#int: devin
waveofstars · 1 month
@ruinedsoulsrp liked for a starter !!
“I don’t know the first thing about giving dating advice,” he prefaced, finally stepping away from tinkering with the vehicle in front of him. “But, I can with good authority say that they sound like a grade-A asshole. Why waste your energy on that person?” He scoffed and started to clean his fingers with a nearby rag. Though his statement felt wildly true, it wasn’t exactly rare for Devin to believe someone was a grade-A asshole. Nor was it entirely rare for him to believe there was someone out there better for his friend.
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safesthavens · 10 days
@stubborngods asked “[BELIEF]: in a moment where the receiver is lacking in self-confidence, the sender cups their face tenderly and professes their faith in the receiver's abilities. (wendy to devin hehe)”
Losing a spar for most of the Boys wasn’t that big of a deal. For Cubby, it felt like the end of the world. Everyone already thought he was small, short. Young, weak. Soft. The word was like something bitter in his mouth. Something sour. A wound that was festering, running so deep his very soul was writhing with it. Every look at him, ever snort or eye roll or laugh when he bit his poisoned comments or brandished his knife or swung his staff reminded him that no one took him seriously; and the wound got a little deeper. A little wider. Stung a little more.
So maybe he was pouting. Maybe it didn’t help that people always saw him younger than he was. That’s where he’d gotten his name: a joke about him being a bear turning into a tease about him being a cub. He hated it - but it was his, so he’d deal with it. Even if it left him sulking on a log, drawing in the dirt with a stick and glaring at anyone who got close. People avoided him when he got like this. He didn’t mind that… or so he’d tell himself.
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daxwritesstories · 14 days
College AU Part 24: Dammit (Cyra) Janet
Content warning: dubcon, implied violence
Scene 1: Feel The Pain
(Scene title by Dinosaur Jr.)
INT. Roman's office - Noon
Roman is sitting at his desk. He's bent forward, looking through his bag that's sitting on the floor. He hears the door open but can't see who it is.
ROMAN: I'm on my lunch break.
Roman gives up looking through the bag and sits back up to see Cyra closing the door behind her.
ROMAN: Oh it's you.
CYRA: It's me! And I brought you something.
Cyra throws a folder onto the desk.
ROMAN: What is it?
CYRA: It's the cast for the musical. Auditions start this afternoon so I wanted you to know who to cast.
ROMAN: That's not how this works, Cyra.
Cyra frowns.
CYRA: What do you mean?
ROMAN: I can't just cast all your friends. It would look suspicious. Besides, I'm only the co-director. I'd have to convince your prof to go along with it.
CYRA: You convinced him to do Rocky Horror. Why can't you convince him to cast people who will obviously be the best candidates for each role?
ROMAN: There are, like, ten main roles. That would be a lot of work for me.
CYRA: If you were good at your job you'd be able to do it.
Roman laughs. Cyra gestures at the folder.
CYRA: At least look at it.
Roman picks up the folder and opens it. He reads over one of the papers inside and raises an eyebrow at Cyra.
ROMAN: You wanna be Columbia?
CYRA: Yes, but I don't need your help with getting that part. No one would do a better Columbia than me.
Roman reads more.
ROMAN: You didn't cast anyone as Janet.
CYRA: I don't care who plays Janet. She's a boring character anyway.
ROMAN: Who's Devin?
CYRA: I dared him to audition for Rocky. If he actually gets the part it will be the funniest thing ever.
ROMAN: You want me to cast someone for the sake of a joke?
CYRA: Come on, it'll be hilarious.
Roman smiles and closes the folder. He sets it back down on the desk and then stands up. He walks around to the other side of the desk. When he gets close to Cyra, she nervously takes a step back.
ROMAN: I thought you weren't afraid of me.
CYRA: I'm not.
ROMAN: Then why are you running away?
CYRA: I-I'm not. I just lost my balance.
Roman looks Cyra up and down, thinking.
ROMAN: Did you lock the door?
CYRA: Yes.
ROMAN: Why would you do that to yourself?
CYRA: What?
Roman suddenly grabs Cyra by the waist and spins her around to face the desk. He puts his hand between her shoulders and pushes her face down onto the desk, bending her at the hips.
ROMAN: You probably should have run away.
Cyra turns her head to give Roman an annoyed look. Roman just presses down harder on her back.
ROMAN: This is a huge favor you're asking me.
CYRA: I know...
ROMAN: Do you just expect me to help you out with anything now? Even if I don't want to?
CYRA: I always give you something in return.
ROMAN: Yes, but it's kind of getting old. I'm bored.
CYRA: What? You're bored of me?
ROMAN: You're not the catch you think you are, Cyra. You haven't offered me anything that I can't just go out and get at a bar. So why should I keep risking my job by pulling favors for you?
CYRA: Because you're a prof and I'm a student. You have power over me. Isn't that why it's fun for you?
Roman laughs.
ROMAN: You have a point. But I think that's why it's fun for you too.
CYRA: Huh?
ROMAN: Lately I get the feeling that you're not really sacrificing anything anymore. You might actually be having more fun than me at this point. Do you find me attractive?
CYRA: Uh– I don't understand–
ROMAN: Just be honest with me. You think I'm hot and you like it when I take advantage of you, right?
Cyra hesitates for a moment and then swallows her pride.
CYRA: Maybe a little...
ROMAN: Yeah, thought so. That's not very fair to me that I always have to do something I don't want to do, all the while you're just having fun.
Cyra closes her eyes and sighs.
CYRA: What do you want me to do then?
Roman glares down at Cyra for a moment. Then he looks around the room.
ROMAN: Stay put.
Roman lets go of Cyra and walks to the other side of the room. Cyra stays bent over the desk. Roman stops in front of the small whiteboard. A meter stick is resting on the ledge beneath it. Roman runs his fingers across the stick.
ROMAN: You don't like pain, right?
CYRA: I can take pain.
ROMAN: But you don't like it.
Cyra rolls her eyes.
CYRA: No. I'm not a masochist.
Roman smiles and picks up the meter stick. He turns around and Cyra's eyes widen in fear when she sees what he's holding.
ROMAN: Lucky me. I don't like masochists.
CYRA: Um... why...?
ROMAN: Because it's not fun for me if you're enjoying yourself.
Cyra swallows nervously, looking terrified.
Scene 2: Dammit (Cyra) Janet
INT. Theater - Afternoon
Bella and Halo are sitting next to each other in one of the rows, along with a few other girls. They all have scripts in hand.
HALO: If I knew they'd be starting this late I would've gotten something to eat.
Bella nods in agreement. She straightens her back to look at Jamie, who is sitting in the front row.
BELLA: I thought there were two directors.
HALO: That's probably what we're waiting for.
The door to the theater opens and Roman walks into the room. Jamie stands up as Roman walks over to him.
JAMIE: What took you so long?
ROMAN: I had some marking to catch up on.
JAMIE: Today isn't a good day for that.
Roman shrugs and sits down.
ROMAN: My bad.
Jayce attempts to sneak into the room, catching both Bella and Halo's attention since they are close to the door. Bella groans and ducks her head down to her lap.
BELLA (whispering): What's he doing here?
HALO: Oh... what a pain.
BELLA (whispering): He doesn't even like musical theater.
Halo sighs.
HALO: I have a feeling someone asked him to audition.
BELLA: Whatever. I'm just gonna ignore him.
JAMIE: Okay, everyone listen up! Since the audition song is Dammit Janet, you'll be performing in pairs. We will assign the pairs based on where your name is on the sign-up sheet.
Halo gives Bella a worried look.
BELLA: No. There's no way his name was on the same spot as mine. There's, like, thirty people in here.
We cut to a bit later. Bella and Jayce are standing on the stage together. Bella is avoiding looking at Jayce, while Jayce stares at her with worry.
Roman leans over and looks at the clipboard that Jamie is holding. He notably has Cyra's folder on his lap.
ROMAN: So you're Bella and... Jayce?
When Bella doesn't say anything, Jayce jumps to answer.
Roman smiles.
ROMAN: Nice to meet you, Bella. Don't I know you from somewhere?
Bella blushes and giggles.
BELLA: I'm minoring in voice. You've visited our classroom a few times.
ROMAN: Ah, I see.
Roman squints at Bella thoughtfully, obviously recognizing her from Cyra's party. He doesn't seem to recognize Jayce despite meeting him a few days earlier.
JAMIE: Alright. Take your places and we'll start the song.
Bella and Jayce turn around and walk to the center of the stage. As they get ready, Roman leans over to talk to Jamie.
ROMAN (whispering): I already like Bella.
JAMIE (whispering): Yeah, we'll see how good her acting is. She seems nervous.
ROMAN (whispering): She doesn't seem nervous to me. Just shy. Perfect for Janet.
Jamie nods. Bella and Jayce begin performing the song, acting out the scene that goes with it.
JAYCE: Hey, Janet.
BELLA: Yes, Brad?
JAYCE: I've got something to say. I really love the skillful way you, uh...
Jayce hesitates and checks his script. Roman frowns.
JAYCE: Beat the other girls to the bride's bouquet.
The music begins and Jayce starts singing his part of the song. The rest of the students shout "Janet!" between the lines to amuse themselves.
JAYCE (singing): The river was deep but I swam it
JAYCE (singing): The future is ours so let's plan it
Jayce's singing is good, he can carry a note easily. Unfortunately, his acting is a little stiff. Roman picks up on this right away and leans over to whisper to Jamie again.
ROMAN (whispering): What's this kid's name? Jayce, right?
JAMIE: Yeah.
Roman opens Cyra's folder just enough to pull out the top of the casting sheet to read it. We see a close-up of the page. Jayce's name is next to "Brad". Roman lets out an annoyed sigh and looks up at the ceiling, closing his eyes.
ROMAN (whispering): Cyra...
JAMIE: What?
ROMAN: Nothing.
Jayce reaches into his pocket and pulls out a plastic ring. When he kneels in front of Bella though, he drops it and misses his line while trying to pick it up. He continues singing once he manages to get it.
JAYCE (singing): That's good, bad, or mediocre
Oh, J-A-N-E-T I love you so
Bella does a twirl before beginning her verse. Most of her nerves about performing with Jayce seem to have subsided after seeing him embarrass himself.
BELLA (singing): It's nicer than Betty Monroe had
BELLA (singing): Now we're engaged and I'm so glad
BELLA (singing): That you met mom and you know dad
Bella has a beautiful, angelic singing voice and she's completely in character. Jamie looks impressed and Roman just seems enamored with her, watching her with a smile.
BELLA (singing): Oh Brad...
JAYCE: Oh... Dammit!
The "dammit" sounds genuine. Jayce knows he screwed up the performance.
BELLA (singing): I'm mad...
JAYCE: Oh, Janet.
BELLA (singing): For you...
JAYCE (singing): I love you too
BELLA & JAYCE (singing): There's one thing left to do
The music stops and everyone claps. Bella and Jayce immediately go back to avoiding each other. Roman leans over again.
ROMAN (whispering): I think we found our Janet.
JAMIE (whispering): I agree. Not sure about Brad though.
ROMAN (whispering): Don't you think they have chemistry though?
Jamie looks at Bella and Jayce as the pair look in opposite directions of each other. He gives Roman a confused look.
ROMAN (whispering): I just get the feeling they know each other.
Jamie looks unconvinced.
JAMIE: Well, thank you, Bella and Jayce. You may sit back down.
Bella and Jayce both nod. They walk in opposite directions off the stage.
Scene 3: Everybody's Gay
(Scene title by Lizzo)
INT. Jayce & Leon's dorm - Afternoon
Enzo, Jayce, and Leon are in the dorm together. Enzo is sitting on Jayce's bed, Leon is sitting at his desk, and Jayce is pacing.
JAYCE: It was the fucking worst! Like, what are even the chances that I'd be paired up with her?
ENZO: I thought you two were getting along again. Prince said that Bella's been acting more friendly the past few weeks.
JAYCE: That means Bella and Prince are getting along. Not me and Bella.
Jayce makes a frustrated noise and Enzo smirks.
LEON: Well, besides all that, how did the audition go?
JAYCE: I fucking bombed it! Bella being up there with me made me nervous and I choked.
ENZO: I'm sure it wasn't that bad.
JAYCE: It was pretty bad.
ENZO: I doubt that Bella did badly.
JAYCE: No, she was amazing. She's definitely getting cast.
ENZO: So then don't worry about not getting the part. I'm sure you two working that closely together would have been awful anyway.
Jayce sighs.
JAYCE: I guess you have a point...
Feeling the conversation slowing, Leon slowly turns his chair around and looks at Jayce.
LEON: This is off-topic, but I have to ask you a really personal question.
Jayce and Enzo both look confused.
JAYCE: What?
LEON: Did you have a guy over the other day?
Jayce looks surprised by the question and Enzo starts laughing.
JAYCE: How... did you know?
Leon nods towards the end of Jayce's bed, where a men's jacket is lying.
LEON: I was just wondering where that came from. And I almost walked in on it until I heard you.
Enzo casually picks up the jacket and examines it. Leon glances at Enzo and then back at Jayce.
LEON: Sorry if I outed you.
ENZO: No, I already knew. There was this one time–
JAYCE: Shut up!
Enzo bursts into laughter. Leon smiles.
JAYCE: I thought you didn't care if I brought people over?
LEON: I don't. I just wanted to ask what it was like.
ENZO: Oh...
JAYCE: If you're that bicurious, why don't you just try it?
LEON: How? I don't know any guys who are... you know.
JAYCE: It can't be that hard.
ENZO: Well how did you do it?
Jayce shrugs.
JAYCE: I dunno. I was getting my laundry and he just sort of... came up to me.
Enzo and Leon both laugh.
JAYCE: What?
LEON: You make it sound so easy.
JAYCE: Well, it's not like I left the dorm looking for that.
ENZO: Was he hot?
JAYCE: Yeah.
Jayce thinks for a moment and then points at Leon.
JAYCE: He was at the Halloween party. He was dressed like a wolf and I saw him dancing with Cyra a lot.
Leon's eyes widen in shock.
LEON: Whoa!
ENZO: What?
LEON: That guy's, like, really hot. At least, from what I remember.
Enzo smiles at Jayce.
ENZO: Look at you go.
Jayce sighs.
JAYCE: I don't wanna talk about this anymore.
Jayce walks over to his messy desk and starts looking for something in the pile of papers. Enzo leans forward to talk to Leon.
ENZO: You could probably just ask Cyra who that guy was if you're that desperate.
Leon and Enzo both laugh. Jayce's phone suddenly buzzes, distracting all of them. Jayce picks it up and reads the text. He groans in frustration.
ENZO: What?
JAYCE: Cyra just fuckin' canceled on us.
ENZO: What? Come on, man.
Jayce throws his phone at Enzo.
JAYCE: You can argue with her if you want. I'm not gonna bother.
LEON: Is this for your band practice?
ENZO: Yeah. What could be more important than band practice?
(Scene title by CORPSE)
INT. Boys dorm hallway - Night
Cyra and Devin are walking together. They both seem a bit nervous.
DEVIN: I hope this is worth it for you. I still can't believe you let me do that to you.
Cyra snickers.
CYRA: You need therapy.
DEVIN: So do you.
The pair fall silent again.
DEVIN: So, um, are you, like, involved with this dude? He was asking about you a couple weeks ago.
Cyra stops in her tracks. Devin stops too.
CYRA: He was talking about me?!
DEVIN: Uh... yeah. He was asking me and Connor if we were friends with you.
Cyra smiles with glee.
CYRA: Wow...
DEVIN: So, are you?
CYRA: Um, well...
Cyra trails off and looks around to see if there's anyone nearby. Then she looks at Devin again.
CYRA: Can you keep a secret?
Devin gives Cyra a confused smile.
DEVIN: Sure.
CYRA: Ace says that he owns me.
DEVIN: Like... in a sexual way?
CYRA: I'm not really sure what he means.
Cyra rolls up her sleeve to show Devin her tattoo.
CYRA: These are his initials.
Once Devin looks, Cyra rolls her sleeve back down. She then grabs the padlock on her collar.
CYRA: His initials are here too. Says he doesn't want me to forget.
DEVIN: Huh. Did he ask you if you were okay with all this?
CYRA: No. He doesn't need to.
DEVIN: Cyra... He still should ask even if he knows you'll say yes.
Cyra smiles and fixes her hair.
CYRA: What are you, my mom?
Cyra starts walking again and Devin joins her.
DEVIN: I'm just looking out for you. I know you're only 18.
CYRA: Yeah, but I'm not stupid. I know what consent is.
DEVIN: Uh-huh...
They arrive at Ace and Zayn's dorm. Cyra knocks on the door.
CYRA: Don't blow this for me.
Devin snickers.
Ace opens the door, wearing an almost completely see-through black dress. Cyra's jaw drops when she sees him. Devin looks him up and down thoughtfully.
ACE: You're late.
CYRA: Uh...
Cyra nervously glances at Devin.
CYRA: The elevator was slow.
ACE: Hm... Come in.
INT. Ace & Zayn's dorm - Night
They all walk into the room and Ace closes the door.
DEVIN: Where's your roommate?
ACE: He's out of town this week. I have the place to myself.
Devin nods and Ace locks the door. Before Devin can say anything else, Ace steps into his personal space.
ACE: Why? Worried we won't have enough time?
Ace runs his hand down Devin's chest. Devin glances at Cyra. She nervously nods. Devin sighs and looks at Ace again.
DEVIN: You've been talking a big game. If I'm gonna do this I want it to be worth my time.
Cyra smiles and Ace bites his lip.
ACE: Oh, this will be the best sex of your life. Trust me.
Ace turns around and grabs Cyra by her hair, dragging her over to Devin.
ACE: You're gonna help me.
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destinygoldenstar · 2 years
My thoughts on Total Drama Next Generation cast so far
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I said this before, I don’t like making judgements on characters until I’ve seen a full episode. So I don’t want to say I love or hate anybody just yet.
I also said that these looked like children of past cast members because of similar design features, and I stand by that still.
For clarification:
-Millie is the Lesharold kid, because of Leshawna’s body type, skin tone, and hair, and she has Harold’s hair fringe
-Ripper is the Nowen kid. EVERYONE has said this. And Ripper? JACK THE RIPPER, HELLO?
-Axel is the Duncney kid. HEAR ME OUT. She has Courtney’s skin tone. She has Duncan’s piercings. Duncan’s eye shape but Courtney’s eye color. She has a black top like Duncan did, and she has a white undershirt like Courtney did. The body shape is Courtney’s! 
-Chase is the MikexZoey kid. That may be a stretch, but to be, he has Mike’s face and skin tone, Mike influenced hair (even if it’s not exact), and he’s wearing red like Zoey did. How he’s more buff than Mike...? Idk, maybe that’s from his mom’s side.
-Caleb is the StephaniexRyan kid. I don’t think I need to explain this one. But good lord, if he’s actually their kid, then that’s a SERIOUS abusive household backstory he has going on. Maybe Caleb’s considered ‘the hot one’ by everyone as a way to cope with this, even if deep down, he’s a bisexual man. If you’ve seen the other poster I can’t show for internet reasons, I think you know what I’m talking about.
-Nichelle is the GwenxCameron kid. I DO NOT like the ship, but I can’t ignore this. Cameron’s skin tone, Gwen’s eyes. How her hair is blonde...? Idk, Gwen’s hair is dyed, so she might have been born blonde. 
-Julia is the SamxDakota kid. Idk, she just gives that vibe to me. I like the ripped jeans as well, I think that’s the best way I can explain it. Plus it’s cute to me.
-Bowie is the LeonardxTammy kid. Leonard’s skin. Leonard’s head. Tammy’s hair. 
-Wayne is the Gidgette kid. I WANTED to say that Wayne and Raj are brothers, BUT then Wayne wouldn’t be a Gidgette kid because Raj has NOTHING resembling Geoff or Bridgette. 
-Raj, but he DOES have a GeoffxBrody vibe. That’s WIERD to think about anyway. But hey, maybe they share the same dad in Geoff and they’re a happy surfer trio
Bridgette: “This is my husband Geoff and his husband Brody”
-Emma, a LindsayxBeth kid?? I WANT to say Lindsay and Tyler, but no, there’s nothing Tyler about her. She has Beth’s body type and side, and I don’t think I need to explain the blonde hair and blue eyes. I WOULD say Carrie and Devin because of the chin, but Carrie doesn’t have blue eyes, and neither does Devin.
-MK. THIS is the girl I have my eyes on. I am not the biggest Ezekiel fan, BUT with that said, she IS ‘Reverse Ezekiel’. You cannot convince me otherwise. She has the beanie and sweater, giving a homeschool vibe, just like Zeke did. I DO NOT think she’s Ezekiel’s ‘kid’, but she could be related to him. In that sense, I think they could do with her what they didn’t do with Zeke. 
In that sense, MK’s a finalist. She’s lasting to the very end.
The others, I don’t know yet. Damien MIGHT be a Lightning kid, but I don’t know for sure. (And no AleHeather kid? Me sad :( )
Now for my thoughts on the designs and names:
I love the designs. I know they’re not as out there as Paketiew, but I love them for that. These look like teenagers that could exist in the real world. These look like relatable characters.
And tbh, the reason I never included the other gens in my tier lists was because I never had much to say about them. I don’t count Ridonculous Race since that’s a spin off, BUT I do like that cast too, for the most part. 
The problem ISN’T ‘new gen casts and ditching the old cast is bad’. Danganronpa has 3 main games, ALL with new casts, and they’re ALL good in their own ways. It’s that the new casts are just not interesting characters compared to the first gen. They could have been! 
The Revenge cast is fine, but they’re horribly underutilized, especially with giving them only 13 episodes and jumping into All Stars.
And Paketiew... well, to be nice about it, I HATE the Paketiew cast. Except maybe Jasmine & Shawn. But that’s it. 
So, with 2 new seasons for this cast, this COULD be a redemption, to make this cast as loveable as the OGs. They’ll have the screen time to achieve that.
The names though? I’m... mixed on that. 
I like some of the names. Priya, Axel, Chase, Zee, Caleb, Nichelle, Julia, I LOVE those. Those are great.
But unless Nowen’s related, Ripper just... does NOT give a Ripper vibe to me. That might be a me issue. He could end up being my favorite character.
Scary Girl...
This MIGHT be a plot twist later on what her real name is, or it could be a gag, BUT, if it’s NOT, then what the heck is the point? Give her a real name! Until we find out, I’m calling her Quinn!
We have another Emma. Come on, why not Emily? That’s similar, but we don’t have an Emily yet. Maybe she has a nickname like Em? That’d work.
And then Bowie’s just a me problem. That doesn’t slip off the tongue well for me.
And for who I think the finalists are?
Like I said, MK. And...?
IDK, ROTI had two boys, so maybe this has two girls to balance things out?
In that sense, MAYBE Axel. She gives quite a but of main character vibes for me. But I’m not counting on it. All I know is that she’s probably, definitely, merging.
I feel like Millie, Ripper, Quinn, & Caleb are also merging. I would put my money on Caleb, Axel, and MK being my faves. But again, I’m NOT counting on it yet. I could end up hating them in the show.
Oh, and one last thing, the gay rep that I’m seeing? I’m CONCERNED. SERIOUSLY CONCERNED.
It looks to be Caleb and Bowie from the poster, and if the Caleb character arc I’m thinking of is real, then MAYBE it’ll work and they bring the best in each other. But I’m not getting good vibes from Bowie, and it looks like he’s gonna be a gay joke. 
Please don’t be toxic. Please don’t be toxic. Please don’t be toxic. 
So yeah, that’s all I have to say so far.
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pumathoughts · 4 months
The Curious Case of Josh Allen
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Josh Allen, face of the Buffalo Bills, franchise savior, the guy that is supposed to deliver a championship to a city that is starving for one. Josh Allen was vaulted to super stardom in the 2021 AFC Divisional round game against Kansas City that has been dubbed “the 13 second game”. In that game Allen went 27-37 329 yards and 4TD’s. He was sublime. If it wasn’t for his head coach’s decision making at the end of that game (which is another discussion for another day) then we might be having a different conversation today. I truly believe in my heart of hearts that the Bills would’ve beat the LA Rams in the Super Bowl that year. Instead, we sit here today talking about how Josh Allen is just one of the most scrutinized players for his turnovers in recent memory.
Josh Allen’s name alone seems to strike a chord with national media members. Every time it is uttered the first thing out of a pundit’s mouth is “turns the ball over”.  That may be true. Allen does through interceptions on occasion but to be labeled like he’s a turnover machine is absolutely asinine. Josh Allen is a gunslinger, gunslingers throw picks. Ask Brett Favre. Josh Allen does throw the bad INT from time to time no one is arguing that. But the national narrative that he throws way too many picks is a little much for my liking so this is my defense of Josh Allen. Based on the 2022 and 2023 seasons using some advanced stats Josh Allen is doing A LOT for this Bills team.
Passes Dropped
Poor Throws
Poor Throw %
On Target Throws
On Target %
Times Blitzed
Hit (While Passing)
Josh Allen had 7 less drops from his intended receivers, threw 16 less “poor throws”, was sacked 9 less times all while being blitzed, hurried, hit, and pressured more. The man is a national treasure. If you are wondering what about the RPO’s and Play Action Passes? Well do I have a chart for you!
Pass Attempts Pass Yards Rush Attempts Rush Yards
62 471 5 22
69 591 9 38
Play Action
Pass Attempts Pass Yards
145 1235
91 929
What’s wild about this passing chart is that Allen was a play action master in 2022 with Devin Singletary as the lead back and he wasn’t used like Houston used him this season. But this season it was more even in the RPO and Play Action games. So, Allen while doing much less in play action got a little more out of an RPO passing game. I feel the emergence of James Cook in 2023 might have attributed to the drop in numbers but Josh Allen in the passing game is doing what elite QB’s do, throw the ball, and win games.
Josh Allen as starter is 63-30. His 2018 rookie season is the only season he’s been under .500 (5-6). He’s guided the Bills to 13 wins twice. Yet somehow it keeps coming back to “costly turnovers”. In Buffalo’s 6 losses this season by my estimation: Josh Allen had 3 INT’s vs Jets week 1, the third came at 9 minutes left in the 4th quarter. Bills lost by a punt return in overtime. Allen had 1 INT vs Jaguars in week 5, his only pick came early in the 4th quarter. Bills lost on a Stefon Diggs fumble with 22 seconds left. In week 7 vs Patriots there was a first quarter INT, Bills lost by giving up the go-ahead touchdown with 22 seconds left and a Josh Allen fumble with 5 seconds left. Week 9 vs Bengals, a 2nd quarter INT, Bills lost 24-18, game wasn’t all that close. The following week vs Broncos a first quarter INT and another late in the 2nd quarter with a 3rd quarter fumble. Bills lost on a do over field goal from having 12 men on the field. Then lastly vs Eagles week 12 a 4th quarter INT with under 13 minutes to play. Bills lost in overtime by a Jalen Hurts rushing touchdown. Please tell me in any of these losses where it was a “costly” interception that ended the game. A fumble I view differently in terms of trying to make something happen, but if you want to put fumbles in this example fine, the Jaguars game is the only game where the game ended on a Josh Allen turnover. 1 out of 17 is not bad.
As much as we hate when interceptions are thrown, there is not a measurement for when interceptions are thrown just stat tracking how many. But as I stated before, gunslingers throw picks. In the chart below you can see a lot of interceptions have been thrown but when you put the touchdowns next to it, is it really all that bad?
Passing TD Interceptions Fumbles Rushing TD
10 12 2 8
20 9 4 9
37 10 6 8
36 15 3 6
35 14 5 7
29 18 4 15
167 78 24 53
As we can see, double digit interceptions thrown since 2020. In 2018 Allen only played in 12 games, starting 11 which was his rookie season. If we go back to 2018 until the present, the interceptions leaders were: Ben Roethlisberger (16 in 2018), Jameis Winston (30 in 2019), Drew Lock & Carson Wentz (15 in 2020), Matt Stafford & Trevor Lawrence (17 in 2021), Dak Prescott & Davis Mills (15 in 2022), Sam Howell (21 in 2023). Josh Allen in that time frame from 2018-2023 ranked: tied for 5th, 10th, 5th, tied for 2nd, tied for 2nd, 2nd in interceptions in those years respectively. Would you like to know why he’s been in the top two in INT’s for the last 3 seasons and thrown double digit picks since 2020? He’s attempted over 500 passes since 2020. Logic would tell you, if you throw the ball more, you’re likely to throw more interceptions. In 2021 he attempted 646 passes! Arguably the best the Bills offense has looked in the Josh Allen era. He’s had over 4000 yards passing a season since 2020. In 2019 the offense was clunky at best, also, no Stefon Diggs (which had a lot to do with it), but the offensive weapons got better and the philosophy was more pass-centric. Josh Allen has a big arm. With great arm comes great responsibility, it also comes with arm arrogance. He thinks he can fit the ball in tight spaces…because he can. You win some you lose some.
For comparison’s sake, Tom Brady from 2018-2022 threw 11, 8, 12, 12, and 9 interceptions in those years respectively for a total of 52. Josh Allen in that time frame threw 60 interceptions. Albeit only 8 more but again, Tom Brady wasn’t necessarily bombing it down the field as much. Smarter passes and a weaker arm compared to Josh Allen.
Now I get you won’t be swayed by this. You will look at my charts and think “78 interceptions are still a lot”. I would say “yeah, on the surface”.
INT’s Thrown in First 6 Seasons of Career
Peyton Manning
Jameis Winston
Eli Manning
Jay Cutler
Joey Harrington
Matt Stafford
Aaron Brooks
Mark Sanchez
Andrew Luck
Ben Roethlisberger
Andy Dalton
Carson Palmer
Josh Allen
Joe Flacco
Cam Newton
Matt Ryan
Baker Mayfield
Now, this list is a bit of a mixed bag but I think we can all agree, Peyton Manning threw a ton of interceptions to start his career yet, he’s considered one of the best if not the best passer in NFL history. But I don’t hear anyone calling Peyton Manning a turnover machine. Or Eli Manning, or Matt Stafford, or Big Ben, or Andrew Luck. 4 of the aforementioned 5 QB’s have bought themselves the benefit of the doubt with Super Bowls to their names. Andrew Luck was just held up to be the best QB prospect since John Elway but injuries cut his career short.
So why does Josh Allen have to be dragged through the mud for his turnovers from August to January EVERY SEASON!? I don’t know, I don’t think we’ll ever know. It doesn’t help Patrick Mahomes is in his 4th Super Bowl, and been in an AFC Championship game every season for the last 6 seasons. So even in his own conference Josh Allen is being held to the fire for not doing what Mahomes is. I’m sorry Sean McDermott isn’t Andy Reid. God, I wish he was. Maybe my heart wouldn’t hurt so much in mid-January for the last 4 years.
Ironically enough, for all the detractors about Allen’s interceptions, he gets a tremendous amount of credit for using his legs. Josh Allen was tied for 2nd in rushing touchdowns in 2023 with Jalen Hurts with 15. Miami’s Raheem Mostert had 18 which led the NFL. If anything, Allen was criticized for not using his legs enough. That also is a product of the head coach wanting it or not (again, another discussion for another day). Josh Allen is prolific with his legs. Check this out:
Michael Vick
6,109, 36TD
Cam Newton
5,628, 75TD
Russell Wilson
5,307, 29TD
Lamar Jackson
5,258, 29TD
Randall Cunningham
4,928, 35TD
Steve Young
4,239, 43TD
Fran Tarkenton
3,674, 32TD
Josh Allen
3,611, 53TD
Steve McNair
3,590, 37TD
Aaron Rodgers
3,466, 35TD
Donovan McNabb
3,459, 29TD
John Elway
3,407, 33TD
This is the top 12 rushing QB’s in NFL history. 4 of these 12 names are still active players, and 2 of them aren’t running around like they used to. Lamar Jackson is going to jump from 4th on the list to number 1 in probably two seasons. Lamar Jackson has an MVP to his name, with a second one potentially on the way. Josh Allen finished 2nd in MVP voting in 2020 and 3rd in 2022. Josh Allen cannot catch a break. This isn’t turning into a debate on whether or not the MVP award is truly awarded to the player most valuable to his team. If that were the case Mahomes would win it every season. Would Kansas City really be this good without Mahomes, no, the answer is no.
When you add it all up, Josh Allen is responsible for 102 turnovers. A lot when said, but he’s also responsible for 220 touchdowns. That’s a PLUS 118 turnover differential. Allen scores more than he gives it away. That is never said, at least I never hear it. The two most prominent hot take factories in Fox Sports and ESPN will convince you the interceptions cost this team wins and Josh Allen is a problem. As I laid out for you earlier, Allen had a fumble that cost the team a win. Just one. The rest of the games the team still had a chance at the end to win. Even Vegas has prop bets on his interceptions! There are Josh Allen defenders like Dan Orlovsky and Mel Kiper Jr., both men should be protected at all costs, they lay out Josh Allen is doing everything he can and more because HE HAS TO. Gabe Davis disappears at times. He’s had FIVE games this season of ZERO catches. Since his 6 rec 105 yards TD performance in the loss to Philadelphia Gabe Davis during the 5-game win streak to end the season had 3 games of zero catches. He had 4 rec 130-yard TD blowup against the Chargers and a 2 rec 21-yard dud against New England. He’s too boom or bust. He may do the blocking in the run game but this offense needs more from its number 2 receiver. Kahlil Shakir is coming on and proving to be a nice slot receiver and Dalton Kincaid needs to time to really evolve.
Stefon Diggs is the most reliable receiver on the team but he had his own curious season as well. Diggs hasn’t gone over 100 yards receiving since week 6 vs the Giants. He had over 80 yards twice. I like to think it is a combination of Allen target sharing more which obviously affects Diggs and not his age (30), but who’s to say. The constant distraction of Diggs’ temperament is played out for me. His brother Trayvon Diggs is cryptically posting to social media trying to get him to Dallas. We’re all waiting for the other shoe to drop and Diggs pulls what he did in Minnesota and demands out. It’s impossible based on his contract. Which is another hurdle that the Bills will need to overcome. Currently the Bills are $52 million over the salary cap next season. Von Miller, Diggs, Allen, and Tre White are all apart of that. Not Allen’s fault but the team didn’t capitalize on a rookie QB deal when it needed to now, tough personnel decisions must be made.
As far as on the field play, Josh Allen is every bit the player we as fans want him to be. He’s every bit the player the Bills need him to be. He’s averaging 2:1 ratio of touchdowns to turnovers. He’s a big part of the rushing offense, and he can distribute the ball under pressure and lead drives for points. I believe Sean McDermott out smarts himself in crucial moments and relies too much on his morals as a football coach. We’ve had five seasons of peak Josh Allen with devasting losses in the playoffs to show for it. The narrative will eventually be written to lead you to believe Josh Allen will turn the ball over in a crucial moment to cost this team a game in the playoffs. When the real narrative should be, can Josh Allen do everything and more to overcome the rest of the teams’ and the coaching staffs’ limitations. We have a large enough sample size to say, it isn’t the turnovers from the quarterback that cost the team wins, its everything else around him that does.
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metalindex-hu · 10 months
The Dead Daisies – Próbatermi felvétellel taroltak
The Dead Daisies – Próbatermi felvétellel taroltak - https://metalindex.hu/2023/08/12/the-dead-daisies-probatermi-felvetellel-taroltak/ -
Három ex-Whitesnake-zenész is van a 10 éves Dead Daisiesben, nem csoda, ha éppen egy Whitesnake-nótával készülnek a jubileumi turnéra, többek közt a Barba Negra színpadára is.
A Dead Daisies idei felállásában három olyan zenész is van, akik korábban a Whitesnake-ben muzsikáltak, különböző időszakokban, de 3 éven át együtt is: Doug Aldrich gitáros 2003-tól 2014-ig, Michael Devin basszusgitáros 2010-től 2021-ig, Brian Tichy dobos pedig 2010-től 2013-ig játszott David Coverdale zenekarában. A ‘Forevermore’ lemezen és annak turnéján zenéltek együtt, így volt idejük összeszokni, John Corabi énekes és David Lowy gitáros pedig van annyira profi, hogy pillanatok alatt felvették a ritmust, hatalmas show-ra készülhetünk december 3-án a Barba Negra Red Stage-en, ha ilyen formában érkezik hozzánk a 10 éves zenekar, amilyen elánnal nyomják a próbateremben a Slide It Int.
„A New York-i próbák alatt Brian, Michael és Doug a Slide It Inre jammeltek, és nagyon ütős volt! Visszahozta a Whitesnake-ben eltöltött közös idők emlékeit. Ahogy a Daisies már megtette a múltban más nagyszerű dalokkal, ez a mi tisztelgésünk, kalapemelésünk a legendás David Coverdale és a Whitesnake előtt. Alig várjuk, hogy élőben is játszhassuk a következő koncertjeinken! Nézzétek meg és forduljunk együtt a 11-be!” – ezekkel a szavakkal hozta nyilvánosságra a videót az együttes.

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hockeyklubbkul · 11 months
Kan det ge spännande spel
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Om spelare för säsongen 2023/24 inte förväntas återfalla från gamla skador i nyckelspel kommer maktbalansen i ligan att förändras.
Sabres hade knackat dörr förra säsongen, men missade slutspelet med en poäng. Tudge Thompsons briljans i matchtröjor hockey blev snabbt en superstjärna, och de rankades trea i ligan i offensiv och nionde i power play. Sabres har en av de mest spännande unga listorna i NHL, och med tillägg av sådana som Matt Savoy, Jiri Coolidge och Zach Benson borde de fortsätta att förbättra sig. Med några små defensiva förbättringar borde de avsluta NHL:s 12 år långa slutspelstorka. Förbättringen av Owen Ball och Rasmus Darling borde fortsätta att slå igenom, men det är Devin Levys målvakt i Buffalo Sabres tröjor som kan förändra Sabres förmögenhet på ett stort sätt under säsongens gång.
Med tanke på hur annorlunda deras inledningslista är från den den kommer att ha i slutet av säsongen 2022-23, är det nästan omöjligt för laget att förbättra sig avsevärt? Varje år finns det lag som dyker upp från ingenstans. Kanske den här gången är det Buffalo Sabres.
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clarklovescarole · 1 year
March 1939: Blazing Into Marriage
March 4, 1939
Paul Harrison “In Hollywood”
Movietown’s favorite romance, sizzling for three years, is about to blaze into marriage. 
The principals, Clark Gable and Carole Lombard, aren’t saying just when or where. But it will be any day now, and it will be a simple ceremony without any touches of Lombard levity.
“When you’re one of the victims,” whopped the actress, “a wedding is serious business!” 
This will be her second venture, Gable’s third. His last divorce, obtained in Reno by Maria Langham, and final on March 6, has been a subject of more speculation and wrong guessing than anything except the selection of Scarlett O’Hara. Hollywood concluded that Mrs. Gable had refused Clark a divorce following their separation in September 1935. Guessing, Hollywood then decided that there must have been a disagreement about the cash settlement. 
The truth seems to be that Gable did not ask for a divorce until about the first ot his year. At the time of their separation, an agreement was made that no divorce would be sought until one wanted to remarry.
Their closest friends believe that there was never any trouble over money. Maria Langham is moderately wealthy in her own right. Gable’s payment to her of $1000 a week during the separation is said to have been urged by a studio executive who believed that “it would look better to the public.” 
Gable and Miss Lombard often have been glimpsed lunching or dining at ordinary little restaurants and drive-in sandwich stands, but never int eh celebrity-haunted cafes, or even in studio commissaries. Occasionally they slip into a movie theater together, but they attended only one premiere – “Marie Antoinette.” 
They have not even attended the annual Academy banquets. Gable calls ‘em “clam bakes.” 
Of course they have attended parties at the home of friends. But not many. Their social life mostly has consisted of piling into a station wagon and visiting the Andy Devines and their kids, or calling at one of the adjacent ranch homes of Bob Taylor and Barbara Stanwyck. They also drop in on the actor’s father, William Gable, who lives in a modest little house near RKO studio. 
This routine is quite a chance for Miss Lombard, who used to dote on gay and original parties. Never especially athletic, she now likes to go duck hunting with Gable, affectionately known to her as “the big moose.” He says she’s a pretty good shot, too. Anyway she shoots, for she has proudly displayed a shoulder black and blue from the recoil of a shotgun.
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isaacathom · 1 year
im now having devin and naielle have a fight bc i think its funny
mechanically, i mean. im just writing down this shit. this assumes an area full of like, idk, pillars to hide behind and shit.
for reference, Devin is a 2/7 Rogue/Whispers Bard, and Naielle is a 9 Celestial Warlock. devins hp is 32, naielles is 80, and crucially, naielle's passive perception is 16. Devin's is a 14.
Initiatives - Devin 22, Naielle 4
Round 1:
Devin - Casts Confusion on Naielle (wis save, dc 16). Naielle does not pass (10). Devin then moves back and bonus action Hides (22)
Naielle - rolls 7 on Confusion table, does nothing. end of turn, reattempts save, fails (7).
Round 2:
Devin - Devin goes for the Shortbow shot. 11/15 hits Naielle. 1d6+3+1d6 sneak + 3d6 psychic (psychic blades feature). 1+3+4+15 for a total of 23 damage. Naielle is on 57 HP. Devin repositions and hides again (nat 20 for 31)
Naielle - Naielle rolls 2 on confusion :(. reattempts wisdom save - a 24 will pass.
Round 3:
Devin - Shortbow shot part 2. a 14/26 will hit Naielle, so another 1d6+3+1d6+3d6. 3+3+6+12 for 24 damage, Naielle is at 33 hp. She will reposition and hide again (20)
Naielle - Naielle will burn 5/10 of her bonus action healing to regain 23 hp (56). For her action, she will cast invisibility and move in a random direction to try and find Devin. (i rolled a d8 for devin determing what cardinal direction she is (7) and rolled one for naielle (5) - Naielle does not walk past Devin.). As part of being invisible, she makes a stealth check - 7 :(.
Round 4:
Devin - Hypnotic Pattern centered on where she heard Naielle. wis save, dc16. Naielle is resistant to charm - 9 and 19. Devin fuckinnnnn books it, Hides again (26)
Naielle - She would've seen the direction Devin went (but not exactly where), so she heads that direction and does an active search. a 25 does not beat Devin's stealth. Her own stealth check from movement - 21 (beats Devin's passive)
Round 5:
Devin - she's gonna try Hypnotic again, estimating a mid point between where she cast it last time and herself. im gonna roll a flat d20 to see if she hits naielle, 1-10 no 11-20 yes. She does not. Predictably, she fucking runs again - a 17 stealth. HOWEVER. because Naielle was heading in her direction and saw the approximate area she hid, im gonna apply a -2, which means she does NOT beat Naielle's Passive.
Naielle - Naielle's gonna position herself to have an angle on Devin (half cover, we'll say). Guiding Bolt. Nat 20 :) Devin reacts to impose disadvantage with silvery barbs, which gets just a 24(-2). Devin takes 30+5/2 (aasimar) for 17 radiant total - Devin's on 15 HP.
Round 6:
Devin - She's gonna cast Blindness/Deafness. Naielle Nat 20s. Devin repositions and Hides again (24(-2 again tho))
Naielle - Heads in Devin's direction and active searches - an 18 doesn't find Devin.
Round 7:
Devin - Phantasmal Force on Naielle to try and trick her into seeing a pit of lava. Naielle passes the int save with an 18. Devin forces a reroll using Silvery Barbs - a 15 fails. Naielle is in lava, which 'burns' her (1 Psychic - Naielle at 55). Guess what time it is. 17 Stealth to hide - no -2 because naielle's Panicking.
Naielle - Naielle terrifiedly Dimension Doors out of the pit of lava, and im gonna be a little weirdo and do a int check to see if she is smart enough to position herself well tactically. Nope. She just yeets out, breathes a fucking sigh of relief, and continues to move in Devin's ~general direction~.
Round 8:
Devin - Shortbow time, fuck it, fuck this. a uh, 10/12 does not hit AC. She books it again - 18 Stealth, -2 matching Passive (so i think she succeeds lol)
Naielle - :) Active search - dirty 20. She advances, babes.
Round 9:
Devin - Shortbow time again. 9 doesnt hit. Keep running Devin! 23 Stealth (this is a trend)
Naielle - Active search, 12 doesnt find. General direction
Round 10:
Dev - shortbow. 10/26 hits. 1d6+3+1d6+3d6 - 5+3+4+12 = 24. Naielle is on 31 Hp. 15 stealth fails.
Naielle - :) Eldritch Blast x2. 11 misses. 18 hits. 9 force damage. (Devin is at 6 HP). Bonus action Healing 9 hp (40).
Round 11:
Devin - Invisibility, reposition right round the fucking back of naielle. stealth for 21.
Naielle - Active Search. 13.
Round 12:
Devin - this is getting ridiculous. FROM DOWNTOWN! 26/15 will hit. 1d6+3+1d6+3d6 - 4+3+6+7 = 20. Naielle on 20. Hide check 28.
Naielle - Bonus heal with her last 3 dice - 8. (28). Active check, 10.
Round 13:
Devin - :) 19/13 hits. her last bardic inspiration, too. 1d6+3+1d6+3d6 - 2+3+4+8 = 17. Naielle on 11. Hide check 22.
Naielle - :) Fuck. Hail Mary Eldritch Blasts. 18/28 hits, devin forces a reroll of the 18 - 19. Naielle Hits. 1d10+5 - 7. Devin goes down. Naielle wins.
Now. a) that took like 2 hrs, i really thought this would be quicker, and b) half way through i remembered that Naielle had counterspell, which would have completely nullified Devin's opening gambit. if i were to run this tomorrow Remembering that, AND remembering that Naielle has Hellish Rebuke, then. well. Devin's toast :)
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waveofstars · 7 months
@missmvrder | devin & amelia
Morning shift at the local garage, on call at the motel all night. Work didn't seem to end for Devin ever since he got out. That felt good to him. It kept his hands and mind busy; it gave him a purpose. His mother liked to think it was him punishing himself, but he didn't want to think like that even if it was the truth.
Like most nights, he was exhausted. Fingers were sore, still stained with black oil that felt too impossible to scrub off. He stood outside his room at the motel and smoked a cigarette instead of sinking into bed. He wandered to the ice machine with a small empty bucket and attempted to retrieve ice. It sputtered out a noise and only gave a few cubes. He cursed under his breath and bashed his fist against the top. He had just fixed the damned thing. He heard footsteps approaching behind him as he gave it another smack. "Sorry," he grumbled, cigarette at the side of his lips. "This thing has a temper." Finally, it sprung back to life. He stepped back to let the guest get their share of ice and blew smoke in the opposite direction. Before he could get another word out, his eyes met hers and he was suddenly thrown back to a time almost forgotten. Devin stood there like a damn ghost, unmoving and silent. It was her.
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steelersfanstore · 1 year
Mock Draft Tuesday: Pittsburgh Steelers’ 2023 Mock Draft: February 21
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Mock Draft: Pittsburgh Steelers’ 2023 Mock Draft: February 21
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 Posted by Jonathan Heitritter The Pittsburgh Steelers’ 2022 season is officially in the books with the team finishing with an 9-8 record but failing to make the playoffs. With the season now in the rearview mirror, many will turn their attention toward the offseason and more specifically the 2023 NFL Draft. Now that Pittsburgh has officially been eliminated from playoff contention, they are slotted to pick 17th overall in the first round and own the top pick in the second round thanks to the Chase Claypool trade with the Chicago Bears. While we still have the all-star games, NFL Combine, and Pro Day upcoming prior to the draft this spring, it’s never too early to go through mock draft scenarios and project player/prospect fits who the Steelers may be interested in given their current needs on the roster and the talent in this upcoming draft class. In this scenario, I have projected a trade between the Steelers and Buccaneers who trade up to #32 overall to select a rookie QB with Pittsburgh netting #50, #82, & #253. ROUND 1 (#17 OVERALL) — JOEY PORTER JR./CB/PENN STATE Analysis: The Steelers have seen good play from the likes of CBs Cam Sutton and Levi Wallace this season but lack that CB1 that can match up with opposing #1 WRs on a weekly basis. They look to fill that need with a familiar name, selecting Penn State CB Joey Porter Jr. Porter Jr. has all the ties to Pittsburgh you could dream of, being the son of former Pittsburgh Steelers’ player and coach Joey Porter, who served on Mike Tomlin’s coaching staff from 2014 to 2018. Tomlin and Porter were close off the field, having sons who played at Cardinal Wuerl North Catholic. Porter Sr. is now an assistant coach in the XFL. Besides the “Blue’s Clues” that easily link Porter to Pittsburgh, Porter has vastly improved his draft stock this season, being regarded as one of the best cover corners in the class after breaking up 11 passes this season. He is a willing tackler in run support and only has one career INT to his credit, suggesting his ball skills may not be the best. However, Porter has the size (6’2, 198lb), length, and play demeanor Coach Tomlin and the Steelers look for and will likely be one of the favorites to be the team’s first selection come spring. https://twitter.com/PFN365/status/1590759815953141760 ROUND 2 (#49 OVERALL)—JOSH DOWNS/WR/NORTH CAROLINA Analysis: The Pittsburgh Steelers could really use a slot receiver to pair with Diontae Johnson and George Pickens, even if Calvin Austin III comes back from injury this season. Adding Downs into the mix would give Pittsburgh another craftsman as a route runner as well as a dynamic playmaker that can make plays down the field and out in space to invigorate this passing attack. HE has impressive speed, quickness, and start/stop ability as a route runner making him an ideal target after the first round for Pittsburgh’s offense. https://twitter.com/InHarmsWay19/status/1615920715311583232 ROUND 2 (#50 OVERALL VIA TB)— KEEANU BENTON/DL/WISCONSIN Analysis: The Steelers need to add depth and starters to their defensive line with the number of upcoming free agents they figure to have this offseason. Keeanu Benton could meet both those designations as he has improved every season in Madison and his put himself on the map as one of the better interior defensive linemen in this draft class. He possesses impressive play strength to shed blocks and push the pocket. He is a menace in the run game and brings a pass rush to the table as well, having four sacks this season. Benton had a great week at the Senior Bowl and admitted that Tomlin and the Steelers had him on their radar, squarely locking him in as a potential Day Two selection. https://twitter.com/RussNFLDraft/status/1622605532707299329 ROUND 3 (#80 OVERALL)— JACK CAMPBELL/LB/IOWA Analysis: While LB Devin Bush has improved in his play this season after a dreadful 2021 campaign, he is scheduled to hit free agency. With Myles Jack struggling to live up to the contract that Pittsburgh signed him to this past offseason and the current state of the team’s run defense, investing premium draft capital in a solid run stuffer at ILB would be a wise investment. The Steelers opt to bring in an off-ball linebacker that has the size and temperament you look for in a quality run stopper, selecting Iowa’s Jack Campbell in the third round. Campbell makes plays all over the field as a downhill run stuffer that can fight off blocks as well as a capable zone coverage defender. He isn’t the most dynamic athlete in terms of burst or twitch, but the 6’5, 243lb senior has the size, tenacity, and instincts you want in an off-ball linebacker that can play in the middle of an NFL defense for years to come. He is an experienced starter that would provide steadiness and reliability to the LB core that Pittsburgh desperately needs. https://twitter.com/Austin__Burlage/status/1594881039041806338 ROUND 3 (#82 OVERALL VIA TB)— FELIX ANUDIKE-UZOMAH/EDGE/K-STATE Analysis: Pittsburgh needs capable pass rushers behind T.J. Watt and Alex Highsmith, and with Highsmith also in the final year of his rookie deal next season, EDGE should be high on Pittsburgh’s list of needs for the 2023 NFL Draft. Felix Anudike-Uzomah is a talented pass rusher that wins with finesse and technique as well as power and effort as he chases down opposing QBs with speed. He needs to continue to get stronger to hold his own at the point of attack and set the edge to be considered a full-time player at the next level, he could come in as the #3 option off the bench, seeing 10-12 snaps a game in relief of the starters and provide a quality pass rush. https://twitter.com/JaredNFLDraft/status/1620088842056499202 ROUND 4 (#119 OVERALL)— ZACCH PICKENS/DL/SOUTH CAROLINA Analysis: Pittsburgh faces tough decisions along the defensive front with Tyson Alualu, Larry Ogunjobi, and Chris Wormley all scheduled to hit free agency this offseason. Instead of bringing back multiple veterans on contract extensions, they could opt to inject more youth upfront with the selection of Dexter earlier and addressing NT with South Carolina’s Zacch Pickens. Pickens comes in at 6’4, 305lb and can move up-and-down the LOS, kicking inside over the center or in the A gap as well as outside the guard. He is a stout run defender and brings some pass rush juice, having the explosiveness to be used on passing downs as a bigger-bodied defender that Pittsburgh needs upfront. https://twitter.com/joedeleone/status/1608518155651149824 ROUND 7 (#236 OVERALL)— JEROME CARVIN/OL/TENNESSEE Analysis: The Steelers enter the seventh round of the draft looking to fill out depth at various positions on the OL, selecting IOL #75 Jerome Carvin out of Tennessee first. Carvin is one of the most experienced prospects in this draft class, having played five seasons for the Vols and has seeing action in 60 games with 43 starts. He has appeared in more career games than any position player in the school’s history, having 21 starts come at left guard, 17 at right guard and five at center. Carvin can be the team’s swing man inside at either guard spot or center, providing a good floor play if any starter would go down while continuing his development on the bench. https://twitter.com/caliking49er17/status/1620493061603332096   ROUND 7 (#248 OVERALL)— ALEX PALCZEWSKI/OT/ILLINOIS Analysis: Pittsburgh doubles down on backup OL in the seventh by selecting Alex Palczewski out of Illinois, addressing depth behind Dan Moore Jr. and Chuks Okorafor at OT. Palczewski has good size for the position, standing 6’6 314lb who also has ample starting experience, having started 65 games in his college career with 49 at tackle and 16 at guard. He is a seasoned pass protector, ending his career with 713 consecutive pass-block snaps (99% at RT) without allowing a sack, according to PFF and didn’t allow a sack in 2022. https://twitter.com/CamMellor/status/1431676813105930245 However, Palczewski has some technical skills that need refinement, potentially causing him to slip into Day Three. Adding him to Pittsburgh’s OL room will provide a viable swing tackle that should be able to hold the fort in Chuks or Moore were to miss any time. ROUND 7 (#253 OVERALL VIA TB)— ZACK KUNTZ/TE/OLD DOMINION Analysis: Zach Gentry is scheduled to hit free agency this offseason, and while Pittsburgh could elect to bring him back, they could choose to address the backup TE position in the draft and allocate their cap space to other needs seeing as Gentry’s ceiling is capped and he has yet to record a receiving TD in his NFL career. They get a carbon copy of Gentry to end the draft by selecting another “Zack”, Zack Kuntz out of Old Dominion. Kuntz has near identical size to Gentry, standing 6’8, 251lb.  However, Kuntz is more of a receiving threat, being one season removed from catching 73 passes for 692 yards and five TDs. He needs to add more weight to his frame, but Kuntz can become a higher ceiling version of what Gentry has been for the Steelers as a big blocking TE that can contribute on special teams and be a weapon in the passing game. https://twitter.com/Brentley12/status/1626436104932163585 What are your thoughts on the names listed above in this mock draft for the Pittsburgh Steelers? Does this present a realistic scenario that the team may take toward the 2023 NFL Draft? What did I get right? Where did I mess up? Please leave your thoughts in the comments section and thanks again for reading! Here are some product suggestions that you may find of interest: Pittsburgh Steelers Browns Starter Leather Jacket Mens/, Pittsburgh Steelers Champions Leather Jacket Black Leather Jacket/, Pittsburgh Steelers Faux Leather Jacket Black Leather Jacket/,
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daxwritesstories · 2 months
College AU Part 10: i fucked her friend
Content warning: sexist language
Scene 1: Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown on a Bad Bet
(Scene title by Fall Out Boy)
INT. Study room - Afternoon
Devin and Connor are sitting at a table together. Connor is reading a textbook and Devin is reading over his notes.
Connor glances at Devin and then dramatically closes his textbook.
CONNOR: I'm bored.
Devin looks up from his notes and sighs.
DEVIN: Yeah, me too.
Connor glances past Devin and nods at another table.
CONNOR: Bet you twenty bucks you can't get any of those girls over there to give you their number.
Devin turns around to look in the direction Connor was nodding.
We cut to a shot of the other table. Vir, Arabella, Laura, Sky, and Halo are all sitting there together, working on different homework.
Devin turns back around.
DEVIN: Hell no. Twenty ain't enough.
CONNOR: Fifty?
Devin looks at the other table again, and then back to Connor. He sighs in annoyance.
DEVIN: I'm gonna regret this.
Devin stands up and walks over to the girls' table. Connor just smirks as he watches him.
Since Vir is sitting the closest, Devin approaches her.
DEVIN: Hey, gorgeous–
Vir puts her hand up, cutting him off. She doesn't even look up from her book when she responds.
VIR: I'm a lesbian.
DEVIN: O...kay.
Devin looks at Laura instead, taking in a breath to speak. Laura doesn't let him though.
LAURA: I'm also a lesbian. And this girl's mine.
Laura wraps her arms around Sky and pulls her close. Sky blushes hard, staring down at the table.
DEVIN: Oh. Um... are any of you not lesbians?
ARABELLA: I'm not but I'll stab you if you try anything.
Devin looks taken aback but he manages to shake it off. He then points at Halo.
DEVIN: What about–
ARABELLA: She's got a boyfriend.
Halo giggles and shakes her head.
HALO: You guys are mean.
Just then, Connor walks up to the table.
CONNOR: Is this guy bothering you?
DEVIN: Oh, fuck off. Whatever. Have your fifty bucks.
VIR: Was this a bet?
CONNOR: Yeah. Fifty bucks says he can't get any of your phone numbers. Looks like I win.
Vir and Halo immediately look at each other. They smile when they make eye contact. Then Vir talks to the boys again.
VIR: What about if we give you our friend's number? Does that count?
Connor smiles and hits Devin's arm.
CONNOR: Look at that! The girls are backing you up! Alright. If you ladies do that, then he only owes me twenty-five.
DEVIN: Won't your friend be mad if some random guy starts texting her?
ARABELLA: No. She loves making friends.
Laura and Halo both snicker. Vir rips a piece of paper from Laura's notebook and grabs one of the stray pens on the table. She quickly writes down a phone number and slides it over to Devin.
VIR: Here you go. Have fun.
Devin looks a bit suspicious of the way the girls are acting, but he takes the paper anyway.
CONNOR: Thanks, ladies!
DEVIN: Have a good afternoon.
Connor and Devin turn around to walk back to their table.
CONNOR: So? You gonna call her?
DEVIN: No. She's probably crazy. Or it's a prank number.
Connor snatches the paper from Devin's hand.
CONNOR: If you don't then I will.
Scene 2: Roses
(Scene title by SAINt JHN)
INT. Boy's dorm hallway - Afternoon
Ace opens the door to his dorm, about to walk into the hall. He stops right away though, almost stepping on a large bouquet of flowers in a ceramic vase.
Curious, Ace bends down and examines them. He finds a note in the flowers and picks it up to read it.
The note says "Thanks for the lesson, but I might need to be taught it again... Have a great day, gorgeous. Love, Cyra".
Ace frowns and then crumples the note in his hand. His gaze wanders aimlessly, thinking about something.
Scene 3: Toxicity
(Scene title by System of a Down)
INT. Band practice room - Evening
Cyra, Erik, and Rhett are practicing a Ghost song. During one of the verses, Cyra stops singing the lyrics, humming instead. Erik stops playing guitar and makes a frustrated noise. Rhett stops too.
ERIK: Really, Cyra?
CYRA: What?
ERIK: That's, like, the third time you skipped that part! Did you even try to memorize the lyrics?
CYRA: Honestly, no, I didn't.
ERIK: Yeah, I can fucking tell.
CYRA: The song sucks! I didn't wanna keep listening to it over and over again.
ERIK: Oh, fuck you!
CYRA: Why are we even doing Ghost? I thought you wanted us to be a "metal" band.
Cyra says the word "metal" in a mocking tone.
ERIK: Ghost is metal.
CYRA: Ghost is metal for people who don't like metal.
ERIK: Well then we should stop doing Volbeat, if that's how you feel.
CYRA: No, that's how you feel! You're the one who's so obsessed with being genre-correct.
Rhett watches the two argue, looking unamused.
ERIK: This is my fucking band, Cyra! I get to make the decisions, you don't.
CYRA: Oh really? Who was the one who got us our gig for this weekend? Our first real gig, I might add.
ERIK: That doesn't mean shit! Just because you have your stupid rich-girl connections doesn't make you better than me.
CYRA: Don't fucking call me that!
ERIK: Why not? It's what you are. A dumb rich girl.
Cyra curls her hands into fists and stomps at Erik.
CYRA: You're gonna regret saying that.
RHETT: Okay, one of you needs to leave so you both can cool down.
CYRA: I'm not leaving.
ERIK: I'll leave. I need to go smoke.
Erik puts his guitar on the stand and walks over to his bag.
CYRA: You better stay out there for a while.
Erik holds up his middle finger as he throws his bag over his shoulder with his other hand.
CYRA: I'll fuck you up!
ERIK: I'd like to see you try.
Erik walks out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Cyra huffs and turns to talk to Rhett.
CYRA: How do you deal with him? He's such a fuckin' princess.
Rhett shrugs.
RHETT: He's just passionate. Sometimes a little too passionate.
CYRA: That's putting it nicely...
Cyra stares at the door for a moment, calming down a bit. Then she looks at Rhett again, who's fiddling with his drumsticks.
Getting an idea, Cyra confidently walks over to the drum set. Rhett pulls his arms back in surprise when Cyra steps in front of him and sits on his lap. Cyra turns her head to talk to him.
CYRA: Can you still play like this?
RHETT: Probably.
CYRA: Show me.
Rhett reaches around Cyra and starts playing a drum beat. Despite having to hold his arms at an awkward angle, he manages to play just fine. Cyra smiles at him.
CYRA: Cool! We could do this as a stage trick.
Cyra leans back against Rhett as he plays, pressing her body against him. She wraps a hand around the back of his head, grabbing his hair.
CYRA: I would have no problem singing like this, so I'm sure we could pull it off.
Rhett stops playing and holds both of the drumsticks in one hand.
RHETT: You're hot.
CYRA: You're hot.
Rhett wraps his free arm around Cyra's waist.
RHETT: I already know Erik will hate this idea.
CYRA: He's not the boss of me. And if he was smart he'd listen to me. I can take this band places.
CYRA: No? Not impressed?
Rhett slides his hand under Cyra's shirt.
RHETT: Not quite yet. We haven't even done our first show with you yet.
CYRA: What do I have to do to impress you?
Cyra's tone has changed to a more flirtatious voice. Rhett snickers.
RHETT: I should be asking you what you'll do to impress me.
Cyra smiles, caught off guard in a good way.
Scene 4: Don't You Know Who I Think I Am?
(Scene title by Fall Out Boy)
EXT. Courtyard - Noon
Cyra and Connor are sitting on one of the benches, sharing a large bowl of fries.
Erik steps out into the courtyard and looks around. As soon as he spots Cyra, he stomps over to where she's sitting. He sounds pissed when he talks.
ERIK: You fucked my drummer?!
CYRA: No. I fucked our drummer.
Connor starts laughing and Erik glares at him.
CYRA: You can join us next time if you want in.
ERIK: You're a fucking skank!
CONNOR: Whoa...
CYRA: Call me whatever you want. I don't care anymore.
ERIK: This is why I didn't want a girl in the band. You're just causing unnecessary drama.
CYRA: You're the one taking it personally. Why do you care who Rhett sleeps with?
ERIK: You should never fuck your band members. That's, like, rule number one.
CYRA: I'm sorry, I didn't know there was a fucking rule book for being in a band.
ERIK: They're called "social nuances", which you obviously know nothing about.
CYRA: Yeah, well there was nothing "nuanced" about the way he was pounding my brains out.
Connor bursts into laughter. Erik glares daggers at Cyra.
ERIK: You know what? Fuck this! We can't even have one conversation without you acting like a disgusting whore!
Cyra holds her middle finger up at Erik, who responds by flipping her off with both hands. He starts backing away, keeping his hands in the air.
ERIK: Fuck you, dirty fucking slut!
Cyra just sticks her tongue out before Erik turns around and leaves.
CONNOR: Wow! That escalated fast.
Cyra sighs.
CYRA: He's so fucking stuck-up. He has to have everything his way.
CONNOR: I kind of want him to rail me.
CYRA: Same.
Cyra and Connor both laugh and high-five each other.
CONNOR: Oh, speaking of people who I want to rail me, your friends gave my roommate your number as a joke yesterday.
Cyra gives Connor a confused look.
CYRA: Who's your roommate?
CONNOR: His name's Devin. He's, like, a gym rat with lots of tattoos. Looks like he could be on Jersey Shore.
CYRA: No fucking way.
CONNOR: Yeah, that was my reaction when I met him.
CYRA: Why did my friends give him my number? I hate guys like that.
CONNOR: No idea. Maybe they wanted you to scare him off since he was hitting on all of them. I didn't even know it was your number until I tried putting it in my phone and it was already there.
Cyra laughs.
CYRA: Which of my friends was he hitting on?
CONNOR: Ah, fuck. I didn't catch any of their names. Two of them were lesbians, one of them threatened to kill him–
CYRA: That was definitely Arabella. She tries to fight every man she meets.
Connor laughs.
CYRA: Did one of the lesbians have green eyes and short, curly hair?
CYRA: That's Vir. What did the other one look like?
CONNOR: Uh... Cute black girl with red hair. She was with a cute white girl who she said was her girlfriend.
CYRA: Oh! Laura! Yeah, she and Sky aren't officially dating but there's definitely something going on between them.
CONNOR: Cute. There was one more girl too. She also had red hair but it was a more natural red than Laura's.
CYRA: Halo. She probably said she had a boyfriend.
CONNOR: Yeah, she did. So anyway, I'm trying to convince Devin to call you but he won't do it.
CYRA: Did you tell him I'm hot?
CONNOR: I don't want him to know that I know you. It'll be funnier that way.
Cyra laughs.
CYRA: Well, if you can't convince him just steal his phone and text me from it. Make sure it's extra gross so I can pretend to be mad.
CONNOR: You understand me so well.
Cyra laughs again.
Scene 5: i fucked her friend
(Scene title by kets4eki)
INT. Cyra & Celia's dorm - Night
Celia is sitting on her bed, reading manga. She is alone in the dorm.
There is a knock at the door. Celia puts down the manga and gets up to answer it.
When she opens the door we see Ace standing there, examining his nails.
CELIA: Hi...?
Ace seems surprised that someone else answered the door.
ACE: Hey. Is Cyra here?
CELIA: No. She's... actually I don't know where she is. Are you her friend?
ACE: Uh... yeah. My name's Ace. What's yours, sweetheart?
CELIA: Celia.
Celia nervously brushes her hair behind her ear, blushing a bit. Ace notices but doesn't say anything.
CELIA: Cyra hasn't mentioned anyone named Ace.
ACE: Interesting. Well, I really need to talk to her. Would you mind if I came in and waited for her?
CELIA: Mm... I don't really know you...
ACE: Would you like to?
Celia blushes again and looks down at the floor, trying to hide it. Ace smiles and gently places his thumb and index finger under Celia's chin, forcing her to look up again.
ACE: Are you blushing?
Ace leans closer, just inches away from Celia's face, looking her directly in the eyes.
ACE: You are blushing! Wow, I didn't know Cyra had such adorable friends.
CELIA: Uh– um...
Ace giggles.
ACE: Do I have you speechless already?
Ace lets his hand fall to Celia's neck, lightly dragging his nails on her skin on the way. He then hooks a finger under her leather collar. Celia gasps when he tugs on it.
ACE: Do you have a boyfriend?
CELIA: No...
ACE: A girlfriend?
Celia shakes her head.
ACE: Do you just wear this for show then? Or... are you hoping someone might come along and tug on it?
Ace pulls on the collar again, this time a lot harder. Celia whines as she's forced to take a step closer to Ace. He keeps his finger under her collar, towering over her.
ACE: I'm guessing the latter, right?
Celia nods, staring up at Ace with wide eyes.
ACE: Mm... What a good girl.
That makes Celia melt under Ace's grasp, her posture slouching a bit. Ace quickly closes the gap between them, kissing Celia. She kisses back, shutting her eyes and sighing.
When Ace breaks the kiss, he leans in to whisper in Celia's ear.
ACE (whispering): Let me in.
Celia whimpers and nods.
We cut to some time later. Celia is sitting on her bed, leaning against the wall with the blanket wrapped around her. Ace is there too. He's sitting on the edge of the bed putting his boots back on.
ACE: Well, I guess Cyra isn't coming back anytime soon.
Celia shrugs.
CELIA: Sometimes she's out all night.
Ace giggles.
ACE: Well, it's okay. That was fun~
Celia blushes and hides her face behind the blanket.
Once Ace finishes lacing up his shoes, he stands up and walks over to the door. Just as he's about to open it though, Cyra opens the door. They almost walk into each other.
ACE: Oh, perfect timing! I was just leaving.
Ace walks past Cyra and out into the hallway.
CYRA: What–
Cyra looks at Celia and realizes what happened. Her eyes widen and her jaw drops, looking at Ace in anger and disbelief. She quickly closes the door again.
INT. Girl's dorm hallway - Night
CYRA: What the fuck?!
ACE: What?
CYRA: Did you just–
ACE: Yeah.
Ace folds his arms.
CYRA: What the hell? I buy you flowers and a bunch of designer clothes and this is how you thank me? By fucking my ex?
Ace laughs.
ACE: That was your ex? Oh, this is better than I thought!
Cyra just stares at him in shock. Ace rolls his eyes.
ACE: Cyra, I already told you that you're not my type and I'm not interested. Your friends are pretty nice though.
Ace punctuates his sentence with a giggle. He then flips his hair over his shoulder and struts past Cyra, who is left speechless.
ACE: Bye~
Cyra watches Ace leave, jaw practically on the floor. After a long moment, she frowns and quickly turns to the side. She punches the wall with the side of her fist.
CYRA: Fuck!
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whyyourteamisgood · 2 years
2022 - Week 10
BUF - Josh Allen is second in the AFC with 2733 passing yards
NE - Kyle Dugger is tied for second in the league with 59 fumble return yards
MIA - The gap in QB rating between Tua Tagovailoa and Josh Allen is larger than the gap between Allen and either of Mac Jones or Zach Wilson
NYJ - CJ Moseley is second in the league with 9.8 tackles per game
BAL - Lamar Jackson leads the league with 7.38 yards per carry
PIT - Pressley Harvin is second in the league with 16 of his punts fair caught
CLE - Nick Chubb leads the league with 11 rushing TDs
CIN - Vonn Bell is tied for the AFC lead with 4 INTs
TEN - Derrick Henry is second in the league with 9 rushing TDs
JAX - Devin Lloyd is tied for second in the league with 36 assisted tackles
IND - Matt Haack is second in the AFC with 7 of his punts downed
HOU - Jerry Hughes leads all AFC defensive linemen with 8 sacks
KC - L’Jarious Sneed is tied for second in the league with 3 forced fumbles
LV - Maxx Crosby is second in the AFC with 69 sack yards
LAC - Derwin James is tied for second in the league with 36 assisted tackles
DEN - Montrell Washington is second in the AFC with 181 punt return yards
DAL - Tony Pollard leads all active RBs with 6.03 yards per carry
WAS - Cole Holcomb is second in the league with 32 assisted tackles
PHL - Haason Reddick is tied for second in the league with 3 forced fumbles
NYG - Darius Slayton leads the NFC with 17.21 yards per reception
GB - Johnathan Ford is tied for the NFC lead with 68 INT return yards
CHI - Justin Fields has thrown TDs on 5.8% of his passes, tops in the NFC
DET - Austin Seibert is tied for second longest kickoff in the NFC this year with a 73 yarder
MIN - Camryn Bynum is second in the NFC with 55 fumble return yards
NO - Blake Gillikin is second in the NFC with 15 of his punts fair caught
TB - Tom Brady is second in the league with 2805 passing yards
ATL - Rashaan Evans leads the league with 44 assisted tackles
CAR - Raheem Blackshear averages 29.18 yards per kick return, second in the NFC
SEA - Coby Bryant leads the league with 4 forced fumbles
LAR - Matt Stafford is second in the NFC with a 68.4 completion percentage
ARI - Byron Murphy is tied for second in the league with 59 fumble return yards
SF - Jimmy Garoppolo is second in the NFC with 8.1 yards per pass attempt
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Cumparaturile online de haine, iti ofera ocazia de a descoperi un pret foarte bun pentru ceea ce vei dori sa cumperi. Avantajele oferite de catre cumparaturile online sunt mereu multiple mai ales daca ne gandim la timpul economisit si mai ales la faptul ca totul se va realiza din confortul propriei locuinte. Totul este foarte simplu referitor la achizitiile online de haine si nu vei intampina niciodata dificultati in acest sens. Reducerile si promotiile sunt foarte des intalnite in cazul magazinelor online, iar acest lucru inseamna ca vei aprecia pe deplin tot ce inseamna acest lucru. Poti descoperi oricand exact ceea ce iti doresti, iar preturile produselor pot fi mult mai mici decat te astepti. In aceste conditii, trebuie doar sa iei in calcul aceasta varianta de colaborare cu magazinele online de haine si vei gasi exact ceea ce iti doresti. Dupa ce vei plasa o comanda de haine in mediul online, acestia vor veni direct la adresa ta prin serviciul de curierat si nu va mai trebui sa te deplasezi pentru a le lua personal. Pe de alta parte, exista si magazine online ce nu percep taxe de curierat, iar acest lucru inseamna ca nu va trebui sa platesti acest serviciu. De asemenea, exista si posibilitatea de a returna produsele in cazul in care nu sunt conforme cu asteptarile pe care le ai.
Intri in magazinul de fashion, faci o selectie dupa criteriile pe care le ai acolo si, in doar cateva secunde ai in fata ochilor, pe ecran, etalandu-se in toata splendoarea, o gama intreaga de propuneri de articole vestimentare de un anume gen, fix de marimea ta.Asadar, alege ca sa iti cumperi in proportie cat mai mare haine pentru barbati online si vei economisi bani, vei scapa de stres, iar timpul salvat il poti folosi pentru hobby-urile personale, nu pentru a merge la cumparat haine de prin buticurile specializate din oras! In schimb, cumparaturile online se afla doar la un click distanta, ajutand consumatorul sa economiseasca timp si bani. Acest avantaj este foarte apreciat, mai ales in perioadele aglomerate de Sarbatori, cand este o idee mult mai buna sa se cumpere cadouri online.
Aceasta crestere a comertului electronic de moda se datoreaza faptului ca acesta acopera nevoile utilizatorilor, astfel incat acestia sa aleaga intotdeauna acest format pentru a achizitiona produsele de care au nevoie. In continuare vom analiza cele mai importante avantaje ale realizarii achizitiilor de haine prin Internet. Cumparand hainele online, eliminam transportul catre magazine, cozile de la cabina de proba si de la ghiseul de plata. Pe internet, puteti cumpara ceea ce doriti cu un clic si numarul cartii de credit. Aceasta economie de timp are ca rezultat si economisirea carburantului, a energiei, etc. Pe internet, este mult mai usor sa gasiti produse mai greu de gasit, de epoca si produse uzate. Asta inseamna ca multi cumparatori specializati si-au migrat afacerea in lumea virtuala.
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