
“I can’t lose her as a friend,” Andy ended up saying, finally getting the words out. He was actually admitting to liking you out loud for the first time. He had barely admitted it to himself so it felt strange to admit it to someone else. It also felt nice knowing that somebody finally knew and could hopefully help him with it.
“Sometimes it’s worth the risk and for what it’s worth I think she feels the same,” Milner replied with patting Andy on the shoulder and sitting back since the guys were making their way back to their seats. Millie wasn’t going to talk about it in front of the guys knowing what they would be like. Andy looked at him for a bit longer trying to figure out whether or not he was lying but it was Millie. He wouldn’t lie about something like this.
“The game’s starting soon can’t miss your girlfriend,” Alex teased sitting down in his seat. Andy tore his eyes away from Millie and looked towards the pitch where the two teams were coming out of the tunnel. You were at the back like you always were preferring standing there than anywhere else. It wasn’t long until kick-off and the nerves were running through your body knowing that Andy was watching you. You were ready though. This game was important. Andy was watching the game but not really paying attention to it, his mind too busy thinking about what Millie had told him. Did you really like him? His eyes were subconsciously following you and the guys noticed but Andy never did. They were going to make jokes about it but not yet they were too immersed in the game to start joking. It would be left to later when the game had finished. In the 40th minute, Chelsea nearly scored but luckily it hit the post. Millie watched as the guys sat back in relief yet Andy didn’t even react. Millie looked at him confused before he realised that he must be preoccupied with thoughts so he tapped Andy on the shoulder trying to get his attention. Andy looked startled for a second before gaining his composure and looked at Millie questionably.
“Pay attention to the game. You know she’ll ask you about it later,” He whispered into Andy’s ear. Andy nodded his head and this time actually paid attention to the game. For the final 5 minutes plus whatever time was added on and Andy made sure to pay close attention to every single thing that happened not wanting to miss anything else. When halftime hit he allowed himself to get lost in his own thoughts. He was trying to figure out what he would say to you after the game. He was also debating whether or not to ask you out on a date. There was a massive risk of him asking you out on a date but Millie had said you liked him as well. None of the guys even tried to talk to Andy during half time probably seeing the look on his face. He was thinking hard with the world blocked out. For 15 minutes anyway. When he saw the teams coming out of the tunnel he shook his head getting rid of the thoughts so he could focus on the game. He paid close attention to the way you dribbled up the pitch and crossed the ball. He took note of your crosses and the shots. He took note of all of the minor things you did knowing that you would ask him about them when the game was over. You liked other people’s opinions on how you played especially Andy’s and he knew that so he knew that he would have to pay attention. You enjoyed the criticism especially when it came from someone like Andy who knew what he was talking about. The criticism helped you become a better footballer since you knew the areas that you had to work on. Aldo with Andy doing it you always knew that he was being totally honest with you and not making it up.
Throughout the second half, Chelsea hardly had any chances to attack the goal but Liverpool had a few yet couldn’t put any of the chances away. In the 80th minute the moment you had been waiting for finally came. You won the ball off of an opposing player and instantly began sprinting up the pitch with the ball at your feet. Lifting your head you saw a defender running straight towards you but one of your teammates was to the left so you passed her the ball. You continued to run making your way into the box hoping your teammate would send you a good cross which she did. The ball connected with your foot and you knew that it was a good touch as well. You watched as the ball hit the back of the net and on instinct, you ran to the side celebrating your goal. You felt your teammates all jump on you but you weren’t paying them any attention.
You looked up as you celebrated and your eyes automatically went to search for Andy. You saw him there smiling and clapping looking straight at you. When your eyes connected the smile on your face got impossibly bigger. Seeing Andy standing there celebrating a goal you scored filled you with happiness and pride. All you wanted to do was impress Andy and make him proud of you and by the look on his face, you were doing just that. When you felt your teammates pull away from you only then did you look away from Andy and make your way back to your starting position. You still had 10 minutes of the match left to play. Enough time for Chelsea to equalise or win or even you to score more goals to further your win. Hopefully, Chelsea wouldn’t score a goal since Liverpool really needed these three points to help them in the league. Chelsea didn’t need the points. The rest of the game was quite boring and no other goals were scored making the final score 1-0 to Liverpool Women’s team. Walking around you shook hands with the opposing team and their coaches whilst also hugging your own teammates. Every so often you would take glances at Andy and see him standing there with his teammates. You don’t know why but your eyes always went searching for him. When you were staring at Andy one of your teammates came over and pulled your hand mentioning that you had to go back in so you nodded your head and began walking to the tunnel. Taking one last glance at Andy you allowed yourself to be pulled back inside. You needed a shower and to change out of your kit and you knew that the coach would want to talk about your performance.
“Saw Andy in the crowd. Your boyfriend supporting you,” Sophie said, nudging you as the two of you made your way to the locker room. The blush was rising to your cheeks but luckily it wasn’t that noticeable considering you just played a 90-minute match in the heat. You didn’t even bother saying anything or arguing back saying how Andy wasn’t your boyfriend knowing that she would just ignore you. There's never any point arguing it anymore.
“Go and talk to her,” Millie said pushing Andy in the direction of the locker rooms. Andy gave him a look but Millie just motioned for him to move towards the door which led to the stairs Andy would have to take. Taking a deep breath Andy walked down the stairs towards the locker room. The people standing there knew who Andy was so allowed him to go past with no questions asked. At that, Andy was grateful because he had no idea what he would’ve said to them if they had asked what he was doing. Andy stood outside of the changing room contemplating whether or not to knock on the door. In the end, he decided against it and just stood against the wall watching the door waiting for it to open and you to come through it.
He watched as some of your teammates left smirking at him as they walked away from the locker room to go home. Andy grabbed his phone scrolling through it trying to make himself look busy but every time he heard the door open he looked up hoping it would be you. It didn’t take long till you exited the room though talking with one of your teammates. Andy opened his mouth to speak before he could even stop himself.
“Y/N,” You heard as you walked out with Sophie. You weren’t paying that much attention so it shocked you when you heard his voice calling your name. You lifted your head to make sure you weren’t hearing things and you weren’t. Andy was standing there looking right at you. You took a glance at Sophie who just shrugged and walked off leaving you alone with Andy. As she walked off you are certain you saw a slight smirk on her lips as she left the two of you alone.
“What are you doing here?” You asked walking over to where Andy was still casually leaning against the wall. He shrugged his shoulders before opening his mouth to continue the conversation.
“You played well. Great goal.” Andy told you, pulling you into a hug. Instinctively your arms wrapped around him and you took a deep breathtaking in his nice and calming scent. Andy always smells good. Even after games and training when he was sweating he somehow managed to smell nice. How he managed that was an actual mystery. Your teammates were walking past with knowing smirks on their faces and some of them winking at you and Andy. You could feel the heat rising on your cheeks but you just rolled your eyes at them enjoying the hug that Andy was giving you.
“Thank you,” You replied, taking in all of the praise. You always get embarrassed from praise especially when it’s from Andy. You like the recognition that you’ve done something well but at the same time, you hate it but don’t know why. Anyway, you were both standing opposite each other smiling in complete silence. Andy was just staring into your eyes and he just knew that he had to take his chance with you or else he would regret it and live life wondering what could’ve been.
“I-I um was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out tonight?” Andy asked, stumbling over his own words. He was nervous. What if Millie was wrong about this? He would never be able to look at you again if you didn’t like him back. He would die from embarrassment if you didn’t like him back. Millie was the person who said that you like him so Millie better be right about it.
“Yeah, of course,” you replied confused. Why would Andy be nervous to ask you out? The two of you go out together all of the time and he’s never been nervous before so there had to be something behind it. You had no idea what though. Why was he so nervous all of a sudden?
“Not as friends. As a date,” Andy said answering your question that you hadn’t even asked. At least it explains why he was nervous about asking you out.
“I would love to,” You replied, smiling at him. Andy blinked rapidly, to begin with trying to take it in that you had actually agreed to go out on a date with him. You’ve been waiting for this moment since Hull and finally, he had asked you out. In hindsight, you could’ve asked him out yourself but you were nervous. You were thankful that he had finally asked you out. When the realisation hit him that you had agreed, the goofiest smile came over his face but he didn’t say anything, only grabbing you by the hand and dragging you out of the stadium. He’s waited for this moment for years, he's not wasting it.
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chilly-me-softly · 4 years
Could you do a Trent one where your son is ill but you have an important meeting so he ends up taking him to training and all the boys/staff fuss over him all day x
That morning you knew there was something wrong with just looking at the kid, who is usually always with a smile on his face and full of energy from the moment he gets out of bed. Instead, today he is more quiet, he doesn't delight you with his voice while you are preparing breakfast and playing with food instead of eating it.
"Hey love, what's wrong?" you ask by stroking his head and leaving a kiss on it while he sighs.
"My throat hurts"
"Oh my love" you take him in your arms and he immediately snuggles up to you playing with your necklace. "So much?" you ask and he nods.
You take one look at Trent while you give him another kiss on the head and you rock him gently trying to figure out your plan for the day. You have a meeting at work that you can't miss, but with the baby sick you can't take him to daycare and no one can get there fast enough to get you and Trent out at the same time.
"Go finish getting ready, I'll take care of him" Trent comes to your aid by taking the baby in his arms and you go upstairs to finish getting ready. When you're done, you come down holding your jacket and your briefcase and Trent smiles as soon as he sees you.
"Oh look at Mommy, how beautiful she is!" the baby looks at you and smiles still in his father's arms.
"I'll come get him as soon as I'm done, is that okay with you?"
"Yes, go now and try to think only about the meeting" you leave a kiss to both of them before you head for your car.
And Trent is a few minutes late when he arrives with the boy wrapped in his jacket and his Liverpool scarf, but the coach doesn't lecture him when he explains why.
"Can you stay here until I get back?" he asks him by putting him on one of the loungers in the physio room, a member of staff volunteered to watch him while Trent would go to practice. The child nods and Trent put down the bag that he had brought with him with something that could help pass the time if he wanted to.
He leaves a kiss on his head before watching him at the door for a few more minutes, and once he makes sure he's okay, he turns to leave.
The lads gradually learn about the little guest in the facility as soon as they can, they pass by for a greeting or to check on him. And when Trent takes a break from practice to go check on him in person, he finds Jordan in the room.
"Come on, let's blow this cute little nose" he states and then helps the kid with it. The kid didn't want to take his coat off when he came in, but now he's in a chair next to him so he figures somebody succeeded.
"Hey" Jordan raises his head hearing someone come in and smiles when he sees Trent.
"Dad, Uncle Jordy brought me a candy" says the kid chewing and handing him the paper and Trent smiles gratefully before passing that piece of paper on his son's nose and earning a nasty look.
"Just one?" the child nods pointing to the others, "That's Uncle Joe's, and Robbo's and..." he stops coughing and Trent smiles at his friends' nice gesture, just like Jordan does.
After a few hours you walk down those hallways hoping to find Trent or your baby as soon as possible and finally it's one of the physio who takes you to him, the baby asleep in Trent's arms who smiles at you as soon as he sees you.
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How our Players Performed on International Duty via /r/LiverpoolFC
How our Players Performed on International Duty
Match Reports
Caoihmin Kelleher (3,442 miles travelled)
(Bulgaria v Republic of Ireland)
He stayed on the bench during a 1-1 draw.
(Republic of Ireland v Finland)
He didn't appear off the bench in a 0-1 loss.
Kamil Grabara (2,902 miles travelled)
(Estonia U21 v Poland U21)
He didn't feature as he suffered a head injury before the game in a 6-0 win for Poland.
(Poland U21 v Russia U21)
He didn't appear in the 1-0 victory due to the head injury he suffered a few days ago, which gave him a chance to catch up on his reading.
Virgil Van Dijk (780 miles travelled)
(Netherlands v Poland)
A classic game for Virgil in a 1-0 victory. He distributed the ball well, played his role as captain well by moaning at the ref any chance he got, and was unlucky not to score a header from a set-piece. He also defended extremely well, not giving Piatek or Milik an inch, especially the former for the first half an hour, despite being fouled several times by him.
(Netherlands v Italy)
An average game for Virgil in a game which Italy neutralised The Netherlands. He was unlucky not to get his head on the ball from on a offensive set-piece. Some could say he was was at blame for the only goal in the game, but Ake failed to track Barella's run and Barella ran in between Virgil and Ake.
Joe Gomez (3,334 miles travelled)
(Iceland v England)
This was quite a quiet game excluding one incident for Joe. Iceland rarely entered the England half so Gomez didn't have much to do defensively and distributed the ball fairly well. In the 92nd minute Joe brought down an Icelandic player on the edge of the box after pulling him back and a tangle of legs. Luckily for him the penalty was missed and the game ended 1-0.
(Denmark v England)
He redeemed himself in this game. He played the full 90' in the 0-0 draw and was quite solid defensively against the Danish attackers. He also made some runs into the opposition half and played some long balls which met their mark.
Kostas Tsimikas (4,104 miles travelled)
(Slovenia v Greece)
He didn't feature due to a 'slight fever' in a goalless draw.
(Kosovo v Greece)
He didn't feature in the 2-1 win after reportedly testing positive for COVID-19.
Andrew Robertson (2,234 miles travelled)
(Scotland v Israel)
From all accounts, this game wasn't a very good one for Robbo. He played the full 90' in a 1-1 draw and put a good ball in the 88th minute but apart from that he was not involved in anything noticeable.
(Czech Republic v Scotland)
Robbo had quite a silent game in terms of his "visibility", however couple good passes, one was vital, great transition to Palmer who got the assist before Scottish equalizer. Earned a penalty as well, although it was quite soft. He made some good runs forward, and was booked for kicking the ball away in the second half.
Trent Alexander-Arnold (3,334 miles travelled)
(Iceland v England)
He came on for Sancho in the 73' as Kyle Walker was sent off a few minutes before and played an interesting role. He mainly played in his usual position but drifted into the attacking midfield position and at points joined the front line on the right wing, linking up with Greenwood. He also delivered the corner that led to the penalty which won England the game.
(Denmark v England)
Trent was one of England's main attacking outlets in a game in which England looked lacklustre in attempting to break down the Danish. He looked sharper, and was unlucky not to have one of his crosses reach an England head. He was brought off in the 87' for Maitland-Niles.
Neco Williams (2,776 miles travelled)
(Wales v Finland)
He came on in the 60th minute and had quite a positive first team debut for Wales. He played a very attacking role, featuring in the right wing at points, and was ready to slot in the ball if Kiefer Moore didn't tap in Dan James' cross. Furthermore Neco he made a good run into the box in the 85', went past a Finnish defender but failed to finish, putting the ball wide. Overall he was quite heavily involved on both sides of the pitch; a good performance.
(Bulgaria v Wales)
Neco Williams made the difference for Wales against a low block Bulgarian defence. He came on inthe 65th minute and initially looked slightly iffy defensively but he gained confidence as the game went on and looked much better at the back than he did against Arsenal. Going forward he had a positive impact on the Welsh attack, and made a great run to be on the end of Jonny Williams' cross in 94' to finally break the deadlock. A great boost to his confidence, a great first international goal and overall a great home debut.
Georginio Wijnaldum (780 miles travelled)
(Netherlands v Poland)
A rather quiet game compared to what Gini normally puts out for The Netherlands. He played the full 90' in a more attacking role ahead of De Roon and De Jong, acting as a second striker at times. He grew into the game, linking up with Dumfries, Promes and Depay better in the second half but failed to be involved in any real chances during the 1-0 win.
(Netherlands v Italy)
This was quite a lacklustre game for Gini, which could be blamed by the fact he was played out of position as a de facto right winger. He clearly struggled for the first 55' before Bergwijn came on as he drifted into midfield often and didn't really support Hateboer at full back. He had one opportunity in which he had a shot which went straight into Donnarumma's gloves. Italy mainly frustrated him, which led to his booking for dissent.
Marko Gruijc (4,538 miles travelled)
(Russia v Serbia)
He stayed on the bench in a 3-1 loss to Russia.
(Serbia v Turkey)
He stayed on the bench in a 0-0 draw.
Ben Woodburn (2,776 miles travelled)
(Wales v Finland)
He stayed on the bench in a 1-0 win for Wales.
(Bulgaria v Wales)
He didn't make the matchday squad in a 1-0 win for Wales.
Harry Wilson (2,776 miles travelled)
(Wales v Finland)
He came on at half time for Gareth Bale who went off injured but failed to properly make an impact, partly due to the fact he was fouled several times. He wasn't involved in the goal either in what was a mediocre game for Wales.
(Bulgaria v Wales)
He didn't appear off the bench in a 1-0 win for Wales.
Rhian Brewster (2,719 miles travelled)
(Kosovo U21 v England U21)
He came on in the 85th minute in the 6-0 win but didn't make much of an impact.
(Austria U21 v England U21)
He only had 3 touches after coming on with 10 minutes to go so didn't make much of a mark on the 2-1 win.
Injuries on International Duty
Kamil Grabara- He isn't playing against Estonia U21s due to a head injury.
Kostas Tsimikas- Greek media reporting he has COVID-19 after being left out of the Slovenia game with a 'slight fever'.
Submitted September 08, 2020 at 09:53PM by Charlie_M7 via reddit https://ift.tt/35h1C1J
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taareds · 4 years
Ben and Trent ? For that send a ship thing
who hogs the duvet Ben for sure, he always runs cold and it means Trent has to wear trousers and a hoodie to bed in the winter but he suffers in silence cause Ben doesn’t believe that he takes them. 
who texts/rings to check how their day is going Trent. He’s a massive softie, he wants to know everything Ben is doing, to see how his loan is going, to see if he’s made friends and what they’re like. He doesn’t want the distance to make him miss a single thing about Ben.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts Trent. I reckon Trent goes all out doing big creative sentimental things while Ben will get Trent a shirt he said he liked ones three months ago. 
who gets up first in the morning Trent. Everything’s a competition. 
who suggests new things in bed Trent cause he heard the lads say something in the dressing room and is curious about it
who cries at movies Both of them. 
who gives unprompted massages Trent. He’s always worried about Ben’s injuries. 
who fusses over the other when they’re sick Trent is such a mama hen over Ben, and the whiniest sick person EVER. 
who gets jealous easiest I think Trent too, cause Ben gets all these new people in his life whenever he goes on loan and Trent hates it. 
who has the most embarrassing taste in music Ben isn’t allowed the aux cord since he played a gary barlow song. 
who collects something unusual Ben probably collects train tickets or parking receipts of everytime they see each other. 
who takes the longest to get ready Trent, and Ben still thinks he looks ridiculous. 
who is the most tidy and organised Both of them, Trent shared a room so had to be and Ben’s always been neat. 
who gets most excited about the holidays Ben, Trent hates not being able to play and takes a ball with them everywhere they go
who is the big spoon/little spoon Ben’s the little spoon. 
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports Trent without a doubt. Nothing is a game
who starts the most arguments Trent because he riles Ben up with his annoying ass
who suggests that they buy a pet Trent wants every single dog
what couple traditions they have When they meet in the middle of wherever Ben’s on loan and Liverpool, they each bring a souvenir from wherever they are. Ben’s got about 6 different liverpool magnets on his fridge. 
what tv shows they watch together How to get away with murder. 
what other couple they hang out with Ox and his misses and Robbo and his misses
how they spend time together as a couple Usually in Trent’s house lying on the sofa and not moving for 18 hours. Or dinner dates. 
who made the first move Ben. Trent’s a chicken
who brings flowers home Ben he thinks its cute and Trent will never admit that he saves one from each bunch
who is the best cook Trent isn’t even allowed to turn the stove on
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bartsugsy · 5 years
anyway here’s my opinion on litetally everything. no one asked but i still answered bc i’m bored:
me and kate @snowbasttien rewatched wedding - present last weekend and had a great time, it was great, would encourage everyone to rewatch and bask in robron going on some insane emotional journeys and being in love - on rewatch we both agreed that the story felt pretty balanced to us, likely because we didn’t have to deal with the hiatuses in between, but i suppose that differs person to person
but it reminded me how much good potential the ellis/billy stuff has when it’s interweaved with robron and that’s exciting
i’m enjoying it sm rip
re yesterday’s ep:
robert has this big habit of trying to play god with the people around him in order to get his way. it’s not a good thing and there’s a reason why aaron would be pissed about it. they’re married, yes, but robert once again took the decision to act on something affecting aaron without talking to aaron first
although frankly he wasn’t even that mad and f r a n k l y it was 90% foreplay prove me wrong
aaron inviting ellis to move in on the cheap just to spite his husband (but in a sexy way)? iconic
foreplay at its finest
they boned about that later that night
aaron spent a solid 2 hours telling rob he might not ever get to touch his dick again
rob: :(
aaron, already pouncing on robert: fine ily
circling back to robert’s literal god complex
rmr when robert destroyed gordon’s letter and aaron was so upset, because rob made a decision for aaron that honestly was aaron’s to make. rob thought he was doing the right thing but mostly he was just taking aaron’s agency away.
which is exactly what he’s doing here. aaron is telling robert he’s fine and is going to work on finding a way to accept billy living in the village and even if that’s a fucking bold faced lie, it’s still not robert’s place to take aaron’s decision out of his hands
and again, i feel monumentally bad for robert, because aaron historically has had issues with not talking about his feelings - and this has almost always led to aaron doing something dangerously reckless, or making horrible choices. like, i too would be concerned and want to encourage him to open up more.
but maybe instead encouraging therapy would be a better way to go lmao
rather than just deciding to slap a “quick fix” on the problem (that relies on people acting the way you want them to) (oh robert) (a little puppet master boy) (he just loves aaron and wants to protect him :( my sons)
so anyways i feel bad for them both
and i don’t think aaron is quite as a ok as he keeps saying lmao
maybe he’ll be fine forever
maybe i’ll just write some fic about it
that i will never finish
maybe productivity will take over my body we don’t know
maybe aaron will flip and do something terrible who knows
also i mentioned this earlier but so rarely do i feel compelled to root for robert’s schemes to actually work bc it’s much funnier to watch him scramble around for increasingly insane solutions
but graham.... bleh
like i genuinely think if joe was here rather than replacement-joe i might at least enjoy the home farm scenes slightly more bc all i can think at the moment is
how much of a 180 graham’s character took as soon as joe left lmao
it’s so silly and inconsistent and i don’t care enough about graham to fix it with meta lol
robert is a moron but no one can say he’s not pretty fuckin tough to go up against when he wants to be
he used homophobia accusations to get off of a murder charge he’s a fuckin icon
graham doesn’t know him though so maybe he doesn’t really know this
idk i guess i support robert crushing graham to pieces, joe rolling over in his grave and graham being so embarrassed that he disappears forever
bye g-dog
it’s much more fun to watch robert go up against people i care about lmao
where’s lachlan
having said this, i would be down with watching things get worse for robert before ultimately getting better? depends on how long they wanna string this out for i guess?
i’ve just realised how long this post is but i have MORE THINGS TO SAY
i think people were talking yesterday about how aaron isn’t contributing to the surrogacy fund and bc i missed the discourse i didn’t get to put my opinion forward on that
which is that one might assume that if you’re discussing a big and costly life decision, the natural reaction a couple might have would be to sit down, make a little savings plan, talk finances etc
aaron got as far as “it’s expensive” and robert was immediately like FEAR NOT MY LOVE I AM GOING TO GET US MONEY VIA CRIME
to which aaron was like sigh this is the man i have married
yes it is aaron you knew this about him going in
rob was determined and aaron does trust robert, for whatever reason, so he’s letting rob do this shit (on the caveat that aaron gets veto power on the stunts robert wants to pull)
i don’t really think that aaron contributing via crime makes sense for the character - yes he’s a dodgy little shit but historically, aaron committing crime has always been tied to aaron having some sort of breakdown lmao. he’s done a lot of work to like... not do that lmao. he’s morally grey in a different (and lesser) way than robert and always has been since day one. i just... idk i suppose i don’t understand the need for him to be an entirely different character lmao. i like that he’s marginally objectively better as a person than robert - but still not quite good enough that he actively opposes robert doing crime things
it’s an interesting point of growth in their relationship since 2016 when aaron really was just
not ok with any of rob’s litany of insnae schemes lmao at any point lmao
which resulted in a lot of break ups lolol
now they’re so much more comfortable in their relationship and in each other and aksjskjdjdjd beautiful it’s beautiful
no one even tried 2 divorce the other 😭 2016 ROBRON ARE SHAKING
but honestly i just don’t see where robert gave aaron space to contribute outside of doing crime which aaron isn’t running to do
particularly given how boldly arrogant and poorly hidden robert and nicola’s plans were lmao
that shit isn’t aaron’s forte anyway is it
he’s more about
stealing things
except he gets caught doing that a lot lmao
maybe he shouldn’t crime
having said this i love that he’s getting involved this week now that things have gotten to a point of genuine crisis
that’s when i think it makes sense for him to join in
or like... minor things, reluctantly and out of love for robbo
not because he just enjoys fucking people over when he sees the opportunity to lmao
i’m into it
this post is so long and i’m not even sorry
i have more feelings but i’m gonna stop here
in conclusion the secret to a long relationship is inviting ur sister in law’s boyfriend to live next door and pay cheap rent just to make ur husband mad as sexy foreplay
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liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
tagged by my bestie @mebiselfandi!!! thank you for thinking a me bro <3
rules: share the first lines of your ten most recent fanfics and tag ten people. if you have written less than ten, don't be shy and share anyways.
i do not have ten. but anyways:
pokemon ashen frost - Homecoming
“C’mon, I know they’re around here somewhere-”
“If you lost them-”
“I didn’t lose them!”
“We travel around the entire world without losing a single hotel keycard, but right here, on our front porch, is where my wife finally-”
“Got ‘em.” Josefina said, sticking her tongue out at her husband’s nagging, and dangling her keys in front of his face for good measure. She got a solid, healthy eye roll out of Miguel.
2. mullendowski - champagne problems
A little box weighed heavy in Robert’s jacket pocket.
He stood alone outside, hyping himself up before going to join the rest of his teammates in the venue they rented out for the holiday party. It was a refined building in an even more refined neighborhood, only the very best for the biggest club in Germany.
Robert fished the box out of his pocket and cracked it open. He didn’t know why he felt the need to check on it, as if it could have magically disappeared on the way over. Maybe it was for the reminder that the day he had waited so long for was finally here.
3. alisson/virgil - the cure for sadness (warmth)
Kirkby’s atmosphere the days leading up to the Southampton game was bittersweet, to say the least.
That’s how all teams are before the last game of the season, but for Liverpool it was especially so. The team was tight-knit, much more so than their Premier League adversaries, so losing not one, but four teammates, hit hard. Everyone went about their day with the knowledge that their family was about to get four men smaller, and they were treasuring the time they had with them.
Despite emotions running high, Virgil, calm as ever, managed to stay level headed during the last days of the season. Sure, during the team’s family dinner every night, he would think about how much he would miss his friends who were leaving, but training took his mind off it. 
4. unnamed (platonic) trent n robbo project i jus started working on
After a long and strenuous season, the boys deserved a break. They had earned a vacation in which they could let loose and not worry about staying in good form or waking up for training the next day. 
Which is how Liverpool Football Club ended up in Vegas for a long weekend.
After the second night of drinking and gambling, Cody, Darwin, and Jordan found themselves trudging back to their hotel from the casino that the rest of their teammates had left hours prior. They had all been drinking in moderation, so the trudging was more due to the fact that it was well past two in the morning. Still, the city was as alive as it had been twelve hours previously. The scents of rain and alcohol lingered in the air and the sidewalk still had a shine to it.
tagging some fic writing pals: @calm-smol @liverpoolfanfiction @rubybecker-rb2
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impulseislost · 5 years
Which... Yea
I got this done after like 2 weeks :)) im. done. with. felix. angst. for. tonight.
Warnings; Mentions of death, Felix swears a lot
A month ago, Felix had been on a school trip. Or more like, his dance group was in Seoul for a competition. They'd passed nationals and so the dance club for his school was here, to compete internationally.
Hell, it'd given him a chance to brush up on his Korean as well. He wasn't as fluent as Rachel yet. But he was still more knowledgeable in the language than anyone else in his troupe.
Which is why, when they arrived in the airport, people were suddenly looking to him with his stammering, stuttering, Korean for help. Which. okay. That was a dilemma. Sure he could speak, well ish. But read?
Nah, that was going to fuck him up.
Robbo had given him shit for it later, when the two of them were in the room they were sharing with two of the other boys.
"Alright, so, you're telling me. You can speak Korean better than the rest of us, but you're still going to get us fucking lost?" Felix snorted, his cheeks blushing red.
That had been a month ago, the day before everything went to shit.
Juliet and Sam had become monsters, killing most of the girls in their room. And in the boys room?
Felix had no idea. He remembered Sakura, the Japanese transfer girl who'd joined them late that year, pulling him out of the hostel and running with him.
"They're all gone."
He wouldn't know for sure, until two weeks later when he saw Robbo's corpse stumbling along. By this point, he'd lost Sakura to the monsters And he was by himself in an unfamiliar country. There was no Rachel to help translate, no adult to help him survive.
He was literally, lost and alone. Trapped.
By all means he should've been dead by now. Fuck, he was only still alive at this point because of a Japanese girl teaching him to survive. And she could've just let him waltz right into death.
These things all became apparent to him the moment he saw his friend's corpse. Here he was, in a fucking convenient store to hide from all the monsters and there was a fucking zombie.
Felix broke down for the first time that night, muffling his sobs into his back pack. The one he'd picked up from their hostel back when Sakura was still with him
A month was far too long to be away from home, He thought glumly as he sat sheltered in the eves of an older building. It was raining, and starting to get colder. So Felix was fucking freezing right about now.
But alas, he had no where else to go, his parents and family still weren't returning any messages he left them. And he was in the. Middle. Of. Fucking. Seoul.
Extra, extra. Lost boy Felix Lee lost in the middle of Seoul in a fucking apocalypse. Mum pick up my fucking calls when?  He huffed, pulling his bag close and peering around. The last alive human he'd seen had been about a week ago, a group of three young men and one of them looked liked he would kill Felix if he tried to talk to him. Which, no. He wasn't risking that.
So it was a complete fucking surprise when a man with cat like eyes tapped his shoulder nearly half an hour later, just when Felix had been about to drift off.
"Hm... Hyung, I think... Alive..." Felix's eyes blinked open, as he stared blankly at the man.
"Uh, I'm sorry, I don't speak Korean well." Which, was kinda true. But he was also half asleep and didn't want to translate the foreign language. Fuck that honestly. The man stared at him for a moment before puffing put a breath.
"Seungmin, you speak English... for him...?" He was talking to someone behind him now, and Felix caught more words this time (He really should've studied harder), but he missed most of the sentence still. Someone please just feed him to the monsters at this point.
Another young man trotted forwards, presumably saying something (Felix had stopped listening) to the cat eyed man, before turning to Felix.
"You're alive, yes?" The boy, eyes glistening with exhaustion (he probably didn't wanna be translating as much as Felix), asked Felix as he knelt down before him. And, okay, was that an American accent? Was this guy American?
"Stupid question, yes I'm alive." he groaned. The boy chuckled, offering Felix a hand up.
"I'm Seungmin, that's Minho," He gestured at the cat eyed man, "And that's Woojin." He motioned at another man who Felix hadn't noticed. And that was how you got yourself killed in this world, not noticing things. But honestly? Felix was too tired to give a fuck at this point. He just wanted to go back to Australia and maybe if Aussie was just as bad as Korea, fight a kangaroo or something.
It seemed to be a good time for bad decisions anyway.
"... Felix. My name's Felix." He grumbled quietly, his bag straps literally on his shoulders now. Seungmin looked pleased at his pitiful Korean (he really fucking should've studied harder).
"Nice to meet you Felix."
Felix grunted in response.
Surprisingly enough (Or not if you're actually a decent fucking human being, you pick), Seungmin and his friends were actually not here to kill him. No, the three of them offered him a place to hole up actually, all he really had to do was try help them as best her could.
Which... Yeah, he could do that.
No he couldn't translate English for them, they had Seungmin for that. But, general helping?
"You do know I have like no real world skills right?" He asked Seungmin one day, as he sat on a roof patio with the Korean grammar book they'd picked up for him a while ago. The other boy shrugged, his hands finding a stray thread on his pants to pick at.
"You can kick better than me and Woojin hyung."
"Yea well that isn't exactly hard." He argued back, laughing as a quiet comfort filled his chest. Maybe, just maybe he'd stay with this group. It was better than being alone at least.
After a few days of staying with the group, Felix had managed to learn that no, Seungmin was not American. He was Korean, he'd just learnt the language a while back. Felix had to say he was fucking grateful for Seungmin's parents, who had apparently pushed him to it.  
But now, Felix didn't want to leave. The boys had made him feel safe, taken away his loneliness. He liked having them around.
"Alright, it's not a competition Felix. We all know you did martial arts." Seungmin punched his shoulder, as the elder snorted. Then paused.
"Hey, Seungmin. I'd like that you know, if I could stay with you three. Try help how I can?" Seungmin's eyes widened for a moment before he smiled brightly.
"Great! That makes everything easier, hey maybe you could come to Incheon with us? Hyung seems to want to go there."  Felix nodded, feeling content in his decision. Was this the wrong choice? Maybe, but.. He was happy for now.
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mrsmctominay · 3 years
wanting united to give us scott content hours - robbo anon
i miss his face
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