#missing the mona lisa painting in his backstory. i miss the rich kid chishiya jokes
sleepymjntyy · 1 year
Can I ask, why don't you like chishiya's character arc in the show? I have seen you being against it. May I ask why?
I have my problems with his arc too. Like how they never truly showed him as a bad person and scene with his parent was cut off too. They glossed over his arc in hope that people can easily sympathize with home but that was something I could already do in the manga.
nice question. now lets see if i can provide a nice answer.
it’s pretty simple really: it felt like an easy way to sympathise with a character. like bad, ooc fanfics. (not saying aib LA is bad.. im literally an aib based blog)
chishiya’s cold heart being a result of corruption in the med industry felt really ironic considering he wronged a patient in the manga. additionally, it didn’t make sense to me or some of the LA-only watchers who thought he would have some deep and profound reason to why he would sacrifice his peers without second thought.
to me, it felt like kuzuryuu’s story. and i quite liked the fact that manga chishiya and kuzuryuu had different backstories which made them clash in mindset but allowed them some insight on the other perspectives which is what gave them their development. this was also what made chishiya enjoy their game so much and want to do something out of character for once.
i honestly could go on but i just feel chishiya was completely rewritten as a character. his arc wasn’t as impactful to me as it was in the manga. but i should’ve seen it coming when they decided he was a hearts game specialist in the posters.
ofc i still adore how funny they made his character. its similar to manga!chishiya but has its own spin to it. its nice.
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