#mission person Brisbane investigation
Missing person Brisbane investigators: Role they play
Your loved one is someone who means to you the most in the entire world. But what happens when that loving person goes missing from your life? In that case, reaching the forgotten person becomes a challenge. That is why you must look for the agency or company that will take the onus of finding the nearest one. In that regard, the mission persons Brisbane company can help you.
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Safeguarding the minute details of the individual
Missing person cases often include fragile individuals, such as elderly adults, children or individuals diagnosed with mental health problems. Missing person Brisbane Investigators in this regard ensure the well-being and safety of the individual.
Prevention of human trafficking cases
Brisbane, like any other part of the world, is prone to human trafficking as well. It has several cases that include trafficking small children and women. Therefore, rescuing that victim is undoubtedly a big deal. In that case, you can certainly call the missing persons Brisbane experts.
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Saving the community and ensuring the safety of all
If an individual goes missing and the situation causing that is too suspicious. Then, indeed, it can raise questions about the community's safety. With a mission person Brisbane investigation, one can unearth some vital information about the situation, including the person's disappearance. Thus, working hand in hand with law enforcement will help find out the associated threats.
Supporting and fully understanding the families
Families of the missing individual are unaware of the loved ones. It is indeed painful, and giving assurance can make them feel relieved. These families even receive evidence that justifies the disappearance. Even tell them the reason behind the disappearance.
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Final Say
Thus, these are some of the vital pointers that define the role of the missing person Brisbane experts. So if you are in Brisbane and face any such issue, just call the missing person investigation experts.
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Barriers to Accessing Disability Services in Brisbane
People with disability need access to a range of services and supports to live a good life. However, they often face barriers when trying to access these services. This article will discuss these barriers and explore ways to overcome them.
We examined accessibility to healthcare services by investigating whether potential service proximity was related to perceived service obstacles in a cohort of ABI and SCI patients recently discharged into the community. We identified hotspots of low service accessibility and high disability population areas. To know more about Disability Services, visit the Maximum Support Services website or call 1300983885.
The NDIS is a scheme that can help people with disabilities live their lives more independently. It can help them access services such as doctors, sporting clubs, support groups, and schools. It can also provide them with training that nurtures life skills such as communication, assertiveness, and self-reliance. It can even help them make home renovations that aid their daily needs.
The primary option of the NDIS is to provide eligible participants with a monthly income that can meet their basic living requirements. However, there are other options as well, which can provide different levels of support depending on the disability and the local area.
The NDIS is a person-centred system, which means that it takes into account the needs and goals of the individual. It also recognises the value of community participation and supports families to reduce their financial, emotional, and physical stress. The NDIS can also help families connect with mainstream and funded services.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a nationwide program that provides day-to-day support for people with disabilities. It can help you live a more independent life and connect you to people and places that can offer you further assistance.
If you are living with a physical, sensory or intellectual disability, you may be eligible for NDIS funding. This funding can help you pay for the services and equipment you need to participate in activities and build your community connections. You can use this funding to access accommodation, therapy, and other disability services.
The NDIS can also help you find a Direct Support Professional (DSP) to provide you with the support you need. However, finding a DSP can be challenging. Many agencies and community organizations have limited training programs for DSPs. This LEAD Center webinar examines strategies to address this challenge. These include credentialing, career pathways, and ongoing competency-based training and mentoring. Additionally, the DSP needs to be embedded in public policy and sufficiently funded to create incentives for participation.
Wesley Mission Queensland is an innovative not-for-profit community service provider that supports 100,000 Queenslanders every year. Their services include aged care, disability care, home and community support, housing and homelessness, and mental health and wellbeing. They are also committed to promoting respect, compassion, and empowerment in the workplace.
They believe that all Queenslanders deserve a fair and just opportunity to live life to the fullest. Their programs provide a variety of options for people with disabilities, including supported accommodation and respite. They can help you to find the right care for your situation, and can work with you to achieve your goals.
The Wesley Mission was founded in 1893, and it began as the Melbourne Central Methodist Mission next to the Lonsdale Street church. Its heritage is founded on the response of Wesleyan Methodists to inner city poverty and the associated opium dens and gambling houses of the time. Today, the organisation is Australia’s leading provider of telephone counselling and offers various social care services throughout Queensland.
Providing accessibility to people with disabilities can help them participate in social and recreational activities. This includes participation in school and work activities, public health programming, community living, and service learning. This will also help people with disabilities become more independent and self-sufficient, reducing the need for government aid services.
Disability accommodation can be as simple as a ramp or elevator, but it may involve more extensive modifications like low-floor buses and specialised equipment such as text-to-speech reading technology. It can also include changes to the physical environment, such as gently sloping paths of travel for wheelchair users or audio announcements on paratransit services. To know more about Disability Services, visit the Maximum Support Services website or call 1300983885.
Disability inclusion is important for people with disabilities because it makes them feel included in society. It allows them to access jobs and other opportunities, which in turn leads to better health, reducing the demand on government aid services. It also promotes economic growth by bringing in new customers and helping companies build reputations for being good places to do business with people with disabilities.
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fatehbaz · 4 years
A close encounter with a flying fox induces the strong awareness of being in the company of an odd little kinsman. With their small furry bodies and dog/human-like faces; with their chattery camps full of individuals who are grooming each other and carrying on their daily life -- [...] raising babies, guarding teenagers, remaining attentive to sources of food in the region; with their fantastic wing-spread and their spectacular nightly flyouts, I find it difficult to understand how anyone could fail to be completely entranced. [...]
[I]n the northwest corner of the Northern Territory [...] in the communities of Yarralin and Lingar [...] [p]rior to the wet season (in December or so), the black flying foxes, warrpa in local languages, congregated along the riverbanks, hanging from the riverside trees. Occasionally one might lose its grip and become a tasty treat for crocodiles. [...] One of my teachers was Daly Pulkara, a man with a good fund of flying fox stories. [...] 
Flying fox persons (animal/human) are also part of the story of seasons. [...] The story of rain starts in the dry season, during the cold time of year when the flying foxes are in the higher country away from the rivers. As the sun dries the country, they move toward the river, and when they get there they hang in the trees over the river [...]. Flying foxes feed by preference on the flowers of trees and shrubs of the Myrtaceae family. Yarralin people point especially to the inland bloodwood (Eucalyptus terminalis, jartpuru in local languages) and the magnificent tree known in vernacular English as the half bark (E. Confertiflora, ngurlgugu). Both of these species produce large, showy clusters of cream-coloured, heavily scented flowers, so they are obvious candidates for both flying fox and human attention. In the Victoria River region eucalypts and melaleucas flower in succession from higher ground to lower ground, which is also to say from the drier country on the hillsides down to the river banks and channels. River red gum (E. Camaldulensis), known as timalan in local Indigenous languages, and paperbarks (pakali, Melaleuca argenta and M. leucadendra) are the two big riverside Myrtaceous trees. The banks of the rivers of this region are lined with paperbarks and river red gums. They are the last in the succession to burst into flower. The flying foxes follow their preferred food, and it brings them to the riverside at the end of the driest time of year; they forage there in the thousands.
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Flying foxes have been relating to native trees for much longer than they have been relating to humans. [...] [T]here is good evidence to support a hypothesis of co-evolution and co-dependence between megachiropterans and flowing [sic] plants. In fact, flying foxes and the smaller tube-nosed fruit bats may be the only seed dispersal agents for many rainforest trees [...]. Flying foxes have a keen sense of smell and their eyes are adjusted to night vision and to recognising light colours. Myrtaceous trees and shrubs produce clumps of flowers that are strongly scented and usually light in colour. They produce their pollen in the night, when the flying foxes are foraging; flying foxes are able to carry large loads of pollen because of their (relatively) large size; and because the plants flower sequentially, ‘myrtaceous forests and woodlands provide a constant food supply throughout the year for these animals’ (Hall and Richards 82). [...]
Understandably, perhaps, when they decide to camp in suburban back yards, coming in by the thousands and showing no inclination to move on as long as there is food in the region, humans do lose patience. I can’t help but think that something about them reminds us of us -- of how we are when we are at our most crowded, noisy and irritating. [...]
In addition to the distaste some people experience toward the bat shape and the bat reputation, and to the smell and the noise, orchardists have a grievance against flying foxes who eat the fruit. Although the evidence is clear that flying foxes prefer the myrtaceae flowers and forest fruits with which they are co-evolved, the clearing of native vegetation and its replacement with commercial fruit crops has left them little choice. Biologist Francis Ratcliffe came out to Australia in 1929 sponsored by the state governments of New South Wales and Queensland to investigate the orchardists’ problem. [...] Orchardists, along with many other people, held what we might call a zero-tolerance vision. Basically, they wanted flying foxes gone forever. This is an ‘us’ and ‘them’ boundary organised along an either-or axis: it offers no place for co-existence or mutuality. [...]
Direct killing has been a major factor in the loss of flying fox lives. Ratcliffe reported that in the 1920s the ‘Brisbane and East Moreton Pests Destruction board’ counted 300,000 flying fox deaths achieved under a bounty system (Martin and McIlwee 104). More recently, there were estimates of 100,000 or more grey-headed flying foxes being shot annually in the 1990s (Tidemann et al.). [...] In 2008 the state of Queensland stopped issuing permits to kill flying foxes on the grounds that it was inhumane. At the time of writing, the state of New South Wales still issues permits to kill (Booth et al. 6). Shooting was and remains one of the primary technologies in the battle against flying foxes. [...] Ratcliffe used the language of warfare to express his mission. [...] [T]he modern world did not do away with concepts of useless and useful, but rather set out to eliminate the ‘useless’. Mass murder was imagined as ‘creative destruction, conceived as a healing surgical operation’. [...]
Photo, caption, and text published by: Deborah Bird Rose. “Flying Fox: Kin, Keystone, Kontaminant.” Australian Humanities Review. May 2011.
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FULL NAME:  Zvezda Lawson/ Canary
HAIR COLOR: Dirty Blonde
EYE COLOR:  Ice Blue
HOME COUNTRY:   Australia
HOME TOWN:  Brisbane
RACE: Human (clone)
HEIGHT:  5' 9″  (177 cm)
WEIGHT:  130 lbs. (59 kg)
GENDER: Female
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
PERSONALITY: Calculating, Cunning and Sultry
PSYCHOLOGY: Aloof, Cocky and Intelligent
ALIGNMENT: Gray morality
PARENTS: Henry Lawson (genetic donor)
SIBLINGS:  Miranda and Oriana Lawson (Genetic clone)
ACCENT:   Australia
OCCUPATION(S):  (Former) Cerebus Agent , Alliance Intelligence
TALENTS: AI Hacking, Neuro Shock and Sniper 
TITLE(S): Agent
FAVOURITE FOOD: Apples, Figs and plums
PETS: None
BEST FRIEND: Garrus Vakarian, Miranda Lawson and Jack 
FRIEND(S): Nova Alenko, Jacob Taylor, EDI, Shepard and Joker
                                             Brief History:
Zvezda was created from Henry Lawson’s X chromosome in attempts to create the perfect heir to maintain his dynasty. She was created along side Miranda, Mr. Lawson raised them in different household purposely keeping them isolated from each other. Henry invested vast sums of money on their biological creation, enhancing their immune system, lifespans, and biotic abilites. However, Zvezda never developed biotic abilities and was considered a genetic failure. Henry decided to get rid of the child at the age of 10 by having her assassinated. 
Zvezda survived but with impaired memories, lost in one of Earth’s large megatropolises before being discovered by the Sands. From the age 10 - 14 Zvezda collected information for the Sands, often flushing out ‘assets’ no longer needed by the gang or collecting ‘owed’ credits. 
During a run, Zvezda sucessfully killed a Cerebus operative and managed to wipe the agents accounts. Her actions earned the Illusive Man’s attention- he promply recruited her with promises of a better life. Under the Illusive Man’s care, she was provided with best education and training money could buy. Until ME2, Zvezda handled the most technically and physically demanding missions for Cerebus- often assassinating high priority targets or investigating Cerebus’ internal affairs. She is considered a ruthless, femme fatale and is often compared to Miranda. Cerebus personnel  dubbed Miranda and Zvezda, the ‘Lawson Twins’ not knowing their true idenities. 
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During ME2, Zvezda is attacked and wounded by Vasir while Shepard is helping  Liara T’soni find the Shadow Broker. Zvezda was order to investigate the Dracon Trade Center and provide the team with intel. Unbeknownst to Shepard, she made Zvezda a direct and unaware target for Vasir. In critical condition, Shepard orders Miranda to return to the Normandy with Zvezda. After a blood transfusion from Miranda- it’s revealed that Zvevda is her genetic sister. 
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newshour · 8 years
Coral bleaching is killing reefs. Is the answer a great migration?
HAMILTON, BERMUDA — “So, the sub is going to tip forward, that’s normal. Then it’s going to roll on its back, just tip back a little bit, that’s also normal. Here we go!”
That’s my co-pilot Kelvin Magee. The two of us are barefoot inside the Nomad, a two-person submersible. The captain shouts orders as the crew work cranes and levers.
Divers paddle nearby, ready to guide our path or rescue us. Everyone is tense because the water is choppy. One wrong wave could toss the 7,000-pound Nomad into the ship’s stern. Magee, a member of the Nekton mission, flips a switch, and our four-hour journey to the seafloor begins.
Then the ocean swallows us. The submersible drops 110 feet in four minutes, as the sunlight fades. Rather than feel suffocated by claustrophobia, the opposite happens. The dwindling sunrays reveal a welcoming expanse, full of tranquility.
As we descend, my mind drifts to the corals below and their collective fate around the world. Many creatures will lose against global warming, but coral reefs are exceptionally vulnerable.
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The Nekton Mission is an alliance of 30 organizations conducting the longest seafloor survey in history. Think of it as a physical exam for the ocean. Future groups will be able to use the mission’s baseline findings to chart how oceans will respond to human-made threats like global warming. The project is sponsored by XL Catlin, a global insurance company from Ireland that has sponsored similar environmental surveys since 2009. None of the work is proprietary, and the data are open access so other researchers can use them.
Nekton scientists will coast through the Gully Marine Protected Area, a large underwater canyon near Nova Scotia, and will explore the swirling gyre of the Sargasso Sea.
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Alex Rogers, Oxford conservation biologist and Nekton chief scientist
It is day 16 of the mission, and Alex Rogers, Nekton’s chief scientist and an Oxford conservation biologist, is diving in a twin submersible called Nemo. The plan is to plunge 850 feet at Tiger, a site off southeast Bermuda.
“This place is called Tiger because of tiger sharks, so who knows, you might even see one of the ocean’s spectacular predators while you’re down there,” Rogers had said earlier that morning at a prep meeting aboard the Baseline Explorer, a 150-foot research vessel. Shipping containers littered the deck. Some contained diving supplies for the volunteers from Project Baseline, a global citizen science initiative of 10,000 underwater explorers. Other containers housed fully equipped labs.
ScienceScope joined Nekton on this voyage to answer an important question: More than a third of the planet’s reefs are threatened by climate change, but can they adapt?
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The Great Barrier Reef raised this question early last year. The entire reef didn’t die despite what you may have read in a viral fake report in Outside Magazine. Yet in 2016, a 435-mile portion of the northernmost section of the Great Barrier Reef suffered bleaching — the largest event on record — and 67 percent of the coral in that area died. Bleaching events covered the central and southern reef in 1998 and 2002, meaning the majority of Great Barrier Reef’s 134,000 square miles has suffered massive bleaching in the last 20 years. If total death were to strike Great Barrier Reef — the world’s largest coral reef ecosystem — Australia’s economy would lose $5.7 billion.
“People don’t realize the thing we’re trying to keep alive is the size of Italy,” Brett Lewis, a marine researcher at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, told me via phone. Lewis studies the mechanics of coral bleaching — how it happens step by step.
Bleaching doesn’t always kill coral. It’s a survival tactic employed by zooxanthellate corals — species that sap nutrients from algae embedded in their polyps. When algae face sustained warming or other stress, their photosynthesis breaks down, and hazardous substances known as “reactive oxygen species” emerge like toxic waste.
The coral respond by expelling the algae — and it can be violent! When Lewis and colleagues exposed Heliofungia actiniformis, a mushroom coral, to extended periods of heat in a lab tank, the critters responded by expanding and contracting like balloons during the algae eviction.
“Imagine you or I just sitting there, and all of a sudden our tissue inflates to 340 percent of our current size,” Lewis said. “This expansion is very new. This is the first time that it’s been documented in coral bleaching.”
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Heliofungia actiniformis coral exposed to thermal stress
However, it won’t be the last. Coral can recuperate from bleaching, once temperatures drop and algae populations recover. (The coral in Lewis’ experiment recovered and are alive today).
But elevated sea temperatures caused by global warming mean algae and coral may have less time to recover between bleaching events. That’s why coral died in droves when El Nino hit the northern Great Barrier Reef in early 2016.
Take a closer look, and a pattern emerges. The worst carnage tends to involve coral in shallow water, which is a trend seen across the globe. So far, one-fifth of the world’s shallow water reefs have perished, according to a report by the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network. Rogers and others predict mass bleaching events, once decadal events, will happen once or twice a year for most shallow water coral by 2050.
A dire prediction, unless of course, the coral pick up and leave.
When temps go high, can coral go low?
As Nemo and Nomad plunged deeper into the Atlantic, the blue deepened as seawater more readily absorbed the reds, oranges and yellows in the sunlight. Picture the shades between dead of night and predawn, and you’ll know the color.
We had ventured into the mesophotic zone — a colder, more thermally stable region that might serve as a refuge for corals affected by bleaching.
Located 131 to more than 500 feet underwater, this twilight zone escapes the warming waters and other anthropogenic threats like waste runoff, which tend to pool near the sea surface. Most mesophotic coral reefs are left over from 18,000 years ago on continental slopes, when sea level was 400 feet lower than today. Unlike surface corals, mesophotic species are a mixture of those dependent on algae and corals that feed on other sea creatures.
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Scientists record coral captured by divers in the Tiger region of Bermuda
All corals start as little larvae that get swept around by currents, before attaching in a single spot. So, scientists like Rogers are investigating reef connectivity — the extent to which shallow water reef species exist in the mesophotic zone too. Mesophotic reefs could function as migration stations for shallow water coral and fish during times of crisis, which is known as the deep water refugia hypothesis.
Magee flicked on Nomad’s lights, revealing a garden of corals spread across Bermuda’s sharply sloped seabed. We saw oodles of butterfly fish and pink roughtongue bass swimming through twisted wire corals, gorgonian sea fans and hydrocorals — a type of irregular sea fan. Neon green moray eels stuck their necks from the seabed. Oh look! A slipper lobster!
The submersibles are equipped with filming equipment, so the researchers can document the biodiversity. Each has a low-power laser that serves as an underwater ruler. By pulsing into the seafloor, the laser judges physical perspective so the team can measure the sizes of fish and corals.
A five-foot-long dog shark whipped from behind a natural bridge, and then darted away. His departure raised a question: How does this survey grasp the habitat’s full diversity when so many creatures skitter off?
The answer is environmental DNA. Rogers explained the concept, via radio, as Nemo cruised next to us at an 850-foot depth.
“The idea is when there are animals and other organisms present in the environment, they release cells,” Rogers said. Skin cells, scales and poop gets left behind, with DNA packed inside. Imagine if you put your hand in a big glass of water, and a few cells fall off your hand. Scientists can take that water and sequence it. A set of long plastic bottles hang off the Nomad’s bow for this purpose.
Later, the biosurvey data will be amassed and shared among Nekton’s research team. Gretchen Goodbody-Gringley, a reef ecologist at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences, collaborates on the project. While Rogers and I coasted along the seafloor, Goodbody-Gringley and a team of Project Baseline divers conducted similar surveys closer to the surface.
“Alex formerly worked in deep corals and has moved up to mesophotic, whereas I started in shallows and have moved down to mesophotic,” Goodbody-Gringley said. “So in a sense, we’re converging.”
The divers double-hosed tanks look like a Jacques Cousteau invention, but the equipment is actually a state-of-the-art rebreather system that recycles the air that they exhale. It permits extra long dives, which are helped by fan-powered scooters.
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Divers aboard the Baseline Explorer.
“If we were to do only the 300-foot transects and come straight up, we would have to decompress for about three hours,” Todd Kincaid, Project Baseline director, said later on the ship’s deck. But with the scooter, the divers can travel at 1.5 miles per hour and follow the gentle slope of the sea floor, as they collect observations at a 300-, 200-, 100- and 50-feet-depth. The process take close to three hours, so they can decompress while they work.
Together, the environmental DNA sequencing and visual surveys offer a broad picture of Bermuda’s biodiversity and the connectivity between shallow and mesophotic habitats.
Return to reality
So, that’s it? Mesophotic corals to the rescue! Not so fast.
“We still don’t really know where all of these reefs are, what lives there, and how these communities function,” said Daniel Holstein, a coral reef ecologist at Duke Marine Lab who is unaffiliated with Nekton.
Holstein supports the so-called “deep reef refugia” hypothesis. His research has found deeper corals produce more eggs per polyp relative to shallow-water coral.
Yet in some areas, deep and shallow corals aren’t connected by ocean currents, so larvae migration might be naturally impossible. Researchers are thinking about rearing certain types of coral in a lab and the reintroducing them into mesophotic zones. But first they need to know where species can already survive. Yet it’s clear some shallow water species — elegant, lanky elkhorns — can’t make the migration, Holstein said. They rely too heavily on algae and sunlight.
Such is the case in the Caribbean, said University of the Virgin Islands coral reef ecologist Tyler Smith. A 2005 bleaching event and disease have imperiled the diversity of surface-hugging corals. Elkhorn and staghorn corals have declined precipitously, Smith said.
His team reported last year that mesophotic reefs near the Virgin Islands are also susceptible to bleaching. Due to the shape of the seabed, ocean currents can force warm surface water downward, putting mesophotic corals at risk during heat waves. The observation suggests that the deep reef refugia hypothesis may only apply on a location by location basis. Prior observations in the eastern Pacific near Panama found mesophotic fire corals had repopulated shallow regions after multiple El Nino events devastated populations. Fire corals near Panama, for instance, were wiped out for 2,500 years at one point and then returned.
Smith feels the hypothesis needs an edit. It isn’t that cold and deep versus warm and shallow dictate coral survival. It’s the change relative to the regular temperature.
“What you really need to have are environments that stay consistently cool relative to their average conditions,” Smith said. So if coral have already adapted to repeated temperature fluctuations in a particular area, then those reefs may persist through future climate change. Hence why Goodbody-Gringley, Rogers, Nekton and leagues of ecologists are scurrying around the globe in an attempt to identify which coral ecosystems are most vulnerable.
As Nemo and Nomad depart the seafloor, the coral forests fade into the background, but the scientists’ concerns remain. The submersibles race our air bubbles to the surface. I bid farewell to the sea cucumbers and slipper lobsters. Our sub’s dome breaches. Reality returns.
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International Franchise Association Foundation Announces Grand Prize Winners of 2019 NextGen in Franchising Global Competition
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International Franchise Association Foundation Announces Grand Prize Winners of 2019 NextGen in Franchising Global Competition
Of hundreds of applicants from around the world, top four millennial entrepreneurs receive investment to grow their businesses
Washington, DC( RestaurantNews.com) The International Franchise Association’s( IFA) Foundation announced today the grand prize winners of its 2019 NextGen in Franchising Global Competition — established by founding sponsor David McKinnon, CFE — which was held at IFA’s 59 th Annual Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. The four millennial entrepreneurs, who hailed from the United States, Philippines, Australia, and Kenya, were selected from a group of 12 wins of the Global Competition, a worldwide program that engages millennial entrepreneurs seeking to grow their businesses through the franchise business model, and the only start-up business accelerator in the world focused on franchising.
Former Fortune 50 CEO and 2016 Presidential Candidate Carly Fiorina resulted a panel of magistrates for the final round of the Global Competition — which was sponsored by the Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation and Subway International — on Wednesday, Feb. 27, when each participant pitched their business concept to Fiorina and a panel of industry experts, as part of a convention with virtually 4,000 attendees, for the chance to win an investment of $5,000- $10,000 to assistance grow their business. In addition to Carly, judges included Suzanne DeLuca Greco, board member of the Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation, and Shelly Sun, CFE, CEO and Founder of Brightstar Franchising LLC.
“I have counseled numerous entrepreneurs and business leaders throughout my career and can honestly say the 2019 NextGen in Franchising Global Competition wins are an unbelievably talented group with bright futures ahead of them, ” said Carly. “It was an honor to share my experiences and advice on how to persevere as a leader as they move their businesses forward, continue to expand, and inspire the lives of many throughout their journey .”
This year, Jeremy Hassell, founder of City Cave, took home first place, which included a $10,000 cash prize. Princess Diana Rosario, founder of What’s Your FLAN ?, and Brooke Gagliano, founder of Frutta Bowls each received $5,000. The magistrates also awarded a $5,000 award to Venuste Kubwimana, founder of A Water Kiosk at School, a social enterprise franchise.
“We are highly excited to be announced as the 2019 NextGen winners amongst some of the worlds greatest talent. It’s unbelievable to think our franchise from little old Brisbane in Australia has taken the big prize, ” said Hassell. “Our biggest win here is the friends, mentors and networks we have been exposed to and can not wait to implement all we’ve learned into our franchise model. We look forward to returning to the conference next year and couldn’t be more thankful to the IFA Foundation for this incredible opportunity.”
Since the program’s inception in 2015, over 2,500 millennial entrepreneurs from more than 75 countries have applied. Many NextGen winners ought to have featured in top business publications such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Inc ., and Fast Company, among others.
“What I love about the NextGen in Franchising Global Competition is that, per year, our winners genuinely represent the future of our industry. They have embraced franchising and are passionate about empowering others to go into business for themselves, but not by themselves, ” said David McKinnon, CFE, founding sponsor of the NextGen in Franchising program. “These are some of the brightest young entrepreneurs I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and I am aroused to see how they leverage the knowledge gained and connects made over the last few days to grow their businesses.”
The 2019 NextGen in Franchising Winners vying in the final round were :P TAGEND
Brooke Gagliano, Frutta Bowls( United States)- Brooke graduated from Drew University in 2014 majoring in business with a minor in biology and art. After college, Brooke used her passion for athletic education to start her own business develop sports squads and clients, which is where “shes been” first introduced to acai. While on a trip out west, Brooke had her first acai bowl and the relevant recommendations for Frutta Bowls was bear. With the backing of her friends and family, she opened her first store in May 2016 in Howell, New Jersey, at age 23 with cofounder Chris Ives. The Frutta Bowls dreaming started as a local idea with two locations. It has since grown into a nationwide idea, continuing to positively affect many lives along the way. Frutta Bowls defines itself apart by not only its commitment to providing healthy and delicious food, but also by its involvement in the communities surrounding each locating. Princess Diana Rosario, What’s Your Flan?( Philippines)- Princess is the founder of What’s Your Flan ?, a company founded in 2016 that is the product of her passion for cooking. What’s Your Flan? serves original mouthwatering desserts that are all freshly built, natural, and have no food coloring or preservatives. From humble beginnings and 14 failed industries, she was shaped to be a better business owner, influencing the launch of her Philippines-based business designed to help fellow entrepreneurs have the opportunity to become their own boss. After two hardworking years of business, What’s Your Flan? has expanded from a single location to 70 franchisees nationwide, one international franchise in Dubai UAE, and hundreds of registered resellers. Jeremy Hassell, City Cave( Australia)- Recognise the need for a health and wellness center that focused on longevity and total well-being of individuals, Jeremy Hassell launched City Cave in Australia with cofounder Tim Butters. Since the opening of its first location in 2016, City Cave has grown to offer a mix of holistic and clinical services tailored to each guest’s needs and provides the ideal space for relaxing and meditation. From float therapy to infrared saunas and yoga, City Cave aims to deliver the perfect facility that adds years of quality life to those in the community. Today, City Cave has 4 places across Australia, with plans to continue its expansion. Venuste Kubimana, A Water Kiosk At School( Kenya)- Named amongst Africa’s Top 50 Innovators in 2018 and AIDF Global Innovator of the Year, Venuste Kubwimana is a youth activist and social entrepreneur based in Kenya. He is the Founder and Secretary General of the International Transformation Foundation, a parent organization of the franchising initiative A Water Kiosk at School launched by Venuste in 2014. He was inspired by personal experiences growing up in communities where students stroll long distances to gather water for their families before and after going to school. As a result, many children in the area have a high propensity to drop out of school in order to meet their needs. A Water Kiosk at School is a school-based and student-managed business selling clean tap water to community residents at an affordable price. It is both an educational and profitable business teaching students business and entrepreneurial skills and making much-needed income for schools.
The additional 2019 NextGen in Franchising wins include: Abedalrahman AL-Zghoul, Bread for Education( Jordan ); Gamal Albinsaid, Garbage Clinical Insurance( Indonesia ); Jason Dolan, Core9 Fitness( Australia ); Reka Oszlanczi, Creppy Franchise System( Hungary ); Rihab Hasanain, Blooming B’s( Saudi Arabia ); Ruth Agbaji, Code Wiz( United States ); Samuel Munguti, Farmers Pride( Kenya ); and Timea Vas, Don’t Panic English( Hungary ).
NextGen wins received a spot at the NextGen in Franchising Summit, an educational and networking program for new generations entrepreneurs at the IFA Annual Convention, a year membership with the IFA; an opportunity to participate in the final round of the NextGen in Franchising Global Competition for a chance to win a monetary investment to help grow their businesses; and opportunities to network with leading franchisors, franchisees and suppliers and with other young entrepreneurs.
The NextGen in Franchising program is built possible due to the generosity of its donors and sponsors, which include David McKinnon, the founding sponsor; the Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation/ Subway; the Stewart& Jane Bainum Fund; Lawrence ” Doc ” Cohen, Doc& Associate; J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation; Tariq Farid, Edible Arrangings; Charlie Chase, FirstService Brands; Aziz Hashim, NRD Holdings; Joe Bourdow, Valpak; Tony Valle, ELM Perform; Dave Mortensen, Anytime Fitness; and Melanie Bergeron, Two Men& A Truck Intl.
For more information about the NextGen in Franchising Global Competition, please contact Gionne Jones at gjones @franchise. org or +1( 202) 662 -0 772.
About the IFA Foundation
Celebrating 36 years of education, the investigations and excellence, the International Franchise Association( IFA) Foundation is a 501( c )( 3) tax-exempt organisation and supported through the generous contributions of IFA members and others. The Foundation’s mission is to advance franchising and the free enterprise system by increasing the knowledge and professional standards of all members of the franchising community; training the new generations of franchise practitioners; increasing recognition of franchising’s key role in the free enterprise system; and providing comprehensive information and research about important developments and trends in franchising.
About the International Franchise Association
Celebrating 58 years of excellence, education and advocacy, the International Franchise Association is the world’s oldest and larger organization representing franchising worldwide. IFA runs through its government relations and public policy, media relations and educational programs to protect, enhance and promote franchising and the more than 733,000 franchise establishments that support nearly 7.6 million direct chores, $674.3 billion of economic output for the U.S. economy and 2.5 percent of the Gross Domestic Product( GDP ). IFA members include franchise companies in over 300 different business format categories, individual franchisees and companies that support the industry in marketing, statute, technology and business development.
Contact: Chelsea Bear Fish Consulting [email protected] 954 -8 93 -9 150
Gionne Jones IFA Foundation gjones @franchise. org 202-662-0772
Read more: restaurantnews.com
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legearaus-blog · 6 years
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My name is Shaun O'Gorman, and I am a retired Queensland Police Officer. I retired 16 years ago suffering PTSD, severe depression and battling suicide. I have spent the past 16 years educating myself on all things mental health, human behaviour and personal development to get out of the darkness. I now help other people deal with the tough times in their own lives with a particular focus on Police Officers and their families.
I have recently partnered with LE Gear Australia to provide Police, Military and First Responders with practical education and strategies to understand why what they see and experience affects them and how to minimise this impact.
I wanted to share a little of my story, so you understand who I am and what I will be doing here at LE Gear Australia.
I joined the Queensland Police Force in 1989 at 19 years old. My father was a Police Officer for 42 years as was my Uncle. The job ran in my family. I wanted to be a cop from my earliest memory because of the amazing work they did and the respect that they held in the community.
In 1992 I joined the Dog Squad (K9 Unit), and this had been my dream since I was six years old when I had seen a Police K9 display at our Police Academy when my Dad took me to an open day there. He was a 100 miles an hour Police Officer and was very well respected. I LOVED being a cop and especially being in the Dog Squad. Nothing made me happier than driving lights and sirens to an armed offender, pursuit or violent domestic job. It was my whole life and my whole identity. This was to be my downfall in years to come. I would seek out the most dangerous and violent jobs because that was what I loved to be able to help with. I joined the job to help people and make a difference by standing between the scum of society and the decent humans, and it was the most fun I could ever imagine. Despite the fear from the violent and dangerous situations, I could not get enough of it. I was involved in many dangerous and violent jobs, from a vehicle pursuit where two offenders fired multiple rounds at us pursuing them until they ultimately suicided right in front of me, to capturing a dangerous wanted armed robber who, as I was dragging him out of his vehicle after another pursuit, was reaching for a full automatic SKS rifle with 30 rounds in the clip. I have taken guns off many offenders and been threatened with knives on multiple occasions and involved in more violence then I can remember, and I LOVED it more than anything, it was my purpose.
Towards the latter part of the 1990's I knew that I was beginning to struggle with what I had seen and experienced, but I was too scared to ask for help. I had seven years of assault complaints from offenders during this time as I was catching a lot of criminals and during this period the standard Modus Operandi was for defence lawyers to tell offenders to make excessive force complaints. The stress from constantly being under scrutiny also took its toll and as I was unwilling to stop locking up criminals this wasn't going to change in a hurry. I went to the Covert and Surveillance unit for a short time in 1998 because of the stress that the complaints etc. were causing me and I was becoming more angry and violent. During this time, I was drinking excessively and had conflict in most relationships in my life. I loved the work in this unit but found the pace too slow. After one and a half years I went back to the dog unit in Logan, a violent part of Brisbane.
After a few months back in the violence and stress I hit rock bottom. I didn't want to put my uniform on and go to work; I didn't respond to jobs unless I was tasked, I didn't hang around other cops at work, I really isolated myself because I knew I wasn't coping and the shame was overwhelming. I was so scared of losing my career, and my identity and the suicidal thoughts were really strong at this point, I was in a really bad way.
In 2001 I attended an incident where an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Member had stabbed another OMCG member 14 times and fled into the darkness on a semi-rural property. I tracked him with my Police Dog and we located him in a caravan on the property. There were a number of other Police with me, but I was standing in the open with no vest and no cover really not caring if I was shot and killed. I called him to the door and he came out covered in blood carrying a carving knife and a machete. He eventually surrendered, and we took him into custody. He was placed in the back of a Police car and I was getting in my vehicle about to leave when he started kicking out the windows on the rear of the vehicle. The other Police had gone a distance away to begin their investigation; I went to him opened the door and he started spitting blood at me and kicking and punching at me with his cuffs that he had in front of him by now. I dragged him from the vehicle and a violent struggle ensued ending with him unconscious from a rear naked choke hold. We restrained him, and hog tied him. I took a young Policewoman with me to get another vehicle and during the drive, I realized she was more scared of me than the offender and wouldn't engage in any conversation with me. I went home that night and went to sleep to wake up a few hours later crying, shaking and having what I now know was a mental breakdown. I never went back to work.
I resigned from the job nine months later after battling suicide badly, including lying three nights in a row with a Glock at my head going to kill myself. I obviously didn't, and I am so glad that is the case.
I left the Police with such shame and guilt for being weak, I disengaged from most Police I knew and became quite isolated and battled depression, PTSD and Suicide for many years. My daughter was born in February 2005 and her sister in 2008, my beautiful girls saved my life. Up until the birth of my first daughter I battled suicide on an almost daily basis because I had lost my identity, my purpose and my reason to live, being a Police Officer. Now my girls gave me a reason to live to be the best Dad I could be.
I have spent the past 16 years doing every "happy clapper," alternate, weirdo personal development and spiritual course I could find, worked with heaps of professionals and read so many books to get back to a place where I now live a really happy and amazing life. I knew if I didn't do these things that nothing would change, yet I still hated just about every step of that journey. I have now dedicated my life to using this knowledge to help other people, with a particular focus on Police and Military, to deal with what they experience in their lives. I have recently completed over 40 x 2-hour workshops on Critical Stress Training for Police with my old department to help cops deal with the job and the impact on them and their families. My Police purpose has now been replaced by my mission to help people in a different way and I feel very blessed.
Now you know some of my story and the reason I am here at LE Gear, to deliver what I can to help you guys live great lives doing the tough job you do. I feel this is my way of giving back to the job that gave me so much.
You can find me at www.thestronglifeproject.com. I have written a book “My Dark Companion” that is about my story and how to avoid the same pitfalls I experienced and I have done over 700 daily podcasts on The Strong Life Project Podcast.
Our website: https://www.legear.com.au/industry-buzz/partner-thestronglifeproject/
Call Us at +61755766067.
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Originality and additionally accuracy and precision for the written documents are a few things of utmost emphasis for all. The material for the magazines created this is certainly bona fide plus modern. Along with, you cannot find any opportunity of the item incorporating any error, whether it’s a vernacular, practical, or maybe structurel error in judgement. Though providing as part of your report, you will definitely be absolutely assured from hitting an outstanding status plus impressing a person’s trainer. There’s no limit within the volume of metropolitan areas all over Questions where some of our expert services are accessible, Brisbane remaining just one individuals. Individuals in the world happen to be here you are at secure support as of this websites! The purpose ones condition and also your line of work. We put in our very best to suit your needs and additionally shield your personal position. Your personalized low-cost article producing solutions shiny everywhere across the planet to keep that status for designs. Much of our dissertation services are devoid of pretty much all complications for the reason that this specialized essay or dissertation authors usually are honest in black and white and good anxious of your connection between plagiarism which might have an effect on ones own possible future scholastic your life. People everywhere will be affected and won over just by the bargain article publishing assistance and that’s the answer why we a huge selection of directives regular. We’re frequently your phone that has a encouraging approach. Get a paper from a authentic essay internet writers along with give protection to your reputation. Many of our voyage would be to come to be the particular when it comes to specialized article composing companies for individuals from the different parts of society by way of pouring these folks obtain most popular essay, papers, plan, courses & dissertations customised on their requirements, upon hours. Nearly all university students obtain it challenging to deal with while using pretty nerve-racking ambiance prevailing found at schools/colleges And Colleges and universities. All that is required should be to now have fast and tasteful more than enough to be able to tote a’s and b’s on your programs. Also to get this particular, amazing publishing talents is mostly a essential need. Any time the ghost writers set up quality works, duties, classwork, school assignment, dissertations and additionally dissertation for individuals, it assists these people comprehend the making process well together with put it down the road on their educative work. Our company is specializing in developing long-term associations through shoppers, going for composing services if they have these people. Thats why we all bring apersonalized, individual approachto each individual order all of us collect.
The post teaching essay appeared first on Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion.
from Blog – Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion http://ift.tt/2nGdxwE via IFTTT from Untitled http://ift.tt/2oFX1kx via IFTTT from Ladiesfashion25 http://ift.tt/2oLC6tF via IFTTT
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ladiesfashion25 · 7 years
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Originality and additionally accuracy and precision for the written documents are a few things of utmost emphasis for all. The material for the magazines created this is certainly bona fide plus modern. Along with, you cannot find any opportunity of the item incorporating any error, whether it’s a vernacular, practical, or maybe structurel error in judgement. Though providing as part of your report, you will definitely be absolutely assured from hitting an outstanding status plus impressing a person’s trainer. There’s no limit within the volume of metropolitan areas all over Questions where some of our expert services are accessible, Brisbane remaining just one individuals. Individuals in the world happen to be here you are at secure support as of this websites! The purpose ones condition and also your line of work. We put in our very best to suit your needs and additionally shield your personal position. Your personalized low-cost article producing solutions shiny everywhere across the planet to keep that status for designs. Much of our dissertation services are devoid of pretty much all complications for the reason that this specialized essay or dissertation authors usually are honest in black and white and good anxious of your connection between plagiarism which might have an effect on ones own possible future scholastic your life. People everywhere will be affected and won over just by the bargain article publishing assistance and that’s the answer why we a huge selection of directives regular. We’re frequently your phone that has a encouraging approach. Get a paper from a authentic essay internet writers along with give protection to your reputation. Many of our voyage would be to come to be the particular when it comes to specialized article composing companies for individuals from the different parts of society by way of pouring these folks obtain most popular essay, papers, plan, courses & dissertations customised on their requirements, upon hours. Nearly all university students obtain it challenging to deal with while using pretty nerve-racking ambiance prevailing found at schools/colleges And Colleges and universities. All that is required should be to now have fast and tasteful more than enough to be able to tote a’s and b’s on your programs. Also to get this particular, amazing publishing talents is mostly a essential need. Any time the ghost writers set up quality works, duties, classwork, school assignment, dissertations and additionally dissertation for individuals, it assists these people comprehend the making process well together with put it down the road on their educative work. Our company is specializing in developing long-term associations through shoppers, going for composing services if they have these people. Thats why we all bring apersonalized, individual approachto each individual order all of us collect.
The post teaching essay appeared first on Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion.
from Blog – Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion http://ift.tt/2nGdxwE via IFTTT from Untitled http://ift.tt/2oFX1kx via IFTTT
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